Record Breaking Gas Prices Hit LA!
By: Matthew Medina News Editor

OscarValladares is cur rently a deputy public conservator in the Los Angeles County Department of Mental Health and is running for re-election for Rio Hondo College Board Area 5. What position are you run ning for and can you tell us a little bit about yourself?
I’m running for re-elec tion for Rio Hondo College Board, Area 5. I immigrated to the United States with my parents when I was 11 years old. Despite the many chal lenges faced as an immigrant non-English speaking student, I successfully graduated both high school and college.
The Community College pathway afforded me an oppor tunity tocontinue my education at a financial cost that was within my reach without the assistance of financial aid.

While my journey was 7 years long, I am proud to say that I succeeded in transfer ring and obtaining my bach
elor’s degree from California State University, Los Angeles.

For the past 18 years I have worked for the County of Los Angeles. Initially as a Child Support Officer and now as a Deputy Public Conser vator providing vital mental health services to many in our surrounding communities.
transfer/graduation time.
Whittier is my family’s home and the community college system was central to my family’s success. My edu cation prepared me to secure a good-paying job and provide for my family. I will diligently and unapologetically work to ensure that every student is granted that same and/or better opportunities.

Vanessa Tyson is run ning to serve as a Governing Board Member for Rio Hondo Community College District in Area 5. I have resided in Whittier for decade now and am proud to be raising and sharing volunteerexperiences with my daughter in our home community. What position are you run ning for and can you tell us a little bit about yourself?

mom, while my father was in and out of the criminal justice system. I teach courses on public policy, a subject I’ve been consumed with since I was a little girl.
Those courses include Introduction to Public Policy; Women and Public Policy, En vironmental Policy in the US, Marginalized Communities, and a handful more.
By: Madison Aguilera Social Media madison.aguilera9098@my.riohondo.eduOver
the past weeks
gas prices have now been increased by a little over a dollar a gallon according to AAA. Many have opinions about the money they have to spend for gas including one Angeleno resident Sonny Brock, “I feel that it is the worst it’s ever been in history and I hope for a solution soon” Brock expresses. As most of us have these feelings towards the crisis, we ask ourselves will it eventually get better?
According to a statement made by Gov. Gavin Newsom, his decision to switch to a winter-blend gasoline alter native will bring down the price of gasoline by a dollar over the course of a month. His efforts will allow an early transition for this new alter native to be manufactured, imported, distributed, and sold in California. Not only will this change impact consumers, but in his statement he explains how winter-blend gasoline also benefits the air quality in making a minimal impact on our environment.
As Trustee, I will continue to advocate for quality opportu nities similar to those I had as a community college student.
I will ensure that clear and accessible educational/career pathways are created while cutting cost and shortening
I was born and raised here in Whittier/Area 5, I’m a first-generation college grad uate who overcame various odds to become a tenured professor at Scripps College, the Women’s College of Clare mont.
I was raised by a very loving and supportive single
With the prices at outra geous numbers we often find ourselves to put the blame on something or someone. The blame is not on something as complex as politics or even Hurricane Ian, it is due to limited supply that comes from these oil refineries. California has had its lowest production of gas in decades, and with people demanding fuel for their vehicles, Ange lenos have to pay the price before the distribution of win ter-blend gasoline can make its way into the West Coast.
“It was my educational journey that empowered and inspired me to dedicate my professional career to public service.”Photo courtesy of Oscar Valladares El Paisano Media Oscar Valladares was elected to the Rio Hondo Communi ty College District Board of Trustees in November 2018 Photo courtesy of Vanessa Tyson El Paisano Media Vanessa Tyson is currently an Associate Professor in the Department of Politics at Scripps College in Claremont
“I want to be an active advocate for students, staff, and faculty so that everyone thrives, and no one falls through the cracks.”
If gas prices weren’t out rageous enough, Los An geles has recently seen nearly record breaking prices at the pump for a great amount of time
Can you tell me how the election process works and what are you doing for your campaign?
“I have engaged our commu nity with monthly newsletter via e-mail and social media paid ads providing Rio Hondo Col lege updates and resources. During the pandemic, I hosted four Food Distribution events serving over 2500 families during. I volunteer at my local church, St. Mary’s Catholic Church, where my family donates and volunteer during the Food Distribution and serve as a Lector. Early this summer, I door-knock on over 500 homes and provided Rio Hondo College update to our residents. I have been canvassing since late August as part of my re-election cam paign. I have received the en dorsement of Rio Hondo Col lege Trustee Rosaelva Lomeli, Rep. Grace Napolitano, Los An geles County Supervisor Jan ice Hahn, State Senator Bob Archuleta, Assembly member Mike Fong, City of Whittier School Board Member Polly Vigil, East Whittier School Board Member Carlos Aparicio, Whittier Union High School Board Member Jaime Lopez, Former Whittier Coun cilmember Josue Alvarado (RHC Alumni). I am also sup ported by local regional lead er like Pico Rivera Mayor, Dr. Monica Sanchez (RHC Alum ni), Downey Mayor Blanca Pa checo, El Monte Mayor Jessica Ancona, Norwalk Councilmem ber Ana Valencia (former Nor walk-La Mirada School Board Member) and Southwest Re gional Council of the Carpenters Union.”
What are your goals if you do win the election?
“Since being elected in 2018, I have worked hard to exe cute my priorities to champi on student success, increase the graduation completion rate, create career pathways for high-paying jobs, increase scholarship opportunities, and maintain fiscal stability.
I am proud of the progress toward these priorities for both our students and our college district. Some of them include: Modernize Board Meetings from paper and pencil to 100% digital and make them acces sible to our community to in crease public transparency. Scholarships & amp; Career Pathways secured $1.5 million for scholarship/fellowships to help students achieve their ed ucational goals without incur ring debt.
Saved public funds with bond refinance savings of over $13 million for our homeowners & #39’s taxpayers and increased reserves (7% to 27%) during my Board Presidency. We secured $500,000 for the Child Care Center to provide child care during the pandemic and se cured funds to house students
experiencing homelessness.
Led efforts to assist Rio Hondo College students (65) renewed or apply for DACA by providing funds for filing fees and legal assistance to complete the ap plication process.
Despite this remarkable prog ress, the COVID pandemic added tremendous setbacks to our country & #39’s entire educa tional system. It has impacted our college students, who were already burdened with numer ous challenges like food inse curities, homelessness, and inflation.
Our college adjusted to pro vide online classes so students can continue to take courses with support services. We ob tained federal grants to support students with tuition assis tance, food, housing, mental healthcare, and child care.
As an immigrant who worked through college with no finan cial aid, I understand the chal lenges students may face prob lems when there is no support in achieving their educational goals.”
“As a Trustee, I will continue to advocate for opportunities for our students and ensure they can obtain the education necessary for lifelong success in a good-paying career while keeping costs low, shortening the time needed to finish, and providing the essential support for success.
I believe in life-long learning, and Rio Hondo is a precious re source for all residents in our community. We will continue to grow and expand our service so that any person seeking education opportunities can succeed at Rio Hondo College.”
Vanessa Tyson
Can you tell me how the election process works and what are you doing for your campaign?
The election process is a bit more complicated than it would seem, and it varies from office to office. For the position of Governing Board Member of Rio Hondo College, I first had to ask the LA County Regis trar-Recorder’s office for a va riety of forms to fill out. I then submitted those forms by the filing deadline. From there, I proceeded to reach out to friends and family to let them know that I’m running,
I found a consultant who would be able to print cam paign literature and provide field organizing advice, and I hired a treasurer who could file various forms about campaign contributions and expenditures with the California Secretary of State’s Office in Sacramento.
Now I’m working on day-to-day tasks like fundraising, distrib uting yard signs to support ers in the district, completing endorsement questionnaires, participating in endorsement interviews, canvassing with lit erature, setting up events, and coordinating with campaign
volunteers. I’m running field operations and outreach, en dorsements, fundraising, and events/logistics.
Running against a Demo cratic incumbent is an uphill battle, but my work has paid off in that I’ve endorsed the LA County Democratic Party, Con gresswoman Linda Sánchez, the United Democrats of San Gabriel Valley, and numerous local elected officials and/or former elected officials.
What are your goals if you do win the election?
My goals include providing increased student resources available through the Office of Basic Needs. In particular, I want more funding for men tal health services, along with housing and food security, for members of the Rio Hondo Community. I also want to over see an increase in enrollment, along with community recogni tion that the College provides invaluable opportunities for ev eryone. More generally, I want to be an active advocate for stu dents, staff, and faculty so that everyone thrives, and no one falls through the cracks.
Potential Serial Killer in Northern California
By: Beatriz Martinez Editor-in-Chief beatriz.martinezortiz0021@my.riohondo.eduLast Tuesday, California police shared details about a possible serial killer in the Golden State.
WUSHD Area 4 Elections Q&A
By: Lorenzo Gaytan Editor-in-Chief lorenzo.gaytan5913@my.riohondo.eduThe Whittier Union High School District is holding an election for an open seat on the board. Candidates Irma Rodri guez Moisa, and Chris Hard eman were asked a few ques tions on what they would do if they were elected. Here is what they said:w
1. What position are you running for and can you tell us a little bit about yourself?
“My Name is Irma Rodriguez Moisa and I am running for Whittier Union High School District Trustee Area. While all five trustees represent all students and families in the District, the District went to area elections a few years ago. Area 4 covers a portion of uptown Whittier, Whittier College, Michigan Park, Mar Vista Heights, Friendly Hills, a portion of northern La Mira da and the area between Mills Avenue/Leffingwell and east to 1 st Avenue. I was born and
who identified the perpetrator as a tall man approximately 6 ft tall wearing all black clothing with a black mask. Stockton Police Chief Stanley McFadden described that six of the seven victims linked to this case have been men between the ages of 21 and 57, murdered between July 8 and September 27 of this year, four of them were Hispanic, however, the police still do not have a clear reason why this person has committed these crimes.
raised in Ventura County, the daughter and granddaughter of farmworkers. My parents and family taught me the value of family, hard work, and service.
During these formative years, I learned that education was the key to achieving my full poten tial. I am the proud product of public education and have sev eral family members who are teachers in our public school. After graduating from high school, I attended U.C. Berke ley where I earned a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration from the Haas School of Business. I continued my education at Har vard University, where I earned a Master’s in Public Policy from John. F Kennedy School of Government and I then re turned to Berkeley to earn my law degree. I began my legal career as a civil rights attorney at the Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund. I moved into private practice af ter five years. Over the last 25 years, I have represented pri vate and public entities in their labor and employment matters and have received statewide recognition for my work. [Daily Journal’s Top Women Lawyers, Top Municipal Lawyers, Top Women Litigators, and recog nized as a Super Lawyer every year since 2004. I have held numerous leadership positions in my firm, serving as the Part ner-in-Charge of our headquar ters office and most recently being appointed to Chief Oper ating Officer. I have also served on numerous boards over the years. Here is a listing of some of them: Campaign for College Opportunity Board Member Berkeley Law Alumni Associa tion Board Member
MALDEF, President Board of Directors Former Board Mem ber, Rio Hondo Foundation
have linked seven crimes to this case, five of them committed in the last six months in Stockton. Stockton is a city of 320,000 people 50 miles from Sacra mento, the capital of California. One of the victims of the other two incidents that occurred in April of last year in the city of Oakland fortunately survived the altercation, unfortunately the fatal victim was a 40-yearold Hispanic.
During the press conference, Stockton police shared imag es and asked for the public’s help in identifying a person of interest. Police said this person has appeared in several images near the crime scenes, howev er, he has not yet been linked to these fatal incidents. Although they have not yet received in formation to help in the inves tigation, currently, the reward has been raised to $125,000 for information leading to an arrest.
The surviving victim of the April attack was a Black woman
Police also mentioned that none of the shootings involved robbery or violence before the events occurred. They also said that according to their investi gations, none of the victims appeared to know each other and the cases did not appear to have a gang or drug connec tion. The police stressed that the killer’s mode of operation is that he mainly ambushes men and then shoots them in places with poor visibility due to lack of light at night or early in the morning.
Likewise, Chief McFadden did not rule out the theory that these crimes have been com mitted by more than one per son, so the Police have alerted the residents of the area to be aware of what is happening around them and avoid going out alone late at night to avoid other deadly events in the city.
In Stockton, fear and concern have grown among the commu nity since the police mentioned that everyone is at risk. If you have any info, please call 209-937-8167
My husband Alex and I have raised our three children in Whittier and they all attended our local public schools. We have also been proud support ers of many community organi zations: Whittier Boys and Girls Club, SPIRITT Family Ser vices, YMCA, PIH Foundation, Whittier First Day, LACADA, WOW. We also support many other non-profit organizations in the larger Los Angeles area. I am also a former member of the Soroptimist International of Whittier.”
2. Can you tell me how the election process works and what are you doing for your campaign?
“Running for office is com plex and easy at the same time. Creating the building blocks for the campaign can be com plicated. There are many legal requirements: (1) submitting FPPC forms so that voters know if you have financial in terests in the area in which you
to pay for mailing pieces that reach voters. So, another part of the process is working with a graphic artist to create the mailing pieces that send the messages a candidate wants to send to sway voters. The most important part of the election process is connecting with vot ers not only via mail, but ideally in person. Therefore, having a robust volunteer core is import ant for phone banking, walking door to door and having local “meet and greets.” I find this part of the election process easy as it is about being myself and connecting with people and sharing my perspectives. I have already sent one mailer and in tend to have two others mailed to the voters in Area 4. I also will be walking door to door on Monday and Friday after noons and on weekends. I have a webpage and a Facebook page.
Because of my commitment to community service and previ ous leadership positions, I have garnered the endorsement of many local elected officials and community leaders.”
3. What are your goals if you do win the election?
“The next four years will be critical to our high schools and I will bring my energy, knowl edge and experience to ensure our students thrive. If elected, here are four areas that are a priority to me:
(1) Academic Excellence: Maintain and build on the ex pectation of academic excel lence for all of our students. We must also invest in extra-curric ular activities as those activities provide valuable experiences that shape our students’ fu tures.
(2) Equity: Ensure that all stu dents are engaged in the edu cational program. We need to assess how many students we have lost due to the educational offerings during the pandemic and how to bring them back and work on ensuring that all students are actively engaged in their education so they can reach their full potential.
(3) Financial Responsibility: Make financially responsible decisions to ensure the District has needed resources for student success. The state will face a recession over the next four years and planning for this will be critical to maintain crit ical funding for services. Also, provide oversight for pending construction and capital im provement projects and push for investments in technology to maintain innovative teaching and programs.
(4) Health and Safety: Preserve the health and safety of stu dents, faculty and staff. It is crit ical that our students, faculty and staff are teaching in a safe environment. I am smart hard working and can hit the ground running to serve our students. I will bring a fresh perspective to the many challenges facing the District today and in the years
to come. I will bring my life experience as a person from a working class background, as a parent who supported my own kids through their own educa tional challenges and achieve ments, and my professional tal ents to serve all of our students and families.

4. Finally, why is it import ant to get involved in voting?
Whether it’s a local, state, or national election?

“It is important that we all vote. The vote is the most important means of expressing our pri orities and choices. Election results bring change and keep our elected officials account able. While it would be ideal for all of us to engage in elec tions by speaking at meetings and organizing rallies, many of us do not have the time or re sources to engage at that level. I encourage everyone to vote at all levels of government.”
Special Message:
“I will bring a fresh perspec tive to the many challenges facing the District today and in the years to come. I will bring my life experience as a person from a working class back ground, as a parent who sup ported my own kids through their own educational challeng
es and achievements, and my professional talents to serve all of our students and families.”

Attempts were made to reach out to opponent Chris Hard eman, but a response was not ecieved. El Paisano wishes both candiates the best of luck in their campaigns.
El Paisano Newspaper Staff
Madison Aguilar Broadcast Director Logan Aguayo Podcast Director
“Dune” inspires Demobaza Runway

LA Fashion Week Returns
By: Marilin Campos Online Editor-in-Chief marilin.campos7742@my.riohondo.eduLA Fashion Week (LAFW)
has come to an end, and its final show was nothing short of impressive. Demoba za presented their new spring and summer 2023 collection.

Demobaza is a Bulgarian high-fashion clothing brand.
Designers Demo and Tono created it in 2007. It began as an online boutique for decon structed jeans and other state ment pieces. The brand has a a unique futuristic look that gives post-apocalyptic streetwear vibes.
The venue was a studio location in Hollywood. It was a traditional runway show with stunning models and an incredible collection. Projec tors ran alongside the runway displaying a lookbook video of the collection in a desert. That, alongside the daunting

background music, perfectly set the ambiance for the show.
Guests in attendance also dressed impeccably. Aspir ing designers and influencers from many different cities like New York and Nashville were there for LA Fashion Week’s fi nal show on October 9th. Some of the guests were also sport ing Demobaza and wearing it with their own personal sense of style.
When asked about the event, one of the guests said they felt the collection was reminiscent of something you would see in the “Mad Max” film series. Given the brand’s previous collaboration with “Dune,” another post- apoca lyptic sci-fi film with very dis tinct costume designs, one can easily see the comparison.
Another guest empha
sized how much the women’s designs impressed her. She described how much she liked the use of texture in contrast to a very neutral color pallet. While she enjoyed the men’s looks, The women’s designs pleasantly surprised her.
The goal of this year’s LA Fashion Week was to break boundaries and rid designers of certain restrictions while still maintaining the elegance and richness that is high fash ion. That is exactly what De mobaza gave with its brand new spring and summer 2023 collection.

How Music Apps are Shattering Records
By: Christopher Villasenor. Broadcast Editor
Records are now consid ered to be vintage and trendy nowadays. Before we had apps like Apple Music and Spotify we started off with records. The record player was first produced in 1895 but when the radio was released many people would rather have a radio in their house. This was because the radio had a lot more features than the record player did. Records started to gain more popular ity during the late 60’s and the 70’s. People during that time started to realize that the sound created from the record player was richer and clearer than the radio which led to its resurchange.
Music is very crucial to many in everyday life. Many listen to music while driving and while doing everyday tasks and more. With the start of music streaming services they have made the demand for records keep diminishing. Record stores used to be very popular but as technology kept evolving many people chose the convenience over having to
A look at the evolution of music and it’s production
settle to buy records and play music in one place.
One place has perceived through it all though and have kept their doors open for over 50 years. Lovell’s records lo cated in Whittier California is a hidden gem to many and is loved by locals. This shop has a wide selection of records and is filled with many music lov ers.
Places like Lovell’s and many other record stores are the reason why people are still interested in records. People like to collect them or listen and many new artists now are releasing their new albums on vinyl records because they know people like to listen on a record player.
While interviewing one of the shoppers while in the store I asked her why she would pay money for a record rather than listening to that album on a streaming service. She said ”There is nothing more magi cal than taking out that new re cord and setting it up to play a warm and comforting sound”.
With this new generation
it may seem that streaming services are taking over ev ery aspect of music but when you really dive into it records are trending upwards and are gaining more traction. Another very famous record place, Amoeba Hollywood. It has been open since 1990 and is very infamous in the city. Many artists appreciate the store and for what it’s worth and do meet and greets and smaller concerts inside the store. This has people coming into the store and also keeps them coming back.
As long as music is around, records and records stores are going to be around no matter how big streaming services get.

Entergalactic: Kid Cudi’s Latest Album
By: Logan Aguayo. Podcast Director logan.aguayo0746@my.riohondo.eduSmile (2022) Film Review

that each victim died tragical ly but the real question is why do they all die with a smile on their face?
in the movie were also a nice touch and made the audience more intrigued about what was going to happen next.
Kid Cudi’s eighth studio album, in cludes 15 tracks with a 46 minute listening-time. “En tergalactic” is full of mellow and chill vibes, a real work of creativity that is worth listen ing to on repeat. Before the re lease of “Entergalactic”, Cudi released “Willing To Trust” to give fans a sample of what’s to be expected.
After listening to Cudi’s album multiple times, you can easily find yourself replaying songs and “get lost” in each one. Just like any other album, some songs stand out the most compared to others in the same album. Some of my fa vorites include “She’s Lookin’ For Me”, “Willing To Trust”, “Somewhere to Fly”, “Do What I Want”, and “Ignite The Love”.
There can be many inter pretations of Cudi’s album, but this is what I believe after listening to the lyrics of each song. From my understanding, it feels as though Cudi is de
scribing finding one true love through his song titles and lyr ics.
“Entergalactic” is a great album and worth a listen, whether on repeat or just once. The mellow vibes throughout the album create a relaxing environment while listening, making you want to listen on repeat. If “Entergalactic” does end up being Kid Cudi’s last studio album, he released a fantastic album to end his ca reer.

movie that is topping the charts for the month of October, “Smile,” di rected by Parker Finn was just released at the end of Septem ber. This movie is really unpre dictable and for all those mov iegoers out there, this movie will for sure have you jumping out of your seats.
The movie kicks off with Rose (Sosie Bacon) who is a young clinical psychiatrist who had witnessed her own mother’s suicide when she was 10 years old. One day, Rose is greeted by one of her hyster ical patients (Caitlin Stasey) who claims that she is being stalked by a entity who is mur derous and shapeshifts. Sud denly, her patient commits sui cide right before her very eyes.
Rose finds out that this certain entity feeds on their victims minds and takes on the form of certain people from their past and present mem ories. These memories trau matize the victims into doing self-harm. Rose soon finds out
The use of past trauma and its presentation of death as a viral infection, which is passed from one person to another makes this movie not like the others.
Throughout the movie, the director made Rose’s personal ity transition from the begin ning to the end. In the begin ning she was very professional and well put together. But, as the story proceeds, the make up disappears, and bags start to appear under her eyes.
The jump scares with
The way that the movie is filmed is pretty eerie itself with some bloody and gory scenes. But, many of the shots were either tilted or shot at odd angles. There were sometimes even some scenes that were shot upside down.
This movie is worth watch ing on the big screen. It will create a new fear for you that you have never seen before. “Smile” is currently playing in theaters and will hopefully be streaming on Paramount+ af ter their theatrical release.
New Images of Europa
By: Jonathon Carmona Science and Tech Editor

Newimages of Jupiter’s icy moon have been provided by NASA’s spacecraft Juno. Juno has been orbiting Jupiter since 2016.
Juno captures images by performing flybys and snap ping images. This spacecraft was as close as 219 miles above Europa’s surface. Once the im ages were captured, 12 hours later four new images of Euro pa were on Earth.
These are the first images of Jupiter’s icy moon since Jan uary 2000. The previous NASA missions by spacecraft Voyager and Galileo had provided past images of Europa. Voyager flew through the Jovian system in 1979. Galileo orbited Jupiter from 1995 to 2003. However, no big changes or new discoveries have happened yet.
Instead, the new clearer im ages provide further evidence

to what scientists at NASA have previously discussed. Europa quite possibly has an ocean flowing below its surface. The new images show cracks and stresses in the icy surface of Europa. This would indicate the rising and lowering tides below the surface. The water below is most likely causing the stresses in the ice.

Liquid water being dis covered on Europa was huge news. If a planet has water, it automatically becomes a candi date for potential life. Europa is a promising candidate for new life in our solar system, we just need to see what is below its icy surface.
The images serve anoth er purpose as well. Scientists at NASA are planning a new mission, Europa Clipper. Eu ropa Clipper is set to launch in 2024. The spacecraft will make repeated close flybys to Europa
specifically. NASA hopes these flybys will be able to discover more of what is below Europa’s surface.
NASA’s Juno spacecraft launched in 2011. Juno made its arrival to Jupiter by 2016 and made repeated dives beneath the clouds of Jupiter. This re vealed that there is lightning high in Jupiter’s atmosphere. The probe also discovered that it rains ammonia in the form of what scientists have called baseball-sized “mushballs”.
Juno completed its prob ing of Jupiter last year and received a mission extension. Juno would orbit Jupiter 42 more times and fly by three of Jupiter’s moons; Ganymede, Europa, and Io. The flybys at Ganymede were completed in June 2021 and Io is next now that Europa’s flybys have been completed as well.
Hypebeast Kicks
By Luis Martinez Opinion Editior luis.martinez2661@my.riohondo.eduBack in 2016, the hype beast trend took off. Streetwear brands left and right made a name for themselves in pop culture, as companies like Nike, Adidas, Jordan, and many more took advantage of this situation.
Athleisure was the name of the game and today, it’s at an all-time high. While many may be unsure of what to look out for, there are certain pieces that you can buy to elevate your wardrobe.
YEEZY footwear has been known as the king of comfort. The boost midsole is a spongy material that gives you bounce in your step and comfort that won’t quit. It’s durable and the pattern the boost sole has, has stood out from the crowd in years past.
The knit upper to many YEEZY shoes have also made their shoes breathable and easy to wear for prolonged periods.
The YEEZY Boost 350 V2 Light is a comfortable shoe that’s easy to style with most outfits. The light colors make it a great selection that goes well with any choice of bottoms, so it’s a very underrated pickup. They retailed at release for $220, and are seen now from about $250 and above depend ing on your size.

Some people don’t care about comfort as much as they care about style. Across the market, there are many stylish sneaker choices that many peo ple lean to, such as the Nike Air Force 1, Converse Chuck Tay lor All-Star, Nike Dunk Low, and more. There is a shoe, of ten at retail prices, which will give your looks a better aes thetic.
The New Balance 550 is having a cultural renaissance these days. It was primarily used as a basketball and skat ing shoe a few years ago but today it’s a staple of streetwear.
One thing to note about the shoe is the leather most color ways of the shoe employ. Be cause of the leather, the shoes are never too glossy.
If you have a more low-key
style with matte colors, this will slide in your sneaker ro tation perfectly. The shoe has released so many times too, so there is definitely a pallet with your colors on it. Being one of the cheaper selections, this shoe will only cost around $110, and even most resold pairs won’t even crack the $200 range.
One important brand that basically cultivated the street wear and athleisure brand is Jordan. Since becoming a professional basketball player in 1984, Michael Jordan has changed what it means to be an icon. His shoes have followed in his footsteps.
The Jordan 1 is a timeless silhouette that has seen all sorts of forms. You can find it in a high top version, a low top version, with patent leather, with suede, and so much more.
While many feel as if the shoe has been long played out by now, there are still many styles that have a lot of life left to them.
Released on September 24, the Jordan 1 Taxi is a great pick with a lot of pop to the shoe. The shoe features white, yel low, and black panels to it whit a familiar color layout.
Luckily for most, the shoe wasn’t too popular when it did released. While you can still find it for retail $170, your best bet will be to look on resell web sites. Prices are still reasonable as they start at $179.
If you’re not a fan of the high top look, or aren’t looking to spend that much on shoes, but want the same look check out the Jordan 1 Low.
If you take a trip down to your local Foot Locker or Champs Sports, you’re likely to find at least a pair or two of these shoes sitting around. The beauty of the Jordan 1 Low is that the shoe is just a miniature version of the high top.
The low top shoe has all the advantages of the Jordan 1 but at a cheaper price. The Jordan 1 Low retails at $130 and most resold pairs wont go over $350.
FIFA 23 Review
Today we look at Electronic Arts’s latest installment in their storied franchise
By Carlos Jimenez Copy Editor
online trading card game mode is the slow animations players have.
tion of FIFA input. It’s known amongst the community as a new toxic dance for people to use.
edition of FIFA was released on Friday, Sep tember 30. Newcomers and veterans of the series can expect improvements in graph ics, controls, and visuals.
Players who buy the game yearly expeact improvements in in-game settings and online gameplay, which have given gamers struggles in prior in stallments.
Electronic Arts have held the rights to the FIFA title for video games, but this will be the last soccer video game produced by EA with the FIFA namesake.
Each year leagues and players are updated to keep up with the changing skills, ages, and looks of these profession al athletes and leagues. One major blow due to the yearly changes is the loss of certain players and teams.
This year, the most notable exclusion of the game will be Liga MX, the Mexican profes sional soccer league.
FIFA Ultimate Team is a game mode in which gamers are expecting improvements. One issue mentioned in this
These animations cause a competitive disadvantage and have been something players can’t control. A new passing system was introduced this year to overhaul gameplay, as well as the polishing of skill moves.
One thing FIFA players have noticed is the progressive updates the game receives. When FIFA first launched, the game felt clunky and slow, whereas now the game’s al most unrecognizable.
Passing has always been an issue, whether players think it is too fast or slow. In many cases, players either think the connection versus the player or their internet connection is the issue.
Another addition to the ingame mechanics was the power shot. It is a new way of scoring performed by holding the two front bumper buttons on your remote or gamepad.
Many FIFA players have always been fans of the celebra tions EA has offered after goal scoring. Others are against the celebrations as they can feel obnoxious and slow the game pace. The ‘Griddy’ is a celebra
The reward system has changed for hardcore players of the series. In order to qual ify for the rewards system, you need to accumulate one thou sand in-game points and play at least 20 games while placing as high as possible between your ranks.
In this case, the new scor ing system each win will count as four points and each loss as one point. The higher amout of points you obtain, the more re wards you get for accomplish ing the highest level. This will certainly increase the amount of players who will try to win at all costs.
As the game continues to progress, changes are made and bugs are fixed. With Qatar set to host the FIFA World Cup in the winter, EA has brought back the World Cup mode. It was last featuerd in FIFA 18.
The game will continue to grow as the developers listen to their game audience and add concepts that help developers and attract more players.
One of these concepts put into play was cross-play. This means the game is able to matchmake FIFA players around the world with each other, regardless if they play of an XBOX or a Playstation.
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