Agoria metalwerking suppliers

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Belgian Metalworking Suppliers

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Answers for industry.

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Voor informatie en inschrijven:


Belgian Metalworking Suppliers

FANUC 3D Area Sensor: Automatiseer uw bin picking-proces volledig De 3D Area Sensor herkent niet geordende werkstukken 3-dimensioneel in een krat, bak of op een pallet en zorgt er voor dat de robot ze op de meest accurate manier kan opnemen. De 3D Area Sensor hangt op een vaste positie en maakt 3D-beelden.Detectie en handling zijn volledig geïntegreerd waardoor het ‘bin picking’-proces tot 50% sneller verlopen. Want terwijl de robot het onderdeel op de productieband of in de machine positioneert, scant de sensor tegelijkertijd de opslagbak opnieuw. Voor bedrijven die bulkonderdelen gebruiken, betekent dit een aanzienlijke tijdwinst en kostenbesparing.

The colour of automation

+32 15 20 71 57




FANUC ROBOdRILL: UITERsT sNEL EN NAUwkEURIG PRECIsIEwERk De Robodrill is het verticale bewerkingscentrum van FANUC. De CNC-machine staat bekend voor zijn frezen, boren én tappen met hoge snelheid en uiterste precisie. Exact ook de reden waarom het Nederlandse PM-Bearings er zijn kleinste lineaire lagers voor medische, militaire en semiconductortoepassingen mee produceert. Wereldwijde speler PM-Bearings is onderdeel van de PM-Group. Met Nederlandse vestigingen in Dedemsvaart, Almere en Hengelo ontwerpt, ontwikkelt en fabriceert de groep onder meer mechatronische systemen, precisiestructuren in plaatmetaal, geavanceerde coatings en hoogstaande oplossingen voor de luchtvaart- en militaire sector. Bedrijven uit de hele wereld doen beroep op de expertise van de groep. Productie lineaire lagers In het hoofdgebouw in Dedemsvaart specialiseert PM-Bearings zich in ultranauwkeurige lineaire geleidingen, nanopositioneringssystemen en volledige machines waarin positionering tot op de micrometer een absolute vereiste is. Al meer dan 20 jaar verzekeren FANUC Robodrills de productie van de kleinste lagers in kleine tot middelgrote series van 10 tot 500 stuks. Je vindt de lagers terug in onder meer semiconductor en lithografiemachines om elektronische chips te produceren, pick & placesystemen en microscopen.

Frezen, boren én tappen Productiemanager Pim Lüth: “We kozen voor FANUC omdat de Robodrills uitblinken in snelheid. Geen enkele andere machine freest, boort en tapt zó snel. De nauwkeurigheid en dus ook de kwaliteit van onze lagers verhoogden beduidend. En door de automatisering konden we ook de kostprijs van onze producten drukken.” Vierde as Van de zeven Robodrills die PM-Bearings op dit moment gebruikt, liet het vier ervan uitrusten met een vierde as. “We moeten onze lagers langs alle zijden bewerken. De Robodrills met een vierde as doen dat in één opspaning. Op de machines met drie assen moet een operator het werkstuk nog altijd van kant wisselen.” Jarenlange betrouwbaarheid De belangrijkste voordelen van de Robodrill voor PM-Bearings? “De ultranauwkeurige positionering, de heel snelle wisseling van boor naar tap naar frees. En de robuustheid. We hebben nog nooit de productie stil hoeven leggen omwille van een storing of defect op een van onze Robodrills. De oudste Robodrill die we hebben, is ondertussen al 19 jaar oud. En die werkt nog altijd perfect.”

Generaal de Wittelaan 15 | 2800 Mechelen | tel 015 20 71 57 | fax 015 20 71 92 | |


YOUR OnE-sTOP-shOP The Materials Research Cluster has core competences over the full supply chain: from production to application. The Materials Research Cluster partners provide support and advice from small-scale lab trials to industrial implementation, to component durability testing. Metal process technology & batch production – Flexible production of tailor-made alloys in small batches by vacuum or air melting & casting, computer controlled sheet and plate rolling & cooling and multipurpose annealing – Process optimisation using unique pilot continuous hot rolling mill – Cooling & heating technology Alloys and coating development – Determine optimal process window for alloy processing – Fine-tune annealing cycles – Formulate coatings with enhanced properties High-throughput research platforms – Quick screening of formulations, depositions or coatings – Speeding up your discovery research with a factor >>10 In-depth microstructural characterisation – Long standing expertise in metallographic preparation, using different embedding materials, polishing agents and etching techniques, followed by grain size determination and multi-phase fraction quantification – Advanced physical and mechanical material characterisation ranging from small scale standardised tests to heavy gauge samples and more complex combined analysis set-up

From virtual engineering to in-use guidelines – Design and process optimisation through numerical simulation, validated by real life testing – Technical assistance and recommendations for forming, cutting, punching, welding, adhesive bonding, galvanising, painting, enamelling, etc. – Predictive models Small to large scale testing – Unique range of equipment for metal processing, materials testing, materials characterisation, welding & joining, etc. – Standard as well as customised test set-ups for large component testing – Dedicated hydrogen lab to study hydrogen behaviour in metals Durability of materials and structures – Expertise in the fields of wear, creep, fatigue, corrosion and coupled phenomena – Failure analysis of materials and components Full service The partners of the Materials Research Cluster have access to a unique range of equipment. In addition to state-of-the-art labs for the production of alloys or coatings and advanced material characterisation, the facilities also include machinery for testing of in-use properties and durability of materials and structures. The initiative is based on collaboration, clustering and strategic alliances and employs today more than 200 scientists and technicians. The experienced staff provides a full service commitment in full confidentiality.

Materials Research Cluster Gent | Technologiepark 935, 9052 Gent-Zwijnaarde, Belgium |


Are you looking for a supplier in casting, high-pressure casting, metal cutting, sheet metal, surface treatment, thermal and/or chemical treatment and/or assembly? Or maybe a supplier specialised in mechanical engineering, pressure equipment, construction products, automotive, aerospace, etc.?

Perhaps you need a partner who can take over as many of your tasks as possible in the field of production, assembly, supply management and chain logistics. Or rather a partner who can support you by supplying sub-modules and modules. Or even a partner who can help you engineer new products‌

In this Business Guide of the Belgian Metalworking Suppliers you will discover at a glance a unique list of more than 100 suppliers who are all Agoria members. You will surely find what you need since these companies offer solutions to virtually every economic sector. And today it is more and more about offering total solutions (products, modules and sub-modules and/or services) adaptable to the client’s needs.

Besides all the contact details, this guide offers you a detailed overview of the production possibilities of the various suppliers.

We wish you much success finding suitable business partners and realising your projects!

Who should you contact for more information? Peter Perremans Senior Business Development Manager T +32 2 706 89 04 Agoria Subcontracting Diamant Building A. Reyerslaan 80 B-1030 Brussels


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Since 1924, METAUX EMBOUTIS is a subcontractor in sheet metal work. Presses, tools workshop, punches, laser cutting machines, spark erosion machines (sinking or wire), mechanical and hydraulic presses for all tonnages, etc. in an entity which today extends over more than 6,000 m². 6 trading sectors: • Laser Cutting • Punching • CNC Folding • Welding • Cutting - Stamping • Assembly Key Markets: Electrical and electronic equipment, construction and mining equipment, power solutions, armament, aerospace, medical sector References : • ABB • Areva • Caterpillar • CE+T •CE+T Technics • General Electric • Schneider • Schreder • Tenneco (Monroe) • Volvo • ...and a lot of SME’s from various sectors Certifications: ISO 9001:2008, Caterpillar SQE-MQ11005, EN9100:2009 in progress

METAUX EMBOUTIS SA Rue Haute Marexhe, 176 - BE 4040 HERSTAL Contact: Christine ROSEMBOOM T.+32 4 248 08 28 - 2140001645_ADV_4439.indd 1

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Aciéries Somville SA

Address rue de la Gare 43 6250 Aiseau (Aiseau-Presles)

Products Les Aciéries Somville is a steel and iron foundry with a small but complete structure enabling the realization of plans, patterns, pieces in steel, iron or alloyed iron, heat treatments,

Contact Michel Tumson

machining and controls. Unique pieces or small series with a weight ranging from 1 to 2.500 kg.


Products: bearings, sections for the steel industry, boulders,

T: +32 71 77 13 56

parts for the cement industry & quarries, parts for machining

Turnover € 1.352.805


Key Markets Steel industry, quarries, chemical industry, mechanical engineering, machining workshops.

Workforce 24

References -

Certificate -



Mitutoyo Belgium nv Hogenakkerhoekstraat 8 B 9150 Kruibeke T. 03 254 04 44

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Unieke badafmetingen Met een lengte van 13 m, een breedte van 1,6 m en een diepte van 3,5 m beschikt VERZINKERIJ LENSSEN over één van de diepste verzinkingsbaden in België en Europa.

H. FORDLAAN 5 I 3600 Genk I Tel. 089/61 34 20 - 61 34 21 I Fax 089/61 34 22

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“Pentair manufacturing Belgium is part of Pentair Ltd., a global diversified industrial company headquartered in Schaffhausen, Switzerland. Pentair Ltd. ( delivers industry-leading products, services and solutions for its customers’ diverse needs in water and other fluids, thermal management and equipment protection. With pro forma revenues of $ 7.3 billion, Pentair employs more than 30,000 people worldwide. In the Herentals plant, composite pressure vessels are manufactured, as also filters and pumps for the pool industry and filtration systems for food sector.”

Industriepark Wolfstee Toekomstlaan 30, 2200 Herentals T: +32 (0) 14 25 99 11 – F: +32 (0) 14 25 99 75

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With Schneider Electric Back-UPS, your digital life goes on... even when the power goes off.

A world leader in materials technology, innovation & recycling.

Keep your electronics up and your energy use down!

Schneider Electric nv/sa Dieweg 3 B-1180 Bruxelles / Brussel Services Clients / Klantendienst: 32(02) 37 37 501

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Core materials for electronics, photonics, energy storage, transport, batteries, solar cells & fuel cells

Umicore Broekstraat 31 rue du Marais B-1000 Brussels - Belgium Phone: +32 (0)2 227 71 11

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Address Rue RenĂŠ Descartes Hall 1-4 7000 Mons

Products Additive Manufacturing Services for the Industry including Consultancy and Services in 3D printing as well as Rapid manufacturing of functional prototypes, parts,tools and jigs.


Additive manufacturing of end-use parts.

Charles Demoulin

Key Markets

General Manager

Consumer products/electronics - Industrial machines - Motor

T: +32 472 59 03 29

vehicles - Aerospace - Defence References Turnover -



Workforce 2

Machining Assembly



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VENTEC NV Noordstraat 8 B-8560 Moorsele Tel. +32 (0)56 41 05 97 Fax +32 (0)56 40 41 66

Maak kennis met één van 10:16 2140001276_ADV_4439.indd 1 de meest toonaangevende18/09/14 bedrijven op gebied van het vervaardigen van matrijzen en gereedschappen voor toepassing in de automotive sector, lucht- en ruitmevaart, medische sector, verbruiksgoederen, verpakking, voeding en genotsmiddelen industrie. UW MEDIA Wij ontwerpen, bouwen, installeren en onderhouden matrijzen en gereedschappen, aangepast aan uw bedrijfs- en productie-eisen. DAAR GAAN WIJ Met onze engineering groep staan wij steeds klaar om een oplossing te bieden aan uw meest uitdagende toepassing!

18/09/14 10:16


*Door onze dertig jaar ervaring hebben wij een grote kennis over hoe u in het hart van uw doelgroep kunt adverteren, rendabel en effectief. U vindt in Elma een betrouwbare mediapartner. We geven u graag advies.

Eikenlei 157 2960 Brecht T: +32 (03) 633.99.70 F: +32 (03) 633.99.71

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Elma Multimedia B.V.B.A. | Bedrijvenlaan 1 | B-2800 Mechelen Tel. +32 (0)15 55 88 88 | |

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Advanced Coating



rue de l’Avouerie 7

Advanced Coating designs, develops and applies arc, cold,

4000 Sclessin (Liège)

plasma and supersonic spraying of metals, alloys, ceramics and carbides on all kinds and sizes of machine parts. Specialist

Contact Philippe Barbieux

in flat and cylindrical grinding as well as super finishing and dynamic balancing.

Sales T: +32 4 254 50 11

Turnover € 3.200.000

Key Markets Steel industry, aeronautics, textile, electrotechnic, oil industry.

References ArcelorMittal, Thyssen Krupp, Tatasteel, Snecma, Schneider Electric, Groupe Safran.

Workforce 19

Certificate ISO 9001 - ISO 14001 - EN 9100 - NADCAP

Surface Treatment





Veedijk 51

Allard Europe is a jobbing foundry producing castings fully

2300 Turnhout

processed according to the technical specifications of the customer in non-alloyed to high-alloyed material, in steel or

Contact Jef Dijckmans Managing Director T: +32 14 44 54 64

iron with a weight ranging from a few hundred kilogrammes to several tons. Products: pump components, impellers, machine parts, high strength applications, complex shapes. Key Markets Turnover € 12.112.000

Workforce 102

Dredging, offshore, construction, energy, shipbuilding, metal industry, cement & mining,…

References -

Certificate ISO 9001 certified - GL/DNV approval



Alural Group

Address Westdijk 139 2830 Willebroek

Products Surface treatment on aluminium. Services for the aluminium industry. One stop shop for the aluminium industry.

Contact Gunter Vandervoort Commercial Director

Key Markets Aluminium used in building applications.

T: +32 3 886 06 34

References Reynaers, SAPA, Blyweert, Veranco, E-Max

Turnover â‚ŹÂ 27.000.000

Certificate Qualicoat, Qualanod

Workforce 260

Surface Treatment



Address Lerrekensstraat 32B 2220 Heist-op-den-Berg

Products Aluro is your partner for thermal break assembly. As part of the Aluro Group, we have over 40 years of experience in building and service machines for isolating aluminum profiles. Our products are state of the

Contact Peter De Roovere CEO T: +32 15 246 660

art, and our R&D department ensures that we continuously improve our solutions. The Aluroller is the most developed product in the market. This ergonomic machine combines knurling, assembly and rolling into one, integrated machine and ensures the highest and most qualitative output in the market. Aluro also offers separate


machines, which can be integrated into existing production lines.

â‚Ź 3.800.000 Key Markets Workforce


16 References Reynaers International Belgium, Astro Shapes USA, Prima K-Line France, Veralu Belgium

Certificate All our systems comply with the applicable European machine directives and harmonized standards. Machining Assembly


Aluro CNC

Address Industriepark 12 2220 Heist-op-den-Berg

Products Aluro CNC is your ideal partner for the manufacturing of mechanical parts in different materials like aluminum, steel, stainless steel and all kinds of plastics.

Contact Steven Bessems

Moreover, we do not just limit ourselves to turning or milling. Each product is manufactured from the raw material to a high-

Managing Director

end product. For this we have our own assembly department

T: +32 15 25 72 76

and carefully selected partner companies who share our high

Turnover € 5.500.000

priority for excellent quality.

Key Markets Aerospace, machine building, electronics, telecommunications, food industry, wind energy, …

Workforce 35

References Barco View, Barco Media & Entertainment, ZF Wind Power, Soleras Advanced Coatings, Michel Van de Wiele, Xeicon, …




Aluwiel NV

Address Ter Stratenweg 5 2520 Ranst

Products Aluwiel is an aluminium foundry specialized in casting aluminium pieces according to a plan or a model. We use gravity and pressure die casting processes and have

Contact Willem Everaert Zaakvoerder

our own die workshop. We have our own products but we also produce castings on customers’ demand. We have a 3D-printer.

T: +32 3 475 01 75

Key Markets Medical industry, construction, mechanical engineering.

Turnover € 1.511.082

References -

Workforce 8

Certificate -



AMI Metals Inc.

Address rue Louis Blériot 23 6041 Gosselies (Charleroi)

Products AMI Metals is the industry’s leading provider of aerospace aluminium products. Our vast inventory of sheet, plate, rod, bar and extruded products enable us to support all of your

Contact Goffin Cédric Sales Manager T: +32 484 26 48 04

raw materials needs, delivering the highest quality at the best value. This means with AMI Metals, you get a supplier who can respond quickly to any demand, including large order quantities, irregular sizes, oversize material and Just-in-Time deliveries. Sheet and plate: just-in-time deliveries, cut-to-shape, demand aggregation nesting, angle cut-wing spar, trapezoid shapes,

Turnover “Belgium: € 23.000.000 AMI Inc.: € 300.000.000”

bulkhead nests. First operation machining services: long part machining preparation, small part machining preparation, close tolerance holes, tooling holes, drill and tap, counter-bores, profile shapes.

Workforce Belgium: 30 AMI Inc.: 325

Key Markets Aerospace.

References Airbus, Boeing, Fokker, Embraer, Bell Helicopter, Bombardier, Cessna, GKN Aerospace, Goodrich, Lockheed, Gulfstream. Machining Sheet Metal Work

Certificate AS 9100, AS 9120


ArcelorMittal Ringmill

Address rue Philippe de Marnix 3 4100 Seraing

Products For more than 2 decades ArcelorMittal Ringmill has supplied steel rolled rings to the Wind industry. Its state of the art ring rolling mill combined with extensive heat treatment equipment is perfectly


designed to manufacture alloyed steel rings for critical applications

Frédéric Biname

such as slewing rings and gearboxes. Backed by Industeel‘s steel

Sales Manager T: +32 4 330 35 35

shop, ArcelroMittal Ringmill located in Seraing (Belgium) provides an integrated solution from steel making to steel shaping. Its highly automated rolling process combined with a stable upstream steel production route guarantee a constant and reproducible quality

Turnover € 20.000.000

of its products. With its knowhow in rolling and heat treating steel rings that require stringent level of strength, ductility toughness and fatigue resistance, ArcelorMittal Ringmil is now become a key


supplier in gearboxes and slewing rings for the wind industry.

86 Key Markets Renewable Energy (Wind power, Pelletizing …) - Industry Building and civil engineering - Urban and interurban transport. References Forging Machining Surface Treatment Heat Treatment


Liebherr – Siemens – S.K.F. – Bühler Group Certificate ISO9001, ISO14001, OHSAS18001, Lloyd’s Register, Germanischer Lloyd, Det Norske Veritas, American Bureau of Shipping

Asco Industries



Weiveldlaan 2

Asco is a proven specialist in the co-development, design,

1930 Zaventem

precision machining, processing and certified assembly of complex high-strength aircraft components (flaps and slats


mechanisms, engine mounts, landing gear components, etc.).

Christine Pardon Executive Assistant

Key Markets

T: +32 2 716 06 08

Commercial, regional, business and military aircraft platforms References Turnover

Customers, a.o. Airbus, Boeing, Bombardier, Embraer,

â‚Ź 246.608.000

Lockheed Martin, Spirit Aerosystems, Safran, Triumph, Premium Aerotec, Alenia Aermacchi, UTC Aerospace Systems

Workforce 808

Certificate Individual customer certifications as well as quality certifications: AS/EN 9100-revison C, Belgian CAA: BE,21G,0005, NADCAP Heat Treatments, Non Destructive Testing, Chemical Processing, Non-Conventional Machining & Surface Enhancement.

Machining Surface Treatment Assembly


Ateliers De Ceuster SA/NV

Address Avenue Edison 6 1300 Wavre

Products Sheet metal work: design, development, improvement and manufacturing of new or existing products for industry or architecture.

Contact Benoit Debaere

Key Markets

Sales Manager

Industry: aviation, medical technologies, machine builders.

T: +32 10 23 54 73

Turnover € 1.600.000

Architecture: architecture offices or contractors, manufacturers of furniture, store developers, stand builders.

References Techspace Aéro, Aseptic Technologies, Delens, Louis Dewaele, Conceptexpo, RTBF, PRG.

Workforce 18

Certificate Validation of manufacturing processes by customers.

Sheet Metal Work Surface Treatment Assembly


AVT Europe NV



Postbaan 65

AVT Europe is specialised in innovative internal transport

2910 Essen

systems, process automation, machinery and robotics. Engineering & manufacturing of custom made applications

Contact Luc Van Thillo

is entirely in house. We also offer custom fitted solutions like upgrading and debottlenecking projects.

Sales Manager/CEO T: +32 3 546 39 02

Key Markets Aeronautics & aerospace; railway industry; shipbuilding & marine; Defence; power-energy-nuclear industry; plastic

Turnover â‚Ź 5.238.000

stamping industry; steel & cable industry; manufacturing assembly; paper industry; food industry; pharma industry; construction; entertainment.

Workforce 35

References ESA, EADS (Airbus, Astrium,etc), Cern, General Electric, Siemens, ABB, EDF, BAE Systems, Total, Fincantieri, Bombardier, NMBS/ SNCB, Daimler, Audi, Atlas Copco, Katoennatie, Procetr & Gamble, ArcelorMittal, Caterpillar, Paul Wurth, Ryadh Cables, Smurfit Kappa, Mondelez, and many more.

Certificate Machining

ISO 9001 pending

Sheet Metal Work


Beerse Metaalwerken

Address Lilsedijk 17 2340 Beerse

Contact Dirk Verguts

Products Special steel constructions, mechanical parts and mechanical services, tailored to the client’s prescriptions.

Key Markets Local industrial clients

Directeur T: +32 14 62 24 36


References Several industrial clients

Certificate VCA*

Workforce 29

Machining Sheet Metal Work


Belgium Coatings

Address rue des Nouvelles Technologies 4 4460 Grâce-Hollogne

Products Sandblasting, metallization and application of all kinds of liquid paints. Powder coating, series (0.800x6000x2000) and larger pieces (12000 x 3000 x 3000). Work is done in our own plant

Contact Olivier Roland Administrateur-délégué T: +32 4 239 04 40

Turnover € 9.989.000

(STEEL-ALU-GALVA-FONT). The company is also involved in paintings on industrial sites (intumescing, final applications, etc…). This work is carried out on site. Building construction: all paintwork, facades, anti-graffiti, final layer application and paint for interior finishing. This all happens on site.

Key Markets Urban Furniture, furniture especially employed in the railway industry, lighting, access ,safety railings, balconies, acoustic panels,

Workforce 88

solar panels, barriers, fences, art ironwork, silos, locksmiths, automotive equipment and all kinds of metal constructions.

References JCD, KAD, MICE, RER, SNCB, SNCF, CFL, STIB, RATP, CMI, ArcelorMittal, JAC, Remico, Jemco,St.Gobain, Meunier Group, Mecanicsystems, Lindab, NCC, Viry, BAM, Poncin, Arendt, Bemelmans, Galvapower, etc.

Certificate Surface Treatment




Address Industriepark 12 A, Zone B 2220 Heist-op-den-Berg

Products BestBend is your partner in bending metal profiles and uses techniques that best suit your requirements. We bend just about everything, up to very small radiuses, with exceptional

Contact Jan De visscher Managing Director T: +32 15 25 72 88

profile sections, unique products or mass production, painted or unfinished, … We are also able to bend aluminium, stainless steel and steel profiles with a great deal of professional passion. Our expertise is our greatest strength. Key Markets Turnover € 1.200.000

Workforce 10 employees

Windows & Doors, Building, Transportation, Fairs & Events, Industry, Interior Design in Western Europe.

References Reynaers International Belgium, Kyotec Group, Schelde­­bouw bv, Goyer France, Hydro Aluminium, Permasteelisa France.

Certificate For subcontracted coating and anodisation, BestBend works exclusively with partners who are Qualicoat and/or Forging Machining Surface Treatment Heat Treatment


Qualanod certified.


Address Zwaaikomstraat 2a 8800 Roeselare

Products BO-Solutions is a major player in the manufacturing of precision parts for various industries The company is highly focused on small to medium size series aswell as prototypes

Contact Bart Vandepitte Gedelegeerd bestuurder T: +32 51 24 89 32

and maintenance repairs with very tight leadtimes and premium quality demands.. Applied production techniques are 5-axis milling, turning, grinding, lapping and honing in all metal and plastic materials. Key Markets Turnover

Hydraulic components and motors, parts and precision tooling for all kind of industries such as petroleum extraction, mining, food processing, pharmaceutical industry and off-highway.

Workforce 20

References Poclain Hydraulics, CNH, Duracell, Husqvarna, FAM, Bekaert, GEA, Dana, ...

Certificate ISO 9001




Address rue de Cheratte 27 4683 Vivegnis (Oupeye)

Products Conception and manufacturing of measuring and control systems. Manufacturing of unitary high precision mechanical components, prototypes, medium and large production


batches by various machining technologies. Non-destructive

Joseph Spee

control.Assembly, welding and testing of electromechanical


components in the fields of aeronautic, space, medical and

T: +32 4 256 90 66

Turnover â‚Ź 6.715.000

defence. Manufacturing of fuze. Assembly of pyrotechnical elements.

Key Markets Aeronautic, Space, Nuclear, Defence, Energy, Transports, Automotive, Medical and Railway

Workforce 62

References Safran group, FN Herstal, Thales, Emerson

Certificate EN9100:2009 AS9100 Revision C:2009 JIS Q 9100:2009 Machining Assembly


Buyse Decolletage

Address Venecolaan 11-13 9880 Aalter

Products Buyse Decolletage has been active as a supply company in the metal working industry for 60 years. It is now one of the main suppliers of repetition turnings and millings and its customers

Contact Coen Buyse Bestuurder

are located in Belgium as well as abroad. The company’s success is based on know-how, innovation and high finishing capacity.

T: +32 9 374 17 57

Key Markets mechanical engineering, lighting, hydraulics, electronics,



€ 10.721.000 References Workforce


65 Certificate -

Machining Surface Treatment Heat Treatment Assembly


By-Cast NV

Address Kanaalweg 77 3980 Tessenderlo

Products By-Cast is uniquely qualified to supply complete modular DEKA air preheaters with both cast iron and glass tube banks. We can also supply all spare parts for all existing air preheaters,

Contact Max Bijnens

with cast iron and/or borosilicate glass tubes, any type. Products: plates for heat-exchangers.

Managing Director T: +32 13 66 26 51

Turnover â‚ŹÂ 9.178.441

Workforce 49



Key Markets Chemical & petrochemical industry, power plants.

References -

Certificate ISO 9001


Address Industriestrasse 39 4700 Eupen

Products Capaul masters the complete metal-cutting manufacturing of mechanical components and complex subassemblies: modules for aircraft engine – Guiding systems for tramways –

Contact Ludwig Henkes Administrateur Délégué T: +32 87 59 55 60

Subassemblies for complex medical equipment – complete industrial installations from the procurement of raw material to the finish product. Our high technology production plants turn, mill, grind, erode and control. High-precision CNC machining and 5-axis simultaneous machining, till Ø 1250 x 1000mm in a new 1500m² fully air-conditioned hall. New turning and milling center


Breton Maxima 2000 K60: 6000x3500x1300mm; Ø 3500.

€ 9.000.000 Key Markets Workforce

Aeronautic, railway and medical industry – Industrial Applications


Certificate Machining

ISO 9001:2008, EN9100:2009


Carwall SA



P.I. de Keumiée

Carwall is a subcontractor in modules manufacturing.

5140 Sombreffe

Production is based on laser cutting, welding, painting and assembly departments.

Contact David Janssens Operations Manager T: +32 71 82 24 00

Turnover € 70.000.000

Workforce 270

Carwall strengths are: fully trimmed complex modules production, huge logistics & purchasing experience (US + Japan), dedicated ERP (ex. MSO-CSO management). Carwall is a member of the FRITZMEIER Group, high Quality level, Customer satisfaction oriented.

Key Markets Civil works / Agriculture / Handling

References Caterpillar / McKormick / ATLAS / KRUPP / Dresser / Liebherr / Gilles

Certificate ISO9001 Machining Sheet Metal Work Surface Treatment Assembly


Cassidian Belgium NV



Siemenslaan 16

Belgium is your one-stop shop partner for outsourcing

8020 Oostkamp

development and production of high-tech solutions with focus on complex mechanical parts and on RF & microwave electronics.


Our mechanical specialty includes production and development

Jan Staessens

of complex housings and shieldings used in high-tech electronic

Managing Director CTO T: +32 50 83 18 02

products where precision milling, surface treatment, complex mechanical & PCB assembly and profound testing are essential. Next to mechanics we offer production and development of the associated electronics with a strong focus on high-tech RF

Turnover â‚Ź 20.000.000

& microwaves products applied in the field of radar, avionics, telecom etc. Our cleanroom offers a wide range of microelectronics assembly techniques and can as well be used for the


assembly of dust critical parts.

160 Key Markets Defence & security, avionics, telecom.

References Airbus Defence & Space / Airbus / ViaSat Machining Surface Treatment

Certificate ISO 9001, EN 9100, ISO 14001



C-Mec Kortrijk NV

Address Ringlaan 17 8501 Heule (Kortrijk)

Products Professional sheet metal and mechanical component production C-MEC perfectly handles all the successive steps of the production process of sheet metal and mechanical


components: cutting of sheet metal plates, punching and

Johan Steelandt

lasercutting, bending, welding, powder coating, wet paint,

Sales Manager

turning, milling and assembly. Focus is on manufacturing

T: +32 495 24 56 53

flexibility. Key Markets Turnover

Industrial machines, graphical & imaging devices, electric and

â‚Ź 20.000.000

electronic equipment, entrance control solutions, domestic & office applications, logistics

Workforce 220

and packaging systems and other innovative technical equipment.

References Atlas Copco Airpower, Barco, Daikin, Xeikon, ATOS

Certificate Machining Sheet Metal Work Surface Treatment Assembly



CMI Maintenance Hainaut

Address Av. Georges Pirson 12 7170 Manage

Products 25.000 m² workshop - member of CMI GROUPE. Preventive and corrective maintenance - Engineering Project management - Rental and maintenance of shunting

Contact Giovanni Monne Director T: +32 64 521 611

locomotives - Repairs (boiler-making, recoating, machining) Butterfly valves and fittings - Out-sourced traction - Surface treatment and parts cleaning - Pipe-work – Machining Modernization of equipment - Onsite machining - Expertise Maintenance engineering - Global maintenance contract Windturbine maintenance -…

Turnover € 10.000.000

Key Markets Steel Industry - Chemical - Cement - Energy - Wind energy -

Workforce 140

Rail - Infrastructures - Mining - Papermaking - Petrochemical Sugar - Glassmaking - Water - Food - …

References Hundred of references in the steel, glass, food, cement, a.s.o. industries! Machining Surface Treatment

Certificate VCA – Welding agreements - ...(list on request)

Heat Treatment Assembly



Address Drukpersstraat 4

Products Surface treatment: continuous anodizing of aluminium.

1000 Brussel Key Markets Contact

Building, design, distribution

Jean Schroyen Managing Director


T: +32 11 880 180

Dalian Conference Center

Louvre Lens Beekman tower



â‚ŹÂ 22.000.000 Certificate Workforce 125

Surface Treatment


ISO 9001, 14001, 50001

Combori NV



Blancefloerlaan 181

Combori NV is part of the Fabory Group, a group of leading busi-

2050 Antwerpen 5

ness enterprises with over 140 locations in 16 countries worldwide. In addition of our assortment of fasteners & C-parts, a range of

Contact Sofie Amssoms Sales Manager

A brand tools & industrial supplies is available, as well as protection gear. We have a team of specialists to support you in every possible way, whether you have questions related to logistics, ICT,

T: +32 3 210 13 73

technology, products or applications. These services help you to

T: +32 479 21 68 58

increase your efficiency & reduce your costs of ordering, handling

& stocking materials (TCO). Fabory is best equipped to service industrial companies who apply our fasteners in their products, but


also industrial customers who use our products for maintenance

â‚Ź 47.000.000

& repair activities. Our worldwide range of Fabory Centres supply MRO-companies & smaller production companies. We offer dif-


ferent VMI solutions, to meet every customers’ need.

Belgium: 170 Key Markets Machine building / Installation / Agricultural machinery

Machining Sheet Metal Work Assembly

References ADB, Arcelor, Atlas Copco, AVR, Barco, Bekaert, Caterpillar, Daikin, DEME, Dynaco, Evapco, Novy, Picanol, Stow. Certificate ISO 9001:2008, ISO 14001:2004, ISO 17025:2005 A2LA.


Consolidated Precision Products Belgium

Address P.I. des Hauts Sarts 1ère Avenue 86 4040 Herstal

Products Investment casting foundry with lost wax moulding process, producing stringent dimensional and metallurgical quality components in superalloys by vacuum casting, for aeronautic and static turbines.

Contact Paul Verhaegen Directeur Général

Products: components for aeronautic turbines, for turbines with static gases. Mechanical engineering and weapon parts.

T: +32 4 248 50 50

Key Markets Aeronautics & space, armament, mechanical engineering.

Turnover € 27.500.000

References -

Workforce 165

Certificate EN 9100 - NADCAP FPI - NADCAP X-ray - NADCAP Welding American Bureau of Shipping Certification.




Address Hekkestraat 16 9308 Hofstade (Aalst)

Products Sheet metal subcontracting to any industry in series tailored to your specific needs. We specialise in deepdrawing (800T), stamping (500T) and forming of all kinds of metal by means of


company-made dies. Culobel has a second production plant

Bart Verbrugge

in Czech Republic for stamping, Deep drawing, assembly and

Sales Manager

production of pressure vessels for cooling applications. Our

T: +32 53 77 78 88

departement Culobel CN Trading can offer you Turning parts in all kinds of material to your specification. Assembly activities into the Boxx, starting from sheet metal components.

Turnover â‚ŹÂ 17.400.000

Key Markets HVAC, Pumps, Hydraulics,Light, Automotive, Telecom

Workforce 85

References -

Certificate Iso9001:2000 PED

Sheet Metal Work Assembly


De Sweemer Precision Casting NV

Address Industrielaan 38 9900 Eeklo

Products The foundry produces all parts in grey, nodular or alloyed iron from 0,5 kg up to 5 tons, and is also specialized in non ferrous parts for glas moulds.

Contact Ernest De Sweemer

Products: Components for machines, wear-resistant parts, glas moulds.

Zaakvoerder T: +32 9 377 15 34

Key Markets Mechanical engineering, steel industry, chemical industry, glass industry.

Turnover â‚ŹÂ 5.782.459

References -

Workforce 24

Certificate -




Address Koning Albertstraat 173 8210 Zedelgem

Products Iron foundry with a big flexibility regarding the size of the series and the dimensions of the castings. Products: components for machines and stoves,


city furniture.

Armand Decloedt Afgevaardigd Bestuurder T: +32 50 27 93 89

Key Markets Mechanical engineering, building industry. References Turnover


Certificate Workforce





S.A. D E L H E Z t ô l e r i e


Address rue Grondal 8 4890 Thimister

Products Delhez is a metal sheet factory working as a subcontractor for all kinds of sheet metal components. Delhez specializes in sheet metal processing: steel, stainless

Contact Christophe Delhez Administrateur Délégué T: +32 87 35 28 85

steel, aluminum ... All production steps are proposed: construction of custom parts, series production, punching, bending, folding , straightening, laser cutting, waterjet cutting, welding, etc.. We do not make any conception - all products are made to order following the customer’s requirements.

Turnover -

Key Markets Construction - architecture - Machinery - Industrial



22 References Mice / New Lachaussee / Eloy / Wow Technology


Sheet Metal Work


Devray Walther et Enfants

Address Quai Donat Casterman 65 A 7500 Tournai

Products Manufacturing following plan Equipment for wastewater plant General mechanics

Contact Gauthier Devray GĂŠrant

Sheet Metal Work Mechanical and metal construction Subcontracting

T: +32 69 22 19 95

Key Markets Industry

Turnover -

Workforce 9

Wastewater treatment plant Contractor Building

References -

Certificate -

Sheet Metal Work Assembly



Address Gareelmakersstraat 10 2200 Herentals

Products Diametal is your partner in the production of high precision mechanical parts in metal or technical plastics and the assembly of mechanical sub units. Diametal specializes in

Contact Jan Reijnaers Gedelegeerd Bestuurder T: +32 14 24 99 82

the production of single pieces or small batches on it’s CNC controlled milling, turning, grinding and EDM machines. Starting from drawings, sketches or examples we can fabricate a completely finished product according to the wishes and specifications of our clients. Diametal is a service oriented organization where flexibility and quality are the key elements


towards our clients.

Key Markets Workforce 25

The production of machine parts, replacement parts and repairs for existing machines, R & D parts. We produce for the following industries: foodprocessing, petrochemical, biotech and pharmaceuticals, off shore, heavy industry,...

References Electrabel, Procter&Gamble, Mars, Mondeley, CERN, Bosch Rexroth, BASF,...

Certificate Machining


ISO 9001




Nijverheidsstraat 18

Dovre is a foundry with a proper production of cast iron stoves

2381 Weelde (Ravels)

and customized fire places. We also produce cast iron pieces. As a total partner we offer a full service.


Products: Mainly parts for the heating industry, but also

Marcel Roovers

mechanical castings like engine covers or pump volute

Commercial Director


T: +32 14 65 48 15

Key Markets Heating industry, transport systems manufacturing, mechanical


engineering, agricultural industry, industrial household

â‚Ź 31.000.000






Certificate -



Duroc N.V.

Address Moerelei 149 2610 Wilrijk (Antwerpen)


Products Duroc N.V. is specialized in surface treatment for fasteners, automotive components and other small metal parts. Divided in 4 different specialities: - Zinc-Flake coatings - Electroplating (In)Organic coatings - PTFE coatings We increase corrosion resistance, friction properties and chemical resistance for all kind of products.

Martijn Wirken Sales Director T: +32 3 821 01 50

Turnover € 4.500.000

Workforce 28

Surface Treatment


Key Markets Automotive - Construction - Aerospace - Oil and gas - WindEnergy - Petro-chemical - Semiconductor - Furniture Laboratory - Machinery References Audi - BMW - Mercedes - Ford - Renault - Volvo - Opel Philips - ASML - Rijkswaterstaat - Caterpillar - Alstom Fabory - Würth - Stafa - Kobout - Eurobolt - Walraven Fastenal - Guerry - Henschel - Heras - Hofa - Honda - Alfa Laval - Altlas Copco - Jonckheere - Knapen trailers - Tridec S’Rubena - Nedcar - Nedschroef - Niko - Oil - Basco - Pelter Pressing - Penne - Hermans - Recticel - Vergokan - Trayco Schneider Electric - Roxell - Samsonite - SFS - Galler - Van Hool - DAF - Grainer - Endries - Beck-Crespel - GE General Electric - Tyco - Usin Union - Saint Gobain - MCB - Vestas - Lisi Agrati - Allpress - Allseas - Bosal - Bosch - Bossard - Chicago Metallic - Crosby - Profel - Curana - GDF s’vez - d’Hollandia Elcee - Sikla - Sobinco - Thule - Triofast - Valeo - VDL - Mage - ZF Windpower - Henschel - Friedberg - Bombardier - Flos - Dejond PGB - Unbrako - Cofely Axima - FLR - Fabriressort - Boeing Eriks - SFS Intec. Certificate ISO 9001-2008

EMG Tilco

Address Kruineikestraat 99 3150 Tildonk (Haacht)

Products Subcontractor for sheet metalwork, stainless steel assemblies, specialisation brushed finish - small series. Subcontractor for welding constructions for the food industry (SS + alu).


Telescopic stainless steel door made to measure

Koenraad De Bruyne Gedelegeerd Bestuurder T: +32 475 44 48 80

Key Markets Food production industry& food machinery & industrial kitchens & Breweries Pharma labs & pharma production plants

Turnover â‚Ź 2.000.000

Construction in general Contruction in particular: lift/elevator finishing & Airco industry & swimming pools

Workforce 27

References on demand

Certificate ISO 9001:2008

Sheet Metal Work Assembly


Endeco Sprl

Address Rue de Bruxelles 355 1480 Tubize

Products Endeco sprl is a company specialized in the production of mechanical parts since 12 years and with a professional experience for over more than 30 years. We are very polyvalent

Contact Guy Pasteel Gérant T: +32 2 355 23 97

and specialized in precision mechanical parts with following possibilities: Turning conventional and CNC controlled Milling, conventional and CNC controlled, horizontal/vertical Honing and Cylindrical and surface grinding Assembly Welding

Turnover € 1.500.000

Key Markets Off-Highway Hydraulics/Special automotive applications/ Off


Highway Engine Systems / Precision Components

9 References Caterpillar, Dana Spicer Off Highway, Vemoflex, Lefort, LVD, NCC, STIB, SNCB, Demako, Jan De Nul…

Certificate Machining Sheet Metal Work


François (Etabl.)

Address rue des Commères 10 6536 Thuillies (Thuin)

Products Industrial subcontracting in sheet metal work, boilerwork, mechanically welded units, conveyor and handling machines, automation, iron work.

Contact Bernard Adam Gérant

Key Markets Siderurgy and chemical Industries

T: +32 71 53 31 49

References Siderurgy and chemical Industries.

Turnover -


Workforce 5

Sheet Metal Work Assembly





Energielaan 1-3

FACIM NV is a dynamic and modern equipped sheet metal

2950 Kapellen (Antw.)

company specialized in custom sheet metal products. The products range varies from keypads and front panels to

Contact Jelle Windey

complete enclosures for electronics and welded structures in a variety of plate and tube materials.

Facilities T: +32 3 666 54 15

Key Markets Elektronica & assemblage, Telecommunicatie & satellietcommunicatie, Machinebouw, Apparatenbouw,

Turnover -

Toegangscontrole, Bewakingssystemen, Automatisatie, Audio, Petrochemie, Hernieuwbare energie, Projectmeubilair, Scheepvaart, ntwerpbureaus

Workforce 29

References Facim NV

Certificate ISO 9001 in opmaak

Sheet Metal Work


Ferromatrix NV

Address Michel Vandewielestraat 7 8510 Marke (Kortrijk)

Products High precision iron foundry for castings ranging 250 - 5000 kg. Products: gearboxes, turbochargers, compressors, diesel and


gas engines, pumps, machinery, robotics.

Jamie Catelin Plant Manager T: +32 56 24 35 35

Key Markets General engineering. References Turnover


â‚Ź 17.000.000 Certificate Workforce

TUV & maritime accreditation - ISO 9001




world class in tubular products




Blokellestraat 121

Fomeco is a World Class Manufacturer of tubular products

8550 Zwevegem

for exhaust, coolant, charge air & hydraulic applications, but also structural chasis pipes. This in a diameter range of 15 up


to 150mm in steel, stainless & aluminium. All main operations

Dimitri Withoeck

are inhouse such as cutting, bending, endforming, welding,

Sales Manager

wetpainting, mounting as well as a sheet metal division and

T: +32 56 650618

a toolshop. To be able to supply major global OEM players we have a World Class Manufacturing System in Production, Quality & Logistics. We also have a 100% owned sister

Turnover â‚Ź 18.000.000

Workforce 150

company in Brasil for the South American Market and we have a purchase & sales office in India.

Key Markets Truck, Bus & Offroad OEM

References Volvo Truck & Bus - Renault Truck - Scania Truck & Bus - Daf Truck & Leyland Trucks - Daimler Truck (Mercedes) - Nacco (Hyster & Yale forklift) - Atlas Copco Sheet Metal Work Surface Treatment Assembly


Certificate ISO/TS 16949 (ISO9001) ISO14001

Fonderie Fallais SA



rue de Waremme 123

Aluminium foundry realizing castings with sand moulding,

4530 Villers-le-Bouillet

gravity, pressure diecasting and rheocasting processes. Magnesium thixomoulding.

Contact Joris Poot Sales Manager

Key Markets Mechanical engineering, automotive, textile.

T: +32 472 83 14 74

References -

Turnover â‚ŹÂ 4.430.720

Certificate ISO 9001:2008

Workforce 65



Fonderies J. Marichal Ketin & Cie

Address Rue Ernest Solvay 372 4000 Sclessin (Liège)

Products Manufacturing of cast rolls for the hot rolling of flat products. The rolls are bi-metallic and cast using the centri-spinning process. Products: Rolling mills.

Contact Pierre Lhost Directeur Général a.i.

Key Markets Hot rolling.

T: +32 4 234 72 53

References -

Turnover € 20.512.941

Certificate ISO 9001:2008

Workforce 134



Full Metal Services

Address Avenue de l’Artisanat 12b 1420 Braine-l’Alleud

Products Mecanic Systems, member of Full Metal Services Group, is a subcontracting company producing goods in the sheet metal industry from simple parts to complete sub-

Contact Patrick PASSON Sales Manager T: +32 2 384 17 53

assemblies. You have access to state of the art machines in punching, laser and water jet cutting. Our expertise includes bending, rolling, manual and robotized welding, assembly, surface treatment and painting through a wide network of qualified partners. Additionally, we offer you co-design, prototyping


and redesign-to-cost services.

€ 5.900.000 Key Markets Workforce

Stoves -Access control – Pharmaceutical – Aeronautical –


Electronics – Transport – Railway – Civil work – Agriculture – Furniture

References -

Certificate Sheet Metal Work Assembly


Galva Power Group

Address Centrum Zuid 2037 3530 Houthalen (Houthalen-Helchteren)

Products Hot dip galvanizing and duplex systems (coating on galvanized steel) are the first choice for corrosion protection of steel with regard to reliability, cost, lifetime (mechanical and corrosive resistance) and sustainability.

Contact Jean-Louis Goderniaux Sales and Marketing Manager

ZINQ®, the leading system for protection of steel against corrosion, offers complete and integrated solutions for the most challenging applications.

T: +32 11 51 02 34

Key Markets Steel Construction (petro chemical industry, agriculture, parkings)

Turnover € 51.000.000

Workforce 366

Fencing - Solar Energy - Transport (trailers) - Automotive Industry Agriculture vehicles - Noise barriers - Railway material.

References BASF, Bayer, BP, Borealis, C-Tank Terminal, Oil Tanking, ADPO, Dutch Biodiesel, Bio Wanze, Alco Bio Fuel, Gas storage Bergermeer, Maasvlakte APMT Terminal, Infrabel, Pro Rail, Railway station Oostende, Railway station Gent

Certificate ISO 9001


Surface Treatment

ISO 14001


ISO 50001


Address Weg naar Zwartberg 185 3660 Opglabbeek

Products G.A.M. NV is a metalworking company focused on turning, milling, manufacturing and machining welded assemblies as a subcontractor. We are specialized in machining castings and

Contact Hubert GabriĂŤls General Manager T: +32 89 81 97 30

welded parts. Our goal is to provide quality parts and a good customer service. We have different mid-size and large CNC-machines for milling and turning. For manufacturing and welding we have a fully equipped workshop and several welding robots. Our hoisting capability is up to 10 Ton.

Turnover â‚Ź 3.600.000

Key Markets We supply parts to customers in the automotive, lifting

Workforce 25

equipment and other industries requiring quality components produced according to the provided drawings and specifications.

References Van Hool nv, Halliburton Energy Services, Arcomet nv, JLG Manufacturing Europe bvba

Certificate Machining




Garnimetal SA

Address Rue de la Wastinne 24 1301 Bierges

Products Garnimetal processes sheet metal and all types of metals, depending on what the project is meant to be used for. The company has been active since 1924. We make a single

Contact Nathalie Celis Administrateur délégué T: +32 10 41 79 04

Turnover € 2.500.000

Workforce 17

Sheet Metal Work Assembly


small metal part, a series or mounted and welded assemblies, equipment integrating automation and electrical functions, up to tested and installed on-site products. Key Markets Steel in Parts: Parts and components for machinery and equipment (e.g., plates and various support structures in steel, stainless steel, aluminium, copper, tantalum, housings for access contro , electrical boxes, casings ...) Steel in Care: Customized items for the health sector in accordance with the requirements of clean areas (e.g. stainless steel support structure for laboratory containers, trays and racks, as well as independent external cooling systems for medical machinery, complete bioreactors or laminar flow hoods ...) Steel in Food: Customized items installed in production areas, which are easy to clean and meet the hygiene standards of the Food Industry and the Catering sector (e.g. pie plates, funnels, stainless steel trolleys to move chocolates ...) Steel in Life: Sets of indoor and outdoor furniture, railings and infrastructure, building design and decorative items, signposts and advertising support structures (e.g., bus/bike/smoking shelters, benches, trash cans, Morris tower, advertising ashtray, mailboxes, ...) References IBA, GSK, Baxter, Clear Channel, Godiva, Schreder, …

Gieterijen en Werkhuizen Alidor Claeys NV

Address Ruddervoordsestraat 38 8210 Zedelgem

Products Iron foundry for castings in lamellar and nodular iron, mainly focused on medium series of small pieces: series from 30Â pieces onwards; weight below 75 kg.

Contact Rik Claeys

Delivery of full finished castings, ready for assembly. Products: components for machines and stoves, building parts.

Algemene Directie T: +32 50 20 99 94

Turnover -

Workforce 40

Key Markets Mechanical engineering, building industry, road construction.

References -

Certificate -



Gilbos NV

Address Grote Baan 10 9310 Herdersem (Aalst)

Products Gilbos nv is your partner for machining and sheet metal parts. This extended with a full in house paint shop that can offer both powder coating and wet paint solutions.

Contact Peter De Bruyne Subcontracting Manager

âž? Technical data available upon request For other surface treatments, we have a network of reliable external partners.

T: +32 53 78 18 78

Key Markets Retail, warehousing, textile, ...

Turnover â‚Ź 15.000.000

References Micros, Agfa Graphics, Toyota, Egemin, Bekaert ...

Workforce 125

Certificate ISO9001, IPSM15

Machining Sheet Metal Work Surface Treatment


Gondrexon NV

Address Azalealaan 22 1930 Zaventem

Products Production and supply of woven wire cloth, perforated metal, screens in polyurethane, wedge wire screens, synthetic cloth for industrial applications, fabricated

Contact Olivier Stas de Richelle

separation components, other separation media and their related components.

Sales Manager T: +32 475 98 07 22

Key Markets Chemical-and petrochemical-, iron- and steel-, mining,

Turnover € 4.000.000

building- and roadwork- and paper industries, drilling companies, food and beverage, water treatment, manufacturers of filters and filtercomponents, architecture.

Workforce 45

References -

Certificate ISO 9001:2001 certified Certificate n° BE 94/1026.CA 31.12.2016




Address Zone Industrielle 3 6590 Momignies

Contact Julien Chanteux Responsable Commercial T: +32 60 51 25 85


Workforce 35

Machining Sheet Metal Work Surface Treatment Assembly


Products Since 1934, GRAUX has been manufacturing and assembling parts, sub-assemblies and finished assemblies for industry. From the simple to the most sophisticated design, from “one-offs” to small series, everything we produce perfectly meets your specifications, while respecting the requisite quality, the agreed price and the allocated delivery time. With its high qualified workforce and multi-functional machinery facilities, of recent technology, reliable, and perfectly adapted to your projects, GRAUX’s areas of expertise are as follows: Technical support (from the project conception phase), Welded construction, Mechanical welding, Boiler making, Mechanical construction, Machining, Surface treatment, Assembly, Production measures and controls. Key Markets GRAUX has been constructing its development by positioning itself with its customers as THE reference partner. In this respect, you are assured to find THE specialist in the construction and assembly of specialised machinery, particularly in the industries in which GRAUX has built up its reputation. These activity sectors are as follows: Food processing industry, Chemicals industry, Environment industry (renewable energies), Medical / pharmaceuticals industry, Energy industry, Iron and steel and/or metallurgical industry, Technological industry, Glass industry References GRAUX has built its success by ensuring a very high level of customer satisfaction. We are proud to include amongst our customers certain firms of international standing, and to have done so for several decades. Certificate ISO 9001:2008, ISO 3834

Hainaut-Carlier (Société Nouvelle)

Address Par Delà l’Eau 20 6120 Jamioulx (Ham-sur-Heure)

Products Producer of hard-wearing pieces for soil working. Tempered steel: boren steel - spring steel; Custom-made products.

Contact Eric Lefévère Administrateur Délégué

Key Markets Agricultural.

T: +32 71 22 08 04

References -

Turnover € 2.000.000

Certificate -

Workforce 17

Forging Machining Sheet Metal Work Heat Treatment


Heinen SA

Address rue d’Aix-la-Chapelle 189 4701 Kettenis (Eupen)

Contact Marc Imetsberger Administrateur délégué

Products Measure-made enclosures and cabinets in aluminium, steel and stainless-steel.

Key Markets Gas & Oil Railway infrastructure

T: +32 87 59 10 10

References Elster



€ 15.000.000 Certificate Workforce 110

Sheet Metal Work


ISO9001 VCA** certified


Address Avenue de Bâle - Bazellaan 5 1140 Evere

Contact Daniel Cheret

Products IRIS anticorrosion is the largest “protective coating” contractor in Belgium, for shop and in the field applications. IRIS supplies complete customized solutions for industrial erosion and corrosion protection. Through a wide range of techniques, including rope access, we limit immobilization of your production plants and installations.

Business Director T: +32 14 86 74 21

Turnover € 25.000.000

Key Markets Any type of surface protection and fire retardants/proofing in any type of industries, among others: (petro)chemistry, energy production & distribution, Work at height, maritime, infrastructure, … References With an annual income of more than 25 mio euro, we serve

Workforce 250

many industries, with a wide range of technologies and techniques. Some of our main customers are: Fluxys, Eandis, RTE, Tennet, Infrax, EDF Luminus, Liandon,… Infrabel, Wegen & Verkeer, Port of Zeebrugge, Rijkswaterstaat, … Total, Primagaz, Lanxess, Chevron-Phillips, Bekeart, Aleris, … Certificate IRIS Anticorrosion is the sole Belgium company with a CSR certification (MVO prestatieladder niveau 3/échelle de performance RSE niveau 3), as well as a CO2 certification (CO2 prestatieladder niveau 4/échelle de performance CO2 niveau 4). Next to that, IRIS is also ISO 9001, VCA**, NACE, TSA Shell, … certified.

Surface Treatment

Most of our workers are certified industrial painters (BCCA).



Address Industriepark 27 8730 Beernem

Products Jaegerson is a subcontractor in the metals sector and has become a leading supplier of plate work and welding constructions. For over 30 years the key to our success has been extensive


know-how, high quality and great flexibility. We can offer high

Henk Jaques

quality products at competitive prices satisfying the specific needs

General Manager

of our most demanding both national and international customers.

T: +32 50 79 11 35

With our high tech and high performance machinery we can offer products from laser work to welding constructions. • Laser cutting up to 20 mm into steel plate, stainless steel up to


8 mm and aluminium up to 6 mm. • Punching up to 4 mm • Ben-

€ 14.000.000

ding with CNC bending machines for both small and large objects, observing exact tolerances. • Welding: Robotic and semi-automa-

Workforce 100

tic welding, TIG-, Spot-, Stud-welding, Gauge building • Various: Sawing, Drilling, Tapping, Milling, Identifying, Grinding, Inserting, … Key Markets Agricultural and earth-moving machinery, precision components, industrial warehouse equipment, fireplaces, weaving equipment, thermoforming equipment, …

Machining Sheet Metal Work Assembly


References CNH / Carwall / Vandewiele / Picanol / Stow / Vitalo / Metalfire/ ... Certificate ISO 9001

JONCKHEERE PMC Poperinge Metal Construction

Address Products Provenseweg 64 Sheet metal works in steel, stainless steel and aluminium. Air 8970 Poperinge conditioning hoods, sheet metal for interiors, housings etc‌ From cutting (laser/punch) to welding and folding. Painting Contact and completion of assemblies. Plate thicknesses from 0,5 to Jan-Filip Schodts 5-6mm. For other weldment constructions, please refer to our Sales Engineer sister company JONCKHEERE subcontracting. T: +32 499 696 111 Key Markets Construction Equipment and Material Handling, Rolling stock Turnover material for the Railway Industry, Compressors, Process industry ₏ 4.000.000 References Workforce YANMAR Construction Equipment, ATLAS COPCO, Faiveley 60 Transport, Delta Neu, Alstom Transport, Bombardier in the group 200 Transportation, NMBS, Infrabel, RATP - SNCF

Certificate ISO 9001:2008, DIN 15085-2 welding certificate Class 1

Sheet Metal Work Surface Treatment Assembly


Jonckheere Subcontracting

Address Henri Jonckheerestraat 5 8800 Roeselare

Products Food and beverage, clothing, energy, earthwork and construction, agriculture, logistics and transport, air-treatment, safety and security: in each of these domains Jonckheere


Subcontracting is the partner of world class companies.

Jan-Filip Schodts Sales T: +32 51 23 28 00

Key Markets From compressors to wind turbines and from excavators to aerial work platforms, Jonckheere Subcontracting is present in all domains of welded constructions.

Turnover â‚Ź 28.000.000

References Caterpillar, Faiveley, JLG, Lectra, Liebherr, Manitowoc, Manitou

Workforce 200

Certificate ISO 9001:2008 - EN 15085-2 - DIN 18800-7 - ISO 3834-2 ISO 15608 CATERPILLAR MQ11005

Sheet Metal Work Assembly


Kanigen Works Benelux

Address Wolfsbergstraat 57 3600 Genk

Products Surface treatment: electroless nickel plating according to the Kanigen process. Kanigen electroless nickel - Hard electroless nickel - Amagnetic electroless nickel - Diffusion electroless


nickel - Electroless nickel with PTFE - Black electroless nickel

Mark Decker Technical Sales Manager Kanigen Group T: +32 472 970 580

Turnover € 5.000.000

Key Markets Automotive 45%; Semi-conductor 20%, Offshore 12%, Hydraulics 8%, Compressors and pneumatics 8%, Industrial Vehicels, Textile, Special Machines, Defence, ... .

References Automotive: Continental, TRW, Bosch, Jtekt, Thule, Hilite, Hitachi, Borg Warner, Thomas Magnete, Valeo, ZF, Gates, ... .

Workforce 40

Semi-conductor: ASML, Applied Materials, ... . Other references: Atlas Copco, Compair, Dresser-Rand, Eaton, Bosch Rexroth, Haliburton, Technip, Cameron, Saft, Parker, Staübli, Schneider, ... .

Certificate ISO9001:2008

Surface Treatment


Komec Helsen NV

Address Kernenergiestraat 79 2610 Wilrijk (Antwerpen)

Products Komec Helsen’s expertise, flair and proven ability in the design, development and manufacture of components through subassemblies to complete machine construction have earned us an

Contact Werner Helsen

enviable reputation for consistently delivering the very highest quality. Our strategy of ceaseless investment in the very latest

Managing Director

production technologies allows us to maintain the highest

T: +32 3 820 70 50

standards whichever materials we work with; ferrous, non-

ferrous, engineering plastics. Furthermore, a motivated and well-trained workforce underpins our rigorous and systematic

Turnover € 12.600.000

approach to satisfying our clients’ requirements. The list of our clients includes a number of world-renowned multinational corporations all of whom have come to value Komec Helsen’s


creativity, flexibility and integrity.

42 Key Markets Pharmaceutical - Automotive - Digital Printing

References Pfizer / Ti Group Automotive/ Agfa Gevaert / Xeikon/ Hansen Transmissions Machining Sheet Metal Work Assembly


Certificate ISO9001/2008

Lastek Belgium

Address Toekomstlaan 50 2200 Herentals

Products Lastek is a manufacturer of welding equipment and welding consumables. Since 1960, the company has developed a wide range of products aimed at special applications thus offering


quick and affordable solutions for complex and unusual

Bart Wils

welding challenges.


Lastek helps the customer to use the right material and the right

T: +32 14 22 57 67

equipment for the right job. It introduces clever methods that will

reduce costs and/or improve results. Lastek wants to be an added value to all its customers. It can therefore revert to a solid and well

Turnover € 8.000.000

trained team of technical advisors and welding engineers. Lastek produces equipment for MMA-, TIG- and MIG/MAG welding, as well as welding consumables for: - cast iron - stainless

Workforce 45 (worldwide: 100)

steel - unalloyed steel - high- and low alloyed steel - difficult to weld steel - hard facing - aluminum and its alloys - nickel and its alloys - copper and its alloys - special applications - silver soldering - hard facing powders - soft soldering Key Markets Construction, Wear & repair, Brazing References Belgian Defence, Ford, Harbour of Antwerp, …


Certificate ISO 9001:2008, FPC


Les AciĂŠries de la Meuse SA



rue Mathieu Steenebrugen 3

Bullets, crushing & dredging parts, crushers, armour-platings.

4602 Cheratte

Products: pump components, stampers, grabs and cones for crushing, armour-platings, railway parts.

Contact Christophe Charlier Service du Personnel T: +32 4 361 76 17

Turnover -

Workforce 20



Key Markets Quarries, mines, recycling industry, recycling of concrete and asphalt for road construction. Plants treating seeds for oil production.

References -

Certificate -

Les Ateliers de la Meuse

Address rue Ernest Solvay 107 4000 Sclessin (Liège)

Products Energy, boiler works, general mechanical engineering, mechanically operated assemblies, maintenance of mechanical equipment, scientific equipment for ground


based and space experiments.

Alfred Limbort Directeur général T: +32 4 254 61 40

Key Markets Nuclear, energy, aero-space, mining, ... References Turnover

Areva, Alstom, Electrabel, Siempelkamp, Astrium,

€ 15.273.000 Certificate Workforce






Address Albertkanaalstraat 139 3511 Kuringen (Hasselt)

Products Surface treatment of metals; electrolytic zinc plating, tinplating, nickel plating, zinc iron plating, cataphoretic painting, polishing, blasting, etc; both in rack and drum.

Contact Guy Heylen Ceo

Key Markets Automotive, Bus & Truck, Energy

T: +32 11 85 04 00

References Ford, Volvo, Caterpillar, Volkswagen, Renault, Toyota, CnH,


Bmw, Peugeot, Atlas Copco, ....

3.100.000 Certificate Workforce 32

Surface Treatment


Iso 14001 Iso 9001

Lithcote Europe SA

Address Rue du Château 70 6183 Trazegnies

Contact Christophe Leclercq CEO T: +32 71 45 00 15

Turnover € 2.000.000

Workforce 15

Products Lithcote Europe is specialized in the application of anticorrosion, anti-adhesive (Teflon) and anti-wear coatings based on special polymers on all types of supports. Our know-how allow us to advise our clients on the best coating to apply depending on their particular service conditions. We treat parts of all sizes, ranging from precision joints for the aerospace industry to tanks and reactors of over 50 tons. We offer a variety of treatment processes for metals as a subcontractor for the chemicals industry, food chain stores, precision engineering, the construction of household electrical appliances, maritime and road transport. Protective coatings are applied on all kinds of metals: tanks needed for transport of high corrosive products, other precision parts, etc. Each treatment undergoes a wellresearched cycle: parts aredegreased by pyrolysis, sandblasted with corrund and covered with different layers of reinforced powder which are fixed by baking. For anti-corrosion the products Halar, Sakaphen, Rilsan and Chemflake are used. They offer protection against corrosion by products with pH ranging from 1 to 14 and for various temperatures in use, up to 270°C. Key Markets All kind of industry: transport, chemical, pharma, aeronautics, manufacturing, alimentation, etc... References Baxter, UCB, L’oreal, Caterpilar, Ferrari, Techspace Aero, Sabca, Sonaca, Carrier, Eurotainer, Eurasia, Electrabel, Elia, Fluxys, …

Surface Treatment

Certificate VCA, ISO 9001


Longrée (Nouvelles Forges)

Address rue Marihaye 20 4400 Flémalle-Grande (Flémalle)

Products Les Nouvelles Forges Longrée are able to offer their customers the forging, rough or machined completely tailored to each industry and each type of construction. Currently, we are forging


steels of all grades, in all sections of up to 800 kgs weight.

Ludwig Billen Administrateur Délégué T: +32 4 234 32 94

Key Markets Mechanical workshops References Turnover


€ 1.257.000 Certificate Workforce 11



Magolux SA



rue de la Hart 1

Magolux is part of the Magotteaux group. We are a foundry

6780 Messancy

specialized in wear-resistant castings. High-tech products aimed at cement manufacturers and the sludging industry.


Products: dredging pump components, crushing boulders.

Anne-Marie Thoma Assistante de direction T: +32 63 38 28 11

Key Markets Cement industry, power stations, dredging industry, mines, fluids. References Turnover


â‚ŹÂ 27.206.210 Certificate Workforce

ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001




Magotteaux Liège SA

Address rue Prés de la Tour 55

Products Magotteaux is a group of foundries, global leader in its area.

4051 Vaux-sous-Chèvremont

Our local teams are present all over the world. We develop,


manufacture and distribute crushing and wearing parts. We supply services to the following industries: cement, mines,

Contact Philippe Dewasme Plant Manager T: +32 4 361 75 25

quarries & recycling, thermal power stations and dredging. We are experts in the production process of our customers, in wear, in comminution and in recovery of ores with added value. We help our customers to optimize their production costs. Products: bullets, crushing & dredging parts, crushers, armour-platings.

Turnover € 66.207.783

Key Markets Agregates & recycling industry, mines, cement industry, thermal


power stations, dredging industry.

337 References -

Certificate Agregates & recycling industry, mines, cement industry, thermal power stations, dredging industry. Foundry


Malcourant Mécanique

Address rue de la Marcelle 1-3 5030 Gembloux

Products Turning Milling Mechanical Engineering

Contact Patrick Powis Sales Manager

Key Markets Automotive, pharmaceutical industry, environment, food

T: +32 498 126 500

References JTEKT - Vandemoortele - GSK - Baxter

Turnover € 1.200.000

Certificate ISO 9001-2008

Workforce 10




Address Eddastraat 41 9042 Gent (Zeehaven)

Products - Sheet metal parts and assemblies for automotive and offroad, including full surface treatment (shot-blasting, wet primer and powder coating) - approved process by Caterpillar, Volvo

Contact Koen Desimpelaere Sales Manager T: +32 9 255 51 11

Trucks&Bus, Cargotec - Mechanical and mechatronical engineering. - Machining/Milling of parts linked to and mounted on sheet metal assemblies. - Dedicated Welding engineer (WPS) and Paintshop engineer, for process optimization towards zero-defect mindset

Turnover € 14.114.000

- Our main parts are different kind of welded brackets, supports, crossmembers, towing members and different kinds of assemblies including elec.wiring connections (eg lightning group).

Workforce 118

Key Markets Automotive Industry / Bus Industry / Off-road Industry / Compressor Techniques / Cranes

References Volvo Trucks & Renault Trucks / Volvo Buses / Caterpillar / Machining Sheet Metal Work Surface Treatment Assembly


Atlas Copco / Cargotec (Hiab, Kalmar) / Stas alu.trailers / Allison Transmissions Certificate ISO TS 16949:2009 - ISO 9001:2008 - ISO 14001:2004


Address rue de la Molignée 60 5537 Anhée

Products MECASOFT is a subcontractor specialized in EDM technologies for high precision and complex components. MECASOFT has a department of micro machining


(3D pieces of 50µ - micro holes of 15µ)

Raymond Brandt Administrateur T: +32 82 61 16 12

Key Markets Aeronautic and aerospace Medical and pharmaceutical industries Research centre - Universities


Mechanical industries

€ 2.000.000 References Workforce 15

Airbus/Embraer/Bombardier GSK/UCB/Solvay CERN/ESA

Certificate EN9100



Mekanische Konstruktie Baudoin

Address Ambachtsstraat 10 2400 Mol

Products Mekanische Konstruktie Baudoin (MKB), a specialized workshop in mechanical operations, is already 85 year a loyal partner of the industry business and makes part of the ERIKS group.

Contact Rudi Janssen Operational Manager T: +32 14 34 64 20

Turnover â‚Ź 6.800.000

MKB is specialized in: - Manufacturing of elementary components and spare parts - Repairing spare parts and machinery - Equipment- and machinery construction - Engineering and development

Key Markets Primary industry (steel/ non-ferro), Pharmaceutical, Chemicals, Nuclear, Energy, Food

Workforce 57

References Nyrstar, Aperam, Metallo Chimique, Arcelor Mittal, Aleris, Janssen Pharmaceutica, Ajinomoto, BP, BASF, Transnubel, ZF Wind, EON, Visko Teepak, Mars, ‌

Certificate VCA*, ISO 9001 Machining Assembly


Metagra Industry

Address Industriepark Drongen 11 9031 Gent

Products Manufacturer of plastic and metallic front panels and housings, anodised printed plates, membrane keyboards, printed glass or plastic panels for capacitive sensors or RFID.

Contact Filip Dejaeghere Commercial Manager T: +32 9 280 93 10

Key Markets Electronics, constructors, automotive, white and brown goods,... References Turnover

Miele, Volvo

â‚Ź 4.000.000 Certificate Workforce

ISO 9001


Sheet Metal Work Surface Treatment Assembly


Metakor NV

Address Industrielaan 8 8501 Heule (Kortrijk)

Contact Patrick Van Neste Commercial Director T: +32 56 36 39 70

Turnover â‚Ź 5.500.000

Workforce 38

Foundry Surface Treatment Assembly


Products Metakor, settled in Kortrijk (Belgium), is one of the leading European designers and manufacturers of decorative furniture fittings in rustic, traditional and modern style. In 2013, a new product line in authentic style has been added to the range, as well as a modern concept, called screw on trim handle. The company’s mission is based on continuously creating and developing new and exclusive products in cooperation with a team on international designers. Metakor exports to more than 30 countries worldwide. This gives Metakor a large spectrum on trends and markets, and the necessary input for a product range with an universal look and charisma. Thanks to frequent and intense customer contacts, Metakor pays a lot of attention to niche products which fill in their specific needs. Through a long lasting production experience, the quality level of these products is outstanding while their price level stays competitive. Key Markets Metakor trades its products lines to almost all important furniture and kitchen manufacturers in Europe and many other countries such as Turkey, Russia, USA, South Africa, Australia and New Zealand. Our international sales team also collaborates with many wholesalers in each of these countries and through its own commercial branch in Spain. References Dovy Keukens Belgium, Bruynzeel Keukens the Netherlands, Nobilia Germany, Menuiserie du Centre France, Stylny Kuchny Russia, Aquato Russia, Molodechnomebel Belarus, Lineadekor Turkey, ‌

MA Precision Mechanics

Address Dubbeekstraat 112 3200 Aarschot

Contact André Thys Zaakvoerder T: +32 16 56 98 21

Turnover € 750.000

Workforce 10

Products MA Precision Mechanics is a family company with more than 25 years of experience in the subcontracting of precision mechanical parts, tools, special cutting tools and mechatronical systems. With customers in the medical devices, pharmaceutical, nuclear, aviation -, machine building, engineering and other industries, we have accumulated over the years, a broad knowledge of machining and assembly . Digital Assisted Manufacturing, the extensive use of digital techniques like ERP-CAD/CAM-DNC-CNC, lead to competencies in terms of complexity of operations and project management. This enables high-end flexible subcontracting. The mechanical precision parts are prepared on our CAD-CAM system by highly skilled engineers and then finished on the CNC milling and turning machines. Besides our machining capacity, MA Precision Mechanics offers you the knowledge and years of experience of a team of highly skilled workers and specialists in the machining of simple to highly complex parts. Vertically to five-axis simultaneous milling has no secrets for us. Single pieces to small series with repetitive nature are our market. On the other hand, our ERP system is again the perfect support for the production of assemblies, from the purchase of our raw materials and standard parts, as well as the production with our CNC machines Until the assembly and delivery, everything is managed within the ERP system. Key Markets Medical devices, pharmaceutical, nuclear, food, machine construction, aerospace, machine tools, chemical, petrochemical References ASCO industries, Agfa Gevaert, JBT, Siemens, GEA group

Machining Assembly

Certificate Obtaining ISO 13485


Metalen Huysmans

Address Toekomstlaan 115-117 2900 Schoten

Products Since 1928, Huysmans Metalen provides sheet metal fabrication to customer specifications. Our skilled craftsmen with years of experience along with hi-tech


tools provide quality craftsmanship on your project.

Christel Huysmans

Custom sizes and designs as well as small series are our specialty.

Sales Manager

- Hydraulic shears, punching equipment and a laser cutting system

T: +32 3 645 84 74

always cut to the required precision. - Our hydraulic CNC precision bending press brakes are highly flexible and provide accurate and repeatable bending results.

Turnover â‚Ź 3.500.000

- Rounding of sheets into cylindrical shapes with roller bending machines. - Welding

Workforce 22

- Materials processed: Carbon steel, stainless steel, galvanised steel and aluminium.

Key Markets References Certificate Sheet Metal Work


Metalgroup asbl

Address rue du Débarcadère 61 6001 Marcinelle

Products METALGROUP is a company employing people with disabilities which specialises in metalwork, from one-off pieces to large series. The sheet metal workshop of METALGROUP performs a variety

Contact Laurent Verhoeven Sales Manager T: +32 491 72 32 14

of operations, such as sawing, shearing, bending, drilling, tapping, punching, threading, welding, etc. We cut ferrous and nonferrous steel products, whether or not supported by you. Our metrological service is there to make sure of the top quality and dimensional compliance of your parts with standard requirements. Sheet metal parts are manufactured in our workshops. The professionalism of our staff and our cutting-

Turnover € 4.000.000

Workforce 175

edge equipment ensure the quality of the metalwork. METALGROUP offers numerical control machining for milling and turning operations. METALGROUP pulls out all the stops to meet your requirements. To do this, we have just invested in a new and very efficient five-axis machine-tool which is the perfect complement to our industrial tool. We also handle any rework or customization work. Key Markets Bending / welding / sawing / machining / milling / turning. References Caterpillar / Alstom / Fleurinvest / Sonaca / Infrabel ...

Machining Sheet Metal Work

Certificate ISO 9001:2008 - BeSaCC


Métaux Emboutis SA

Address Rue Haute Marexhe 176 4040 Herstal

Products Since 1924, METAUX EMBOUTIS is a subcontractor in sheet metal work.Presses, tools workshop, punches, laser cutting machines, spark erosion machines (sinking or wire),

Contact Christine Rosemboom Administrateur Directeur T: +32 4 248 08 28

mechanical and hydraulic presses for all tonnages, etc. in an entity which today extends over more than 6,000 m². 6 trading sectors: Laser Cutting, Punching, CNC Folding, Welding, Cutting - Stamping, Assembly Key Markets Turnover

Electrical and electronic equipment, construction and mining

€ 3.000.000

equipment, power solutions, armament, aerospace, medical sector.

Workforce 22

References ABB - Areva - Caterpillar - CE+T - CE+T Technics - FN Herstal General Electric - Schneider - Schreder - Tenneco (Monroe) - Volvo ...and a lot of SME’s from various sectors

Certificate ISO 9001:2008, Caterpillar SQE-MQ11005, EN9100:2009 in progress. Sheet Metal Work Assembly


Mockel Precision

Address rue du DĂŠveloppement 9 4837 Baelen (Lg.)

Products Precision mechanics sind 1947: 1) CNC machining: 3, 4 & 5 axis milling centres machining 2) CNC turning: 2 to 5 axis

Contact William Fabry

3) Grinding; Honing; Slotting; Grooving; Thread rolling; Electronic embossing; Continuous Ink Jet;

Responsable commercial

4) Surface treatment; Heat treatments;

T: +32 479 298 675

5) Assembly of mechanical subgroups Key Markets Turnover â‚Ź 5.500.000

Workforce 53

Aeronautics, Space, Defence, Hydraulics, Civil construction, Methods of measurement, Renewable energy, Medical devices


Certificate ISO 9001:2008 EN9100:2009 ISO13485:2003 Machining Surface Treatment Heat Treatment Assembly


Multi Services DĂŠcoupe

Address rue des Fauldeurs 6 6530 Thuin

Contact Christelle Salengros Assistante de direction

Products Fixing clamps and bands for building. Accessories for packaging.

Key Markets Building Packaging

T: +32 71 59 75 73

References Grossistes et revendeurs

Turnover -

Workforce 15

Sheet Metal Work



No Leak NV

Address Industrieweg 8 2280 Grobbendonk

Contact Jaak Kerkhofs General Manager T: +32 14 51 16 29

Products Hot forging and machining of brass and copper parts. Casting and machining of brass parts.

Key Markets Brass and copper parts are mostly for the sanitary and heating market. For this market we have our own range of products, which are sold under our brand name, but we produce on demand variants on these products. The other main market is subcontracting. This includes any

Turnover € 4.500.000

market where brass is used, mostly for the transportation of fluids and gasses (water, gas, LPG, beer …) also for the automotive market, solar market …

Workforce 25

References Belgian waterworks, producers of solar systems, sanitary wholesalers.





Machining Surface Treatment Heat Treatment Assembly



OERLIkOn BALzERs REInvEnTs cOATInG. Oerlikon Balzers is the leading global supplier of PVD coatings which improve the performance and service lives of precision components as well as metalworking and plastics processing tools. These coatings developed by Oerlikon Balzers and marketed under the BALINIT® brand are extremely thin and very hard. BALINIT® coatings show added value in following applications: – Cutting tools (new or reconditioned) – Punching and forming tools, die casting and plastic moulds – Components in general engineering applications Online coating-guide is available. This guide enables the users to determine the right coating for his specific application: ADVANCED Series: Good times for round edges Punching and forming tools as well as pressure die-casting moulds are exposed to complex stress profiles, particularly in edge zones. Advantages of BALINIT® ADVANCED: – Improved coating adhesion – Greater resistance to abrasive wear – Less tendency to heat checking – Greater resistance to crack initiation and propagation – Tool service life 100% prolonged

PPD™ (Pulse Plasma Diffusion) process Wear protection for large tools in cast iron and steel. 40 years’ experience in the industrialization of plasma processes and the close collaboration with press shops in the automotive industry gave the desire to develop improved treatment concepts for large press tools. We succeeded in making high quality outer skin tools, more wear resistant, more reliable and more productive. PVD optimized components for practical use Automotive: Whether engines or drive trains, oil pumps or brakes, headlights or rims, bodywork or interior: in modern motor cars, trucks and motor cycles there is hardly anything, in manufacture or in operation, where BALINIT® is not involved. Aerospace: The solution of wear problems affecting aircraft components begins with the exact analysis of mating surfaces, including all the participating ambient influences. This provides insight into the frictional and wear mechanisms that have occurred and caused the failure of a component. Within the portfolio of BALINIT® hard coatings with various properties, there is always a solution for the component surface to banish the present problems.

Oerlikon Balzers Coating Benelux NV | Schurhovenveld 4050 | B – 3800 Sint-Truiden T +32 11 69 30 40 | F +32 11 69 29 45 |

Oerlikon Balzers Coating Benelux NV

Address Schurhovenveld 4050 3800 Sint-Truiden

Contact Georges Volders Director Sales & Operations T: +32 11 69 30 40

Turnover -

Workforce 41

Products Oerlikon Balzers is a global supplier of PVD coatings which improve the performance and service lives of cutting, metalworking and plastics processing tools as well as precision components. These proprietary coatings, developed by Oerlikon Balzers and marketed under the BALINIT® and BALIQ brand, are extremely thin, smooth, harder than steel and lead to a decisive reduction in friction and wear. Online coating-guide is available. This guide enables the users to determine the right coating for his specific application: - Latest developed coatings like: BALINIT® LATUMA, BALINIT® ALCRONA PRO ADVANCED, BALINIT® HARD CARBON are now weekly available. - Full range of BALINIT® DIAMOND CLASSIC or PLUS coating dedicated for graphite/composite machining, short delivery time. - New weekly extra coating solutions in Benelux: a high-end post treatment of your cutting tool coatings, pre- and postpolishing and/ or advanced service for punching and forming tools. Key Markets Cutting – Punching & Forming tools, Automotive, Aerospace, Precision Components References Cutting – Punching & Forming tools, Automotive, Aerospace, Precision Components

Surface Treatment

Certificate ISO9001, NADCAP (Luxembourg).


Omco International



Venecolaan 10

With six factories strategically positioned in line with our

9880 Aalter

customer demands, supported by our own two modern foundries and competence centre at our headquarters in

Contact Yves Mortier International Sales Manager T: +32 473 97 39 40

Belgium, Omco is producing glass moulds and mould parts to serve the glass container industry worldwide. The fruit of our investments has kept Omco in place as one of the biggest and world’s leading commercial mould



Key Markets

â‚Ź 120.000.000

Omco is active in the Glass container industry worldwide. We are supplying glass factories that are producing glass

Workforce 1200

containers for foods, beers, beverage, spirits, medicine, cosmetics etc. Besides that our two foundries are also active in the automotive and pump industry.



Certificate ISO 9001

Packo Inox Surface Treatment



Cardijnlaan 10

Packo Surface Treatment offers a wide range of Surface

8600 Diksmuide

Treatments for Stainless Steel such as: electropolishing; mechanical polishing; micro-undulation; pickling and


passivation; ceramic blasting; chemical deblackening; non-

Marc Quaghebeur

fingerprint treatment; hygienical, sterile and pharmaceutical

Manager Surface Treatment Division T: +32 51 51 92 80


finish; anti-bacterial finish, amorphisation; mirror polish; deburring and micro-deburring; hardening and non-fretting; non-stick; derouging; repair and refurbishment; custom made solutions; advise and consulting;...‌

Key Markets Construction, architecture, furniture, design, pharmaceutical, food, dairy, chemistry, automotive, railway, aviation, vacuum,


clean room, micro-electronics, semi-conductor, .....

120 References NMBS-Infrabel, Lotus Bakeries, Pepsi, Pfizer, JohnsonJanssen Pharmaceutica, Monsanto, Dupont, Ford, Volvo, Deceuninck, ...

Certificate ISO 9001, EHEDG, 3A Surface Treatment


Pedeo NV

Address Westerring 25 9700 Oudenaarde

Contact Piet D’Haeyer Managing Director

Products Technical parts with high added value (machined, painted, and assembled).

Key Markets Building and lighting sectors, mechanical engineering, automotive, electronics and electricity.

T: +32 55 33 58 80

References -

Turnover € 6.785.000

Certificate ISO 9001:2008

Workforce 60



Prakto NV

Address Langestraat 104 9280 Lebbeke

Products PRAKTO is a Belgian manufacturer of pressure tanks, compressed air vessels, vacuum and steam tanks, LPG tanks (propane -butane) & gas cylinders for automotive (cars, forklift


trucks, boats, …), for heating/gas appliances: campers &

Hans Laureys

caravans, mobile catering vehicules, weed burners and/or other

Manager - Administrator

related gas-applications… Diverse steel constructions operated

T: +32 52 41 05 17

by qualified welders and technicians. LPG spare parts & related

equipment. Standard as taylor made productions. Pressure tanks according to CE, (T)PED directives, ... LPG tanks and

Turnover -

Workforce -

equipment to ECE-UNO R67-01 regulations PRAKTO is the only Belgian producer for these gastanks.

Key Markets Industrial and technical service companies. Compressor / air pressure market. Forklift truck producers and distributors. Automotive business. Camper & caravan producers, wholesalers/dealers. Gas companies.

Machining Sheet Metal Work Surface Treatment Heat Treatment

References Arcelor Mittal / Geveke / Armstrong International/ Kosan Gas / TVH / Hyster B-Close / Toyota Material Handling/ GEA / Norgren / Jungheinrich …



Précimétal, Fonderie de Précision SA

Address Chaussée de Mons 89, PI 7180 Seneffe

Products Investment casting foundry with lost wax moulding process for the manufacturing of metallic components. Products: all mechanical components needing a dimensional

Contact Edward Rabendski

precision and/or a specific surface condition, with or without machining and surface treatment.

Sales Manager T: +32 64 52 20 03

Turnover € 14.000.000

Workforce 123



Key Markets Mechanical engineering, aeronautics, armament, building industry.

References -

Certificate ISO 9001 and EN 9100 - Nadcap NDT


Address Troisdorflaan 22 3600 Genk

Products The activities of PROVAN are divided into 4 divisions of metalworking: - Sheet metal working: laser cutting-folding-pressing. - Profile machining: laser cutting on tubes and pipes bending.

Contact Marnix Bruno Business Development Manager

- Steel constructions: Robot and manual welding: MIG/MAG/ TIG weldments. - Assembly.

T: +32 89 30 77 12

- Galvanisation, painting at our partners

PROVAN differentiates itself by a strong focus on QRM (Quick Response Manufacturing) whereby our partners benefit from a TCO reduction.

Turnover € 9.158.000

Key Markets PROVAN offers high qualitative products in the BeNeLux, France,

Workforce 65

Germany and is developing its activities in the rest of Europe. PROVAN focuses on following segments: - Stoves market - Agriculture market - Medical sector - Energy market - Machinery construction - ....

References Gymna - Uniphy - Stûv - Lely Industries - Rioned - Daf - Podia France

Certificate Sheet Metal Work Assembly

ISO 9001: 2008, Trends Gazellen 2011, Nomination “Factory of the future 2014”, Nomination “Industrie awards 2014”


Raytech bvba

Address Dirk Martensstraat 3a 8200 Brugge

Products For more than 25 years Raytech is carrying out laser activities (cutting, welding and engraving) as a subcontractor. Raytech profiles itself as a subcontractor for extreme fine laser cutting and laser welding.


We are specialized in cutting micro components and very fine

Paul Raymaekers

stainless steel plate (thickness starting from 0.025mm) with high

Sales Department

precision. Typical examples are shims, fine leaf springs, medical

T: +32 50 45 44 00

stents, skeletal anchorages, micro metal filter. We have developed strategic and technological cooperation with R&D departments of many companies. Due to our expertise,

Turnover â‚Ź 3.000.000

Workforce 21

know-how and enthusiasm we offer innovative solutions for your products.

Key Markets We serve customers in many different industries, such as medical, precision, watch, eyewear, automotive aero and defence, industrial seals & springs, electronic, jewellery, etc.

References Barco, Bekaert, Atlas Copco, Packo, CNH, Picanol, Theo Eyewear, Summa, ... Machining Sheet Metal Work Assembly


Certificate ISO 9001


Address Industrielaan 4 8501 Heule (Kortrijk)

Products Steel Service Center: profiles, tubes, steel laser sheets (Laserform, S235, S355), Steel with a high yield point (S355MC, S420MC, S500MC, S700MC). Tube Laser Center:

Contact Andy Kindt

2D/3D tube laser cutting, diam 610 mm, 400 x 400, 500 x 300, length 14 m

Sales & Marketing T: +32 56 36 14 09

Key Markets Complex steel constructions in infrastructure and sports accomodations.

Turnover â‚ŹÂ 68.968.700

Machine construction Agriculture Metal subcontracting

Workforce 88

References Stade de Nice, Stade de Bordeaux, ....

Certificate ISO 9001 EN 1090

Sheet Metal Work


Saint Roch Couvin SA

Address rue de la Gare 36 5660 Couvin

Products Saint Roch Couvin has specialized since 1908 in the production of cast iron boilers with condensation for central heating (15 to 500 KW).


The mastery of cast iron techniques allows us to offer our

Lahbib Ajro

services for realizing cast iron pieces with or without core.

Directeur de Production T: +32 60 37 01 35

Turnover â‚ŹÂ 13.642.000

Workforce 103

Foundry Forging


Key Markets Central heating boilers manufacturing.

References -

Certificate ASME for China and the USA

Savimétal A.G.

Address Prümer Strasse 44 4780 Saint-Vith

Products Foundry for steels, high alloyed steels and alloyed iron. Products: hammers, stampers, grabs for crushing, pump volute chambers, subframe parts for coaches, machine

Contact Mme Klaes Secretary

components, wearing parts for public works, refractory parts for industrial ovens. We have about 25 000 pieces in 250 alloys.

T: +32 80 28 01 60

Key Markets Automotive, quarries, chemical industry, mechanical

Turnover € 15.500.000

engineering, recycling, cement, mines, steel industry, public works, waste incineration, power stations, glass industry, water evaporation, fishing industry, industrial ovens.

Workforce 80

References -

Certificate Own internal quality system approved and appreciated by our customers.



Schramme Toelevering NV

Address Mezegemstraat 25 8870 Kachtem (Izegem)

Products Schramme Toelevering specializes in turning and milling. Besides various lathes, machining centers and gear cutting machines, we also have a separate department for the


assembly and testing of hydraulic and other components.

Philippe Schramme General Manager T: +32 51 33 78 01

Turnover â‚ŹÂ 4.000.000

Key Markets Off Highway Construction, Transmissions, Trucks, Compressors, Textile machines, and others.

References Caterpillar, Dana, Volvo, Atlas Copco, Daf Trucks, Case New Holland, and others.

Workforce 20

Certificate ISO 9001:2008



Settas SA



AllĂŠe Centrale

Titane foundry with high pressure centrifugation process

Z.I. de Jumet

enabling complex shapes and forms as well as outstanding

6040 Jumet (Charleroi)

mechanical qualities. Products: Aerospace Civil & Military: engine components, structural elements, Braking System Torque Tube.

Contact Marisa Remmo Sales & Commercial Executive T: +32 71 25 75 46

Marine civil: off shore, industry and energy components. Marine military: submarine, sea vessel components. Chemical industry (high acids) and oil & gas: pump and valve components (pump casings, impellers, covers, bodies, ball valves, butterfly valves, ...) Automotive industry (F1): gear boxes, suspension elements.

Turnover â‚Ź 12.000.000

Key Markets Aeronautics (civil and military), marine industry (civil and

Workforce 67

military), chemical, petrochemical and gas industry, drilling platforms, automotive indsutry (F1).

References -

Certificate NAVSEA - NORSOK M-650 - EN9100-2009 - ISO 140012004 - NADCAP+SCOPES & OHSAS 18001 PED 97-23-EC Foundry



Shapes Metalworks

Address Nijverheidslaan 53 8560 Gullegem (Wevelgem)

Products Shapes Metalworks performs sheet metal work and welding constructions in different materials (steel, aluminium, stainless steel). For that purpose we also provide recommendations and

Contact Dirk Haerinck CEO T: +32 56 52 49 70

(co)-engineering. Shapes Metalworks disposes of a state-ofthe art machinery (1 punch-machine, 4 laser cutting machines (3m plates), 5 beding machines (0,5 - 4 m), 5 welding robots, wet painting cabine, ...) and certified welders. Key Markets Turnover â‚Ź 11.250.000

Agriculture / Entertainment / Lighting / Automotive / Construction / Electronics / Medical / Stoves / Food / Machine building / railway

Workforce 85

References Dewulf / LVD / Bekaert / Vyncke / Demyttenaere / Faiveley / XL Video

Certificate ISO 3834-2 / EN15085 Inpreparation: EN1090 / ISO 9001 Sheet Metal Work Assembly



Address Rue des Forgerons 29 6001 Marcinelle

Contact Xavier Helbois General Manager T: +32 71 36 62 54

Turnover € 1.000.000

Workforce 14

Products Erem started in 1962 with the manufacturing of components for start and stop ACEC engines. We rapidly extended our activities to support our customer needs by manufacturing a wide range of high quality electromechanical products. With the time, we have in parallel developed a high know-how in industrial resistive elements. Today, we continue to support all those product lines and also have integrated the manufacturing of:„[ special cables highly insulated|„[ composites materials components|„[ power resistances|„[ electrical coils|„[ manipulators Our investment in high technology manufacturing tools has enable us to specialize in precision machining on speciality parts using a wide range of materials such as steel, stainless steel, non ferrous materials (copper, aluminium, brass, ...), technical plastics, composite materials,... Quality controls are performed using a 3D control machine. Our goal is to provide high quality products with excellent service levels and to be flexible to meet our customer needs. Key Markets Precision machining / Electromechanical conception and manufacturing / Railway equipment / Composite machining References STIB / SNCB / IBA / Thales Alenia Space / Arcelor

Machining Sheet Metal Work Assembly

Certificate Although we are not ISO9001, we have developed our internal quality system that has allowed us to be certified supplier for various companies, including in aerospacial industry.


Soleras Advanced Coatings



E3 Laan 75/79

We offer reliable rotatable sputter hardware and a broad

9800 Deinze

portfolio of sputter targets made via different production methods (cast, thermal spray, HIPed, sleeved & bonded) in

Contact Kristof De Jaeger Site Manager T: +32 9 381 61 61

order to find the right solution for every customer. Our customized total solutions for sputtering consist of: • Rotatable sputter targets • Planar sputter targets and bonding • Complete rotatable sputter magnetron solutions: - Cathodes, end blocks, Magnet bars

Turnover € 30.691.000

- Sputter electronics (power supplies, inverters, arc suppressors) - Gas distribution systems - Automation and control systems

Workforce 100

Key Markets Architectural, Large Area Glass Coatings - Flat Panel Display, Touchscreen - Optical, Electrochromic, Tribological, Decorative Coatings - Photovoltaics

References Soleras

Certificate Surface Treatment



Address Klein Frankrijkstraat 19 9600 Ronse

Products Your engineering partner and toolshop for precision mechanics With 45 years of experience in precision mechanical engineering and manufacturing, Stewal is a quality subcontractor for prototypes

Contact Sofie Steenhoudt Bestuurder-Directeur

and small to medium sized series of complex tools and parts, plastic injection moulds, cams, medical instruments and implants… The Stewal team combines 3D CAD-CAM, reverse engineering

T: +32 55 23 71 02

and other specialised software and know how with a high end

toolshop providing CNC turning, CNC milling (3,4 and 5 axes), turning-milling, wire and sink EDM, cylindrical- plane and profile

Turnover € 3.500.000

grinding, honing and polishing, deep hole drilling, laser welding, plastic injection…. A climatized lab with versatile measurement equipment,

Workforce 25

including 3 CMM’s, supports the company philosophy of quality, precision and process control.

Key Markets automotive, aero-space, nuclear energy, electronics, medicine, mechanical engineering, textile, packaging industry, robotics...

References Picanol, LVD, Bekaert, Thales, Electrabel, Baxter, Pfizer, GEA group,UCB ... Machining


Stubbe Pierre

Address Industriezone

Products Turning cnc Milling cnc

Contact Chris Dillen Human Resources

Key Markets All Industrie

T: +32 3 314 79 18

References Umicore, Philips, Barco, Picanol, car industrie,...

Turnover Certificate

Workforce 12

Forging Machining Surface Treatment Heat Treatment Assembly


Tata Steel

Address Walemstraat 38

Products Coating of packaging materials

2570 Duffel Key Markets Contact

Packaging industry

Kristine Callaert Office Manager T: +32 15 74 50 20

References Packaging Industry Certificate Turnover â‚Ź 62.640.000

Workforce 37

Sheet Metal Work Surface Treatment


Temeka PGmbH

Address Engelsdorfer Strasse 3 4780 Recht

Products Temeka is a subcontractor in metalworking and welding. We are specialized in cutting, punching, pressing (125 T), edging (4M) and profiling steel and aluminium sheet.


Cutting, bending and screwing tubes and flat steel,

Thomas Keller

aluminium etc.

Sales Manager

Spot welding - semi automatic welding - TIG - MIG - plumbing.

T: +32 80 57 04 56

Surface treatment with subcontractors. We dispose of our own tool and matrix workshop.


Key Markets

â‚ŹÂ 850.000

All industrial sectors: construction - glas building - horticulture textile - railway etc.

Workforce 10

References -

Certificate Sheet Metal Work Surface Treatment Heat Treatment Assembly


Tools&Dies Tools & Dies



Eikenlei 157

Combined, blanking, follow-on and drawing dies, die-casting

2960 Sint-Job-in-’t-Goor

mould, precision parts, machine and structural components.


Prototypes, starting and series, own press department. Own research and design office. Injection and vacuum moulds.

Contact Guy Vleugels New Business

Key Markets Metal stamping, plastic molding and vacuum form

T: +32 3 633 99 70

References Chicago metallic, De Ster, Demeyere, Intralu

Turnover â‚Ź 3.300.000


Workforce 30



Van Londen Gieterij

Address Biezeweg 9 9230 Wetteren

Products Iron and steel foundry for both single pieces and small to medium series. Hand moulding with box dimensions up to 4m x 4m; semi-

Contact Erik Van Vaerenberg Gedelegeerd Bestuurder

automatic moulding line with a capacity of 250 boxes/day. Products: all components for pumps and impellers, gears and accessories, engines and engine components, city furniture.

T: +32 9 252 18 45

Key Markets Dredging industry, engine manufacturing, building industry,


wind energy sector, mechanical engineering.

â‚Ź 3.800.000 References Workforce


30 Certificate -




Address Noordstraat 8 8560 Moorsele


Products Since the Ventec steel hardening plant was established in 1988, it has offered a wide range of industrial heat treatments for steel and non-ferrous products – from piece work to major production runs. Continuously investment in modern furnaces and ensuring

Dries Verschaete

staff have the expertise to guarantee renewal and continuity:

Sales Engineer

this represents a key component of the company’s policy, as

T: +32 56 41 05 97

is the drive to gain customers full approval of all aspects of the treatments and services offered. Our customers value our high level of technical expertise, swift delivery, personal approach and flexible service, which ranges


from offering advice on steelworking and design issues to a

€ 3.000.000

weekend service, our own laboratory and transport service. Available processes: vacuum hardening, oil hardening, nitriding

Workforce 20

and nitrocarburising, niblox, case hardening and carbonitriding, induction hardening, vacuum annealing, chemical blackening. Key Markets Mould and die construction, tooling, mechanical engineering, automotive industry, off-shore sector, electrical engineering, mechanical transmission, aluminium extrusion. References Bekaert / Van De Wiele / Picanol / Indumess / CNH / Gearcraft Vanhoutte / Halliburton / Sadef / LVD Company / TVH /

Surface Treatment Heat Treatment

NIKO / Ropa / Jaegerson / Buyse Decolletage / Boucherie / Mecamar / Dana – Spicer Off-Highway / Caterpillar


Vergo Coating



Rue de la Royenne 94

Vergo Coating has one of the biggest powder coating lines in

7700 Moeskroen

Belgium. We can powder coat structures with dimensions up to 15 m length. But also serial operations of finer structures

Contact Bert Van de Wiele Sales Manager T: +32 56 33 06 31

Turnover -

can be executed. We powder coat mainly steel structures, but our installation is also adapted for aluminium and inox. Next to the powder coating line, we can execute blasting and metallising works on the same structures.

Key Markets steel structures, lightning poles, stairs, railings, cladding, fences, machine building, street furniture, covers, custom fit



15 References thousands of applications for clients active in the markets mentioned above


Surface Treatment


Vergo Galva

Address Industriezone 16 9770 Kruishoutem

Products Vergo Galva is our hot dip galvanization plant, situated in between Gent and Kortrijk. We form a coating of zinc and/or zinc iron alloys on steel products by dipping prepared steel in

Contact Bert Van de Wiele Sales Manager

a zinc bath. We can galvanize very little structures, but also very big 3D-structures fit in our galvanization bath.

T: +32 9 388 65 11

Vergo Galva is one of the few hot dip galvanization plants in

Europe that can boast such a high level of know-how as regards zinc plating of cable carrying systems.

Turnover -

Key Markets steel structures, lightning poles, stairs, railing, fences,

Workforce 25

containers, machine building, street furniture, covers, custom fit products,...

References thousands of applications for clients active in the markets mentioned above


Surface Treatment


Visserie Guerry SA/NV

Address Heideveld 56 1654 Huizingen

Products Since 1924, we manufacture screws, bolts, rivets…. Due to the cold heading and threading process, we guarantee you an economic and quality production. Our company uses

Contact Alain Guerry

a variety of different materials including: steel, stainless steel, aluminium,and brass copper.

Administrateur délégué

Dimension form 2 to 10 mm in diameter and to 90 mm in length.

T: +32 2 361 28 00

Protection: Rohs zinc plated, Geomet delta protects, passivation

and phophatation. We can produce screws followings Din, Iso, NFE, UNC, UNF, along with other specifications, and can

Turnover € 2.000.000

guarantee a high quality level by camera sorting system if needed. We produce a lot of Sems Screws with One or Two washers (din 6900).

Workforce 16

Key Markets If you need a special screw or a standard screw but with a special dimension to make your assembly easier, a screw with 1 or 2 washers included (sems screw).

References Schneider - Teconex - Valeo - Fabory - Bossard - F. Reyher

Certificate Forging


ISO 9001:2008

Warny & Cie SPRL

Address Talstrasse 16-18, B.P.61 4780 Saint-Vith

Products WARNY has been founded in 1961 in St.Vith / BELGIUM. Since 1967 we produce more than 4000 different body spare parts for most of the common car types.Furthermore, we offer our

Contact Michael Warny Managing Director

service for the following works - all kind of metal forming - steel and high-grade steel - development, design and manufacture of tools

T: +32 80 22 14 80

- development and manufacture of welding and controlling gauges

- manufacture of punch-pressing, deep-drawing and stamping tools - subcontractor for “metal processing� companies

Turnover -

- welding work by robot - ROMAT A310 (CLOOS) and spot-welding - 3 D Laser cutting (5 axis) - Prototyping

Workforce 20

- Production of components. Assemblies. Since many years, we are working as sub-contractor for wellknown companies of the automotive sector. From design to production: WARNY, a team to realize your plans.

Key Markets Companies of the automotive, agricultural and building sector. References Sheet Metal Work Assembly

Certificate ISO 9001



Address Lieven Gevaertlaan 8 3900 Overpelt

Products Wegra NV is a supplier of high quality fine sheet metal and mechanical engineering. Wegra NV acts as an active team player, a partner from

Contact Eric Geysen COO T: +32 11 80 88 80

project inception (engineering and prototyping) until completely finished end product. Wegra NV is also the selected partner of Infrabaker Int. for the production and assembly of the Infrabaker oven, a unique concept based on infrared technology (see Key words: machine construction, fine sheet-metal working,


mechanical working, infrared applications and special equipment.

Key Markets Workforce 20

Main sectors in which Wegra NV operates are: food, health, traffic being, precision mechanics, warehouse equipment.

References Infrabaker International, Weiss Technik Belgium

Certificate Machining Sheet Metal Work Assembly





De Arend 14

WEMA is a subcontractor in high precision hydraulic & mechanical

8210 Zedelgem

components & assemblies produced via turning, milling & grinding. When precision down to a single µ is required, WEMA is your right


partner. We can guarantee tolerances on diameters of

Stefan Sanders

+/- 0,75 µm, cylindricity less than 1 µm and roughness of Ra 0,1.

Sales Engineer

Our main products are: spools, manifolds, cartridge valves,

T: +32 50 50 20 35

assemblies, … WEMA applies specialized techniques, such as AFM and has his own in house TEM deburring installation, to ensure the

Turnover € 15.000.000

contamination levels of particles are minimized. We have different universal hydraulic test benches to test all assemblies on function and leakage.

Workforce 130

When precision, quality & cleanliness, assembly & test, integrated supply chain count …. You can count on WEMA. Key Markets Off-Highway Hydraulics / Special automotive applications / OffHighway Engine Systems / Precision Components. References Caterpillar / Danfoss Power Group / Dana Spicer Off-Highway / Eaton / Linde / Liebherr / Woodward …

Machining Assembly

Certificate ISO 9001 – ISO 14001 – AEO


WH Loos bvba -

Address Blauwesteenstraat 91 2550 Kontich

Products WHLoos Industrial & Protective Coating Applicators offers best in class in coating application of anti-corrosion agents. The company has gained broad experience in surface treatment for


offshore wind and oil&gas use. WHLoos has in-house coating

Wim Loos

inspection to Frosio/Nace level III and is NorsokM501r6 and

Business Developmentr

EN1090(excl.4). Comprehensive inspection/test procedures

T: +32 3 451 96 96

and coating reports come standard. Key Markets Turnover -

Norsok M501 Offshore wind industry Oil & gas

Workforce 17

Turbo machinery components maintenance ISO12944 C5M High durability

References Atlas Copco, Total, Cofely Fabricom, Geosea, Statoil, Siemens, Sick, Carrier, Alstom, Eiffage, Petrobras

Certificate ISO9001, Norsok M501, Frosio level III, Nace level III, EN1090(excl.4) Surface Treatment


Aciéries Somville SA

✓ ✓ ✓

Alural Group


Aluro CNC

AMI Metals Inc.

ArcelorMittal Ringmill

Asco Industries

Ateliers De Ceuster SA/NV

AVT Europe NV

Beerse Metaalwerken

Belgium Coatings




Buyse Decolletage

By-Cast NV

Assembly ✓

Advanced Coating

Aluwiel NV

Heat Treatment



Surface Treatment

Sheet Metal Work





✓ ✓

C-Mec Kortrijk NV


Carwall SA

Cassidian Belgium NV

CMI Maintenance Hainaut


Combori NV Consolidated Precision Products Belgium


Culobel ✓



Devray Walther et Enfants


✓ ✓

François (Etabl.)

Fonderie Fallais SA

Fonderies J. Marichal Ketin & Cie


Galva Power Group

Garnimetal SA

Gilbos NV Graux ✓

Heinen SA

✓ ✓




JONCKHEERE PMC Poperinge Metal Construction

✓ ✓




Endeco Sprl

Hainaut-Carlier (Société Nouvelle)

EMG Tilco

Gieterijen en Werkhuizen Alidor Claeys NV

Duroc N.V.

Ferromatrix NV

Heat Treatment

De Sweemer Precision Casting NV


Surface Treatment

Sheet Metal Work





✓ ✓

✓ ✓

✓ ✓

Jonckheere Subcontracting

Kanigen Works Benelux

✓ ✓

Komec Helsen NV

Lastek Belgium Les Aciéries de la Meuse SA

✓ ✓

Les Ateliers de la Meuse


Lithcote Europe SA

Longrée (Nouvelles Forges)

MA Precision Mechanics

Magolux SA

Magotteaux Liège SA

Malcourant Mécanique



Mekanische Konstruktie Baudoin

Metagra Industry Metakor NV

✓ ✓

Metalgroup asbl

✓ ✓

Mockel Precision

Multi Services Découpe

✓ ✓

✓ ✓

Oerlikon Balzers Coating Benelux NV

✓ ✓

Packo Inox Surface Treatment Pedeo NV

Métaux Emboutis SA

Omco International

Metalen Huysmans

No Leak NV


Heat Treatment

Surface Treatment

Sheet Metal Work





✓ ✓


Précimétal, Fonderie de Précision SA

Sheet Metal Work

Surface Treatment

Heat Treatment


Prakto NV





Provan Raytech bvba


Saint Roch Couvin SA

Savimétal A.G.

Schramme Toelevering NV Settas SA

✓ ✓

Shapes Metalworks Sogex-Erem

Soleras Advanced Coatings


Stubbe Pierre


Vergo Coating

Vergo Galva

Tata Steel Belgium Packaging Steels Temeka PGmbH Tools & Dies Van Londen Gieterij

Visserie Guerry SA/NV


✓ ✓ ✓

Warny & Cie SPRL Wegra


WH Loos bvba

✓ ✓

✓ ✓ ✓

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Belgian Metalworking Suppliers

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