El Paisano Newspaper Vol. 65 Issue 1

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Hurricane Ian Updates


Ian has been affecting many people in Fla. Hurricane Ian is considered to be a catego ry 4 hurricane. Many people have lost their homes and been forced to vacate. Strong winds speeds have been hitting homes at 155 mph. 12 feet deep floods in areas in florida. Build ings, cars, trees, lands, homes all destroyed due to Hurricane Ian. Homes washed out streets have been flooded and have made neighborhoods look un recognizable. It has been offi cial that about 88 deaths have occurred and re corded. There is expected that the death toll to be higher.

A lot of these neighbor hoods in Fla. have no electricity or running water at all since the hurricane hit them. Even after all the aftermath residents in Fla. are struggling to get back on their feet with no electrici ty and running water, 600,000 homes have been affected by this storm. Many roads have been destroyed with wreckage from hurricane Ian. Category 4 storms of high speed winds of 150 mph destroyed the roofs of many homes, lifted up trees from the ground, Boats on the docks in the beaches of Fla. were damaged and destroyed and even some pushed with the strong wind into the streets.

Cars flipped all over the streets like they were light weight items easy to move around. Many Floridians de scribed this as a nightmare as few either stayed in their homes

or was too late to do anything as the storm came at a rapid speed. People were unable to leave Fla. due to the severity of the hurricane. Tourists did not have much of a choice but to stay where they were vaca tioning such hotels and beach houses. Strong waves crashing into homes and buildings as streets were flooded by 10-15 feet of water, and not only were homes were being flooded but also because of the damages of the roof water and rain were coming into the homes of many.

Thankfully for rescuers and coast guard for their assis tance to people stuck in this dangerous and severe storm asmSurvivors are being searched in the wreckage. It was good to see even news re porters who were on the site of this storm to lend a hand to people seeking help trying to get away from the hurri cane. Many Florida residents described this storm as “The Worst One” and “High Intense” from this hurri cane leaving meteorologists stunned. Lee County, Fla. which includes Fort Myers and Sanibel Island were thought to be the core of the storm.

Unimaginable scenes we all have seen by Hurricane Ian and the destruction it has left to many as the death tolls will con tinue to rise. Floridians have said they felt like they were not ready for this storm but they now hope to get back on their feet and restore their homes and neighborhoods from the damages sustained by hurri cane Ian.

Apple Introduces its New iPhone 14

forts to make the iPhones more waterproof.


a few weeks ago on September 16, Apple re leased their long awaited iPhone 14, iPhone 14 Pro, and Pro Max. While the last prod uct of this line is yet to drop, the iPhone 14 Plus, we’ve had enough time with these phones in order to assess these prod ucts to determine if they’re worth your hard earned mon ey. The new iPhone 14 comes in purple, blue, midnight, star light, and red.

One positive about these products is that the price hasn’t moved a bit in the whole fami ly. This means that you can get yourself the iPhone 14 for $799. Something very notable about the new phone is the A15 Bion ic chip, the same as last year’s iPhone 13. This is sort of a let down, but the move by Apple is justified a bit as the 14 will have an extra GPU core.

This means that your phone can take a heavier load in the graphics department which will result in better results for gaming and photo/video edit ing and exporting compared to last year. Another controversial decision Apple made is moving towards eSim. Although most won’t ever worry about this, customers who travel are going to be unable to buy cheap sim cards in other countries to have cheap service elsewhere.

This move by Apple though is speculated to be made in ef

This year’s iPhone family do have some great upgrades as well though. All versions of the iPhone 14 will have an en hanced cinematic video mode. Cinematic mode is often used in action heavy recording envi ronments, as it has an amazing image stabilization feature and has beautiful colors to go along with it.

The most well known ad vancements to the iPhones is their new satellite connectivity. Before, if you were stranded somewhere without service, you were out of luck. Now, Ap ple has introduced a feature where your iPhone will help you locate and connect to a sat ellite to send a S.O.S signal.

This, paired with the brand new crash detector, will undoubtedly save the lives of many individuals. Now, it’s time for the flagships. The new iP hone 14 Pro and Pro Max come in four beautiful colors, deep purple, gold, silver, and space black.

This follows the trend of the previous years where the pro models come in gold, sil ver, space black, and one more generation exclusive color. Unlike the iPhone 14, the pro series both have a brand new chip, the A16 bionic. While the average user may not notice a difference in performance im mediately, these newer chips have higher top end perfor mance, and can go the distance

much better than older models. Also the pro lineup introduces something new and long await ed for iPhones, the ‘dynamic island.’

The dynamic island is a small cutout on the top of the iPhone which houses both the selfie camera and the face id processors. Instead of it just be ing the small cutout however, Apple decided to make it func tional. The cutout on the screen is very small. One thing it does is it can expand the dead space next to the cutout to have little app shortcuts. Let’s say you’re using Apple Music. If you’re lis tening to a song and are surfing on instagram, the cover of the song you’re playing will appear and if you press on it, you’ll be taken straight to the music app.

Also, for the first time in years, the main iPhone cam era has received a bump in megapixels. Instead of the old 12 megapixel sensor, the cam era has been upgraded to a 48 megapixel sensor. Not only does this allow you to gather more light to take better night time photos; it also allows for a crisp 2x zoom function. This is accomplished by using the middle 12 megapixels of the large sensor. The always on 120hz OLED display, brand new camera system, dynamic island, super powerful chip, and unmatchable UI make this the best phone in the market.

Wednesday Oct. 5, 2022 Serving The Rio Hondo Community Vol.65 Issue 1
Illustration by Beatriz Martinez El Paisano Media

The Student Success and Dream Center (SSDC) at Rio Hondo College is in the Learning Resource Center build ing.

Rio Hondo College Dreamers Get Scholarship Opportunities From Donation

One day after Sports Arena Drive outside the Pico Rivera Sports Arena in Pico Rivera, Califor nia became Avenida Vicente Fernández, Rio Hondo College announced the late musician’s son Alejandro Fernández would be making a donation to the college.

The donation will be used for five scholarships, specif ically for Rio Hondo College students in the Deferred Ac tion for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program.

Fernández’s donation comes from a portion of the profits from six shows between Sept. 9 and 18.

The brief “Amor y Patria” tour started and ended in Sep tember 2022. Two days before his final concert, North Boyle Ave in front of the Mariachi Plaza in East Los Angeles was similarly renamed Vicente Fernández Street.

Fernández’s last show of the “Amor y Patria” tour was at the Pico Rivera Sports Arena across the 605 Freeway from Rio Hondo College. The per formance took place three days after the start of Hispanic Heritage Month.

How to Apply for a Rio Hondo Foundation Scholarship

The scholarships will be avail able for the 2022-2023 Rio Hondo College school year. Dreamers can apply for the

scholarships through the Rio Hondo Foundation website.

The website has several scholarships that students can apply for. But Rio Hondo Col lege did announce more schol arships may open for DACA students.

And although the Fall se mester is underway, scholar ship applications for the Fall are still open. While in Novem ber, applications for the Spring 2023 semester open.

In addition, applications for the federal DACA program recently opened on Saturday, Oct. 1. The application window is open to undocumented stu dents until Thursday, March 2. To apply for DACA, visit the U.S. Citizens and Immigration Services (USCIS) website.

125 Dead in an Indonesian Soccer Riot

OnOct. 1, 2022, a football match between Arema FC and Persebaya Sura baya in the Indonesian Liga 1 ended in tragedy. At full-time, the match ended at 2-3, with Persebaya stealing all three points on the league table. Home fans were outraged with the result and decided to get rowdy and belligerent, going as far as throwing objects onto the pitch and at Persebaya players and officials. Arema fans then stormed the pitch and demanded that match offi cials give an explanation as to why after 23 -years of undefeat ed home matches against their rivals, they lost this one.

As fans stormed the pitch inside, the police began to ar rive outside of the Kanjuruhan Stadium. Fans flipped over five police cars, setting them on fire in the process. In retalia tion, the police began to beat rioters with batons. Inside the stadium, police begann shoot ing tear gas into the crowds of people, causing chaos in the stands. As fans fled for their lives, many fell or lost breath, causing them to be trampled and crushed by the hordes of

The Worst Stadium Disater in Football History

people fleeing the stadium.

Among the dead were two po lice officers, but many were crushed making their way to wards the exit. The fans that died in the stadium either were crushed or suffocated, while some died on the way.

A doctor stated on local televi sion that one of the casualties was a child.

One hundred twenty-five dead and over 300 were in jured in this stadium disaster, making it the worst disas ter in football history. FIFA President, Gianni Infantino said, “the world is in a state of shock,” and it’s “a dark day for all involved in football and a tragedy beyond comprehen sion.” FIFA’s Stadium Safety policy goes against the use of tear-gas or any other sort of gas to control a crowd by stew ards and police. An investiga tion is set to follow by the Indo nesian government and FIFA.

“No one should lose their lives at a football match,” said Us man Hamid, executive direc tor of Amnesty International Indonesia.

FIFA has plenty to

consider, seeing as how Indo nesia is set to host the 2023 U-20 World Cup, FIFA could look to relocate the tourna ment elsewhere as the coun try figures out new safety procedures. “Unfortunately, this incident has certainly in jured our soccer image,” said Indonesian Sports Minister Zainudin Amali. He also said “this tragedy happened when we were preparing for soccer game activities, both national and international level.” The tragedy joins the 1996 Guate mala v. Costa Rica World Cup qualifier, the Hillsborough tragedy in Liverpool, as the worst stadium disasters in football history.

News www.elpaisanoonline.com2
by Beatriz Martinez El Paisano Media
Photographed by Jeffery Barragan El Paisano Media

Rio Hondo Theatre Department debuts Documentary

OnWednesday, Septem ber 27th, the Rio Hon do Theater department held a screening of William Ohanesian’s documentary: Turnbull Canyon: A Road Un wound, telling the story of the infamous hills that surround our campus. Highlighting some of the different perspec tives that hang in and around the canyon show how diverse the culture is in it. Fortunately, Bill had some time to spare to answer some questions about

mentation of the hills existed. With my limited foreknowl edge, I decided to jump in and see how far it would develop, what I could compel people to talk about.

And the more I researched and explored, the more people I met, the more fascinating, contradictory, tragic and real the history became... and that was just what I was told on camera! I also became aware of how many stories people did not want to have known. So, I

make a good impression, so that one secured interviewee will refer you to another per son.. Or someone who doesn’t want to talk will refer you to someone that does. This hap pened a few times.

I also strove to get a bal ance of ages, genders, racial backgrounds, etc. represent ed.

I realized that I needed the balance of city officials to counter the hearsay of “regu lar” people. The fire captain was very cooperative. The industry Sheriff’s Station connected me with Deputy Nanquil, who was a dream in terviewee. I was incredibly fortunate to have met him. Other public officials were not cooperative, therefore, they missed an opportunity to have their views voiced.

sarily malevolent, but mischie vous. My deal was to collect recyclables on the hikes and shooting trips to help clean the place up a bit and appease the spirits.

And I’ll be damned if it didn’t pay off with unexpected ly fortuitous shooting oppor tunities, people met, my car unticketed when overparked, etc., etc. Some of the footage I got was only by luck, opportu nity and a quick eye to capture events and actions.

So, those unanticipated, unforeseeable opportunities were by far the favorite mem ory in the canyon I had.

A final thought...

The hills themselves are ultimately, just a pile of dirt.

Don’t Worry Darling: Style Over Substance

the film. Here’s what happened

Q: You mentioned that you and your partner had thought “why not us” when making the documentary, what was your true inspiration or attraction to covering the real story of Turn bull Canyon?

A: “In a very real sense, it was a combination of pragma tism and opportunity.

Like most young people growing up in the area, desti nation Turnbull Canyon prom ised a combination of mystery and fun. A sort of forbidden fruit where anything... or noth ing might happen. Pretty irre sistible to us high-schoolers in Hacienda Heights and Whitti er.

After a career of working in the studio system and later as a corporate videographer, I was pining for a worthy proj ect / subject I could really get my teeth into. I’d done some experimental short subjects, a documentary on a struggling rock band, etc. Over pizza and beer, I suggested to my part ner the idea of a film on Turn bull, with little idea of content, form, length, etc. The hills weren’t far away, so I could go up there at any time I could. It soon became apparent, as I mentioned, that no one had undertaken a serious overview of the hills, the recreational & residential aspects and espe cially, the rumors, myths and true crimes that have swirled around the area.

It seemed a great histori cal loss that such a vital history was being virtually smothered by time, many of those that had known stories or experi enced incidents were passing away, little photographic docu

am very grateful to - no, priv ileged, by - those individuals who were willing to share their memories and impressions.”

Q: How long was this doc umentary in the making? It felt like it was a long labor of love.

A: “We started shooting in 2014. That doesn’t really de scribe how long it took to make it, as I was working full-time, doing freelance assignments, family obligations, et. Months might go by without apprecia ble progress.

Also, not many people understand the commitment that goes into a DIY project, when there was essentially one person - yours truly - doing everything. Making the cold calls, setting up interviews, schedules, contacts, research, equipment purchases, etc. etc. The AM fog footage had me up in the hills before work, cap turing scenic footage of many cold mornings.

When the question comes up, which it frequently does, I try to explain that in terms of actual man-hours, it may not be all that different from a tra ditional, full-time crewed film, except that I’m the only crew.

So yes, it was quite the la bor of love.”

Q: How did the entire pro cess come about when contact ing all the people involved, from the residents of the canyon to the city officials?

A: “One always tries to

Admittedly, it’s disap pointing when someone says yes, then says no. Or simply refuses to return your calls. As a journalist, I’m sure you’ve experienced that many times.

So often, you just need to brainstorm and ask.”

Q: What’s your favorite memory in the canyon, if any?

A: “I was asked a similar question near the end of the Q&A, something like “what was your best memory of mak ing the film?” I answered that it was the variety, generosity and trust of the people I met, who let me into their home, gave their time on the trails, took time out of their work days to sit for my inquiries. That still holds true.

But your question is slight ly different.

When you’re out trying to get footage, it’s essential ly lonely, sweaty, hard work. And not knowing if you got anything usable or not until you get to your editing com puter and upload it and sort through to assess what you got vs. what you wanted to get.

But favorite memory... ?

When the road was opened in 1913, it brought the human element. That intru sion, that asphalted original sin brought in decades of hu man fears, imagination, the carefree escape from civiliza tion, the temptation to violate the norms of civic life. Like us as kids, the darker impulses of human behavior were feared and in many cases, acted out. Rumors spread of Santeria practices, Nazi meetings, in sane asylums, orphanage mur ders, hanging trees, the whole rumor mill started cranking overtime. And rumors begat reality. There is no question that some unimaginable cruel ties have been committed.

People blame the hills for encouraging evil under the shelter of darkness. Things have occured in the canyon for which - as the deputy says in the film; “There is no explana tion for”

The dirt can’t hurt you, but naivete can.”

There will be a dou ble-screening of the film on Wednesday, October 22nd at the Whittier Historical So ciety, starting with the first showing at 2 PM and the fol lowing showing at 6:30 PM both with Q & A’s after.

Ok, I’m going to go a lit tle mystical on you. My expe rience up there has led me to believe in SOME presence of spirits up there. Not neces


long awaited “Don’t Worry Darling,” direct ed by Olivia Wilde, has finally been released, after gossip and controversy greatly amped up the anticipation for the movie.

The movie follows Alice (Florence Pugh) and Jack Chambers ( Harry Styles) as they lead a seemingly perfect life in a small desert town named Victory. The husbands leave everyday for work, while the wives stay home, clean, care for the kids, and gossip.

Everything is perfect as long as the wives follow one rule:, Don’t leave town. Yet soon enough, Alice notices things are not as they seem with the town and its founder, Frank (Chris Pine).

Victory is actually a simu lation and Jack, along with all the husbands, have forced the women into it. The movie is a utopian thriller with sci-fi and feminist undertones.

The film has impeccable costume and set design and some impressive performanc es, however, it felt as though the film relied too much on its style and aesthetics. It felt as though the filmography, sound, and set design were carrying the film. There was a lack of tension building to wards the mystery. There was no urgency and oftentimes, the film relied on sound or vi sual cues to make the audience anxious.

The set and costume de sign set the story up beautiful ly, yet it falls short in the third act. The reveal feels rushed and many questions are left unanswered. Alice builds up the character of Frank to be someone of importance, how ever, his death in the third act has no repercussions to the plot.

Wilde also introduces themes of feminism that felt very shallow. It lacked inter sectionality and nuance. Kiki Layne and Gemma Chan, the few women of color, had most of their scenes cut from the movie. The feminism of the film focuses on the liberation of upper-class white women and even uses the story of Layne’s character as a catalyst for the white protagonist. In the end it was just another story about a heroic white woman saving herself from domesticity.

‘“Don’t Worry Darling” is simply an unfortunate case of style over substance.

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“Turnbull Canyon: A Road Unwound” tells the stories of the canyon we call home.
Photographed by William Ohanesian Producer/Director “Turnbull Canyon: A Road Unwound” Photographed by William Ohanesian Producer/Director “Turnbull Canyon: A Road Unwound” Ohanesian on location in Turnbull Canyon exploring and scouting for the perfect place to shoot Ohanesian grabbing time lapse video early in the mornning for the film, overlooking Rose Hills cemetary

Fall/Winter Trends 2022

Afterliving through summer in a com plicated climate in California, autumn is finally here, and with it, the new fashion trends. For fashion lovers, this is a long-awaited event because it means that a new season of trends and new styles is approaching.

Let’s recap, last year’s fall trends included sequin garments, skirts, and twopiece sets that became hugely popular with teens and influ encers.

During this 2022 autumn/winter season, you will see many looks focused on the concept of 90’s mini malism. Some spring/summer trends, such as tank tops, will continue to be essentials. You will see bright colors such as orange, brown, green, and even nude colors.

So, for all the fash ionistas out there, here’s your guide on what to expect from this year’s fall trends.

Leather Jackets. Leather jackets are a musthave item for this season because they are classic. In recent months, they have become highly demanded among celebrities.

Leather is a popular material, and in addition to providing elegance, it can achieve multiple monochro matic looks. For this fall, the trend is oversize jackets and blazers in the dominant colors black, brown, and yellowish green.

Boots. Everyone needs to have boots in their closet. They will be essential for this season.

The Stovepipe Boots. These boots are a knee-high type, worn with skirts, dress es, or even denim jeans. Plat form boots are another option for this season. This 80’s style is becoming very popular as they are perfect to wear with skirts or dresses.

Neutral tones are pop ular among boots for fall 2022.

Cargo Pants. There are numerous different cargo pants styles, which are ideal for matching your style.

One of the most pop ular styles for autumn is the parachute cargo pants with their 90s look. You can style them with sweaters and white sneakers. These types of pants can be seen in the fash ion shows of 2022. Designers like Givenchy have designed

their own cargo pants styles.

Maxi skirt. 2022 has been the year of maxi skirts becoming popular before summer, which allowed this trend to follow into the autumn.

“Fashion trends don’t die so easily” -Miguel Vazquez

A Halloween Horror Nights Experience

With the Halloween season rapidly approaching, theme parks like Universal Studios set up a limited-time event for Halloween. Their purpose is to scare visitors as they go through mazes and scare zones.

At Universal Studios’ Hal loween Horror Nights there are eight mazes, three scare zones, and the terror tram. During the terror tram, guests will ride a tram only to be dropped off and walk through a scare zone. After walking through there is a pick-up area where another tram waits for guests to return to the park.

The eight mazes available include La Llorona, Universal Horror Hotel, Halloween, Kill er Klowns From Outer Space, The Weeknd After Hours Nightmare, Universal Mon sters: Legends Collide, The Horrors of Blumhouse, and Scarecrow: The Reaping.

Each maze consists of well-

made props, well-built sets, and many scare actors dressed in makeup and costumes. This helps give guests the frighten ing experience of Halloween Horror Nights.

After interviewing a guest, who wished to remain anon ymous, about their overall experience at Horror Nights, they answered, “The acting is great inside all of the mazes I’ve been in so far. Some of the actors who aren’t hidden inside the maze are like a distraction until hidden scare actors come out. That gives you a good scare.” Visitors this year enjoyed their time at Halloween Horror Nights and have no problems buying another ticket for next year.

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Dahmer and an Examination of the Chances of Evil

Monty’s Good Burger Review


you ever in Echo park and a fanatic of burgers?

There’s a chain down here with meat sandwiches that replaced the meat.

Monty’s has been around since summer of 2018. They have over five locations and will con tinue to expand their business.

Customers can come and look for themselves and try plantbased foods, which has been a thing for quite some time. The menu is slightly small, but you have a good choice of eats.

The choices are very simple: you can choose between a sin gle or double patty or a chicken sandwich. The toppings consist of tomato,pickles,onion, and lettuce to keep it short.

and fries, which is a great deal for what you get.

You are served a good amount for one individual and top it off with any sauce of your choice. Make sure to try this amazing deal. Remember though, you’re most likely to have leftovers since you’ll be full from your burger and drink.

Drinks can be a difficult choice to go with your meal. You either want a simple glass of water, or want to top it off with something sweet like a shake.

The choice on the drink section is simple: either its wa ter or lemonade. The lemonade comes in two flavors, lemon and strawberry.

Shake flavors run from choc olate,strawberry, to vanilla; also many see past the rootbeer float.

JeffreyDahmer, for those who dont know, was a se rial killer and sex offender who killed 17 people. He did not just murder his victims, he also dismembered them and ate some of the remains.

Many of these victims were boys, some were men. All murders, except one that took place in Ohio, were committed in Milwaukee.

While Dahmer was in prison, a cell mate later blud geoned him to death. Dahmer wrote in a will that he wanted to be cremated.

There was some debate about whether or not his brain should be donated to science to study it and see if there’s any particular reason why he was the way he was.

So this brings up the ques tion, is there any real reason why serial killers or “evil” peo ple are the way they are? Or is it just the science of chance that people are born that way?

Dahmer did not have the best childhood. He was con stantly neglected, even as a baby, his father was a research chemist and constantly at work.

His mother, on the other hand, was a hypochondriac and suffered from depression. She constantly needed attention and was always tense.

The parents constantly ar gued in front of Dahmer, and if you combine that with neglect ing the child, it’s no wonder Dahmer showed symptoms of abandonment. Along the way, Dahmer became interest ed in animal bones and would ask his father questions about them.

His father believed Dahmer was taking a liking to chemis try and science so he encour aged and taught Dahmer how to dissect animals and preserve their bones.

This liking of his obviously

would carry on into adulthood. His father would later blame himself for his son’s actions.

He voted in favor of cre mating Dahmer’s brain and respecting his son’s wishes.

The father just wanted to move forward, however, Dahmer’s mother would want to know why exactly her son was the way he was. She voted in favor of donating his brain to science.

This back and forth reasoning tends to happen when someone like Dahmer is discovered and brought to justice.

Many people want to point and blame a reason in particular however that may not always be the case. When looking at our population of over 7 billion people, you have to believe that not every one is going to be wired the same way.

Each and every one of us is different in our own ways. Some people like cars, some people like fashion, and others grow up to like animal bones and to dissect them.

Humans are social crea tures, however some people are not and, actually, don’t like to be social.

Everyone is different, and since that is the case, I raise the question: does evil really exist? Is it just by chance that some one like Dahmer is pre-wired to think, act, and look at things from a different perspective that just happens to not line up with society?

One could say that Dahmer’s childhood led him to be the way he was, and that may be true. However, there are millions of children world wide whose childhoods are also bad and full of abandon ment, abuse, and bad parents.

Serial killers are usually known to have bad childhoods or up bringings, but many of them claim they had normal child hoods and grew up okay.

Another serial killer, Ted

Bundy, who as a child his grandfather tried to convince him his mother was his sister, said he had an uneventful and normal childhood. So the con nection between the killers and a bad childhood is there but I wouldn’t say it’s the main rea son. So what is it?

Chance, the roll of the dice that is life. Coming from a mathematical standpoint, I be lieve it is by the law of averages that we get people spawning in like Jeffrey Dahmer. No one has the exact statistic, but for every one million babies that are born I’m pretty sure more than a few will turn out to be se rial killers, and many more will kill at least one person in their life.

It is a sad and disparaging way to think of these things, no one should kill anyone. We as humans are all the same scared animals that just want to be okay. I believe that is all anyone ever wants, is to be okay. What their version of okay is, that’s up to the individual and how they are wired in the brain. Dahmer’s okay was murdering and dismembering the bodies of his victims, sometimes eat ing them.

It’s a scary thought to think the person next to you at any given time could be a seri al killer, but just like life, that’s the chance we take, that’s part of the chance you receive as a human being. So, there is probably no real reason for the way serial killers turn out to be. It is simply by chance that a particular human was wired to be okay with what they were doing.

My condolences to the victims’ families, and anyone out there who has suffered any loss.

All toppings are optional, you can sub them off to your lik ing. Also, to go with your burg er, they have their home special house sauce. Each of these items are organic and bread is dairy free and plant based.

Fries are not included in combos, each item is sold sepa rately, but you have the choice of fries or the 50/50.

The 50/50 consists of tots

The choices are small, but overall you can not go wrong with a glass of water and a shake to fill you down.

The vibe and choices of this chain are super unique. Custom ers come for the vegan experience for those who have never tried plant-based food.Others come because they are vegetarians or vegans, which is a increasingly popular lifestyle.

Halloween Candy

With Halloween right around the corner, I thought to my self,what are people’s favorite candies to get while trick-ortreating, or just to eat, in the month of October? Candy has been a huge part of the holiday for as long as I remember and it is a staple. So, I decided to put a poll to see what people’s favor ite candies were.

There are so many can dies people could choose from, but what surprised me is how many people started to choose the same candies. Skittles were chosen 10 times out of 40, the amount of people who took the poll. I had the chance to ask

one of the persons who chose Skittles and they said, “Skit tles have always been my go to candy when just sitting on the couch watching spooky movies with friends.”

There were many candies selected,10 different types of candy to be exact, ranging from candy corn to Fun Dip. Many people seemed more fond of the sweeter candies than any chocolate candy, like Twix or Kit Kat.

Twizlers only received one vote and I reached out that per son asking why she was the only person out of 40 people to chose that candy and she said, “Ever since I was young that candy would always be around the house as leftovers from my siblings trick-or-treat and I grew very fond to them”.

Opinionwww.elpaisanoonline.com 2
Graphic by Johnathon Carmona El Paisano Media Photographed by Carlos Jimenez El Paisano Media

Rio Hondo’s Women’s Volleyball Spikes A Win Against Cerritos College

The Lady Roadrunners swept the floor against the visiting Falcons of Cerritos College with a score of 3-0 in Whitter on Wednes day, Sept. 28, 2022. This was a huge conference game win for the Roadrunners. They just came back from dominating another 3-0 win against Cop per Mountain last Friday.

The First Set

Rio Hondo started off the first set very strong with a win of 22-25. They won by just 2 points ahead of Cerritos. The Lady Roadrunners were a lit tle shaky at the beginning but they pulled through. They were pulling all the tricks on the court. A lot of dives, spik ing, and bursts of energy were coming from the sidelines that evening. The first set was a breeze for these Lady Road runners.

The Roadrunners were very vocal during the first half of the game and they were all able to work together as a team to provide strong kills and very successful passes. These Lady

Roadrunners came out to the court with confidence and there wasn’t anything getting pass them on the court.

The Second Set

Similarly, the second set started with the Roadrunners having a good lead against Cerritos. They won the sec ond set with a score of 25-12. The Roadrunners made a kill against the Falcons. The Fal cons were no match for these Lady Roadrunners. Rio domi nated in the second set. The first set of the match was a very close call. The second set of the match was not even a competition. Now it was all up to the outcome of the third set.

The Final Set

Meanwhile, the Lady Roadrunners started off the third set with confidence to se cure a big win of 25-19. Rio was able to secure their conference win of 3-0. These Roadrunners were ecstatic after the game.

The Postgame Interviews

During postgame, Head Coach Teddi Esko gave her thoughts, “Everyone did their job, everyone was dialed in on their spot.” “Even through the moments when we made mis takes and allowed them kinda

into the match, we still grinded it out, we stuck it out, and we swept them in three sets, nice win,” said Esko.

In addition, Setter Faith Wada #4, sophomore at Rio Hondo College, gave some ad vice for future Roadrunners that want to participate in vol leyball. “It’s really fun first of all, so if you're thinking about doing it, just commit to it, and when you commit to it, then you just put in your 100%" stat ed Wada.

Also, Setter Haedee Es trella #15, sophomore at Rio Hondo College, expressed her feelings about the game. “Pull ing today with a Conference win is like a great start to the new week and we are all real ly ready for the season, we are ready to just crush it" stated Estrella.

Therefore, The Lady Roadrunners will take on the Vikings of Long Beach City College (LBCC). The match will take place on Friday, Sept. 30, 2022 at LBCC in Long Beach at 6 pm.

Men’s Soccer Looks Impressive in Dominant Shutout Wins

The 2022 season started off strong in a competi tive 5-3 win over Norco, but the Roadrunners started to slow down, losing three out of five games, plus two draws. The momentum shifted after following back-to-back 5-0 shut out wins over Santiago Canyon and San Diego City this past week.

The team has three key stars that have looked impres sive on this three-game stretch. Adan Villareal led the way scor ing four goals in two days for the Roadrunners, and Manuel Soza showed outstanding skill scoring two against Santiago. Rogelio Silva also scored one goal in two consecutive games for the ‘Runners.

Santiago Canyon had a pretty good record coming into Tuesday’s game, but they did not look impressive against Rio Hondo. This was a huge win for the ‘Runners. Coach Orlando Brenes mentioned that they needed this win, “These young men have been through tough loses… two of them came down

to the last minute of the game”. “If we can win the next two games, I think it can give us the confidence to give the expec tation that we had to start the season.”

Coach Brenes hopes that they strive to get better, and he has high expectations for this young Rio Hondo squad. Most, if not all, of the team are fresh man and sophomore students this season. “They are working hard, and they are a really good group of young men, that I can say.”

Brenes also mentioned that he supports what Ms. Ne dra Brown, Athletic Director of Rio Hondo, is doing for the team this year. New uniforms debuted this season and they looked fantastic. He appre ciates the support given to a team that really hasn’t had the support needed in a long time. The Roadrunners lost their fi nal game of a tough three-game stretch last week against San ta Monica, with a final of 2-1. Their upcoming games include a pair of non-conference games before starting out division play against Mt. San Antonio College.

Sports www.elpaisanoonline.com2
Photographed by Lorenzo Gaytan El Paisano Media Photographed by Lorenzo Gaytan El Paisano Media Photographed by Matthew Medina El Paisano Media

Volleyball Player Feature Interview

What are your goals and dreams? My

goals are to transfer to a 4 year after Rio Hondo and travel around the world with my family when i’m older. Why Volleyball? I play volley ball because it is the most ex citing sport that I have ever played.

When did you start play ing? I started playing volleyball when I was in middle school. Where do you want to go (If you plan on going to a 4 year)? I wanna go to a school that has a good sports environment for me to play in What is your major? My major is business management and supervision

Why did you choose to go to Rio Hondo? The coach was willing to let me come play at Rio Hondo even with my ACL injury from my senior year What do you do for fun? I like to go around and try new foods and go shopping How old are you? I am 22 years old

Where is your hometown? I am from and grew up in La Mirada

What high school did you go to? I went to Sonora High School for my first 2 years

and for my last 2 years of high school I went to Southlands Christian.

Have you only played vol leyball or have you played any other sports? I have played soccer, volleyball and basket ball. What do you want to do as a profession? I want to go into real estate or start my own clothing line business

What strengths do you have as an athlete? I think my strengths are as an athlete are competitiveness, and effort. I love to compete and work hard and I dont find myself be ing lazy when I play because I want to win! Are you involved in any clubs? No I am current ly not involved in any clubs on campus. Are you interested in any other sports? I am interest ed in beach volleyball and look to transfer to Cal State Long Beach for it possibly

Have you ever served as team captain or any team you have been apart of? I have been a captain since I was in 6th grade. I have been a captain for multiple sports. I am currently captain of the team now

Do you have any pre-game

routines/ rituals? My pre-game ritual is eating TRU Bowl with one of my friends before we play every home game. I usual ly listen to music on my drive to Rio Hondo to get me excited and pumped up to play What number are you for your team? This year I am currently number 7 on my team

How would you describe your coach? I love my coach! She shows up for us everyday and goes above and beyond for us. She makes us better volley ball players and better women. She is like our second mom and takes care of us. She keeps us accountable on and off the court which I appreciate. I have built a great relationship with her and will continue to keep in touch with her

What are your intentions this season? I want to compete at a high level and work really hard to transfer out to a 4 year. I also want to be a leader for my team and motivate them to push themselves.

Sportswww.elpaisanoonline.com 2
Photographed by Gabriel Angulo El Paisano Media
Filing Period October 1st November 30th 2022 Transfer News T h e o f f i c i a l n e w s l e t t e r o f t h e t r a n s f e r c e n t e r CSU/UC Applications are now OPEN!! T r a n s f e r c e n t e r w e b s i t e : w w w . r i o h o n d o . e d u / t r a n s f e r - c e n t e r / P h o n e : ( 5 6 2 ) 4 6 3 - 4 6 1 9 | E m a i l : t r a n s f e r c e n t e r @ r i o h o n d o . e d u | z o o m O c t o b e r 2 0 2 2 | V o l u m e 5 RIO HONDO COLLEGE TRANSFER CENTER Hello Roadrunners: Our Transfer Center staff can provide information and support to all transfer questions you might have via Zoom or in-person. To schedule a counseling appointment, call (562) 463 4619, or stop by SS 250 Mon-Thurs 8-7pm, Fri 8-2pm.

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