elmhurst college alumni news fall 2013 O≈ce of Alumni Relations 190 Prospect Avenue Elmhurst, Illinois 60126-3296
events the fall season
Mark Your Calendar The Trouble with Boys Tuesday, October 8 Pulitzer Prize–winning journalist Peg Tyre talks about why boys have become the new academic underdogs. Frick Center, Founders Lounge, 7:00 p.m. General admission $10
Inside the Vatican Tuesday, October 29 John Thavis, author of the best-selling book The Vatican Diaries, oΩers a behindthe-scenes look at the power, personalities and politics at the epicenter of the Catholic Church. Frick Center, Founders Lounge, 7:00 p.m. General admission $10
What Roger Ebert Meant to Us Sunday, November 10 Roger Ebert was the most famous movie critic of his generation, and one of the most respected. Seven months after Ebert’s death, we’ll consider his legacy and life with a panel that includes Michael Phillips of the Chicago Tribune, Neil Steinberg of the Sun-Times and Ignatiy Vishnevetsky of Ebert Presents at the Movies. The moderator is Rick Kogan, a veteran of the Chicago Daily News, Sun-Times and Tribune. Hammerschmidt Memorial Chapel, 7:00 p.m. General admission $20
elmhurst college alumni news fall 2013
The Shame of College Sports Thursday, October 10 Journalist Taylor Branch outlines the problems inherent in the structure of college sports, in which athletes generate billions of dollars for big universities while earning nothing for themselves. Hammerschmidt Memorial Chapel, 7:00 p.m. General admission $20 Sponsored in part by BMO Harris Bank
Technology: The Passport to Personalized Education Tuesday, October 22 Daphne Koller, Stanford professor and cofounder of Coursera, discusses technology’s potential to improve learning outcomes, lower costs and increase access to education. Hammerschmidt Memorial Chapel, 7:00 p.m. General admission $20
For a full list, visit us at www.elmhurst.edu/events. You also can follow us on facebook.com/elmcol or twitter.com/elmhurstcollege
The Life oF the mind
The College’s commitment to academic freedom, rigorous debate and creative inquiry plays out in classrooms and activities on campus and beyond.