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WHy iS inCluSivItY imPorTanT to GeNeraTioN AlpHa And HOw wIll iT afFeCt tHe brANds TheY foRm ConNecTioNs
With the integration of digital platforms and abilities to connect with people all over the globe, Generation Alpha are susceptible to meeting anyone and everyone.
As controversial as it sounds to many, gender now has no classifications and isn’t subjected to the two ‘sexes’ we are all mostly raised understanding. Generation Alpha have succumbed to an era where there are multiple gender variations and sexual orientations, where there is no ‘one size fits all’ category. In a report conducted by Hotwire Global, statistics shown that a considerable 93% of children believed people should be accepted for who they are (Dunmore, 2022). This demonstrates Generation Alpha’s strong acceptance and sheer difference in how they’ve been brought up. Marketing today should understand that these views are shaping the ways in which Generation Alpha are visually looking at brands. They appreciate seeing a multitude of races, disabilities, and age ranges, for example, amongst narratives, which is why I feel this consumer fits suitably with my collaborative thoughts so far.
Charles Jeffrey LOVERBOY and John Galliano provide a community for one to be wholly themselves. Jeffrey’s brand has an unapologetic approach to identity and is a beacon of positivity for the LGBTQI+ collective (Dacre, 2018). Such brands are paving ways for youth to be who and what they want to be without fear and judgement and Generation Alpha will admire how they are providing a diverse and inclusive safe space and a personalised service for individuals.