The Bacodari Team Presents
The Central Park Place APARTMENT 18C AT 301 WEST 57TH STREET
Columbus Circle Columbus Circle is a historic landmark and point of attraction, centrally located on the southwestern edge of Central Park. Indulge in top rated restaurants and luxury shopping in the coveted Time Warner Center. Enjoy the finest art and cultural activities the city has to offer such as Lincoln Center, Jazz at Lincoln Center, Carnegie Hall, Broadway theater district and MoMA.
301 West 57th Street TWC. Time Warner Center RESTAURANTS
TWC. Per Se TWC. Momofuku 01. Marea 02. Jean-Georges 03. Blue Ribbon Sushi Bar & Grill 04. Bar Boulud & Cafe Fiorello FAMILY
05. Heckscher Playground 06. TEKintellect 07. My Gym PETS
08. Happy Pets of NYC 09. Pet Market FITNESS
TWC. Equinox Fitness 10. Pure Barre 11. Sonic Yoga FOOD MARKETS
TWC. Whole Foods 12. Belducci’s 13. 57th Street Greenmarket 14.Westerly Markets SHOPPING
TWC. Amazon. J Crew, Williams Sonoma 15. Bed Bath & Beyond 16. The Plaza Boutique
The Building ∙ 1988 Condominium ∙ White Glove Luxury Building ∙ 56 Floors / 296 Residences ∙ Storage Available AMENITIES INCLUDE:
∙ 24hr Doorman/ Concierge ∙ Staffed Fitness Center ∙ Indoor Pool ∙ Sauna, Boxing, Massage and Yoga Rooms ∙ Landscaped Terrace ∙ Party Room/Lounge ∙ Overnight Guest Suites ∙ Private Entrance to Subway ∙ Bike Room
Billionaire’s Row
15 Central Park West
157 West 57th Street
220 Central Park South
Stunning Billionaires row condominium has sweeping, unobstructed views of Central Park, Columbus Circle, and the gorgeous skyline. The entrance foyer leads to a corner exposure living and dining room with exceptional 18th floor viewing angle providing the ultimate pairing of intimate Central Park views. The sleek open kitchen features designer kit espresso wood cabinets, frosted glass doors, granite countertops, a breakfast bar, wine rack, garbage disposal and stainless appliances. The bedrooms are both bright with spacious built-in closets, their split layout is optimal for privacy. The king sized corner master suite has expansive views of Central Park and an en suite marble bathroom with a tub and custom tiling. Dark herringbone hardwood floors, high ceilings, custom lighting and a washer/dryer complete this home.
Stunning Central Park and City Views Throughout
Asking: $2,895,000 CC: $1,462 RE Taxes: $2,021
5 Rooms 2 Bedrooms 2 Bathrooms SF (Approx.): 1,236
∙ Protected Views of Central Park & ∙ ∙ ∙
Columbus Circle Floor to Ceiling Bay Windows North and East Exposures Split layout for maximum privacy
∙ Master Suite with Marble bath ∙ Luxurious herringbone hardwood floors ∙ Stainless steel and granite chef’s kitchen ∙ Custom built-in cabinetry ∙ Full size, vented washer/dryer
We Bring Results to Central Park Place! Sold Properties
1,466 Approx Sq Ft 2 Beds 2 Baths
Rented Properties
1,466 Approx Sq Ft 2 Beds 2 Baths
1,446 Approx Sq Ft 2 Beds 2 Baths
1,466 Approx Sq Ft 2 Beds 2 Baths
1,466 Approx Sq Ft 2 Beds 2 Baths
1,033 Approx Sq Ft 2 Beds 2 Baths
1,236 Approx Sq Ft 2 Beds 2 Baths
1,236 Approx Sq Ft 2 Beds 2 Baths
1,236 Approx Sq Ft 2 Beds 2 Baths
779 Approx Sq Ft 1 Bed 1 Bath
887 Approx Sq Ft 1 Bed 2 Baths
537 Approx Sq Ft 1 Bed 1 Bath
471 Approx Sq Ft Studio 1 Bath
788 Approx Sq Ft 1 Bed 1 Bath
1,033 Approx Sq Ft 2 Beds 2 Baths
1,466 Approx Sq Ft 2 Beds 2 Baths
Your Central Park Specialist
Being in the top 1% of 7,000 agents, The Bacodari Team has been recognized and awarded the prestigious America’s Best Real Estate Professionals Award and Chairman’s Circle Award for the last 9 years: Top 100 on America’s Best Real Estate Professionals List - 2020 Chairman’s Pinnacle Circle Award - 2018, 2019 Chairman’s Diamond Circle Award - 2013, 2017, 2020 Chairman’s Gold Circle Award - 2012, 2016 Chairman’s Platinum Circle Award - 2014, 2015
Iman Bacodari
Licensed Associate Real Estate Broker Licensed as Iman Barkhordari
O 212.891.7188 M 646.226.6084
Erika Buffa Ramirez
Licensed Real Estate Salesperson Project Manager & Marketing Specialist
O 212.702.4054 M 203.940.0263
Cyrus Moaven
Licensed Real Estate Salesperson
O 212.350.2276 M 646.525.9464
Gabrielle Corrao
Licensed Real Estate Salesperson
O 212.891.7118 M 845.553.4862
© 2 0 21 D O U G L A S E L L I M A N R E A L E S TAT E . A L L M AT E R I A L P R E S E N T E D H E R E I N I S I N T E N D E D FO R I N FO R M AT I O N P U R P O S E S O N LY. W H I L E , T H I S I N FO R M AT I O N I S B E L I E V E D T O B E C O R R EC T, I T I S R E P R E S E N T E D S U B J EC T T O E R R O R S , O M I S S I O N S , C H A N G E S O R W I T H D R AWA L W I T H O U T N O T I C E . A L L P R O P E R T Y I N FO R M AT I O N , I N C L U D I N G , B U T N O T L I M I T E D T O S Q U A R E FO O TA G E , R O O M C O U N T, N U M B E R O F B E D R O O M S A N D T H E S C H O O L D I S T R I C T I N P R O P E R T Y L I S T I N G S S H O U L D B E V E R I F I E D B Y Y O U R O W N AT T O R N E Y, A R C H I T EC T O R Z O N I N G E X P E R T. I F Y O U R P R O P E R T Y I S C U R R E N T LY L I S T E D W I T H A N O T H E R R E A L E S TAT E B R O K E R , P L E A S E D I S R EG A R D T H I S O F F E R . I T I S N O T O U R I N T E N T I O N T O S O L I C I T T H E O F F E R I N G S O F O T H E R R E A L E S TAT E B R O K E R S . W E C O O P E R AT E W I T H T H E M F U L LY. EQ U A L H O U S I N G O P P O R T U N I T Y.
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