4136 agoria rail&tramway 2012

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2012 – 2013 Business Guide



2012 – 2013 Business Guide



Industrial weighing.

Gear coupling, Clutches.

Overhead crane weighing. Load limiters.

Industrial weighing systems

Cable sheaves, Hooks, Pulley blocks.

Flexible couplings.

Pneumatic brakes. Drum brakes, disc brakes. Hydraulic thrusters.

Composite materials for insulation and plain bearings.

Zone Industrielle Sud II - Rue du Bosquet, 35 B - 1402 Nivelles T: +32-0-67/49 37 40 - F: +32-0-67/44 25 34 www.avd.be - info@avd.be

Foreword In its recent “White Paper – Roadmap to a Single European Transport Area – Towards a competitive and resource-efficient transport system” the European Commission focuses in particular on rail and waterborne transport (maritime and inland waterways).

By 2030 and 2050 respectively, these two transport modes must account for 30% and 50% of shipments of goods by road over distances longer than 300 km.

The white paper goes on to specify that by 2050 rail should account for more than half of medium-distance passenger transport.

Over the past few decades, the railways, and passenger transport in particular, have undergone a real metamorphosis, with the advent of high-speed trains, low-noise trains, hybrid tram-trains, driverless metros, trams without overhead wires, sophisticated signalling systems, new braking technologies, welded rails, passenger information systems and new tunnel technology, among other developments.

The European Union is the driving force behind the development of a Single European Railway Area. The efforts involved have both a legislative and/or regulatory component and a technological component. The European Railway Agency (ERA) implements the Commission’s policy, working closely alongside all the respective actors.

The European Commission’s ultimate goal is to establish a single, interoperable rail network with no technical barriers, i.e. make free transport of goods and passengers by rail both a theoretical and actual reality.

The main buzzwords in this connection are interoperability and safety.

Interoperability entails all rolling stock and rail infrastructure within the entire EU being compatible, eliminating delays at its internal borders. Ensuring technological compatibility essentially solves two problems at once, ensuring both speedier international rail connections and faster, cheaper authorisation procedures.

Agoria, the Federation for the technology Industry


Accordingly, over the past twenty years railways in the European Union have changed beyond all recognition, following the splitting of operational and infrastructure management, the introduction of European Technical Specifications for Interoperability (TSIs) to replace national standards, the liberalisation of operations (so far with the exception of national passenger traffic), the introduction of non-state actors (NSAs) independent of railway companies, the establishment of rail regulators to oversee the appropriate allocation of train paths, risk analysis by independent safety assessors (ISAs) and of course the creation of the European Rail Agency (ERA).

Where Agoria fits in… Agoria is the federation for the Belgian technology industry, also covering the rail industry. We represent and defend the interests of our members at all levels. Hereunder, you will find a selection of some of our activities.

Agoria is a co-founder of Belgorail, a Belgian notified body for rail.

We take part in round tables organised by the Belgian Railway Safety and Interoperability Service (SSICF/DVIS) on new legislative developments (transposing European regulations into Belgian law).

Every two years, Agoria organises a rail seminar, a summit dedicated to significant European developments in the rail sector (in areas such as interoperability, safety and liberalisation). These seminars offer all the parties a unique opportunity to meet each other, exchange experiences and cooperate more effectively. Naturally the participants represent the industry, as well as operators, infrastructure managers, notified bodies (NoBo’s), government and, the ERA, amongst others.

Through our membership of the European association UNIFE, we are also involved in a European network of federations and an active participant in several working groups.

As a sectoral operator, Agoria serves as Belgium’s secretariat for the mirror committee of CEN/TC 256 (Railway applications) and we also serve as Belgium’s spokesperson on standardisation. 4

Agoria, the Federation for the technology Industry

Agoria also teams up with major customers including the Belgian railways (SNCB/ NMBS), Infrabel, De Lijn, the Brussels transport operator STIB/MIVB and TEC, among others, to organise regular information sessions and contact days about their investment programmes and investment projects.

This rail and tramway directory is a combined visiting card for our member companies active in the sector.

Jan Renneboog


Johan Van den Bussche

Chairman Agoria div. Railway industry

Chief Country Representative Benelux at

Bombardier Transportation

Contact For more information: Jan Renneboog Tel. +32 2 706 79 73 – jan.renneboog@agoria.be

For additional copies of this directory : Nicole Wynendaele Tel. +32 2 706 79 68 – nicole.wynendaele@agoria.be

AGORIA Diamant Building, Bd. A. Reyers Ln 80, B- 1030 Brussels

Agoria, the Federation for the technology Industry




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ABC - Anglo Belgian Corporation n.v. ABIC n.v. AEG Belgium s.a. ALC Tournai s.a. Alcatel-Lucent Bell n.v. Alstom Belgium s.a. Arcelor-Mittal Ringmill s.a. Atelier de DÊcolletage P. Russo s.a. Atlas Copco Airpower n.v. Automatic Systems s.a. Automation n.v. Barco n.v. Belgorail n.v.-s.a. Bombardier Transportation Belgium n.v.-s.a. Cegelec n.v.-s.a. / Benelux Cmi s.a. Locos Diesel Cnim n.v. Concrete, All-Round Creative Dibo n.v. Dynamotor - De Coster n.v. Esco Couplings n.v. Eurosense Belfotop n.v. Fabricom n.v.-s.a. Faiveley Transport Belgium n.v. FCC-MSI5 s.a./Mecastamp International Forges et Estampage de la Meuse scrl Galva Power n.v. Gantrex s.a. Get n.v. Gillam – Fei s.a. Harting n.v.-s.a. IG Watteeuw International n.v. Kabelwerk Eupen AG

Agoria, the Federation for the technology Industry


KS Techniques s.a. Laborex bvba Lamifil n.v. Lerner Engineering bvba Light Alloys Groupe (Fonderie Fallais) LVD Company n.v. Macq n.v.-s.a. Malmar n.v. Multiprox n.v. Munck Services Belgium s.a. Mustad AG Nedcoat Ninove n.v. Nexans Benelux s.a. Nexans Network Solutions n.v. Div. Euromold Opticable s.a. OTN Systems n.v. Phoenix Contact Belgium n.v. Poperinge Metal Construction n.v. Précimétal Fonderie de Précision s.a. Prodata Mobility Systems n.v.-s.a. P & V Elektrotechniek n.v. Rogers bvba Sait Zenitel n.v. Sarens n.v. Constructions Electriques Schréder s.a. (briefly: C.E.S) -Group schréder CI.E. Sensorio, a division of BEA s.a. Shapes Subcontracting n.v. Siemens n.v. Spica n.v. Spie Belgium n.v. Stäubli Benelux n.v. Stork Technical Services Belgium n.v. Televic n.v. Thales Belgium s.a. Thyssenkrupp Liften Ascenseurs


Agoria, the Federation for the technology Industry

Tyco electronics energy division n.v. Valdunes Belux s.a., Filiale de GHH Radsatz int. Holding GmbH Van Loock Motoren bvba Vinรงotte Voith Turbo s.a.-n.v.

Agoria, the Federation for the technology Industry


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Schaarbeeklei 565, 1800 Vilvoorde T 02 255 01 00 - F 02 252 50 55 www.abicbelgium.com

. . . . . . .

Wikkeldraden - gemailleerd & omsponnen Soepele & stijve isolatiematerialen Composietmaterialen Vernissen, harsen & gietmassa's . Fils émaillés et guipés Kleefbanden & lijmen . Isolants souples & rigides Kabels, kousen & buizen . Matériaux composites Wikkeltoebehoren . Vernis, résines & masses . Rubans adhésifs & colles . Câbles, fils, gaines & tubes . Accessoires pour bobinage ACEBSA . AEV . NEXANS . PLYMOUTH . VON ROLL

ABC NV Head office ABC - Anglo Belgian Corporation n.v. Wiedauwkaai 43, B-9000 Gent T: +32 (0)9 267 00 00 - F: +32 (0)9 267 00 67 tb@abcdiesel.be - www.abcdiesel.be

Production units Gent Turnover 74 Mio €

Contact ir. Tim Berckmoes

Employment 230

Activities/products Diesel Engines - Medium speed: 750 - 1000 rpm

Power range 500 kW - 3500 kW References NMBS - SNCZ - ONATRA - Vossloh-Voith

ABIC NV Head office ABIC nv Stationsstraat 31, B-1702 Groot-Bijgaarden T: +32 (0)2 255 01 00 - F: +32 (0)2 252 50 55 daniel.jacobs@abicbenelux.com - website www.abicbelgium.com

Production units Distribution Turnover 2.6 Mio € Contact Daniel Jacobs Employment 4 Activities/products Magnet wire (Copper & aluminium), flexible insulation

­low, medium & high voltage, laminates & composites, sleeves and cables, accessories & equipment, resins and varnishes

References SNCB, STIB, VVM, TEC

Agoria, the Federation for the technology Industry


AEG TranzCom is a value added integrator providing end-to-end solutions and services in the field of telecom and energy distribution. AEG has a deep knowledge of TETRA radio terminals and the deployment of digital networks, and is specialized in the development of embarked equipment for Public Transport Companies, integrating tetra terminals in accordance with the Railway Standards (EN50155 certified). Moreover, AEG has a long experience in the field of railway substations. AEG Belgium N.V. / S.A. www.aegtranzcom.com

N.V. BUHLMANN Leuvensesteenweg 31 1932 St-Stevens-Woluwe T: +32 (0)2 711 20 34 F: +32 (0)2 720 20 64

BUHLMANN NV Rolling Stock Divisie heeft al ruim 50 jaar ervaring in de wereld van spoorsignalisatie en transport per spoor. Het leveringsassortiment beperkt zich niet tot losstaande producten; er worden tevens bedrijfsklare managementsystemen voor de volledige automatisering van stelplaatsen aangeboden. In dit segment rekent BUHLMANN NV Rolling Stock Divisie tot zijn voornaamste klanten onder andere: NMBS, Infrabel, MIVB, De Lijn en TEC.

AEG BELGIUM SA Head office AEG Belgium s.a.-n.v. Quai de Biestebroeckkaai 300, B-1070 Brussels T: +32 (0)2 529 62 11 - F: +32 (0)2 529 62 12 info@aegtranzcom.com - www.aegbelgium.be

Production units Workshop: Anderlecht (Brussels) Turnover 35 Mio € Contact Alain Margerin, margerin@aegtranzcom.com

Etienne Languillier, languillier@aegtranzcom.com

Employment 100 Activities/products Energy distribution for railway (substation, catenary, remote

control, UPS, battery) Telecommunication systems for railway Dispatching, Passenger Information Systems Special products for rolling from Vossloh-Kiepe (Germany) Engineering Maintenance / Services

References Infrabel – STIB/MIVB – De Lijn – TEC – SNCB – RATP (France):

Toulouse, Saint-Etienne, Grenoble Representations: Fahrleitungsbau GmbH (Essen) – Vossloh – Kiepe GmbH (Düsseldorf) – AEG Power Supply (Belecke) – Saft (France) – Cassidian (Finland)

Agoria, the Federation for the technology Industry


ALC TOURNAI SA Head office ALC Tournai s.a. ChaussĂŠe d'Antoing 5, B-7500 Tournai T: +32 (0)69 88 41 41 - F: +32 (0)69 88 41 49 guy.delcommenne@alc.be - www.alc.be

Production units Same address Turnover 10 Mio â‚Ź Contact Guy Delcommenne Employment 65 Activities/products Mechanical works

Fabricated steel works Machining (turning, drilling and milling)


Agoria, the Federation for the technology Industry

ALCATEL-LUCENT BELL NV Head office Alcatel-Lucent n.v. Copernicuslaan 50, B-2018 Antwerpen T: +32 (0)3 240 40 11 - F: +32 (0)3 240 99 99 general.info@alcatel-lucent.be - www.alcatel-lucent.be

Production units Same address Contact Marc Omwal, Sales Director

J端rgen Verniest, Account Manager

Activities/products Alcatel-Lucent is the leading supplier

of competitive transformation solutions for the industry and public sector. Alcatel-Lucent delivers secure, reliable, end-to-end business critical communication solutions, enabling new business opportunities. Its solutions and flexible deployment models enable its clients to focus on their business essentials. Alcatel-Lucent leverages a blend of Alcatel-Lucent expertise and third party competencies, to address the following markets: Transportation (Urban & Main Line Rail, Roads, and Airports) Energy (Power Utilities, and Oil & Gas) Government and e-Communities (Local Authorities, e-Government, Defense and Security, Real Estate, Healthcare, TV Broadcasters, etc.) Alcatel-Lucent is committed to the needs of metro and railway operators. Our Integrated Communications for Urban and Main Line Rail solution utilizes next-generation technology and supports key operator requirements for proven reliability, non- stop services and improved passenger safety. Alcatel-Lucent provides a full range of communication, information, mobile and video systems all integrated into a high-speed multi-service backbone network. With a centralized operation system, the robust network solution is highly resilient, reliable and secure. The fully scalable Alcatel-Lucent solution can be partially delivered as a transport operator upgrade technology or as Agoria, the Federation for the technology Industry


a completely integrated, end-to-end system supported by a full range of professional services. Telecom, electrical components for AC and DC substations, automation, catenary products and erection, maintenance/ services

References NMBS Belgium – RATP Metro Paris – Network Rail

UK – ZSR Slovakia – Brescia Metro Italy


Agoria, the Federation for the technology Industry

Š - ALstOM transport / Design&styling - Jump France

TRAMWAY CITADIS Designing cities Combining standardisation, modularity and customised design, Citadis provides each city with an original, ecological and efficient transport system. Access to Citadis is made easier by its low floor. Large windows, spacious corridors, air conditioning, video surveillance and real time information provide passengers with comfort, safety and well-being. www.transport.alstom.com

ALSTOM BELGIUM SA Head offices South Center Titanium Place Marcel Broodthaers 8, B-1060 Brussels T: +32 (0)71 44 56 08 - F: +32 (0)2 647 49 64 alstom.belgium@transport.alstom.com - www.transport.alstom.com

Production units Charleroi : centre of excellence for traction/auxiliary converters

and centre of excellence for signalling solutions incl. ERTMS standard for the entire Alstom Transport group worldwide. 70% of what is produced in Charleroi is being exported throughout the world.

Turnover 5.6 billions € (FY 2010-2011), employing 26000 people worldwide Contact Robert Seghers Employment 1000 employees

(out of which 450 engineers)

Activities/products Alstom develops and offers the most complete range of

systems, equipment and services on the rail market, with sustainable transport always in mind. Alstom provides expertise in rail infrastructure through every stem including design, engineering, procurement, construction, commissioning and maintenance. Our commitment is to deliver your system on-time and within budget.

References 25 very high speed trains AGV for NTV (Italy)

200 locomotives for TMH (Russia) 23 Metrocars for Amsterdam (The Netherlands) but also metros for Line 2 Lausanne (Switzerland), Singapore Circle Line (Singapore), Sao Paulo (Brazil), Santiago Line 2 & 5 (Chile) Regional trains for Deutsche Bahn (Germany) and 500 M6 double deck cars for NMBS in Belgium. ERTMS equipment on 449 trainsets OBB (Austria) and 490 trainsets SBB (Switzerland); 4000 equipements ERTMS L1 for Infrabel in Belgium Tramway : Bordeaux, Reims and Orléans (France), Algers (Algeria), Barcelona (Spain) …


Agoria, the Federation for the technology Industry

30-year track-record in over 25 countries with a detailed understanding of the entire rail system - track, electrification and electromechanical equipment along the line, in stations and in depot - and in the project management. Key words : expertise – proven innovative technology – world-class project management expertise – life-time support

ARCELOR-MITTAL RINGMILL SA Head office Arcelor-Mittal Ringmill s.a. Rue Philippe de Marnix 3/65, B-4100 Seraing T: +32 (0)4 330 35 35 - F: +32 (0)4 337 79 02 info@arcelormittalringmill.be - www.arcelormittalringmill.be

Production units Quai Greiner, zone CMI 4100 Seraing Turnover 62.3 Mio € Contact Sales@arcelormittalringmill.be Employment 120 Activities/products Steel rings and tyres References

RATP, SNCF, Transpole, SNCB, TEC, STIB, Semitan

Agoria, the Federation for the technology Industry


ATELIER DE DECOLLETAGE P. RUSSO SA Head office Atelier de Décolletage P. Russo s.a. Avenue Thomas Edison 49, B-1400 Nivelles T: +32 67 88 70 60 - F: +32 67 88 70 61 info@russop.com - www.russop.com

Production units Same address Turnover 1.74 Mio € (2010) Contact Russo Morto Pietro, Administrateur Délégué

Russo Morto Vartan, Administrateur

Employment 18 Activities/products CNC Turning Centres

CNC Lathes CNC Machining Centres CNC Precision Engineering and Welded Fabrications

References Automatic Systems, FN Herstal, Mecar,

Alstom, Infrabel


Agoria, the Federation for the technology Industry

ATLAS COPCO AIRPOWER NV Head office Atlas Copco Airpower n.v. Boomsesteenweg 957, B-2610 Wilrijk T: +32 (0)3 870 21 11 - F: +32 (0)3 870 24 43 www.atlascopco.com

Production units Atlas Copco Airpower n.v. in Wilrijk - Belgium

Atlas Copco Railway Competence Centre in Chambly - France

Turnover 7.7 billion € (group) Contact Benny Bollens, 02 689 06 18 Employment 34.000 (group) Activities/products Compressed air equipment, Drilling equipment

For railway: compressors and accessories for rolling stock (dryers, filters)

References More than 7500 units on board of rolling stock

world wide. A few references: Eurotunnel - France NSB - Norway SNCF - France SJ – Sweden VAL208 - Italy-France BVG – Germany OBB – Austria MPS – Russia CSH – China AMTRAK, USA NedTrain - The Netherlands De Lijn - Belgium SBB - Swiss Green Cargo - Scandinavia RailCorp - Australia KiwiRail - New Zealand Trenes de Buenos Aires - Argentina Valparaíso Metro – Chili Queensland Rail, Australia Agoria, the Federation for the technology Industry


AUTOMATIC SYSTEMS SA Head office Automatic Systems s.a. Avenue Mercator 5, B-1300 Wavre T: +32 (0)10 23 02 11 - F: +32 (0)10 23 02 02 sales.asgroup@automatic-systems.com - www.automatic-systems.com

Production units In Belgium : production sites in Wavre and Gembloux.

In Canada : production site in Brossard.

Turnover 56 Mio € (2010) Contact Wilfried Simon, Project Director

Tel. +32 10 230 279 email : wsimon@automatic-systems.com

Employment 300 Activities/products Automatic Systems is one of the world leaders for automated

control equipment for pedestrian and vehicle entrance. Based on industrial experience spanning over 40 years, Automatic Systems designs and manufactures control equipment for paid access (public transport systems, highway tolls…) and secure access (building access, boarding control, immigration control…). Automatic Systems offers a vast range of security entrance lanes, swing gates, tripod turnsiles and security doors as well as rising barriers, bollards and access control equipment to serves the operators and integrators of public transport

References Automatic Systems access control equipment

can be found in metro access control gates in major cities around the world : Turin, Milano, Brussels, Stockholm, Lyon, Barcelona, Valencia, Singapore… And also : Renfe Cercanias regional rail network, SNCF railways, London, Lille, Paris and Brussels for Eurostar stations.


Agoria, the Federation for the technology Industry

AUTOMATION NV Head office Automation n.v. Zone 4A - Dassenveld Zinkstraat 2, B–1502 Halle T: +32 (0)2 358 35 75 - F: +32 (0)2 358 36 09 automation@automation.be - www.automation.be

Production units 1 located at HQ

1 commercial subsidiary in Paris (F) Agent network in France

Turnover 9 Mio € Contact Eric Eeraerts, Sales & Marketing Employment 75 Activities/products Automation has got 3 BU’s: Power, Telecom and Communications

In the sector of rail and tramways, Automation produces fully customized products (transformers, chargers, power supplies, rectifiers and control relays), distributes standard products (batteries, UPS, inverters,…) and integrates the above in total solutions (containers, shelters, cabinets,…); Specific products are : cathodic protections, inductive bonds, heat resistant transformers (tunnels), transformers for switches, power supplies for protected level crossings, … On top of that Automation delivers maintenance and monitoring services and has got an own NOC

References Belgian Railways, Dutch Railways (NS), TEC, STIB,

De Lijn, Alstom, export to Asia and Africa,…

Agoria, the Federation for the technology Industry


BARCO NV Head office Barco n.v. Noordlaan 5, B-8520 Kuurne T: +32 (0)56 36 87 93 - F: +32 (0)56 36 82 94 stephan.heirbrant@barco.com - www.barco.com/traffic

Production units Barco nv, Pres. Kennedypark 35, 8500 Kortrijk

Barco nv, Noordlaan 5, 8520 Kuurne Barco Germany - Control rooms division, An der Rossweid 5, 76229 Karlsruhe, Germany Barco Electronic Systems Pvt Ltd, A-3 & A-4, Sector V, 201301 Noida, UP, India

Turnover Sales 2006: 751 Mio €

EBIT 2006: 61 Mio €

Contact Stephan Heirbrant, Sales Manager

T: +32 (0)56 36 8793 stephan.heirbrant@barco.com

Employment Barco employs about 3 800 people

worldwide. Barco's Security & Monitoring Division, one of Barco’s three strategic business activities, employs about 1 300 people worldwide. Activities/products Headquartered in Kortrijk, Belgium, Barco’s Security and Monitoring Division designs, manufactures and markets innovative hard- and software visualization solutions for a variety of markets, such as the traffic, surveillance, defense, broadcast and telecom networks and ­­ utilities and process control markets. Barco’s Security & Monitoring Division is headed up by Carl Peeters, based in Kuurne, Belgium. Barco's managed traffic monitoring solution consists of a high-quality display, a controller and wall management software. Multiple rear-screen projection modules can be combined into a display wall of any size. Advanced graphic controllers offer a virtually unlimited integration of 24

Agoria, the Federation for the technology Industry

data and video sources into one overview. Open wall management software guarantees seamless integration with today's Traffic Management solutions. Barco’s series of high-resolution LCD displays has been specifically designed for use in a wide variety of professional applications, including traffic and surveillance monitoring. Barco's LCD family presents crisp, clear and color-accurate images on 30”, 42”, 47” and 56” screen sizes. They provide the perfect overview display solution to help viewers reduce response times and create better conditions for collaborative decision making. Barco offers a turnkey, stand-alone software solution for lossless recording, archiving and playback of full graphics display contents and operator actions. The system saves and reproduces multiple operator display content for further analysis. This includes search and rescue, event analysis, operator training, safety analysis, sector monitoring and HMI evaluations. Barco’s HMI software development toolkit enables a team of experts to create high-performance HMI applications while keeping development time and cost at a minimum. Display systems developed with Barco's software development toolkit allow visualizing an almost unlimited number of highly dynamic objects in near real-time. Barco's toolkit merges a variety of external information, such as flight plan or track data, radar sources, map data and weather data.

References Belgian National Railways, Belgium

Rijkswaterstaat Zuid-West Nederland - Verkeerscentrale Noord- en Oost-Nederland VCNON, the Netherlands ASF Vedene - Eurotunnel France Traffic Wales, United Kingdom ÖBB Österreichische Bundesbahnen - Vienna Traffic Authority, Insbruck and Vienna , Austria Ecovias dos Imigrantes, São Paulo - Brazil Beijing Railway, China COKP Tunel Mala Kapela, Croatia Agoria, the Federation for the technology Industry


Public Transport Brno, Czech Republic Danish Rail, Denmark EKAB, Athens Greece SocietĂ Trasporti Automobilistici (STA), Italy Brisa Auto-Estradas de Portugal Madrid Barajas Airport, Spain ISBAK, Istanbul, Turkey California Department of Transportation District 4 - Florida Departments of Transportation - Niagara Falls Bridge Commission, USA


Agoria, the Federation for the technology Industry

BELGORAIL SA Head office Belgorail s.a. Rue Ravenstein 60 B7, B–1000 Brussels T: +32 (0)2 548 37 63 - F: +32 (0)2 548 53 31 info@belgorail.be - www.belgorail.be

Turnover 4 Mio € (2011) Contact ir. Jean-Marc Dupas, Managing Director

Employment 14 persons at the central office, more than 150 experts

Activities/products Certification Body in the field of railway and urban transport

system: Notified Body n° 1615 for railway interoperability directive 2008/57/CE Designated Body in Belgium and other countries Testing Body on the Belgian Infrastructure Independent Assessor (CSM-risk evaluation) Independent Safety Assessor (ISA) Certification of ECM and maintenance workshop Conformity assessment in case of voluntary verification




Technical, Reliable, Passionate Rue Gatti de Gamondstraat 254 - 1180 Brussels - BelGium tel. + 32 2 370 31 11 - fax + 32 2 332 24 55


BOMBARDIER TRANSPORTATION NV/SA Head office Bombardier Transportation Belgium n.v.-s.a. Pegasus Park De Kleetlaan 5B-5C bus 9, B-1831 Machelen (Diegem) T: +32 (0)2 289 73 11 - F: +32 (0)2 289 73 00 dominique.koch@be.transport.bombardier.com - www.bombardier.com

Production units Bombardier Transportation Belgium n.v.-s.a.

Vaartdijkstraat 5, B-8200 Brugge T: +32 (0)50 40 11 11 - F: +32 (0)50 40 18 40

Contact Johan Van den Bussche, Chief Country

Representative Benelux Dominique Koch, Marketing Communications

Employment 650 (figures Dec 2011) Activities/products Global leader in rail technology, offers the broadest portfolio

in the rail industry and delivers innovative products and services that set new standards in sustainable mobility. BOMBARDIER ECO4 technologies – built on the four cornerstones of energy, efficiency, economy and ecology – conserve energy, protect the environment and help to improve total train performance. Bombardier Transportation is headquartered in Berlin, Germany and has a presence in over 60 countries. It has an installed base of over 100,000 vehicles worldwide.

References 492 double-deck coaches for SNCB, Belgium

220 BOMBARDIER* FLEXITY* Outlook trams for STIB, Brussels Latest orders : Double-deck coaches for SNCB, Belgium (option), BOMBARDIER FLEXITY Outlook trams for STIB, Brussels (option) *™ Trademark(s) of Bombardier Inc. or its subsidiaries. All rights reserved.

Agoria, the Federation for the technology Industry


CEGELEC NV-SA / BENELUX Head office Cegelec n.v.-s.a. Benelux Boulevard de la Woluwe laan 60, B-1200 Brussels T: +32 (0)2 775 90 20 - F: +32 (0)2 772 25 96 www.cegelec.be - www.cegelec.com - www.transport.cegelec.com

Production units North:

Baarbeek 8 2070 Zwijndrecht Phone : +32.3.800.52.08 - Fax : +32.3.800.52.00 South: Aéropole de Gosselies Rue Santos Dumont 3 6041 Gosselies Phone : +32 71 60 65 11 – Fax +32 71 60 65 15

Turnover 2.8 billion € worldwide Contact Etienne Bertrand – Business Development Manager

Jean-Marie Lavergé – Business Development Manager

Employment 25 000 worldwide Activities/products Signalling

Electrification High voltage - Low voltage Rolling stock electrical equipment

References Railway and urban transport

Worldwide : France, Morocco, Korea, Thailand, Czech Republic, Singapore, Mexico, Tunisia, Egypt, Portugal, Netherlands, Italy, Turkey, Russia, Greece, Luxembourg, Hungary, Serbia, Bulgaria, … Belgium : STIB / MIVB / Infrabel


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CMI SA LOCOS DIESEL Head office CMI s.a. Locos Diesel Avenue Greiner 1, B-4100 Seraing T: +32 (0)4 330 24 33 - F: +32 (0)4 330 25 45 services.rail@cmigroupe.com - www.cmigroupe.com

Production units Seraing Turnover 10 Mio â‚Ź (CMI locos/diesel only)

800 Mio â‚Ź (CMI group)

Contact Philippe Lempereur, General Manager

Marcel Metz, Sales Manager

Employment +/- 80 agents (railway pole)

+/- 3500 agents (CMI Group)

Activities/products Shunting locomotives from 350 HP up to 75 HP

Maintenance, modernisation and refurbishing of locomotives Renting of locomotives Spare parts for locomotives and diesel engine Cockerill 240 Co Full service maintenance and/or traction contracts

References CMI Locos Diesel supplies locomotives and services in major

industrial and railways companies worldwide

Agoria, the Federation for the technology Industry


CNIM NV/SA Head office CNIM n.v./s.a. Avenue Louise 522, B-1050 Brussels T: +32 (0)9 252 59 51 - F: +32 (0)9 252 59 56 phschyns@cnim.be - www.cnim.fr

Production units Brusselsesteenweg 493 A, B-9090 Melle Turnover 3.5 Mio €

Contact Philippe Schyns

Employment 27 Activities/products Escalators and moving walkways

Doors for coaches - Curtis Canada group CNIM

References STIB/MIVB - De Lijn - TEC Charleroi - SNCB/NMBS

CONCRETE, ALL-ROUND CREATIVE Head office Concrete, All-round creative Klokstraat 12, B-2600 Antwerpen T: +32 (0)3 232 02 63 - F: +32 (0)3 303 64 86 info@concrete.be - www.concrete.be

Turnover 350 000 € Contact Alexander Crolla Employment 8 Activities/products Industrial design, product design, service design References Van Hool (bus & coach), EIA-Electronics/

Grammer for CNH (cockpit elements for industrial vehicle), City of London (double-decker redesign competition finalist), City of Antwerp (tram concept)


Agoria, the Federation for the technology Industry

DiBO NV Head office DiBO n.v. Hoge Mauw 38 (Pand 250), B-2370 Arendonk T: +32 (0)14 67 22 51 - F: +32 (0)14 67 25 10 a.raeymaekers@dibo.com - www.dibo.com

Contact Arno van den Borne, Managing Director

Employment 26 Activities/products Tram & train wash installations References NMBS Oostende - NMBS Gentbrugge

DYNAMOTOR - DE COSTER NV Head office Dynamotor - De Coster n.v. De Costerstraat 41, B-3150 Wespelaar T: +32 (0)16 60 12 19 - F: +32 (0)16 60 87 81 info@dynamotordc.com - www.dynamotor.be

Production units Same address Turnover 1.3 Mio â‚Ź Contact Eric De Coster Employment 22 Activities/products Production of custom made electrical motors References Infrabel - Siemens

Agoria, the Federation for the technology Industry


ESCO COUPLINGS NV Head office Esco Couplings n.v. Kouterveld - Culliganlaan 3, B–1831 Diegem T: +32 (0)2 715 65 60 - F: +32 (0)2 721 28 27 l.degroef@esco-couplings.be - www.escocoupling.com

Production units Diegem Contact Ludo De Groef

Marc Reyns

Employment 70 Activities/products Development, design and manufacturing of flexible

couplings connecting traction motor to axle mounted gear boxes

References Alstom, Siemens, Bombardier, Rotem, Hitachi,

Toshiba, Toyo Denki, Voith, ZF, Vossloh, NMBS (AM96), DB (ICE3), RATP, SNCF, AMTRAK, S.J. (Sweden), Rotterdam public transport, Metro Santiago (Chili), Metro Seoul, Metro Shanghai, Scottrail, Metro Taipei, Metro Melbourne, Metro Nanjing, Metro Beijing, Metro Santo Domingo, Metro Mumbai, Metro Sao-Paolo, Tram Istanbul, aso


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EUROSENSE BELFOTOP N V Head office Eurosense Belfotop n.v. Nerviërslaan 54, B–1780 Wemmel T: +32 (0)2 460 70 00 - F: +32 (0)460 49 58 frank.de.boeck@eurosense.com - www.eurosense.be

Production units Diegem Turnover 6.4 Mio € Contact Frank De Boeck, Commercial Director Employment +/- 170 (Group level) Activities/products Airborne surveys, photogrammetry, lidar surveys,


References Infrabel (BE) : mapping compete railway

network (2009-2011) based on aerial photograph and oblique imagery Bulgarian railways Polish railways

Agoria, the Federation for the technology Industry


FABRICOM NV-SA Head office FABRICOM n.v.-s.a. Rue Gatti de Gamondstraat 254, B-1180 Brussels T: +32 (0)2 370 31 11 - F: +32 (0)2 332 24 55 nfo@fabricom-gdfsuez.com - www.fabricom-gdfsuez.com

Production units Business Unit Belgian Operations

info@fabricom-gdfsuez.com Unit Aartselaar Kontichsesteenweg 25, B-2630 Aartselaar T: + 32 (0)3 870 12 11 - F:+ 32 (0)3 871 18 92 Unit Braine l’Alleud Chaussée de Tubize 489, B-1420 Braine l'Alleud T: +32 (0)2 389 22 11 - F: +32 (0)2 389 23 00

Turnover 782 Mio € (2011) Contact Filip Cocquereaux

Department Manager Rail (Belgium) T: + 32 (0)3 871 17 32 - filip.cocquereaux@fabricom-gdfsuez.com Bruno Depré Business Development Manager (International) T: +32 (0)3 870 13 12 - bruno.depre@fabricom-gdfsuez.com

Employment 5 300 (2011) Activities/products Electrical and electromechanical installations for rail, subway,

- tramway and light rail - catenary - power (HV, traction) - equipment (signalling, safety, displays, …)

References NMBS/Tuc Rail: catenary and traction (several products)

NMBS/Tuc Rail: high speed train (several products) MIVB: Metro Brussels De Lijn: Metro Antwerp - De Lijn: tramway SRWT/TEC: Metro Charleroi THV Dialink: Diabolo


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FAIVELEY TRANSPORT BELGIUM NV Head office Faiveley Transport Belgium n.v. Leuvensesteenweg 573 - unit 4A, B–1930 Zaventem T: +32 (0)2 759 79 12 - F: +32 (0)2 759 32 45 www.faiveleytransport.com

Turnover 4.43 Mio â‚Ź Contact Yves De Herde, General Manager Employment 4 Activities/products Sale of products and systems for all types of railway vehicles,

from high-speed to urban transport HVAC Passenger access systems Platform doors & gates Brakes & couplers CCTV surveillance, passenger information systems, infotainmment Pantographs & switches, Energy meter, auxiliary power converters Master controllers & drives vigilance system, beacons, speed sensors Odometry & event recorders Spare parts, overhaul and services

References SNCB - STIB - TEC - De Lijn - CFL, Alstom, Bombardier, Siemens

Agoria, the Federation for the technology Industry


FCC-MSI5 SA/MECASTAMP INTERNATIONAL Head office FCC MSI5 s.a./Mecastamp International Rue du Progrès 50, B–6180 Courcelles T: +32 (0)71 46 80 50 - F: +32 (0)71 46 80 60 contact@mecastamp.fr - www.mecastamp.fr

Production units FCC-MSI5, 6180 Courcelles Belgium

MSI, 62110 Henin-Beaumont France

Turnover 30 Mio € Contact sv@mecastamp.fr Employment 250 Activities/products Stamping from 3 to 300 kg

Machining, painting, assembly

References Atlas Copco - Caterpillar - Ingersoll Rand - DB - SNCB - SNCF

Linde - Massey Ferguson


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FORGES ET ESTAMPAGE DE LA MEUSE SCRL Head office Forges et Estampage de la Meuse SCRL Rue Bastin 188, B–4020 Wandre T: +32 (0)4 362 62 82 - F: +32 (0)4 362 41 74 fem@skypro.be - www.be-fem.com

Production units

Same address

Turnover 1.2 Mio € Contact Gabriel Mueller, Sales Manager Employment 10 Activities/products High-tech drop-forging steel parts up to 10 kg in different steel

grades CNC machining Heat treatment Assembly Research and development simulation of deformation process

References SNCB - STIB - SAB - Freinrail - Arbel Fauvet Rail

Agoria, the Federation for the technology Industry


GALVA POWER Head office Galva Power Centrum Zuid 2037, B–3530 Houthalen T: +32 (0)11 510 210 - F: +32 (0)11 510 211 zinq@galvapower.com - www.galvapower.com

Production units Galva Power Gent,

Galva Power Ieper, Galva Power Charleroi, Galva Power Antwerpen, Galva Power Houthalen, Galva Power Overpelt

Turnover 55 Mio € (2010) Contact Jean-Louis Goderniaux

Sales & Marketing Manager +32 (0)11 51 02 34 jlgoderniaux@galvapower.com

Employment 366 Activities/products Hot dip galvanizing and duplex systems are the first choice

for corrosion protection of steel with regard to lifetime (mechanical and corrosive resistance) and environmental performance. TouchZINQ®, the world leading integrated system for protection & design on steel, offers solutions for the most challenging applications.


References Infrabel, Tuc Rail, De Lijn, NS (Nederlandse Spoorwegen)

Agoria, the Federation for the technology Industry

GANTREX SA Head office Gantrex s.a. Rue du Commerce 19, B–1400 Nivelles T: +32 (0)67 88 80 30 - F: +32 (0)67 21 63 21 info@be.gantry.com - www.gantry.com

Production units Nivelles (Belgium)

Bilbao (Spain)

Turnover 100 Mio € Contact Thérèse Grzeskowiak, Sales Manager France/Benelux/Africa

Stéphane Blaszczynski, Product Manager Railway Applications

Employment 50 Activities/products Design, manufacture and sales of crane operating equipment:

rails, GANTREX clips, GANTREX pads, chairs, anchoring & fixing products, embedment products, supporting columns, chairscrews, buffers


Atelier RER Charleroi, Centre d’Essais Ferroviaires Valenciennes, Kourou (French Guyana) switch & rail track, Tramway/Subway maintenance halls, …

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GET NV Head office GET n.v. Antwerpsesteenweg 107, B–2390 Malle T: +32 (0)3 312 92 30 - F: +32 (0)3 312 72 90 info@get.be - www.get.be

Production units Same address Turnover 12 Mio € Contact Jean Panis, Commercial Director

Jouric Kitslaar, Financial Director

Employment 110 Activities/products Acces Control – CCTV - Security Management

Time & Attendance – Consultancy – Project Implementation – Customer Services

References TEC, De Lijn, Bombardier, Van Hool, Janssen, Ecover, 3M, Ineos,

Alpro, Nike, Boehringer Ingelheim, Indaver, CM,…


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GILLAM-FEI SA Head office Gillam-Fei s.a. Mont St Martin 58, B–4000 Liège T: +32 (0)4 232 95 95 - F: +32 (0)4 223 42 76 info@gillam-fei.be - www.gillam-fei.be

Production units Same address Turnover

9.7 Mio €

Contact Fernand Stamerra, Marketing manager Employment 66 Activities/products Feeder Protection Relay (Protection Unit for DC traction power

supply) Programmable DC Current Injector for Breaker and Protection Relay testing (up to 20000ADC) Remote Terminal Units Synchronisation Supply Units Power Supplies (inverters, rectifiers)

References Infrabel (Belgian Railways), SNCF (French Railways), RATP

(French Subways), STIB (Belgian Subways), Other European subways

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HARTING NV-SA Head office Harting n.v.-s.a. Z.3 Doornveld 23, B-1731 Zellik T: +32 (0)2 466 01 90 - F: +32 (0)2 466 78 55 be@harting.com - www.harting.be

Production units Same address

Turnover 4 Mio â‚Ź

Contact Danny Maijinckx Employment 10 Activities/products Manufacturer of connectors References Siemens - Alstom - Bombardier - NMBS - SNCF -Vossloh

Locomotives - De Lijn - MIVB


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IG WATTEEUW INTERNATIONAL NV Head office IG Watteeuw International nv Kampveldstraat 51, B-8020 Oostkamp T: +32 (0)50 82 69 07 - F: +32 (0)50 82 69 74 sales@watteeuw.be - www.watteeuw.be

Production units Belgium (HQ), Romania, Tsjech Republic, USA, China

Turnover > 100 Mio â‚Ź

Contact Tom Cortier

Employment > 1000

Activities/products Gear, transmissions

References Worldwide

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KABELWERK EUPEN AG Head office Kabelwerk Eupen AG Malmedyer Strasse 9, B-4700 Eupen T: +32 (0)87 59 70 00 - F: +32 (0)87 59 70 66 paul_bartholemy@eupen.com - www.eupen.com

Production units Eupen: MV & LV power cables, signalling cables, coaxial cables

Aachen: fibre optic cables

Turnover 330 Mio â‚Ź Contact Paul Bartholemy,

Sales Manager Industrial Projects

Employment 950 Activities/products Independent manufacturer of low voltage and medium voltage

power cables, halogen-free safety cables, railway signalling cables, fibre optic cables, radiating 50 OHM coaxial cables, ‌

References Infrabel: Signalling cables HSL L2 , L3 , L4

Infrabe: Halogen-free safety cables for tunnels in Soumagne & Antwerpen Centraal De Lijn: Feeder cables Deutsche Bahn AG: Signalling cables Metro Praha: Halogen-free communication cables


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KS TECHNIQUES SA Head office KS Techniques s.a. Parc Industriel - Cour Lemaire 16, B-4651 Battice T: +32 (0)4 247 01 67 - F: +32 (0)87 31 42 21 info@kst.be - www.kst.eu

Production units Lighting - Electronic - Power Quality

Parc Industriel Cour Lemaire 16, B-4651 Battice T: +32 (0)4 247 01 67 - F: +32 (0)87 31 42 21 Industrial processes Parc Industriel Rue de l'Avenir 8, B-4460 Grace-Hollogne T: +32 (0)4 247 01 67 - F: +32 (0)4 247 02 54

Turnover 9 Mio â‚Ź Contact Baudouin Van Steenberge, Sales Manager

T: +32 (0)485 55 35 56

Employment 45 Activities/products Lighting inverters and converters for rolling stock (trains,

EMU, DMU, High Speed, metro, tramways, buses and coaches, new construction, refurbishment and maintenance) for : - Fluorescent lamps (T5, T8, compact lamps, ...) : CTL, CTLT, IRS - Halogen lamps : CH and CDC series - LED lamps: DEL series Lamps - Halogen spots - LED panels, LED spots, LED strips

References SNCB - STIB - TEC - SNCF - VIA Rail - DB - Alstom

Bombardier - Siemens - Barat-Sofanor, SAIRA, Tuvasas, HTM, Varialux, ...

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LABOREX BVBA Head office Laborex bvba Hagelberg 15, B-2250 Olen T: +32 (0)14 86 16 16 - F: +32 (0)14 86 16 17 info@laborex.be - www.laborex.be

Turnover on demand Contact Wim Huysters, General Manager

Luc Huysters, General Manager

Employment 53 Activities/products Laborex is a dynamic company that specializes in the

development and production of industrial cleaning systems and sandblasting cabins & surface treatment apparatus.

References Automotive, Shipbuilding, Metal working industry, Railway,

Maintenance and repair, aviation, rolling stock, pharmaceutics, catering industry, printing offices, chemicals, public utilities, etc.


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LAMIFIL NV Head office Lamifil n.v. Frederic Sheidlaan, B-2620 Hemiksem T: +32 (0)3 870 06 21 or +32 (0)3 870 07 35 - F: +32 (0)3 870 06 74 marjan.siebens@lamifil.be - joris.vds@lamifil.be www.lamifil.be

Production units Hemiksem Turnover 127 Mio € (2010) Contact Marjan Siebens - Joris Vanderslaghmolen Employment 230 Activities/products Lamifil has a long history in the rail infrastructure market. As one

of the major European suppliers of catenary wires for railway electrification, we manufacture: - trolley wire in copper and copper alloys - bare conductors in copper and copper alloys - bare conductors in aluminium and aluminium alloys

References We supply overhead electrification for trams, trains and high

speed trains worldwide. Some of our references: Infrabel – Belgium De Lijn / MIVB / TEC – Belgium NS – the Netherlands HTM / RET / GVB / Conexxion – the Netherlands CFL – Luxembourg Network Rail – UK SNCF – France RATP – France ADIF / RENFE – Spain OSE – Greece TCCD – Turkey SNTF – Algeria KR – South Korea MTRC /KCRC Hong Kong

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LERNER ENGINEERING BVBA Head office Lerner Engineering bvba Avenue de Tyras 75, B-1120 Brussels T: +32 (0)477 82 24 12 - F: +32 (0)2 270 25 96 info@lernerengineering.be - www.lernerengineering.be

Production Unit same address Contact Jo Lerner, jolerner@lernerengineering.be

Activities/products Yard supervisors, yard leaders, technicians for signalisation for

different customers

References Tuc Rail, Siemens (departement spoor signalisatie)

LIGHT ALLOYS GROUPE (FONDERIE FALLAIS) Head office Light Alloys Groupe (Fonderie Fallais) Rue de Waremme 123, B-4530 Villers-le-Bouillet T: +32 (0)472 83 14 74 - F: +32 (0)85 21 11 34 j.poot@fonderiefallais.be - www.fonderiefallais.be


Production units 3 Turnover 10 Mio â‚Ź Contact Joris Poot, Business Development Employment n.a. Activities/products Aluminium foundries, heat treatment, machining References Faiveley, Alstom, Atlas Copco, Van Hool, Picanol

Agoria, the Federation for the technology Industry

LVD COMPANY NV Head office LVD Company n.v. Nijverheidslaan 2, B-8560 Gullegem T: +32 (0)56 43 05 11 - F: +32 (0)56 43 25 00 info@lvd.be - www.lvdgroup.com

Production units LVD Company (B), Strippit Inc. (USA)

Turnover LVD Group 2006: 148 Mio â‚Ź

Contact Patrick Deferme, Sales & Marketing Director Employment LVD Group: approx. 1000 Activities/products Development and manufacture of machine tools and automated

systems and services for the sheet metal working industry

References Bombardier (B) - Alstom (F) - NMBS

Agoria, the Federation for the technology Industry


MACQ NV-SA Head office Macq n.v.-s.a. Rue de l’Aéronef 2, B-1140 Brussels T: +32 (0)2 610 15 00 - F: +32 (0)2 610 15 05 info@macq.eu - www.macq.eu

Turnover 6 Mio € Contact François Macq, Managing Director

De Mul Ignaas, Sales Director (NL) Vincent Lecat, Sales Director (FR) Emmanuel Salle, Sales Manager

Employment 48 Activities/products Developing & manufacturing of a whole range of electronic and

computing-processing solutions for industry, building and road traffic

References Macq presents many references carried out the last few years

which attest to its human and technical abilities to meet with the greatest efficiency the needs of its customers. Specially designed to increase safety on escalator, we present the DP4000-G5 system. A system to restart automatically the escalator after emergency stop in order to keep escalator park at an availability level never reached - Detection by infrared beams - 100% waterproof - quick wall surface mounting - replaces clothes protection - EN115 norm compliance More than 1,000 automatically rearmed escalators equipped in major subways such as Brussels, Paris, Lyon, Toulouse, Marseille, Antwerpen, Gent, Charleroi, … In railway stations, we develop and install building management system which controls: - Lighting - Access controls and intrusions - Travelors and escalator - Elevators - Heating and air-conditioning - Ventilation - Electrical network 52

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MALMAR NV Head office Malmar n.v. Skalendenpark - Eddastraat 42, B-9042 Gent T: +32 (0)9 255 51 11 - F: +32 (0)9 255 51 12 info@malmar.be - www.cormetalis.be

Production units Gent (Belgium), Ventspils (Latvia) Turnover 5.9 Mio â‚Ź Contact Koen Desimpelaere Employment 35 Activities/products Sheet metal constructions (bending, punching, welding, rivetting,

shotblasting, primer + powdercoating)

References Volvo Truck - Volvo Bus - Renault Truck - Atlas Copco - Tower

Automotive - Daikin - Bucher - Mutoh - CMC - Stas

Agoria, the Federation for the technology Industry


MULTIPROX NV Head office Multiprox n.v. Lion d’Orweg 12, B-9300 Aalst T: +32 (0)53 76 65 66 - F: +32 (0)53 78 39 77 mail@multiprox.be - www.multiprox.be

Production units Multiprox is the Belgian daughter of the German holding Hans

Turck GmbH. The Turck Holding has 8 production plants worldwide

Turnover 13.5 Mio € Contact mail@multiprox.be Employment 26 Activities/products For the rail, tramway and coaches manufacturing industry,

Multiprox is offering its vast experience in the field of door- opening buttons, LED indicator lights, speed and motion sensors, interfaces and industrial/embedded PC’s. Thanks to the flexibility and competence of our partners, we are capable to develop and manufacture customized solutions. References Bombardier, Van Hool


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MUNCK SERVICES BELGIUM SA Head office Munck Services Belgium s.a. Rue du Centre 49, B-4000 Sclessin-Liège T: +32 (0)4 342 99 29 - F: +32 (0)4 341 25 43 post@munck.be - www.munck.be

Production units same address Turnover 0.5 Mio € Contact Eric Bertholome, Technical Manager

Claudine Ponsard, Managing Director

Employment 15 Activities/products Various repairs on all types of overhead cranes

Preventative maintenance - Inspections Hoists - Overhead cranes - Accessories - Equipment Placement of life lines

References Arcelor - Cie des Ciments Belges - Arjo Wiggins –

St. Gobain Glass - Outo Kumpu Copper Belgian Army I.B.A. - Magotteaux – Itradec – Bageci Ministère Wallon Equipments/Transports

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MUSTAD AG Head office Mustad AG Industriestrasse 30, B-4700 Eupen T: +32 (0)87 63 98 90 - F: +32 (0)87 63 98 98 info@mustad.be - www.mustad.be

Production units Member of the Mustad Int. Group Turnover 6.5 Mio € Contact Pierre Defechereux Employment 56 Activities/products Production of precision mechanical components and assemblies

for the industry by cnc milling, screw-cutting, turning, grinding. We offer a full service following our customers’ requests­ (co-engineering, R&D process, production of prototypes, production in series, design of the packaging, logistic all over world and stock management). Languages: NL-FR-D-E References Bosch - Alcatel - SNCB- AREVA


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NEDCOAT NINOVE NV Head office Nedcoat Ninove n.v. Industrie Zone 2 - Pamelstraat-Oost 500, B-9400 Ninove T: +32 (0)54 32 56 56 - F: +32 (0)54 32 61 76 ninove@nedcoat.be - www.nedcoat.be

Production units Ninove Turnover 10 Mio € Contact Carlos Callewaert Employment 73 Activities/products Hot dip galvanizing, Powder Coating, Wet coating, Duplex,

Dacromet®, Geomet®, Anodising

References NMBS, TUC Rail, MIVB/STIB, De Lijn, TEC, NS

(Dutch railways), Rijkswaterstaat (NL)

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NEXANS BENELUX NV Head office Nexans Benelux n.v. Alsembergsesteenweg 2 b 2, B–1501 Buizingen T: +32 (0)2 363 26 02 - F: +32 (0)2 363 27 05 sales.equipment-cables@nexans.com - www.nexans.be

Production units Belgium: Dour, Buizingen, Charleroi

France: Paillart Germany : Mönchengladbach

Turnover 300 Mio € Contact Claude Bayet (infrastructure)

Sandra Dubois (rolling stock)

Employment 645 Activities/products Infrastructure:

Low and medium voltage energy cables, signalling cables, halogen free fire retardant and fire resistant safety cables Rolling stock: FLAMEX thin wall halogen free hook-up wires for the wiring of electronic equipment Rolling stock power cables Cables for links between cars: jumper cables Coaxial cables for high frequency transmission Data bus cables for data transmission Multimedia cables for on-board video services

References Infrastructure: Infrabel – SNCB – STIB – AED - De Lijn

Rolling stock: Bombardier – Alstom – Siemens – SNCB - STIB


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NEXANS NETWORK SOLUTIONS NV DIV EUROMOLD Head office Nexans Network Solutions n.v. Div Euromold Zuid III – Industrielaan 12, B–9320 Erembodegem T: +32 (0)53 85 02 11 - F: +32 (0)53 83 10 13 info.euromold@nexans.com - www.nexans.be

Production units Erembodegem Belgium

Turnover 43 Mio € (2011)

Contact Geert Pauwels, General Manager,

geert.pauwels@nexans.com Roland De Wolf, Sales & Supply Chain Manager, roland.de_wolf@nexans.com Antonio Leon, Sales Manager Benelux, antonio.leon@nexans.com

Employment 300 Activities/products Nexans Network Solutions NV - Div. Euromold is the leading

European specialized designer, manufacturer and distributor of refabricated cable accessories for low, medium and high voltage. Distributor of Contacts, cableshoes & specific components for rail applications

References Infrabel, Fabricom, Spie, Strukton Rail, Engema, JM Jacobs,


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OPTICABLE SA Head office Opticable s.a. Parc Industriel de Frameries Avenue de l’Europe, B-7080 Frameries T: +32 (0)65 61 04 11 - F: +32 (0)65 67 74 39 www.nexans.com

Production units Frameries Turnover 30 Mio € (2010) Contact Guy Mestdagh, Sales Manager



Employment 150 Activities/products Fiber Optic Cables References SNCB (B), STIB (B), SNCF (F), RATP (F)

Agoria, the Federation for the technology Industry

OTN SYSTEMS NV Head office OTN Systems n.v Industrielaan 17b, B-2250 Olen T: +32 (0)14 25 28 47 - F: +32 (0)14 25 20 23 info@otnsystems.com - www.otnsystems.com

Production units same address Contact Olivier Georis, CEO (olivier.georis@otnsystems.com)

Bruno De Block, VP Sales & Marketing (bruno.de_block@otnsystems.com)

Employment 100 Activities/products OTN Systems designs, develops and markets multiservice

fiber optic communication networks for metros, light rail systems, people movers and railways worldwide. Product development : - System and product engineering - Solutions integration and applications development Manufacturing : - Assembly and Manufacturing Test Sales/Marketing : - National and export markets - Worldwide partner & distributor network Service : - Customized and turnkey solutions - Consulting services and project management - Training - Installation, maintenance, repair - Financing

References Railway, metro and light rail. OTN Systems’ networks are in

use at more than 85 major transport authorities worldwide. Please contact us for more information

Agoria, the Federation for the technology Industry


P&V ELEKTROTECHNIEK NV Head office P&V Elektrotechniek n.v. Industrieterrein Zolder-Lummen 1514

Industrieweg 10, B - 3550 Heusden-Zolder

T: +32 (0)13 61 11 00 - F: +32 (0)13 61 11 01 www.pnv.be

Production units Heusden-Zolder

Turnover 32 Mio €

Contact Koen Pellaers, 013 61 11 51


Employment 180 Activities/products Low voltage distribution & control panels

PCC, MCC, modulair panels, universal distribution panels, PLC, pneumatic, OCS, HVAC, ATEX, Relay, Analyser control panels


References Infrabel, NMBS, Belgacom, Atlas Copco, …

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PHOENIX Contact BELGIUM NV Head office Phoenix Contact Belgium n.v. Minervastraat 12-14, B-1930 Zaventem T: +32 (0)2 729 98 11 - F: +32 (0)2 725 36 14 info@phoenixcontact.be - www.phoenixcontact.be

Production units Several worldwide Turnover 1.4 billion â‚Ź (Phoenix Group) Contact Bart De Rouck, Acc. Mgr Traffic Solutions

0473 80 80 96 - brouck@phoenixcontact.be

Employment +/- 11.000 people worldwide Activities/products Automation systems for rail

On rolling stock and infrastructure

References - Diabolo Project (Zaventem Airport)

- Components for the PLP cabinets for Infrabel

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POPERINGE METAL CONSTRUCTION NV Head office Poperinge Metal Construction n.v. Provenseweg 64, B-8970 Poperinge T: +32 (0)57 33 30 49 - F: +32 (0)57 33 89 58 pmc@jonckheeresub.com

Production units Poperinge Turnover 3.5 à 4 Mio € Employment 65 Activities/products Ferro- and non-ferro plating up to 6 mm (lasercutting,

punching, bending and welding)


References Bombardier, Faiveley Transport NSF

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PRÉCIMÉTAL FONDERIE DE PRÉCISION SA Head office Précimétal Fonderie de Précision s.a. Chaussée de Mons - Parc Industriel, B-7180 Seneffe T: +32 (0)64 52 20 00 - F: +32 (0)64 52 20 10 info@precimetal.be - www.precimetal.com

Production units Same address Turnover 15 Mio € Contact Michel Dungelhoeff Employment 160 Activities/products Investment casting parts (lost wax process) from 1g to 30 kg

in steel, stainless steel, copper, cobalt and nickel alloys for all industrial sectors: general engineering, aeronautics, defense, building, engines, pumps and turbines. Manufacturing of wax injection dies ISO 9001 (2000) & EN9100 certifications

References Alstom - Airbus - Sagem - Bombardier

Agoria, the Federation for the technology Industry


PRODATA MOBILITY SYSTEMS NV/SA Head office Prodata Mobility Systems n.v./s.a. Leuvensesteenweg 540, Bus 3, B -1930 Zaventem T: +32 (0)2 306 10 20 - F: +32 (0)2 306 10 99 info@prodatamobility.com - www.prodatamobility.com

Production units Same address Contact Johan Rommelaere,


Activities/products Prodata Mobility Systems offers a wide range of services that

fit the service needs of today’s public transport companies. These services include field support, training of system users, training for hardware and/or software maintenance, corrective and/or preventive hardware maintenance, software support, software maintenance, etc.

References NMBS, De Lijn, Atradius

ROGERS BVBA Head office Rogers bvba Afrikalaan 188, B - 9000 Gent T: +32 (0)9 235 36 11 - F: +32 (0)9 235 36 58 stephanie.vanbeversluys@rogerscorporation.com - www.rogerscorporation.com

Production units Rogers BVBA, Gent, Belgium

Rogers Technologies, Suzhou, China Rogers Chandler, AZ, USA

Turnover 74.18 Mio € (2010) Contact Stéphanie Van Beversluys Employment 280 employees in Belgium, 2500 worldwide Activities/products Design, manufacturing, sales and distribution of power distribution systems and high frequency advanced circuit materials. Sales and distri­­­ bution of other Rogers’ high performance specialty material products.


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SAIT ZENITEL NV Head office Sait Zenitel n.v. Z.1. Researchpark 110, B - 1731 Zellik T: +32 (0)2 370 53 11 - F: +32 (0)2 370 51 19 info.belgium@saitzenitel.com - www.saitzenitel.com - www.sait-systems.com

Production units Head Office

France : 57190 Florange, rue d’Alsace 30

Turnover 18 Mio â‚Ź Contact Jolijn Vannuffelen,


Employment 150 Activities/products Integrated radio communication applications:

- Confined Areas Communication (retransmission of radio signals in tunnels) - Control & Security: integration of all necessary components for a control center, like access control, alarming, video surveillance, intercom, etc. - Ground-Train communications - Help point phones - On Board public information - Open air communications - Priority Control - Public Address & Video surveillance - Rail switching control - Station public information

References CTS Tramway (Strasbourg, France),

De Lijn Tramway (Antwerp, Belgium), RATP Tramway (Val de Seine, France), RATP Tramway (Bobigny, France), SEMITAG Tramway (Grenoble, France), SEMTAO Tramway (Orleans, France), STIB/MIVB Tramway (Brussels, Belgium), TAM Tramway (Montpellier, France), TCAR Tramway (Rouen, France), Agoria, the Federation for the technology Industry


TCL Tramway (Lyon, France), Brussels subway (Belgium), Sao Paolo & Rio de Janeiro subways (Brazil), Paris & Marseilles subways (France), Mexico City subway (Mexico), Copenhagen subway (Denmark), Caracas subway (Venezuela), Santiago de Chile subway (Chile), etc.

SARENS NV Head office Sarens n.v. Autoweg 10, B - 1861 Wolvertem T: +32 (0)52 31 93 19 - F: +32 (0)52 31 93 29 info@sarens.com - www.sarens.com

Production units None, we deliver services and solutions for heavy transport and


Turnover 73.29 Mâ‚Ź (consolidated Turnover = 191.8 Mâ‚Ź) Contact Roland De Wandel,


Employment 850 employees worldwide Activities/products Transport and Heavy Lift solutions & services with cranes,

platform trailers and alternative lifting systems

References - Eiffel/Eiffage (Millau viaduct)

- Aelterman (SNCF : Paris Pantin, Paris St Denis) - Victor Buyck Steel Constructions (several railwaybridges in

Belgium and abroad)

- Deutsche Bahn (engineering studies for and placing of rail- and 68

tramwaybridges in Germany)

Agoria, the Federation for the technology Industry

SCHRÉDER SA (CONSTRUCTIONS ELECTRIQUES) Head offices Schréder Group G.I.E.: Rue de Lusambo, B - 1190 Bruxelles T: +32 (0)2 332 01 06

Rue du Tronquoy 10, B - 5380 Fernelmont T: +32 (0)81 24 95 00 - F: +32 (0)81 24 95 49

gd@schreder.be - www.schreder.com

Production units Belgium and all over the world (see website) Turnover C.E.S.: 15 Mio €

Schréder group G.I.E.: 400 Mio €

Contact Guiseppe Diaferia Employment C.E.S.: 35

Schréder group G.I.E.: 1 500

Activities/products Transport lighting, road lighting, urban lighting, tunnel lighting,

industrial lighting, undergrounds (metros) lightings and projectors

References SNCB - I11 - AM96 (coaches lighting)

SNCF - TER2N - TER 2N New Generation (coaches lighting) China - Shanghai’s underground: Pearl Line Brussels underground Paris underground London underground Tunnel under the English Channel Many railways tunnels and stations in Belgium, France, Great- Britain and Spain

Agoria, the Federation for the technology Industry


SENSORIO Head office Sensorio, a division of BEA s.a. Allée des Noisetiers 5, B - 4031 Angleur T: +32 (0)4 361 65 65 - F: +32 (0)4 361 28 58 valentin.novakovic@sensorio.be - www.sensorio.be

Production units Angleur

Turnover 38.19 Mio € (2010)

Contact Valentin Novakovic

Employment 162 Activities/products BEA is a leading manufacturer of contactless sensors for

automatic pedestrian doors and inner train doors. Our engineers develop sensors based on radar, infrared and laser technology. Our target is to improve the comfort and safety on inner and outer train doors by providing contactless sensors that are both reliable and easy to integrate. BEA’s vision is all about creating comfort and safety for passengers. An automatic door inside a train should remain unnoticed. It should open when needed and close as soon as the passenger that passed cannot get hit. Sensors for outer train doors must be safe in use and still make sure that the train will not be delayed due to oversensitive behavior of the sensor, such as keeping the door open when it actually could be shut without danger. The ever increasing requests for safe operation of automatic pedestrian doors led to regulations imposing the use of noncontact sensors. Our target is to bring to the rolling stock business our expertise in comfort and safety accumulated over forty years. BEA is also providing solutions for specific applications like Automated Gap filler, PSD, or people counting. References ICE, VT611-612 Thalys, Velaro E…


Agoria, the Federation for the technology Industry

SHAPES SUBCONTRACTING NV Head office Shapes Subcontracting n.v. Moorselsesteenweg 22, B - 8800 Roeselare T: +32 (0)51 26 51 00 - F: +32 (0)51 26 51 01 info@shapessubcontracting.be - www.shapessubcontracting.be

Production units Roeselare Turnover 3.195 Mio â‚Ź (2010) Contact Patrick Gurdebeke, 051 26 51 43 Employment 50 Activities/products Certificate welding products References Faiveley Transport Iberica (Siemens, Bombardier), Bekro

Agoria, the Federation for the technology Industry


SIEMENS NV/SA Head office Siemens n.v./s.a. Marie Curiesquare 30, B-1070 Brussels T: +32 (0)2 536 49 91 - F: +32 (0)2 536 80 66 greet.rossignol@siemens.com - www.siemens.be

Production units Siemens nv

Sector Infrastructure & Cities G. Gezellestraat 121, 1654 Huizingen 1. Division Rail Systems 2. Division Mobility & Logistics 3. Business Unit Smart Grid Rail Electrification

Turnover 735.5 Mio â‚Ź (fiscal year 2010) Contact Pol Caby, Vice-President

Els Vanmarcke, Division Controller

Employment 1 477 (fiscal year 2011) Activities/products 1. Division Rail Systems

- Trains

- Coaches

- Locomotives

- Metros

- Tramways

- Customer Services

2. Division Mobility & Logistics

- Railway signalling

- Rail Automation

- Intelligent Traffic Solutions & E-vehicle Infrastructure

- Postal, luggage & parcel Infrastructure

3. Business Unit Smart Grid Rail Electrification

- Railway Electrification

- Scada systems


References 1. Division Rail Systems

AM08 trains for SNCB

HLE18 locomotives for SNCB

Hermelijn tramways for VVM De Lijn

Agoria, the Federation for the technology Industry

2. Division Mobility & Logistics

ETCS level 1 for Infrabel

EBP traffic guidance post for Infrabel

Signalling equipment for Infrabel

Tramway signalling for VVM De Lijn

Traffic light controllers for AWV

Public transport priority lanes for AED & STIB

3. Business Unit Smart Grid Rail Electrification

Substations for Infrabel, VVM De Lijn, SRWT, AED & STIB

SPICA NV Head office Spica n.v. Ringlaan 17, B - 8501 Heule T: +32 (0)56 36 19 70 - F: +32 (0)56 37 36 60 info@spica.be - www.spica.be

Production units Heule Turnover 7 Mio â‚Ź Contact Peter Verleyen, 0478 52 38 72


Employment 50 Activities/products - Cable assembly

- Inductive components - Electronic assembly - Encapsulating electronics - Manufacturing of prototyping - Support in design & development of inductive components - Production of tailor made coils transformers & filters

References Barco NV

Agoria, the Federation for the technology Industry


SPIE BELGIUM NV Head office SPIE Belgium n.v.-s.a. Keiberg Park - Excelsiorlaan 16, B - 1930 Zaventem T: +32 (0)2 729 61 11 - F: +32 (0)2 729 61 61 infra@spie.com - www.spie.com

Production units Anderlecht - Grobbendonk - Beernem - StrĂŠpy - Tihange Turnover 180 Mio â‚Ź Contact Marc Bolly, Director Infra Employment 1200 Activities/products - Contracting

- Detail engineering - Maintenance - Automation

References Energy:

- HV lines and substations - power links - power generating plants - cogeneration Transport: - road systems - rail systems - waterway and airport systems - signalling - traffic control Telecommunication: - fixed and mobile communication networks Environment: - water treatment - waste treatment - flue gas treatment


Agoria, the Federation for the technology Industry

STÄUBLI BENELUX NV Head office Stäubli Benelux n.v. Meensesteenweg 407 - 409, B-8501 Bissegem T: +32 (0)56 36 40 00 - F: +32 (0)56 36 41 10 connectors.be@staubli.com - benelux@multi-contact.com www.staubli.com - www.multi-contact.com

Production units Stäubli, Faverges, F

- Multi-contact, Allschwil, CH - Multi-contact, Essen, D - Multi-contact, Hésingue, F

Contact Pieter Rebry - Stäubli

Mathieu Gavel - Multi-contact

Activities/products Pneumatic and hydraulic hose and coupler assemblies

between bogy and carriage and inter-carriage for braking and suspension circuits Brake pressure measuring point couplers Automatic power electronics cooling fluid and electric multicouplers Air conditioning coolant couplers Sanitary water couplers Pneumatic couplers for pantograph monitoring Oil carter drain / fill couplers Pneumatic door control couplers Electric connectors

References Knorr Bremse - Faiveley - Kinki Sharyo - Mitsubishi Kawasaki -

De Lijn - MIVB - TEC - RATP - NMBS - SNCF AmTrak - ABB - Alstom - Ansaldo - Bombardier - Central Japan Railway Co. - Clements National - Conductix - DB Netz AG - Firema Furrer & Frey AG - Metronet - Pfisterer - Rhätische Bahn S-Bahn Berlin - SBB - Sécheron - Siemens - Thales Group - Toshiba - Trenitalia - Vaia Car - Voith Turbo - WPI Burton - Yutaka

Agoria, the Federation for the technology Industry


STORK TECHNICAL SERVICES BELGIUM NV Head office Stork Technical Services Belgium n.v. Haven 269 - Oosterweelsteenweg 57, B-2030 Antwerpen 3 T: +32 (0)3 459 94 03 - F: +32 (0)3 459 94 05 johan.ferket@stork.com - www.stork.com/mec

Production units Stork Prints, Stork Poultry & Food Processing, Stork Aerospace,

Stork Technical Services

Turnover 1.7 billion â‚Ź Contact Johan Ferket, Sales Manager


Employment 450 employees

Stork: 15.000

Activities/products - Consultancy for efficiency improvement in maintenance,

engineering & production,

- Workfloor optimization, - Resources management in maintenance, - Training and coaching of technical staff, - Interim professionals (maintenance manager & engineers,

project managers)

References - STIB/MIVB

- NMBS - Nedtrain - RATP (Parijse Metro) - HTM (Haagse Trammaatschappij) - Bam Rail (beheer infrastructuur spoorwegen in NL)


Agoria, the Federation for the technology Industry

TELEVIC NV Head office Televic n.v. Leo Bekaertlaan 1, B–8870 Izegem T: +32 (0)475 90 64 25 - F: +32 (0)51 31 06 70 r.bilger@televic.com - www.televic.com

Production units Belgium - Bulgaria - China - India

Turnover +/- 50 Mio €

Contact Rémi Bilger,

Sales & Business Development Manager

Employment +/- 500 Activities/products On-board multimedia

Passengers Informations Systems Entertainment systems Surveillance systems, control systems, displays Localisation systems

References Bombardier - Alstom - Siemens - CAF - SNCB/NMBS


Agoria, the Federation for the technology Industry


THALES BELGIUM SA Head office Thales Belgium s.a. Rue des Frères Taymans, B – 1480 Tubize T: +32 (0)2 391 22 11 - F: +32 (0)2 391 24 56 patrick.vanhelleputte@be.thalesgroup.com - www.thalesgroup.com

Production units Thales Tubize Turnover 30 Mio €

Contact Patrick Van Helleputte

Employment 130 Activities/products Market leader in the national sector of Defence, Security &

Transport. The Company employs more than 140 highly-qualified people (more than 50% of whom are engineers). Thales Belgium develops a range of cutting-edge technological products and acts as «prime or first tier subcontractor» for the development and integration of mission critical systems.

References Differents projects with major transportation organizations

(ETCS-2, CBTC, Passenger Information Systems SAE, …)

THYSSENKRUPP SA/NV Head office Thuyssenkrupp s.a./n.v. Avenue de la Métrologie 10, B – 1130 Bruxelles T: +32 (0)2 247 35 11 - F: +32 (0)2 247 35 00 info.tkla@thyssenkrupp.com www.thyssenkruppliften.be - www.thyssenkruppascenseurs.be

Turnover 48 Mio € Contact Isabelle Devos Employment 285 Activities/products Installation, modernization, reparation and maintenance of

escalators and elevators 78

References STIB, Parlement Européen, De Lijn Agoria, the Federation for the technology Industry

TYCO ELECTRONICS ENERGY DIVISION Head office Tyco Electronics Energy Division Diestsesteenweg 692, B-3010 Kessel-Lo T: +32 (0)16 35 17 31 - F: +32 (0)16 35 17 37 david.huygens@te.com - http://energy.tycoelectronics.com

Production units All over the world Turnover Energy Division Worldwide: 800M $

(Tyco Electronics Worldwide: 13MM $)

Contact Energy Division: David Huygens Employment Energy Division Worldwide: 4000 people

(Tyco Electronics Worldwide: 100.000 people)

Activities/products Cable Accessories, Connectors & Fittings

Insulators and Insulation, Surge Arresters, Switching, Protection and Lighting, Power Measurement and Control

References All over the world

Agoria, the Federation for the technology Industry


VALDUNES BELUX SA Head office Valdunes Belux s.a., subsidiary company of GHH Radsatz Int. Holding GmbH Quai Greiner 1, B - 4100 Seraing T: +32 (0)4 338 83 11 - F: +32 (0)4 338 83 29 aurelie.mossoux@ghh-valdunes.com - www.ghh-valdunes.com

Production units Valdunes Belux in Seraing (Belgium)

Valdunes SAS in Valenciennes (France) GHH GmbH in Oberhausen (Germany)

Turnover 200 Mio â‚Ź

25 Mio â‚Ź (Belgium)

Contact patrick.marchinetti@ghh-valdunes.comi Employment 900

80 (Belgium)

Activities/products Loose wheels, loose axles, wheelsets, resilient wheels References - National networks

- Operators - Cars and wagons builders - Wagons keepers


Agoria, the Federation for the technology Industry

VAN LOOCK MOTOREN BVBA Head office Van Loock Motoren bvba Metropoolstraat 15, B-2910 Schoten T: +32 (0)3 644 19 61 - F: +32 (0)3 644 22 17 info@vanloockmotoren.com - www.vanloockmotoren.com

Production units Schoten (Antwerp)

Rotterdam (The Netherlands)

Turnover 5 Mio â‚Ź Contact Erik Smith, erik.smith@vanloockmotoren.com Employment 40 Activities/products - Repair and overhand of electrical rotating equipement

- Rewinding of electrical rotating equipment (AC/DC)

References Different tramway and train companies in Belgium and The


Agoria, the Federation for the technology Industry


VINÇOTTE Head office Vinçotte Business Class Park Jan Olieslagerslaan 35, B-1800 Vilvoorde T: +32 (0)2 674 57 11 - F: +32 (0)2 674 59 59 info@vincotte.be - www.vincotte.com

Production units Belgium: Vilvoorde, Les Isnes, Antwerpen, Gent

Offices in France, The Netherlands, Luxemburg, Italy, Hungary, USA, India, Japan, China, U.A.E., Oman, Algeria

Turnover 196 Mio € Contact Marc Van Overmeire (mvanovermeire@vincotte.be)

Ambroise Thumelaire (athumelaire@vincotte.be)

Employment 1600 Activities/products System certification in the mandatory and voluntary field

Notified body in the framework of several new approach directives High level inspections in the electrical ,structural and mechanical fields Non Destructive Testing of mechanical components Mechanical and electrical laboratories Risk assessment in framework of CSM ISA


References Infrabel - SNCB/NMBS - De Lijn - SPF Mobilité - Belgorail

Agoria, the Federation for the technology Industry

VOITH TURBO SA/NV Head office Voith Turbo s.a./n.v. Square Louisaplantsoen 36, B - 1150 Brussels T: +32 (0)2 762 61 00 - F: +32 (0)2 762 61 59 voithturbo.be@voith.com - www.voithturbo.com

Production units Germany Turnover 4 Mio â‚Ź Contact Bart Vanhaverbeke Employment 10 Activities/products Diesel motors for railcars

Hydraulic transmissions for diesel railcars and locomotives Cardan shafts Final drives Couplers

References SNCB,

CFL, DB, SNCF, Siemens, Vossloh, Alstom, Bombardier

Agoria, the Federation for the technology Industry


I Rolling stock 1 Locomotives a Diesel b Electric 2 Metro units 3 Tramway 4 LRV 5 Intercity self propelling 6 Wagons 7 PSX coaches

I 1

2 3 4 5 6 7

a b ABC

Alstom Belgium

Bombardier Transportation Belgium

Cockerill Maintenance & Ingénierie

Nexans Network Solutions / Div. Euromold



Valdunes BeluX

Agoria, the Federation for the technology Industry

II Rolling Stock: Equipment 1 Motors & engines a Diesel b Electric c Transmission parts d Other 2 Coupling devices 3 Bodies & related items a Complete bodies b Body parts c Wheel sets d Axles e Suspension f Steel tyres 4 Braking devices 5 Equipment for wagons 6 Equipment for coaches a Windows b Lighting c Information equipment

d Heating & airconditioning e Seats f Toilets/sanitary equipment g Doors h Inverters and converters i Battery charger j Connectors k Electronic equipment l Entertainment equipment m Public address system n Voice announcement (digital synthesizer) o Control system p Sensors for automatic doors 7 Machining and mechanical precision work 8 Repair & maintenance, conversion of rolling stock 9 Springs for pantograph 10 Third rail collectors 11 AC and DC Drive for tramway, trolleybus and metro

II 1

2 3

a b c d ABC

4 5 6

a b c d e f

7 8 9 10 11

a b c d e f g h i

j k l m n o p


AEG Belgium

ALC Tournai

✓ ✓

✓ ✓ ✓

✓ ✓

✓ ✓

Alcatel-Lucent Bell Alstom Belgium

✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

ArcelorMittal Ringmill

Atlas Copco Airpower



Bombardier Transportation Belgium


Cockerill Maintenance & Ingénierie

Dynamotor De Coster

Esco Couplings

Faiveley Transport Belgium

Fallais G. FCC MSI-5 Forges et Estampage de la Meuse Gillam-Fei Harting

✓ ✓

✓ ✓

✓ ✓

✓ ✓

✓ ✓

✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

✓ ✓

Agoria, the Federation for the technology Industry


II 1

2 3

a b c d IG Watteeuw International

4 5 6

a b c d e f

7 8 9 10 11

a b c d e f g h i

j k l m n o p

KS Techniques

KS Techniques / Département Process Solution & Control

LVD. Company


✓ ✓


✓ ✓

✓ ✓

Munck Services Belgium

Mustad Belgium

NedCoat Ninove

Nexans Benelux / Vestiging Buizingen

✓ ✓ ✓

Nexans Network Solutions / Div. Euromold

✓ ✓

P & V Elektrotechniek Projects

✓ ✓

Phoenix Contact

✓ ✓

Poperinge Metal Construction

✓ ✓ ✓



✓ ✓

SAIT Zenitel Schréder

✓ ✓


✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

✓ ✓


✓ ✓

Stäubli Benelux

✓ ✓

Televic Group

Thales Belgium

✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

Valdunes BeluX

✓ ✓

Van Loock Motoren

Voith Industrial Services


✓ ✓ ✓

Shapes Subcontracting

Voith Turbo

✓ ✓

Agoria, the Federation for the technology Industry

III Infrastructure 1 Rails 2 Sleepers 3 Switches & crossings 4 Rail clips 5 Catenary 6 Substation - engineering 7 HV and LV insulation systems 8 Escalators & moving walk ways

9 Wash installations for rolling stock 10 Telecom cable management 11 Waste plants for trains 12 Buildings : HVAC and electricity 13 Towers for GSM-rail antennas 14 HV and LV power cables 15 Halogen-free safety cables

III 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 ABIC

AEG Belgium Alstom Belgium



Fabricom GTI

Fallais G.


Forges et Estampage Meuse

Galva Power Group


Kabelwerk Eupen


Lamifil NedCoat Ninove

✓ ✓

Nexans Benelux / Vestiging Buizingen

Nexans Network Solutions / Div. Euromold

OTN Systems

Phoenix Contact Siemens

✓ ✓

Spica Spie Belgium

✓ ✓

ThyssenKrupp Liften-Ascenseurs Tyco Electronics Raychem

✓ ✓

Agoria, the Federation for the technology Industry


IV Control / Command & Signalling 1 Access control equipment 2 Railway crossing signalling 3 Dedicated UPS 4 Assembly of CC&S-systems 5 Displays 6 ERTMS 7 Signalling cables 8 Fibre optic cables 9 Halogen-free safety cables 10 Machined parts 11 Security & safety equipment

12 Video & CCTV transmission

V Track Laying & Construction 1 General 2 Rail adapted aerial platforms 3 Hosting equipment VI Study & Engineering Companies VII Conformity and Safety Assessment, Inspection and Certification IV



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 ABIC

AEG Belgium

Alcatel-Lucent Bell

Alstom Belgium Automatic Systems

✓ ✓

✓ ✓


✓ ✓

Barco BEA

Eurosense Belfotop

Fabricom GTI

Fallais G. Fonderie/Light Alloys Group

Forges et Estampage Meuse GET

✓ ✓



IG Watteeuw International

Kabelwerk Eupen



✓ ✓

✓ ✓

Munck Services Belgium

Nexans Benelux

Nokia Siemens Networks


Phoenix Contact

✓ ✓

Sarens Siemens

✓ ✓

Spica Spie Belgium



Agoria, the Federation for the technology Industry

✓ ✓

Stork Asset

Tyco Electronics Raychem

Stäubli Benelux

Thales Belgium

✓ ✓

✓ ✓

✓ ✓

✓ ✓

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A reliable supply of high-quality compressed air is vital for your specific railway applications. With global service coverage and dedicated local railway knowledge, Atlas Copco can take responsibility for your onboard compressed air system, from air generation and air treatment to point of use.

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