Elmwood Franklin School Upper School

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Upper School Program program highlights | faculty | curriculum | assessments/outcomes

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Children change as they learn and grow, and their education needs to be the right fit. That’s why Elmwood Franklin’s Upper School program is specially designed to meet the needs and potentials of fifth to eighth graders. Our program supports the intellectual, physical, and social-emotional growth of this very special age group in an environment that is both nurturing and academically rigorous. Our Upper School students shine not just as test-takers, but also as problem-solvers, collaborators, designers, researchers, inventors, writers, volunteers, athletes, performers, good friends and good citizens. That’s because our Upper School program is designed to challenge and to nurture—to inspire as well as to prepare. Our graduates possess selfassurance and a strong foundation for future success. We invite you to learn more about what makes Elmwood Franklin’s Upper School nothing short of extraordinary.



HIGHLIGHTS There are so many distinctive features and facets of Upper School at EFS that we couldn’t possibly share them all here. So take a look at these selected program highlights to see some of the things that set Elmwood Franklin apart.



A Foundation for Success Structured support resources are available to all Upper School students to ensure they are working to their full potential. The advisor program assigns a faculty advisor to each student who then meet regularly in small groups to address academic or social concerns. Universal study hall provides a time during the school day for students to work one-on-one or in small groups with any teacher. The Student Academic Progress Committee identifies students who are struggling academically or not meeting the academic expectations of the school and puts in place the appropriate academic assistance. The Learning Lab, which is run by a fulltime learning specialist, provides support in reinforcing study skills in a variety of learning approaches and administers a variety of educational tests. Finally, the National Junior Honor Society and Honor Roll recognize students for their outstanding academic achievement and good character. 7

Outdoor Education Starting in fifth grade, our Outdoor Education program includes extended trips to Camp Onyahsa, Letchworth State Park, and Camp Pathfinder. During these excursions, students make important gains in independence, self-reliance, teamwork and leadership skills, while taking part in experiential learning in science, physical education, and health. Beyond that, these trips create lasting bonds of trust and friendship among students.


Blue-Gray Competition As fifth graders, students are welcomed onto the Blue or Gray team, of which they will remain a member throughout their Upper School years. The Blue-Gray Competition is a 71-year-old EFS tradition that inspires school spirit, builds character, bonds friendships, and teaches everyone how much fun a little healthy competition can be. Each year culminates with the award of the coveted Blue-Gray Cup, a memory that lasts a lifetime.


Sports Our Upper School boasts 13 interscholastic teams of five different sports—baseball, soccer, basketball, lacrosse, and field hockey— with the opportunity for interscholastic play starting right at fifth grade. Intramural teams, skills clinics, and daily physical education classes broaden the available options, offering softball, touch football, badminton, volleyball, and floor hockey.


Performing Arts Immersion in the performing arts is a hallmark of Elmwood Franklin. Upper School students stage two elaborate full-length productions each year in our state-of-the-art 475-seat Johnston Theatre. The sixth grade’s study of the Middle Ages culminates in Medieval Night, an annual dinner theater performance for their families. Upper School students also participate in band or chorus and give regular formal concerts.



Technology Each student in Upper School is provided with an iPad to use at school and home. The 1:1 iPad program allows for better integration of educational technology across the curriculum. It expands opportunities for multi-modal learning, with multimedia tools, digital textbooks, educational apps, access to our own e-book library, and much more. Students are also able to track assignments, manage their calendar, and connect with teachers using Google classroom. Coding and robotics instruction is provided in every grade, and sixth through eighth grade students can join the competition Robotics Team. 17




The regular curriculum is enriched by Options, a chance for Upper School students to explore topics and activities in arts and culture, sports and fitness, science and technology, music,


crafts, and more. Students can discover or


strengthen an area of interest while working


with teachers they may not normally have


classes with and making friends with students


from other grades.



Leadership The progression from Prep to Lower School to Upper School allows our eighth graders to see themselves as natural leaders, and we prepare them for that role in a number of ways. Chief among them are the Student Coordinating Committee (Elmwood Franklin’s version of student council) and Blue-Gray competition, for which officers, captains and co-captains are elected to direct important activities throughout the year. The Big Brother/Big Sister and Prep Pals programs allow Upper School students to act as mentors for younger students. Eighth graders also lead weekly assemblies of the Upper School student body. 21

IDEA Project Eighth graders get the chance to become true experts on a particular topic of interest through their work on the IDEA project, an interdisciplinary capstone project. Over the course of many months, students work with teachers and outside experts while utilizing a variety of research methods and creative techniques to produce their final works. Projects are then presented to teachers, classmates, and parents, as students prove to themselves and the school community just how much they can discover and do.



Program Offerings 1:1 iPad Program Advisor Program Afterschool Program Assemblies Arts Education Band Burchfield Penney Docent Program Character Education Chorus Coding Community Service/Service Learning Digital Citizenship Dramatic Arts Early Morning Drop-off Extended Day Program Extended Year Program Field Trips Health Screenings High School Placement Honor Roll Instrument Lessons Interscholastic Sports Johns Hopkins Talent Search Laboratory Science

Leadership Skills Learning Lab Life Skills Education Lunch and Snack (included in tuition) National Junior Honor Society Options/Enrichment Outdoor Education Trips Parent Council Parent Education Physical Education (five classes a week) Public Speaking Pushing Up the Sky Awards Robotics Science and Technology Fair Service Learning Ski Club Summer Camp Student Government Technology Theater Washington, DC/Gettysburg Trip World Languages: Spanish, French, and Mandarin Yearbook



Teachers Grades five through eight—elsewhere called the “middle school” years—are known at Elmwood Franklin as Upper School, and we see them as very special. Our teachers do too, and they are proud to be experts in the needs and potentials of this age group. Early adolescence is a unique stage of life, full of important opportunities, challenges, pressures, and joys. Our teachers understand this, and they understand how to help their students navigate through it. Elmwood Franklin School teachers know and care about their subjects—whether that’s geology or grammar, algebra or animation— and they know and care about their students. They work every day and over the span of years to inform and to inspire. More than teachers, they are role models and mentors, and they bring valuable life experiences and interests to their teaching. Get to know the Upper School faculty better here, and feel free to talk personally with them about their roles. 27

Joe Aquino Teaches: physical education Education: B.S. St. Bonaventure University, M.S. Canisius College At EFS since: 2016 What he likes about working with middle-school-age students: Students are really starting to come into their own and committing to their interests. Middle-school-aged students are enthusiastic to be in the gym or out on the field, learning and competing. What he loves about physical education: Students are exposed to numerous types of sports to appeal to all types of interests. Physical education gives students an opportunity to exercise, compete, and learn to live actively. Besides a teacher, he’s also: a coach, a husband, a dog dad, and an avid whiffle ball player. I am an effective teacher because… I want my students to take part in the same positive experiences that I had growing up in physical education classes and sports.

Claire Barry Teaches: math Education: B.S. SUNY Fredonia, M.Ed. SUNY Fredonia At EFS since: 1999 What she likes about working with middle-school-age students: Their honesty. They say exactly what is on their minds and aren’t afraid to ask questions or give advice. What she loves about math: Everything! I especially love that there’s one definitive right answer but different ways to get to it. Besides a teacher, she’s also: a mom, a gardener, and an enthusiastic singer. I am an effective teacher because… I have a real passion for math and I think it rubs off on my students. I tell them, my goal is to make this your favorite class, and I’m not going to rest until you love math.


Emily Beckwith Teaches: physical education Education: B.S. SUNY Brockport, M.S. SUNY Brockport At EFS since: 2015 What she likes about working with middle-school-age students: I like their energy and openness to new ideas. Students come to class willing, able, and ready to try new things. What she loves about physical education: Everything! I get to move all day and share my enthusiasm for sports with each student. Besides a teacher, she’s also: a coach, an athlete, a vegetarian cook, an avid pet-lover (she has two cats and a dog at home). I am an effective teacher because… I genuinely love teaching physical education and coaching. I bring my past experience as an athlete, teacher, and coach together with the support I have received from mentors along the way to motivate my students.

Tammy Bingel Teaches: Spanish Education: B.A. Canisius College, M.S. Canisius College At EFS since: 2009 What she likes about working with middle-school-age students: I love that my teaching doesn't begin or end with Spanish. I love helping the students with organization and with building good learning and studying habits. We are here to help them with character building and to support them to be their best selves. What she loves about Spanish: I love that my subject expands students' minds beyond the four walls of our classroom and allows me to teach students about the world. We aren't just learning how to conjugate verbs. It's so much more than that. Besides a teacher, she’s also: a godmother, a devoted friend, and an organizer. I am an effective teacher because… I try to listen to and “read” my students. I teach and work with them, as opposed to teaching at them.


Alyssa Charles Teaches: math Education: B.S. John Carroll University, M.S. Buffalo State College At EFS since: 2006 What she likes about working with middle-school-age students: They are still excited and enchanted about learning. They see the magic in new things. Students at Elmwood Franklin, especially, are able to be creative, inquisitive, and innocent in their thoughts and are not bound by social pressures. What she loves about math: I love math, and the students make me love math even more. Their questions and insights on solving problems are fantastic and are often different from my approaches. I love watching the aha! moments that students have when they are uncovering math concepts, solving problems, or learning how numbers work to master their facts. Besides a teacher, she’s also: a coach, an athlete, and a caring friend. I am an effective teacher because… I care about each student individually—their needs, their interests, how they learn best. I “sell” math and the cool, interesting, and necessary components so that they want more.

Cheryl Colpoys Teaches: technology Education: B.A. Canisius College, M.S. Buffalo State College At EFS since: 2004 What she likes about working with middle-school-age students: They always challenge me. Just when I think I know more about something than them, they prove me wrong! What she loves about technology: There is always something new and exciting to learn. I am always looking for new ways technology can enhance learning. Besides a teacher, she’s also: a mother, a book lover, and a scrapbooker. I am an effective teacher because… I am not afraid to learn from my students. Sometimes they are the experts, and I love when they can show me how to do something.


Christine Cooke-MacVittie Teaches: English, public speaking, drama Education: B.F.A. SUNY Buffalo, M.Ed. Medaille College At EFS since: 2004 What she likes about working with middle-school-age students: I can relate to them on a higher level, and I like being able to use humor and honesty to help them when they face challenges. I have many students who have gone on to graduate high school with whom I am still in contact. What she loves about grammar: There has never been a time when good grammar was so important. Today, people know us by our status updates, our tweets, our forum contributions. You have 140 characters to prove who you are. If you use the wrong "your"—forget it! Your opinion will never be heard! Besides a teacher, she’s also: an actress, a mother, and (in some parallel universe) TIME magazine's Person of the Year 2006. I am an effective teacher because… I work hard to make sure every child gets what he or she needs. A child who has the lead role one year may be playing a frog the next so someone else can have a chance to shine.

Dee Drew Teaches: history Education: B.A. Ithaca College, M.Ed. Cortland State University At EFS since: 1985 What she likes about working with middle-school-age students: They are in that wonderful "in-between" age in which learning can be joyful, and yet they are eager to take on the responsibilities of adulthood. What she loves about history: I inherited a fascination of history, and I have been very lucky to have visited many of the archaeological sites that I teach about. History is the story of the people who came before us; hopefully, students develop not only an appreciation of past cultures, but also an understanding of their own family's history. Besides a teacher, she’s also: an animal shelter volunteer, a world traveler, and a sailor. I am an effective teacher because… I bring excitement to the classroom and have an excellent depth of knowledge—along with personal passaround artifacts—that benefits my students.


Peggy Fatin Teaches: English Education: B.S. Buffalo State College, M.Ed. Buffalo State College At EFS since: 1999 What she likes about working with middle-school-age students: Watching them grow. By the time they reach eighth grade they are so grown up—but I remember when... What she loves about English: It allows me to get to know the personal side of each student through book talks and writing. I love hearing the stories that the kids tell and write (what happens in English I stays in English I!). This subject allows the kids' creativity to shine in so many mediums. Besides a teacher, she’s also: a mom, an avid reader, and a dog lover. I am an effective teacher because… I am patient and understanding but firm when I need to be. I explain things clearly and have a sense of humor.

Jonathan Garra Teaches: history Education: B.A. Canisius College, M.S. Buffalo State College (in progress) At EFS since: 2008 What he likes about working with middle-school-age students: I still am one of them, just "grown up." I love that they can be goofy and serious in the same minute. I love that they speak their mind. I love watching them learn to become adults and good citizens. What he loves about history: That there isn't one truth, there are over seven billion versions of it, and as historians we get to figure that out for ourselves based on the evidence. Besides a teacher, he’s also: a parent, a home cook, and a budding creativity expert. I am an effective teacher because… I love my job, and the kids pick up on that.


Joan Good Teaches: library media Education: B.A. St. Jerome’s College, B.A. Boston University, M.S. Canisius College, M.L.S. SUNY Buffalo At EFS since: 1998 What she likes about working with middle-school-age students: They are right at the cusp of adulthood, and you can see the adults they are about to become. What she loves about library science: I have a great love of reading and learning. I want to know as much as possible about everything. As a librarian, I can help with lesson planning, design and implement learning activities, and really support and expand the curriculum. I like to be engaged. Besides a teacher, she’s also: a writer, a jewelry maker, and a mom. I am an effective teacher because… I am curious, and I am always excited about learning new things.

Amy Hartman Teaches: art Education: B.S. Buffalo State College, M.S. Buffalo State College At EFS since: 1998 What she likes about working with middle-school-age students: It is exciting to work with students at an age when they are discovering passions and interests that will last a lifetime! What she loves about art: I love exploring the ever evolving and expanding field of art and design with my students. Through art we learn what it means to be human, across time periods and cultures, and imagine what the future will be. Besides a teacher, she’s also: a rooftop gardener, a snowboarder, and a collector of mid-century modern furniture and décor. I am an effective teacher because… I am always excited to try ideas and techniques. I make sure that learning is, above all else, joyful.


Pete Johnson Teaches: physical education Education: B.S.E. SUNY Cortland, M.S. Canisius College At EFS since: 1996 What he likes about working with middle-school-age students: They’re constantly trying on new roles, and it’s exciting to watch. I always tell them to “fail forward,” to utilize the safety net of their Upper School years by trying new things, taking risks, and learning from their experiences. What he loves about physical education: I love that it encompasses both team and individual. I also love the variety and the freedom that brings to the curriculum. Besides a teacher, he’s also: a hockey coach, an outdoorsman, and a dad. I am an effective teacher because… I love my job, and I love this school.

Will Murrett Teaches: chorus, general music Education: B.A. Canisius College, M.S. Medaille College At EFS since: 2012 What he likes about working with middle-school-age students: Seeing how they can develop their music skills and really connect with the music. What he loves about music: No matter what, music is a part of our lives. We hear it every day, whether on the radio or TV commercials. Music is a huge part of our lives and of our school, too! I want the students to be able to go into the world with an awareness and an appreciation of the music that surrounds us. Besides a teacher, he’s also: a singer, a songwriter, and an Apple enthusiast. I am an effective teacher because… I strive to give my students the same experience I had in music class—which was fun and exciting as well as instructive—and to develop that love for music just as I have.


Marigrace Papagni Teaches: French Education: B.S. Buffalo State College, M.Ed. SUNY Buffalo At EFS since: 1979 What she likes about working with middle-school-age students: They are young enough to still possess the wonder and imagination of a child and grown up enough to be creative with it in amazing ways. What she loves about French: I can do anything in my classroom as long as it is in French! This means I have few limits. I love opening up the world to my students and seeing the enthusiasm in their eyes. Also, I love the francophone culture. Everything is better in French— even food. Besides a teacher, she’s also: a mother, a photographer, and a gardener. I am an effective teacher because… I love what I do, and I constantly try to find new and creative ways to do it.

Jenna Piazza Teaches: Spanish Education: B.S. SUNY Oswego, M.S. Daemen College At EFS since: 1996 What she likes about working with middle-school-age students: They are excited to learn and play, be silly, laugh and have fun, but yet you can still have an adult conversation with them. They are beginning to question the answers. They want reasons, as opposed to just answering the questions. As a middle school teacher, I wear a lot of hats, and therefore I get to know the kids on a variety of levels. What she loves about Spanish: I love teaching about another world/culture/experience. I love showing them that they can learn another language and be good at it. I love sharing what I love to do with them. Besides a teacher, she’s also: a mother, a photographer, and a traveler. I am an effective teacher because… I love what I do and I love where I teach. I am flexible and always willing to try new things, such as new technologies.


Qian Pieri Teaches: Mandarin Education: B.S. Tsinghua University, Beijing At EFS since: 2018 What she likes about working with middle-school-age students: They are at an age where I can make a difference as they start becoming more aware of the world. I can share with them the language, culture, and history of China. What she loves about Mandarin: It is a complex language that challenges students, and when they succeed, it builds great confidence. Besides a teacher, she’s also: an electrical engineer, a mother, a traveler, a cook, a golfer, a gardener, and a dancer. I am an effective teacher because… I am passionate about teaching, so much so, I changed my career to education. I always emphasize studying smarter, not harder, and I get the most reward from making a difference in a child’s life.

Steve Rao Teaches: science Education: B.A. Kalamazoo College, M.S. Audubon Expedition Institute At EFS since: 2002 What he likes about working with middle-school-age students: I learn so much from them and they make me smile each day. I hope to play a small role in these students' lives to make them think critically about their world and to be a more informed and caring citizen of our community. What he loves about science: Science teaches us about ourselves, ultimately. Learning about science will, in my view, help humanity. The lessons learned in science class here at EFS will hopefully inspire these students to find a cure for a disease or a solution to live more sustainably on our planet. Besides a teacher, he’s also: a hockey dad and diaper changer extraordinaire, a musician, and a caretaker of home, land, and community. I am an effective teacher because… I like to make learning fun, engaging, and relevant.


Phyllis Siracusa Teaches: Learning Lab Education: B.A. SUNY Buffalo, M.Ed. Columbia University At EFS since: 1993 What she likes about working with middle-school-age students: They are quirky and spunky and downright fun. They never fail to make me laugh! What she loves about Learning Lab: I love the challenge of helping the students meet their challenges. Because I’m not restricted to one subject or type of activity, I get to be very creative when working with students. My work is also my avocation—I’m fascinated by learning theory and brain behavior. Besides a teacher, she’s also: a parent and grandparent, an explorer, and a lifelong learner. I am an effective teacher because… of the relationships that I build with my students and the trust that I earn from them.

Brian Steele Teaches: science Education: B.S. University of Pittsburgh, M.Ed. University of Houston At EFS since: 2019 What he likes about working with middle-school-age students: Middle-school-age children are the best! Their brains are beginning to comprehend what is abstract, unseen, and challenging to model. When you combine this transition away from concrete thinking with the natural curiosity middle-school students possess, you have an opportunity to excite, educate, and transform that student's life. What he loves about science: Science provides wonder. When one conclusion is made, it is like the opening of a door. Behind that door lies a collection of new thoughts, ideas, and theories that lead humans onto the next great set of questions. Besides a teacher, he’s also: a runner, gardener, traveler, keeper of cats, chef, grandfather, and hockey fan. I am an effective teacher because… I have great empathy for my students, and I am aware that science can be a difficult subject. During my thirty-six years of teaching, I have worked to develop multiple modes of instruction to make sure all students are able to see the beauty in the organization of how our Universe works.


Steve Szymkowiak Teaches: math Education: B.A. Boston College, M.S. Canisius College At EFS since: 2013 What he likes about working with middle-school-age students: They come to class each day with excitement that spreads throughout the classroom. It is awesome to watch them get excited about solving a difficult problem or grasping a challenging concept. What he loves about math: I love showing my students how mathematics connects to their lives outside of the classroom. I love the fact that mathematics encourages hard work, persistence and different problem solving strategies. Besides a teacher, he’s also: a wilderness camp counselor, a longdistance runner, and an experienced surfer. I am an effective teacher because… I take a real interest in my students’ lives and interests outside the classroom.

Cheri Truax Teaches: band Education: B.M. University of Miami, Frost School of Music At EFS since: 1989 What she likes about working with middle-school-age students: It's never boring. They are different every single day... sometimes so mature and sophisticated and other times still like little kids. One day they are 8, the next day they are 30, and they are never all the same age on the same day! What she loves about music: Music is such a stress release for me. What could be better than making music with kids every day? Besides a teacher, she’s also: a member of the Western New York Cloggers Hall of Fame, an avid scrapbooker, and a parent of two high school students. I am an effective teacher because… I LOVE what I do! And my goal is to help others love it as much as I do. I set the kids' performance goals high but try to keep it fun. If we get halfway to that goal and the fun is still there, I've succeeded. If I reach the performance goal but the kids hate it, I've failed.


Margot Vincent Teaches: English Education: B.A. Colgate University, M.Ed. SUNY Buffalo At EFS since: 1993 What she likes about working with middle-school-age students: They are open to ideas and willing to try new things, receptive to modeling, and are "grown up" but not grown up. I like being a coach. I get to help to foster independence and growth. I get to be creative—something I love. What she loves about English: I get to swim in words daily. I encourage my students to appreciate the power of words—written, spoken, or sung. We learn about ourselves as well as others through reading and writing. Besides a teacher, she’s also: a mother, a gardener, and a writer. I am an effective teacher because… I am passionate about what I do. I try to balance nurture and rigor, to make things accessible and meaningful, and to be approachable and open to new ideas.

I think the meaningful relationships that teachers create with their students are ones that are never forgotten. They are the ones who created a safe haven for all of us, but at the same time pushed and encouraged us to be our best, and they are able to build a bond with students that will never be forgotten. —SARAH HOTUNG ’04 TUFTS UNIVERSITY UNIVERSITY OF GENEVA



Curriculum In Upper School at Elmwood Franklin, rigor and nurture go hand-in-hand. Reading, writing, and speaking span the disciplines, as do technology and art. Math and science are advanced and accelerated, culminating in high school level coursework. Foreign language, music, drama, and athletics play a prominent role. Good study habits are instilled, research skills are emphasized, and creativity is valued and engaged. And all of this is done in a safe and caring atmosphere in which students are given the support they need to ask questions, to take intellectual risks, and to grow into the best possible versions of the young adults they are becoming. We invite you to look through Elmwood Franklin’s Curriculum Maps, which identify the core skills and content taught, processes employed, the materials and assessments used, and pose the essential questions we seek to answer for each unit of each subject area at each grade level. (Password: eagles1895) 41


Assessments The ERB Comprehensive Testing Program (CTP) is a rigorous assessment of student achievement of academic standards and learning domains. At EFS, the verbal reasoning, reading comprehension, quantitative reasoning, and mathematical understanding and problem-solving subtests are given starting in third grade. ERB assessments are administered by the top 20% of schools, both independent private schools and public schools with high achievement goals. They are aligned with standards of the International Reading Association, the National Council of Teachers of English, and the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, and consistent with the Common Core standards. ERB is a not-for-profit member educational services organization that has provided rigorous, level-appropriate assessments of student progress in meeting essential academic standards for more than 80 years.


The following is a representative list of schools that EFS graduates have chosen to attend in the past five years:

High School Selections Buffalo Seminary Canisius High School Canterbury School (CT) City Honors Hutch-Tech High School Nardin Academy Nichols School Park School Ridley College (ON) Sacred Heart Academy St. Francis High School St. Joseph's Collegiate Institute

College Selections Boston College Boston University Brown University Buffalo State College Canisius College Carnegie Mellon University Claremont McKenna College Colgate University Columbia University Cornell University Duke University Elon University Franklin & Marshall College George Washington University Georgetown University Hamilton College Harvard University High Point University Hobart and William Smith Colleges Howard University John Carroll University Johnson & Wales University Loyola University Chicago Loyola University Maryland Massachusetts Inst. of Technology New York University Niagara University Northeastern University Penn State University Rochester Institute of Technology Skidmore College St. Lawrence University Syracuse University Trinity College University at Buffalo University of Chicago University of Denver University of Michigan University of Richmond University of Rochester University of Southern California University of Virginia Virginia Military Institute Wake Forest University 44Williams College

Outcomes and Achievements Upon graduation, students are well prepared academically, possessing the skills and demonstrating the qualities needed for success as they tackle the new challenges ahead of them. Graduating students may choose to attend any of WNY’s secondary schools or take advantage of national or international boarding schools. 98% of our graduates are accepted at the high school of their choice.

After Elmwood Franklin Our alumni have definite, and very positive, opinions of their experience at Elmwood Franklin School and their high school preparedness. In a recent independent survey, our graduates reported: • 2/3 were placed in honors level courses or received high school credit for their work at EFS, • 2/3 held leadership roles in their high schools, • 98% would choose Elmwood Franklin School all over again, • 97% felt the overall quality of education they received was exceptional, • 96% reported that Elmwood Franklin School provided them the foundation that enabled them to compete academically with peers the high school and college level, • 97% were exceptionally prepared for high school English, • 92% were exceptionally prepared for high school history AND for writing assignments and reports, • 91% reported the relationships with their teachers were a significant feature of their educational experience, and •90% were exceptionally prepared for high school Math.

I loved EFS. I have attended wonderful schools, including an Ivy League college, but EFS was by far the best school I had the privilege to attend. Every single teacher I had was exceptional. Every single one. I have not encountered another institution with that same consistent level of excellence in its staff. —KATHARINE DRYDEN ‘03 YALE UNIVERSITY SUNY PURCHASE

Upper School at a Glance average grade size: 26 average class size: 13 student-teacher ratio: 5:1 number of faculty: 23 accreditation: National Association of Independent Schools

Academic Achievements

strengthening their foundation for advanced studies. This 25-question contest is administered as five questions a month over five months and has nearly 160,000 participants worldwide! EFS seventh graders participating in the Brother Edward Martin Math Contest regularly take top spots in the competition, including first place every year since 2013. Brother Edward Martin Math Contest hosts 165 students from 18 different school.

Johns Hopkins Center for Talented Youth uses abovegrade-level tests (such as the college SAT for middle school students) to provide a clear picture of advanced students’ math and verbal abilities. For the past 10 years, nearly half of our eighth graders qualified for the search, which means that they scored at or above the 95th percentile on national tests.

Participating against up to 100 other middle schools from across western and central New York, EFS has had a winning team in every year for the past nine years in the Stock Market Game, a stock trading competition in which teams of students are allotted $100,000 in virtual money to invest in stocks or mutual funds to buy or sell over a ten-week period.

EFS students score in the top 14 percent of the nation on the Otis-Lennon School Ability Test. The average score nationally is 100; the average EFS score is 119.

EFS eighth graders regularly place either first or second in Western New York in the Level 1 (advanced high school level) of the National French Exam, and more than half of those participating place regularly in the national rankings. In 2016, an eighth grader scored a perfect score and received a platinum award for her achievement.

In 2019, five sixth grade students were awarded silver pins for scoring among the top 10% in the Mathematical Olympiads in the Elementary Division, and two eighth grade students were recognized for scoring in the top 25% of the Middle School Division. The Mathematical Olympiads provide challenging, thought-provoking problems that stretch the abilities of students,

EFS has consistent representation among its Upper School students in the national rankings of the National Spanish Exam.


At the heart of Elmwood Franklin Elmwood Franklin School is the oldest preschool through eighth grade independent school in Western New York. This configuration is an essential element of the mission of our school. Our environment and culture, our curriculum, our modes of teaching, and the particular training and strengths of our teachers all flow from this formation. Here are ten reasons why our configuration is so vital to our school and so beneficial for our students. 46

1. Leadership: Lower and Upper School In preschool through eighth grade schools, the students in fifth to eighth grade are not “middle schoolers.” They constitute our Upper School, and they take on leadership roles and responsibilities often not available in schools with a combined middle and high school configuration. They also enjoy the right to earn privileges. In this environment, grades 5 to 8 are not the forgotten “middle” or “lowest” grades. They are, in fact, the culmination of the work of the school. To prepare our students for these Upper School leadership expectations, leadership skills are developed in the Lower School.

2. High School Choice Schools that end in eighth grade are organized to provide expert and detailed high school guidance and counseling so that children and parents can make the best possible choice for secondary education. In schools offering grades 9 to 12, the expectation for their eighth grade students is for them to continue in their system at the high school level. Therefore, they may not have organized secondary school counseling offices.

3. Unique School Environment The Lower and Upper Schools deliver sophisticated intellectual education in a small, nurturing, kind environment that is child-centered and still celebrates the innocent pleasures of learning and discovering ideas for the first time. Elmwood Franklin is a place where students may reclaim their right to enjoy a safe haven as they grow through childhood. We also strive for a culturally and socioeconomically diverse student body, for we believe that such a setting is essential

for a complete education. Our goal is to provide each student with the means to face the future with self-confidence and enthusiasm and an understanding of our global environment.

4. Academic Home after Graduation Many of our students—who oftentimes spend 10 years at our school—return to Elmwood Franklin while they are in high school and college to receive academic and career advice. EFS often serves as an academic home for its graduates—no matter their age— where they can take advantage of our committed faculty’s expertise. Our teachers can serve as objective, respected advisors.

5. Developmentally Appropriate Pedagogy and Tone

children. Because of the specific age range of their children while they attend EFS, our parents tend to rely on each other for support and knowledge.

8. Academic Excellence and Sophistication at an Early Age Among the children at EFS, it is considered “cool” to do well academically. The academic expectations and classroom atmosphere create an environment in which children are expected to perform above national grade level norms as a minimum. We are a language-rich school where students at a very early age are researching and problemsolving in all disciplines. Technology and research expectations are not reserved for the older students. Our three-year-olds are already learning and using these skills.

We believe that the pursuit of academic excellence is achieved through a diversified curriculum that is based on the developmental stages of children. Since our school does not include grades 9 to 12, we can specialize in early childhood and early adolescent education and development. These ages demand unique methods of instruction and particular curricular structures. They also require a distinctive tone in which expectations are articulated in a clear and gentle manner.

Our children in Prep and Lower School use all of the facilities of the school, including the Library Media Center, the gymnasium, the art and music rooms, and the theatre. These students enjoy all aspects of the Elmwood Franklin experience. They progress to our Upper School with the habits of hard work and responsibility, and the social and academic skills needed at advanced levels.

6. Faculty Community

10. Emphasis on Values

The faculty of a preschool through eighth grade school tend to be a closeknit group in which students are at the center of their vocation. They take great pride in watching each student grow and develop through successive stages and grades.

At Elmwood Franklin, we believe that a well-educated person with values is a powerful person. In all forums, from assemblies to classroom projects, we emphasize the core values of respect and compassion for all individuals. The goal of an EFS education is to acquire skills necessary to make the world a better place.

7. Parent Community

9. Early Childhood Educational Environment

The parents at Elmwood Franklin are very involved with the progress of their


For more information or to schedule a tour of our Upper School, contact Admissions Director Stephanie Katzman at (716) 877-5035 or skatzman@elmwoodfranklin.org.

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