STUFF THE STOCKINGS What to buy this holiday season
DESIGNER SHOWCASE Ten Malay~ian de~igners and architects to inspire your next interior redesign!
FOR DISTRIBUTION INFO Anton1o Tien Loi Tel. +65 91865033 info@llenloi.ll FLEXFORM KUALA LUMPUR The Gardens, Level 2 Umt S-203 Unkaran Syed Putra 59200 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Tel. +60 2202 1798 flexform@studlo216.co
Antonio Citterlo
www f lexform .lt
DECEMBER 12 COLOUR OF THE MONTH Go for gold, and let this metallic hue be a conversat ion starter in your home.
u SCENTS AND SENSIBILITY Alsop•s first foray Into the world of Interior accessories Is undoubtedly a step Into the future- one that Illustrates the Joy of Scent, and teaches the Importance of Sensibility.
THE ATHENEE HOTEL The beautiful hotel sits upon what was once the royal residence of Princess Valaya A longkorn .
SINGAPORE: XZQT Home 8 Pandan Crescent. #01-05, S(12846-4)- Tel: +65 6n4 8031 • XZQT Stuc1o 1 Kakl Bukit Rood 1, #OH9/ 20 Enterprise One, S(4t5934)- Tal: +65 6749 0813 · ~ S1oN 3 Temaselt Boulevord, #02- 405/406 Sl.rn8C City T-.r 5, S(038983)Tel: •65 6734 0290 MALAYSIA: XZQT One Utarna OV301 Oval 3rd Floor, 1 Utamo Shopping c.ntre, No. 1 1Abuh Bondor Utamo. Bondor Utomo. 47800 P,.toing Joya, s.longor D.E - Tel: +603-n24 1880 · XZQT Pavtlon Lot 6.19.0o-6.20.00, Level 6, Povllon Kuolo Lumpur, 168 Jolon Buklt Blntong, 55100 K.uolo Lumpur- Ta t. +603- 21418180 • XZQT $~ S5-11 Pomper Floor, StarhDI Golery, 181 Jalon Bukit Blntong, 55100 K.uolo l.umpur - Tel: +603- 21411082
of Living DNA and Wai Yan from Evermore Creative!
11) f: i\ S i\ N J) I N S ll Ill t\'f I 0 .S F R 0 i\1 'I' 11 0 S 1·: I N 'I' 11 E K N 0 \V
u LET NATURE TAKE ITS COURSE Milan-based Japanese designer Kensaku Oshiro believes in a slow and steady work ethic. 35 THE SIGHT OF SOUND London-based
designer Michael Anostossiodes collaborates with Danish luxury audio-visual brand Bang & Olufsen on the Beosound Edge.
FEATURE 42 A STYLIN' CHRISTMAS Tips for decorating t he house from Denise Taojo-Kaur
48 STUFF THE STOCKINGS Christmas gift ideas for those who are stumped for wha t to buy!
100 ABOVE ALL ELSE Situated at t he top of a mountain in Tamil Nadu is a 160-year-o ld bungalow offering the perfect retreat.
NOTEBOOKS WITH ANATOMY We catch founders of ana tomy: Cliff Leong, Zeejay Wong, and Fidella Ch'ng in action craft ng personalised notebooks
ALife Individual
Gwen Tan and Berlin Lee, Partners and Co-Foundera- Formwerla Home Is a very personal space. Ours is built upon the lifestyle we embrace We l ove to entertain; we aJe pusl onate about plants and natural light. Thi s tlouse is duigned to allow lndulgene8s in these simple pl easures. In our practice, we believe i n honeat architecture and that interior spaceaahould narrate along ita lines. Celebrating its context, our houae embr&ces tropi calftydeeply, true to the way we live. I ts Interi ors 1!8 perpetually evolving, enriched by vestiges from our travels and plllt tlomes in the form of desi gn objects, art, lights and furniture that holds tho key to some memori es. That keeps things real for us. spaeefurniture.asfa
66 A BLAST OF WHITE On the East Coast of t he US, this seeming ly traditional home is surrounded by nature, but features g lamorous interiors.
SPACES An old tet·race
house gets a breezy Scandinavian-style makeovet·. PHOTOS
58 SLOPING BEAUTY Indoor and outdoor spaces blend seamlessly in this house wh ich showcases how beautiful and modern timber can look when skilfully deployed.
74 LABOUR OF LOVE In this apartment, it seems like a generous dose of handmade touches doesn't hurt. 82 KEEP IT SIMPLE Down sizing provides an opportunity to be creative with storage and furniture hunting.
DESIGNER'S DEN These homeowners' love for Scand inavi· an design is evident in their stylish matrimonial home.
A feeli~g just liKe \
winter~~ I
Air 5ee@l~ www daikin com.my
REAL-TIME DESIGN UPDATES WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/ HOMEANDDECOAMY Re ad n e w content o n home d e c o r and more , dall y.
Omar Khan Lo om x artetloo r presents Grey Matters Designer Omar Khan recent ly launched his Grey Matters collection at artetloor. The Gardens Mall. http://tinyurl.com/ycm71mat
The Art of Embroidery with Annl Tal Em broid ery artist and lifestyle content creator, Anni Tai reveals her favourite colours and designs to work on. http://tinyurl.com/ybgr4bd9
Check out popular blog posts of the month MORE INTERIOR STYLE!!il'.oFRD ONLINE IMAGE LIBRA
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Ashowcase of tlle latest. collections in fm路niture, lighting, and textiles at tJ1e Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre.
0 M TIIAI.IE ZIECLt:R P,\ SOl't\ A combination or <lit and runction that desctibes tl1c intlicalc products by this glass at1i.st
Selina Tay. founder and ptincipa1 designer of Collccli,路e Designs. is a st.alwatt in her o,,,, tight.
Vincent Low (vincent@bluinc.com.my)
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THERE'LL BE PA IES FOR HOSTING, MARSHMALLOWS FOR ROASTING The changing of the months don't come nearly as dramatically in Malaysia as it might in other less tropical climates. bul what a year it has bcenlll feels like just the blink of an eye, but here we are: December. Christmastime. with the prospect of a brand new year to look rm·wm·d in ju'>t one shor·t month's time~ As a child. I wished for months on end to see snow in our LTopical climate. Christmas I hen. to me. felt incomplete and solllewhat odd \\~thout the blanket of snow I was so used to seeing on television. Celebrating in Lhc absence of snow
was sort of like '1\Jesdays, or that odd period of listlessness just before New Year's Day. or Lhe final hours of any long-holiday weekend. lt was Uncanny Valley. and I absolutely did not understand why. lt wasn't until years later. when 1was learned in the science of seasons and wholly immersed in
the traditions of my family that l realised our celebrations were perfect as t11cy were. Lots of family time. punctualcd with presents and chatter <J.Jl(l all t11e good and hearty cheer the world has to offer. lt's a magical lime indeed! In U1e spirilof I his, we hope the features we've put together will help make your Christmas an equally enjoyable celebration. 1\1rn to JJage 48 for our annual gift guide: and if you·re one for working "~th your hands. tm·n to IJagc 54 to find out how ana to my make their lovely personalised notebooks. Also check out Jlagc 42 for decorating tips from Denisc Taojo- Kayr of Living DNA, and Wai Van fronJ Evermore Crealive! We've also got some smashing recipes from Chef David Caral of ~lercat Barcelona Gastrobar \dth which to feed your family and friends. so do check them out on page 106. As always. wc\·c got a collection of homes to :nspirc your next home makeover: "e hope you'll enjoy them as we rno,·c into this season of giving. friends~1ip. and family! llappy Ch nstmas. also, friends! Remember: Christmas for us may not be bl:u•kctcd in p~tre white snow. but oh. arc they a feast of absolutely wonderful colour.
GO FOR GOLD Gold accents have never been hotter in the worlds of fash ion and interi or design. Look around and you will likely pick up hints o f the shade in various incarnations, ranging f rom the ri ch honey hue to rose, copper and even bronze versions. In this instance (right), however, the metallic colour is used not as an accent, but as an impressive conversation starter in t he room's decor. While interi or stylists would advise to hold back on the shine previously, the trend is heading towards going all out and making a flashy statement. Cont rast the look w ith pieces of wooden furnitu re in a dark varnish. Look to styles influenced by the O ri ent for an added touch of Old World g lam our.
Kcct>to hold lines and fom1s Uuoughoullhc space for a modem touch, such as Ot>ting fm· H crmc~;·
Blcus d'Aillcurs
dinnerwarc collection.
"Interior trends
of discussion
are usually
for many people
have caught on to adding the shiny
popularised by
here. The ornate
hue to their spaces.
movies and TV
stylings and
I personally adore
series and, right
decadent gold
the aged look of
Ed itor
now, the Chinese
touches in the Forbidden City
hand-laid gold leaf
production Story of Yanxi
are probably
patina, which adds
Palace seems to be the topic
why many
depth and cha racter
to rooms." •
with a tint of d ark
BRIGHTEN UP IL's a sad thing that many homeowners are cautious when it comes to their home interior colours. Opting for a neutralt>alette is a safe but somewhat boring at>proach, and t·esults in many homes looking like variations or the same .\ordic-inspired theme. If you want to avoid a cookie-cutler interior. don't s hy away from the idea of having a brightly coloured feature wall. You can even take a leaf out of others' book. s uch as this particular home featured in Volume. Here, ll1e homeown er-slash-designer decided on a whimsical feel with orange, red and lilac shades. The trick is to pick loud colours fm m the same hue on the colour wheel. while going all out in terms of scale and p roportion. So be brave and ha,·e fun designing your room! • 9
Volume: Interior Tips and
Tricks to Spice Up Your Home, b y Patrlck Koolman , I s ava il able on www.lannoopubllshers . com, and retails for RM210.
Festive Afternoon Tea , f rom Shangri-La Kuala Lumpur Lobby Lounge. 2. Letter cake, from Xiao by Crustz. 3. Chri stmas and character cakesic les, from The Hare, Secret Baking Home. 4 . XMAS Mr Klaus cupcake, from Wondermilk, available in boxes of 36 (petite) and 25 (maxi ). 5 . Tree cake, from Xiao by Crustz. 6 . Stollen, from One World Hotel Petaling Jaya. 7. Cake Papa Santa, available in 6" or 8" , f rom Wondermi lk. 8. Gingerbread and mince pie, fro m One World Hotel Petaling Jaya. 9 . Handcrafted Yule Log Cake, fro m One World Hotel Petaling Jaya. 10. Tortilla & Drink myBag set, Chocolate my Bag set, and Ma shmallowmyBag set, from Muji.
SWEET TREATS FOR CHRISTMAS Indulge in the sweet treat this Christmas season! Think melt· in·the·mouth marshmallows, cookies, and cakes to go with your warm cup of peppermint chocolate and eggnog. Be sure to place your orders and reservations in advance!
text N G Yl XIA NG
BREATHE EASY Sharp's Plasmacluster Air Purifier turns your home into a welcome reprieve from the polluted air outside.
he air pollution doesn't stop the moment you shut your front door behind you. Pollutants, allergens, unwanted odours. and viruses can easily seep Uu·ough the gaps or your home, making lJ1c air indoors just as polluted as it is outdoors. Fortunately, you can easily defend the con lines of your humble abode from these unwanted entities with the humble air purifier. Look to Sharp with their excellent line or Plasmacluster air purifiers that offer advanced features U1at further elevate the air quality of your home. Not only limited to airborne allergens, viruses. and pollutants, Plasmaduster Ions released from Sharp's air puriliers can also remove clinging odours and mould. and also prevent static build-up. Lhe lauer of which effectively prevents dust from slicki ng to walls and other surfaces. The air purifier also provides faster airflow at a 20-degree angle. which helps collect dust in lower parts of
the room. making for an easier cleanup! An available Plasmacluster Spot Mode also allows the Sharp air purifier to send highly concentrated jels of Plasmaclusler ions forward . effectively removing pollut<u1ts and offensive odom·s even in ll1e most remote regions of a room. A special HAZE mode also puts the l~m speed on IIIGII for 60 minutes. which is convenient when the time comes. llave Lhe ability to control all the alorementioned features willl an app on your smarlphone. Loo! The air purifier comes '""iU1 an Internet of Things (loT) function which connects it to the interneL Get a visual look at your indoor air quality. and stay informed regarding optimal timing for a fil ter exchange. Forego the manual controls. too. and let U1e air purilier operate autonomously using its sensors wiU1 Lhe single press of a buuon!
9 For more Informat ion, visit my.sharp.
TANTALISING SCENTS Luxury fr·agrancc brand Amouagc have recently extended their Bath & Body Collection to include Figment for ~l an and Wo man, a line offr·agranccs instJired by Bhutan. the Land of llatltrincs.'l. The collection. presented in opule nt tur<1uoisc and hluc packaging. compri\cs a full complement of Jli'Oducls including bath and shower· gel. soap. g uc!.l sO:JI)S. body lotion. hand cr"Cam. a nd ultra- rich body cream. Fommlatcd by r"Cnowncd Fr'Cnch CXIlCrts, the r:mgc is perfumed with lhe highest con cenll~llion of fr'!l gr:111cc possible. Concocted of the fin est products. the products thcmsel\'eS wor·k in tandem to harmoniously layer upon. and nouris h the s kin. Cr·catcd with s ignattu·c tll'oper·ties to invigor·ate the natural vitality and r·adiance oft he skin. the co llection dclivcr·s high tJcr·fol'llumce wilh exce1rlional resull'i for· a ll s kin types.
Fo r more Information, vi si t www. amouage . com
H APPY 9 For more lnform•tlon,
vl1lt www.lke• .my
75 '~' 11
IK EA In celebration of their' nth annh·er!.a~·. IKE.\ introduced the GRXIT t Eit\ collection. bringing hack s ome of Lhe mos t 10\·ed tJroducts from th ree diffcr'Cnt time periods: the r930- r96o's. the r970- 198o's. aud the r990- 2ooo's. The fi rs t wave oft he iconic range from the r9:;0- r96o's is :wailahlc al l h:EA s lor·es and on I KEA.my from October· 20 r8 onwar·ds. followed hy products from the r970- r98o's a nd r990 -2ooo·s in December 20r8. This brings to shar·p rclleflhe hrand's Ideals. which ha,·e been Ulrheld f01· 73 year'S: a belief that furniture can he affordable without sacrificing principles of <1uality. des ign. and s us tainabiJity. \\1ull s tarted as a s mall t>os t or-der h u~ine~s has g r0\\11 into a hou.\ ehold name across :;o markcl'i. a ll with the s ame goal to provide a hell er· e\'eryday life at home fo r the many people.
The iconoclast ic and whimsical personality of Clan Milano is effortlessly showcased in the Novegro cabinet. The upper part of the cupboard evokes the refinement of Italian craftsmanship with precious classic friezes enhancing the wooden structure 1n harmonious contrast, 1ncorporat1ng wire mesh doors and clamp handles. The lower section features industnal-inspired details; the metal structure recalls functional mechanic carts on castors. Verdant hues enhance the piece with shades that change from emerald to bottle green depending on which angle you are looking from.
For m o re In formation , visit www .clanmllano. hou se
Rozel's Signature col ection falls between t heir entry-level Lifestyle collection and their premium Gold collection.
LIVING THE DREAM ne's first home is like a blank canvas. a personal space to CLu·atc and personalise. Be it a bachelor pad. a new a condominium unit. or a medium-l.izcd house to share with your expanding family. it is comforting to come home to a warm. in\'il ing. and stylish li\'ing space after a hectic day at work. The range or sofas under Hazel's Signature collection is so cornforlahle Lhatthcy will ha\'e you dozing off without meaning to! For young. trendconscious. entrepreneurs. Lhe demand tor high quality lcaU1cr sofas is higher than ever before, with a discerning eye for del<ril in play. Sofa designs have evoh·cd and are now equipped with sophisticated technology to pro,·idc us with U1c highest order of comlort. as well as support for our bully lifc!>tylcs and modern habits. where working from home is the new norm. Hazel's Signature collection lils into the
lifcsl)'lcs of the gadget-sawy. with some of their sofas lea luring wireless phone chargers. Say goodbye to lowbaUcry phones when you lea,·e home! The collection fcatm·cs an array of designs to choose from. catering to e,·ery individual need. r\t Rozel. one can pick based on their preferences. lt's worth considering the height of Ihe sofa seaL U1e push-back feature of the hackrcst. and the adjus1<1hle head and leg rest. which in some cases can he adjusted manually, and others automatically. You need only pull up and lock the headrest into place to catch some sleep for a good few minutes to wake up feeling recharged in sort. plush arms! Imagine spending long hours lounging on plush. padded cushion sofas upholstered only in Lhc sonesl ~ luza leaU1cr. in Lhc cxpressh·e eye-catching colours of haby blue. relro green. and mustard yellow. Curl up for quiet reads in your new reading nook.
catch up on your f<I\'O uritc Lele,·ision series. or enter1<1in house guests comfortably o,·er the weekend within the tr:lJlquility of your homes. Ro~el's Signature collection fl aunLo; compact designs which allow for !>trielly cluU.er-frce minimali~t design concepLo;. exuding the luxury of space. Catering to a broad selection or design aeslhet ics. Lhe collection ensures you'll be able to choose from a ,-aricly or designs for comrorl while establishing a sl.oty and persona within the four walls of your living space. Fcn·gcl corl\'enlional matching furniture sets. Rozcl Signature offe rs a choice of conliguralions and upholstery. and e\'en pairings of cool glass coffee tables and warm wood side tables from the solid wood collection. Whatever yom· choice. a d•·cam home is possible wil11 Rozcl'!> Signature collection. •
9 For more Information, visit www. rozel.c:om.my
text NG Yl X IANG
KSK Land has launched the latest instalment of their ongoing exhibition series, 'Confluent ial 3.0: Pret-APorter'. Curated exclusively for the property developer's maiden project 8 Conlay, the exhibition celebrates the confluence o f lifestyle, fashion, and luxury in Kuala Lumpur by showcasing select works from the country's most prominent names in fashion - Han Chong, Khoon Hooi, Joe Chia, Jonathan Liang, Ezzati Amira, Kittie Yiyi, Cassey Gan. and Moto Guo.
L I FE UPG RADED In their continuous mission to enhance home li ving experi ences, Hitachi has in trodu ced two new home appliances: a refreshed two-door refrigerator and a new eco· choice washing machine, both purposefully engineered for maximum utility and comfort on top of making a contribution to a cleaner and healthier environment. "We at Hitachi are delivering innovat ions that not only answer society's challenges, but also foster more efficient and sustainable living. As a brand that is here for the long haul, we are building a comfortable tomorrow by upgrading for life today," said Takahiro lshii, Managing Director, Hitachi Sales (Malaysia) Sdn Berhad.
For mor e Information, v isi t www. homeap pi lances. hi tac hl. com/ my
For mo r e Information, visit www.kskland .my
An Ode to Google Images l)lca~c Wait ... by lu ca ~ichetto from llluliarf s l.imitcd Edition collection is a culomful tribute to onlinc imaae r·cscar·ch. 11 is intend ed as a rellt'c.~cntation ol' thc time elapsed between the qucr·y an d Gooale's r·c~tJonse. in which a sel'ies or coloured boxes arc dis played before the fu ll imaae~ load. The nrg is a representa tion of that llccting moment where colour combination \"Uries according to the country of re!lcarch . .\lore !>)Jecifically. it refcl'!> to the di!>Liu cth·c palette re~'ltltinfl from the research of c\'ery reno\\11ed carpet rnanufactur·cr·s cotmlry.
For mor e Information, visit www. lllullan .co m
acac1a Passion for Fabrics
marked their growing commitment to connecting I>COI>Ic around the wodd with Asian entertainment by unveiling I7 11Cw Asian original I>J'Oductio ns £romja1>an, Taiwan. Tha iland, India, and SouUt Ko•·ca. Thes e I>rojcctsjoin 100 new and •·etm·ning o•·iginals across eight countries in Asia th rough 2019 as Nelriix increases their investment in Asia n slol·ytellers. amplifying their voices to U1c wol'ld.
Fo r mo r e In f ormation, v i sit www.netf ll x.co m
For those who still instinctively tap their feet and clap their hands to the tune of We W ill Rock You, o r belt out 'Scaramouche, Scaramouche' when Bohemian Rhapsody comes on, this biopic is one that will definitely t ickle your fancy. The movie fol lows t he beginnings of iconic band Queen in the early 1970s and their meteoric rise through the following decades. lt traces their successes, near b reak-up due to lead man Freddie Mercury's lifestyle and absolutely triumphant comeback at the historic Live-Aid concert. This fi lm is a 2-hour-feel-good depiction of the band's legacy, and though it may not have properly highlighted Mercury's personal struggles, it makes for an insightful look into the most influentia l band of the 20th cent ury.
THANKS FOR THE MEMORIES LBS recently organised their annual Media Appreciation Night as a gesture to reconnect with and thank the media fraternity for their long-term support. "tt is important to appreciate the people who have made an impact on our lives. Being in the industry for over two decades, we believe the media has played an Important role in our growth, especially by objectively communicating with our audiences. We look forward to nurturing stronger friendships and exploring innovative ways of collaborating in line with the evolving trends of media consumption," said LBS Group Managing Director, Tan Sri Lim Hock San.
For more I nformation, vis i t www. lbs.com .my
8) Electrolux
TORIES Make new memories, taste new stories EFC929S.A.
EOB8857.UX Built-in CombiSteom Oven
Power Chimney Hood
Full steam Function steam cooks food from the surface to the core even y preserving juiciness. tor food that Is deliciOusly brown on the outside and moist on the Inside.
French Door NutriFresh'"" Refrigerator
Built-In Induction Hob
FreahShlekt Crisper Keeps fruits and vegetables
7 days anger", so they taste better. "load on oodepe- dent~""' l.d>onltor( teots.
1300·68·11· 22
Poo.ftrSIIde Mode GiVes you Instant control dumg cooking s id ng pan from high heat zone for seonng to ow heat zone tor simmenng
NAUT ICAL MYT H S AND DR EAMS In G•·eck mythology, Thalassa is believed to be the fie•·ce St>irit of U1c sea. The s tylised wave pattern ofThalassa by No9 Thompson pays homage to the aforementioned myth. and is at the same time reminiscent of medieval wall1>aintings. The re1>eating J>atlern embroidered on a fine cotton ground suggest" the gentle movement of the ocean, and conj ures images of calm seas and g1·and nautical advcntllJ'es! Expc•·icncc its th1·ec available colours at 1'atu m Company in B~mg.<;m'.
Kyn Goh .\Oer spend in~ a decade as a full-Lime ~raphie designer for an interior design fi rm. Kyn Goh boldly IeO to focus OIIIJerfccting her craO and designs. ,\ jack of all trades. she s tarted her own brand and online F.lsy s ho1> Kuruk~·nki whe n s he look on acrylic 1>aintin~ as a hobby. That became a s mall business when she s tarted selli ng her art as I)(ISleards. 1-'ollowing Ute s uccess of these bookmarks. Kyn undertook the challenge of :\linialures. a craO known to be lime consuming as well as requiring a good hclt>in~ of l>alicnee. Currently. her focus is on rubber slamtJS. a sercndipitous endea\'Our that came about randomly one day when she was looking through her old rejected designs. The few sel'> she tried received ~rcal1>ra ise from lhejournaling communi ty and inSIJired her to Sl>awn new desi~ns. As the festive season draws near. Kyn is looking to release Sl>ecial limited edition Christmas stanlJ)s. the designs of which s he is keeping a s urprise!
T ILE WO RK Ni•·o Ceramic G•·oup aims to overcome the challenges encountered by homeownet·s when it comes to s ho1>1>ing for tiles with their latest Creative Lab s howroom. The s howroom is designed to be efficient with a '1'01>Picks' wall wi th different colour tones, sizes, and s urfaces that hCIJ>S homeowners na rrow down theu· final selections. There will also he tn1incd designers on hand who will help homeowners to visualise the end result better with slate-of- the-art design software that creates a 3D rendering, taking in every as pect of homeowne•·s' re<luircmcnls.
9 22
For more Information, visit www.nl r og r anlte .c om
9 text ARIC T ING
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DRESSING UP FOR CHRISTMAS Crumbly gingerbread cookies and eggnog may be an absolute delight to eat , but put them anywhere near your so fas in the midst of a holiday party and you ' ll have yourself good cause to worry. With adults mingling, children runn in g and the pre sence of pets all around , not s taining your furniture seems like nothing sho rt of miraculous. Thankfully, there's King Living t o put you at ease!
All :>arty hosts can attest to this: spillage is a common ano unavoidable occurrence. Discovering a nasty stain on yoL.r favourite sofa. ottoman. or a chair after all the hard work and determination rn keeping them in mint cordition will definitely put a real damper on your evening. This, naturally, calls for Krng Living's range of high quality premium fabrics and luxurious leathers. Featuring a non-toxic, water-based fab-ic protector KingGuard+, these are the materials you want for your upholstery, offering the best protection in such situations. This means you can rest easy, whether it's for the sake of yoLr brand new sofas, or even a 30-year-old heirloom ottoman - KrngGuard+ has yol. covered. -<rngGuard+ works by way of reducing the danage of any spills. The fab-rc is treated to prevent the absorption of any
liquids into 1ts fibres. That means any and all sta1ns will wash out easier. and you'll be able to remove the covers w1th ease to do so too. And because you can get to 1t 1mmed1ately. the chances of getting the sta1n off completely become near absolute. so you can say goodbye to bubbly champagne sta1ns and d~rt! And that's not all! All leather and fabnc upholstery materials at King Living are also treated with Bluesign• to have antimicrobial properties. thereby giving way to an allergy-free home for your loved ones with asthma and allergy problems. Th1s means your sofas and other upholstered furnishings will be kept clean and fresh throughout the year- an important point 1ndeed for a country as hum1d as Malays1a. The treatment also reduces odour. bactenal. and mould growth.
text NG Yl XIANG photos K ING LIVING
Stains and spills aside. :hese fabrics require minimal maintenance for maximum quality and comfort. As ong as they're kept away 'rom direct and indirect sunlight. you'll have half your maintenance work done. Vacuum on a regular basis; with additional leather and fabric care kits including Spot Cleaners. Fabric =>rotectors. Cleaning Sponge, )ye Free Microfibre Cloth. and Fabric Care Instructions. you'll be able to keep your sofas and ottomans looking polished and new. The King-Care"' Service Team is also just a call away f you need your cushions refilled. covers replaced. stains cleaned, and parts repaired. Say goodbye to draping your sofas with :hrows to hide permanent sta1ns!
9For more Information, visit www.klngUvlng.•my/
ix tloors up and part of the iconic city skyline of Bangkok's City Centre. The Alhenee Hotel"sAtheneum Lounge is awash iD splendow¡. Coffered ceilings echo tl1e aestJ1etics of a Colonial era, clea n. bright. and whiLe; behind glittering hanging lamps and a sleek bar. a marble backsplash perfectly ups the ante. Cuswm-made bar tables dol the expansi\'e. carpeted space. held up with the curious and yet wholly appealing silhouette of chess pieces from knight to bishop to rook.
There is a sense of presiding in the air. :.lS if it were a space made for. and -~.... ,... lived in by royals. lt"s paitially ll11e. of course; The Athenee Hotel is built on the very gr¡ow1ds that had once a royal residence: U1e Kandhavas Palace. then-home to Princess \ 'alaya Alongkorn, tJ1e daughter of Chulalongkom. King Rama \ '. Respect and honour abound in the treatment of the space. resulting in an artful combination of cultures: ~lodern Thai with Colonial influences. aU at once sleek. minimal is!. and sumptuous.
We're told that The Athenee places special emphasis on suslainabiljLy - and that's nol aL all surprising. given Lhe eslablislu11ent's accolades. including: BesLSuslainable Hotel in Thailand and lJlC Asia Pacific atll1e lntemational Hotel Awards 2018, and Best Suslainability ProjectJtniLialive 2016 at the NTC:C Business Awards. The Athenee is also the First Hotel in the World to have received an IS020121 certilic<~tion for a Sust.:lin<~bility Event M<lnagement system - a teat indeed. considering the stringent guidelines involved. The proof is in the pudding here. On a Lour of the grounds. we're shown Lhe extent to whkh Lhe hotel's keepers have kept to their pledge of suslainabiljLy. From recycled headboardsLurned-(ramed-arlpieccs to lampshades made of 1¡ecycled ceremonial g.u¡ment~. The Athence is a mastcrda::;s in reLined aesll1elics that speak strongly of understated royalluxmy. Quiet quality, elegance. and beauty \\~11 out over loud
TOP RIGHT Chandeliers built to emu late lotus flowers, the favourite of Princess Valaya, hang sentinel over the lobby. RIGHT The elevator lobby evokes thoughts of 1930s splendour reminiscent of The Great Gatsby. OPPOSITE Framed by Bangkok's iconic c ity skyline, t he pool is a hidden oasis of serenity. Here, one can sit, cross-legged in the manner of Chef Table's Jeong Kwan. Breathe deep, and meditate to the softlylapping sounds of wat er.
TOP The Rain Tree cafe provides a stunning bac kdrop for breakfast and other meals. RIGHT Roya l Pimai Theme Suite. OPPOSITE BOTTOM LEFT Ruen Thai Royal Theme Suite.
and oll.cntimcs gaudy shows orweaiU1. Gucst.rooms arc beautifully decorated wiU1 sleek and contemporary lines on full display. and the work or local artists depicting floral molils aclorn the walls. Simplicity reigns supreme. hut in I he most bcaulifuJ way possible. In the luhh~·. abstract floral l>allerns and prints !ill the space. blankcling the sitting areas. rcccplion. and concierge in an aura or calm and serenity. Ct1'Slal chandeliers hang rrom douhlc-hci~hl high ceilings. crafted lo emulate the Princess' favourite: lot1rs flowers. lligher in the floor'S abo\·e. the pool is hidden away rrom lhe world.lush and beauliful - the pcrrecl oasis in which to reju\·enale. And in a city as loud. as "ibranl. and hustling as Bangkok is. absolutely noU1ing could he l>etter. •
The Athenee Hotel Bangkok, A Luxury Collection Hotel, Is located at 61 Wireless Road (Witthayu), Lumplnl, Pathumwan, Bangkok 10:S:SO, Thailand, Tel: 66 26508800. For more Information, visit theluxurycollectlon.com/ t hea theneehotel.
LET NATURE TAKE ITS COURSE Mllan-based Japanese designer Kensaku Oshlro believes that slow and steady wins the race, and goes about his work with quiet confidence, determination, p•aalon •nd purpose .
or world-renomted Italian architect and designer Piero l.issoni. 1\ensaku Oshiro"s work bridges •the gap between the.Japanese and Western perst>ectivcs on simplicity and complexity·. Having worked at the highly regarded Lissoni Associati studio in Milan from 20o4 to 2011. the youngjapanese designer impressed founder Plero so much that he selected him for the Rising Talents Awards at the \laisonSObjet furniture :md home decoration fair in P.aris last.)anuary. The awards were a tribute to six of the most promising Italian or ltaly-based designers. ~
Frau Lcpll
Having spent more time living in Italy than in japan. Kensaku chose to make Milan his base. lie opened his eponymous sL11dio in the city in 2015, having discovered Italian design at the age of 15, and been attracted to lhis country lor the variety of ideas and U1e freedom it embodies. ltl HIS QWN WORLD
1\11'11ing convention on its head. unlike other designers who may work on dozens of projects at a Lime at a frenzied pace. Kensaku is not the least bit in a hurry. lie believes in gradual growl11, progressing slowly step by step, tackling not more U1an five projects at once. However, U1aL didn't slop many prestigious brands from spotting his talent early on. as he collaborated with companies like De Padova. Kristalia. PoiLTona f'rau. Zanotta and Can within the first year of launching l1is practice. whkh boosLed his confidence. Working alone in his sLudio, he occasionally Lakes on a collaborator or an intern, preferring to stay small and agile. Taking a hands-on approach wiU1 cve1y product from start to finis h. he's constantly in search or the ideal 32
solution: sketching, creating mock-ups. doing 3-D modelling on U1e computer and 3-D printing, before moving on to the manufacturing side. lie says: "I like to work on a very small nw11ber of projects. buL working deeply. making a difference.¡¡ TOUCH OF CLASS
Combining elegance and simplicity, his design is instinctual. essential and harmonious, and he works cohesively wiU1 material. lorm and technology. When starting on a project. he begins by U10rough.ly tmderstanding Ule client's vision, philosophy, history and Limits in terms of production, technology and budget to create an original product adapted to U1e company's D A. lie constantly shares his ideas and discusses freely "~th U1em. sho"~ng flexibility in his designs. If Lhe brand's identity isn't clear, he wonl work wiU1 U1at client. ''I'm always lighting Lo find U1e right balance between Ule brand's identity and my own identiLy.~ he notes. Among his principal successes is the Holo dining table he designed for Kristalia. which required almost two monLhs for him to understand U1e brief and
The padded stool, bench and footrest In leather or textile are Influenced by traditional Poltrona Frau production processes and decorations, and feature tailoring concepts from the fashion world such as classic stitching, soft folds and a slender belt highlighting the"walst".
Boffi lko Towel Rack Echoing the traditional Japanese kimono stand, the freestanding, mlnlmallst rack for hanging bathroom towels elegantly balances a -lghted stone base and an ultrathin, brushedstainless steel rod.
Kristalia Holo
Table Featuring an unconventional base with an oval hole, created by lnnovatlvely moulding and bending a piece of sheet metal, the table comes with a thin laminate or solid wood top.
Zanotta Nuno Stool Ref-nclng the work of saddlers, the sculpture/ stool covered In soft cowhide doubles as a pouf/ storage, with carefully considered stitching and straps.
De P.ddova SenTable
Thlssetof versatile, geometric coffee tables with round tops and skinny legs Is available In varied heights, sizes, finishes ( marble, oak), and even a nanotechnology option for ''soft touch treatment" .
to develop his first idea. Charactelised by it'> sculptural form with a large oval hole in the middle that gives it a strong personality and a beautiful. stark Asian aesthetic, it adopts car industry technology to deform a single sheet of metal for the base, using the least material possible in an intelligent way, and is crowned by a laminate or solid wood top. NATURE LED
Althougl1 born in 1977 in Okinawa, Kensaku was raised in Osaka. "I was born on an island StuTOLtnded by natLtre, but I grew up in a concrete city- my childhood was always these two realities:¡ he recalls. "'At school, I was always waiting to spend my summer holidays amid nature in Okinaw¡a. At that time,japan was a functional, one-clearpath society: You went to school. you went to university, you worked for a big company and you retired. But l didn't want to follow this path; I wanted to be original. I wanted t:o decide my own future, not: have someone decide it for me. l was frustrated during my childhood. but when I discovered design, I saw that it was a world where you could be different."
Ligne Roset Belize Minor The mirror framed In satln-vamlshed natural American solid walnut or matt-vamlshed black-stained solid ash can be mounted on the wall either horizontally or vertically.
He graduated with a master's degree in industrial design from the Scuola Politecnica di Design (postgraduate school of design) in Milan in 1999, but his interest in the field had been sparked at the age of 12 by a man he practically considered his fa1J1er. "I certainly chose this career as a result of the relaUonship I had with my childhood friends' father, Mr Kobayashi, who was an architect." he discloses. "His office was located very close to where my family lived. ..,.
so I would spend whole days chattjng with him. Solllchow. he passed his curiosity and passion for architecture on to me. 1t was very important because from young. he talked "ith me and his son seriously about culture. history and beauty and how e,·erylhing is connected. In time. of course oU1er mentors have had a constructh·c innucnce on me. and each of them has taught me to apply myself to my work and has made me grow as a human being." RQADAHII!AD
Of his eight years on the design team of Lissoni Associat i, he says: "With Picro Lissoni, !learnt evetytlling from A to z - how to inlerpretn company's vision, how to propose your idea. how to communicate with people. It was a big team \\~I h people specialising in graphics. styling. design. architecture, etc.. and I could sec in all directions. so for me il was a great school... Then he moved to London for a Uu·ee-year stint with celebrated British design duo Edward Barber and jay Osgerby. "This "·as another type of design. more focused on innomtion. new languages. new technologies and new ideas." he relates. '1'hey a Iways focused on the details to make someU1ing better. We could work on details for months; it was very Lough but U1e result was very qualitative. I learnt to never give up ancl to always challenge myself to do something new:· Now he is working alongside the MuJi design team. studying materials aJ1d pl'Occsscs. and recently pr'cscnted new chairs for Poltrona Frau and japru1ese brand E'Intcriors. He has also launched his nrunesake label. Oshiro. designing and manufacturing fumiture combining history and innovation. His fir'St piece was the CCor chair - his lake on tllC lightweight wooden Chiavari icon created in r80i by Giuseppe Gaetano Dcscalzi. 34
lie was a cabinetmaker from Chiavari on the north-westem Italian coast. and he entrusted the production of his chair to Ligurian artisans. He states: .., met a world from the past that conlinues to Jh·e in the present. \\·orking wiU1 those craftsmen was a profound. constmcti,·e experience and the CCot is its natural outcome.The seat has been "~dened. ru-mrests lowered. and backrest revised in height and shape- no longer oval but semi-circular -and embellishments have been eliminated to highlight the smoothness of the cherry wood. This new endeavom· honow·ing a rich crafL heritage is perfeclly in line with his vision. where he "would like to see more handmade craftsmanship products IJecause we are living \\~th more technology-. I re adds: ·we need more of the human touch. while new materials and technologies cru1 be used in a sustainable way to impro\'e society.~ •
Easy Chair Inspired by
the Image of a farmer sitting on a Jute sack, the comfortable, flexible and ergonomic easy chair In five colour choices with semiformed silhouette Is meant for spending long relaxing hours In.
Oshia·o CCo a Chair The proportions, form and decoration of theUgurlan Chlwarl hwe been reworked to produce a contemporary reinterpretation of a 1eth-c:entury Icon that bridges East and West andconMS In three styles.
s an established lighting designer who only ·cccnUy started dabbling in furniture design. Xlichael Anaslassiades was blind lo Ulc induSIJ)' or audio-product designs prior to U1e Beosound Edge. -E,·ery itwilalion fi'Om comp;mies to work in a new field is a challenge. especially when I come from a completely different background. I'm vcty gratcful lhall got this im~talion from Bang & Olufscn (B&O). because it's not easy !or a company to trust someone who doesn't ha\'C experience in a certain field. I particularly enjoy working wilh companies with a long hist01y. as I can study U1eir legacy. I also analyse those pi'OducL') U1at have become iconic and U1at people t·emember lhe company for. and B&O has quite a few of U1em throughout history: says Xliehael.
Are you an audiophile?
Absolutely. llo,·c music. llowcver. I did a hearing test about a monU1 ago and il confirmed that I ha,·e a heaJing loss of about30 per cent in boU1 cars. I hear less U1an lhe a,·eragc person and it's interesting because U1e doctors believe lhis is congenital. I feellhat lhis condition has made me more sensitive to sound and it makes me appreciate it better. Tell us more about the design concept of the Beosound Edge.
lt was conceived as a product thaL is simple in language and form. I wanted it to be timeless - wiU1justlhe bare minimum. If you look in my home. I always hide my electronic products in U1e cupboard. as I don't want technology to take o,·cr. At lcasL lhis has been the story unlil now. Tllis was a ,·ery good
SIGHT OF SOUND In a Home & Decofexcluslve with Mlchael Anastasslades, the London•based designer talks about his latest collaboration with Danish luxury audio-visual brand Bang & Olufsen, and the Beosound Edge.
starting point for me. and served as a challcn~c for me to create a design U1atl could lcmc outside U1e cupboard. The intention was to create a very mysterious object - one that is so abstract that it docsnl scream. ·1 am a speaker!· ~ot U1at l consider it a failure if it is idcnlificd as a speaker. but I think it is nice to create ·magical· objects whose functions arc not so immediately apparent. The materials used are also very much related to B&O's identity. I used the aluminium that many hcautif"ul and iconic B&O producL~ arc made of. The choice of black and aluminium was a conscious decision right from the beginning.
From the perspective of a lighting designer, how do you approach the design of audio products?
What makes it stand out?
Yes - a 1Y. which I bought even before I meL B&O. I bought it in 2012 when U1e Olympic Games wen~ held in London. ~ly brother and ltis kjds came lo 'isitand I was notable lo gel any tickets lo U1c c,·enL so I pmmiscd Ulcm Ulat I'd buy a great T\' so we could ,,·atch U1e Games togeU1er. \\ l1en I saw the product in the B&O !.lore. I knew il was the onlyT\· I could live with. as I didn't like electronic objects in my house to be starkly visible. What's difl'crent is Lhc irllormality or the design. lt sits on U1e Ooor and leans aL an angle. IL's huge, yet many guesL~ have asked me: -why don't you have a television'?* They don't realise it is U1ere <md U1al's great!
I designed U1is with the intention to create anxict~· o,·er its stability. I like that moment of negotiation. ll's about capturing U1atmomcnt or stillness and balance. What were some challenges you faced when creating the Beosound Edge?
The biggest challenge was in achic\'ing U1c rolling motion that's in line wiUl Lhc product's function - volume control. That was U1c most interesting part which had been the rnakc-orbrcak point of the project lt was very critical because il is about finding U1c right ha lance. This feature also adds sophistical ion and I U1ink it has been a gr·cat achievement. I low this was en~incercd is an incredible achievement on B&O's front.
I think U1ere is a parallel between audjo and lighting. Unlike fmnitw'C.lamps li,·c 8o per cent of Ulcir Li,·cs S\\itched orr. \\'hen switched on. it is a very different scenario for Ule object because it comes alh·e and has a different quality and relationship wiU1 U1e surroundings. l.ikewise for speakers. when switched on. somellling almost magical happens. rcSLLlLing in a total dif rcrcn L perception of U1e product Do you own any B&O products?
What Is your takeaway from this project?
I started strictly wiU1lighling design and that was m~· only experiment until a few years ago. when I was imitcd lo do oU1cr products like funuturc. ~10\·ing into auruo. il has hecn a completely new challenge. so it's like aehieYing another area of expertise and reaching greater heights. lt has been very rewarding_ • 36
lnrtrally designed
as a A combination of spring forces and dampeners the
speaker that s1ts on the floor, Beosound Edge soon found 1ts place on the wall as a gravitydefying statement piece.
--we always try to design them in a way lvhere they are notjust electronic products, but also beautiful items in their olvn right."
BELOW Bang & O lufsen's headquart ers in St ruer, Denmark. RIGHT, TOP & MIDDLE A peek into the product ion cycle of Beosound Edge at B&O factory. RIGHT, BOTTOM B&O factory houses an acoustically treated lab w here all audio produc t s are t est ed.
"'Come over here. I want you to smell these flowers.'' t's late autumn in Sydney. and there's a mellow crispness in the air that betrays just a hint of something better to come something fresh and verdant green. something amazing. Across the street of Victorian style terrace houses off Darling Street in Balmain. Aesop Chief Customer Officer Suzanne Santos waves us over. Jasmine flowers creep unrestrained between a wall and gate. the blooms soft and velve ty against the grunge green backdrop. She leans forward to take a breath. and beckons fo r us to do the same. it's a small gesture. to be certain. but one that speaks volumes of the brand's storied history. The distinctive fragrance - sweet and fresh and green - fills the air an:::l captures the senses, evoking a sense of wonder at this beautiful world and all it has to offer.
A quiet the acknowledgement of the importance of respec t not just for the world and her resources. but also for communities and their cultures. To live well, and to be sensible about it all. These lessons reverberate throughout our time together, p rominently featured at every turn. Just o ne short hour before, Suzanne had given us the tour of Aesop's Balmain store - the work of local designer Henry Wllson of Studio Henry Wilson - joined by Retail Architectural Manager Denise Neri who oversees the brand's global architectural p rogram. it's a masterclass in aesthetics: raw sandstone walls and tinted concrete t errazzo form t he backbone of the well-considered, sunny space, framed with pale native timbers, m inimalist open shelves. and freestanding sinks in white porcelain. In true
Aesop fashion. the Balmain space checks multiple boxes: a familiar linearity in design - clinical almost. and yet fi lled with the warmth of life. Vintage furnishings, custom lights and an immense. prolific philodendron draped over a wall-mounted plant hanger of Henry's design complete the inherently Aesop look. We're told of the materials that had been recovered onsit e, as well as of their seco"'d chance at life under Henry's measured hand. Much of the existing architecture was maintained, lending the space an aesthetic inherently iconic to Darling Street - something that suited Henry very well. More than anything, it seemed Aesop's collaboration with :he designer was one of mutual understanding: a need to first understand a site and the culture from which it is derived, and to build upon it without callously erasing the marks of the past.
TOP Practice what you preach: At lunch in Aesop's soonto-open Padd ington store, Suzanne shares a stor y that best encapsulates the heart and soul of the brand's efforts for sustainability, respect, and m indfulness: the cloth napkins on the table, she proudly tell s us, were a previous purc hase she had insisted upon. To d ate, they have been washed and recycled and put to good use again and again for m ultiple company events. 39
Says Henry of the Brass Oil Burner: "it's very much an amorphic. irregular shape. it's cast in brass, and brass was chosen for its particular quality in a sense that it works with the heat transfer. The form is driven by function to heat the oil, and also create something that is intriguing to look at. The idea of asymmet ry was very much a part of the brief when we were working with the design."
changed tack after a year or so. and moved to the idea of actually heating the oil with the brass. and that's where brass came in. We probably worked on thirty different prototypes to get to the one we have today." Dinner is served across a long table of friend s and guests. the centre of attention in the museum's barn space. Candlelight flickers throughout the room: outside. just beyond a pair of thick and heavy wooden doors. the sound of Australian fauna clicks, energetiC in the n1ght. Classical music completes the expenence. As we dine, both Henry and Kate cont inue to share stones on the Burner's making. "Would you ever consider a scent using Southeast Asian ingred ents?" We regale Kate with tales of local delights, from screwpine leaves to our local Bentong ginger and various other iconic and d1st1nctly Malays1an scents. "Maybe," She responds in k1nd, cord1al as always. As General Manager, Kate has a hand in all of the brand's products, playing an integral role in conceptualising and formulating new preparations, ingredients. and technologies. We're hopeful. Always present is the unifying sense of connection between all the spaces we have visited thus far - an experience that lingers from store to home. "We're 1nterested in ways that aroma can engage the senses. and thus transform an environment:¡ Kate tells us. We believe it. After all. 1t's general knowledge that scent can bring you back to places long-forgotten. evoking memories of people that t ime has since taken away. lt's all too clear that the scent of Aesop will follow us for weeks to come. effortlessly bnnging us back to warmth of this very bam, feasting as it were among like-m1nded fnends. Awash 1n soft candlelight across the table. Kate's amiable smile tells us just one th1ng: they know what they're doing, and they're doing 1t right. â&#x20AC;˘
text EMMELYN CINDY M AH photographs A~SOP
A Floral Christmas. Give your home a unique, DIY look with Wai Van from Evermore Creative Sdn. Bhd.
Describe lhc Ch•·islmas lhcmc. Swap store-bought tinsel and ornaments for gorgeous handmade flowe rs when decorating your Christmas tree and your feature wall. You can make your own wreaths too!
Tell us ahoul I he colon•· scheme. Spice things up by swapping out the traditional colours of silver, white, red, green, and gold and replacing them with decorations in whimsical, pastel hues. White, gold, and silver make great blending colours and touch ups. Pastels paired with vintage elements bring a playful, elegant, and sophisticated look to your living space.
flOW do \\'C prC(J OUr home\ ror ( hri\lma\'! Before setting up a Christmas tree in the corner of your living room, you want to clean up your house and clear a space f o r the m ain decorations. You can decorate door handles with Christmas garlands or put up fairy lights and a wreath o n the door. The next step is to decide on the colour scheme. Pick three t o five colours, and decide o n the decorative items you want t o buy or make.
Jlow do we ;.tel inlo Ihe decorating
mood'! Turn on the Christmas songs! I look for inspiration on pinterest , the shopping m alls, and from magazines.
\Vc'1•e wm·liing on a light budget. llow much doe\ il co\1 to make om· own ( hri\lnta\ decoration\? A four feet tall Christmas tree costs RM200, DIY paper flowers RMSO, and a DIY wreath RM10. Nothing more than RM300!
Bohentian., eclectic andhontey Denise Taojo-Kaur of Living DNA has several tips and tricks to share in adding a little sparkle to spice up the intimate and cosy setting of your home with artisanal home accessories.
f)cscribc lhc ( :lu·islmas lhemc Create a lively atmosphere with hallways, living room, entrances and table settings decked out with Christmas decorations in the unique combination of sparkle and foliage. These decorations help to lighten the mood and achieve an atmosphere that speaks of celebration and merry gatherings.
Tell us 1nm·e ahoullhe colom· scheme Start with metallic colours such as gold, silver, and copper paired with dark
green leaves as a base. This is followed by coordinating the rest of your Christmas decoration with the existing colours at home.
Ilow do we prep out路 homes for ( :hrislmas路? Give it a little more thought when purchasing Christmas decorations. Don't buy those that last only for a season; instead, focus on decorations that not only brings a festive mood to your home, but can also be rearranged to look great throughout the year.
\\'here should we stm路t decorating our homes? ..,
If, like us, your Christmas gatherings are all about the food, set up the dining table first! Fill a nice vase with flowers and festive greens. Gather bowls of nibbles on a lovely tray. Assemble decorative items into centrepieces and use your best tableware.
\\'hal arel he do"s and don"ls in achic\ring this theme and style? Do decorate with candles. Now is your chance to take your collection of scented, tall or short candles out of your cabinets. Light them up. Also, don't be afraid to DIY! Upcycle bits of fabric, paper, boxes, and old fashion accessories and turn them into coasters, napkin rings, or Christmas tree ornaments to complement your decoration.
llow do we gel into the decorating mood路! Turn up the Christmas playlist!
For the home of the future. vacuuming the noors will he a chore of the past with robot \'3CHums like the Electrol11x Pure i9. The Pure i9 kicks it up a uotch with a 31> \ 'ision7 " system and accom panyin~ sm;utphone a pp that allows you to command and set a cleaning schedule from au~whcre m'Ound the world.ltalso features ClimbForceDrh·ci" and an advanced detection s~stem which helps to prevent it from gellin!( stuck on caq>cts and under furniture; it e\·en J)J'C\eliL~ unfortunate tumbles dm\11 stairs! STUFF THEIR STOCKINGS WITH ...
With air (jHality on the decline. why not gh·e tJ1e gifi of a modern air Jlllrifier to keeJ> the circHlaling air of a techie·s home fi'C\h and f1'Ce from contaminants? The .\it· Cleaner series from Phi lip~ i~ an exemplary example "itll stateof- the-art \ltaShcild IPS technoloj!y U1at can natw-all~ J'CIIlO\e ultmfiuc particle:; <llld conuuon aiJi>orne allergens. .\era\CII\e tcchuoloj!~ also enables ilie .\iJ·Cieancrto di\phl} J'Cal-limc indoor ai• quality.
The oliginal Echo Dot made the concept of having a smart assistant. around the home mot·e palatable for the average homeowner. but a sub-par speaker hampered the experience. Now back for its third iter:ltion. the Dot has grown, and sotmds better than ever before with a r-einvented design and significantly better speaket-s. Tllis is the perfect. gift for the techie who is jusl starting out witl1 his smart. home project. and needs a central command to tie everything together!
T\Jtn your celebrations up a notch with these great wireless headphones. The Major ll Bluetootl1 headphones combine half a century of tried-and-true Marshall Petionnance with the convenience of latest. Bluetooth apt'\ Technology. C ALLIGARIS JUNGLE DINING TABLE FROM XZQT
Shopping for sweet newlyweds who are looking to n1ake their own hon1e, or for rambunctious bachelors or bachelorettes looking forward to a private household? These are the perfect gifts!
\t1 extravagant gift indeed, tl1ejungle dining table is a ceramic- topped behemotl1 that takes visual and dr sign cues from nalure. That is clearly exhibited in the gr oup of triangular legs which are connected by solid \\O od joints that look like an entanglement of wooden br anches. The ceramic top itself is an absolute beauty, JX' rfect for a smashing Chtislmas clinnet'.
Give a family member or ftiend a helping hand in fostering a healthy lifestyle within the household. The Viva Collection Airfryer by Pbilips is tl1e creme de la creme of the segment.. witll the brand"s TurboStar technology which allows one to fty up food using minimal oil. It is also easy to clean, so pr-eparing a meal is a breeze.
As with every Asian household. the rice cooker completes the kitchen. so look to Elba with their r-li tre rice cooker which comes witl1 various cook modes. Those modes go beyond met-ely making lice. and allow for one to make yoghmt. cake. ponidge. and soup! The handy mach ine even reheats food!
Vacuurni ng can be a real. chore witll the conventional vacuum, but not with Electi'Olux·s Ptll·e F9. This cordless vacuum by Electrolux puts ergonomics and versatility in the foreft'Ont by design. Its FlexLift mechanism and pull- out hose means you can clean the space above and below you effOLt.lessly. It. can even stand uprigl1t by itself witl1out having to lean against a wall!
Good healthy hair is the ult imatc complement to a great outfit. Typical hain:h) crs "ill dt') out your hait· owr time. but nollh«:' Ell- ~.\Q8HP6;;;! Built-in nanoc"" and Double ~lineral features means the dryer is gentle 011 your hait·. making it resistant to U\' t-ays and lon_g-tcnn brushing.
Fabttlous-lasting curls ar·e justthc touch of a button away witl1 the StyleCare Prestige. There are 27 setting combinations for different looks to suit any occasion. Clever cmi boost technology also ensm-es that it pt-otects while styling your hair. so you won't ha,·e to wony about de~-.:mying your delicate locks!
The fashion conscious always love a stylish way to hang and display their equally stylish designer coats. Designed by M. Marconato and T. Zappa. the Sir Bis 2 is a solid Canaletta walnut beauty that holds the shape of your jackets. c0<1ts. and trousers while looking the part of a bonafide decorative piece. Available from Studio 216.
This is definitely not a t) pica! hair dryer. The SupersonicTN pt'O\ides fast dt') ing \\ilh hig.h'elocity airflow. and is engincet-ed for balance \\hen in use.llalso releases negative ions to help t•educe static in one·s hair.
For the fmnily member or urban family friend who just loves to cook. a multipurpose appliance like the Deluxc Collection l\lulticooker umkcs the hest stifl. .\ plethora of cookinl! p1-o~rams helps one to ncate a multitude of dishc' and dessc11s with which to daule stuc\l\. .\llthat can be C:t!>ily conti'Ollcd "ilh an inlnili,·e SensorTouch conli"Ol J>anel. SERIE 6 DISHWASHER FROM BOSCH
\\'ant to spruce UJ> an nl!ein!-( kitchen for a close member of the family for Christmas? Start with the hob. l:J>Itl"<ldc to Elba·s Built-in Ceramic lloh! lt isn·t all looks and no function: the \nazzy appliance boasts a futuri\tic aesthetic" ith a nat and glossy surface and touch controls. but also comes with a tota l t>ower of 2900\\'!
Time to take the fcsti,·c season :1s an opportunity to adom your pa.·cnt\ home \\ilh a modern convenience! The Se1ie 6 di\hwa\her fi'Om Bosch is :m exemplary example "iU1 a u adju~tablc triple Rackmatic '~ \ tcm and easy prc-sclcct \\ a\h programmes. lt even projecL~ the lime remailling for ) ou r current wash cycle onto I h c floo r. so you can easily kCCJ> 1<1 hs on it.
(:iflthc sous chef of the famil~ an elegant wa) to present U1eir mmviul( festi\·e dishes "iU1 the Tr;nna l<~blewarc c:ollecliou f1-o111 1\artcll. Sil(ncd by P.Jtric:a IJrtJniola. the 11lates and bowls of the dinner set draw inspiration f•-o•n pottery in country homes, evident in their earthy colou r palcllc. and textured matte finishes. The glasses and jugs. in conlm~l. lake cues from Cl\ll"l\a~Hlt shapes "ith a diamond-like appearance that rcn(cl\ li~htlike precious stones.
HoyGooQII.- - .........- - -
.\rtiliciallntelligence is trickling into the kitchen and one prime example of that is the Lenm·o SmartDi\play. essentiall~· a voice-activated pe1·sonal assist;mt wiLh <1 visual twist. .\,·ailaille with an eistht or ten-i nch display. the Smart Display lets rou watch videos. listen to music. and pull up recipe~ all with the power of your \Oice. so you can keep your hand~ on thatJ>Olroa~l!
Sensitive Skin Care Set . RM35.
Sensit ive Skin Care Set, RM35 T1s' the season to give the more sensitive flowers in the household. the gift of healthy skin! The hypo-allergic skincare range is formulated with natural hydrating and skinprotectrng ingredients perfect for dry to sensitive skin. A crylic Storage and Velour Inner Box, from RM2.90 to RM169 G1ve the g1ft of an easy. fuss -free morn1ng routine! If your significant other is constantly at a loss for how to organise their beauty and grooming products, these acrylic seethrough boxes will ensure easy st orage and even easier retrieval afterwards! Acrylic Storage and Velour Inner Box.
Once you get dressed and ready. it's time to spread the festive cheer with sweet treats! Get these different snack sets from MUJI in a unique cotton mybag with different Christmas designs! • To rtilla & Drink myBag Set RM26.90 U.P. RM33.20 • Chocolate m yBag Set RM43.90 U.P. RM53.60 • Marshmallow myBag Set RM47.90 U.P. RMS9.30 Organic Cotton Flannel Bedlinen Series, fro m RM49.90 to RM489 As Christmas day comes to an end. snuggle up 1n sheets of 100% cotton, and sink 1nto a world of warmth and comfort.
hristmastime is when we all revert into children. and bask in the unadulterated joy of unwrapping presents together in the morning. And yet. our priorities change as adults, and the best gifts are now often g1fts that have spec1al use! If that's you, congratulations! Muji has you covered with a line of aesthetically pleas1ng and unequivocally m1nimalist products.
Organic Cotton Flannel Bed linen Series.
Change up your Christmas celebrations with personalised gins made from scratch. In six steps, you can creale a notebook, sketchbook, or a planner for all the crafty writers and arlists you know, guided by artisans from ana lomy. We catch founders of ana to my: Cliff Lcong, Zccjay Wong, and Fidclla Ch'ng in aclion craning personalised nolcbooks, all assembled with utmost attcnlion and care.
The anatomy of
Bands, Wires,
Plain, ruled, grid,
Foil and Markers
or dotted paper?
Fill in your pa1"ticulars and the words you wa nt insc1·ibed onto your notebook. Choose fi'CHU an a rray of colow·cd clastic hands. twin loot> wiJ·es, and colom·ed foil to go with yom· choice of cover, wiUtthe addi tional add ons of eilhe•· black or· white gel ink pens, PVC bookma1'k rulers, o•· •·ibbon ma•·kers fo•· pCI'sonaJisalion.
Cm·ati ng a notebook fo•· a wt·itcrcum-aJ'tist? \'ou can mix and match grid t>apc•· s heets with t>lain, dolled , 01· even ruled ones acc01·ding to the •·ecit>ienl's needs. A thickness mcasm·cmcnt gauge will cnsm·c that the notebook closes pc•·feclly. A<> a t'Ough estimate, you can choose up to lhe t>acks of t>ape•· ft·om Lhe selection pl'OVided. with the exception of monthly pla nne1'S.
Planner, notebook, or sketchbook? Conside•· Lhe orientation ofyom· planner. notebook, a nd sketchbook. You can ha,·e the elastic ha nd placed ,·crlically or horiwntaUy. In the hands of cxpcl'ts from ana to my, each no tebook is era fled to perfection from Lite accurate lengths of tlte elastic han d to Ute slt·aight alignment or punched holes. eyelets, and washet·s on Ute front cover.
Binding your notebook Secure your notebook with twin loop wires in your choice of colours such as s ilvc•._ black, and gold.
Inscription An imprinting machine is set ut> with the stamping letters for your name spell backwa.·ds. The lcUers a•·e locked up tighUy. and then heated ut> to inscribe the fi'Onl cove•· using coloured foil. To avoid mistakes. Lhe t>rint is tested beforehand on a s:unple cover. Stamping letters a•·e liulited to ten Rom:u1 characters in size 14 Gothic font.
IL's a vVrap! The finished pe•·sonalised notebook is carefully 1>acked into a box that comes with a gift tag. •
A couple and thei r 3 chi ldren 3 storey detached home in Kayangan Heights
HoM â&#x20AC;¢ SIU
7,54 0SQf
SLOPING BEAUTY Indoor and outdoor spaces blend seamlessly in this house which showcases how beautiful and modern timber can look when skilfully deployed.
TOP Seamlessly combining indoor and outdoor. the living and dining overlook the timber deck and swimming pool outside. BOTTOM The Gan family are perfectly at home in thei r resort-style abode.
all it chemistry. or simply being on the same wavelength. but when you work with someone with similar passions. it creates a positive synergy. This was what happened when Choo Gim \Vah of Choo Gim Wah Architect met Gallen Yap about four· years ago. Yap. a 35-year-old businessman with a family of 3 mns a company wh ich supplies various types of timber linishes. When Yap met Choo to talk about the possibility of designing a house for himself and his famil y, Yap also expressed how he would like Lo explore Lhe creative use or Limber in his home, someU1ing which is coincidentally in line wiUl Lhe architect's love for U1e material. Located in U1e affluent suburb of Kayangan Heights. U1e site was undeniably beautiful. However, the task was not without its challenges as the site consisted of a jungle with a gentle slope up of approximately 25 degrees. with an adjacent virgin !orcst area which provided U1e building wiU1 a complimentary lush rarest view. Given the generous land size of 7,6oo sqf combined wiili added complications of a slope. Choo explains U1at it was extremely challengi.ng to design with orthodox spatial planning in mind. Ilowever. the architect did no tallow this to gel in the way of creating the most livable space he could manage based on the surrounding contexL Choo·s solution was to stack the spaces instead of adhering to a lir1em· program. He decidedlo locale the main spaces like tile living. dining, dry and wet kitchens on the first noor. which left the ground lloor free to accommodate an en-suite guest mom and enough space for si.x cars. The first lloor was designed with aJ1 open plan concept., incorporating a 2- storey void for bolh liYing and dining combined. To make Ule mosL of U1e lush surroundings, the living and dining areas were built to open up to a Limber deck and a swimming pool outside. combining the besl of indoor and outdoor spaces while ~
..... .
CLOCKWI S E FROM BELOW All three floors are connected with a steel, timber and glass staircase that appears to float in t he space.
Ample space and storage were provided to cater to the needs of this young family. The timber cladding imbues the architecture with an elegant natural appearance.
permitling ample enjoyment of U1e pool and its view. All three l1o01·s arc c.:onnec.:ted via a large yet lightwcightl.laircase adopting steel. timber. and glass construclion. with U1e stairwell also providing each le,·el with lots of natural lighting. The master bedroom is located on the highest floor. and orienteercd to afford it ,,itJ1 the most spectacular view high abo,·e lhe buildings across the road and all t11c way to tlle horizon. \\'hi le C:hoo found the site challenging, he also readily admits t11at it was also a sow·ce of inspiration. ·(;i,·en the site conditions and constraints. it was a challenge to design a 3-storcy structure t11at would fullill U1e requirements laid down by local authorities. that still engaged harmoniously with the site and slope. I wanted to create a building that would be able Lo capture the beautiful view of lhc jungle nearby with plenty of naLw·allighLing and vcnlilalion. ll is a place for U1e owner to enjoy both nature and modern amenities. bul still feel the warmth and comfort of a 'house·... he enthuses. ''lt is a c.:onstanl light bet~wccn an architect in a tropical country and its clim<~Le. One of the c.:hallenges is Ule orientation of the building witl1in tlle si le. Due to U1e existing hill slope and terrain. the house is selto face e<~sL ''hich is also racing the main \'iew. To maximise
U1is ,·iew. a significant amount of glass was used. Howc,·cr. the cast-facing facade also meant Ulal U1c house "ould he '>ubjecl(.XIto U1c heal of Ulc morning sun. To mitigate this. U1e client had lO lint all U1e cast-facing glass to reduce U1c heat. .\nolhcr challenge was lhc construction of U1e full height sliding glass doors which stretch across the living room. and gelling this perfect really lesled the skills and ability of the contractor: As solutions were found to work wiU1. rather than against the site. C:hoo also did not forget U1e client's request to utilise limber in creative ways U1roughoutlhe building. "The timber cladding was used lihera ll ~· on walls and ceilings. As it was supposed to cover Lhe various walls. reinforced concrete structures of dil'ferenl thicknesses, and even serve to sul>framc the windows. great errort was used to ensure that the Inner surface of U1e wall was lc"el. so lhallhc batten and timber cladding could achie,·c the desired ciTccl. A small Aluminium Channel was used lo divide the limber and the exposed concrete l>m·faccs: he explains. -~ly fa,·ouritc spaces arc the li,·ing. dining. and dry kitchen. which allluwe 'iews and physical connections lO the deck and swimming pool outside. The li,·ing room posscs~cs a limhcr feature wall. and with warm texture materials - marble and Iimber. and " ·atcr. the loud space feels like a resort. and yel with alllhe comforts of a home.· •
TOP The bathroom enjoys an enviable view of the lush surrounding greenery.
BOTTOM The full height shding doors between the liv1ng and pat10 were a challenge to achieve but well worth the effort.
blast of white On the East Coast of the United States, this sccrningly traditional home is surrounded by
nature, but features glamorous interiors that reflect the owners' chic style.
In the g reat room, the sectiona l sofa is from US b rand DDC. the coffee tables are from the Phillips Collection, and the <lrmch8ir s
are from Mitchell Gold+ Bob Williams. The chandelier is by lindsey Adelman, and the colourful work was c reat ed by the owner (the wife).
W .le nipping lhi'Ough lhe p<~ges of a design mag<1zine. a young couple lh·ing in :\ew Yorl-. City wilh lheir baby immediately related to interi01· designer Sasha Bikofrs acslhclic. Tired of Lheir crowded weekend commule Lo Lhc llarnplons their previous escape from Lhe husllc and husllc of M<lllhaUan
- U1c family made the decision lo purchase a vacation house in Lhc quieter are<~ of lludson \ 'alley. localed approximately 16okm north of Xew York Cily. While il was lhe !irsl time 13iko1Thad worked with these clienls. Lhe match seemed dcslincd from U1e beginning. "The clients arc fashion-forward ~
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The vintage chaise longue, adorned w ith a custom silverfox throw, is by V ladimir Kagan. On t he left of the fireplace, the abstract brass faces are from the Phillips Collection, the marb le and brass Brueton bar was purchased on lstdibs.com, and the sconce is by Homenatu re.
The surrounding trees and the wood and stone facade of the house inspired some design elements in the interior spaces.
and ed~y. and wanted their home to reflect that· ~Says Hikoff. ·r would describe my project!. with similar adjectives. so 1"as excited to be able to take that aesthetic outside of ~lanhatlan. and bring that style to a cit~ "ith a re lath ely more rustic and naturc-hca,·y feel: Located right on U1e llud\on Ri' er wiU1the hcautiful. ~crcnc landscape as a backdrop. U1c two-lewl hou!.e features a wood and stone facade that does not ~i,·c an~ hinL<; as to what's inside. ·~1y challenge wa~S layering those references or nature into a desi~n Lhal highlights U1e wife's preferences for mclallics,
mirrored surfaces. lcalhcr and fur.· Bikorr says. Bringing the outside in while incorporating U1e sophisticated and artful style of the O\mer'S was ke). -~ly number one U1ing in design is U1atthe interior'S of U1e space need to coincide'' ith where U1e home is.· adds BikofT. "llikc tile clicnL<;' dedication to keeping nature involved in the design process. They arc hoth glamorous people. but wanted a calming element to hm·e a transcendent presence in the home. Being able to esu1blish a balance between Lhal high-gloss glamour ami tranquil neulral feel was•a great way to play with differenL hues andlpicccs. •
/\lost or Ule walls were painted in pearly grey. re,·caling a mo~tl) neutral colour scheme that helped Lo create a peaceful atmosphere. Looking out to the rh er through a lot of glass "indows. the double height li' ing room emphasi~es the theme of nature. ·The Edward l'ields rug depicts a st)lised stream hed in tones of black. grey and white - a fitting anchor for the Phillips Collection mollen lava rock coffee l<tbles. a nubby and contemporary On the Hocks sectional sofa by DDC. and a l.indscy i\delrm111 brass and glass chandelier Lhat is a modem inlerpreLalion of ~
The tnple-burnt teak chair on the right side of the fireplace and the dining cha1rs are by Andnanna Shamans. The dining table was designed by Blkoff, while the pendant lights are from Arteriors.
LEFT In the corridor, the wallpaper has an angled silver metallic pattern, making the wall look like a silvery rock face. The custom g lossy green sconces resemble ;,ntlers -;, fun nod to the local deer population.
TOP LEFT In the guest room , Matouk bedding was paired w ith a shag rug and a petrified-wood table for a laid-back look with a woodsy vibe. Sculptural nightstands elevate the setup with an industrial quality. TOP RIGHT In the glossy black and white bathroom. Bikoff wanted to infuse the homeowners' chic downtown style with a traditional waterfront cottage sty le.
According to Bikoff, the interiors of a space need to co1nc1de with where the home 1s. Located on t he Hudson R1ver, this house is serene and t ranquil.
"::.~ -
branches: says Bikoff. On one side of the stone lireplace. a sculplural triple-bu rnl Leak chair by i\ndrianna Shamaris. and on U1e other side a series of ailsLracL hrass faces hy Lhe Phillips Collection add sophi~Lica Lion Lo the space. 1\lso. a new custom glossy stain was applied on all Lhe original floors of U1e home. •\hslrad arlwot·ks "'ilh bright colours - created by the wife - adorn the house. ·For Ule nursery. I took cues from U1e vhid palettes of her paintings·. says BikoiT. who boldly chose to contrast this room wiU1 U1e rest of the home. Both the kitchen-dining room (decorated with while
cabinet.ry. a walnut table and wo,·en-hide chairs by Andrianna Shamaris) and lhe master bedroom (furnished with a custom canopy Uhuru Design bed and two white Kelly WearsUer tub chairs) continue the soft theme. Metallic accenL~. howe\'er. were introduced. including the Arteriors mirrors in the bedroom and U1e silver leaf ceiling in the master bathroom. to resonate with the dwellers· tastes. ·There's a lot of repeat of Ule motifs U1e wife lo,·es - she's r·eaJJ~- into jewellery. and she's all about metals. That's where her edginess comes from: she Jo,·es chrome and brass." BikoiT explains. ·t wanted to keep Ulc
materials feeling fashionforward. while ensuring that they still lit with U1e home's surroundings." For the designer, interiors arc much more than living spaces. According to her: M They e,·oke a distinguished lifestyle. ofl'cl'inJ.( individuals Lhe u niquc opporttmity to tu m their homes into an eclectic. creati,•e oasis. and a place they can truly call U1eir own: In this lludson pi'OJlerty. it is certainly whal BikoiT stri,·ed Lo achie\'e..\n idyllic exterior selling. a refined look and a precise sense of style: .\11 U1c ingredienL~ combine to gi,·e life lo a visually strong. yet subll~· shaped family retreat •
LABOU R OF LOVE How does one create a home with personality? In this apartment, it seems like a generous dose of handmade touches didn't hurt.
A 43-year-old bachelor NoMâ&#x20AC;˘ A three-room apartment
..z. 796sqf
LEFT, BELOW After partial hacking of the wall to create a k itchen counter, Herman overlaid its front face with plywood strips from Daiso, so that it would match the look of the k itchen. RIGHT Formerly a bedroom, the dining area receives abundant sunlight. The dining table is from Second Charm, and the dining chairs are from Hipvan. RIGHT, BELOW Herman gives a lesson in subtle room division - using narrow bamboo blinds and a series of plants hung from a wooden branch, a "curtain" is formed around the TV area.
ome renovations typically take a few months. depending on the size of the property and the complexity of U1e works invoh·ed. But for Herman Yap·s three-room Oat. it was on I~· after a year had passed Ulat he was sali<;fied enough to stop all furnishing and finishing works. In truth. the transformation of this Japanese zakka-concept abode- zakka meaning a mishmash of e,·eryday objects Lo improve one's life - happened in two phases. The lirst phase. which took over Lhree monilis, iJwolved an interior designer who helped wiU1 the foundational heavy-duty work such as installing U1e laminate llooring, kitchen cabinetry. piping and aircon trunking. IIowever. the o,·erall design and. most of all. U1e finer details Ulat catch the eye - from U1e typography art on U1e T\·wall. to U1e r10ren crntains and plru1ter Crrune in the kitchen - were U1e 0\\1ler's own doing and took up Ule bulk of the time. -I like doing hands-on. DIY stuff. so every weekend since I moved in last January. till ~ovember. I was doing DIY projects around the house. styling a small area each lime." says the 43-year-old, who teaches visual merchandising. "IL took so long because I had to make measurements aJld scout f(>r U1e exact materials U1at I needed." Upon entering the moclesl 796sqf unit. one immediately notices how breezy. bright and open it is. It is these qualities a result of Ule corner unit being on the lofty nU1 storey. and Ule generous lengU1 of Ule li,·ing room and adjacent bedroom windows - Ulat won Herman o,·er while house ,;e,,;ng two ~
years ago. The bachelor. who li\'eS on his parents' landed property on weekdays. stays here over U1c weekends. With his room at his parents' home decked out in Scandinavian style. he went for more wood for his apartment. complementing the green of the 1nany plants throughout his home. The wood elements come in a \'ariely of textures: long wooden slats on the ceiling. japancsc-inspired room di,·iders. and raw branches that he'd picked up by U1c roadside or bought from the market and Crate 13 Barrel. For in::.piralion. he referenced se,·eralmagazincs and Be;uns :il llome. a book series thatleatures the homes 78
of staff working aljapanese fashion apparel brand Beams. "The interior designs arc really casual, which is what I wanted for my home- nothing too formal. wiU1 a bit of a caJe feel: he says. While most homes just have one lcature wall. llermmfs sports a couple because he "can'l stand <111)thing too hare". The 1Y wall is one of them. and the inchidual parts of the ,·isual ensemble bear elements of his personality and passions. Fashioned in elegant scrii>L U1e ",\lake yourself' al homc-l)lJOgraphy art abo,·e Ulc T\' was hand-painted by llcrman. and is nanked by a white wooden shutter board with his own graphic designs-
including a cartoon illustration of himself - and a framed autographed J\lonoclc magazine cover. amongst other i terns. I lis favourite spot is the reading corner he created behind Ule kitchen counter. Complete wiU1 a me~gaziuc rack and camo camp bcm;h. the corner is made cosy with a rug from ,\lorocco. lantern from Beams. and a 1995japancsc sake poster featuring ,\ladonna by French artists Pierre cl Gillcs. I le spends most of his lime. howc,·er. at U1c dining area where he lakes his meals and works on his la plop. lie e,·cn set up a mini panll)' with a microwa,·e oven on the ladder shelf. and drinks and condiments within easy reach ~
LEFT The regular structure of the shoji doors provides some visual order, in the otherwise casual home. OPPOSITE The living room's screed wall is the perfect backdrop for the owner's collectibles, including a Takashi Murakami print and Japanese drugstore mascot Sato-chan. the orange elephant figurine. BELOW A simple wooden ledge in the bedroom holds both clothing and art prints.
As Herman doesn't cook much, his kitchen destgn is simple. with lowmaintenance features like an induction cooker.
on a nearby LJ·olley earL. As Ule kitchen windows race a neighbouring block. llerman wanted to create a screen over U1e sink for privacy. Using photo frames from llipvan. which were screwed together and fastened lo U1e ceilinl-(. he created an in nova live screen that doubles as a planter frame to hang light plants. Pre,·iously used as a laundry room by the former 0\\1lers. the utility room was also com·ertcd into a fully furnished guest room. You eanl mil>S the shoji sliding doors of llerman's bedroom. They arc cu.\tom-madc wiU1 solid wood planks and shoji paper from Tokyu Ilands. and llerman had U1e centre panel overlaid wiU1 dye-cut 80
paper prints in U1e seigaiJ1a pallern. a LradilionaJ j apanesc rnoli r of lapping waves. Inside, you can lind more loose f'nrniLme pieces. like an open storage system Crom Ikea. The lack of built-in furniture in this home is nol an accident. lie says: ··1 don't like anrLhing permanent or built-in. ,, portable piece of f11rnjt11l'C gi\·es me the freedom to mo,·e U1ings around as I am always shining U1ings.- While he doesnl think he will cease tilUe DIY spruces from time to lime. he is prcUy satisfied wiUt hls first attempt al interior styling. •
RIGHT Before becoming a lecturer. Herman was a g raphic designer. and contri buted illustrations to The Straits Times, and Urban and Nuyou magazines. The wooden cabinet he got from lkP" h"~ been accessorised with stickers. ABOVE The tropical theme in the wet bathroom g ives an outdoorsy feel to showers. OPPOSITE The dry bathroom saves space and the environment with an eco-friendly toilet with an integrated hand basin.
text ISABELLE TOW photography VERNON WONG art direction KAFFY TAN
KEEP IT SIMPLE Downsizing provides an opportunity to be creative with storage and furniture-hunting.
Wallpaper that resem bles t iles makes for an interesting feature wall at the entrance and in the dining area. OPPOSITI! With just a rattan cha1r and a coffee table over a turf carpet. the balcony offers a cost-effect1ve solution to creating a Simple and cosy relaxation corner. 83
A coup le in their 40's A three-bed room executive condominium SIU 950Sqf HoMâ&#x20AC;¢
OPPOSITE TOP Veronica spends a lot of time w ith her husband and t wo sons in the dining and living rooms. OPPOSITE BELOW LEFT A quirky hook provides a simple solution that takes advan tage of wall space to provide extra hanging storage. OPPOSITE BELOW RIGHT The wall beside the dining area was ext ended to create more room. Mike and t he homeowners searc hed for a long time for the perfect dining table to suit the look and space.
A bu1lt-in bed frame 1n younger son Colin's room incorporates storage, maximising the usable space 1n an extremely small room.
omcownccs o,nos 'J'ng
and \'e•·onica Chong decided to mo\·e from their executh·e nat in U1e east because they were \'Cry impressed \\iU1 the Edgcdalc Plains shownaL. They also lo\·ed U1e fact that it was within walking distance of the nearest LRT station. "There were only small units Iell when we came to \~ew the development. but because we liked il \'Cry much. we decided Lo buy il an ywa~·.- says Veronica. ll was no mean feal for a fam ily of four lo relocate from an approximately 1,4oosqf llatto a 950sqf apartment. The~· Look U1e opportunity Lo declutter. ~ 1 figured that if 1 had not used something for the pasl six years. I could probably do without it.- \ 'eronica rationalises.
Ke\'erUleless. storage remained an issue. l.O the couple turned Lo Dariu<;' childhood friend and interior designer. ~like Tan from Egg3. lla\'ing gro\\11 up togeU1cr wiU1 Darius. as well as ha\'ing del.igncd quite a few or the couple's IH'e\·ious homes. ~ like knew their tastes well. Oarius and \ 'cronica Jell e\'erylhing in his hands. from the design to the site coordination and supervision. l ie e\•en Look them shopping for fu rn ilure and lighL<;. "i\s the apartment is raU1er small. 1had to devise ways Lo incorponlte more storage spaces: ~·l ike explains. lie c;une up with some creative ways or creating extra storage in various areas within the apartment. One example is the kitchen. In addition lo the household shelter
BELOW A ceiling ledge in elder son Sean's room is a clever way o f concealing the beam and providing addit ional storage. OPPOSITE The timeless design of the home is one that w ill never go out of style.
and kitchen toilet Lhal arc also used lill' stontgc. a lloor-Lo-cciling builtin cabinet was erected ncxLto the household shelter· to house cooking ingredients. The original layout and most or the existing linishes were rctajned. so the bulk oflh c renon1Lion costs went into built-in carpentry and furniture. -lt was challenging bCC<IU!>C \\'C needed t O lind furnitLU'C U1at not only tied in with U1c design concept it also had to be able to fit comfortably into the limited size of U1c '·m·ious rooms.~ ~like elaborates. Al Lhc end of the day. simplicity rules. and Lhis home demonstrates how. with some strategic design intervention and appropriate styling, a small apartment can become a cosy home for the fami ly. •
text LYNN TAN photography VERONICA TAY art direction NONIE C HEN
NER 'S These homeowners' love for Scanclinavian design is evident in their stylish matrimonial home.
Vanessa chose large format stone· look tiles from Rice for the floors to create an understatedly elegant look. lill>
The kitchen wall was remo,·ccl Iter acquirin~ their f four-room and the dining area now sit::; IIDH HTO home. next to a dry kitchen. "\Ve arch itcclurally trained hard I~· cook. but, when we do. interior designer Va ncssa we mostly use the oven. so tJlis is a very practical space Ong and her husband. 1igcl for us, especially as we enjoy Chan. were ccrlilinlhcy hosting famil y and friends. wanted their apartment Lo he spacious. bright and welcoming. This is the perfect communal gathering area for all." Vanessa They kuew whallhcy wautcd from the star'l, lilking lols of says. "lt is also my work space. de::;ign inspiralion from the where I meet clients.- she Scandimwian region. ·):igcl adds. \ 'anessa runs her own works ala Copenhagen-based interior design lirm April company and we arc \'Cry much Atelier. with her home marking tJ1e brand's debut pl'Ojccl. influenced by Scandina\'ian designs. especially as we LJ·a,·cl She clc,·crly hides Lhe household shelter and shoe there oltcn.· \'anessa explains. cabinets behind nlirrored .\big part of their R.\!2.40.000 r·enOnltiOn doors. "·hich go unnoticed (excluding fumishings) expense unless opened. This way. went towards opening up instead of the cabinelJ~· making the ::;pace and keeping tJ1c U1e space claustrophobic. tJ1e interiors seamless and sleek. mirrors ha,·e in turn created a ~ 90
A couple in their 30s, and their newborn "o"• Four-room apartment SIZI 990SQf
RIGHT Mirrored doors are a perfect way to hide cabinetry from sight, while keeping the home looking spacious and bright. FAR RIGHT Many of the fixtures, including the lights and mirrors. were picked up during the couple's travels. BELOW
The open-plan kitchen and dining areas are connected to t he living room, making the layout perfect for entertaining guests. OPPOSITE
The lkea Sinnerlig dining table is paired with Thonet dining chairs from Grafunkt. lambert & Fils' Dot Line suspension lights hang overhead.
sense or opennes!) through the illusion or space. Keeping most or the walls white is also one of the key design strategies as it helps reJlecL more light. making the home appear brighter. This way, the selection oJ designer furnitm¡c in U1e living room can take cenlre stage, including an olive sofa from Muuto. Cassina's P22 armchair <Uld &tradition's Palette]Hi coffee table.
LEFT TOP The master bathroom door was replaced with a mirrored sliding one, to increase the usable space wit hin. Mirrors are usef ul when getting dressed, and the door is also perfect for this job. LEFT BOTTOM The couple decided to hack the wall between the master bedroom and adjacent bedroom, to create more space for the wardrobe.
BELOW Perfectly styled and complete with soft furnishings in muted tones. the master bedroom is a comfortable and cosy area for the couple to wind down after a workday.
The door or the lirsl bedroom was also removed. ''~th pmt of the wall hacked and a sliding glass door put in place to allow more light to penetrate Lhe dining and kitchen areas. In a bid to enlarge the master bedroom. the couple borrowed floor area from the second bedroom. llence. U1crc is now sufficient space for a dedicated corner to situate the wardrobe and dressing area.
Instead of a full-height feature wall. \ 'ancssa chose stone-look Liles that span the length of the bedroom. and complemented that \dlh a cosy nook next to the bed. styled wiU1 Gubi's .\lasculo lounge chaiJ·. a sidetable from local furnjtw-e store jottcrgoods. and a standing lamp from Rubn. BoU1 haUu-ooms arc in a d<u·ker colour palette for a sensuous feel. For the common
baUll'oom. \ 'anessa sourced blue sqmu·c tiles on the walls. pattcmcd tiles on U1c floor and a customised terrazzo basin from ,\n lluat Trading. .\!any of the fixtures were also hand-carried back from U1c couple's tnwcls. including the Buster + Punch lighling from London and miiTOr from Sydney. For the master bathroom. grey terrazzo tiles clad U1c
en lire space. Ledges were also created to hide unsighUy pipes. while offering additional counter space for accessories such as flowers. candles and e,·en an artwork or .'iew York's Guggenhcim .\luscum. Thanks to UleiJ· eye for design and good choice of finishes and funtitw·e. this newly rcno,·atcd apartment is home to e,·erything U1al U1ese home0\\1lers lo,·e! 8
w~ Of&V S'face5' An old terrace house gets a breezy Scandinavian-
style makeover for its hon1eo"'mers and their children.
LEFT A "hello" sign in a cursive typeface g reets visitors at the door.
BELOW light colours and a neutral scheme set the tone in the house.
OPPOSITE The home's outdoor area has been turned into an open-air living room for the family.
Couple with the ir three young children HoMâ&#x20AC;˘ Three-storey la nded property SIZB 2, 700sqf
l bears all U1e hallmarks of a Scandinavianinspired home. The white walls, modern furniture. clean lines and. of course. the essenlial dose of warm brown accents for some rusLic cosiJ1ess. But what also makes Lhis refurbished Uu¡ee-sLorey terrace house a stand out is how it has been so eiJortlessly ru1d stylishly pulled togeU1er against a predominantly wftite backdrop by interior stylist Priscilla Tan or Styledby.pt. From the modish neutraltoned furniture to the way it is laid out, the di!Terentseclions of the home showcase how simplicity meets beauty. SubUe wood tones for the furniture and llooring at the family's resort-chic front porch extend into the living room. The 6m-high ceiling in the living room lends the space a breezy
feel , upping the hygge factor or the home. F'or a discreet luxe feel, Priscilla decked out the living room with rose gold-trimmed furnitLu·e and accessories such as a cusLomised armchai1·, round coffee table and mirror - the sleek dashes or gold cu·e also on the lamp fixtures in the dining room and kitchen, as well as the shelves in the entertainment room, so that these spaces do not give an overall impression of appearing too whitewashed. Each rug and cushion was also specially hand-picked by Priscilla, who prides herself on being more U1an just cu1 interior designer - she's also a SL"ylist. LET THERE BE LIGHT
The original wall separaLing the living room from U1e kitchen was hacked to open up the space and make way for more natural light Again. its design is a no-frills layout combini11g funcLionality with a minimalist aestheLic. Asmall island top designed to be chilcl-frienclly also lets the children gather round and participate in kitchen aclivities. _t
ABOVE The light colour scheme offers a perfect canvas for showcasing these colourful book covers.
The cooking area benefits from p lenty of natural light. OPPOSITE BOTTOM LEFT
The wall t iles are laid in an interesting herringbone pattern. OPPOSITE BOTTOM RIGHT
The designer kept the f ocus oo the
int erior design by keeping the selection of furniture simp le.
, ,.
â&#x20AC;¢. 97
ABOVE LEFT A gold sconce lamp stands out prominently against the blue bedroom wall. ABOVE RIGHT Pastel hues in the bathroom keep the atmosphere light-hearted and welcoming. RIGHT Gold accents on the shelves add depth to the living area. OPPOSITE Elegant drapes give the master bedroom a luxurious and decadent feel.
Perhaps the most adventurous palette is found in lhe bedrooms. The master bedroom sports an eye- popping spectrum of blue hues, from light Lo teal. For a luxe boudoir feel. the room also features heavier carpeting, arl:\.vorks
and more ornate lighting fixtures such as Lhe chandelier. The kids' bedrooms are also splashes of bold colour (pink lor U1e girls, and a wallpaper mm¡al for U1e boy). Modern and minimalist, this house lets in plenty of natural light while earthy accents keep Lhe interior homely and cosy. â&#x20AC;˘
il-(h on a platc<tu lies T<tmara Kodai. a t6o-ycar-old.Jcsuilmon<tSleryturncd-luxury resort. Irs located in Kodaikanal. a hilly. cri:.p-aired and pristine region in the southcrnmo:.t lndian slate of Tamil :\adu. The heritage resort is situated on the site or Baync·s Bungalow. presumably Kodaikanal's liflh oldc:.t house huill around •8~7. a century hel'orc India's independence. B<tCk then. the area was predominantly occupied by tribal nalives. Baync's Bungalow evolved into a monastery. whose ecclcsiaslical rounders arc evoked in contemp o ra r~· art depicling three cowlcd figures gracing the resort's preened l'ronl gardens. Sensitive resloralion or the historic struclurc meant retaining the high ceilings. and restraint in the interior styling. The resull is an understated look. where effusive linery cedes to a liheralingsense of space. This is complemented by relrochic earth-coloured leather sofas enclosing stone fit'Cpits. Under the ,.i,·id red-tiled slanted roofs lies an elaborate geometry or dark wood beams t'Csling on vintage metallic \\Toughtiron poles. The stained glass artwork abo,·e the doorway adds a splash of colour to t11e dark. earthy tones.
H ABOVE ALL ELSE Situated allhe lop of a mountain in Tamil Nadu is a 16o-year- old bungalow offct·ing the perfect retreat.
The rcsorl's suites arc located within a two-tiered lot on the propcrl~. "ith each tier comprising four lakc-,·icw suites. To access them. visitors Lake a path along a night of dark wood stairs tessellated with vibrant Spanish tiles. \ 'iews of Lhe hrcalhlaking scenery at almost i.ooo fl can he enjoyed from all areas within each suite, so guests do not have to brave the low temperatures outside in order lo enjoy the scenery. ll may be nippy ouL'lidc hul Lhc golden-yellow walls evoke
higher level preserYes monastic ambience. while an impressive chandelier comes gushing d0\\11 from tall \\TOught iron beams - onto <Unazing bufl'cl layouts. To enjoy the serene surroundings. take breakfast outdoors on a quaint patio overlooking nature's glories. Dinners are served at La Providence. another restaurant on the premises. which features restored stone walls and anlique doors. IIere, a brigade of 15 chefs creates the rcstaw·<ull'S lavish
lhc fed o f w~~r~n rays hc~un in~
cuisine encompassing tongue-
down .. \ lotus-like pool lies monumcnt;.tlly on a raised platform SUITOunded by lofiy wall~ and is connected to the award-winning Tamara spa next door. One of its restaurants. Bistro 18-4;;. can be round in another huilding with a lily pond ..\ library "ith leather- hound hooks on Lhc all-day-dining restau rant's
tickling SouU1 Indian, rich Xorlh Indian. Continental and surprisingly good Pan-Asian. complemented by cocktails from the award-winning barman. Prince. Pampered wiU1 the best that man and natw·e pt'O,·idc. it's litllc wonder why many arc flocking to this getaway. making it a top destination for well- heeled holidaymakers. •
Undet¡lhe vivid red-tiled slanted roofs lies an elaborate geometry of dat'k wood beams resting on vintage o1elallie l\TJ."'ngbt-ii"'n poles.
T HIS PAG E The understated design of the courtyard, lobby and bedrooms pays homage to the resort's monastic history.
OPPO S ITE Views of the garden. the alfresco dining area and interior of the restaurant d ining hall at Tamara Kodai.
1. Rainbow Trek The Tamara's savvy, suave Unique Guest Experience Manager. Syed Mehaboob. crafts inspired treks, the resort's unique selling point. Traverse a creeper forest resonant w ith birdsong t o a spectacular viewpoint; then descend to a cave for refreshments and views of a waterfall.
2. Coolie Ghat Trek This is an arduous forest trek on the British-created courierdispatch path. Ravi , officially resort gUide, but really walking forest-pharmacy and culinary expert, can dispense cures for all ailments, orchestrate all-berry forest breakfasts and make of strange forest growths condiments for b1ryams! 3. Bert Jam Forest it's a lake-studded reserve forest and repository of birds, w ith sensational views.
4. Lake Kookal Bicycle Tow
Kodaikanal is known for a manmade lake the town grew around but Syed Mehaboob unveils lesser-known natural splendours.
s. Choc:olatla a ChHM Handmade chocolate IS Kodaikanal's special ity. Discover world-class European cheeses too. The Tamara orgamses tasting of "Carousel" cheeses that expats make at the organic Skamba Farm.
Beyond mere ornaments, the placement of the Christmas tree and how you string the lights Is Imperative to how brightly lt shines!
SHINE A LIGHT Place your tree in a spot that permits natural light to hit it, while ensuring the tree itself does not block out any light from windows. In the same vein, make sure it is also not shoved into a dark corner, only to be seen when the fairy lights come on. You'll want to make sure there's a power supply nearby, too!
TO BE SEEN The foca l point of any home during Christm as is always the tree, so make sure it is visible from multiple vantage point5 when you put it in its spot. Let it be the first thing you see when you enter your home, coming down from the stairs or from the kitchen with a cup of hot chocolate in hand. The more you see it, the more the festive vibe builds!
Even in an open-concept home, there should be natural pathways between rooms that should not be blocked, not even by a Christmas tree. Make sure to consider this on top of the two aforementioned facto rs when choosing a spot. You don't want to knock over a towering mess of shrubbery and fragile festive ornaments on your way to the kitchen in the middle of the night.
Many would overlook this step and go straight to wrapping the lights around the branches instead. You normally end up with a thin weave of lights which might look hollow when lit up. Go deep and string single coloured fairy lights around the trunk from top to bottom; you will end up with a Christmas tree that looks like it is glowing from within! TRY SOMETHING DIFFERENT
Most Christmas trees have their lights strung horizontally in a helix pattern, but if you are looking for something different, try switching planes. and go vertical with your fairy lights instead. For one, it is easier to do as it only requires that the lights to be secured on the top; for another, it creates a unique 'light-fall' effect which makes your Christmas tree stand out from the rest. Just make sure to secure it at the bottom too, to avoid the lights moving around.
When it comes to lighting up a larger Christmas tree, you will need two or more sets of fairy lights to really fill it in. To prevent that unlit spaces between the branches, try overlapping the lights as you wind them around the tree. Step back once you're done and do a squint test; you should see the tree completely covered by bokeh with no gaps in between. â&#x20AC;˘
CA1ALONIA The cornerstones of Cat:llnn cuisine: Iugrcdicnts. Drawiug on the quality of i ngreclicnL~ on en used aloug the Meditcrr<liiC<Ill c·oasl. the people of Catalonin favour fi'('Sh vegetables uot uulikc those enjoyed in Italy: tomatoes. gal'lir. cp,gplant. and bell peppers amoug them. Pasta is of great import.1ncc alongsiclt> pork. beans. olive oil. cheese. \\ine. and fish andlO\)'.tuna. and sardines. The perfect broad net to cast for a Chlistmas feast to remember. C:ltalan cuisine is lich in flm·our and wmming to the core. ·we ha,·e a '-atict} of spices that can b1ighten up e'en thr most bating of clishrs. be it steak. poultry. seafood. or ,egetablcs.says Chef Da,·id CK1ral of ~ lcrcat Barcelona Gaslrobar.. \ud the proof of it is certainly in tht' pudding! The menu at ~lerc:ltle;wes little to br desired. and there is somrthing for everyone: flavour. texture. :Hid the wonderful gift of indulgence. all brought together with the clever ust• of high quality ingredirnts and the Chefs imagination. Of this he snys: •J thoroughly hrli('vr in the power of tbe quality of ingredicuts. and how they can transform the simplcst of dishes. For me. pcrsonnlly. great quality salt and olivr oil arc thc liJOSt iiiii)Orlalll. 111L'}' are lilY Slai),C~ at home, :llld in my kitchens: Chtistmas for Chef Da' id is built on childhood memoli('S. -~1}' personal favoutitrs are canelons and galets soup.· He tells us. "At my home. if ranclon and galets soup appenrs on the dinin~ tablr. it means Chtistmas is h('l't' and the celebrations can b('gin. All these dishes are vcty t}1Jiral Chtist mas dishes in Ban~rlona. and C\"CL) family has its o"11 special \Oltiation. These m-e mine. I hope you enjoy them as my family and I always do d111ing the fe~-th·c season:
• 1Tbsp extra vil'gin olive oil • 1'• tsp white truffie oil • 700 g mushrooms. a variety. trimmed and torn into large pieces • Sea salt • Pepper • 2 cups whole milk • uJ g m1salted butter • 128 g + 1Tbsp all purpose flour • 32 g Manchego cheese. grated • 2 large eggs • 32 g plain dry breadcrumbs • Olive oil for frying • TrufOe salt for sprinkling
in a large skillet Cook the mushrooms over moderate heat "~th salt and pepper. stirring occasionally. until golden and tender. about5 - 7 minutes. Remove from heat. t11en fmely chop the mushrooms before stirring in U1e remaining half of the truffie oil. Make bechamel sauce: Bring milk t.o a simmer in a small saucepan. In another medium saucepan, melt the butter, 1hen add half the nour and whisk Llntil smooth. Cook over very low heaL, whisking frequently for
• 15 ~ledjool pi lied dates • 15 Marcona almonds • 5 rashers bacon. cut into thirds METHOD
P1·eheaL the oven to 205 C. Line a sheet t.ray with a silicone baking maL or parchment paper. 2. Make an incision on one side of each elate and insert an almond. Squeeze the date shut in your hand to SeClu·e. J. \\'rap each date with bacon and secure with a toothpick. 4. Place all dates on prepared sheet tray. Roast in oven until the bacon is starting to crisp. about 5- 6 minutes. ·n.u·n the dates over and cook for an addilionals - 6 minutes. 5· Serve hot. \\~t11lime wedges as 1.
minutes. J. Remo\'e bechamel
from heat and fold in mushrooms and cheese. Season wi IJ1 sal 1and pepper. Transfer Uw mi:\.t1u·e to a bowl and press plastic wrap directly onto surface. Refrigerate until firm. about an hour. 4. Spread ouL the remnining half of your flour in a shallow bowl. In another sha!Jow bowl, whisk Ute eggs. Spread the
breaclcnunbs out into a third bowl. ~- Roll the mushroom mixture into eighteen 1' 1 inch balls. Dredge them in flour. then coat wiU1 egg and dredge in breadcrumbs. Transfer to a plate. 6. In an enamelled medium cast iron casserole, heal 2 inches of olh·e oil up to 185 C. Line a large plate with paper towels. Working in two batches. f1y tJ1e croquettes until golden brown. about 4 minutes. Drain on paper towels. Arrange on a platter and sprinkle with truffle salt before serving.
until -ter Is hot to touch. Remove from the burner and soak until you need them.
• 350 g prunes. stoned
'· Soak prunes and raisins in a bowl for four hours. 2. Cut chicken into small pieces. Season with sail and pe1Jper. Pow· a few tablespoons of olive oil into a large frying pan and brown the chicken pieces. Remo,·e from pan and place in a large open pot. J. Drain the prunes and raisins. Using the chicken browning pan. saute prunes. raisins. and pine nuts. Add chopped
• ns g white raisins
• 1.6 kg chicken. cut into pieces • One CUI) pine nuts • 1 ' • cup onion. chopped • 3 tomatoes. chopped • ~ Tbsp olive oil. more as needed • 2 cups chicken stock • !50 ml white wine • alt and black pepper to taste
onions and saute. adding olive oil if necessary. Add chopped tomatoes and cook for approximately 5 minutes. Add chicken broth and simmer for another 10 minutes. Pour sauce o,·er chicken and simmer until cooked and tender. A few minutes before serving, add breadcrumbs to thicken. stirring as you do. Add \dne and simmer. Taste and adjust seasoning as needed. Serve witl1 white tice.
kg whole chicken legs 2 kg yellow onions. peeled and roughly chopped .\lirepoix mix no ml white" ine Storebought pasta sheeL'i 2.5 g sundried tomatoes 2 Litres chicken stock Bechamel sauce Grated parmesan cheese Chopped chi\'es Olive oil Sail and pepper to taste \1 R<mci
• i •
• • • • •
• • • • • •
Scar chicken legs and set aside. Saute mirepoix until brown and deglaze with
while wine and \I Ranci. Place chicken legs in lray wilh mircpoix and co,·er wiU1 chicken stock. Cook in o,·en for 1.5 hours alt8o C. co,·ered wiU1 aluminium roil. 2. Strain the stock. U1en reduce il to a sauce and sel aside. 3. Remo,·e bones and skin from lhe meal. Process meal in a blender. lhcn season wilh salt m1cl pepper. Add in cl1icken jus and bcchamel sauce to season. 4. Cul cooked storcbought pasta sheets into lJXlJCm pieces and pipe wog chicken lilling o,·er iL
ABOUT CJtBE..DAVID CARAL < hcf ll:11 icl Caral i' ma~ i ulflht• 1111"1
cldiduU\ 11:0\C\ iu "uala lt111l(IUI'! \ \aliH' uf ll:trrl'lo11a. ~(laiu. lh<· )loud chd i' ~11111111 "' lht• nnh rhd localh lo (H'nl idt• a11lhcnlk ~l ><llt i\h ( ui\ine under llw l•an rwr uf \le real llarrcluna (;:"lruhar. \1 ilh l'\ (>Cri<'IKL' a-plcnl) untlcrhdl. ( hcf I la1 id ha' 11nr~cd 11ilh \litht•lin ,l;rrn·d th··f, lhc li~l'' of\alfi \rola (of I \Ill :11 d \obu \lai\Uhi'Cl (of \ohul. and 11orld rcno11rll'd l'\l<thlhhmt•nl\ Hilt ( arllun. \hemlon. anclllarrud", In narnt•. ft·ll. \knal lkrndnn:r ( ''"lrohar" ( hd 1>.11 id'' hid at a d1 narnit· and ('Uil\ i\ial c.Jinina ~·t'lll' rt.•tnilli\tc.•nl ur la(>a' hal'\ in lht• lhri1 in)! llarn·lnna 'urromuh. lfi, nli\int.· i\ in'11in.·( ~~~ lr-adilinnal n·d(><."'· a(l(l!Uadll·d 11ilh a t·unh.·mporaf1 ''' j,t "hilc.· ltl'\ t•r lo,inJ,! 'il!hl nf ( at:rlan n rl lun· and hi,lun.
into a cylindrical shape. :;. Finish U1e cannelloni hy lopping wiU1 hcchamel ~uce and grated parmc~n cheese. Bake in a 180 {. o,·cn for 5 minutes for colour. 6. Plate with chicken ju<,. Top "'ilh dried prunes. dried apricots. snndricd LOmai.Oes. MaJdon sea salt. chopped oli,e~>. and a drizzle or olive oil.
Serve these recipes with Penedes, Terra Alta, a nd
Prlorat wine to really make lt a celebration!
3M www.facebook.com/ command.my/ ACACIA FABRICS Tel: +603-4252-3378 www.acaciafabrics. com A-JUNG ELECTRIC SON BHO Lot 16-12, Tower A, Vertical Business Suite, Jalan Kerinchi, Ban9sar South, Kerinchi. 59200, Kuala Lumpur. Tel: +603-2242 2806 AKEMI UCHI www.akemtuchi.com BANGSAR SHOPPING CENTRE www.bsc.com.my BOCONCEPT T112 Bangsar Shopping Centre, Kuala Lumpur Tel: +603-2011 0178 BILTON INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTS SON BHO 95 & 95-1 Jalan 1/17 Off Jalan Kepong Taman Fadason 52000 Kuala Lumpur Tel: +603-6257 6327 BOSCH www.bosch-home. com.my CAESARSTONE www.caesarstone. com.sg COURTS www.courts.com.my OAIKIN www.daikin.com.my DURAVIT www.duravtt.com www.pro.duravtt.com Tel: +603-7962 0124 016-2037 377 EASTERN DECORATOR SON BHD WHITE ROOM (Eastern Decorator Sdn Bhd) Suite E-3A. Level 3A. Corporate Bulding (Block E), Southgate Centre, No2, Jalan Dua. Off Jalan Chan Sow Lin,
Kuala Lumpur Tel: ~03-9222 3488 ELECTROLUX Tel: 1300-88-1122 ELBA Wisma Fiamma No.20, Jalan 7 A/62A, Bandar Manjalara, 52200 Kuala Lumpur,Malaysia. Tel: ~03-6279 8888 Fax: +603-6279 8846 www.elba.com.my FLEXFORM KUALA LUMPUR BY STUDIO 216 The Gardens. Level 2. Unit S-203. Ltn9karan Syed Putra, Kuala Lumpur. Tel: ~03-2202 1798 GOODRICH GLOBAL M-2-2 Block M Plaza Damas Phase 11 Kuala Lumpur Tel: ~03-6201 5757 GUOANG OAMANSARA 515 Bangsar Shopping Centre, Kuala Lumpur Tel: ~03-2092 2618 GUOCERA 5th Floor Wisma Kemajuan, No 2 jalan 19/1B. Petaling Jaya Tel: ~03-7958 7922 HANSGROHE MALAYSIA Representative Office Penthouse (Level 27), Centrepoint South, The Boulevard. Mid Valley City, Lingkaran Syed Putra, 59200 Kuala Lumpur Tel : 03-2096 9581 /9582 Fax: 03-2096 9782 www.hansgrohe. com.sg Email: tnfo a) hansgrohe.com.sg HARVEY NORMAN For store listing, go to www.harveynorrnan. com.my HAFELE DESIGN CENTREKUALALUMPUR No 42, Jalan 5521/1, Damansara Utama. 47400 Petaling Jaya, Selan9or. tel: +603-7733 4526 +603-7733 6526
HITACHI Suite17.3, Level17 Menara IMC, Jalan Sultan lsmail, Kuala Lumpur Tel: +603-2031 8751 IDEO AVENUE SON BHD No 13, Jalan An99erik Vanilla N/31 N, Seksyen 21, Kota Kemunin9, 404 60 Shah A lam, Tel: +603-5122 0888 IKEA CH ERAS No 2A. Jalan Cochrane, Taman Maluri, 55100, Kuala Lumpur Tel: +603-7952 7575 IKEA OAMANSARA 2 Jalan PJU7/2 Mutiara Damansara Petaling Jaya Tel: +603-7952 7575 INTERFAL No45&47 Jalan SS18/1B Subang Jaya. Tel: +603-5638 9213 JANINE S112 Bangsar Shopping Centre Kuala Lumpur Tel: +603-2094 9530 J & J CH ESTERS MALAYSIA SON BHO Block B-0-1, Megan Avenue 1, 189 Jalan Tun Razak, Kuala Lumpur Tel: +603-2166 4121 KDK 3rd Floor, No 15 Jalan Tandang, Petaling Jaya Tel: +603-778S 5011 KIMGRES MARKETING SON BHD Lot 5. Jalan Kilang/ Jalan 217, Pet aling Jaya Tel: +603-7783-9811 KING LIVING Level 1 IPC Shopping Centre, No. 2, Jalan PJU 7/2. Mutiara Damansara, Petaling Jaya
KITCH 11, Jalan Dato Abu Bakar. 16/1. 46350, Petalin9 Jaya Tel: +603-7954-2522 KITCHENAID Tel: +603-7877-5216 LEGRAND Lot 1888, Jalan KPB7. Kawasan Peri ndustrian Balakon9, Selan9or Tel: +603-8962 3333 LG Tel: 1800-822-822 www.l9.com LIGHTCRAFT 98 Jalan Sun9a1 Besi, Kuala Lumpur Tel: +603-9222 2413 LIGNE ROSET 53 Pamper Floor Starhill Gallery Kuala Lumpur Tel: +603-2710-3388 LINOS FURNITURE 162 Jalan Maarof Kuala Lumpur Tel: +603-2094 6055 LIVING AVENUE S 032 2nd Floor. Mid Valley Megamall, Lingkaran Syed Putra, Mid Valley Ci ty, 59200 Kuala Lumpur. Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Tel: +60 3-2282 1513 LORENZO For store listing, go to www.lorenzointernational.com LUMINARC - OKSH MALAYSIA SON BHD B-11-01, The Ascent, Paradigm, No. 1, Jalan SS 7/26A, Kelana Jaya, 47301 Petahng Jaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia METROJAYA Tel: +603-2117 5800 www.metroJaya.com. my MITSUBISHI Lot 11. Jalan 219m PO Box 1036,46860. Petaling Jaya, Selangor Tel: +603-7955 2088
www. mt tsubishtelectric malaysia.com NESTNOROIC.COM No.G2-G4, Oval Tower Damansara, Jalan Damansara, 60000 KL tel: 03-7733 7605 www.nestnord ic.com NIPPON PAINT tel: 1800-88-2663 www.nipponpaint. com.my NIRO CERAMIC (M) SON BHD Lot 2. Persiaran Sultan, Sect ion 15 Petaling Jaya Tel: +603-5033-9333 NORITAKE T104, BSC, 285, Jalan Maarof, Bukit Bandaraya, 59000 Kuala Lumpur Tel: -603-2093 6177 PANASONIC Lot 10, Jalan 13/2 Petahng Jaya tel: +603-7953 7600 PENSONIC Tel: 1800-881-770 www.pensonic.com ROBINSONS The Gardens Mall Kuala Lumpur Tel: +603-2089 1188 ROZEL For store listing, go to www.rozel.com.my SAMSUNG Suite E-09-01. Level 9 East Wing, ICON Jalan Tun Razak, Kuala Lumpur Tel: +603-2165 0000 SHARP No lA Perstaran Kuala Langat Section 27 ShahAiam Tel: +603-S102 5311 SIGNATURE KITCHEN Lot 24 Jalan Teknologi Taman Satns Selangor 1, Kota Dama'lsara Tel: +603-6286 7000
SONY (MALAYSIA) SON.BHO. 11th Floor, Centrepoint South,The Boulevard, Midvalley City, Lin9karan Syed Putra. 59200, KL. Tel: 03-2295 0200 SPACE FURNITURE 3-12 The lntermark Mall, Kuala Lumpur Tel: +603-2166 2212 STUDIO AT 216 SON BHO The Gardens L2 Unit S216, Lin9karan Syed Putra. 59200 K L. Tel: 03-22011798 www.studio216.co TEKA Tel: +603-7620 1600 TEKNI 60, Jalan Universiti, PJS 12, 46200 Petaling Jaya Tel: +603-7931 2289 TOSHIBA tel: +603-5565 8000 www.toshiba.com.my WHITE ROOM www.whiteroom.asia XZQT HOME STORE SON BHD OV301 Oval 3rd Floor, 1 Utama Shopping Centre, No. 1, Lebuh Bandar Ut ama, 47800 Petaling Jaya, Tel: +603-7724 1880 VANGUARD INTERIORS 01-G/M Jalan Selaman 1 Dataran Palma, Ampang, Selanqor Tel: +603-4270 3933 VISIONARY SOLUTIONS SONBHO A-G-08 Block Allamanda, 10 Boulevard, Lebuhraya Sprint, PJU 6A, 47400. Petaling Jaya Tel: +603-7710 5877 VLUZ CONCEPT (M) SDNBHD 40. Desa Sri Hartamas, Jalan 28/70A. Kuala Lumpur, Tel: +603-2300 1665
able runners have been in use since the medieval age by wise women to protect the tablecloth from sloppy eaters. The idea was that the stTip of cloth would catch spilt roods during meals and be easily gathered up for cleaning after. l'asl forward to U1e present: the tablecloth has become an integral decoralive clement U1at either complemenL<; or djctales Lhe look and reel or a runing room. Today, many homeowners and party givers use table runners to create an interesting colour contrast with an otherwise bland tablecloU1. In the same vein, textures can also be intToduced to make the dining set up look inlinitely more interesling. Keep iLtraditional with the rw1ner laidlengU1wise and centred across ll1e table, or run it widthwise if you have a few of them around. Let it run off U1c edge or a table or keep it short to accentuate the main centrepiece. Be sure to have a good selection of runners for any occasion if you are looking to make it the mainstay of your dining room! â&#x20AC;˘
TABLES No matter If it's used it In conjunction with a tablecloth or on its own, the humble table runner Is an undeniable gem for the tablescape accessory game.
Designer Sho~case 2018
Delta Ill At King Living we don't design furniture just for show. We design for how you really live. Ta<e the styt sh Delta Ill for example. Built on King Living's superior steel frame, backed by a 25-year warranty, it offers clever h dden storage, comfortable deep seats and the ability to be eastly reconfigured to suit any occasion. Whether you're relaxing at home. enterta1n1ng guests. or discuss1ng what dress Mr. Fox should wear. That's King LMng Where liv1ng is King.
rs no secret that I'm very fond of video games. and vintage ones at that. Most recently. in a bid to upgrade my PC gaming system. I invested in a brand new taptop. and ended up installing The Sims. I've since spent hours and hours in-game. build ing the perfect dream homes from penthouses to farms to island getaways in the Si m version of paradise. it's been fun, and really draws into sharp relief the fact that a decade-old game can still be good if it panders to the player's enjoyment! For instance: how wonderful is it to build your dream home. and to customise it in just several clicks of the button? A pool here and a garden there. punctuated with actual design sensibilities that are just as necessary in the real world as they are onscreen. To that end. those who do the work in person are certainly to be commended. Ifs an often times difficult task, bringing beauty into the world. and even moreso ensuring your designs are perfe:tly tailored to client expectations. And so we bring to you . in celebration of our love of good design and local talent. the next instalment of our annual Designer Showcase. Ten amazing local designers and architects show us their best work of the year, and we're absolutely floored ' From Ar. Melvyn Kanny's award-winning Janda Baik bungalow to Ar. Dr. Tan Loke Mun's GBI Platinum -rated home. design sensibilities are in abundance throughout these pages. We hope you'll find inspiration and contacts for your next home design endeavour! Happy reading!
Emmelyn Cindy Mah EDI TOR
XZQI Where Design Matters!
SINGAPORE: XZQT Home 8 Pondon Crescent. # 01-os. S(128464) - Tel: +65 6774 8031 · XZQT Studio 1 Kakl Buklt Rood 1, #01-19/20 Enterprise One, S(415934)- Tel: +65 6749 0813 · Colllgarla Store 3 Temosek Boulevard, #02-405/ 406 Suntec City Tower 5, S(038983) Tel: +65 6734 0290
MALAYSIA: XZQT OM Utama OV301 Ovol 3rd Aoor, 1 Utoma Shopping Centre, No. 1 LebYh Bandar Utama, Bondar Utamo, 47800 www.x.zqt.oonug
Petallng Jaya, Selangor D.E - Tel: +603-7724 1880 · XZQT Pvvlllon Lot 6.19.()0-6.20.00, Level 6, Pavilion Kuala Lumpw. 168 Jalan Buklt Blntang, 55100 Kuala lumpur- Tel: +603-2141 8180 • XZQT Starhll S5-11 Pamper Floor, Starhll Gallery, 181 Jalan Buklt Blntang, 55100 Kua1o Lumpw - Tel: +603-21411082
The latest establishment to grace the city skyline of busy Kuala Lumpur, W Hotel is set in the midst of buildings in traditional Malaysian architecture.
12 PAULINE AND PRISCILLA NG -PAUL+ PRIS The home in question is a condominium lot in Bangsar comprising two bedooms, two bathrooms, and a common living, dining, and kitchen area - ho m e to a global-trotting couple and their little dog.
ARCHITECT The Sll house, is also dubbed Malaysia' s first GBI Platinum-rated house, was designed as a family home for a prominent architect comprising a fami ly of f ive and two toy poodles.
20 TAN SI YUAN PINS STUDIO Home to a young couple, this 2,259 sqf double storey terrace house is the very embodiment of m inimalism with simple neutral hues, a generous use of wood, and furnishings meticulously selected so as to perfectly fit the space.
24 ESSENTIAL DESIGN INTEGRATED The team had to make sure the house was appropriate for the husband, who is in corporate property development, while being easy to maintain for the working wife.
28 JACKAL CHUAMETRICS GLOBAL The initial idea for Metrics Global was to create a 'shopping experience'. The concept is that, unlike conventional sales galleries, potential buyers or casual viewers can freely enter anytime with no prior commitment.
AMELIA TEH - PALLADIO INTERIORS Palladio Interior' s work on The Potpourri was an extensive one with the scope covering a good handful of the development' s main facilities, including the resident's clubhouse, gymnasium, various lobbies, cabanas, and the three Sky lounges.
Much like the Hamptons to well heeled Manhattanites or Berkshire to affluent Londoners, Janda Baik has become something of a weekend getaway to KL-ites with means.
36 AZRY FAZAMY Rich with the green and sustainable design sensibility of Landscape Architect and designer Azry Fazamy, this 5,500 sqf bungalow in Shah Alam is the ideal home for a large family.
ASSOCIATES SON. BH D. Designed for a young couple and their children, the Sharon residence is a three and a half-storey bungalow, with the total area of 5,688 sqf.
E·2·1, Block E, 2nd Floor, Megan Avenue 1, 189. Jalan Tun Razak, 50400 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Tel: +603 2163 4689 Fax: +603 :2163 '1686
bluw~bl uwaterstudio.com
www. ltluwat•ntudlo.com
he latest establishment to g race the city skyline of busy Kuala Lumpur. W Hotel set in the m1dst of buildings in traditional Malayslan architecture. To this end. the hotel features an art1st1c exterior with eyecatching 1ntenors to match. providing diverse and varied
styles to the cityscapes of Ma aysia The b rond's "hotel 1n:;1de o bor" concept is reflected through modern pops of coloJr. bold patterns. and the un1que contours of the furn1ture that resounds throughout the spaces. from the welcome area to Flock restaurant. and finally to all 150 of the establishment's guest rooms. The modern-contemporary aesthet1cs of W Hotel's extenors and 1ntenors are an easy attract1on for young and affluent global Jet-setters. The Blu Water team have more than taken 1t up a notch. evok ng nch 1magenes of modern.
lush JUngles. In the guest rooms. leaf-shaped cushions are a nod 1n th1s d~rect1on. whde p1nk¡ttnged lighting does much the same 1n the hotel's guest welcome area.
The use of hanging LED light s
new technologies that are used to enhance
and alternating spotlights on the floor
the cityscape, reflected through bamboo-
respectively also serve to mimic a waterfall
inspired chandeliers set against an ever-
and a flowing river. Overhead. the ceiling
changing wall of lights.
reflects the artistic interpretation of Kuala Lumpur'c topography.
The client's brief had been simple enough: "incpiring. iconic, innovative. and
Guests are further welcomed by chandeliers in the shape of spinning tops
influential," shares founder of Blu Water Studio. Lai Siew Hong. To this end. the
and larger-than-life traditional Batik motifs
team have most certainly met the brief with
blended with sleek metal accents. Pixels or
dots, which are an iconic feature of theW
W hotel Kuala Lumpur is a collaborative
Hotel brand, are cleverly used throughout
project with Sydney-based interior-
the hotel in the creation of a larger picture:
architectural firm Nicholas Graham +
a multicultural Malaysia involving citizens of
associates pty Itd. â&#x20AC;˘
different ethnicities. The hotel's interiors isn't merely a play on jungle city life and confluence; they also hint at the city 's abundant plant life and
Pau i+Pris Sdn Bhd MHO. Jalan Pekan Baru 38 41050 Klang, Selangor, Malaysia Tel: +6012 221 1069 Email: usrCIIpaul -pr is.com
paul · prh .c•m/
The dynamic duo that run the show behind Paul + Pris, Paulinc and Priscilla Ng arc a force to be reckoned with indeed. A combination of Pauline'~ love of design and keen eye for detail and Prise ilia's individualistic design insticts, the duo's work speaks for itself: memorable, unique, and sensible.
he home in question is a condominium lot 1n Bangsar comprising two bedooms. two
bathrooms. and a common living. dining.
and kitchen area - home to a global¡ trotting couple a,d their little dog. "They t ravel a lot and are based in different p laces," Priscilla tells us. "Tivoli Villa Bangsar 1s one o' their abodes in Malaysia." The entire home is awash in sunlight. red-toned wood breaking up the monotony of white. Patterns are king in the The house was redesigned bearing in mind the needs of the homeowners' dog. Sky.
space. with the duo successfully applying the use of b lack-and-white contrasts throughout from kitchen and bathroom floors. to fixtures and doorframes. "The concept is centred around the mid-century
The apartment is filled w ith decor accessories purchased throughout the couple's travels, wh ile o ther unique pieces were sourced based on their mutual love of design. The wood panels are remnants of the past, the work of a previous architect for a p reviou s owner.
........ . . ......... - . ... .... ....................... ... .. ........... .. .... ...... ........................ ... . . . .............. .. .. ... ... ... .. ... .. .. ... .... .
The homeowners sp end a fair bit of time in the kitchen. so dining banquet seats were a part of the kitchen extensions for serving guest s upon arriva l.
---------------- -
A 'Sky door' enables the little dog t o navigate easily around the house. LEFT
The bathrooms were planned out to be as det ailed as possible. and the duo even went so far as t o match the t iles to the accessories.
style with a mixture of modern classic: we call it modernist." Priscilla shares. "The owners are both interested in art and design. especially the wife." While the home as it stands does
reflected the personalities and character of the owners. One such facet of the homeowners¡ lives were their close relationship with their dog. Sky. With accessibility an important point to
indeed reflect the design aesthetic of the
tackle. the designers saw to it that the little
couple. Priscilla shares that the wood panel !;tructure$ were left behind by a previOu$
dog was g iven ple"lty of consideration in the rede$ign. and so it wa$ that a $mall 'SI<Y
owner and a previous architect. "This place
door' was implemented. which allows her
has been sold and owned by a few owners:¡
to navigate around the house without any
She says. "My client bought the apartment
because the soul of the place. with its hint of mid century influence. especially the tillable wood panels that open up to the air well common area." The duo's intentions from
For Pauline and Priscilla. the concept of interior design has always been to ensure the right flow in a room. and to ensure a space is serving its intended purpose with
the very beginning were to ensure that the
respect to the client's imaginations and
new design sensibilities blended wel l with
intentions. Where :his space is concerned.
the remnants of the past. And in doing so.
the duo have more than succeeded - to
the pair more than managed to create unity
the general aplomb of homeowner and Sky
and a harmonious. continuous blend that
alike! e
No. 19. Jalan SS15/4C, 47500 Subang Jaya, Selang::>r. Tel: +603·5635 2455 Fax: +603·5633 8213 Em ail: info@ldtlm.com.my www. cU im.com .my
"THE INTERIOR IS A SUB - SET OF THE OVERALL ARCHITECTURE AND THUS SHOULD BE THE SAME. THEY SHOULD SPEAK THE SAME LANGUAGE," SAYS AR. DR. TAN. ocated In the m1dst of a busy suburban area. the home flaunts the aesthetic charm of a green and serene resort that the homeowners could take refuge 1n follow1ng the hustle and bustle of a day. "A plethora of Innovative green and sustainable elemen ts were
Incorporated to suit the local climate;¡ says Architect Dr Tan Loke Mun. The house was built new. without sacrificing any of the CX1~t1ng l.:~rgc flora on :;itc including three frangipani trees. "The green design strategy was simply to construct a large canopy roof shade to cool the house," the arch1tect adds. A few of the home's cooling features Include the glazed open1ngs wh1ch prov1de controllable cross ventilation. the large water bod1es wh1ch are placed strategically at the ma1n north-south ax1s to enable evaporat1ve cooling, and light tubes wh1ch comb1ned w1th stack turbmes which promote a1rflow throughout the hoi.Jse. The living spaces flaunt an mdustnal aesthetiC, and were onented towards the north-sou th while the east ard west areas feature little to no w1ndows.
"The bnef was to test out the newly developed Green Bu1ld1ng Index rat1ng tool that was recently launched to see 1f 1t was poss1ble to bUild the hghest possible green rated Plat1num house lt 1s used as a study, a test model to promote susta1nable and green architecture. while housing a fam1ly of five and two toy poodles," says Ar. Dr. Tan. who desp1te the lack 1n the availability of green-certified mat erials and serv1ces then managed to Incorporate green features in to the home. Th1s includes establishing the green practice of rainwater harvesting, the Incorporation of Solar PV. a ligh t box that channels sunlight to the spaces below, energy-saving LED lights. a solar hot water system, green creeper walls. and the use o f recycled materials such as old timber and bricks. Accord1n9 to the <:lrChltcct. the
impor tant
cons1derat1on to the architect when starting a project is to get a feel of the s1te and 1ts conte).t, the bnef. as well as to work w1th1n one's budget. However. homeowners do play an Important role 1n making a project a successful one. "You need to gather mformat1on and 1mages. choose the nght arch1tect and des1gner. trust :hese professionals. work hard. and pay your consultants well," adv1ces Ar. Dr. Tan. For young architects, on the other hand, he believes 1t is Important to be be danng and d1SC1pl1ned. to cultivate their explorative nature of discovery, and not g1ve up on their dreams. â&#x20AC;˘
text NG VI XIANG photo H .LIN HO
PINS Studio 41, Jalan SS 2/72. 47300 Petaling Jaya, Malaysia Tel: +6 014 • 3644551 I +603 · 7865 6009 Email: pinsstudio@outlook.rom www. plna.my/
Home to a young couple, this 2,259 sqf double storey terrace house is the very embodiment of minimalism with simple neutral hues, a generous use of wood. and furnishings meticulously selected so as to perfectly fit the space.
TOP Much thought went into choosing the pendant lights overhead the dining table. RIGHT
The kitchen was kept dark to adhere to the minimali st theme.
he young couple who own this home were after a simple and harmonious house. Functionality was of great importance to the pair. who sought help from Interior Designer Si Yuan of PINS Studio to put together the home of their dreams. "We actually spent quite a lot of time discussing the design in early stages to understand the need and lifestyle of the homeowners:¡ Si Yuan tells us. Although the four bedroom terrace house is built with common design standards and layouts in mind. the task at hand for the design team was to
create a point of interest
with minimal work - and that's exactly what they did Simplicity and minimalism well becomes the space. The team decided early on that this wasthelookthatthey would be going with. and the task at hand led to the clever contrast of colours - bright and dark tones that come together. creating an interesting space without having
to do too much. "The idea was to create something truly m1n1malist by 1nsert1ng a fvll he1ght feature wall and comb1n1ng the TV cab1net and display to express it as a cne-piece element with multiple functions," Si Yuan says. To ach1eve a modern and mature look. the team opted for darker f1nishing, which was then contrasted aga1nst lighter walls and fi::>ors for a pleasant balance. The te:~m also 'played w1th the lines·. an mportant concept 1n designing any minimal1st space - and here. it was done by creating a cont1nuous line from wall to ce11ing. thereafter ty1ng up the d1n1ng and liv1ng areas by 1nserting a row of track lights. "The d1ning table pendant light was also one of the Important deta1is we looked 1nto. so that it would work w1th the mam concept and des1gn style: Si Yuan adds. The process of putt1ng the space together wasn't overly tec100s. as Si Yuan shares. As the honeowners had faith 1n their des1gners. the PINS team was given a free hand when it came to the home. from the design of the built·1n cab1nets to the select1on of hght1ng. curta1ns. carpets. and decorations. This naturally enabled the des1gners to stretch the1r design w1ngs testing out new looks and styles Of course. des1gning the television console was not without its hiccups, but as S1 Yuan tells it. the team eventually arnved at the nght soluttoo after much deliberation and discussion! •
TOP LEFT The d esigners decided to c reate a freestanding element in the master bedroom to generate some interest; on o ne side. it houses a d ressing area, while t he ot her sid e serves as a p lace for m ounting a television.
BOTTOM LEFT This g uestroom featu res an elegant side table attached to fu nct io nal shelv ing. BOTTOM RIGHT The homeowners love the mast er bedroom for it s fine selection of loose furnit ure and accessories!
he homeowners of W residence have garnered an appetite for comprehensively
fitted interiors like those in most show units and hotels. This couple in their 40s definitely wanted to the impression of space and glamour typical of the aforementioned space. and so they sought the help of the Essential Design Integrated team. The team rose spectacularly to the challenge, creating a space that is all at once breathtaking and yet worthy of a place called home. Where typical households tend to lean towards lighter
Essent ial Desig n Integ rated SB 4 3 B+C, Jalan SS 22/19 Damansara Jaya, 4 7400 Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia Tel: +603 - 7710 0799 Fax: +603 - 7731 9599 ed l. com. my
colour schemes that impart an airier aesthetic. the designers at EDI opted for a darker coloured theme with th1s home. Dark walnut b1..ilt-in cabinets are tastefully paired with grey wallpaper. which dominates most of the vertical surfaces in the interior. The designers used gold trimmings, grey mirror, and
black marble to break the monot ony, while also giving the house a touch of luxurious shimmer. One trendy highlight of the home lies in the bedroom and its flooring. The master bedroom. for one. i$ fini$hed in hernngbone whote oak which not only looks unique, but also helps to add a sense of texture to the sleeping space. The team layered onto thos textured flooring woth neutral coloured furnoture, wavy headboard panelling, and a blueosh custom rug. Further addong to calm and relaxed ambience. low ondorect lighting blankets the space on a cosy ease. conducove to sleep and relaxatoon. Another important focus of the team was practocahty As such, ot was a top pnonty for
the team to cater the home to all members of the famoly. As the EDI team tell s us. the house had to look appropriate for the husband who is on property development, whole somultaneously beong easy to maintain for the wofe ond their two children. They al:;o had to dive onto the challenge of reorientong the semi-detached house to face the garden rather the maon gate hke conventional homes. Thos unoque feature of the home os so the hvong room. donong area. and the extension for the study os afforded easy access to the outdoors. lt also allows the two parents to monotor the choldren whole they play on the garden. The resultant look os a luxunous yet practicallivong envoronment. condu:ove for a growing family of four -JUSt what the chent had on mind. e
8 · 01-12. 13 & 13a. Gateway Kiaramas Cor porate Suite, Level 1 No.l, Jalan Desa Kiara Mont Kiara 50480 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Tel: 03· 6201 3999 0 3·6201 1611 Em ail: admin@metr icsglob al.com .my
he Icon Gallery by the
The init ial idea for Metrics
Hatten Group stands
Global was to create a 'shopping
as an extraordinary
experience'.The concept is
property gallery that breaks
that. unlike conventional sales
with convention to provide a
galleries, potential buyers
whole new shopping experience
or casual viewers can freely
for potential homeowners.
enter a1ytime with no prior
Ambitious and dari ng, the
commitment. They can be
property gallery itself spans the
comfortable with just browsing,
w hole level of a shopping mall.
bolstered by a welcoming and
which provides its own set of
comfortable environment. The expansive 13,500 sqf
area caters to at least eaght of Hatten Group's projects which co-exist within the same space. There are also three impressive show homes on-site, ready to immerse potential buyers w ithin the experience. To fit that many varieties of displays and materials on an elevated platform served as an interesting challenge for the designers at Metrics Global. As they put it: "The greatest challenge was building the gallery wit han a shopping mall. There are several key safety issues to be taken care. for instance operation hours, the entrance, the exit, and the internal circulation flow." There is also the design of Icon Gallery it~elf
to con~idcr. The team ,;hare,;; that a
balance had to be struck between how striking the interior was. as it needed to fit the identity the clients had envisioned while ensuring it did not outshine the showcased projects within. ¡we studied basic consumer behaviour by visi ting different galleries and then brought in the solution for the client. Our goal was to rem:lVe the barrier between the consumer and the property gallery," says lead designer Jackal Chua.
first thing that catches one¡s eye
Metrics Global also went
off the concept of the project. Jackal goes on to add that
beyond design to help garner
upon entering is the central platform
recognition and mould an identity
that dominates one¡s periphery. lt
there were various proposals and exper ments leading up to
for the client. The purpose was to
serves as the main exhibition space
set a base benchmark for the new
and can also be transformed and
the final design. and building the
gallery. This in large part led to the naming of the space - Icon Gallery.
catered towards project launches. Another main highlight of the space
"lnstagramable" life-sized ship sculpture was finally chosen to
chosen with the sole intention of
lies in a life-sized handcrafted ship.
aptly represent Harbour City. The
turning the space into an attractive
incorporated as an homage to
highlight piece proved to be a
proposition for local and overseas
Harbour City which was the main
crowd pleaser with many visitors
launch of the time. The design firm created the ship sculpture to show
stopping by to take pictures
For the gallery space itself. the
with it. e
3H Plaza Crystalville Jalan 22A/70A Desa Sri Hartamas 50480 Kuala Lumpur
Tel: 03·6203 3200 Fax: 03·6206 3200 Emaol: everyspace a.palladoo nteriors.com p~•••d•olnterlor• .c:olft
n the heart of Ara Damansara stands The r>otpourn . .:~ re::;idential development that spans an impressive 102.000 square metres. Set w1th1n its expansive boundary is three acres of lush greenery w1th architectural elements that flUidly create a welcoming atmosphere. Inspired by nature. the developer named
each tower block 1n The Potpourn An1se. Basil. Cinnamon. Dahlia. Erica. Freesia. Galangal. and Heather. The collect1ve stand as a sh1n1ng beacon for modern families seeking a hab1tat JUSt nght for them. This affinity for nature IS further complemented w1th a contemporary design that integrates work and play; an
enwonment that incorporates lush landscaping .:~nchored by .:~ ho::;t of luxuriou::; recreational amen1t1es Tasked w1th mould1ng th1s nurturing env~ronment that bolsters the wellbeing of Potpourri's residences 1s Pallad1o lntenors. an 1ntenor des1gn consultancy of twenty based 10 Kuala Lumpur Pallad1o lntenor's work on The Potpourn was an extens1ve one w1th the scope covenng a good handful of the development's main fac1ht1es. 1nclud1ng the resident's clubhouse. gymnas1um. vanous lobb1es. cabanas. and the three Sky lounges.
CLUBHOUSE Resodent's Lounge The lounge os buolt on response to the ever-growong 'work from home· culture. When one steps mto the area, the first thong of note os the abundance of natural light whoch flows unhondered through large-paned wondows to flood the entore lounge. Movong deeper on. comforting neutral colours tastefully contrasted by pops of earthy reds. muted yellows. and honts of orange become vosoble. This theme of duality os also echoed on the space with smooth lines dominating the furnoture while hard geometric ones take over the walls and its adornments. All this comes together to create an envoronment conducive for relaxed discussions at a confogurable loosely grouped ~eotong oreo, or more formol busmess meetongs on pnvate meetong rooms A nursong room and choldren's play area woth wall mounted ontera:tove games also sot at the quoeter end of the lounge for the little ones.
GOURMET KITCHEN Beyond the lounge lies the gourmet-style kotchen and donong space specoally desogned for resodents to use on any nurrober of occasoons• Resodents can host theor donners and borthday partoes or busoness meetongs
and presentations. Powder coated steel elements are used on shelvong, the breakfast bar. and screens. The team also worked woth the angular layout by playong woth flow and pattern. resultong on a hoghly attractove. contemporary, and functional space.
CABANAS After an intense workout sessoon. resodents can retreat away into a little paradose. cocooned in one of the two available cabanas which can be set back to avood the glare of the sun hottong the water. One can sink onto one of aqua blue sofas placed on a three-tiered platform for viewing optimisation. or any of the other sun loungers. An outdoor dining set is also available for whole famolies to dine outdoors if they so desired. The mix of calming colour~. rotton furniture. and timber graon tiles also contributes to the kockback feel of the space.
SKY BRIDGE FACILITIES Thos specoal space recreates the magocal atmosphere that outdoor conemas provide woth comfortable low sofas. beanbags, and spnng floral cushoons. The key poece that draws attention is a decoratove tree. created by interlocking elements that also cleverly dresses up a hidden supportong column
underneath Enhancement wall lights echo the warm wood cf the tree. taking on the abstract shape of candles. mimicking candlelit walkways at evenong summer partoes. The ad1acent readong lounge, on the other hand, takes cues from outdoor pocnocs woth a casual seatong arrangement and hghtong that goves the illusion of beong hung from a tree oranch. Move along the corndor and you will end up in the Games Room. which sets the scene for an energetoc game of foosball.
SKY LIFESTYLE LOUNGE A suspended bricge between blocks D and E presents the Sky Lifesty le Lounge. an open space for all residents that with games. readong corners, private rooms, a marble kitchen, and combonation sofas for reloxotoon. The Nature theme i:; prevalent here and contonues its theme from other areas. most evidently 1n the use of tree columns framing both ends of the space woth seatong strategocally placed underneath Although the whole space receoves natural hght throughout. a flexible combmatoon of hghtong helps to evoke dofferent feehngs, combon1ng task. mood. and statement. The recessed ceiling design follows that of the floonng. Angles adapted from tree branches dorect users through the long space and groupong areas. •
Tel: +6019-278 0478 emaol : azryfazamy a.gmail.com www.ezryfâ&#x20AC;¢zamy.e em
he family of frve who live in thrs 6 bedroom. 5 bathroom bungalow rn Shah Alam live hectic. busy lives: wrth plenty of friends and young adult children. the homeowners love entertaining, and as such needed a
space that reflected that love. They f~rst encountered Landscape Architect and desrgner Azry Fazamy through word of mouth. "I was recommended to them by my pr~viou:~ client:· Azry tell:~ us. A Landscape Archrtect registered wrth ILAM (Institute of Landscape Archrtects Malaysra) by professron. Azry has a Masters rn Construction and lnnovatrve Technology, and has srnce engaged hrmself wrth the desrgn and constructron of homes and the rmplementrng of 'interior landscaprng· rn new housrng developments. Wrth so rmpressrve a portfolio rn play, rt was no wonder the homeowners sought Azry out to work on their family home After all. wrth Azry·s focus on env~ronmentally fnendly burldrng and green. sustarnable work, the partnershrp more than made sense at the trme. "The clients have a double-volume marn hall area that's 24 feet
ABOVE The master bedroom features an airy and beautiful vaulted ceiling. RIGHT
The designer made sure to bring in some green to create a cohesive look between the outdoor garden and the indoor areas of the home.
1n he1ght. w1th glass panels that 0\.erlook the common garden area 1n the back However. because the garden is the ma1n feature of the space. the clients d1dn't want to cover up the panels w1th curta1ns. as they would also be very dusty and d1ff1cult to ma1nta1n from that height," he tells us. Still. a solut1on was necessary to prevent the sun and heat from streak1ng 1n through the glass. and it was to this end that Azry dev1sed a solution to suit his design sensibility, as well as the overall aesthetic of the space. Patterned wood panels were put up over the g lass panels to provide an effect sim ilar to that of curtains or blinds. "The wooden panels slide 1n between the existing sliding door for the lower level and act as a second door towards the garden:· Azry shares. "Th1s g ives the clients a cosy effect while also prov1d1ng extra security, as the clients don't like g rill doors." Beyond the wood panelling details in the living space. Azry :JI~o d1d ~omc work on the dent~· kit chen. "The client~ wanted to remodel the k1tchen and create a separate door w1thout chang1ng the flow and c~rculat1on of guests mto the house:· Azry shares. "So we added a new entrance from the dnveway." The end result IS s1mply subhrre. As Azry tells it. the homeowners are more than happy w1th thetr new space. from locally·sourced custom-made furn1ture to their new garden deck and remodelled k1tchens. As for the des1gner. the opportunity and freedom to explore new materials and 1deas 1n ·green1ng' the space was more than enough to make h1m a happy man. •
text EMM ELYH CIN DY MAH photography WAN IZHAR (005)
Unit 31-1, Jalan 4/109F, Taman Danau Desa, 58100 Kuala Lum pur, Malaysia. Tel: +603-7981 0775 Fax: +603-7981 0405
Over the hills and not so very far away is this year's winner of' PANt's Gold Award. Taking home the accolade in the Single Residential Category: Melvyn Kanny's idyllic.Jancla Baik bungalovv.
uch like the Hamptons
intended as their holiday cum
sustainability. the materials
to well-heeled
retirement home. and the other
Manhattanites or
for investments or for their
were chosen to be as natural as poss1ble. Consequently,
children to use.
raw concrete. natural brick
Berkshire to affluent Londoners,
Janda Baik has become something of a weekend
walls. and plastered walls with
slope with a commanding
unpainted finishes became the
getaway to KL-ites with means.
view of the Genting Hills, both
natural choice. However. this
After all. in just half an hour.
units were to be of a similar
had to be balanced with the
one can swap the city's traffic
concept. and yet different in
client's taste and requirements.
congestion and pollution
terms of spatial usage. W hile
as they wanted the home to
for clear mountain air and uninterrupted verdant v1ews.
the site was spectacular. Kenny
also be cosy and welcoming.
confesses t hat it acted both as
Thus. some stone and timber
muse and master . "The form
was also used to diffuse the
The sleepy town has seen the mushrooming of
was inspired by the captivating
masculinity of the rugged
weekend homes of various
landscape of Janda Baik with
unfinished look. "I think the
architectural ambitions, many
its jagged hills and outcrops
final outcome was a delicate
which gratifyingly work with the terrain rather than agai n~t
that finally inspired the built form that wa~ in it~elf very
balance. The principal has alway~ been to u~e local
it. Two such homes were built
natural and organic. All the
natural materials as possible.
by Melvyn Kanny of MJ Kanny
interior spaces had different
Even the natural un-plastered
Architect. who got to know
spatial characteri stics. and no
brickwork was selected from
a middle aged couple who
room had 90 degree corners.
nearby factories. Bamboos that
had t wo single acre plots of
Each space was designed t o
were cut on site were re-used
land that they had purchased
capture a v1ew of its immediate
as outdoor lamp posts. and
up in Janda Baik. They had
natural environment and all >
even as a shower stand in the
been recommended by the
effort was taken to blur the
master-bathroom." explains
late David Winter. an interior
distinction between inside and
designer with whom Kanny had
out," enthuses Kanny.
worked. and requested for him to propose two houses: one
Located in on a steep
As the houses were a built on the principal of
Although the client didn't in tially request a "green" house, Kanny subtly infused the
concept into the design. Firstly,
Sun -shade analysis was
conventional house. So. the
who Kanny describes as having
the house was designed to not
carried out to reduce Western
green-fingers. is doing his part by gr::>wing his own organic
require air-conditioning, and to
and Eastern direct sun. The
structure and architect ure must work hand-in -glove to
capitalise on the naturally cool
result o f t hese studies led to
achieve the seamless look The
plants like avocadoes. Musang
temperatures of Janda Baik.
the unique roof form. This was
contractor was very helpful
King, and olive trees. Fresh air,
This was done by maximising
achieved by creating large roof
in trying to bu ild according
fruiting trees. and a stunning
openings and apertures
overhangs on the Eastern and
to our details. as the house
view; what could be better?
to allow air to move freely
Western sides. "Our main issue
was not a typical conventional
through the house. while high -
was t he coordination w ith the
t wo-dimensional structure.
lrdeed. Kanny reports that the clients are satisfied with
level motorised w indows allow
engineer to make the structure
There were very complex
the results. "They are generally
hot air to escape. A lift shaft
work. especially with the extra-
angles on both the floor plate
very happy with the house. The nain challenge is cleaning
was provided as per the clients
large roof overhangs. The roof
as well as the elevat1ons. They
brief. but the lift would only be
was the most challenging and
built a scale model before
the hgh level glass and cei ling
installed in future if needed.
complex part of the house
proceeding w ith the works in
which is constantly barraged
The idea then came to convert
detailing. lt was a three-
order to comprehend how the
by insects and spider-webs.
the shaft into a w ind chimney,
dimensional structure with falls
final form would look like, and
In a working relationship, it is
capturing the cool mountain breeze and forcing it down into
in 3 d irections. We wanted the roof to hover over the hou!ie.
this helped them in planning the con!itruction. Kudo!i to the
very difficult to strike a balance between the client'!i need!i
the internal spaces. a concept
and so we used frameless glass
contractor for achieving thi s."
and the architect's vision of
popular in m1ddle-eastern
between t he roof and the walls
Rain-water. as well as
countries. This later became
and structure below. Getting
natural g round water is
the hou se. and sometimes the architect needs to back off on certain issues that the
a prominent design featu re of
this right was challenging. To
collected into a pond at the
the house. Apart from t hat.
make mat ters worse. t here was no plaster or painting
bottom of the site and re-used
client feels strongly about that
for irrigation. However. due
may go against the architect's design aesthetics. Ultimately,
nat ural local materials were used ext ensively. with little use
on the structure. making any
t o budget constraint s. the
of chemicals and VOCs like
mistake in the setting-out
landscape works were kept to
there is always a solution that
paint. The brick walls were bult
almost impossible to rectify,"
a minimum and is still a work in
both parties can live w ith. and
in two layers. with an air-gap
recalls Kanny. "The structure
progress. Although it will take
it's finding it that makes it
in between keeping the inner
was mostly exposed. and not
years for the new trees to grow
all the more challenging and
walls always cool.
htdden w ith ceiling as in a
and fill up the site, the client.
worthwhile." â&#x20AC;˘
39· 2, Kinrara Niaga 3, Jalan BK SA/ 2. Bandar Kinrara, 47180 Puchong, Selangor Daru l Ehsan Tel: +603·8071 0333 www. odelntet fotdesten.com
esigned for a young couple and their children. the Sharon residence is a three and a half-storey bungalow. with the total area of 5.688 sqf. lt sits
in the quiet and reserved neighbourhood of Park Manor. Sierramas. Inside. Sharon residence flaunts a timeless classic and modern elegant interior featuring marble, brass. and time-honoured wall panel::;. lt'::; dc::;igned ::;pecifically for the well-travelled couple who has an appreciation for French
interiors. an aesthetic inspired by the1r globe-trotting experiences. "Our client has an eye for the finer details. a flair for opulent designs. and elegant furnishings.'' describes Lisa Ong. Design Director of Ooi Design & Associates Sdn Bhd. "Most of the space is furnished with contemporary furniture. textures. and finishes. which contrast beautifully against the classic aesthetics of the cabinetry and the wall panels. Through the design we were able to showcase how classic can be the new modern." says Lisa.
. ...
However. the brief gi·Jen by the client also included the need to incorporate Feng Shui elements; these were necessary also to add a warm touch to the overall design concept of a luxurious. modernclassic home. "The challenge we fa::ed was figunng out how to implement Feng Shui elements in to the overall design without compromising the look and feel of the modern-classic setting, as it usually creates an oriental atmosphere:· admits Lisa. The designers overcome thi~ challenge by focu~ing on the ~mallcr details. from the choice of colours and materials chosen for the deep blue AV room to the walnut wood of the kitchen island. They also select ed and placed Feng Shui decoration around the house which includes the 30 w:~ll artwork at the foyer and the subtle oriental table lamp in the living room. Lisa admits, "The main door played a huge role in bri nging ir good energy, as its large size. dark colour. and brass
frame were all Feng Shui elements. The end result surprised us as we didn't realise Feng Shui could look so beautiful." In achieving the modern·classic design concept. the designers found that it was important to incorporate a good balance of contrast to the space. They likened it to the Ying and Yang concept reflected in the play of dark versus light
views of lush g reenery beyond. lt serves as "live" artwork and a backdrop to the cosy family area. Plenty of natural light streams through the window. "We also added subtle wall lights into the side of the window, an elevated platform, and a suspended ledge for functionality that created a light and floating effect to further emphasise this feature."
areas. geometric versus round forms. as well as modern versus classic themed elements, while still maintaining a sleek and modern visual appearance. Bc~idc~ the decorative clement~. emphasis was also placed on the high· ceilinged ground floor which is one of the unique features of the home. Its beauty is amplified by the feature walls. w ith vertical designs in the living and dining
explains Lisa. The team's .ob as designers was to determine what the client wanted in their project. lt was also to find a middle ground, coming up w ith the best solutions while considering all the opinions. "Our end goal is to maintain a good relationship wi th our clien ts. as they are like extended family to us. W ithout them, our careers wouldn't be interesting." admi t s L1sa. The d esign
area which draw the eyes towards the ceiling. On the first floor, a three-panelled w indow was replaced with a large-single framed window, allowing the homeowners to take full advantage of breathtaking
studio strives to bring a uniq ue touch to all of their projects by creati ng designs that are timeless and custom-made accord ing to the style and preference of each client. •
text NG VI Xl~to OD&A
BLU WATER STUDIO SON BHD E-2-1. Block E. Second Floor. Megan Avenue 1. 189, Jalan Tun Razak. S0400. Kuala Lumpur. Malaysia Tel: +603 - 2163 4689 www.bluwaterstudlo.com PAUL + PRIS SON. BHD. M1-10. Jalan Pekan Baru 38 41050 Klang, Selangor, Malaysia Tel: +6012 - 2211069 us@paul-prls.com http://paul-pris.com/ DRTAN LM ARCHITECT No.19. Jalan SS15/4C, 47500 Subang Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia Tel: +603 - 5635 2455 www.archicentre.com.my, www.dtlm.com.my
METRICS GLOBAL B-01-12. 13 & 13a. Gateway Karamas C:>rporate Suite. Level I No.l. Jalan Desa Kiara Mont Kiara 50480 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Tel: +603 - 6201 3999 Fax:+603 - 62011611 admln@metricsglobal.com.my http://www.metricsgloba l.com. my/ PALLADIO INTERIORS 3'-1 Plaza Crystalville Jalan 22A/70A Desa Sri Hartamas 50480 Kuala Lumpur Tel: +603 - 6203 3200 +603 - 6206 3200 everyspace@palladiointeriors.
eo m http://palladlolnteriors.com/
PINS Studio 41 . Jalan SS 2/72. 47300, Peta ling Jaya, Malaysia Tei: +6014-364 4551 I +603-7865 6009 pinsstudio@outlook.com www.pins.my/ ESSENTIAL DESIGN INTEGRATED 43 B+C. Jalan SS 22/19. Damansara Jaya. 47400 Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia. Email: Tel: +603 - 7710 0799 Fax:+603 - 7731 9599 www.edl.com.my
AZRYFAZAMY LAr. Azry Fazamy Ahmad Tarmizi Tel: +6019 - 278 0478 azryfazamy@gmall.com www.azryfazamy.com MJ KANNY ARCHITECT Unit 31-1. Jalan 4/109F, Taman Danau Desa, 58100, Kuala Lumpur. Malaysia Tel: +603 - 7981 0775 Fax: +603 - 7981 0405 www.mjkanny.com/ 001 DESIGN & ASSOCIATES SON BHD 39-2. Kinrara Niaga 3. Jalan BK 5A/2, Bandar Kinrara. 47180 Puchong, Selangor Darul Chson Tel: +603 - 8071 0333 www.odainteriordesign.com
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