Elmwood Franklin School: Thinking Beyond—2021-2022 Giving Report

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THE CLASS OF 2022 ELMWOOD FRANKLIN 2021-22 GIVING REPORT thinkingbeyond WINTER 2022-23 For Alumni, Families, and Friends of Elmwood Franklin School www.elmwoodfranklin.org elmwood franklin school

Founded in 1895, Elmwood Franklin School offers a challenging, comprehensive academic program paired with a strong emphasis on citizenship and good character. Students are given the opportunity to learn and to lead in a nurturing, child-centered environment where curiosity is rewarded, risk-taking is encouraged, and challenging assumptions is expected. As a result, our students become confident, resilient, independent thinkers well-prepared to excel in high school and beyond.

Elmwood Franklin School is an inclusive community that values diversity. Elmwood Franklin does not discriminate on the basis of race, national origin, gender, socioeconomic status, sexual orientation, family structure, or religion.



Elmwood Franklin School prepares children to lead thriving lives.

Thinking Beyond is published by the Institutional Advancement department for alumni, families, and friends of Elmwood Franklin School.


Rebecca Murak rmurak@elmwoodfranklin.org


Moira Lewis mlewis@elmwoodfranklin.org


Stephanie Katzman skatzman@elmwoodfranklin.org



Elmwood Franklin continually challenges students to grow academically and intellectually so that they can achieve at increasingly higher levels.



Please mail any address updates to:

Elmwood Franklin School Development Office 104 New Amsterdam Avenue Buffalo, NY 14216

Call 716-877-5035 or e-mail development@elmwoodfranklin.org


Visit www.elmwoodfranklin.org/alumni or e-mail news and photos to alumni@elmwoodfranklin.org


Please e-mail comments to development@elmwoodfranklin.org

Please include your name and contact information for verification.

Elmwood Franklin fosters a caring environment in which families, students, teachers, and professionals share ideas, value and incorporate differences, and work in partnership to create authentic experiences with lasting impact.


Elmwood Franklin strengthens socialemotional skills and demonstrates a commitment to the values of kindness, respect, integrity, teamwork, and perseverance. Students are encouraged to practice their roles as responsible citizens in a wider world.


Elmwood Franklin promotes a culture of learning in which curiosity is rewarded, risktaking is encouraged, and challenging assumptions is expected. Through these experiences, confident, resilient, independent thinkers are cultivated.


Elmwood Franklin is a journey—not a destination. Students are met at their personal stage of development and are given opportunities to discover their learning style, pursue their passions, and develop themselves.

elmwood franklin school


President Amy Habib Rittling ’82

Vice President Brian J. Lipke

Treasurer Victor A. Filadora

Secretary Alon Kupferman

Governance Roger Walcott

Kari Root Bonaro

Robert Glidden III

Allison Joseph Pendleton ’06

Helen Marlette ’73

Rachelle Nurse

James Obletz

Marina O’Donnell

Cara Reich

Uzma H. Siddiqui

Daniel Weinrieb ’94


Co-Chair Tricia Barrett ’92

Co-Chair Susie Lenahan Kimberly ’64

Gitti Barrell ’71

Martha Wilson Barrett ’87

Kilby Bronstein ’06

Stephanie Swift Kroth ’90

Madeline Ambrus Lillie ’64

Liz Duryea Maloney ’70

Amity Lippes Mann ’90

Ryan McQueeney ’03

Betsy Swift Mitchell ’65

The Journey Ahead

Allison Joseph Pendleton ’06 turned her thoughts to her days as a student at EFS and how much promise the journey ahead holds for our graduates as she addressed the Class of 2022.


Thriving Head of School Ryan Kimmet, reflects on 2022 and our school community postCOVID.


The Class of 2022

In June, our eighth grade class walked across the stage of The Johnston Theatre as students for the last time. Join us in congratulating our newest class of alumni, the Class of 2022!


Family Ties

From year to year, EFS alums are making a family tradition out of an Elmwood Franklin education.

On the cover: Kimisha Brown Houston ’98 with her daughter Mariah Houston ’22

Jesse Baier Radford ’01

Susan Schoellkopf ’65

Daniel Weinrieb ’94 12

14 Alumni News 23

2021-2022 Giving Report

WINTER 2022-23

As I reflect upon 2022 at Elmwood Franklin School, one word comes to mind: thriving. In every aspect of the school, we are experiencing growth and a positive direction, and it is an exciting time to be at EFS.

Nearly a year and a half ago, my family and I packed up our home in Philadelphia and prepared for our big move to Buffalo. We knew we had an adventure ahead of us, but it was impossible to predict just how things would unfold. Naturally, there have been ups and downs and twists and turns, but undoubtedly it has been an incredible time for me, my family, and EFS.

When I arrived, I was so moved to see this outstanding faculty and staff do what they do best to support the needs of our students. I was struck by the high level of engagement that our teachers facilitate. Students at EFS love to learn and are constantly challenged and inspired by our teachers. I had seen the statistics of how our students perform well on standardized tests, have tremendous acceptance rates into the local high schools, and often test

into honors-level classes. But to see firsthand just how this happens was inspiring. Ultimately, it comes down to exceptionally dedicated and creative teachers who put in countless hours of hard work with very high expectations for each child to thrive under their care.

EFS continues to lead in health, safety, and security. As we emerged from the restrictions of COVID-19, returning to our school traditions has been wonderful, especially Medieval Night, concerts, and plays. The 2022-23 theme of character has also highlighted the importance of social-emotional learning and mental health programs and support. In addition, EFS remains focused on school safety and security. Our new keyless fob entry and intercom systems have been successfully installed, we have implemented a new

From the Head

safety committee of faculty and staff members, and we continue utilizing onsite security.

I am happy to report that EFS has an incredibly healthy financial picture. Our enrollment reached a recent record number last school year and has been surpassed again this year. Our Annual Fund and Auction have been incredibly successful thanks to our wonderfully generous and supportive community. The 125 Endowment Campaign for Elmwood Franklin School has surpassed the $10 million mark, making it the most successful campaign in school history!

Though it is critical for the school to succeed in its finances and operations, it is most rewarding to be part of a school where one can see and feel how its students genuinely thrive. As I visit classrooms, attend performances, and cheer on our athletic teams, I am constantly blown away by our students. Our eighth graders stand before their peers each week to share their personal-belief essays. Our fourth-grade students bring our Lower School assemblies to order with the Pledge of Allegiance and close them by leading us in the school song. Perhaps my favorite memory from 2022 was going on the Gettysburg/Washington DC trip with seventh and eighth grade students. I was impressed by their inquisitive spirit at each historical landmark and their outstanding citizenship and character. Watching them represent EFS in a crowded sea of other school groups from around the country truly made me proud.

And, of course, in the end, the students are why we are all here. I feel privileged to lead this remarkable institution with a long history of excellence in the classroom, that navigated the pandemic so remarkably, that has worked hard to be in a strong financial position, and that produces such intelligent, thoughtful, kind, and creative children. I am grateful to work with this community to ensure that EFS continues to thrive in the future.

In May, seventh and eighth graders broadened their learning experiences and connected to the world outside the classroom on their four-day class trip to Washington, D.C., and Gettysburg!

In November, sixth grade students took their parents on an epic journey back to an age of bravery and honor at the 40th annual Medieval Night. Medieval Night is the culmination of a two-month study of the Middle Ages that integrates music, art, literature, and history.

Though it is critical for the school to succeed in its finances and operations, it is most rewarding to be part of a school where one can see and feel how its students genuinely thrive.”


class of 2022

This past June, our eighth graders crossed the stage of The Johnston Theatre for the last time as students. Please join us in congratulating Elmwood Franklin School’s newest class of alumni!

SITTING ( From L to R) Giselle Glenn, Mariah Houston, Courtney Anderson, Anna Butsch, Mary Cloud, Aariona Archie, Leviathan Howell, Annabelle Koch

STANDING ROW 1 Gabrielle Goodly Nora Ramsdell, Everett Kamieniarz, James Burnett, Michael Burke, Halim Habib, Jonas Heneghan, Matthew Michaels, Haleigh Rittling, Anna Karassik

STANDING ROW 2 Kaitlyn Block, Avi Dasgupta, Dylan Chiantella, Mitchell Masiello, Markos Kollidas, Hasan Siddiqui, Tate Boccaccio, Devin Fishkin


family TIES

From year to year, EFS alums are making a family tradition out of an Elmwood Franklin education. This group makes up a valuable resource for Elmwood Franklin’s future. Not only are their families shaped by the school, but the school is inevitably shaped by their families.


This past school year, 36 students had a parent who was also a graduate of Elmwood Franklin School, including eighth graders Halim Habib ’22 and Haleigh Rittling ’22, pictured here (from left to right) with A.J. Rittling ’21, Amy Habib Rittling ’82 and Anthony Habib ’87. was the Blue team captain and the second in her family to win the competition! Her mom, Amy Habib Rittling ’82, was also captain of the Blue team when they bested the Gray team to win the cup in 1982. Eighth grader Mariah Houston ’22 pictured here with her mother Kimisha Brown Houston ’98

class of 2022


Courtney Anderson

Aariona Archie

Kaitlyn Block

Tate Boccaccio

Michael Burke

James Burnett

Anna Butsch

Dylan Chiantella

Mary Cloud

Avi Dasgupta

Devin Fishkin

Giselle Glenn

Gabrielle Goodly

Nardin Academy

Home School

Nichols School

Nichols School

Canisius High School

Nichols School

Nichols School

Nichols School

Nardin Academy

Nichols School

Nichols School

Nichols School

Buffalo Academy of the Sacred Heart

Halim Habib

Jonas Heneghan

Mariah Houston

Leviathan Howell

Everett Kamieniarz

Anna Karassik

Annabelle Koch

Markos Kollidas

Mitchell Masiello

Matthew Michaels

Nora Ramsdell

Haleigh Rittling

Hasan Siddiqui

Canisius High School

Canisius High School

Nichols School

Nichols School

Nichols School

Mount St. Mary Academy

Nichols School

Canisius High School

Nichols School

Nichols School

Buffalo Seminary

Nichols School

Canisius High School




Allison Joseph Pendleton ’06, vice president of Clover Group, turned her thoughts to her days as a student at EFS and how much promise the journey ahead holds for our graduates as she addressed the Class of 2022 on June 15.

"While 2006 feels like just yesterday to me, and I imagine to most of the parents and grandparents in this audience as well, I cringed a bit when I realized that today’s graduates had yet to enter the world," she started. "When initially asked to be this year’s graduation speaker, I confess that I found myself a bit apprehensive. Aside from the general trepidation I have for public speaking, I wondered what wisdom I have to impart. Upon further reflection, I realized the answer lies in my own journey through Elmwood Franklin School and, though I hate to say it, the many, many years beyond."

By her own admission, Allison was nervous, sad, and of course, excited as she sat on stage in The Johnston Theatre for her graduation. "For those of you worried that the road ahead won’t be easy, you’re right; it won’t always be. You will be pushed out of your comfort zone on more than one occasion, and like everyone else in this great big world, you will struggle. But fear not because Elmwood Franklin has prepared you to face adversity head-on."

Following are excerpts from her address to the EFS Class of 2022.

2022 Commencement Address

It was in 2006 that I was seated in this very room, getting ready to walk across the very same stage. I felt what I imagine are a lot of the same emotions as this year’s graduates. Excitement about high school and the opportunity to meet new people. Nervous about once again being a small fish in a big pond. Sad about leaving, worried that friendships might not last as we moved forward down different paths. Class of 2022, while I will admit that many things have changed in the last 16 years, please know that these feelings and doubts have been had by many Elmwood Franklin graduates before you and will be felt by many after you. If there is one thing I can leave you with today, it is my hope that I can quell some of these fears and provide you with a sense of peace regarding your journey at Elmwood Franklin finally coming to an end.

The late great C.S. Lewis once said, “There are far, far better things ahead than any we leave behind.” Mr. Lewis was correct—as you move throughout life, you are forced to leave behind many things. But rest assured, Class of 2022, that the friendships you have made here at EFS are not one of them. Choosing different high schools does not mean the end of a friendship. It means waiting all week for that sleepover with the girls, or pick-up hockey game with the guys, looking forward to those special Friday movie nights and Sunday football games. Instead of your circle of friends shrinking, you will find that it greatly expands. The friendships you have made here at EFS are life-long bonds; nourish these, and you might find yourself standing up with your best friend since Prep II as she marries the love of her life, just like I will have the honor of doing this September. Your fellow graduates are more than just classmates; they are your family. And just like family, you’re stuck with them—wherever you may go in life—they will always be with you.

Of course, moving up to high school comes with other challenges besides social ones. Some of you may be worried about the level of classes—will they be too difficult? Take a deep breath, my

friends, because I can confidently say that as Elmwood Franklin graduates, you will be the most academically prepared students at any high school in the greater Buffalo area. This goes beyond knowing the basics of Algebra I or how to structure a thesis statement properly. You have been taught how to think critically, to know your own mind, and not to be afraid to speak up. And so, I urge you to use your voice; be the loud and proud students that Elmwood Franklin has given you the skills to be. You have all the tools in your toolbox. Simply be confident that you know how to use them.

There will be people who doubt you—adults and peers alike. This is where another pillar of your Elmwood Franklin education will come into play: your strong, honorable character. Elmwood teaches you to hold yourself to the highest ethical standard. You have learned always to treat others with respect and, perhaps more importantly, to lead by example. You learned firsthand how to be leaders as “big brothers or sisters” to nervous fifth grade students entering the Upper School. Again, as captains of the Blue & Gray Teams (GO BLUE!), you learned how to lead others in friendly competition, and whether you win or lose, to do it with grace and good sportsmanship. Prior to being


drafted by Buffalo in 2018, Bills quarterback Josh Allen said, “If you don’t want to believe in me, that’s OK, because I’ll make a believer out of you.” Turn the doubters into believers. Allow them to see your character shine through your actions, for as cliché as it sounds, actions do speak much louder than words.

High school, college, and life beyond will throw a lot of challenges your way. For those of you worried that the road ahead won’t be easy, you’re right; it won’t always be. You will be pushed out of your comfort zone on more than one occasion, and like everyone else in this great big world, you will struggle. But fear not because Elmwood Franklin has prepared you to face adversity head-on. Take these last two and a half school years, for example. An unprecedented global pandemic forced you as students to adapt to a new way of life. Your learning practices shifted to fit with the everchanging CDC guidelines, and you did not miss a beat. You put on the masks when you needed to, buckled down, and got to work. As you sit here today, you should be incredibly proud not only of the hard work you put into your education but on being able to face such a great challenge with poise and maturity well beyond your years. This is just

another way you have met and even exceeded Elmwood’s expectations as leaders of the school community—and so I say “kudos” to each and every one of you.

Finally, for those of you worried that today might be “goodbye,” I’d like to point out that goodbyes are often final. While Elmwood Franklin will no longer be the place where you spend your days, faculty and staff alike will always welcome you back with open arms. The school song very clearly and appropriately states, “Give a cheer for Elmwood Franklin School. The school belongs to you and me.” Whether you visit next year, five years, or ten years from now, you will still be able to walk through these halls and feel the same sense of belonging you felt throughout your time here. Like it is for me and so many other proud alumni, Elmwood Franklin School will always be your home away from home. And so, Class of 2022, I encourage you to come back as often as you’d like. But above all, I urge you to think of today’s ceremony not as a goodbye but as an open-ended “I’ll see you later.”

Your fellow graduates are more than just classmates; they are your family. And just like family, you’re stuck with them— wherever you may go in life— they will always be with you.”

CLASS OF 2018 grad brunch

In June, alumni from the Class of 2018 returned to EFS to celebrate the end of their high school journey and reconnect before heading off to college this fall. Pictured above are (from l to r) Mia Endl, Mrs. Alyssa Charles, Lucy Heneghan, Hannah Rich, Charlotte Greene, Katelyn Michaels, Thomas Enstice, John Szymczak, Carys Popat, Madeline Finn, Reilly Lenahan, Nathan Santana, Morgan Shaver, Quinn Bogart-Berdysiak, Carlie Porter, Juliana Victor, Anthony Corasanti, Paul Walier, Jr., and Mr. Jonathan Garra.


class of 2018 COLLEGE CHOICES

Quinn Bogart-Berdysiak

Enzo Capicotto

Anthony Corasanti

Genevieve Downing

Mia Endl

Thomas Enstice

Madeline Finn

Charlotte Greene

Natalie Hausmann

Angela He

Lucy Heneghan

Reilly Lenahan

Lauren Levy

Katelyn Michaels

Ariel Miserendino

Simona Muscarella

Carys Popat

Carlie Porter

Jazmin Prophet

Hannah Rich

Nathan Santana

Morgan Shaver

John Szymczak

Juliana Victor

Paul Walier

Sierra Warren

Rochester Institute of Technology

Liberty University

Duquesne University

McGill University

Notre Dame

University of Pennsylvania

University of Georgia

Boston College

American University

Unknown at time of publication

University at Buffalo

University of Washington

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Stetson University

Unknown at time of publication

Bates College

Northeastern University

Canisius College

Unknown at time of publication

Furman University

SUNY Oswego

SUNY Oswego

Erie County Community College

Hobart and William Smith Colleges

Furman University

Canisius College

15 Alumni News

ONCE AN eagleALWAYS AN eagle

Whether they are across the country, around the world, or right here on campus, Elmwood Franklin School graduates will always have a home at EFS. Alumni often can be seen walking the halls, catching up with teachers, or volunteering their time on campus. Here are a few graduates we heard from or saw on campus in 2022.

To keep up with all of our alumni news and updates, follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. And to share your news, send us a message on social media or e-mail alumni@elmwoodfranklin.org.


Mara Barry ’21 had an exceptional first year at Buffalo Seminary! She played on the varsity soccer team in the fall and joined the crew team for the spring season. In addition to athletics, Mara participated in Book Club and Spanish Club and played clarinet in SEM’s ensemble


Lucy Heneghan ’18 earned the distinction of Salutatorian of her senior class at Nardin Academy and received an International Scholar award for all four years from the University of Toronto.

Alumni News


Lauren Levy ’18 was named a National Merit Scholarship Finalist in her senior year at Buffalo Seminary. In addition to her academic achievements, Lauren led SEM to win the All-Catholic Girls Swimming Championships. Lauren started at MIT this past fall.

APRIL 2022

Maddi Finn ’18 graduated from Nardin Academy and headed to the University of Georgia, where she earned a scholarship. Maddi is one of only three students accepted into their classical saxophone music performance program. During her senior year, Maddi was selected as first chair of the alto saxophone section of the NY Conference All-State Symphonic Band. She competed against hundreds of students and received a perfect score on her evaluation.

MAY 2022

Mackenzie Lenahan ’14 (left) and Janie Wyckoff ’14 (right) were back at EFS after completing their undergraduate degrees in the spring. Mackenzie earned a BS in Biology from Northeastern University, and Janie graduated with her BS in Childhood Education from St. John Fisher College. Janie also joined her former teachers on campus as a substitute teacher to finishe the school year.

MARCH 2022

Kevin Kaminski ’98 (left), a principal in Kaminski & Pew, an architecture and interior design firm in Philadelphia, returned to Buffalo to visit family and friends, including EFS classmate James Gardner ’98 (right) The two caught up with their Upper School history teacher, Mrs. Dee Drew, and reminisced about some of the artifacts and posters still on display from their time here.

APRIL 2022

Will Chason ’03 was part of the team that took home the Grammy for Best Rap Song at the 64th annual Grammys. Will is a California-based multi-platinum, three-time Grammynominated, and Grammy awardwinning engineer, producer, and multi-instrumentalist.

JUNE 2022

Mason Howell ’20 (left) and Atticus Warner ’20 (right) visited campus to catch up with their former teachers. As rising juniors at Nichols School, both have found a home on the water. Mason was named the MVP of the sailing team his sophomore year and Atticus was on the varsity crew team.


JUNE 2022

Our recent graduates are excelling at their chosen high schools and being recognized for their accomplishments. Jude Freirich ’21 (left) received the Freshman History Award, and Evie Walcott ’21 (right) received the Christopher Wadsworth Award for character and academics and the Freshman Physics Award at the Nichols School Upper School Awards Ceremony. Evie and Jude also were placed in all advanced academic classes this year. As a freshman at Canisius High School, Ethan Johnson ’21 (center) took AP World History and was placed in honors-level English and geometry.


Maya Simmons ’14 (left) visited with Spanish language teacher Tammy Bingel to prepare for her long-term subsitute position in our World Languages department.

Maya recently graduated from Howard University with her B.A. in African American Studies, minoring in Spanish and English.

JULY 2022

Heather Flickinger Byrne ’79, who is currently living in San Francisco, visited campus while in Buffalo with her daughter Sophia to tour her alma mater.


We welcomed EFS graduates Avery Endl ’20 (left) and Olivia Biehl ’20 (right) back on campus, pictured here with fourth grade teacher Christine Marth. Avery is a junior at Nardin Academy and recently performed in their production of The Little Mermaid. Olivia is the junior class president at Santa Cruz High School and plays beach and indoor volleyball. In addition to their extracurriculars, both are challenging themselves with AP and honors courses.

Stephanie Swift Kroth ’90 and Sarah Mitchell Duddy ’90 Mike Casacci ’98, Kevin Kaminski ’98 and Denis Wettlaufer ’64

WHO WAS there



JUNE 4, 2022

Retired Upper School math teacher Maureen Jacobi, James Gardner ’98 and retired French language teacher Madame Marigrace Papagni James Gardner ’98, Maureen Jacobi, and Can Celik ’98 Stephanie Swift Kroth ’90, Stacie Greenfield Stone ’91, Kary Fronk Clark ’91, and Whitney Gardner Zammit ’93 Ed Righter ’01, Maureen Jacobi, and Jonna Wopperer ’98
Alumni News

A LOOK back


We were thrilled to welcome hundreds of guests in May for our annual Grandparents’ and Special Friends’ Day—our first chance to host this long-standing and treasured event since the start of the pandemic. Our special visitors spent the morning with their grandchildren, enjoying performances, meeting their friends, making crafts, reading favorite stories, and sharing in the fun of outdoor games and activities.

21 SAVE THE DATE Grandparents’ & Special Friends’ Day MAY 15 2023
23 Board of Trustees Corporation Life Members Alumni Council Admissions Report Parent Council Volunteer Recognition
Annual Fund Campaign History Donors Amazing Things Donors Have Made Possible Gifts in Memory and Honor Alumni Donors 110% Club
Auction: Forever Young Executive Committee and Sponsors Raise the Paddle Your Support What It Means, What It Does, and Why We Need It 125 Endowment Campaign for Elmwood Franklin 24 24 24 25 26 28 30 31 33 37 38 39 41 43 44 45 46 46 47 ANNUAL REPORT JULY JUNE 2021-2022

Corporation and Board members gathered in early June for their annual spring luncheon. Pictured above (from l to r), Amy Habib Rittling ’82, Brian Lipke, Amy Habib, Helen Marlette ’73, Rosemarie Beres, Susie Green ’62, Catherine Wettlaufer ’62, Devon Marlette, Steven Biltekoff, Betsy Mitchell ’65, Janie Constantine ’62, and Head of School Ryan Kimmet.



PRESIDENT Amy Habib Rittling ’82


VICE PRESIDENT Victor A. Filadora, MD, MBA

TREASURER Darby Fishklin

SECRETARY Alon Kupferman


Kari Root Bonaro

Allison Joseph Pendleton ’06

Helen Marlette ’73

Gregory K. Meyer, CPA

Matthew Montante

Rachelle Nurse, PHD, APRN, WHNP-BC

Marina O’Donnell

Cara Reich

Uzma H. Siddiqui, MD

Matthew Thomas, PHD

Roger Walcott, MD

Daniel Weinrieb ’94


Jane S. Banta ’61

Rosemarie Beres

Steven G. Biltekoff

Janie Constantine ’62

Holly A. Donaldson ’57

Barbara Hourihan Downing

Catherine Beltz-Foley

Keith W. Frome

Richard E. Gioia

Robert D. Gioia

Susan B. Green ’62

Cutler S. Greene ’88

Amy J. Habib

Alice F. Jacobs

Edwin M. Johnston, Jr. ’47(d)

Michael Joseph

Alison Keane

Stephen Kellogg ’51

Charles F. Kreiner, Jr.

George W. Laub ’42

Madeline Lillie ’64

Gerald S. Lippes

Devon Marlette ’67

William E. Mathias II

Elizabeth S. Mitchell ’65

Trudy A. Mollenberg ’61

Terri Rich

Pamela Righter

Robert E. Sadler, Jr.

Robin Sadler

Anne L. Saldanha

Frank M. Spitzmiller II

Cynthia Baird Stark

David G. Strachan ’47(d)

Douglas G. Swift ’70

Pamela R. Jacobs Vogt

James M. Wadsworth

Edward F. Walsh (d)

Catherine T. Wettlaufer ’62

E. John White

Leslie H. Zemsky



CO - CHAIRS Tricia Barrett ’92 and Susie Lenahan Kimberly ’64

Gitti Barrell ’71

Martha Wilson Barrett ’87

Kilby Bronstein ’06

Stephanie Swift Kroth ’90

Madeline Ambrus Lillie ’64

Liz Duryea Maloney ’70

Amity Lippes Mann ’90

Ryan McQueeney ’03

Betsy Swift Mitchell ’65

Jesse Baier Radford ’01

Susan Schoellkopf ’65

Daniel Weinrieb ’94




After graduating 20 eighth grade students in 2021, we enrolled 75 new students for a total student body of 329. Families continue to come to EFS from all over Western New York—some from as far away as Bennington, Sanborn, and Lewiston, while others live as close as across the street.



A total of $1,111,824 in tuition assistance was granted to 177 students (53% of enrollment).

25 ANNUAL REPORT 2021-2022

In October 2021, the Parent Council organized its annual Fall Festival, bringing together families for a fun-filled day of fall-themed arts and crafts and activities and a movie night under the stars! This event was chaired by EFS moms Katie Daly, Sarah Ferraro, and Kerry Riordan.



From picnics to book fairs, teacher treats to BBQs, room reps to family fun, the Parent Council serves as a support group to the school and as a resource for all members of the school community. The Parent Council encourages communication between the school administration and Parent Council members by sharing matters of mutual interest, working together on fundraising events, and encouraging involvement by all parents in the school community.

We sincerely appreciate our parents’ involvement and support.




SECRETARY Kristin DiCunzolo

ROOM REP COORDINATORS Jennifer Atwal, Michelle Busch

EX OFFICIO Stephanie Kroth ’90



Katie Daly, Sarah Ferraro, Kerry Riordan


Alicia Michielli


Susan Burke


Karen and Roger Walcott


BEGINNERS Janelle Camesano, Linda DuBois

PREP I Abby Gardner, Marina O’Donnell

PREP II Jennifer Atwal, Abby Gardner

GRADE 1 Melissa Kresse ’92, Ashleigh Walker

GRADE 2 Nara Babi Reddy, Katherine Bernys

GRADE 3 Melissa Patterson, Erin Powers

GRADE 4 Katherine Bernys, Megan Whitmore

GRADE 5 Melissa Kresse ’92, Kerry Riordan

GRADE 6 Stephanie Kroth ’90

GRADE 7 Alicia Michielli, Karen Walcott

GRADE 8 Tracy Masiello, Josephine Siddiqui

27 ANNUAL REPORT 2021-2022

Giving isn’t limited to money—acts of kindness, both small and large, have a special value of their own. In May, Head of School Ryan Kimmet welcomed Elmwood Franklin’s volunteers to a breakfast reception to give special recognition to a few and heartfelt thanks to all.

No act of kindness, however small, is ever wasted.


The Unsung Hero Award pays special honor to those who work tirelessly for our school, year after year, without fanfare, fulfilling important roles but not always getting the recognition they deserve. This year we honored three such individuals, Josephine Siddiqui, Michelle Busch, and Mariann Miller.

Josephine Siddiqui is “graduating” this year, so to speak, as her youngest son makes his way to high school next year. She has worn many hats at EFS and worn them so well: an active parent, room representative, Capital Campaign parent chair, Book Fair chair, Original Works chair, Teacher Treats chair, Auction committee member, and most recently, our Auction Chair. She and her family have a long history at Elmwood Franklin and have been and continue to be integral members of our community. Always there to lend a hand, she took on the role of Auction Chair this year—our first year back since the Covid Pandemic. She was bold and brave in her decision-making, and all of her thoughtful work resulted in one of our best Auctions ever. For always going above and beyond, and beyond even that, we recognize as our Unsung Hero, Josephine Siddiqui.

Michelle Busch has served EFS in some capacity since her very first year at school. She has been an Auction volunteer and Parent Council Executive committee member for the past two years. Although her family is relocating this year, we want to recognize her hard work as Upper School Room Representative Coordinator. She kept us all organized and, along with her partner, revamped the Room Rep role to make it even better! We will use her forms, messages, and meeting formats for years to come. It is important also to note that it is not just what she did, but how she did it: always with a big smile and lots of heart. This year, we recognize as our Unsung Hero, Michelle Busch.

Our final recipient is an exceptional example of hard work and dedication. This year especially, Mariann Miller truly stepped up to support her coworkers and the EFS students. She was at every Covid testing event, lending a hand, ensuring we had tables and tests, coordinating staff, and rounding up students throughout

the building. She was also at every before and after school event, working quietly in the background and stepping in to do jobs that had no owner, but were imperative to a successful event. It was not uncommon to find that everything was cleaned up after a late-night event, making someone else’s job easier in the morning. For all these reasons and more, we would like to recognize as our Unsung Hero, Mariann Miller.


Every parent can be part of Parent Council and find a volunteer opportunity that fits with their time and talents. This past year, we had a great group of parents serving in leadership roles. Parent Council executive committee members Susan Burke, President; Katie Daly, Vice President; Kristin DiCunzolo, Secretary; Jennifer Atwal and Michelle Busch, Room Rep Coordinators; and Stephanie Kroth ’90, ex officio member were thanked for their leadership. Recognition was also given to Parent Council committee chairs Katie Daly, Sarah Ferraro, and Kerry Riordan, Fall Fest; Alicia Michielli, Book Fair; and Susan Burke, Original Works; Roger and Karen Walcott, Holimont Ski Fun Day.


This year, after an incredibly successful Auction and Afterparty, our chairs Adnan and Josephine Siddiqui and Ryan and Leah Kimmet and their committees of volunteers helped to raise $317,967 of which $61,050 went toward upgrading the school’s security with a new door access system and campus-wide intercom system.


Over the past four years, the extraordinary team of Sarah Duddy ’90, Anthony Duddy, Melissa Kresse ’92, and Bart Kresse have led our Annual Fund Cabinet in raising over a million dollars for the school!


Tricia Barrett ’92 and Susie Lenahan Kimberly ’64 were recognized for chairing the Alumni Council and working to build our alumni outreach.

29 ANNUAL REPORT 2021-2022
Left: Hasan Siddiqui ’22 helped present his mom Josephine Siddiqui with the Unsung Hero Award, pictured above with Head of School Ryan Kimmet, Ed.D. Right: Jenson ’26 and Austin ’23 Busch helped present their mom Michelle Busch with the Unsung Hero Award.


Your gift matters.

Each and every dollar raised by the Annual Fund supports the EFS mission by helping our students learn and succeed, enabling our faculty to teach and inspire, and allowing us all to make a difference in our world.

The 2021-2022 Annual Fund campaign, chaired by Sarah Duddy ’90, Anthony Duddy, Melissa Kresse ’92, and Bart Kresse, brought together 351 donors and raised a total of $325,226 in restricted and unrestricted funds.

This year, gifts to the Annual Fund supported, among many other things, our sports teams, Outdoor

Education trips, professional development opportunities for faculty, classroom supplies and technology, and field trips.

It would not be too much to say that the Annual Fund enables Elmwood Franklin School to be the extraordinary place it is, and it is our community, all together, that makes it possible. Thank you!



31 ANNUAL REPORT 2021-2022
PARTICIPATION Year Annual Fund Total Trustee % Corporation % Parent % Alumni % Fac/Staff % 2021-2022 $325,226 100% 51% 48% 8% 100% 2020-2021 $317,065 100% 51% 53% 9% 100% 2019-2020 $245,814 100% 58% 51% 8% 100% 2018-2019 $316,128 100% 73% 55% 9% 100% 2017-2018 $284,949 100% 70% 64% 10% 100%

2021-2022 annual fund DONORS



Anonymous (three donors)

The Edward H. Butler Foundation

Edward B. Righter

Joby R. Zammit ’91

James R. Gardner ’98

Edward B. Righter, Jr. ’01

Ms. Betsy Feuerstein

The Habib Family

Amy J. Habib

Amy Habib Rittling ’82 and Mark F. Rittling

Kara Habib Boyle ’83

Anthony B. H. Habib ’87 and Becky Machado

Marie Habib Caroll ’93

The Johnston Family Foundation

Edwin Johnston III ’74

Sarah F. Johnston ’78

Jennifer M. Johnston, ’71

Mr. Christopher Koch

Ms. Valerie Koch

The Lipke Family

Brian, Deborah, Katherine ’05, Elissa ’11

Mulroy Family Foundation

Mr. and Mrs. James Wadsworth


$5,000 - $9,999

Mr. and Mrs. Jeremy Jacobs, Jr. ’77

Mrs. Susie Lenahan Kimberly ’64

Mr. and Mrs. Brad Kroth

Mr. and Mrs. Eric Reich

Dr. and Mrs. Adnan Siddiqui


$2,500 - $4,999

Anonymous (one donor)

Mr. and Mrs. Paul and Kari Bonaro

Mr. Anthony Duddy and Mrs. Sarah Duddy ’90

Elmwood Franklin Parent Council

Mr. Paul Iskalo and Dr. Dora Iskalo

Roberta and Michael Joseph

Mr. and Mrs. Peter and Helen Marlette ’73

Mr. Gregory Meyer

Mitchell Family Fund

Mrs. Elizabeth ’65 and Mr. John A. Mitchell

Dr. Rachelle Nurse and Dr. Joseph Goodly

Dennis and Linda Szymkowiak

Dr. Pethan Tin and Mrs. Erica Otero-Tin

Drs. Roger and Karen Walcott


$1,500 - $2,499

Mr. and Mrs. Brian Dailey

Mrs. Mary Jo and Mr. Dan Davis

Betsy Constantine ’89 and Joe Janowski

Ryan and Leah Kimmet

Karl and Jen Koch

Patrick Lee Foundation

Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Lee

Penn Schoellkopf Fund

Mrs. Jane S. Banta ’61

Mrs. Ann Jewett ’59

Ms. Susan Schoellkopf ’65

Clarke ’65 and Michelle Narins

Anne Swift ’66 and Lee Lord

Mr. Douglas Swift ’70

Mr. Daniel J. Weinrieb ’94 and Mr. Brian J. Walsh


$1,000 - $1,499

Anonymous (one donor)

Mrs. Margot Banta ’56

Ms. Tricia Barrett ’92

Ms. Janelle Camesano and Mr. Brian Fuller

Drs. Samuel and Marsilia Cloud

Mr. and Mrs. Terrence and Peggy Connors

Stephen and Catherine Foley

Gleason Family Foundation

Mr. Francis Glenn

Mr. Jonathan Halas and Ms. Allison Odyssey

Marie S. and Frederic K. Houston Fund

Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Kreiner, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Anthony B. Martino

33 ANNUAL REPORT 2021-2022

Mr. and Mrs. Matthew T. Montante

Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Murak

Dr. and Mrs. Philip Niswander

John and Marina O’Donnell

Michael and Holly Constantine Ortman

Ms. Allison Joseph Pendleton ’06 and Mr. Tyler Pendleton

Drs. Robert and Anne Ramsdell

Mr. Matthew Reitz and Ms. Vanessa Glushefski

Mr. Kevin Ross

Mrs. Corinne Salanson-Lajos

Ms. Nancy Schwartz

Dr. Jafar W. Siddiqui and Dr. Uzma H. Siddiqui

Mr. and Mrs. Andrew L. Smith

Mr. and Mrs. David ’56 and Mary Smith

Howard and Leslie Zemsky


$500 - $999

Rosemarie Beres

John Burgess

Michael and Linda Burke

Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Burke

Mr. Andy Burnett and Dr. Cyndi Burnett

Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Camacho

Robin Coffin, Bob Sadler, and Trelsie Sadler Cople ’04

Robert and Janie Constantine

Corliss Foundation

Mr. and Mrs. Michael Davis

Mr. John J. Deleo

Ms. Heidi Dent ’68

Mr. and Mrs. Tony and Janet DiMichele

Drs. Christina and Veronica Dolensek

Mr. and Mrs. William Friedeman

Angeline Fryer ’47

Margaret Perry Garvin ’55

Susan ’62 and Richard Green

Dr. Christine L. Holland

Elizabeth Kelley

Mr. Knight D. Kieffer ’88

Frances S. Klingenstein ’41

Mr. and Mrs. Bart J. Kresse

Michael and Andrea Kuettel

Alon Kupferman

Drs. David and Madeline Lillie

Mr. Eric C. Lux ’02

Mr. and Mrs. Michael and Barbara McQueeney ’70

Edward and Lauren Melber

Mr. James Murphy and Mrs. Huguette Murphy

Dr. Sonya S. Noor

Gaier Palmisano ’65

Mr. and Mrs. David and Terri Rich Jr.

Edward B. Righter Charitable Trust

Mr. and Mrs. Edward B. Righter

Mr. and Mrs. Scott Saperston ’86

Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth Snyder

Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. Spitzmiller II

Mr. and Mrs. Harlan ’61 and Lisa Swift, Jr.

Dr. Matthew Thomas and Ms. Adrienne Woike

Mrs. Gina Wettlaufer Tomenson ’94

Mrs. Wendy Walcott

William Webber and Joan Howland

Mr. E. J. White and Rev. Kathryn White

Richard and Megan Whitmore


$1 - $499

Anonymous (eight donors)

Susan Gibbons Alford ’55

Mr. Joseph Aquino

Jesse Baier Radford ’01

Irving and Janice Barrett

Claire and Kevin Barry

Daniel and Leah Bartlo

Ms. Alicia Bauer

Ms. Ardith Bausenbach

Emily Beckwith

Mr. Martin Beckwith

Dr. Ahmed Belal and Dr. Rania Elmarzouky

Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bermel

Mr. and Mrs. Carl E. Betta

Randolph and Katelyn Bianchi

Tammy and Robert Bingel

Mr. Matt Birt

Mr. and Mrs. Edward S. Bloomberg

Kate and Richard Braen

Evan Brannen ’07

Kayla Brannen ’09

Marlena Brannen ’14

Mr. and Mrs. Edward Broenniman

Mrs. Jennifer Bronstein ’74

Kilby Bronstein ’06

Ryan Bronstein ’11

Mr. Jason Kipa and Ms. Mercedes D. Brooks

Ellen B. Browning ’53

Mark Edson and Clare Buchheit-Edson

Ms. Emily Buermann

Patricia Burgess

Mrs. Barbara Calamel

Joyce and Phil Celniker

Mr. and Mrs. Fred and Alyssa Charles

Ms. Lisa Charles

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph and Joy Cianciosa

Ms. Deborah J. Clark ’63

Jerry Clark

Ms. Patricia Cody

Mr. and Mrs. Frederick B. Cohen


Leigh Cole

Cheryl Colpoys

Tom MacVittie and Christine Cooke-MacVittie

Mr. and Mrs. James Cosbey III

Rhys and Christine Curtis

Ellen Daly

Christopher L. Davis ’63

Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Deyell

Mr. and Mrs. Adam Dietrick

Lusyd Doolittle Kourides ’66

Hannah Dowdall

Mrs. Barbara H. Downing

Ms. Allison Drake ’96

Shelley Drake

Mrs. Dee Drew

Mr. and Mrs. Daniel and Linda DuBois

Thomas and Paula Elsinghorst

Ms. Jenna Evaldi

Bonnie Fastiff ’52

Craig and Marcia Fattey

Mr. Anthony Featherston and Dr. Helen Roy

Mr. Douglas J. Fiegel II and Ms. Jonna Wopperer ’98

Dr. Victor Filadora and Dr. Stacey Akers

Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Fitch

Ms. Amy Flett

Dr. and Mrs. Anthony Foti

Jordan and Selenid Frey

Ms. Catherine A. Fryer ’75

Mr. Jonathan Garra

Miss Jillian A. Gately ’12

Mr. and Mrs. Warren Gelman

Eric and Sarah Genau

Emma Giammaresi

James Giammaresi

Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Gianadda

David and Lisa L. Gillespie ’64

Mr. and Mrs. Scott Glenn

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Glidden III

Mr. John Goller and Ms. Elizabeth Keller

Ms. Joan Good and Mr. John Gilbert

Sarah Goodyear ’53

Valinda Parker Gorder ’69

Ms. Karen P. Gordon ’71

Jonathan Graff ’72

Mr. and Mrs. Cutler S. Greene ’88

Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Gurney ’47

Geoff and Maria Hardcastle

Kymberly Harris

Ms. Elizabeth B. Harten ’70

Amy Hartman

Ebone’ Hennings

Mr. James P. Hettrick ’72

Louise Hoagland ’68

Mr. Monte Hoffman

Ms. Kathryn Holmberg

Martha J. How

Mr. Paul G. Howard ’64

Mr. Lewis E. Hudnell III ’87

Tony and Ann Huntington ’57

Ms. Mary Lou Hutton

Mr. DeWitt C. Ivins ’73

Ms. Patricia Jackson

Charles and Jill Jacobs

Ms. Darby R. Johnson ’75

Marilyn Johnson

Peter and Suzanne Johnson

Robert Johnson and Kathleen Daly

Mr. Dillon Joseph ’06

Ms. Jordan Joseph-Fogel ’06 and Max Fogel

Judy and Jim Jurnack

Stacey Kartub and Nicholas Rajkovich

Josh and Stephanie Katzman

Mr. and Mrs. Brendan Kelleher

Mr. and Mrs. Justin K. Kellogg ’82

Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Kellogg ’51

Denise and Peter Kennedy

Ms. Sophie Kephart

Kevin and Jenny Keuleman ’87

Mr. Patrick Kilian

Ms. Meredith G. Kirchner ’90

Nathallie Kiser and Jenny Romero

Ms. and Mr. Marianne Koenig

Dr. and Mrs. Yakov Kogan

Paul and Bonnie Kroth

Michele Kulpit

Stanley and Margot Lamar ’48

Mr. Irving A. Laub ’46

Mrs. Sandra J. Laub

Scott and Erin Lawson

Miss Taylor Levin

Mr. Todd L. Levin and Ms. Karen Baker

Mr. and Mrs. Patrick and Gail Lewis, Sr.

Lauren V. Lewis

Patrick and Moira Lewis

Mr. Robert Liguori

Dr. and Mrs. Joe Lin-Hill

Mr. Kenneth Lipke ’09

Annie and Chris LoTempio

Ms. Nancy LoTempio

Michael and Eliza Lowe ’84

Edward and Aileen Lukomski

Kate Lynett

Ms. Mariann Miller

Mr. Matthew Mariconda ’92

Mr. Edward Marlette III ’95

Mr. and Mrs. Edward N. Marlette Jr.

35 ANNUAL REPORT 2021-2022

Mr. and Mrs. Marc Marrano

Christine and Stephen Marth

Michael and Tracy Masiello

Mr. Brian Mathias ’90

Michael and Mary Ellen McCormick ’52

Mr. and Ms. Mark McGovern

Ms. Kathleen McIntyre

The McKenna Family

Mr. Ryan McQueeney ’03

Ms. Leigh Mikulka and Mr. Christofer Fattey

Laura Mangan and Robert Miller Jr. ’68

Ms. Mary Mitschow

Mr. and Mrs. Tom and Brooke Moll

Mary Beth Morgia

Ms. Jane C. Morris

Mr. and Mrs. Jeromy Mosher

Mr. and Mrs. David and Grace Munschauer ’70

Rebecca Murak

Karen and John Murrett

Marla Murrett

Wilfred Murrett

Ms. Lisa Niswander

Tim and Melissa Norman

Normandy Fund

Holly and David Hahn-Baker

Madeline Ofrichter and Peter Wickman

Mrs. Kim Partyka

Mr. and Mrs. Norman A. Pedersen III ’68

Jenna and Jeffrey Piazza

Ms. Caroline Pierce ’05

Ms. Qian Pieri

John Place and Christina Piracci

Penny Plotkin

Dr. Richard Plotkin and Ms. Emily Kimmel Plotkin

Ms. Ann B. Quackenbush ’64

Melinda Potts Quigg ’79

Patricia Quinn

Dr. Michelle Rainville

Mrs. Annette Rao

Mr. and Mrs. Steven Rao

Mr. and Mrs. Michael and Lissa Rausch

Ms. Michelle Reding

Mr. and Mrs. William J. Regan Jr.

Judy Reich

Barb Reynolds

Tim and Kerry Riordan

Mr. James Roberts

Mr. Michael Rodriquez and Ms. Dominika Tanianis

Joseph Roetter

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rohauer

Mr. Alexander Ross ’94

Mr. Peter Ross

Thomas Sabatino and Rosalie Gardon

Audrey Santana ’21

Nathan Santana ’18

Howard T. Saperston Jr. ’54

James and Elizabeth Schmit

Dr. Mary Schultz

Ms. Jessica Seneca

Rudel and Jill Simon

Ms. Phyllis Siracusa

Ms. Virginia Sprague ’47

Mrs. Katie Stewart

Mr. and Ms. Jonathan Stockton

Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Symmonds

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Takac

Mr. Michael David N. Teruel ’80

Dr. Eric Thierman and Ms. Angela Foster-Thierman

Mr. and Mrs. Christopher A. Tingley

Ms. Marilyn Toth

Cheri and John Truax

Shannon and John Victor

Margot Vincent ’85 and Scott Kinsman

Ms. Elizabeth O. Waagen ’71

Gretchen Seibert

Mary N. Wadsworth ’78

Edward F. Walsh Jr. ’68

Neil and Leah Walsh

Sam Walsh ’01

Mary Jane Waltz

Mr. and Mrs. John Waterman Jr.

Ms. Catherine T. Wettlaufer ’62

Quinn and Marlana White

Susan White

Mr. and Mrs. Donald and Kathy Wigginton

The Willers Family

Katie Williams and Vishal Rungta

Peter and Kendra Winkelstein

Mr. and Mrs. Jeremy Witt

Ann Flynn Wolney ’74

Elizabeth Woods ’43

Dr. Igor Zutic and Dr. Sonja Pavlesen



Mr. and Mrs. Eric Reich


Ms. Jane C. Morris


Elmwood Franklin School Parent Council


The Edward H. Butler Foundation


Mary N. Wadsworth


7 amazing things



Outdoor Education excursions, from Camp Pathfinder in Canada to Whispering Pines, Letchworth, and Onyahsa.


interscholastic teams open to every student who wants to participate at no cost to families. Our students learn the value of teamwork and dedication while developing their skills—on and off the playing field..

150 professional development conferences for our teachers. To inspire lifelong learning in children, you must be a lifelong learner.

new iPads and laptops. We don’t just teach our students to use technology; we empower our students to leverage technology to learn.


7 students awarded tuition assistance, helping families of qualified students who otherwise could not attend our school to choose an EFS education.


Prep and Lower School class plays, including costumes and props. Our students take the stage to build their confidence and share their passion.

year’s worth of art materials and supplies to support the visual arts program, continuing a tradition of excellence in arts education at EFS. 1

gifts in MEMORY and HONOR



Mr. Christopher L. Davis ’63

Ms. Elizabeth O. Waagen ’71


Ms. Ardith Bausenbach ’64


Mrs. Marie Houston

Ms. Jane C. Morris ’62


Mr. and Mrs. James Cosbey III

Mrs. Louise C. Hoagland ’68


Mr. Matthew Mariconda ’92


Lucy Doolittle Kourides ’66


Susan ’62 and Richard Green


Mr. Matthew Mariconda ’92


Mr. and Mrs. Michael McQueeney ’70


Rosemarie Beres

Robin Coffin, Bob Sadler, and Trelsie Sadler Cople ’04

Mrs. Barbara H. Downing

Warren and Patricia Gelman

Susan ’62 and Richard Green

Mr. and Mrs. Edward N. Marlette, Jr. ’67

Mr. and Mrs. John A. Mitchell ’65

Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. Spitzmiller II ’55


Mrs. Susan G. Alford ’55


Karen and John Murrett


Susan ’62 and Richard Green


Mr. Matthew Mariconda ’92


Mr. and Mrs. Marc Marrano


Ms. Lisa Niswander ’99


Mrs. Valinda P. Gorder ’69


Rosemarie Beres

Mrs. Barbara H. Downing

Susan ’62 and Richard Green

Mr. and Mrs. Cutler S. Greene ’88


Mrs. Mary Jo and Mr. Dan Davis

Anne Swift ’66 and Lee Lord


Mr. Matthew Mariconda ’92


Mary N. Wadsworth ’78


Robin Coffin, Bob Sadler, and Trelsie Sadler Cople ’04

Susan ’62 and Richard Green


Mrs. Jennifer Bronstein ’74


Mrs. Jennifer Bronstein ’74


Dr. Richard Braen and Mrs. Kate W. Stevenson


Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Keuleman


Mr. and Mrs. Irving Barrett, Jr.

Mr. Thomas Sabatino and Ms. Rosalie Gardon


Audrey Santana ’21


Mr. and Mrs. Bart J. Kresse

Nathan Santana ’18


Mr. and Mrs. Tom and Brooke Moll


Leigh Cole


Mrs. and Mr. Lauren Melber

Still Life by Parsia Tandon ’26

alumni DONORS


Frances Saperston Klingenstein


Elizabeth Gale Woods


Irving A. Laub


Angeline Kenefick Fryer

Stephen Gurney

Edwin M. Johnston, Jr. (d)

Virginia Sprague


Margot Mimmack Lamar


Pinky Leahy Regan


Stephen Kellogg


Bonnie Barmon Fastiff

Mary Ellen Daniels McCormick


Ellen Buck Browning

Sarah C. Goodyear


Howard T. Saperston, Jr.


Susan Gibbons Alford

Margaret Perry Garvin

Bonnie Cornelius Spitzmiller


Margot Rumsey Banta

David O. Smith


Ann Letchworth Huntington


Ann Schoellkopf Jewett


Mary Diebold Smith


Penny Schoellkopf Banta

Mr. Harlan J. Swift, Jr.


Janie Urban Constantine

Susan Barrett Green

Jane C. Morris

Catherine Talley Wettlaufer


Deborah Clark

Christopher L. Davis


Ardith Bausenbach

Lisa Lord Gillespie

Paul G. Howard

Joan Howland

Susie Lenahan Kimberly

Madeline Ambrus Lillie


Elizabeth Swift Mitchell

Clarke Narins

Gaier Notman Palmisano

Susan B. Schoellkopf


Lusyd Doolittle Kourides

Anne Swift


Devon Parker Marlette


Heidi Dent Arthurs

Louise Churchill Hoagland

Robert L. Miller, Jr.

Pete Pedersen

Edward F. Walsh, Jr.


Valinda Parker Gorder

Philip Niswander


Linda Ambrus Broenniman

Elizabeth Barth Harten

Barbara Fischer McQueeney

Grace Walsh Munschauer

Douglas G. Swift


Karen P. Gordon

Jennifer M. Johnston

Elizabeth O. Waagen


Jonathan A. Graff

James P. Hettrick


Holly Hahn-Baker

DeWitt C. Ivins

Helen Ladds Marlette


Jennifer Prince Bronstein

Edwin M. Johnston III

Ann Flynn Wolney


Catherine A. Fryer


Jeremy Jacobs, Jr.


Sarah F. Johnston

Mary N. Wadsworth


Melissa Potts Quigg


Michael David Tereul


Jusin K. Kellogg

Amy Habib Rittling


Kara Habib Boyle


Liza Hetherington Lowe


Margot Vincent


Scott Saperston


Anthony Habib

Lewis E. Hudnell III

Jenny Constantine Keuleman


Cutler S. Greene

Knight D. Kieffer


Marie Habib Carroll

Betsy Constantine


Sarah Mitchell Duddy

Meredith G. Kirchner

Brian Mathias


Joby R. Zammit


Tricia Barrett

Melissa Marlette Kresse

Matthew Mariconda


Alexander Ross

Gina Wettlaufer Tomenson

Daniel Weinrieb


Edward Marlette III


Allison Drake


James R. Gardner

Jonna Wopperer


Lisa Niswander


Jesse Baier Radford

Edward B. Righter, Jr.

Sam Walsh


Eric C. Lux


Ryan McQueeney


Katherine Lipke

Caroline Pierce


Kilby Bronstein

Jordan Joseph-Fogel

Dillon Joseph

Allison Joseph Pendleton


Evan Brannen


Kayla Brannen

Taylor Levin

Kenneth Lipke

Marla Marlette


Ryan Bronstein

Elissa Lipke


Jillian Gately


Marlenna Brannen


Nathan Santana


Audrey Santana

39 ANNUAL REPORT 2021-2022


The 110% Club recognizes donors to the Annual Fund campaign who have increased their gift at least 10% over last year’s Annual Fund gift.

Anonymous (two donors)

Jesse Baier Radford

Claire and Kevin Barry

Emily Beckwith

Dr. Ahmed Belal and Dr. Rania Elmarzouky

Rosemarie Beres

Mr. and Mrs. Carl E. Betta

Randolph and Katelyn Bianchi

Tammy and Robert Bingel

Mr. and Mrs. Paul and Kari Bonaro

Mrs. Jennifer Bronstein ’74

Kilby Bronstein ’06

Ryan Bronstein ’11

Ellen B. Browning ’53

Mr. Mark Edson and Mrs. Clare Buchheit-Edson

Patricia Burgess

Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Burke

The Edward H. Butler Foundation

Edward B. Righter

Joby R. Zammit ’91

James R. Gardner ’98

Edward B. Righter, Jr. ’01

Joyce and Phil Celniker

Mr. and Mrs. Fred and Alyssa Charles

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph and Joy Cianciosa

Ms. Deborah J. Clark ’63

Cheryl Colpoys

Mr. Tom MacVittie and Ms. Christine Cooke-MacVittie

Mr. and Mrs. James Cosbey III

Mr. and Mrs. Brian Dailey

Mr. and Mrs. Daniel and Linda DuBois

Ms. Jenna Evaldi

Ms. Betsy Feuerstein

Dr. Anthony M. Foti and Mrs. Jennifer S. Foti

Eric and Sarah Genau

David and Lisa L. Gillespie ’64

Valinda Parker Gorder ’69

Kymberly Harris

Amy Hartman

Ms. Kathryn Holmberg

Mr. Lewis E. Hudnell III ’87

Ms. Mary Lou Hutton

Betsy Constantine ’89 and Joe Janowski

Roberta and Michael Joseph

Ms. Stacey M. Kartub and Dr. Nicholas B. Rajkovich

Ryan and Leah Kimmet

Mr. Christopher Koch

Ms. Marianne E. Koenig and Mr. Eric M. Reinecke

Stanley and Margot Lamar ’48

Mr. and Mrs. Patrick and Moira Lewis

Mr. Robert Liguori

The Lipke Family

Brian, Deborah, Katherine ’05, Elissa ’11

Annie and Chris LoTempio

Kate and Matt Lynett

Mr. and Mrs. Peter and Helen Marlette ’73

Christine and Stephen Marth

Michael and Tracy Masiello

Mr. Brian Mathias ’90

The McKenna Family

Edward and Lauren Melber

Mr. Gregory Meyer

Laura Mangan and Robert Miller Jr. ’68

Mr. and Mrs. Matthew T. Montante

Rebecca Murak

Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Murak

Wilfred Murrett

Clarke ’65 and Michelle Narins

Dr. Rachelle Nurse and Dr. Joseph Goodly

John and Marina O’Donnell

Gaier Palmisano ’65

Ms. Kim Partyka

Mr. and Mrs. Norman A. Pedersen III ’68

Jenna and Jeffrey Piazza

Penny Plotkin

Dr. Richard Plotkin and Ms. Emily Kimmel Plotkin

Melinda Potts Quigg ’79

Mr. and Mrs. Steven T. Rao

Mr. and Mrs. Eric Reich

Barb Reynolds

Mr. James Roberts

Mr. Michael Rodriguez and Ms. Dominika Tanianis

Mr. and Mrs. Scott Saperston ’86

Ms. Nancy Schwartz

Ms. Jessica L. Seneca

Dr. Jafar W. Siddiqui and Dr. Uzma H. Siddiqui

Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. Spitzmiller II

Mrs. Katie Stewart

Anne Swift ’66 and Lee Lord

Mr. Douglas Swift ’70

Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Takac

Dr. Eric Thießrman and Ms. Angela Foster-Thierman

Dr. Matthew Thomas and Ms. Adrienne Woike

Dr. Pethan Tin and Mrs. Erica Otero-Tin

Mrs. Gina Wettlaufer Tomenson ’94

Ms. Marilyn Toth

Cheri and John Truax

Neil and Leah Walsh

Sam Walsh ’01

William Webber and Joan Howland

Mr. Daniel J. Weinrieb ’94 and Mr. Brian J. Walsh

Richard and Megan Whitmore

Mr. and Mrs. Donald and Kathy Wigginton

The Willers Family

Peter and Kendra Winkelstein

Mr. and Mrs. Jeremy Witt

Ann Flynn Wolney ’74

41 ANNUAL REPORT 2021-2022

Under the direction of chairs Adnan and Josephine Siddiqui and Ryan and Leah Kimmet, Auction committee volunteers put together an exciting evening that featured 303 packages from 185 donors, brought together 298 bidders, and raised $317,967 for Elmwood Franklin School!

43 ANNUAL REPORT 2021-2022

auction 2022



Adnan and Josephine Siddiqui

Ryan and Leah Kimmet

Advertising/Sponsorship Daniel Weinrieb ’94

Auctioneer Michael Casacci ’98

Catalog Katie Daly, Patricia Quinn

Coordinator Moira Lewis

Decorations Stephanie Kroth ’90

Faculty Peter Johnson


Amy and Todd Anderson

Susan Burke

Michelle Busch

Janelle Camesano

Amy Cross-Viola

Maria Deyell

Dora and Paul Iskalo

Presenting Sponsor

Urban Air Adventure Park

Gold Sponsors

Josephine and Adnan Siddiqui

M&T Bank

New Era Cap

Silver Sponsors

Amy Habib Rittling and Mark F. Rittling, Jr.

Clover Group

Delaware North

Iskalo Development Corp.

Montante Construction

Niagara Dermatology Associates, LLC

O’Donnell & Associates

Personal Touch Food Service, Inc.

Rich’s Catering & Special Events

Emily Louis

Lauren Melber

Mary Mitschow

Lissa Rausch

Robby Takac

Danielle Welty

Amy K. Wilson


Bronze Sponsors

Howard Hanna

Karen Baker

Buffalo OB/GYN

CBRE Captial


Fichte Endl & Elmer Eyecare

Harris Beach, PLLC

Gurney Becker & Bourne

Tracy Heneghan

Kroth Family

Uzma and Jafar Siddiqui

Kenneth and Samantha Snyder

Blue Gray Sponsors

Brighton Eggert Pharmacy

Hale Expo

Powers Family

Uniwerks Design LLC


Big Ditch Brewing Company

Cheese & The Gang

Double Cross Vodka

Hutch’s Personal Touch Food Service, Inc.

Rich’s Catering & Special Events


raise the PADDLE


This year’s Raise the Paddle funded a new door access system and campus-wide paging and intercom system.

The new door system provides built-in authentication to control and secure access to the building, allowing us to manage and monitor people coming in and out, and give timed and limited access to groups using our space.

The new intercom system installed in every classroom provides two-way voice communication so teachers can reach the front office in any situation, and the front office can quickly deliver messages to students and teachers. The wireless paging system extends our reach across our school, indoors and out, for emergency notifications and mass communications, keeping everyone safe and better informed.



Barry and Tracy Heneghan

Christopher Koch

Adnan and Josephine Siddiqui

$2,500 - $4,999

Brian Fuller and Janelle Camesano

Sarah and Anthony Duddy

Elmwood Franklin Parent Council

Gail and Serhiy Komar

Eric and Cara Reich

$1,000 - $2,499


Jenna and Tom Briggs

Ryan and Susan Burke

John and Molly Butsch

Joe Collins and Victoria Carmichael Collins

Betsy Constantine ’89 and Joe Janowski

Stacy Akers and Victor Filadora

Jessica and Brooks Friedeman

James and Abby Gardner

Marc and Julie Jehrio

Melissa and Bart Kresse

Ashvin Tadakamalla and Olia Krigel

Brad and Stephanie Kroth

Tracy and Michael Masiello

Jock and Betsy Mitchell

Joseph Goodly and Rachelle Nurse

Amy Habib Rittling and Mark F. Rittling

Kate and Andrew Smith

$500 - $999

Tammy and Robert Bingel

Dillon Joseph

Brendan and Jennifer Kelleher

Leah and Ryan Kimmet

Brian and Deborah Lipke

Helen and Peter Marlette

Erin and Jon Powers

Anne and Robert Ramsdell

Michael and Lissa Rausch

Rakhi Kohli and Jeffrey Sicurella

Roger and Karen Walcott

Daniel Weinrieb and Brian Walsh

Marlana and Quinn White

$250 - $499

Katelyn and Randy Bianchi

Karen and Christopher Camacho

Mary Jo Davis

Adam and Ashley Dietrick

Karl and Jennifer Koch

Raymond and Rosanna Kollidas

Alon Kupferman

Moira and Patrick Lewis

Amanda and Marc Marrano

Amy Schmit and Mark McGovern

Elizabeth Colucci and Greg Meyer

Jafar and Uzma Siddiqui

Yola Monakhov Stockton and Jonathan Stockton

Puneet and Divya Tandon

Garrett and Anne Timms

Paul and Alissa Wolf

Up to $249

Rosemarie Beres

Scott and Kate Bizub

Kari Bonaro

Kathleen Daly

Jordan Joseph-Fogel and Max Fogel

Annie and Chris LoTempio

Evan Ortolani

Allison and Tyler Pendleton

Christina Piracci and John Place

Richard and Emily Plotkin

Myron and Larissa Prawak

Les Zakrzewski and Carol Roberts

Misha and Jeffrey Russo

Rachel Santana

Angela Foster-Thierman and Eric Thierman

45 ANNUAL REPORT 2021-2022


What It Means, What It Does, and Why We Need It

Every school wants a supportive and generous community. At Elmwood Franklin School, it’s not just a wish; it’s a part of who we are.

Elmwood Franklin relies on the charitable support of its families, its alumni, and the community-at-large to meet its annual operating expenses. Tuition alone does not cover the cost of providing an Elmwood Franklin education. But beyond its financial necessity, charitable support is at the very core of our being.


Annual Fund

These vital, unrestricted dollars support the school’s current operating budget with funds for faculty salaries, financial assistance, classroom materials and activities, technology, library books, field trips, building maintenance, and utilities—everything it takes to run the school. The entire community—alumni, parents, grandparents, faculty and staff, alumni parents, trustees and Corporation members—is asked to participate. And because the Annual Fund covers the immediate operating expenses of the school—what we need now to educate our students—we ask that donors make it their first giving priority.

Capital and Endowment Campaigns

Occasionally the school needs to address larger issues and priorities that cannot be covered within annual budgeting. Recent examples include the parking lot and locker room renovations, upgrades to the theatre, and new interactive whiteboards throughout the school. Capital and endowment gifts are restricted gifts that are made above and beyond regular annual giving in response to such special initiatives, and they enable the school to plan for and pursue longterm institutional vitality.

Planned Giving

Planned gifts are as special as they are varied—the options are numerous. Planned gifts include bequests, annuities, trusts, and even gifts of real estate or personal property. Such arrangements benefit Elmwood Franklin in obvious ways, and they may also benefit the donor through favorable tax consequences or a new source of income. If you have already included Elmwood Franklin in your estate plans, please let us know. We would like the opportunity to thank you personally. If you would like to learn more about the possibility of planned giving, contact your financial advisor or the Development Office.

As an independent school, Elmwood Franklin was founded and is sustained through the active participation of our contributors. And their contributions come in many forms.

Below is an overview of just some of the opportunities available for supporting Elmwood Franklin: our mission, our students, our faculty, and our future.


The EFS Auction is a 35-year tradition that brings parents and friends of Elmwood Franklin together for a fun and festive evening and also raises significant funds for the school. A team of volunteers, item donors, catalog advertisers, attendees, and bidders collectively contribute more than $200,000 for the students and faculty of Elmwood Franklin School.


The Parent Council initiates a number of activities that allow families to become more closely involved in the life of the school and lend support to the school, financially, organizationally, and otherwise. Among other projects, the Parent Council organizes a fall book fair each year that provides funds for the school and books for the library.

Alumni Council

Through events and service throughout the year, the Alumni Council makes strategic efforts to maintain communication with alumni, inform them of current school happenings, involve them in the life of the school, and garner their financial support.

Special Opportunities

There is no limit to how our families, alumni, and friends can support Elmwood Franklin. Providing in-kind donations of goods or services, spreading word of the school to new families, helping out in the classroom or library—the active involvement of our community is what raises us up and sets us apart.

Whatever your ways of supporting Elmwood Franklin School, we thank you. It couldn’t be done without you.


AN INVESTMENT IN: Teacher Salaries and Professional Development

A gift to the Endowment Campaign for Elmwood Franklin School will ensure that we will always have the means to attract and retain top faculty candidates, who are afforded opportunities to enhance their knowledge, skills, and abilities through professional development.

Tuition Assistance

Growing the endowment will mean a family’s ability to pay full tuition will not be the deciding factor in determining whether a promising young person may attend the school.

Capital Improvements

A gift to the Endowment Campaign for Elmwood Franklin School will support our facilities' ongoing design, construction, restoration, or renovation and address the needs of our building.

Sc愀 to learn more!


Our goal $12 million $10 million $7 million $4 million $1 million

104 New Amsterdam Avenue Buffalo, New York 14216-3399

phone 716.877.5035

fax 716.877.9680



If this magazine is addressed to your child who no longer maintains a permanent address at your home, please notify the Development Office by phone 716-877-5035 or by e-mail development@elmwoodfranklin.org with the correct mailing address.


In preparation of this report, we have tried to avoid errors and omissions. If they are found, please accept our apologies and report them to the Development Office. If your gift was received after June 30, 2022, your name will appear in the Elmwood Franklin School 2022-23 Annual Report.

elmwood franklin school
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