Elmbrook Schools 2016 Summer School Brochure - Elementary & Middle School

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Summer School begins on Monday, June 20 and runs through Friday, July 22. There will be no classes held on Friday, July 1, Monday, July 4, and Tuesday, July 5.

Due to the number of students enrolled in Summer Learning Adventures, students are strongly encouraged to use the district bus transportation. Bus transportation is available to all K-8 resident students and Chapter 220 students. Students will board the buses at their neighborhood school and be transported to Dixon Elementary or Pilgrim Park Middle School depending upon the program they are enrolled in. At the end of the summer school day students will be transported from Dixon Elementary and Pilgrim Park Middle School to their neighborhood site.

Times: DIXON Early Activity Period: 7:30–8:15

PILGRIM PARK Early Activity Period: 7:30–8:00

Class Periods: Period 1: 8:15 – 9:30 Period 2: 9:35 – 10:50 Period 3: 10:55-12:10

Class Periods: Period 1: 8:00 – 9:15 Period 2: 9:20 – 10:35 Period 3: 10:40-11:55

Chapter 220 students attending the K-8 Summer Learning Adventures Program will be provided transportation provided they are enrolled in Periods 1, 2, and 3. Bus transportation is not available for students attending only one or two periods a day. If your child receives free or reduced lunch at school, you are eligible for free tuition for bus transportation.

Location: K-2nd grade classes will be held at Dixon Elementary School, 2400 Pilgrim Square Dr., Brookfield, WI 53005 3rd-8th grade classes will be held at Pilgrim Park Middle School, 1500 Pilgrim Parkway, Elm Grove, WI 53122

Transportation Fee: One time fee of $30/child and a maximum of $90/family. Bus Schedule:

Registration: Registration will open online February 29, at

ROUTE A Brookfield Elem. Fairview South ROUTE B Burleigh ROUTE C Tonawanda ROUTE D Wisconsin Hills Swanson ROUTE E Pilgrim Park Dixon ROUTE F Brookfield East Brookfield Central

5:30 pm, www.elmbrookschools.org/summerschool, and close on Monday, March 28, at 5:30 pm. Classes are filled on a firstcome, first-served basis and will close when the course is full. Summer School classes are open to Elmbrook residents and students attending Elmbrook Schools. Registration is based on your current grade level.

Fees: Payment for classes will be made through MyPaymentsPlus. You will receive an invoice after you register. All fees must be paid by April 31, 2016. Classes will be filled on a first-come, first-served basis. *If your child receives free or reduced lunch at school, you are eligible for free tuition for summer school bus transportation only.

Confirmation: You will receive your confirmation automatically after you have successfully registered.

Refunds: NO REFUNDS WILL BE ISSUED unless a course has

Pick Up 7:35 am 7:45 am Pick Up 7:45 am Pick Up 7:45 am Pick Up 7:25 am 7:35 am Pick Up 8:00 am 7:45 am Pick Up 7:45 am 7:35 am

Drop Off 12:30 pm 12:20 pm Drop Off 12:30 pm Drop Off 12:45 pm Drop Off 12:30 pm 12:45 pm Drop Off 12:25 pm 12:15 pm Drop Off 12:30 pm 12:45 pm

All routes will drop off at Pilgrim Park at 8:00 a.m. and Dixon at 8:10 a.m. They will depart Pilgrim Park at 12:05 and Dixon at 12:20 p.m. All times are approximate. For safety reasons, please remain with your child until the bus arrives. Times and routes are subject to change after registration depending on enrollment.

been canceled.

Open House: You and your child will be able to come navigate the hallways to see where their classrooms are on Wednesday, June 15, from 2:00 to 6:00 pm. Staff will be available to answer questions. 1

SUMMER LEARNING ADVENTURES INFORMATION CONT. YMCA Summer School Wrap Around Camp: The YMCA of Metropolitan Milwaukee will be offering a Summer School Wrap Around Camp for K-8 grade at Dixon Elementary School from 12:15-6:00 pm. To participate in the YMCA program, the student must be enrolled in a third period class. You can find the registration form for the YMCA on our website, www.elmbrookschools.org/summerschool. To enroll in the program a registration form must be completed for each child and submitted with full payment to the YMCA at least 10 days prior to the start date. Spaces are limited; please sign up early to reserve your spot. If your child is attending summer school at Pilgrim Park Middle School and will use the YMCA Wrap Around care, you must sign up for busing and pay for the bussing fees. Email daycamp@ymcamke.org if you have questions or for more information. The best way to submit a registration is to email your completed registration form to lrivera@ymcamke.org. The YMCA Camp is tax deductible child care, accepts state/3rd party child care assistance (Wisconsin Shares), can be used for flexible spending accounts, and provides FREE afternoon snack.

Early Activity Period: One Time Fee of $15; Starts at 7:30 am Supervised time before summer school where students can play board games, inside games, or arts and crafts. Students may attend from 1 to 22 days.


ACADEMIC & RECREATIONAL SUMMER EXPERIENCES FOR STUDENTS WITH DISABLITIES at PPMS These two programs will allow for some continuity of services for special education students in order to maintain a functional level. These programs are not driven by the student’s Individual Education Program (IEP). These programs would benefit those students whose needs cannot be met in the regular summer school course offerings. Students may be enrolled in one or both programs. Transportation is provided from your neighborhood school and it is the responsibility of the parent to provide transportation to the nearest school for pick up. Contact Tricia Urlakis at 262.781.3030 ext. 1190.

Academic Class–Special Education

Recreation Class–Special Education

• Fee $50 • Held at Pilgrim Park Students age 5-10 Period 1: 8:00-9:55 a.m. Students age 11-21 Period 2: 10:00-11:55 a.m.

• Fee $50 • Held at Pilgrim Park Students age 11-21 Period 1: 8:00-9:55 a.m. Students age 5-10 Period 2: 10:00-11:55 a.m. 2

CLASSES FOR INCOMING K-2nd GRADE at DIXON (Students must register at their current grade level.) English Language Lab–Technology-based . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Via Skype or Facetime • Grades KG-2 • No Charge • Referral Required Technology-based summer school for students with emerging English language skills. For level one and two students (ACCESS 2016) who are either unable to attend the traditional summer school program or will be out of the country for the majority of the summer and will have minimal exposure to English. Flexible scheduling across the summer, 30-45 minute sessions via Skype or Facetime. Students must have access to a device and the internet. Listening, speaking, reading and writing emphasis. ELL/classroom teacher referral only. Limit of 6 students. Pre-First Concepts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Periods 1, 2 & 3: 8:15-12:10 • Grade KG • No Charge • Referral Required This Pre-First Concepts program will contain activities focusing upon emergent literacy, i.e., integrating, reading and language development, writing activities, math concepts, and thematic enrichment units. A variety of approaches will be implemented using auditory, visual and kinesthetic techniques. A learning environment combined with related activities, interesting play games, and strategies will be provided. The kindergarten child will experience learning activities to be used as a bridge (transition) to get ready for first grade in the fall. A referral from the current teacher is required. This course runs for the entire 22 days of summer school, 8:15-12:10 pm


Addition and Subtraction . . . . . . . . . . . . . Period 1: 8:15-9:30; Period 2: 9:35-10:50; Period 3: 10:55-12:10

• Grades KG; 1-2 • No Charge This course is designed for students in KG-2 grade who want to deepen their understanding of addition and subtraction. Students will: prepare blueprints to be used in cutting labels for an art show and investigate age differences within a family. Some mathematical concepts addressed in this course include: additions and subtraction on an open number line, extended facts, and measurement.


Multiplication & Algebraic Thinking . . . . . Period 1: 8:15-9:30; Period 2: 9:35-10:50; Period 3: 10:55-12:10

• Grade 2 • No Charge This course is designed for students in grade 2 who want to deepen their understanding of multiplication and algebraic thinking. Students will: determine how to finance a trip to New York City, study the movement of passengers at subway stops, and measure buildings and other objects in a city. Some mathematical concepts addressed in this course include: efficient grouping, multiplication strategies, algebraic expressions, and equivalence.


Reading Workshop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Period 1: 8:15-9:30; Period 2: 9:35-10:50; Period 3: 10:55-12:10

• Grades KG, 1, 2 • No Charge This workshop will provide the opportunity for students to read, write, think and talk about books. Instruction will be provided in a workshop format to the whole group, to small groups and to individuals in order to target individual student needs and interests. 3


(Students must register at their current grade level.) Writing Workshop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Period 1: 8:15-9:30; Period 2: 9:35-10:50; Period 3: 10:55-12:10

• Grades KG; 1-2 • No Charge In this course, students will be given the opportunity to enhance their skills by writing, editing and publishing their own work. Instruction will be provided in a workshop format to the whole group, to small groups and to individuals in order to target individual student needs and interests. Students will write in a variety of genres and about topics of their own choosing.

Wilson Reading Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Period 1: 8:15-9:30; Period 2: 9:35-10:50; Period 3: 10:55-12:10 • Grades 1-2 • No Charge • Referral Required Multi-sensory Structure Language is a course offered by teacher recommendation to dyslexic students who receive MSL-based reading instruction during the school year. The objective of the course is to provide reinforcement and enrichment of the basic concepts of MSL instruction, including phone-mic awareness, word analysis, reading fluency, and vocabulary development.

Kindergarten Momentum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Periods 1, 2 & 3: 8:15-12:10 • Incoming Kindergarten • No Charge Keep learning in motion! This class will provide an opportunity for incoming kindergarten students to learn, reinforce, and secure essential concepts and skills, in a fun and energetic atmosphere. This course runs for the entire 22 days of summer school, 8:15-12:10 pm.

Arts & Crafts Camp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Period 1: 8:15-9:30; Period 2: 9:35-10:50; Period 3: 10:55-12:10 • Grades KG; 1-2 • Fee $8 This camp is open to all those who would like to explore various media. Campers will have an opportunity to sketch, draw, sculpt and paint, and make crafts out of scraps of material, buttons or Styrofoam. Have fun making jewelry, edible art, and much more during this arts and crafts adventure.

Board Games for Beginners . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Period 1: 8:15-9:30; Period 2: 9:35-10:50; Period 3: 10:55-12:10 • Grades KG-2 • No Charge If you love games, then this class is for you. You will learn lots of board and card games that encourage creative thinking and problem solving.


Coding Camp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Period 1: 8:15-9:30; Period 2: 9:35-10:50; Period 3: 10:55-12:10

• Grades 1-2 • No Charge This exciting introduction to coding and game building utilizes the power of Tynker to inspire creativity and fun. Tynker is easy to use and guides students through the coding process. Students will leave this course with a Tynker account that they can use to pursue their coding interest throughout the year.


CLASSES FOR INCOMING K-2nd GRADE at DIXON (Students must register at their current grade level.) Creative Dramatics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Period 1: 8:15-9:30; Period 2: 9:35-10:50; Period 3: 10:55-12:10 • Grades 1-2 • No Charge Learn some basics of acting and learn to feel more comfortable speaking in front of others. A great class for anyone who has acting talent to develop or someone who just wants to get over the “stage fright” of doing a presentation in front of a group. Presentations are all student-invented, so there will be a lot of opportunity to use creativity and imagination too.

Fairytale Math . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Period 1: 8:15-9:30; Period 2: 9:35-10:50; Period 3: 10:55-12:10 • Grades 1-2 • No Charge How long was Rapunzel’s hair? How many gumdrops did Hansel and Gretel eat? If you want to know the answer to these and other questions that fairytales ask, then Fairytale Math is the course for you! Fairytale Math is a course designed for students who enjoy mathematics and want to continue practicing math concepts during the summer.


Fit for Life . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Period 1: 8:15-9:30; Period 2: 9:35-10:50; Period 3: 10:55-12:10

• Grade 2 • No Charge Get active in this class. We will talk about what we need to do and eat to stay healthy. Once a week we will make a healthy snack. We will learn about yoga, healthy eating, and a variety of different exercises. This class will be fun and keep you engaged the entire time.

Hands-On Science Camp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Period 1: 8:15-9:30; Period 2: 9:35-10:50; Period 3: 10:55-12:10 • Grades KG; 1-2 • No Charge Welcome to the world of Experimentation! Campers will investigate many areas of the world of Science and be able to roll up their sleeves and get down and dirty. This camp will stimulate each child’s natural curiosity and imagination. Children will be able to question, observe, predict, estimate and experiment. Introduction to Spanish . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Period 1: 8:15-9:30; Period 2: 9:35-10:50; Period 3: 10:55-12:10 • Grades KG-2 • No Charge Take a trip of Costa Rica! Experience the food, the beaches, the incredible rain forest of beautiful Costa Rica, and to do it all in Spanish in this introductory Spanish class. Class will be taught immersion style and completely hands-on. By the end of this class, your child will know important places in Spanish, will be able to count, know colors, names of animals and foods.


Music Adventures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Period 1: 8:15-9:30; Period 2: 9:35-10:50; Period 3: 10:55-12:10

• Grades KG • No Charge Come and enjoy a summer adventure of music and songs. This class will introduce you to basic musical instruments. You will use different materials to make your own instrument and explore the different types of music from around the world.


CLASSES FOR INCOMING K-2nd GRADE at DIXON (Students must register at their current grade level.) Outdoor Exploration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Period 1: 8:15-9:30; Period 2: 9:35-10:50; Period 3: 10:55-12:10 • Grades KG; 1-2 • No Charge Students will spend most of the class period outdoors exploring what nature has to offer. They will enjoy studying about different plant life, animals and animal habitats, maps, camping skills and so much more!


Pom Pon Dance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Period 1: 8:15-9:30; Period 2: 9:35-10:50; Period 3: 10:55-12:10

• Grades KG-2 • No Charge Learn some basic dance moves set to fun music. Use of poms and drill choreography will be taught during this class.

Space Camp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Period 1: 8:15-9:30; Period 2: 9:35-10:50; Period 3: 10:55-12:10 • Grades KG-1 • No Charge Come and explore outer space! You will become space cadets and journey into this world and learn about the different planets, the stars, and the job of an astronaut while engaging in hands on activities. Sports and Fitness Camp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Period 1: 8:15-9:30; Period 2: 9:35-10:50; Period 3: 10:55-12:10 • Grades KG-1 • No Charge Campers engage in outdoor fitness activities, obstacle courses, parachute games, relay races, beanbag activities, and team sports such as basketball, soccer, etc.

Technology Camp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Period 1: 8:15-9:30; Period 2: 9:35-10:50; Period 3: 10:55-12:10 • Grades KG • No Charge Campers will have an opportunity to explore many technologies such as various multi-media tools and software applications to wow their friends and family.

QUESTIONS?? Contact Candice Southcott, Summer School Coordinator at southcoc@elmbrookschools.org or 262-781-3030 x1184.


CLASSES FOR 3rd-8th GRADE at PPMS (Students must register at their current grade level.) English Language Lab–Technology-based . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Via Skype or Facetime • Grades 3-5 • No Charge • Referral Required Technology-based summer school for students with emerging English language skills. For level one and two students (ACCESS 2016) who are either unable to attend the traditional summer school program or will be out of the country for the majority of the summer and will have minimal exposure to English. Flexible scheduling across the summer, 30-45 minute sessions via Skype or Facetime. Students must have access to a device and the internet. Listening, speaking, reading and writing emphasis. ELL/classroom teacher referral only. Limit of 6 students.


Multiplication & Division . . . . . . . . . . . . . Period 1: 8:00-9:15; Period 2: 9:20-10:35; Period 3: 10:40-11:55

• Grades 3-5 • No Charge This course is designed for students in grades 3-5 who want to deepen their understanding of multiplication and division. Students will: design boxes to meet specific size and space requirements in their box factory, manage the challenges of running a candy shop as they count, price, and label their chocolates, and will inventory water and juice as they “stock” their school vending machine. Some mathematical concepts addressed in this course include: multiplication/division arrays, area volume, and place value.


Fractions & Algebraic Thinking . . . . . . . . Period 1: 8:00-9:15; Period 2: 9:20-10:35; Period 3: 10:40-11:55

• Grades 3-5 • No Charge This course is designed for students in grades 3-5 who want to deepen their understanding of fractions and algebraic thinking. Students will: calculate the length of jumps of various frogs based on a famous Mark Twain story, determine the far sharing of submarine sandwiches for a school field trip, and design a 60k bike course with various landmarks. Some mathematical concepts addressed in this course include: algebraic expressions, equations, variation, fractional amounts, division, and ratios.

6th Grade Math . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Period 1: 8:00-9:15; Period 2: 9:20-10:35; Period 3: 10:40-11:55 • Grades 5-6 (Students in grades 5-6 that are currently enrolled in Math 6) • No Charge The summer program is designed for students who need to further develop the skills and concepts in the district’s math curriculum. The course will employ five different math strands (estimation/prediction, patterns & relations, geometry, measurement, statistics & probability) to teach the needs of individual students as well as encourage understanding and application of the grade level outcomes.

7th Grade Math . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Period 1: 8:00-9:15; Period 2: 9:20-10:35; Period 3: 10:40-11:55 • Grades 6-7 • No Charge This course is designed for students who would like to review, practice and hone their mathematical skills. The content of the course is based on the skills taught during the year. Students in grade 6th or 7th that are currently enrolled in Math 7.


CLASSES FOR 3rd-8th GRADE at PPMS (Students must register at their current grade level.) Pre-Algebra Grade 8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Period 1: 8:00-9:15; Period 2: 9:20-10:35; Period 3: 10:40-11:55 • Grade 7-8 • No Charge This course is for a student in 7th or 8th grade currently enrolled in Pre-Algebra. This course helps to review skills that are needed for Algebra I. The focus will be on solving algebraic problems and graphing linear equations using rational numbers. Rations, proportions, percents, and geometry will be integrated throughout.

Middle School Accelerated Math Transition . . . . . Period 1: 8:00-9:15; Period 2: 9:20-10:35; Period 3: 10:40-11:55 • Grade 5 • No Charge This course is focused on preparing incoming sixth graders who’ve already registered for Math 7. Designed to bridge the gap from fifth grade math to Math 7, preparation will focus on the following learning targets: 1) Multiplying and dividing multi-digit decimals and fraction using various properties; 2) Using rational numbers to find points on a coordinate plane and the distance between the points; 3) Writing and solving expressions; 4) Applying area formulas to find surface area and volume; 5) Drawing polygons on a coordinate plane; 6) Collecting, displaying, analyzing and summarizing data. Students who enroll in this course should feel comfortable with rigor and an accelerated pace.

Math Pre-Algebra Accelerated . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Period 1: 8:00-9:15; Period 2: 9:20-10:35; Period 3: 10:40-11:55 • Grade 7 • No Charge This course was developed to prepare incoming 8th graders who’ve already registered for Algebra. The course is designed to bridge the gap between Math 7 and Algebra. Preparation will focus on the following learning targets: 1) Applying and demonstrating understanding of the distributive property; 2) Solving a multi-step equation with real numbers; 3) Writing and solving equations from story problems; 4) Graphing functions – slope, triangle. Variation, rate of change, x&y intercept; 5) Solving systems of equations; 6) Solving linear inequalities by graphing, substitution and elimination; 7) Multiplication & division properties of exponents. Students who enroll in this course should feel comfortable with rigor and an accelerated pace.


Readers Workshop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Period 1: 8:00-9:15; Period 2: 9:20-10:35; Period 3: 10:40-11:55

• Grades 3; 4-5 • No Charge This workshop will provide the opportunity for students to read, write, think and talk about books. Instruction will be provided in a workshop format to the whole group, to small groups and to individuals in order to target individual student needs and interests.


Writers Workshop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Period 1: 8:00-9:15; Period 2: 9:20-10:35; Period 3: 10:40-11:55

• Grades 3-5 • No Charge In this course, students will be given the opportunity to enhance their skills by writing, editing and publishing their own work. Instruction will be provided in a workshop format to the whole group, to small groups and to individuals in order to target individual student needs and interests. Students will write in a variety of genres and about topics of their own choosing.


CLASSES FOR 3rd-8th GRADE at PPMS (Students must register at their current grade level.) Wilson Reading Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Period 1: 8:00-9:15; Period 2: 9:20-10:35; Period 3: 10:40-11:55 • Grades 3-8 • No Charge Wilson Reading is a course offered by teacher recommendation to dyslexic students who receive MSL-based reading instruction during the school year. The objective of the course is to provide reinforcement and enrichment of the basic concepts of MSL instruction, including phone-mic awareness, word analysis, reading fluency, and vocabulary development.

Reading Comprehension Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . Period 1: 8:00-9:15; Period 2: 9:20-10:35; Period 3: 10:40-11:55 • Grades 6-8 • No Charge The focus of this course is to develop students as readers by having them engage with a variety of literary genres. Specific instruction will focus on basic comprehension skills, analysis of text, textual inferences, and literature response.

Writing Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Period 1: 8:00-9:15; Period 2: 9:20-10:35; Period 3: 10:40-11:55 • Grades 6-8 • No Charge The focus of this course is to develop students as authors by having them engage with a variety of genres, which may include narrative, argument, and informational. Specific instruction will focus on leads, organization, elaboration, craft techniques, conclusions, and basic conventions.


Adventures in Media . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Period 1: 8:00-9:15; Period 2: 9:20-10:35; Period 3: 10:40-11:55

• Grades 5-8 • No Charge Explore reporting (newspaper and television), social and other medias while keeping the beat on summer school happenings.

Arts & Crafts Camp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Period 1: 8:00-9:15; Period 2: 9:20-10:35; Period 3: 10:40-11:55 • Grades 3-4 • Fee $8 This camp is open to all those who would like to explore various media. Campers will have an opportunity to sketch, draw, sculpt and paint, and make crafts out of scraps of material, buttons or Styrofoam. Have fun making jewelry, edible art, and much more during this arts and crafts adventure.


World Foods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Period 1: 8:00-9:15; Period 2: 9:20-10:35; Period 3: 10:40-11:55

• Grades 5-8 • Fee $15 Come explore the world through food. Each week the students will learn about the food culture of a different part of the world. We will be cooking and eating on most days. Bring your appetite and have fun in the kitchen!



(Students must register at their current grade level.) Construction Galore . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Period 1: 8:00-9:15; Period 2: 9:20-10:35; Period 3: 10:40-11:55

• Grades 3-5 • No Charge Learn about different materials that you can build with and see how creative you can get. We will be using a variety of materials to build and learn the science behind what works and doesn’t work.

Create Your Own Comics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Period 1: 8:00-9:15; Period 2: 9:20-10:35; Period 3: 10:40-11:55 • Grades 5-8 • No Charge If you’ve ever had an interest in comics (or manga) this is the class for you. Create Your Own Comics is the first chapter towards a lifelong appreciation of comics. Learn drawing tips and techniques to create your own visually interesting characters? Develop your creative writing skills to create exciting settings and stories for your characters! Marvel at the history of comics and how they evolved into a unique form of art!

Creative Acting and Improv . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Period 1: 8:00-9:15; Period 2: 9:20-10:35; Period 3: 10:40-11:55 • Grades 3-4 • No Charge Learn some basics of acting and learn to feel more comfortable speaking in front of others. A great class for anyone who has acting talent to develop or someone who just wants to get over the "stage fright" of doing a presentation in front of a group. Presentations are all student-invented, so there will be a lot of opportunity to use creativity and imagination too.


Discovering Your Passion . . . . . . . . . . . . Period 1: 8:00-9:15; Period 2: 9:20-10:35; Period 3: 10:40-11:55

• Grades 6-8 • No Charge Have you ever heard of a Genius hour? Have you ever heard of a Passion Project? Have you ever wanted to take time and really research something you are truly interested in? If so, this is the class for you. And a bonus for this class is it is being taught by two high school students who have personal experience with a passion project…in fact, this course is their passion project. 8th grade PPMS ELA teacher Mrs. Zastrow will be assisting.

Hands-On Science Camp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Period 1: 8:00-9:15; Period 2: 9:20-10:35; Period 3: 10:40-11:55 • Grades 3-5, 6-8 • No Charge Welcome to the world of Experimentation! Campers will investigate many areas of the world of Science and be able to roll up their sleeves and get down and dirty. This camp will stimulate each child’s natural curiosity and imagination. Children will be able to question, observe, predict, estimate and experiment.


Healthy Living . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Period 1: 8:00-9:15; Period 2: 9:20-10:35; Period 3: 10:40-11:55

• Grades 3-4 • Fee $10 Wellness of the mind and body. Learn what goes into a nutritional snack while making and tasting them. Also participate in yoga, stretching, and fun activities to keep you healthy and active.


CLASSES FOR 3rd-8th GRADE at PPMS (Students must register at their current grade level.) Journey Into the Unknown (Math) . . . . . . . . . . . . . Period 1: 8:00-9:15; Period 2: 9:20-10:35; Period 3: 10:40-11:55 • Grades 3-4 • No Charge Come along on an undersea adventure and help build an underwater research lab by exploring mathematical concepts like problem solving and reasoning. This class is for students who love mathematics, enjoy mathematical challenges, enjoy working in small groups and are proficient in their grade level standards.

Just Tech It . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Period 1: 8:00-9:15 (7-8); Period 2: 9:20-10:35 (3-4); Period 3: 10:40-11:55 (5-6) • Grades 3-4; 5-6; 7-8 • No Charge Come discover the wide world of technology. Students will gain an assortment of skills such as: keyboarding, coding, making avatars, and editing images to make memes. They will also explore websites like Powtoon, Moovly, Smore, Blabberize, Tour Builder, Voki and many more. Students will have fun creating a variety of technology projects on topics of their interest. They will gain knowledge and experience with technology that will help them in school and everyday life.

Learn from the Masters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Period 1: 8:00-9:15; Period 2: 9:20-10:35; Period 3: 10:40-11:55 • Grades 6-8 • No Charge Come create new works of art using pastels, paint, collage techniques and more, based on the work of famous artists. Projects and artists will be new and different from last summer. Mock Trial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Period 1: 8:00-9:15; Period 2: 9:20-10:35; Period 3: 10:40-11:55 • Grades 5-8 • No Charge Students will learn about our legal system, courtroom trials, the most common legal terms related to courtroom trials (arrests, defense, quilt, Miranda warning), and our U.S. legal system. Students will read the background of certain legal cases. Students will be divided into prosecution and defense teams. The students will act out the trials of accused persons and prosecute or defend the accused. We will discuss the cases in great detail. In addition, we will look at the U.S. Constitution and read about and discuss certain amendments. Students who enroll in this course should be successful, independents workers, high-level thinkers and problem solvers, display leadership abilities and can attend with little to no direction.

Outdoor Survival . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Period 1: 8:00-9:15; Period 2: 9:20-10:35; Period 3: 10:40-11:55 • Grades 3-5 • No Charge Students will spend most of the class period outdoors exploring what nature has to offer. They will enjoy studying about different plant life, animals and animal habitats, maps, camping skills and so much more!

Picture This . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Period 1: 8:00-9:15; Period 2: 9:20-10:35; Period 3: 10:40-11:55 • Grades 5-8 • No Charge During “Picture This…” students will be exposed to a variety of photography methods. Students will learn many digital photo techniques including how to intentionally blur an image, framing and composition techniques for naturescapes and be presented with a variety of ways to creatively mount their photographs.


CLASSES FOR 3rd-8th GRADE at PPMS (Students must register at their current grade level.) Playin’ the Games . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Period 1: 8:00-9:15; Period 2: 9:20-10:35; Period 3: 10:40-11:55 • Grades 5-8 • No Charge It’s not whether you win or lose but HOW you play the game. In this course, students will discover strategies using math, logic, and problem-solving skills to become the champion of the class. Games such as Battleship, Othello, Mancala, Knockout, and Blokus will be the primary tools used to develop strategies and higher-level thinking. Join in the fun and see how you match up against other students in our final tournament.


New Pom, Dance and Cheer . . . . . . . . . . . Period 1: 8:00-9:15; Period 2: 9:20-10:35; Period 3: 10:40-11:55

• Grades 3-4 • No Charge Wellness of the mind and body. Learn what goes into a nutritional snack while making and tasting them. Also participate in yoga, stretching, and fun activities to keep you healthy and active.

Robotic Exploration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Period 1: 8:00-9:15; Period 2: 9:20-10:35; Period 3: 10:40-11:55 • Grades 6-8 • No Charge Students will look at the various aspects of robotic construction and design. Working in small groups, students will design, build and program different robotic machines to solve a variety of problems. Robots will be judged in a series of friendly competitions with classmates.

Scrapbooking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Period 1: 8:00-9:15; Period 2: 9:20-10:35; Period 3: 10:40-11:55 • Grades 3-5 • No Charge We will study scrapbook techniques including titling, framing, captioning, and decorating. The scrapbook will tell the story of a certain event/time in the student’s life, i.e. “Middle School Years!”, “My First Pet”, “Our Summer Vacation”, etc. Each student will select 20 or more personal photos to use in the creation of their own unique keepsake. Scrapbooking is a wonderful way to share favorite memories with friends and treasure them forever.

Song Writing 101 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Period 1: 8:00-9:15; Period 2: 9:20-10:35; Period 3: 10:40-11:55 • Grades 4-6 • No Charge Come and learn how to write and compose your own music! We will begin with the basics of writing lyrics to already composed songs and end the course with a song written by YOU! Come with the knowledge you already have about music from your music teacher and get ready to dive in deeper and create something you never thought possible!

Sports and Fitness Camp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Period 1: 8:00-9:15; Period 2: 9:20-10:35; Period 3: 10:40-11:55 • Grades 3-4; 5-6; 7-8 • No Charge Campers engage in outdoor fitness activities, obstacle courses, parachute games, relay races, beanbag activities, and team sports such as basketball, soccer, etc.



(Students must register at their current grade level.) Coding Camp . . . . . . . . . . . Period 1: 8:00-9:15 (3-4); Period 2: 9:20-10:35 (5-6); Period 3: 10:40-11:55 (7-8)

• Grades 3-4; 5-6; 7-8 • No Charge Students will explore the endless possibilities of coding using free and available technologies such as Scratch, Python and Day of Code Resources. This course is open to all students regardless of coding experience and will inspire students to create their own game or app while learning the essential building blocks of programming.

Team Building . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Period 1: 8:00-9:15 (5-6); Period 2: 9:20-10:35 (7-8); Period 3: 10:40-11:55 (3-4) • Grades 3-4; 5-6; 7-8 • No Charge Students will learn the basics and importance of being part of a team, will participate in trust, team building, and cooperation activities that range from academic, physical and discovery-themed simulations and will learn about real world application of the strategies they have practiced. Writing As an Author . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Period 1: 8:00-9:15; Period 2: 9:20-10:35; Period 3: 10:40-11:55 • Grades 5-8 • No Charge Authors build their writing on life experiences. Mini-lessons will focus on skills and strategies authors use to develop their ideas into a written product. Each student will develop a story for publication in a class anthology.


Chorus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Period 1: 8:00-9:15; Period 2: 9:20-10:35; Period 3: 10:40-11:55

• Grades 4-8 • No Charge This course is offered to anyone, grades 4-8, who would like to improve their vocal proficiency. This will be a group chorus class.

Summer Band & String Lessons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Four 30 minute sessions between June 20 and July 22 • Grades 4-8 • No Charge This course is offered to anyone, grades 4-8, looking to study privately or in a small group on a band or a string instrument. Space is limited to 180 in Band and 45 in Strings. Summer band and orchestra lessons offer students a chance to improve performance on their instruments, review technique in the summer, and play exciting music that will appeal to their ability and personality. Summer lessons offer students a chance to receive small group professional instruction. Each student will be scheduled for four 30 minute sessions between June 20 and July 22. It is strongly recommended that incoming 6th grade students who are first time band or orchestra members consider signing up for this opportunity. For questions contact Candice Southcott by phone at 262-781-3030 or by email at southcoc@elmbrookschool.org.

QUESTIONS?? Contact Candice Southcott, Summer School Coordinator at southcoc@elmbrookschools.org or 262-781-3030 x1184.


COURSES OFFERED AT BEHS FOR 8th GRADE (Students must register at their current grade level.) P.E. 9 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Period 1: 7:45-10:15 • No Charge • 0.5 P.E. Credit • Class held at Brookfield East High School Students completing the 8th grade may register for this class. Please refer to High School Brochure for more information at www.elmbrookschools.org/summerschool. Transitioning to High School . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Period 2: 10:25-12:55 • Grade 8 • No Charge • 0.5 Elective Credit • Class held at Brookfield East High School This course is going to be an interactive learning experience that will provide you with the tools to have a smooth and successful transition to high school by reviewing a variety of strategies, resources, and plans with the goal of making your move to high school seamless and successful. This course will focus on the following skills: • Individual Learning Plans for High School per student • Academic Development (Post-secondary education (WISCAREERS); Four year plans • Culture and Environment (layout of schools, who are your resources, how you can get involved) • Social and emotional support for the transition • Learning strategies (RAP, Cornell notes, Literacy TA strategies in reading, writing, speaking and listening


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