Have you ever heard the saying, “Time flies in a blink of an eye?”
I think of those words often as I write this letter. It seems like yesterday I took my very first steps on campus, wondering where I would be in the next four years. Fast-forward into my senior year, in my last semester as Editor-in-Chief of The Edge magazine, I marvel at the journey that has taken me to where I am now.
As college students, life seems to be in a perpetual state of change. It can seem so fast yet slow, draining yet stimulating, daunting yet exciting. Our perceptions are challenged every day, whether it is about political parties you support, AI technologies you use in your work or the thoughts you express. Yet these obstacles never stop us from wanting to use our imaginations or dreaming of the things that can be, if we put our minds to it. We are constantly intersecting boundaries between reality and fantasy. It is this
phenomenon that inspired the theme of our fall print issue, Blurring Reality. We endeavored to incorporate the themes of Surrealism and Art Nouveau into this issue. Surrealism exudes the juxtaposition of rational and irrational thought while Art Nouveau presents the unbound beauty of nature and its fluid lines that blur between the natural and surreal. We at The Edge felt the two themes capture our generation’s thoughts and feelings during these turbulent times. Blurring Reality explores the concept of what defines “real” while celebrating the limitless possibilities.
Stepping into the role of Editorin-Chief has been one of my most transformative experiences of not just college but of my life. I still remember walking into my first team meeting as a travel writer filled with trepidation, questioning if I had what it takes to be an Edge writer. By the end of that semester, I became the
head of the whole magazine, with the great expectation of bringing forth a new era of creativity and talent. It has been my greatest privilege to serve an organization as inspirational, creative and talented as The Edge. I want to thank every member of the Fall 2024 team for the phenomenal work you have all done. You never ceased to amaze me with your endless talent, patience and openness. This issue, and everything we’ve accomplished, would not have been possible without the dynamic and amazing teamwork of our Co-Creative Directors Julia Hardy and Sabrina Mannes Diaz De Cerio, Executive Copy Chief Caden Halberg, and Executive Managing Editor Leslie Aviles
Mendoza. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for the unwavering dedication and passion you have all put into this past year. I’m beyond grateful to have worked with such a great team and bring this incredible issue to life. When reading these pages, I hope you see the joy and hard work that was put into this effort from our team. At The Edge, we constantly strive to create content that allows readers an escape from reality while inspiring them to bring their own imagination to life. As I leave behind this remarkable chapter in my life, I now embark on turning my own dreams into reality. With that said, I invite you to start Blurring Reality!
Lexi Angermueller, Editor-in-Chief
Lexi Angermueller
Managing Editor Leslie Aviles Mendoza
Creative Directors
Julia Hardy and Sabrina Mannes Diaz de Cerio
Copy Chief Caden Halberg
Editor Ella Kucera
Assistant Editor Hannah Parker
Writer Grace Peach
Writer Catherine Steinbach
Writer Cate Dixon
Writer Molly Willis
Writer Ava Amirkhalili
Beauty & Wellness
Editor Emily Stabell
Assistant Editor Natalie Conte
Writer Gianna Pisacreta
Writer Gianna Troilo
Writer Jacquelyn McNamara
Writer Sam Pascale
Editor Eva Fragner
Writer Mia Kacha
Writer Elizabeth Reucassel
Writer Norah Kelleher
Editor Evie Wittman
Assistant Editor Isabel Steckman
Writer Rachel Levine
Writer Danielle Taps
Writer Evelyn Ealey
Editor Madelyn Slattery
Assistant Editor Estella Hoye
Writer Claiborne Rhodes
Writer Charlotte McCormick
Digital Media
Analytics Director Caitlin Nay
Analytics Assistant Lily Helm
Director of Videography Zoe Pighet
Assistant Video Editor Sarah Jackson
Assistant Video Editor Alex Roever
Photographer Carina Kaplan
Photographer Adelina May
Photographer Grace Goggins
Photographer Lily Doggett
Photographer Aida Thoman
Designer Rose Baroni
Designer Cassie Murphy
Designer Reese Williams
Social Media
Social Media Director Kiera Laurion
Social Media Assistant Seldy Schiff
Social Media Assistant Emma Keane
Social Media Assistant Caroline Carpenter
Executive Stylist Allie Schuldt
Makeup Artist Jessica Wenner
Makeup Artist Peyten Gray
Makeup Artist Gabrielle Lerners
Finance Director Olivia Evans
Assistant Copy Chief Lyda Cosgrove
Assistant Copy Chief Kate Ragan
what it means to be a dreamer using fiction as a refuge; the reality of escaping into books the real tortured poets department minding yourself: the power of bringing your thoughts to life fashion in the age of A.I. strenghting your sixth sense daydreams to departures red, white and who? when i leave my glasses at home authentic connection in an A.I. world who am i?
When I was five, my dream was to be a pop star, singing to sold-out crowds and dancing in glittery costumes. When I was 10, my dream was to own my own tattoo studio, and I’d sit all day drawing on myself and anyone else who would let me. When I was 15, my dream was to go to an Ivy League college.
I’m 20 now, and I can’t quite say what my dream is. To be successful? To go on a fancy vacation? To have a job I somewhat enjoy? All I know is that if my 5-year-old self saw me now, she’d be pretty unhappy I’m not signed to a record label yet.
If you’re like me, you probably can’t help but roll your eyes at the classic phrase “If you can dream it you can do it.” It often feels cliche, or even untrue. At one point or another we’ve been shot down, failed and discovered the things we can’t do.
At this point in our lives, what do dreams mean to us anymore? Are they now just the strange sequences we experience in the few hours of sleep we’re lucky to have each night? What happened to letting ourselves dream big and chase after those dreams? When was the last time you actually thought Yeah, that’s my dream?
In the chaos of growing up and entering the world of hustle culture, we start to lose sight of what’s truly important: our dreams, our ambitions and pushing reality.
From our earliest points in childhood, we’re constantly told to “dream big.” In fact, encouraging kids to “dream big” helps them discover their individual interests, talents and abilities, according to Marcus Life Learning Team. In the innocent bliss of childhood, we truly once believed we could be whatever we wanted to be.
And it’s not just our parents and teachers that echo this reminder when we’re little; it surrounds us in the media we consume, from Disney movies to classic songs. Think about it: Every Disney princess seems to have a big dream they chase after and in their perfect fairytale worlds, those dreams come true.
Queue “A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes.” Cinderella got her prince. Queue “I’ve Got a Dream.” Rapunzel and all those funny guys from the bar got everything they sang about. “This is What Dreams Are Made of.” We’d say Lizzy McGuire had it pretty great.
Maybe we too should start singing about dreams and see what happens.
“Don’t Dream It’s Over.”
“I Have a Dream.”
“Dream a Little Dream of Me.”
The list doesn’t end there. Dreams are some of life’s greatest and most special moments — that’s why they’re such a form of inspiration in our music, movies and pop culture. It’s time to start dreaming again.
As we get older, we let ourselves fall into the adult trap that is “reality.” Reality means we have to take the job that pays the most money, make the decisions that prioritize financial security over personal fulfillment and sacrifice our dreams for
the sake of practicality. Now, we’re not saying don’t be responsible in your decisions, but the risk of sacrificing our dreams is the key point here. At what point is it no longer worth it? How much are we losing sight of our true passions and desires?
We also have to remember that being a dreamer isn’t a bad thing. As reality hits, dreams gain a negative connotation, associated with being “unrealistic” or “setting yourself up for failure,” when it’s really quite the opposite. If we reach a point where we’re simply content with the knowledge or skill sets we’ve reached, or even settle for a life that leaves us unfulfilled, we’ve lost our ambition.
On her blog “Over 50 Feeling 40,” lifestyle writer Pamela Butrell describes her experience with this melancholy but common sentiment: “I was recently in a conversation and someone said that after age 50 there is no reason to dream of a different life… He believed at that point it was a senseless day dreaming and a waste of time.” Her friend echoed this same belief that hitting 50 means we’re done and set concrete in the life we chose, or maybe were simply handed.
Now, the good news is that we’re only in college, which means we’ve got plenty of time to begin reshaping these misconceptions about dreams in our adulthood and begin incorporating small dreams in our day-to-day lives.
In fact, big company leaders are beginning to promote these messages to their employees and leadership teams. JD Meier, a productivity coach for Microsoft, outlines the importance of dreaming in his book “In Getting Results the Agile Way.” He starts by explaining that everyone is born with a “dream in their hearts,” whether it’s a seemingly silly dream that stems in your childhood, or a deeper sense
of purpose that takes you a bit longer to find. “I’m talking about a vision deep inside that speaks to the very soul,” he writes. “It’s the thing we were born to do… It sparks our feelings of destiny.” Dreams inspire us on our journeys to success. We can’t push them away or ignore them any longer.
Besides, everyone needs something worthwhile to aim for. Dreams give us a bright spot to look forward to, even if it’s something like a special vacation or seeing your favorite artist in concert. They give us purpose, like when we’ve found a dream company to work for or discovered a meaningful purchase to work towards. Dreams help us realize our potential and to tap into the best versions of ourselves. As Meier puts it, “The greater the dream, the greater the potential.”
When we start feeling stuck in the rut of our “hustle culture” lives and are feeling less fulfilled by the
monotonous routines of work and completion, it’s the perfect time to push the boundaries of reality a little bit. That doesn’t mean you have to throw yourself on stage and fulfill your childhood dreams of being a pop star, but maybe you have a private dance party in your room, singing along to your favorite songs from elementary school as a brain break. Maybe it’s picking up a game of soccer with friends and reliving the days when you swore you’d be a star athlete when you were older. Or you whip up a batch of cupcakes to honor that dream you once had to own your own bakery.
Let the dreams keep coming. Set aside regular time each week dedicated solely to exploring your dreams — whether it be through creative projects, journaling or planning out your future goals.
Whatever your dream once was — or still is — finding little ways to bring them to life again may be just what you need to spark inspiration and joy. Sure, it may mean taking an hour or two out of your busy day, but if it means day feeling some dreams
again, we say it’s worth it. There are even smaller ways, like keeping a dream journal. Make a list of big dreams, and an even bigger list of the smaller, more attainable ones. Find minimal ways to push the limits of what we think is “reality” every single day.
There may be times you forget how to dream, but as long as you believe, you can always rediscover the dreamer within you again.
Using fiction as a refuge the reality of escaping into books
Life is overwhelming. This isn’t some significant outward confession or colossal revelation to any of us. Sometimes, whether we’re bored, anxious, scared or jittery, we need something to calm our nerves. We require something to keep ourselves from falling into the bottomless pit of anxiety and trepidation we dig for ourselves daily.
Some of us fall into TV and movies,which we love too, of course.. There’s nothing quite like sitting on the couch, a snack in hand and a glass of wine at the ready, excited to binge another season of Gilmore Girls.
Others use alcohol, which is OK in moderation (when you’re 21+) and lovely at the moment, but not so enjoyable a day later. Hangovers differ significantly from how we’d advise anyone to start their day.
Both choices are too much and too heavy on our minds — the bright screen of the TV or the bitter sting of a strong drink. Most of the time, I opt for a new choice — a better option I’d argue. If I really want to relax, escape and breathe for a moment, I don’t reach for a remote or a glass of
wine. I reach for a book. And everything almost instantly gets better.
Trends poke their heads in and out of our lives and our world, teasing the population with the latest things to do, to wear, to eat. And so on. The one part of life I never thought I would see grow as a trend is reading, but it has, and I am so glad even more people are experiencing the power of paper and ink bound together.
As an English major and long-time lover of stories, I’m well acquainted with the magic of a pen and paper. I’m excited and relieved to see that non-readers have caught on.
There’s nothing quite like an excellent book at the end of a long day — staying up for hours, unable to put a novel down or even squeezing in a quick five to ten pages before bed. These moments allow us to escape from the chaos of our daily lives. I look forward to the free time when I can pick up my book and let my eyes roam within the pages, exploring another world I could only dream up. Reading allows us to experience what we wish we could, what even the best, most successful people cannot attain. Reading is magic, no matter what
"transport me to another planet"
genre you hold. It transports you to another time and place, where the only thing that matters are the words you have in your grasp. Plus, there are health benefits: stress reduction, improved sleep, increased focus, even higher levels of empathy to name a few. Reading for pleasure is one of the most beneficial things someone can do for their mind and soul. Picking up a book allows someone to unwind and relax while improving their cognitive health and expanding their vocabulary. It’s a win-win situation. When I pick up a fresh book, I look for something that will allow for a getaway, a book that will transport me to another planet where my problems are a faraway and fading memory in the back of my mind. That is the power of a good book. This is why I gravitate towards fiction most of the time. The A Court of Thorns and Roses series took over the summer, and now Sarah J. Maas’ Throne of Glass series is doing the same for the school year. Outside of the fantasy realm Maas provides, Emily Henry’s People We Meet on Vacation and Taylor Jenkins Reid’s The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo are perfect places to start your fiction journey.
I desire stories placed in a world so different from my own because the last thing I want to do in my free time is continue to think about reality. That’s also why I chose to pursue an English degree: if I can create stories and write in a way that allows
others to feel this free, I’d love to share that gift. However, the relationship between reality and fantasy is complicated. Once we grow up, a sad truth settles in: we only have one life to live. Most of the time, when this one attempt at living doesn’t go our way, we throw ourselves into books with perfect endings. We read scenarios where the guy gets the girl, the princess slays the dragon or the good guy prevails over evil. Literature serves as a unique portal into another space where the bounds of our lives don’t exist. But is this other world healthy? Is reading another form of running away from our problems? Is escaping into another world a beneficial way of facing reality, or does it allow us to hide and be sheltered from a life we’re supposed to be experiencing?
Escapism as a coping mechanism isn’t the most effective way to live our lives to the fullest. Books and TV shows serve as sanctuaries, but when we examine that word closely, a sanctuary can either serve as a cozy, warm blanket or a temporary hiding spot for a larger problem looming over.
So how do we balance our avoidance of reality with the enjoyment of stories? How do we avoid the momentary relief escapism provides and instead use our daily dose of fiction to form ourselves into more well-rounded characters in our own story?
is a lot easier than we think: Take the qualities of your favorite characters and slowly implement them into your day until those characters’ qualities become your own. Want to be more adventurous? Say yes to the next group outing your friends propose. Want to be more outspoken? Compliment a stranger and make both of your days better. Next, establish some boundaries. Have set times of the day that are special for an escape. For me, when 9 p.m. rolls around, I’m tucked in my bed with hot tea and my latest read. These habits establish a healthy routine that you can look forward to while also ensuring our fictional escapes don’t overtake our lives (only as much as we want them to).
Lastly, engage with reality while simultaneously escaping it. Take that book off of the shelf and into a nearby park. Lounge on a beach chair, take in the sunlight, while you read about the frozen tundra a certain species of monsters inhabit. It doesn’t have to be one or the other. You can have an escape while also staying grounded.
Fiction serves as a form of relaxation and rejuvenation when real life gets too loud. It’s a dangerous game, balancing fiction with reality. Even so, we should never give up something if that something is what makes our world go round. For a lot of us, reading inspires, excites and distracts. It helps us take a breath and slow down. Too much of something is never good, but that phrase has a tough match when it comes face to face with a Sarah J. Maas novel.
The music industry works like this: an artist writes a song or album about something deeply meaningful, then brings it to life through performance and production, sharing it with the world. As listeners, we play a vital role in shaping what we’re given, transforming it into something personal and beautiful. Music transcends the boundaries of a shared reality — it allows both musicians and listeners to express raw emotions and create their own worlds, where they are free to experience and explore whatever they feel.
If you listen to music, and are aware of what happens in the pop culture scene, then you probably know about Taylor Swift and Matty Healy, lead singer of The 1975, and the years of lore that created the backstory for many of Swift’s songs, particularly those on her most recent album, The Tortured Poets Department and its counterpart The Anthology. This 31 track album carries listeners through the tumultuous and magical love affair that took place between the two.
As a Swiftie myself, I’ll take 31 new songs, place them in the deepest parts of my heart, take care of them and pull apart the lyrics to relate it to my own life and experiences. On the contrary, as an aspiring producer, I sit with these songs, and their connection to one another that tells a broader story, and wish she would have put it together in a distinctly different way, in a style that’s almost opposite to what was originally released by Swift herself. As an important note, this is not to criticize Taylor Swift’s album, but rather to make an entirely new body of work out of what already exists in the music space. If you’re open to it, I would love to take you on this journey with me — the journey of The Real Tortured Poets Department.
If you’re an avid listener of The 1975, then you’re certainly well aware of their most recent album from 2022, Being Funny In A Foreign Language. This eleven track album, with no bonus tracks released, features a black and white cover, somewhat similar to the cover of The Tortured Poets Department. This album was released shortly before Swift and Healy began to publicly date in early 2023, but as fans know, their love story began years before that.
It all started back in November 2014. Swift and two of her good friends, Selena Gomez and Ellie Goulding, were backstage at a 1975 concert. Swift and Healy meet and exchange numbers. A week later, he goes on an Australian radio program entitled “Shazam Top 20” and boldly exclaims “I mean, bloody hell, what am I going to do, go out with Taylor Swift? She’s a sensation. I wouldn’t say no.” Just days later, Swift is photographed in a 1975 shirt. In response, Healy wore a 1989 t-shirt
while performing at a concert less than a month later. Dating rumors popped up in different magazines for the first time, but were put to rest shortly after by Matty Healy on the same podcast where he made his previous statement.
Dating rumors spark up time and time again as the next few years go on, only to continue to be shot down again and again by Healy, or torn apart by a different relationship going public. Despite them not having actually dated by this point, that we publicly know of, there’s still clearly something going on between the two. When you have as big of a fan base as Swift, your fans will dig deep into your lyrics and piece together things that maybe you didn’t even realize.
Now cut to November 2022: rumors of a potential collaboration between the two were emerging on the internet. We now know that there was a song recorded for “Midnights” that had a Matty Healy and The 1975 feature, but it was left on the cutting room floor. Fans assume that “Fortnight” (feat. Post Malone) was what that feature originally was.
In January 2023, Swift appeared on stage as a guest at one of the 1975’s shows in London on the 12th, where she performed her newly released single “Anti-Hero” and a cover of The 1975’s very own “The City.” Swift and her boyfriend at the time were announced to have broken up in April 2023, and soon after, the Swift–Healy rumors went wild.
You may be wondering, why does this all matter? What does this have to do with The Tortured Poets Department and subsequently the album I decided to create? I believe that The Tortured Poets Department and Being Funny In A Foreign Language are incredibly intertwined and play off of one another. In my version of The Tortured Poets Department, I construct it in the same manner as Being Funny In A Foreign Language, with 11 tracks that cut right to the heart. Each track on The Tortured Poets Department directly relates, in track order, to the song it’s paired with on Being Funny In A Foreign Language. The track list is as follows:
The Tortured Poets Department - The 1975 loml - Happiness
I Can Do It With A Broken Heart - Looking For Somebody To Love
The Black Dog - Part of The Band
The Alchemy - Oh Caroline imgonnagetyouback - I’m in Love With You
So Long, London - All I Need To Hear
But Daddy I Love Him - Wintering
The Smallest Man Who Ever Lived - Human Too Fortnight (Ft. Post Malone) - About You
My Boy Only Breaks His Favorite Toys - When We Are Together
Take, for instance, the pairing of “My Boy Only Breaks His Favorite Toys” and “When We Are Together.” When you pick apart the heart and soul of these songs, it is as though you can see their relationship summed up in just about seven minutes. In the lyric “He saw forever so he smashed it up. Oh, my boy only breaks his favorite toys”, Swift sings about someone who is inherently self destructive. When he has a good thing going, he cuts it off. “Once I fix me, he’s gonna miss me.” Even though he left her and isn’t mature enough to be in an adult relationship, she still thinks that she is the problem. It’s a relationship issue that so many women face, and listeners can relate to.
In contrast, “‘I’m better at writing’ was just a way to get you biting. Oh the truth is that our egos are absurd.” is what Healy wrote in his counterpart. “I thought we were fighting but it seems I was gaslighting you. I didn’t know that it had its own word.” This behavior is so carefree, especially when you’re considering what Swift writes in comparison. It makes listeners wonder what their relationship really looked and felt like. Swift felt much deeper, and more raw emotions, than Healy, who clearly was much less attached to the relationship. Despite his faults, she questions if she’s the problem. Although they were clearly left with two different scars from this relationship, they are still both scars caused by the time they spent together followed by the time that ripped them apart.
In May 2023, magazines and news outlets began reporting that Matty Healy and Taylor Swift were dating, for real this time. On May 3rd, Healy mouthed “This one is about you. You know who you are. I love you,” during his performance of “About You.” Two days later, Swift echoed the sentiment during “Cardigan” whilst Healy was in the audience. The next day, Phoebe Bridgers, who was opening for Swift at the time, brought Healy on stage with her as a member of her band. That night, post performance, Swift and Healy were photographed together for the first time since the rumors broke. They were seen on their first public date on May 11th. He was on stage again at her next show accompanying Bridgers again.
A month later, in June 2023, rumors that Swift and Healy had broken up were released by TMZ. There were more brief rumors in July that they had gotten back together, but they were quickly shut down by both of their teams. Shortly after, Travis Kelce entered the picture.
Although we may never know what happened over the course of the ten years since they first met backstage, or in those two short months they dated publicly, but we have the songs to reflect on and use to build stories. These stories allow listeners to paint their own picture of the relationship, and add brush strokes from our own pasts.
A collection of lyrics from The Tortured Poets Department that could only be about Matty Healy:
“What a valiant roar, what a bland goodbye”
“He was chaos, he was revelry, bedroom eyes like a remedy”
“I founded the club she’s heard great things about. I left all I knew, you left me at the house by the Heath”
“In your suit and tie, in the nick of time, you lowdown boy, you stand up guy”
“Drowning in The Blue Nile, he sent me ‘Downtown Lights’, I hadn’t heard it in a while.”
“If long suffering propriety is what they want from me, they don’t know how you’ve haunted me so stunningly”
“Did you take all my old clothes? Just to leave me here naked and alone.”
“I don’t even want you back, I just want to know If rusting my sparkling summer was the goal.”
“You’ll slide into inboxes and slip through the bars, You crashed my party and your rental car.”
“So if I sell my apartment, and you have some kids with an internet starlet, will that make your memory fade from this scarlet maroon, like it never happened?”
“I loved your hostile takeovers, encounters closer and closer, all your indecent exposures.”
“I died on the altar waiting for the proof, you sacrificed us to the gods of your bluest days.”
Oh, thoughts. Our best friends, but also, potentially our worst enemies. Millions of them flow through our minds every day. But what if we told you that we have the power to control which ones we let into our precious lives?
Many of us often feel that our reality is created from the outside, and that the people we surround ourselves with, the events that transpire or the environment we’re in single-handedly determine how we see the world.
In actuality, our true sense of reality comes from within ourselves. It’s not necessarily what happens in our lives that dictates our fate, but how we approach the situation. College is a time when we are completely in the driver’s seat, and we have the ability to control the wheel and steer ourselves in our desired direction.
Our brain’s main function is to keep us alive. Within our complex brains, our simple and natural state of living is in peace and joy. When negative thoughts come into play and infiltrate those default states, oftentimes our minds switch themselves into panic mode, and we tend to lose perspective and solid ground.
Whether you’re a wide-eyed freshman or a seasoned senior, you’re on your own in these college years, and that experience can undoubtedly be daunting at times. However,
maintaining a positive mindset and only letting hopeful thoughts pass through the gates
of our minds can ease those fears and set the foundation for a happy and successful college career.
A key element to this is transforming your mentality from “I have to” to “I get to.”
We have the chance to study at this remarkable university with endless educational opportunities right at our fingertips. So next time you’re dreading that 8 a.m. class on a day when the weather is unbearable and your covers are begging you to crawl back into them, remember how hard both you and your parents worked to get to this moment, and how much you’ve grown as a person since submitting that college application.
Remember the joy on your face as you opened that acceptance letter. This is the joy you should feel every day walking through the magnificent campus filled with beautiful trees, fountains and buildings. This snapshot moment in time is a reminder that every day should be looked at as an exciting new experience, not a tedious chore.
That 8 a.m. class is inevitable, so rather than throwing on a random hoodie 15 minutes before attendance is taken and complaining of your exhaustion, wake up a little earlier than
you usually do. Put on an outfit or accessories that make you feel confident and go buy your favorite coffee drink from Acorn, Oak House or Irazu. Those little tweaks can have a large impact on how the course of your day will run.
Another essential element of each day is expressing gratitude. Even if it’s only for a few minutes, taking time to say what you appreciate shines a light on the potential darkness that’s clouding your joy, and paints your reality into a positive picture.
Goals. We all have them: hopes and dreams we yearn to achieve, especially in the present day in our time as Elon University students. Another way to create our reality through our thoughts is by setting goals each day.
Our time at Elon is the chance to take that risk, that leap of faith. Apply for the competitive internship, step out of your comfort zone, reach out to a new friend and attempt that intimidating extra credit assignment. Creating tangible goals for ourselves is an initial step taken in order to transform our thoughts into our own reality.
If we live the entirety of our lives just being rather than doing, our dreams fail to become reality, and our reality is void of depth and value. This motivation to do all begins with our thoughts. A thought transitions into a goal, which eventually turns into reality.
It’s fascinating to think that everything we need for success is already right inside of us. More often than not, we are our own obstacle in the way of accomplishing our goals and achieving our aspirations.
Oh, thoughts. Our best friends, our potential worst enemies and, most importantly — our gateway to success.
" our gateway to success."
The fashion industry is constantly changing, challenging and re-shaping traditional norms. Because of the rapid growth of technology in our society it’s difficult to ignore the ways it’s been incorporated into our day to day lives - including the clothes that we wear.
Fashion is something that is constantly inspiring people all over the world, clothes are a necessity to have but because of creative individuals we are given the opportunity to express ourselves through articles of clothing. We use this expression to externally show others pierces of our identities. Clothes are more than just something we wear because we have to, but we’ve turned it into a piece of our identity, it can represent our values, likes and dislikes and to go as far as to shape our community.
As fashion is constantly reshaping and challenging traditional norms, we’re falling into the micro-trends pattern every season fighting to keep up with the revolving door of trends and changing popular aesthetics. Due to the aggressive change and with the tools of modern technology AI has to be a valuable tool in predicting upcoming trends. AI has the ability to analyze large sets of data and insights from media platforms, blogs, retail sites and world-wide fashion events. The data and insights extends to relevant subjects such as color schemes, fabrics, styles and even where in different parts of the world different fashion looks like. With this information AI can spot patterns and predict trends with steller accuracy.
For instance, IBM a multinational technology company has recently partnered with the Fashion Institute of Technology (FIT) and using AI has an initiative tool to optimize on refinding product designs and development. The specific use of this AI has consisted of APIs that were created to work for the fashion industry.
By incorporating AI into fashion the industry is morphing from traditional and predictable and a more sustainable future.
We’re more familiar with AI being used as a tool to help support designers, putting its too sense on what trends are projected to look like and how to better gather insight. But what if AI became fashion, in recent years founder of AI Creative Studios Maison Meta, Cyril Foriet has been dedicating his time and efforts to curating AI Fashion Week. Last year several AI generating fashion pieces featured on AI generated models. This AI Fashion Week has given critics and well established figures a chance to vote on their favorite designers unique looks using AI. Collections including Rachel Koukal’s titled “Soft Apocalypse” featured a group of curvy AI models wearing a range of futuristic fashion with jackets inspired by the elements.
In addition to AI being used as a creative tool to track insights, data and predict future fashion trends. AI tools have been inducted by designers to see how their unique designs look coming to life. AI assists the designers by showing how fabric can stretch and look depending on the cut and material. Ensuring that the final products align with the intended aesthetic and look the designer was going for.
As AI continues to reshape the fashion industry, from virtual models taking over the runways to AI-driven designs debuting in real time, technology is pushing the boundaries of how we experience fashion. The future of fashion shows promises to be more immersive, inclusive, and innovative than ever before. Without the fusion of human imagination and machine intelligence. Designers, technologists can embrace this new era. AI may well be the tool that stitches together the boldest visions of fashion’s future.
Life comes with an endless supply of “shoulds.” “Should I take this leap?”
“Should I quit that job?” “Should I move away?” The truth is, there is no formula to decipher life’s messy questions. The frightening reality is that nobody can make those decisions for you. Luckily, that is also the exciting part — it’s all up to you.
Your intuition can be used as a superpower, guiding you toward decisions that will shape your future. But it can be difficult to know when to listen to uneasy feelings, versus when to let them pass. There’s a fine line between intuition and anxiety, and the subtle differences can feel impossible to spot. Paying attention to inner signals is beneficial when navigating the slew of questions that life brings our way and being able to trust your gut takes some serious self-reflection.
Let’s discuss the ongoing battle of intuition versus anxiety.
When should we tap into uneasy feelings? When should we let them go?
First, let’s break down anxiety. Anxiety is a fear-based system of thinking. It can manifest in both mental and physical symptoms, such as racing thoughts, restlessness, rapid heartbeat, tension or sweating. It’s often driven by uncertainty or perceived threats, even when those threats are not fully rational. While anxiety can be a normal response to stress, excessive or prolonged anxiety may become overwhelming and interfere with your daily life. Anxiety can be especially heightened in times of change or decision-making.
When making a decision, people often tell us to “go with your gut.” But what is my gut trying to tell me? How do I listen? This innocent cliché can cause more stress than it’s good for. Fortunately, we’re here to make you an expert on your own intuition.
Intuition is the ability to understand something instinctively, without the need for conscious analysis. It feels like an inner knowing that comes naturally, based on past experience, observations and your subconscious. Unlike logical thinking, intuition can provide insights without the need for detailed thought or evidence. It’s often described as a sense of clarity or certainty, even when there is no obvious explanation for it.
Intuition can quickly become your best friend when you choose to tap in. During major life changes like starting college, navigating your 20s, dating or handling loss, your gut feelings can offer clarity that logic alone can’t always provide. Your inner self often holds the answers that you are searching for. Trusting your intuition helps you steer through uncertainty with a sense of confidence, even when the path ahead seems unclear. Whether you’re deciding which career path to pursue or recognizing red flags in a relationship, that subtle nudge from within can guide you toward choices that align with your true desires. Learning to listen to your intuition not only helps reduce stress but also empowers you to make decisions that feel authentic, paving the way for a more fulfilling life.
Intuition can act as a connector to your inner self, acting as a compass that provides guidance when you’re facing pivotal decisions. In moments of doubt or confusion, tuning into your gut feelings can be the key to unlocking clarity. It’s that quiet, confident voice that knows what truly aligns with your values and goals. By embracing this inner wisdom, you strengthen your ability to make decisions that resonate with your authentic self, leading you to what’s right.
We experience intuition in our daily lives, and may not even notice. Intuition might appear in your day through an instant connection with someone you just met, a sudden feeling to take action or a hunch that something is just “off” about a situation.
Spot the Difference
Now that we’ve got the definitions covered, let’s talk about some practical ways to spot the difference between a gut feeling versus plain old anxiety.
If you’re a more anxious person by nature, you may feel stuck in a loop of racing, conflicting thoughts. Anxiety makes us nervous and is often paired with tense physical symptoms. Intuition, however, is calm, confident and clear. Intuitive thoughts are assertive yet comforting as their purpose is to guide us rather than frighten us.
b e f o r e yuo
Even w hen t h e eesy m uncertain
The last step to mastering your intuition is learning to accept the plans before you, even when they seem uncertain. Your intuition often knows what’s right far before your conscious mind does. Trusting this inner compass requires letting go of the comfort of control and embracing the unknown instead. Remember that the universe must shut doors just as much as it opens them in order to find the opportunities that align with your truest self.
Walking yourself through uneasy times is something to be proud of, so be kind to your mind. When discomfort arises, use those feelings to learn more about your inner cues for the next time around. Tough times foster the most amount of growth, and discomfort is a natural byproduct of living a full life.
In the end, trusting your gut is easier said than done. But when your intuition truly knows your path, it’ll speak up. All you have to do is listen.
Do you ever find yourself scrolling through Instagram, sighing wistfully at stunning beaches, dreamy mountains or cozy cafés in far-off places? You might be sitting at home with a cup of tea, but your mind wanders to Paris, Tokyo, the stunning views of Machu Pichu or the Amalfi Coast. We’ve all been there, lost in a whirlwind of travel fantasies. But here’s the good news: making those daydreams a reality doesn’t have to be as distant as they seem. With the right mindset and planning, you can turn your travel dreams into actual departures.
Let’s break it down step-by-step. Grab your passport (or at least start imagining it), and let’s turn those daydreams into reality–we promise it is worth the effort to chase your travel dreams, and you will never regret exploring our beautiful world.
It’s one thing to daydream about “traveling the world,” but it’s another to pinpoint where exactly you want to go. The first step to turning dreams into plans is specificity. What kind of traveler are you? Do you long for bustling cities, quiet villages, sandy beaches or snowy peaks? Are you dreaming of food markets in Italy, hiking trails in Peru or the lights of Times Square? Once you’ve defined what you’re after, the path to getting there becomes much clearer.
Pro tip: Create a “dream destination” list, whether it’s on your phone, in a journal or even a Pinterest board. Keep track of the places that set your soul on fire and why they intrigue you. Not only will this help narrow down your options, but it’s also incredibly motivating to see your travel goals right in front of you, pushing you closer and closer to seeing them in person!
Now that you’ve picked your destination, it’s time to get practical. How long do you realistically need to save or plan for this trip? Contrary to popular belief, you don’t have to be a millionaire to travel. It’s all about smart planning and setting attainable goals. Look at your finances and decide what’s doable and whether it’s a short weekend getaway or a month-long adventure halfway around the world. Traveling to a beautiful destination doesn’t need to be a 10-hour flight, it could be a 2-hour drive who knows? Whatever works best for you.
Start with a timeline. Let’s say you want to visit Greece next summer. That gives you, say, nine months to prepare. Great! Now look at your current savings. How much will flights, accommodation, food and activities cost? Break it down month by month: “If I save X amount each week, I’ll have enough by the time summer rolls around.” Just like that, your dream trip is no longer a distant wish, but an actionable goal–YAY! Goal setting should be exciting, not stressful, just do your best to budget for the trips you fantasize about!
Okay, I know what you’re thinking: Budgeting is boring. But here’s the thing– it doesn’t have to be. Budgeting is the secret sauce that can make your travel fantasies come true without stressing about finances. Plus, the satisfaction of knowing you're moving closer to your dream destination with every dollar saved? Priceless. Trust us, there will be plenty of smiles when you realize you’ve saved enough for an amazing trip.
Start by setting up a travel fund. Open a separate savings account specifically for your trip, and automate small transfers into it each month. There are also plenty of travel budget apps that help track expenses and forecast how much you’ll need. And don’t worry, you don’t have to stop having fun while saving. Little changes; like brewing coffee at home, or skipping a few takeout meals, or slowing down on shopping, can go a long way toward your next adventure.
Researching your destination can be just as fun as the trip itself, if not more. Think of it as responsible daydreaming. Scour travel blogs, YouTube videos, and Pinterest for tips and inspiration. Look up everything from weather conditions to cultural etiquette, the best local eats, and hidden gems.
Also, start paying attention to flight deals. Use sites like Google Flights, Skyscanner or Hopper to track prices and get notified when fares drop. You might score a flight to your dream destination for much less than you anticipatedflights aren’t as expensive as some may think!
Pro tip: Sign up for a couple of newsletters or follow some social media accounts that specialize in cheap flight deals. You’ll be surprised at the affordable options that pop up when you’re paying attention!
Once you’re on the verge of booking, remember that travel doesn’t have to be complicated. Pack lightly, both physically and mentally. Sometimes we get so caught up in trying to make every trip “perfect” that we forget to leave room for spontaneity. Have a loose itinerary, but leave some breathing room for those unexpected moments, like discovering a hidden café or stumbling upon a local festival, sometimes these moments of spontaneity are the ones we cherish most.
If you’re a first-time traveler or feeling overwhelmed, start small. Maybe begin with a closer destination or a shorter trip. The important thing is to keep moving toward your travel goals. Each experience will build your confidence and fuel your wanderlust for bigger adventures.
Now that you’ve done all the research, saved up and are feeling confident, there’s only one thing left to do: book the trip! Press that “purchase” button and let the excitement take over. Yes, there might be nerves, but trust me, they’ll fade once you’re on that plane, stepping into your dream destination, realizing all your hard work and excitement has led up to this incredible adventure.
At the end of the day, turning your travel dreams into reality is about making steady, actionable steps toward your goals. And guess what? Every small decision, every dollar saved, every blog post read, every TikTok watched, gets you closer to boarding that plane. So start planning, because the world is waiting, and your next adventure is just around the corner!
Travel is one of the most amazing, exciting, beautiful and wonderful opportunities we have in this life. Remember: YOU CAN DO IT! You don’t need heaps of money or even a super-strung-out itinerary. You just need yourself, bravery and the mindset of confidence- I cannot wait to see your travel daydreams turn into real, beautiful, and stunning destinations.
The United States, once viewed as a beacon of unity, now finds itself increasingly divided along political lines. This growing polarization has intensified due to factors including the rise of digital technologies, which have transformed how we consume information and interact with one another. While these technologies have undoubtedly brought many benefits, they have also created new challenges that threaten to undermine our unity.
The online world- as beneficial as it can be, may be a big reason for our political divide. Our search engines are strategically designed to cater to our beliefs, wants, and interests. Have you ever wondered why you typically see things that are in agreement with your beliefs within your first few searches? Search engines are meticulously crafted to cater to individual preferences, and can inadvertently create echo chambers.
Gen Z, in particular, stands out as a generation deeply engaged in politics. Raised in a fully digital age, this generation has complete access to a wealth of information and perspectives. This has fostered an environment for a generation of critical thinkers, capable of forming their own opinions. However, as we become increasingly immersed in the digital world, when do the lines between our own thoughts and those influenced by algorithms and social media become blurred?
Echo chambers, which limit our exposure to diverse viewpoints, can significantly narrow our perspectives. For example, social media algorithms often analyze a user’s past behavior, such as likes, shares, and comments, to curate content that aligns with their interests. This can lead to the creation of personalized news feeds that predominantly feature information that confirms the user’s existing beliefs, thereby reinforcing biases and limiting exposure to diverse viewpoints. By consuming only media and news that aligns with our pre-existing beliefs, we neglect intellectual challenge and feedback. This can lead to a skewed understanding of complex issues and a diminished ability to empathize with differing opinions. As a result, individuals may become even more entrenched in their viewpoints, making it difficult to engage in constructive dialogue.
Media literacy in the context of politics is crucial for individuals to navigate the complex landscape of information they encounter daily. With an abundance of news sources, social media platforms, and opinion-based content constantly being thrown our way, people are constantly exposed to a wide range of political perspectives, not all of which are reliable. Media literacy encourages individuals to critically evaluate the accuracy, credibility, and intent behind the political information they consume. This includes recognizing bias, identifying the difference between news and opinion, and spotting misinformation or propaganda that may influence public opinion. By improving these skills, media literacy helps individuals make informed political decisions, contribute to more constructive discourse, and hold politicians and media outlets accountable. Ultimately, a media-literate society is better equipped to participate in democracy with clarity.
Generation Z is often hailed as one of the most politically aware and engaged generations in modern history. Born into a world of rapid social change and global crises, Gen Z has grown up with an open access to information, especially through social media. This connectivity has enabled them to stay informed on a variety of issues, ranging from climate change and racial justice to economic inequality and reproductive rights. Recent years have seen a massive surge in voter registration among young people, as many members of Gen Z have realized the impact their voices can have in shaping policies that affect their futures. Despite the traditional notion of low youth voter turnout, Gen Z is challenging the narrative on this stereotype by showing up at the polls and advocating for causes they deeply care about. Their commitment to activism and awareness has redefined what it means to be a young voter today, and their engagement paints a picture for a more politically conscious future.
The rapid spread of misinformation and disinformation within online platforms further worsens political divisions. Misleading information can spread like wildfire online, often surpassing any efforts to debunk them before they become viral. This can lead to confusion, distrust, and ultimately, polarization. For instance, the spread of conspiracy theories and false narratives about the 2020 presidential election not only damaged faith in democratic institutions, but further fueled political violence.
While social media platforms have their drawbacks, they have undeniably revolutionized political engagement. These platforms provide a powerful tool for spreading awareness about political issues, connecting with like-minded individuals, and mobilizing for social change. Platforms like Twitter and Facebook allow users to follow news organizations, politicians, and activists, receiving real-time updates and posts on current events. Additionally, platforms like TikTok and Instagram have empowered marginalized voices, giving them a platform to share their experiences and advocate for their rights. By facilitating discussions, sharing information, and mobilizing communities, social media has the potential to foster a more informed and engaged society�
Around 4.8 billion people need glasses or other vision correction in their lifetime. I am one of those people.
Third grade — a very transformative time in one’s life. I vividly remember a trip to the eye doctor with my mom, an appointment I dreaded, to get my vision checked. I left the office that day with high spirits; though, I did so because I could now see the world around me clearly. I could see leaves on the streets, letters on street signs and planes in the sky. I was prescribed glasses, for which I chose a blue frame; they were bold and bright, and aside from giving me better vision, proved to be another method of self-expression.
From time to time, I have accidentally left my glasses at home. This leads to frustration. I am frustrated that I only see a blur in my classes, on my computer screen, on the street signs and in the people around me. As the day goes on, though, I realize that the blur proves to be more than just a physical challenge; it also softens the edges of my thoughts and emotions. Maybe the blur that I see when I leave my glasses at home is really a blessing in disguise?
Blur is defined by Merriam-Webster Dictionary as “something vaguely or indistinctly perceived.” To see blur is to experience the world without sharpness or clarity, where the edges of objects, people and environments become indistinct, merging into a hazy, unfocused view. It’s as if you are walking through a field full of fog, slightly unaware of your surroundings and perhaps feeling a bit uncomfortable. Though despite the unease that coincides with faults in my vision, I suddenly feel empowered to utilize my other senses, such as hearing, and even my imagination. Rather than putting so much pressure on myself to see and interpret the world around me, I give the people and things surrounding me an opportunity to just be.
Vision enables the human eye to often overanalyze, to take something and rip every inch of it to shreds, in hopes of further grasping and understanding what is being perceived. We look at the extrinsic aspect of things in our day-to-day lives and subconsciously forget to analyze and make sense of the intrinsic beauty.
Extrinsic is what’s on the outside, while intrinsic is what’s on the inside. A harsh contrast and one that tends to consume us as humans. When you are walking on the street, it’s often instinctual to look around you, at least I do, to gaze at the fellow humans beside you and observe what they are wearing, perhaps what car they are driving and even what type of phone they have. It’s human nature to do so, and oftentimes we end up making preconceived judgments and assumptions. To prioritize the intrinsic is to put first the inner beauty of something.
It’s to see the values and beliefs a person holds, or maybe what they prioritize in life, rather than their designer bag or colorful clothes. Dressing oneself is a form of extrinsic self-expression, but it tends to take away from who someone really is and puts more emphasis on what they want people to think of them. Suddenly focusing on the extrinsic becomes materialistic and toxic.
The same issue appears on social media, a vicious circle of comparison and seeing highlight reels of everyone’s not-so-perfect lives. Rather than viewing and understanding the user’s emotions, thoughts and intentions, you are viewing and analyzing the content they want you to.
The blur creates a filter, a soft veil that removes the distractions of fashion, status symbols or the daily markers of success that we’re conditioned to see. With my glasses, I would notice the perfectly tailored skirt and top, the latest Apple iPhone or the shiny car driving down the street. But without them, these external indicators fade, and I am left to connect with something more essential and valuable.
It’s in these moments of blurred vision that I am reminded of the simple truth: clarity of sight does not always equate to clarity of understanding. When I can’t see the designer logos or the polished appearances, I am more attuned to the intrinsic qualities — the warmth in someone’s voice, the kindness in their gestures, the way their energy fills a room and their intentions, all of this remaining prevalent without perfect sight.
This change in perspective spills over into my interactions as my glasses sit at home on my nightstand. When the details of appearance blur, I begin to realize just how much of our daily lives are shaped by visual information that doesn’t necessarily matter. We instinctively read people’s appearances like a script, scanning for cues and context and trying to piece a puzzle together. But when those cues are removed or dulled, I find myself listening more deeply, focusing on tone, intention and sincerity, and therefore piecing the puzzle together more quickly.
It’s in the blur that I start to understand people for who they are rather than what they want people to understand about themselves. In a way, losing sight of the details allows me to gain insight into the things that matter most — things like authenticity, compassion and connection.
Perhaps leaving my glasses at home forces me into an uncomfortable space, but it’s a discomfort that comes with unexpected realizations. The blur strips away the layers of distraction and reminds me of how often we get caught up in what can be seen rather than what can be felt. When the visual world softens, I am reminded that life, in its truest form, is not defined by the sharp edges of what we own, how much money we have or how we present ourselves, but by the values we hold and the ways we make others feel.
seeInG The World dIfferenTly
Seeing blur offers a sense of clarity that, ironically, 20/20 vision does not. It compels me to let go of judgment and embrace open-mindedness, to stop nitpicking every detail and to start appreciating the beauty in imperfection. It is through this blur that I reconnect with what really matters: the heart of the people around me, the value of presence, and the significance of experiences over appearances.
The blur helps us not lose the forest for the trees.
I suggest everyone leave their glasses at home from time to time, so you may see people and the world around you more accurately.
Article Description: Explore how AI-driven platforms impact genuine social interactions and friendships among college students, and tips to combat the struggle to maintain authenticity in digital communication.
Generation Z is fully immersing themselves in the world of Artificial Intelligence. From ChatGPT to Siri and social media, we’ve been surrounded by it our whole lives. An AI-driven global community is forming whether we like it or not, but what we choose to do with it is up to us. If you’re like us at The Edge, you might be wondering; what does this mean for authenticity within our generation? Will in-person interactions suffer at the expense of AI-driven platforms, or will we create innovative ways to integrate AI into our human interactions?
An AI-driven platform is any application, website or digital feature powered by the capabilities of artificial intelligence. We are already seeing this on Google with the AI overview or the Meta AI tool on Instagram and Facebook that can do everything from generating life-like images to . Social media platforms with easily accessible AI enhancement tools make it hard to differentiate what’s real from what’s fake in photos, messaging and comments.
AI-driven platforms, especially social media, are shaping Gen Z’s everyday interaction with each other and they can cause struggles with our identity, authenticity and building genuine relationships with one another.
Learning how to use AI to enhance the way we present ourselves authentically is necessary to adapt to this digital age of communication and we’re here to give you just a few pointers.
One of the hardest aspects of AI that Gen Z college students have to overcome is building superficial connections over authentic ones. As the generation of AI-driven social media, it’s easy for us to like a post or write a comment on someone’s page without thinking twice about how we actually feel towards the person or the post itself, just because the AI-driven algorithm thinks that we’ll enjoy the content.
Instead of falling victim to the algorithms of social media, try to create online relationships with creators that you discover yourself and that align with your own morals and values, rather than what the algorithms knows about you based on demographics.
To do this, use the good ole search bar and take the time to look through accounts that you find interesting that aren’t pushed by the algorithm. Utilizing search bars is a great way to combine human-driven power and AI skills to find genuine online communities that produce enthralling content that you’ve chosen to take interest in, rather than what AI promotes on your personal feed.
We all fall victim to shutting ourselves in our rooms or putting our headphones on to study. As college students, it’s hard to remain creative and easy to get stuck on projects, making AI our go-to method to accomplish tasks when we need fresh ideas or just a bit of extra help on projects. However, we often forget the power of working with a study group and having other people to bounce ideas off of rather than turning to AI for help when we’re stumped.
Taking the time to get together with a group of friends or classmates to do homework will provide a non-digital way to connect in a productive manner. Teaching your notes to others while you’re studying is a great tactic that’s proven to be helpful when studying, and having more than one set of non-digital eyes projects can help them become their best versions. Never count out what the power of human connection can do for academics, and you might make a new friend or two in the process.
Using computers every day, especially AI tools in class, can become draining not only mentally, but physically, leading to a sense of brain burnout each week. Even our moments of spending time on our own include AI, like the nightly “scrolling time” that we all fall victim to whether we like it or not. Gen Z college students are powered by AI tools everyday, and it can be hard to let go of the daily technologies and digital devices we rely on, but it’s necessary to detox every once in a while in order to reconnect with ourselves and the physical world.
There are a few ways you can engage in a weekly digital detox. Creating technology free spaces within your home is a great way to build connectivity with your roommates and friends to make sure you’re staying caught up with each other’s lives. The living room and kitchen are great spaces to implement this rule because as common spaces, it will promote you all to talk to each other rather than relying on social media or doom scrolling to keep you occupied. Common areas are typically in the middle of your living space, making it easily visible and accessible to everyone as they walk through the door, making everyone more likely to interact. Common areas also promote a variety of activities when people fill the space and make it more inviting than a phone screen.
Second, choosing a day (or multiple days) of the week to take a walk outside is a great way to boost your body physically and mentally relax your mind. Dedicating a day and time to embracing nature and listening to good music will benefit both your body and mind, and give you some “me-time” to look forward to each week.
Lastly, writing in a journal during your dedicated detox time helps you reflect on your day technology-free and connect authentically with yourself and emotions. These three practices are great steps to a digital detox from AI-enhanced media and can improve your emotional and psychological well-being, as well as help to build time for authentic interactions with friends
The key to everything in life is balance, and finding balance between AI-driven technology and authenticity can be difficult. To transform the way we perceive ourselves in our identity and create relationships with others, we must navigate AI in our digital world. These tips and tricks can help Gen Z college students stay connected while maintaining authenticity in our in-person interactions, allowing us to find a balance that celebrates our personal identities and fosters genuine connections in a world of AI.
In a world full of fast-paced trends, changing personalities and intense societal pressure, figuring out who you are is more important now than ever.
The question of “who am I?” can relate to many different aspects of one’s life. One’s education, background, likes, interests, hopes and dreams, all fall under who they are as a person. With the increase of online presence through social media like Instagram, TikTok, Snapchat, etc, it gets harder and harder every day to step away from the ‘norm’ and find things that actually are interesting to you.
Instagram models, TikTok paid-promotions, Snapchat filters, the list goes on. Our world has turned to ‘perfection’, or the need to be perfect online. Trends have shaped our social world for many years now, telling us what to wear, what to eat, what to say, and now individualism is coming back.
A trend I am incredibly glad to see online is the ‘trend’ of being comfortable in your own skin is coming around. My personal favorite creator is Nadia (@grapejuicenads) on TikTok, a Canadian university student who has grown her platform by simply being herself. From videos of her dancing in her kitchen to doing an OOTD (Outfit Of The Day) on the street, or just being vulnerable about the stresses of being a college student, her page is a safe space for many. Now she’s hanging out with Charli XCX, Troye Sivan, and Lorde at the Sweat Tour. This is not to say that everyone’s individuality can get them to places like this, but her comfort in her own identity has shaped a large community online.
Individualism is a social theory favoring freedom of action and self for individuals. Think of the floating rock mindset. (We live on a floating rock, so you’re free to make your own decisions). To me, individualism is the art of being comfortable in your own skin while also being able to be present in society. One can still follow trends but not have those trends dictate their entire life. It’s okay to follow trends and find trends that you like, but it’s not okay to rely on trends and let them dictate the course of your life. Find parts of yourself that set you apart from the people around you. Maybe it’s a hobby, a language you speak, or an opinion you have. Try to connect with it. The more comfortable you are with your identity, the better people you’ll attract into your life.
How can I stop being addicted to my phone?
How can I stop being addicted to my phone?
Start slowly. Utilize those screen time limits. Find entertainment away from screens. The sooner you start, the easier it’ll be. The constant stream of trends, filters and subtle advertising is not good for anyone’s mental health, regardless of age. Our phones are the best and the worst things ever. They connect us to people we love but they also tear down our mental health. Starting to limit your dependency on your phone can change both your outlook and mental health. Your phone doesn’t have to be the villain. Using your phone as an asset can help not only your dependency but also your mindset. I use my calendar, photo album, and Spotify more than I use social media. I’ve put 1 hour time limits on each social media app, so when that time limit pops up on my phone, I get a little reminder to step back. I also try to ‘clean’ my social media. I follow creators that make me enjoy opening my phone rather than comparing myself or my life the second they pop up on my feed.
Who are some creators that are good for the soul? (and the aestheitc?)
Here are a couple categories of creators that I follow across all my platforms that help bring personality and joy back to my social media feeds.
For when I need a laugh:
Her podcast episodes of “The Broski Report” feel like someone stepping into my brain, extracting all my thoughts, and having her read them out loud (with accents and many, many tangents). She helped me through last semester by giving me an outlet to momentarily forget and laugh.
For when I need a fan-girl to lean on:
In this day and age, being a fan-girl always seems to get made fun of. But these two have helped me find the fun in being a fan girl and I enjoy their energies so much. They help me feel unapologetically myself.
Stepping back, taking time for yourself (away from screens) and connecting with friends that genuinely make you happy. For me, the ‘reading trend’ that resurfaced on the internet got me out of a multi-year reading slump. I was able to rekindle my love for books and was able to make new friends, friends that I am still incredibly close with today. Trends like that are what our rapidly changing world needs. And the underconsumption trend. It’s just showing us that what we believe to be ‘underconsumption’ is actually just regular consumption, shining a light on the overconsumption problem in our society. These trends can help our generation and even our world to become more real and comfortable in our personas.
The saying “a watched pot never boils” is both completely true and completely false in this situation. On the true side, forcing relationships has never worked out for anyone. Friendships should and will come naturally in their own time. Don’t stress if your friend group never looks exactly how you want it or isn’t consistent. Remember, you’ve only known these people for a couple of months/years. On the other hand, you can’t just sit back and let things happen. Go to interest meetings for clubs and school events, and talk to people in your classes. Try new things! But remember to take time for yourself and your studies. You come first. And yes, I know that I sound like a broken record of literally any college student ever, but it’s true. Coming from a type-A introvert, you sometimes have to be the one who makes the first move.
Of course. Of course, you can still participate in trends. Just don’t let them dictate your life. Only make that recipe if you actually want to. Wear the clothes because you like the way they look on you. Watch the show, read the book and use the slang because it resonates with you. In the words of William Ernest Henly, “I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul.” (But you’ve definitely heard the Timothée Chalamet version on TikTok). Trends can be a great way to connect people.
The main thing I hope you take away from this is that it’s okay to be you. The people you love, the books you’ve read, the things you’ve collected — they’ve all shaped the person you are. Embrace it. Connect with people. Find your true hobbies and interests.
And pretty soon, you’ll be able to answer the question,
Who am I?