Femfresh brief

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Convince young women to try Femfresh.

Website — femfresh.co.uk


YCN Student Awards 2013/14

Social — @Femfresh



Background Femfresh offers a range of everyday intimate care products, designed especially for women, to help them stay clean and fresh in their personal areas from am to pm. It has a unique pH-balanced formula developed by experts to care for and look after intimate skin. Femfresh is the UK’s no.1 intimate skin care brand with 70.5% market share (Nielsen 52 w/e 14.09.2013). Total Feminine Hygiene market is £13.9m, +5.3% yoy (Nielsen 52 w/e 14.09.2013) The brand has been on the market for years, but until 2011 was positioned as a solution to problems in intimate area and was targeted mainly at pregnant and menopausal women. After re-positioning communication and target group changed significantly. Femfresh started to be positioned as positive element of a woman’s personal care regime and targeted women from 16 to 55 years old. New communication was trying to normalise the brand and encourage the trial. The idea behind the comms was very simple: women use multiple products for specific parts of their bodies e.g. hair, face, feet, so why not “down there”? It’s just skin! In fact this skin has different pH to the rest of the body and needs to be cared for differently. Femfresh is pH-balanced to the intimate skin, so works with harmony with women’s body to leave them clean and fresh for longer. New positioning and communication brought great results: sales and number of users grew by over 30%, with young consumers (up to 24 years old) being the fastest growing group. But there is still a lot of work to do: brand penetration is still quite low and there is still some stigma attached to the brand. Only 5.5% women use Femfresh; most UK women are not aware, that because of the different pH the intimate skin should be taken care of in a special way. Also, many people still view the brand with embarrassment and negative associations – as a product for ‘old, smelly women’. Even if they buy it they often feel embarrassed and stash it in their bathroom cabinet. The Creative Challenge We want to bring more young users to the brand. That’s why we want you to create a campaign which will convince them to try Femfresh and make it part of their daily personal care routine without feeling embarrassed. After all, using Femfresh makes absolute sense: why would anybody use a product which is not designed especially for a particular part of the body? Who would use shampoo to wash their face? Or feet cream to


YCN Student Awards 2013/14



moisturize the face? So why don’t treat an intimate area with products specially design to care for it? And there is nothing embarrassing in buying and using Femfresh - it’s one of many personal care products available on the market, just like shower gels or shampoos. No one feels embarrassed when they buy them, right? Target Audience Women 18-24 years old, who spend more time looking after themselves, who are actively looking for beauty messages. They use many different personal care products every day, but up till now they haven’t given much thought to ‘down below’. Creative Requirements You’re free to demonstrate your thinking in any medium or combination of media that you think will best engage with the target audience. Your campaign will need to have the potential to work across different channels. Brand essence It’s expert (skin)care for down there. Reason to believe • Ideal pH balance to intimate area (pH 3.8-4.5), different to external skin (pH 5.4-5.9) • Gynaecologically & dermatologically tested products Brand personality Sassy, confident, clever, credible Mandatories Please include the Femfresh logo within your work.


YCN Student Awards 2013/14



Deliverables, Artwork and Additional Information For guidance on how to submit your work, please adhere to the main deliverables information which can be found at the YCN website ycn.org Any additional information referenced in the brief can be found in the supporting project pack.


YCN Student Awards 2013/14


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