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ELLIE BARKER fash20031 n0560974


This is my Portfolio that shows my work from Semester One of Year 2. This Semester I definitely feel like I’ve enjoyed the work we have been set a lot more. I feel like I’ve been pushed in the way of time management and also the amount of work we’ve been set has been considerably larger than the previous year. I feel like I understand my strengths and weaknesses a lot more and I hope this Portfolio shows how much I’ve developed from last year.

MY LINKS X http://elroseb.blogspot.co.uk/ (have’t been the best blogger this year..)


contents. Self Promotion Design Development Final Design My Design In Context CV Visual CV Covering Letter Online Porfolio Development Online Porfolio

MOODBOARDS What Am I Like Work Experience

identity Brand Social Media Promotional Image Team Piece Of Writing.

Other work Seminar - Zine Making Dizzy Ink Workshop Lord Whitney Seminars

self promotion “You will develop a body of self-promotional work by thinking of yourself as a Fashion Communicator and Promoter within the broader Fashion landscape – you as a brand.”

I liked the idea of keeping my business card quite simple and mimimal. I took these cards as inspiration for my own card because of how simple the design is but how it still stands out.

I then thought about doing something to do with roses, as Rose is my middle name and in school I used to love doodling little red roses all over my school books.

I scanned in the roses I’d drawn using marker pens and fine liner. I really liked the print as it looked like a really unique illustration and thought it could look good as part of my self promotion work.


This is the font I used for all of the title lettering in my self promotion work. I liked it because it stands out, but it still isn’t too full on. I also think it works really well with the illustrations I’ve drawn.

I also tried to cut and paste the roses over to create this line pattern. This I tried to use as my brand logo and on a business card. I also ended up using this pattern on my Visual CV to keep the whole branding consistent.

I then tried cutting out some of the roses on photoshop and placed them in a new document. I wanted to create a faded, ombre effect with the flowers and then try using this on my business card.



I then cut two of the flowers out of the larger image to try and use as my logo and also on my business card.

FINAL DESIGN I decided to go with simply my initials in the Blackout font, and then I added the rose with leaves above that which I thought worked really well as my brand logo for its simplicity but still it stands out. This is what I used for the front of my final business card.


my final design

This is the business card I created for my Self Promotion work. I really wanted to create something fairly simple but still looked quite sleek and adhered to myself as a brand. I chose to keep the front cover blank with my brand logo in the centre. I did a lot of experimentation with this and played around with the rose illustration in different placements and styles (as you can see in my sketchbook) I also took the red from the rose and added that to the back of my business card to create a bit of a contrast but made sure it still worked with the front of my card. I added my details on the back in a quite simple but sleek font which I think works with the logo font I chose for my card.

my design in context



HOME ADDRESS 53 Nightingale Drive, Harrogate, HG1 4NJ

HOME ADDRESS 53 Nightingale Drive, Harrogate, HG1 4NJ


elroseb@hotmail.com 07496761119


elroseb@hotmail.com 07496761119



TOPSHOP HARROGATE Advanced Sales Assistant


TOPSHOP HARROGATE Advanced Sales Assistant

I worked as a temporary staff member over the summer months where I gained experience working in luxury fashion compared to high street retail. I gained a lot more experience with newer brtands and learnt new sales skills I think will be very valuable.

As an advanced assistant, I had many roles on shop floor, from manning the tills and fitting rooms to processing deliveries. I did a little bit of everything on the shop floor and I particularly enjoyed the visual merchandising aspects.

As an advanced assistant, I had many roles on shop floor, from manning the tills and fitting rooms to processing deliveries. I did a little bit of everything on the shop floor and I particularly enjoyed the visual merchandising aspects.

STARBECK BATHS Lifeguard By being a lifeguard, I learnt many useful skills for later life, mainly first aid skills. It was very hard work and which came with many demands, but I enjoyed the responsibility of manning the whole pool. Spa Lane Harrogate, HG2 7JF July 2013 - January 2014

33 Cambridge Street Harrogate, HG1 1RX September 2012 - September 2014

28-32 James Street Harrogate, HG1 1RF July 2015 - September 2015 (Temp staff over holidays)

STARBECK BATHS Lifeguard By being a lifeguard, I learnt many useful skills for later life, mainly first aid skills. It was very hard work and which came with many demands, but I enjoyed the responsibility of manning the whole pool. Spa Lane Harrogate, HG2 7JF July 2013 - January 2014

33 Cambridge Street Harrogate, HG1 1RX September 2012 - September 2014

HOOPERS HARROGATE Sales Assistant I worked as a temporary staff member over the summer months where I gained experience working in luxury fashion compared to high street retail. I gained a lot more experience with newer brtands and learnt new sales skills I think will be very valuable. 28-32 James Street Harrogate, HG1 1RF July 2015 - September 2015 (Temp staff over holidays)



I’ve done some work for the company my mum works at, Sheila Henry Treatment Suite in Harrogate. They started up a sister brand called ‘FIX’ which I helped do some promotional material for. I also do the photography with all of the events the company runs.

I’ve done some work for the company my mum works at, Sheila Henry Treatment Suite in Harrogate. They started up a sister brand called ‘FIX’ which I helped do some promotional material for. I also do the photography with all of the events the company runs.

Mowbray Square, Harrogate, North Yorkshire HG1 5AU angelab75@hotmail.com

I did some graphic design work for a charity organisation for the Harrogate Lions where I designed a flag for them to use on their Christmas Market stall this year. carolhouseman@btinternet.com 0844 963 2455

I also helped out at the Hoopers A\W Fashion Show dressing the models for the show and helping out with the promotion for the show. 28-32 James Street, Harrogate, HG1 1RF 01423 504091

Mowbray Square, Harrogate, North Yorkshire HG1 5AU angelab75@hotmail.com

I did some graphic design work for a charity organisation for the Harrogate Lions where I designed a flag for them to use on their Christmas Market stall this year. carolhouseman@btinternet.com 0844 963 2455

I also helped out at the Hoopers A\W Fashion Show dressing the models for the show and helping out with the promotion for the show. 28-32 James Street, Harrogate, HG1 1RF 01423 504091





HOME ADDRESS UNIVERSITY ADDRESS 53 Nightingale Drive, Harrogate, 5 Russell Road, Nottingham, HG1 4NJ NG7 6HD el roseb@hotmail .com 07496761 1 1 9

HOME ADDRESS UNIVERSITY ADDRESS 53 Nightingale Drive, Harrogate, 5 Russell Road, Nottingham, HG1 4NJ NG7 6HD e l ro s e b @ h o t mai l . c o m 07496761119






Sales Assi stant

Advanc ed Sales Assi stant




As a n a d va n ced assi stant , I had m any role s o n s h o p f loor, f rom m anni ng t he t ills a n d fi tt i ng room s to proces si ng deli ve r i e s. I d i d a li tt le bi t of ever yt h i ng on th e s h o p fl o or and I par t icular ly en j oyed th e vi s u a l m erchand i si ng asp ec t s.

By bei ng a li feguard, I l ear nt many us efu l s k i l l s for l ater li fe, mai nl y fi rst ai d sk il l s. I t was ver y hard wor k and wh ic h c am e wi t h many demands, but I en j oyed th e res ponsi bi li ty of manni ng t he whol e po o l .

I wo rke d a s a te m p o ra ry sta ff m e m b e r ove r th e su m m e r m o nth s wh e re I g ai n e d exp e r i e n c e wo rk i n g i n l u xu ry fa sh i o n c o m p a re d to h i g h stre et retai l . I g ai n e d a l o t m o re exp e r i e n c e wi th n ewe r b rta n d s a n d l e a rnt n ew sa l e s sk i l l s I th i n k wi l l b e ve ry va l u a b l e.

As a n a d va n c e d a ssi stant, I had many ro l e s o n sh o p fl o o r, from manni ng the t il l s a n d fi tt i n g ro o ms to proces si ng d e li ve r i e s. I d i d a li ttl e bi t of everyth i ng on th e sh o p fl o o r a n d I p art icularly en joyed th e vi su a l m e rc h a nd i si ng as pects.

By bei ng a li feguard, I learnt many us eful s k ills for later li fe, mai nly fi rst ai d s k ills. I t was very hard work and wh ich came wi th many demands, but I en joyed the res ponsibili ty of manni ng the whole pool.

I worked as a temporary staff member over the s ummer months where I gai ned ex per i ence work i ng i n lux ury fas h i on compared to h i gh street retail. I gai ned a lot more ex per i ence wi th newer brtands and learnt new s ales s k ills I th i nk will be very valuable.

Ad va n c ed Sal es A ssi stant

3 3 Cambr i dg e Stre et H a r ro g a te, H G1 1RX

Se pte mb e r 2012 - Septem ber 201 4

Li feguard

Spa Lane H ar rogate, H G 2 7 JF Jul y 2 0 1 3 - Januar y 2 0 1 4

2 8 - 3 2 J am es St reet Har rogate, HG 1 1 RF

Ju l y 201 5 - Se pte m b e r 201 5 ( Te m p sta ff ove r h o li d a ys)

OTHER EXPERIENCE I’ ve done so me wo r k fo r t h e com pany my mu m wo r ks a t, Sheila Hen r y Tre a t me nt S u i te i n H a rrogate. T h ey sta r te d u p a si ste r b rand calle d ‘ F I X’ w h ic h I h e l p e d d o s om e pro mo t i o n a l ma te r ia l fo r. I als o do t h e p h o to g ra p hy wi t h a l l of t he event s t h e c o mp a ny r u n s. Mowbray S q u a re, H a r ro g a te, N o r th Yo r ksh i re H G1 5 A U angela b 75 @h o tm ail. c o m

I d i d s ome graph ic desi gn wor k fo r a c har i ty organi s at i on for t he H ar rog a te Li ons where I desi gned a f l ag fo r t hem to us e on t hei r Chr i st mas M ar ket stal l t h i s year. ca ro lh o u se ma n @bt i nte rn et. co m 0844 963 2455

I a l so h e l p e d o u t a t th e H o o p e rs A\W Fa sh i o n Sh ow d re ssi n g th e m o d e l s fo r th e sh ow a n d h e l pi n g o u t wi th th e p ro m o t i o n fo r th e sh ow. 2 8 - 3 2 J am es St reet , Har rogate, HG 1 1 RF 01423 504091

3 3 C am br i dge St reet H a r ro g a te, H G 1 1 RX

Se pte m b e r 201 2 - S eptember 2014

Li feguard

S pa Lane Harrogate, HG2 7 JF July 2013 - January 2014

Sales Assi stant

2 8 -32 J a m e s S t re et H a r ro g a te, H G 1 1 R F

July 2015 - S eptember 2015 (Temp staff over holi days)

OTHER EXPERIENCE I’ ve d o n e so me work for t he c o mp a ny my mu m works at , Sh ei l a He n r y Tre a t m ent S u i te i n Ha r ro g a te. T h ey sta rted up a si ster b ra n d c a l l e d ‘ F I X’ w h ich I hel ped d o so me p ro mo t i o n al m ater ial for. I a l so d o th e p h o tography wi t h al l of th e eve nts th e c om pany runs. Mow bray Square, Ha r ro g a te, No r t h Yor ks h i re HG 1 5A U angel ab7 5 @ ho t m ai l .c o m

I d i d s ome graph ic desi gn work for a char i ty organi s at i on for the Harrogate Li ons where I desi gned a flag for them to us e on thei r Chr i stmas Market stall th i s year. c a ro l h o u s e m a n @ bt i nte r n et .c o m 0844 963 2455

I als o helped out at the Hoopers A\W Fas h i on S how dres si ng the models for the s how and helpi ng out wi th the promot i on for the s how. 2 8 -32 J a m e s S t re et , H a r ro g a te, H G 1 1 R F 0 1 4 2 3 50 4 0 9 1

Covering Letter For Lush Cosmetics Nottingham My name is Ellie Barker, I’m originally from Harrogate in North Yorkshire but I am at University at Nottingham Trent studying Fashion Communication and Promotion.

Working in the clothing area of retail was great but I’m wanting to expand my horizons even greater and I think working in Lush would be a fantastic opportunity.

I like to think of myself as a very creative person. I did Art and Photography at A-Level which gave me time to express what I wanted to do and create something that was my own. Mixing this with my love for Media and Business, led to me to look at Fashion as a course I want to persue.

My Mum has been a beautician for many years, so I’ve been brought up with makeup and skincare as part of my life. I’m quite a perfectionish, especially when it comes to myself, I always like to look the best I can and most of this comes down to the products I use on a day to day basis. Many of these products come from Lush. I’ve loved the brand for many years and I’ve been a loyal customer, I love how the products are made by using only natural ingredients, I love to know exactly what is in the products are the staff are always so helpful. I myself are a big advocate for animal rights and am strongly against animal testing, something I know is at the heart of the brand.

I worked at Topshop in my home town for 2 years where I gained a vast amount of experience in what retail jobs are like. I loved being there on the shop floor to help the customer with whatever they needed and was always happy to be a friendly face in store. I worked hard at my job and was promoted to advanced sales assistant after a year which gave me more important roles in the store like managing the younger members of staff and also managing the shop floor on a Sunday. I absolutely loved working there as it taught me so much about retail but also about what I was capable of.

I’d absolutelty love to be considered to be part of your team.

This shows the early stages of my online portfolio. Cargo took some time to get used to after setting up my account as I wasn’t sure what design layout to choose and how editing your online blog actually worked. Once I’d figured it all out, I started then adding my projects onto my Cargo Collective, starting with the most recent project; Self Promotion.

Online portfolio Development

I then added some of the projects I did from First Year onto my Cargo. I created new page sets to categorise my projects into Years and created an ‘About Me’ page with information on my online portfolio.

http://cargocollective.com/elroseb This is my online portfolio, I chose to create mine on CargoCollective which I did find quite difficult to use at first. I started by added ‘sets’ which I used to separate my work between years 1 and 2. I added my porfolio from last year onto Issuu then posted it on my Cargo. I also added my Self Promotion work so far, which I will continue to add more onto at a later date, as well as the rest of my work from this semester. Only thing I dislike about Cargo is how difficult it can be to design your site, its not simple to change the fonts and colours on your page as you have to stick to a theme. I think I may be a bit used to using tumblr, but I wish Cargo had this simple feature so I could make mine even more personal.

moodboards Both of these pieces of work we’re set as a sort of welcome back task, one to inform our tutors and other peers of the work we’ve been doing over summer. The other is to describe ourselves in one moodboard.

For my ‘What Am I Like’, I wanted to create something really fun which represented me. I love the holographic glitter background and the unicorns as I feel like they represent my creative and imaginative personality. I’m obsessed with my Sony A5000 camera (I take it everywhere), and you’ll rarely see me without my black chunky boots. My dogs are my world, so I obviously had to include them. And everyone knows me for my winged liner so naturally, I’d at that too. I feel like all these things represent me, and shows What I’m Like!

IDENTITY Our Group Zine Project | Theme: Beauty. ‘Transnationalism and layers of identity are becoming more common, particularly among the young. You might have a specific religion, then be into a specific music genre, you might have family from different origins. In the current age, our ideas around identity shift very quickly’ (Ian Goldin, professor of globalisation and development, University of Oxford. Taken from the A/W 15 LSN Global briefing)


fæn zin, fæn zin/ [fan-zeen, fan-zeen] - a magazine or other periodical produced inexpensively by and for fans of science fiction and fantasy writing, comic books, popular music, or other specialized popular interests.

ZINE SOCIAL MEDIA I just thought I’d add in the links to our zines social media presences. Just click on the images and it should take you to our pages.



Carrie Hubbard Ellie Barker Suzette Fernando Georgina Cooper

It can frighten you, pressurize you and even push you to the edge knowing Beauty is now a Beast. We were once free to run wild and pick any apple from a tree. But now, for you and probably everyone else reading this its every minute of the day until your head hits the pillow. In a world where we disguise and enhance ourselves through a Valencia filter and to live a lie of beauty and perfection, we wanted to show you, our acceptance of this is becoming more damaging than ever. Soon we won’t be able to see clearly through this hyper reality, and we will not be able to understand other perceptions of beauty. Mirror Mirror is a zine where we reinterpret traditional fairytales, but twist them to represent topics surrounding beauty. Topics we may or may not be so familiar with. We will be doing this through our humorous poems and weird and wonderful visuals. We believe in a society that has become more culturally diverse, it’s as important to understand physical diversities. After all, beauty is diversity and there is no longer one definition of beauty. To present this we use an underlying familiar narrative, so you are able to connect to our zine, despite that its content may be out of the ordinary for you. We plan to release issues focusing on different cultural beauty trends from around the world, and how these trends are manifesting themselves in Western society. As well as exploring how the impact of societies obsession with celebrity culture, is influencing and shaping our identities. The Disney stories we all know and love, once upon a time were not always a U certificate. Before Disney’s adaptation, the original stories were lot more intricate, darker and twisted. Now we believe as your older, you are now brave enough to brace yourself for our 15 rated version of those soft and sappy Disney stories within our first issue. We conducted primary research to identify our consumer by performing interviews and sticker tallies. The interviews supported our hypothesis that individuals from a sheltered lifestyle will be more shocked and less familiar with different physical diversities. Contrasting to those individuals who have been more exposed to physical diversities and will be more accepting of different physical diversities. The sticker tally showed that with using a familiar narrative of Disney it generates interest and excitement. From all of our research we have decided our target consumer’s are: 1. Females who come from sheltered environments and are now entering university and are facing things, which are unfamiliar to them. The way they will be attracted to our zine is through our use of nostalgia. 2. Females who are creative, knowledgeable and culturally aware. They come from unsheltered environments, engage with the wider world and are on a search for something different. They will be drawn to our zine through the use of colour, interesting visuals and humorous narrative. We were delighted to find Disney’s new version of ‘The Beauty and the Beast’ will be released in 2017. With this in mind we have decided to juxtapose the old with the new, by using the iconic Disney princesses in our zine, to present unfamiliar extreme beauty procedures. We gained insight from the book ‘Living Dolls’ by Natasha Walter, and found “one of the strongest branding exercises for this generation of girls, have been that of Disney Princesses” (Walter, 2010). This was interesting because it highlighted how influential these characters are to young girls and that using these princesses will help connect our audience to our zine, despite its unfamiliar content. We then researched extreme cosmetic real-life cases. It all began when we watched the documentary ‘Am I Normal: Body Image’. It started by discussing issues surrounding body image, nothing out of the ordinary there. Then fast-forward 30 minutes, Julie Barragan threw her less than ordinary, vaginal rejuvenation surgery into the mix. Did you know you could have your ‘16 year old vagina’ back, by visiting her cosmetic surgeon in your lunch break on a Thursday afternoon? No we didn’t know either. We were also introduced to Daniella Papagni who was so desperate to fit comfortably into her stilettos, she underwent dramatic surgery to redesign her feet so she could live happily every after, tottering around in her Jimmy Choos. After searching for more extreme beauty ideals, we looked into Jocelyn Wildenstein story. She spent millions of dollars on cosmetic surgery, to emulate a feline cat. We then researched Ethel Granger, who is known for her excessive facial piercings and 13-inch waist; the smallest waist in history. Which at the time this was seen to be extremely unacceptable. Contrasting to today where this figure is promoted through the waist trainer trend popularized by Kardashian culture. These individuals enlightened us that going against the ideal western look are responding to external pressure from the needs of their husbands.

Mirror Mirror Zine

issue 2015 highlighted the importance of the mirror in our everyday lives. The average woman looks in the mirror 38 times a day. We thought this was very significant and inspired us to play around with words to name our zine. We then thought of the iconic Disney quote “Mirror Mirror on the wall, who is the fairest of them all” (Cottrell et al. 1937). From this we decided to name our zine ‘Mirror Mirror’ as this relates to our fairytale and beauty theme. To make our name more dynamic and unique we decided to use a reflective effect with the composition and typography of our title. The ‘Wolrd Goes Pop’ exhibition inspired us in terms of colour, shape and pattern. The use of eye-catching, cartoon-styled and outlandish artwork has influenced our design development and overall tone of voice. Artists such as Jana Želibská, who uses mirrors, fabric, neon and plastics to create unusual but striking art-work has inspired us to twist proportions. Then we discovered a photo series in the ‘Pigeons and Peacocks’ LCF magazine named ‘Distorted Dimensions’, which creates a blurred and hallucinogenic effect to models and has inspired our visuals throughout our zine. We went to the Taylor Wessing Photographic Portrait exhibition which gave us the idea to focus on true stories in our zine, rather than the trend overall. As it highlighted to us the power of the individual, and the impact an individual can have. This meant that the visuals should correspond with the stories and Disney narrative. Our intentions with our visuals are to be eccentric and quirky, which reflects our humorous and lighthearted tone of voice. We are pleased to announce that the princesses we are using are Cinderz, Jaz, Belle, Sleeping Beauty, Snow and Arial. To show the story behind our visuals, we will be writing them in the form of poems, inspired by Roald Dahl’s Cinderella poem. From this we looked at art history. We found inspiration from the Dada movement. The art produced by Dada artists are often satirical and nonsensical in nature, which are qualities we want to have in our zine. We took inspiration from Roaul Hausman’s ‘The Art Critic’ where he deconstructs the face. This signifies the idea of a lost in identity. We can relate the loss of identity to the clones which are being produced in society through one universal view of beauty, and the extreme cosmetic procedures, which sees individuals disguising their true identity, behind a constructed mask. We then looked into the surrealist work by Pablo Picasso. The way Picasso uses colour, shapes, and visual contrast in an abstract way through his paintings such as ‘Woman in a Striped Hat’ stood out to us. These characteristics have influenced our zine with its playful, artistic nature and ‘trippy’ effect. Next we looked at modern artists and discovered Saint Hoax, who shares his “Poplitically Incorrect” (Hepner, 2015) vision. He uses modern cultural references combined with a witty approach to inspire his images. A lot of his designs include Disney characters, which initially drew us to his art. Saint Hoax’s work in general reinforced our confidence in presenting extreme cosmetic beauty procedures in this way, as his artwork is incredibly effective. Transforming Disney Princesses into something unconventional will be our underlying design aesthetic in this issue. We were then inspired by the doodle trend, which we first noticed in Buffalo Zine, Issue No.3, where there are random doodles on multiple pages. This ‘doodling’ effect is trending in the community of zines. We then researched into self-proclaimed, ‘professional doodler’, Hattie Stewart who is known for her distinct and playful designs. We have used doodling as a design feature in the postproduction of our zine, by writing over the top of images and blank spaces. This will alter the overall effect of zines content, and draw attention to key aspects of our visuals. For more inspiration we looked at fashion designers. We explored twisted fairytales by researching Alexander McQueen who uses this theme in his work. We recalled his Plato’s Atlantis collection, we had all previously seen at the Savage Beauty exhibition. Which captivated us by its futuristic and psychedelic theme, with striking holographic designs. We decided to use these elements to ensure our zine is on trend and help to transform our characters into modern day figures, which will appeal to our audience. The Chanel A/W 14/15 Ready to Wear Supermarket fashion show inspired us. The way Chanel made their luxurious brand slightly more relatable to an everyday woman is the way we want to enlighten our audience. This inspired us to do a photo-shoot series of Belle shopping in a supermarket and is ironic as it’s something you don’t see in everyday life. This photo-shoot signifies to our reader how easy it is to undergo cosmetic surgery and how acceptant and normal it has become, that you can almost pop to your local supermarket and purchase your implants and Botox.

We discovered that some people undergo extreme cosmetic beauty procedures to fit in with their ideal identity. For example Jenny Elizabeth who underwent voice feminization to coincide with her new transgender identity. This gave us insight that some extreme cosmetic beauty procedures are essential for them. After learning about these individuals we found, not only were we unaware of these extreme cosmetic procedures, but also that we haven’t considered beauty in terms of feet and vajaja’s. This then gave us the idea to look more into extreme beauty, and the individuals who possess it.

Once we gathered enough inspiration for the development of our zine, we looked into our promotional poster. As it is inevitable to be in a waiting room when you are about to undergo a cosmetic procedure, we thought about building upon this idea. From this, we found the photographer Philip Luschen’s ‘Waiting Room Survival’. This inspired us to have our promotional poster featuring a princess in a waiting room deciding what cosmetic surgery to have, by reading a catalogue. We then developed this promotional poster idea, as we wanted to incorporate psychedelic elements from our zine into the poster. This highlights the irony of our zines theme by contrasting the sweet, innocent and iconic character Belle with a futuristic backdrop. This gives the reader the impression that the Disney princesses we all know and love and who are seen as naturally beautiful, are not as perfect as one imagines.

After watching what seemed thousands of documentaries, we decided to read ‘The Beauty Myth’ By Naomi Wolf. The key insight that stood out to us was that “society flattens the feminine into beauty without intelligence or intelligence without beauty” (Wolf, 1990). Could this pressure to choose between Scooby Doo’s Daphne or Velma have driven have driven Victoria Wild to paying £30,000 for plastic surgery to emulate her beauty ideal, a blow up sex doll? The article ‘Reflected Glory’ in Vogue’s October

We now present to you Mirror Mirror. We just want to show that yes, we may not all share similar qualities, but this is okay. Some of us may see beauty in our contouring kit or having our eyebrows on fleek, but we need to remember and accept that, there is no longer one universal view of beauty. Rather, that beauty is diversity. Lets not allow our definition of beauty to become a word of damage. As it’s damaging our chance of acknowledging that beauty is diversity.


other work I thought I’d in some other work I’ve done over the semester that I found particularly interesting and what I feel has helped me gain new skills.

Seminar work - zine making

For this seminar work we were asked to create a zine with the theme of ‘Food’. We started off by looking through magazines to see what food themed imagery we could find. We them tore pieces up and started making an A-Z themed zine of food items. We especially liked the front cover visual of ‘The F Word”. Although this was only a small session on zine making, I really enjoyed it and I think it showed me how you can easily make a zine on a low scale budget.

dizzy ink workshop

Me and two other girls from my Identity group went on the Dizzy Ink workshop day. I’m not sure what I was expecting for the session but I actually really enjoyed myself, I’d never tried Risograph printing before and didn’t at all know how it worked, but it’s a really cool way of creating visuals that’s completely different to a normal printer. Part of the session was zine making where we were giving a topic to research and make a zine on, our was ‘Candy Ravers’ which just screamed pink, girly and cute visuals; so thats exactly what we did. We contrasted these visuals with bold stand out text which looked really good. We then chose to print it with blue and pink to link to the topic. Overall it was a really fun day and was interesting to learn how to create a different kind of zine. You can see a video of the whole zine here


PROPS It was so much fun to learn how to create a set for the photoshoot, and actual see how simple it can be if you have enough inspiration and ideas for it. To think we managed to create this in only a short amount of hours I think is really incredible and I absolutely loved to hear about the work Lord Whitney have created.


I live close to the office Lord Whitney work from and I’m going to try and possibly get an internship with them over summer as I think they will be a great company to get some more experience with.

(Click image!)

These are the images we took from our day working with Lord Whitney.




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