Fashion Presentation

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BA (Hons) Fashion Programme Revalidation Presentation

History 2007-2012 Implementation Running the two pathways validated in 2007 Reflection 2011 saw the adoption of the LCA common modular framework. This enabled the team to access the relevance of the programme, make changes to the modules, teaching & learning strategies, and ensure currency of the curriculum to meet industry needs and student employment opportunities. Result Clarity of pathways for both students and staff. Altered selection/recruitment process for students.

Developmental Process Input Experience and CPD The teams diverse professional experience and expertise has contributed to the development of the proposed programme specification and module content. Industry Interactions External engagement through live briefs, industry links and industry projects. Research Initial investigation and involvement of the team in research issues including craft, technology, teaching, learning and pedagogy.

Understanding the Pathways!

The following few slides will provide an representation of each pathway...

Fashion Concepts and Communication

This pathway offers students the opportunities to develop fashion with an emphasis on originality, inventiveness and creativity.

The pathway is interdisciplinary in its nature and includes experiential* design projects, the acquisition of traditional and conceptual design development.

*the practice of designing products, processes, services and events with a focus placed on the quality of the user experience!

Students explore conceptual approaches to the fashion design process.

Students develop ideas for the communication and promotion of fashion through emerging technology, traditional techniques, digital media and moving image.

This pathway will enable students to pursue fashion roles in design, public relations, styling, visual merchandising, brand management and promotion.

Fashion Design and Realisation

This pathway provides students with the opportunity to explore creative fashion design as traditionally known, and develop practical skills in the transformation of twodimensional design ideas into fashion garments.

Students explore creative approaches to the fashion design process through fashion trend interpretation, design development and creative pattern making.

The pathway is interdisciplinary in its nature and includes tailoring techniques, garment manufacture and hand crafting.

Students you will also develop their CAD, practical computer skills aimed towards global contemporary fashion.

This pathway will enable students to pursue roles in the industry such as designer/makers, product developer, designer/technician, pattern maker, and buyer/merchandiser.

And Finally Going forward The programme outcomes continue to improve and develop, attracting students for both design and communication pathways. The teams diverse professional experience and expertise continues to develop and support student in their pursuit for innovation. Student benefits This programme offers student the opportunity to develop many transferable skills that can lead to careers in a variety of fashion related areas. Each pathway encourages student the opportunities to collaborate with their peers. Making them more employable, viable and competitive in the global employment market. Industry benefits Providing graduates with the ability to think outside of the box, take risks and join forces with their peers, is essential for the success of the UK fashion industry.

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