Get LIT With Creative Writing
• Explore your inner voice with prose, poetry, and everything in between • Get real feedback on your writing & sharpen your communicative sword
• Publish your own work on Amazon’s CreateSpace!
What do we do in Creative Writing?
COMING SUMMER 2018 English 131: Creative Writing M-Th 8:00-10:30 AM CRN 52380 6/4/18 – 7/6/18
“You can, you should, and if you’re brave enough to start, you will…” –Stephen King, On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft.
Stephen King said it best. Writing is scary and literature can feel scary, but anything scary IS rewarding. Don’t miss out on your chance for a true adventure and to explore new parts of yourself.
Publishing: How would you like to be a published author? In this class, you will get inside tips on how to use Amazon CreateSpace to publish your own work!
Promotion: We will also explore how to promote your work on social media, set up an author page on Amazon, and get your voice “out there.”
Calling ALL Majors! ENGL 131 meets the following degrees and GE’s: ·Associate in Arts in English for Transfer Degree ·Associate of Arts in English and Literature Degree ·Transfer course to the CSU and the UC (does not meet GE requirement)
The Instructor: William Curington has been teaching at Rio Hondo since 2005. He has published two children’s books, one which won the OCD Texas Book Fair Award, and several novels. He is passionate about writing, but he is also passionate about teaching YOU to be a better writer.
Key Benefits of Class: •
Unleash your creativity.
Learn to express yourself.
Experience the power of imagination.
Oh yeah, and the instructor is really cool.
Questions? If you have any questions about the class, feel free to email the instructor at