El Paisano Newspaper vol. 57 issue 8

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Thursday October 30, 2018

RIO HONDO COLLEGE NEWSPAPER est. 1964 Serving the Rio Hondo Community

Volume 57 Issue 8


The Boston Red Sox defeated the Los Angeles Dodgers in five games to become 2018 World Series Champions. Now questions about the future loom over the Dodgers. Story on page 19




Rio Hondo Photo League Takeover 2018 ANAMARIA APARICIO Reporter


Rio Hondo is having a photo gallery at the Student Gallery from November 5-16. This gallery is being held by rio hondo’s Photo League Club. This event is called Takeover 2018 because it’s the second one held after last years during fall semester. According to Betsy Segura, a member of the club, “The main purpose of this event is to show the students our work: whether they be polaroid pictures, disposable cameras, digital photographs, or

analog images (black and white film). What we gain is experience in curating our own art show, we lay out the work in front of us and think about which work compliments each other.” This gallery is held every fall semester because there’s a new wave of college students who enrolled right after highschool. They get to see what this club has to offer and enroll for the next semester. “ I cannot stress enough, how much we’ve underestimated the comment “Spring Kills”. So we plan to be ready with eager members, trips, fundraising ideas,

etc,” stated Segura. This gallery has no specific theme. All the images are from Photo League members, photography students, or anybody who wanted to submit photos and be part of the Gallery. Photo League’s long term goal is to create their own magazine to showcase their work next semester. “That includes hours on our behalf, photoshop, editing, layout, and approving which photos are next to which in the magazine. Surplus magazines will be saved so we can sell them in fundraisers to come. We’re also planning a weekend trip to Joshua Tree for

some night photography, and a chance to bond. It will be our first trip as a club,” stated Segura Photo League will also be hosting a lighting demo on November 5th from 4:00-5:00 PM. This will be held in the Learning Resources Building in room LR140 .The club will be demonstrating different lighting setups and colored gels. If students want to submit work but don’t know where, they can contact Photo League at rhphotoleague@gmail.com. The last day for students to submit their work is November 5th. The Rio Hondo Photography program offers courses from

beginning black and white to large format color. Students are encouraged to explore a full range of image making possibilities. The diverse faculty brings unique and varied approaches to photography both traditional as well as nontraditional.

CLEO JCKSON, OSCAR ALATORRE, PAUL USEDA, NOAH G. LOPEZ The studio space gives students the opportunity to explore composition and lighting while our full darkroom gives students the opportunity to work in a full wet darkroom environment.

Townhall Meeting at Student Union DANIELLE ANZURES

Reporters danielle.anzures8473@my.riohondo.edu

Rio Hondo’s student government gave students a chance to listen in and vote on five resolutions for Rio Oct. 24th, 2018. The Associated Students of Rio Hondo College (ASRHC) functions to integrate the students’ needs and concerns with the administration, faculty and staff in order to improve the campus environment and overall college experience. The event was held at the Student Union on campus and hosted by Erik R. “Doc” Stone, who is in charge Legislative Affairs. The event also featured five speakers from the Associated Students of Rio Hondo College, ASRHC, speaking on topics that were going to be voted on. Feedback was given through a survey which earned students food at the end. The first topic was on library hours being extended through the weekend. Diana Lopez, the treasurer for ASRHC, spoked on the topic and cited that some students would need the library opened for more hours since things like jobs can get in the way of using the library. For the second resolution, the topic focused on mental health primarily the speaker Cynthia Ordonez talked about a mental health awareness week. Ordonez, one ASRHC senator, she talked about how mental health is an issue the school should focus

on an how they are statistics that show it is needed at school, especially ones like Rio that have a large population of color students. According to Ordonez’s research students of color are

would help spread information to students who need it. The third issue on the table was about a women and gender equity resource center and both Alex Lopez, another senator for ASRHC, and Tiffany Nunez,

while it was recognized that the topic seemed to exclude men and others, Lopez and Nunez made it known that it would be a safe place for all who need support. For the fourth topic was done by ASRHC President Matthew

BETSY SEGURA/EPM Cristina Almanza, head of the Cultural Diversity branch of the ASRHC spoke about the importance of educating the incarcerated during the townhall meeting

twice as likely not to seek out help for mental illness issues. The plan would be to team up with an organization to run a week focused on mental health that

ASRHC secretary. The main thing Lopez and Nunez said was that this place would be a safe place with resources for people who need it on campus. And

Mangoba and was on health services for all students. The main focus was on providing students with help for sexual health and making sure all students can get

that help if needed. The last resolution was on education not incarceration and it was done by Christina Almanza, who is in charge of Cultural Diversity at Rio. Her topic was on the importance of helping those who are either currently incarcerated, formerly incarcerated, and system impacted through education by making it a more important issue in college. There was even someone from the Rise Program that talked about his experience as someone who would be defined as formerly incarcerated. Joe Lewis Hernadez makes it a point to utilize his story to help Rio students like him. The event ended with a debate on Proposition one to help students get more information on the proposition to help with voting. There was also a promise made that for the following school days that there would be an attempt to cover each proposition to get help students better inform themselves before voting. The polls open Tuesday Nov. 6th at 7 a.m. and close at 8 p.m.



A History of Printmaking DIANA JUAREZ

Managing Editor diana.juarez8805@my.riohondo.edu

Reflection and Futurity: 45 years of Dia de los Muertos reception was hosted at the gallery Oct. 25th at 7 p.m. Self Help Graphics & Art (SHG) showcased various colorful prints and paper mache heads that drew attention from all the guests present. The event boasted pieces from world renown Los Angeles based artists such as Willie Herrón, Ofelia Esparza, Alfredo de Batuc, and Rosana Esparza Harens just to name a few. From feminism, music, and of course, Dia de los Muertos. “SHG is a significant part of the community. I discovered them as a teenager when I went to The Vex, their music venue. I was introduced to Chicano art history and I think it’s very important for students to learn about it and let culture empower them,” said professor Miyo Stevens-Gandara. Stevens-Gandara was one of the creators for the show and along with SHG employee Alexa Kim they went through the archives of prints and works at SHG to pick the ones they’d showcase at the gallery. The giant paper machine heads were a popular attraction as students

and professors alike posed for pictures with them. The pieces themselves were created in different techniques including traditional screen printing and ink on napkin. “I wanted to incorporate music into [the show] because it’s such an integral part for young people. I also wanted to instill that sense of ‘do it yourself’ and weave it together,” said Stevens-Gandara, “I guess because I feel that some of the students are just waiting for someone to say to them ‘ok, you’re an artist now’ and I want them to understand that they don’t need that kind of validation. They already are artists, they need to get out there and create.” SHG does have that handson feel to everything they do and they offer their teaching services to the community, hosting screenprint making workshops fairly regularly. Among other things, SHG helps the community bridge art and culture, an important key to its success both among the Los Angeles community and the one here on campus. “This isn’t the first time SHG is at Rio Hondo,” said Betty Avila, a SHG executive director, “thanks to Miyo, this is our second year here. And I want to underscore the importance

BETSY SEGURA/EPM Germs, Miyo Stevens-Gandara, Alfredo de Batuc, Jax Sanders, Luis Genaro Garcia, Alexa Kim, Betty Avila, and Leo Limon stop for a picture during the reception that showcases 45 years of prints from artists with SHG Oct. 25th, 2018.

DIANA JUAREZ/EPM Los Angels based artist Jax Sanders took a moment during the gallery reception to have fun posing with the giant paper mache heads Oct. 25th, 2018.

of benefitting the students and connecting with the campus. I think it’s integral for students to see themselves in our work.” Jax Sanders, a Los Angeles based artist and the daughter of master altar builder Ofelia Esparza was at the reception. “This print is very personal and representative of my family, especially my mother. It was a joined effort, you can really see the three of us. My mother is the lace, the draping fabric, and the arches. My sister Rosana is the sugar skulls and the bleeding hearts. I’m more contemporary, the fox and the blue haired girl is me. And this was all done by

the master printers at SHG,” said Sanders. “That’s something I think is very important for people to know,” said professor Lynch in regards to the master printers, “this is all hand pulled prints. These aren’t computer copies. These are very intricate prints that take a long time to achieve. You can see the layers of paint in the texture. It’s a real gift that students get to learn about this.” Reflection and Futurity: 45 years of Dia de los Muertos exhibition will run through Nov. 16th at the gallery. SHG will also have their annual Dia de Muertos event Nov.

2nd from 5 p.m. to 10 p.m. If you’re interested in SHG’s cultural programs and events visit them at 1300 E 1st St, Los Angeles, CA 90033 or head to selfhelpgraphics.com.

Trump Supporter Arrested for Sending Pipe Bombs to Pubic Figures ERIKA SUAREZ

Lifestyles Editor erika.suarez7619@my.riohondo.edu

A 56-year-old Florida man was arrested Friday morning for sending packages that contained pipe bombs to democratic officials and critics of Donald Trump. Federal Authorities identified the pipe bomber as Cesar Sayoc Jr. who is a Trump supporter and a registered Republican. According to the suspect’s cousin, he worked as a bouncer in a strip club and has a past criminal history and arrest for making a bomb threat.

According to NBC sources, the cousin described Sayac as “multi-racial” when he described black people during a conversation in 2014 using a racist term in Italian slang. Lenny Altieri, the suspect’s cousin, said that Sayac is part Italian and part Filipino. “I said, ‘What do you hate for? He got very upset with me and that was the last time we spoke,” said Altieri. His cousin told NBC News that he was a “loose cannon” and a “lost soul.” He was alienated from his family and had been abusing steroids.

No one was hurt during the incidents, although the threats were very real. A few of these pipe bombs, homemade bombs contained in a pipe were sent to former president Barack Obama, former secretary of state Hillary Clinton, CNN’s New York Offices, and other public officials. The suspect is accused of sending 13 devices and will be likely charged with a 14th device, sent to Tom Seyer major democratic donor. Sources from Washington Post say the investigation began Monday afternoon, when a package was sent to billionaire

activist George Soros. The investigation ended 96 hours later outside of an auto supply store in Plantation, Fla. Where the suspect was arrested near his white van displayed with a collection of pro-Trump posters. Officials said he was somewhat cooperative and told investigators that his intention was to not hurt anyone, and the bombs were harmless. No further questions were asked since he was retained by a lawyer. Cesar Sayoc appeared in court Monday, October 29 in Miami. Sources from law enforcement shared a list Sayoc

kept, containing over 100 possible targets. Sayoc’s will s48 years in prison, if convicted. He is charged with interstate transport of explosives, mailing of explosives, threats against former presidents, threatening interstate communication and assault of a current or former federal officials.



The 2018 Rio Hondo Board of Trustees Candidates LEO JOHN VILLANUEVA

Reporter leo.villanueva0001@my.riohondo.edu

Fellow Roadrunners, as we approach the highly publicised midterm elections, we must turn our focus inward, and ask ourselves one question, “ have I done my part?” Voting is in no way indicative of patriotism,nor is it your duty,but the fact of the matter is this; if you do not vote,you will have effectively silenced yourselves. Rio Hondo’s low graduate and transfer rates are the result of many factors,both personal and administrative. Before ruining too the polling centers to elect new members too the board of trustees that have promised to save you from this peril, and solve your proble; are we doing our part to secure a degree. El Paisano News reached out to the candidates for a Q&A, and these are their responses.

Norma Garcia Trustee Area 1 For the last two terms, the community of El Monte has entrusted me to represent them on the Rio Hondo College (RHC) Board of Trustees. I have worked with great effort to fulfill my promise to create a pipeline to college, strengthen college access & student success, and ensure fiscal responsibility. As a former community college student, I am seeking re-election to continue to provide leadership to ensure that every student attending Rio Hondo College has a pathway to transfer, obtain certification program and/or associate degree and receive supportive services. I want to ensure that every aspect of Rio Hondo College reflects inclusion, a commitment to student equity and success, and one that prepares our students with the necessary

job skills to participate and build robust local economies. I attended community college and became the first to attend college in my family. While at a community college, I self-navigated the unfamiliar and complicated community college system. Up until graduating from college, I worked as part-time recreation leader in one of the most vulnerable communities in the San Gabriel Valley. Providing summer meals to over 300 children and being the only green space for children living in converted garages, I experienced firsthand that parks are a safety net for children and families and serve to provide youth development, improve public health and build community. These profound experiences served as the foundation for a life-long commitment, determination and passion for public service. I was appointed as Chief Deputy Director of the County of Los Angeles Department of Parks and Recreation in September 2016. I am the first woman to serve in that capacity and executive role in the Department since it was created in 1944. In my role, I am responsible for the Department’s day-to-day operations of 182 facilities that includes an annual budget of over $200 million, 1,600 full-time employees, 1,700 part-time employees and 6,477 registered volunteers. I am ardent believer of lifting up children, families and strengthening communities throughout the County, and works tirelessly to achieve this through my active participation in many civic and professional organizations. I currently serve on the Governing Board of Trustees for Rio Hondo College and have been a leading proponent of two-year free tuition for students. I serve on the Board of New Economics for Women, an affordable housing and social enriched services provider for women-led families, and founded and serve on the Board of the El Monte Promise Foundation (EMPF). EMPF is a collective-impact backbone organization that unites the community’s efforts to create a seamless cradle-to-college pathway, in partnership with the school districts, in the greater El Monte/South El Monte region. My public service, commitment and impact on communities has been highlight-

ed both locally and nationally over the years. This includes the White House Initiative on Educational Excellence for Hispanics in 2015. In 2016, I participated with former President Clinton at the Clinton Global Initiative America. In 2017, I received the Los Angeles County, First District Women of the Year by the Los Angeles County Commission of Women and Supervisor Hilda Solis. In 2018, I was recognized as the Women of the Year for the 22nd Senate District in Sacramento by Senator Ed Hernandez. I am a graduate from the Hispanas Organized for Political Equality (HOPE) Leadership Institute and was awarded a Conflict Resolution Fellowship through the U.S. State Department in Indonesia. I am proud daughter of hard-working immigrants, holding a Bachelor’s Degree in Political Science, and a Master’s Degree in Urban Planning from UCLA. I do not take lightly that students face a number of challenges and obstacles on the path to graduation. If elected, one of the most critical responsibilities of this Board will be to select the next Superintendent/President for Rio Hondo College. I will advocate for a Superintendent/President that will prioritize students success and courageously do what is best for our students and communities.

David Siegrist Trustee Area 1 As a former Board Member at Rio Hondo Community College from 1992 to 2000, I have been urged by many, many residents of El Monte to run once again for the Rio Hondo Community College Board of Trustees. They have insisted I do this in order to work with the Board and Administration to dramatically increase Rio’s services on the main campus and those pro-

vided at the underused Rio Hondo Community College’s Satellite Campus here in El Monte on Tyler Avenue. The present level of Rio Hondo CC’s services are dramatically insufficient for working adults, night school students, middle school students, high school students, families with young children and for our ever-increasing immigrant population in need of citizenship classes and English as a Second Language classes. Much, much needs to be done to promote the wonderful programs offered at our Rio Hondo Community College. Too many members of our immigrant Hispanic population mistakenly consider “el colegio comunitario” to be a high school! Among my qualifications are these: a. Attended Chaffee Junior College (Co-Valedictorian), Mt SAC, Rio Hondo Community College, and Pasadena City College. (Fully appreciative of the incredible value of community college education. Life Member Alpha Gamma Sigma. b. Honorably discharged military veteran, who enlisted and served from 1964 to 1970 in the US Navy, Army, and Marines as a teletypist, senior cryptographer and linguist (Thai, and Laotian), and served with NSA, CIA, and USJPRS. Alumnus of U.S. Defense Language Institute in Monterey and served in the Philippine Republic for 18 months. c. Earned my BA in U.S./Latin American/Asian Studies at CSU Long Beach; my MA in Education at Pepperdine University, and an ABD (All But Dissertation) at USC in Language, Literacy, and Learning; and graduate classes in Spanish at UNAM (La Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México.)d. Hold Life Credential as a Certificated Cross-Cultural Specialist (K-12); California School Administrative Credential (K-12); High School Spanish Teaching Credential (9-12) e. 35+ years teaching in elementary school (bilingual), high school, and major universities in the U.S. and in Mexico. f. Elected to Rio Hondo Community College Board Member from El Monte, serving from 1992-2000. With my fellow four Board Members, we established the Rio Hondo Community College’s First Foundation, Built a new Fire

Academy Facility, Opened the library on Friday and Saturday, and much more. f. Completing my third year as the elected Board Member with the El Monte City School District. Instrumental in creating the district’s first Bilingual Immersion Program (English & Spanish) g. Completing my twelfth year as the State of California Senior Assemblyman for the 49th Assembly District h. Multilingual professional translator (Spanish, German, Thai, Laotian, English) h. Community Leader and active member of many community organizations: Durfee PTA; Pasadena City College PTSA; Third Vice Commander El Monte American Legion Post 261 (Service to Youth: Chairman El Monte American Legion Post 261 Boys’ State Program); Promoter of PTA’s Reflections Program; Promoter of Khan Academy, aprende.org; LA County Public Library’s Online Homework Helper; Promoter of CSPAN’s Annual Studencam.org (2018 Theme: “What Is An American?” Promoter of Scholarships: BenCarsonScholars; McDonald’s “Hacer;” Coca Cola Scholars (Deadline October 31, 2018), and more. Together with the other four Board Members, advocating for a. A major increase in promoting the wonderful opportunities offered at Rio Hondo Community College and communicate the advantages and cost-savings of a community college education. In the City of El Monte, at least, the Bachelors’ Degree Program in Automotive Technology is unknown. b. Ensuring a reduction in the time required to earn an AA Degree b. Promotion of dual-enrollment (5th-12th grades) c. Develop automatic transfer agreements with Cal-Poly, Pomona; CSULA, and CSULB. d. Ensure effective counseling services for financial aid and career planning e. Form alliances with surrounding businesses and governmental agencies for first-hand paid “work experience.” f. Increase the offerings or Parent Education classes and ESL classes g. Increase class offerings and make much more use of the off-campus satellites by extending the hours to include nights and weekends.

NEWS h. Establish a JROTC Program i. Create a PTSA (such as the 50-year-old PTSA at Pasadena City College and much more. j. Conduct a “Kinder Caminata” ala Santa Ana Community College. Families with kindergarten children are bussed to Rio Hondo Community College. k. Attend all Los Angeles County School Trustees Association meetings.

Mary Ann Pacheco Trustee Area 3 It’s all about the people at Rio Hondo College because that’s what the college really is. Most importantly, it’s about the students and their families and communities. I know from my own family’s history that community colleges change lives for the better. I am running for re-election because of my desire to continue to serve and to make a difference as a trustee. I’m proud of all that we, the college family, have accomplished during my first term : increases in degree, transfer and certificate rates; new and innovative programs like the Pathway to Law and BA in Automotive Technology; revised curriculum in Math and English, increased transfer degrees, multiple measures for placement (to name a few). When the faculty and staff recruited and encouraged me to run for my first term, I agreed, and I promised to work hard to improve the teaching, learning, and working environment. I believe that I kept that promise and that we are moving forward. I want to continue working on your behalf for another term on the Board. I know Rio Hondo College! Before my election to the Board of Trustees, I was a faculty member for 38 years, teaching writing and literature classes in the Communications Division. I was the original English teacher in the Puente Project and teamtaught classes with other English and history teachers. During all those years, I had the privilege to get to know my students and to respect them for their dedication and hope for a better future. I never had unmotivated students. I had students who

faced tremendous challenges and overcame daunting obstacles, and I did my very best to help them succeed. Some of my former students are now faculty and staff members at Rio Hondo College. How cool is that! I was a teacher leader on campus. I served as the president of the RHC Academic Senate, helping to usher in shared governance as our process for college-wide decision-making. I also served as president of the RHC Faculty Association, the teachers union, helping to establish collective bargaining as our process for employment relations. I participated on RHC accreditation teams, co-chairing the financial standard, several times, and I served on two presidential search committees. Through the years, I came to understand the Rio Hondo College budget, policies and procedures really well so that I know how the college works. I also was a teacher leader on the state level for many years. As president of the Community College Association, I fought a vigorous fight against tuition at the community colleges, and I worked to ensure that the community colleges were included in Proposition 98, which guarantees us our base level funding. The Community College Association has named one of its civil and human rights awards after me, recognizing my passion for ethnic minority rights. I was a teacher leader on the national level, too, advocating for immigrant rights, worker rights, women’s rights, and student rights. For my work, I received two national awards from the National Education Association and participated as a NEA representative to four World Congresses of Education International. What changes will you be advocating for if elected? I have been a catalyst for change for a very long time. As a student activist, I was a co-founder of El Centro Chicano at USC. After more than 40 years, the Centro is still going strong, meeting the needs of Latinx students. As president of the RHC Faculty Association, I led the first strike in the history of the California community colleges under the collective bargaining law. Out of that strike grew a strong union and an effective partnership with the Rio Hondo College District aimed at problem-solving, not conflict. So I understand change—that it has to have a purpose and that there has to be a vision behind it. This is my vision for Rio Hondo College. This is what I want to see in the future: - New expanded facilities for student services programs

- Additional classrooms with updated teaching technology - A comprehensive transportation plan promoting “green” options for students and staff - Continued increases in student persistence and transfer, degree and certificate completion - Continued collaboration with local businesses and industry to enhance student employability - Expansion of dual enrollment programs for local high school students -Affordability through the Rio Promise and other innovative aid programs One change, for certain, is that Rio Hondo College will have a new Superintendent/President for the next academic year. I want to be part of the selection decision, bringing to the table, as a trustee, my many years of experience and leadership and my unique perspective. I also want to be part of the Rio Hondo College team that will work to help that new superintendent/president be successful as he/she joins the Rio Hondo familia. That change will open up new doors and opportunities for innovation and creativity. That is exactly the kind of change I have always advocated and that I was made for!

Rosaelva Lomeli Trustee Area 3 My students past and present have inspired me to run. My focus as a Science Teacher has been on student success and guiding my students to a college path. Many of my students have gone to Rio Hondo and there is a handful there now. I’m deeply concerned about student success at Rio Hondo College. I would like to bridge my k-12 experience to Rio Hondo College as your board member. I am a Science Teacher with over 22 years of teaching experience and a passion for student success. It has also been my passion to mold and shape young leaders as the Student Government Advisor at my school site. I hold a B.S. in Biology from Mt. Saint Mary’s University with a Science Credential from Whittier College. I’ve also earned a Master’s Degree from Whittier College in education.


When elected, I plan on addressing 1) the transfer rate 2) student parking 3) campus safety and 4) the quality of Wi-Fi on campus. I’m a leader who is focused on student needs and transparency in governance. Increasing the transfer rate is critical in meeting the new state funding formula. Student parking has been a perennial issue that few have offered solutions. My opponent and I have juxtaposed views on parking. I believe we should consider parking structures on the upper campus and my opponent believes that students have enough parking despite the challenges of hiking up the hill and getting to class on time. A safe and secure college campus is imperative. As your board member, I would like to consider bringing back evening walking escorts, improve lighting and improving the quality of our security guards. Wi-Fi is access. A quality education and quality Wi-Fi go hand in hand. It is my priority to initiate a line of communication with students across the spectrum. As your board member I will host chats with various student groups and classrooms. It is important for board members to maintain the pulse of student sentiment. I am an educator and community leader vested in the success of Rio Hondo College. It has been my lives work to prepare students to be successful. My success is measured by my students attaining a degree in higher education. Rio Hondo is our community college. It requires constant monitoring, oversight, leadership and accountability. As a board member, I am committed to the vision of Rio Hondo to make Rio Hondo an exemplary community college. It is time to change the course.

Madeline Shapiro Trustee Area 5 Before I was elected to the Board of Trustees almost nine years ago, I was motivated to run to by the faculty and staff that endorsed and supported me. Many members of the various constituency groups at the college including student leadership were not happy

with their treatment by the administration. My main goal was to do everything I could to remedy that negative environment. Now that I am seeking re-election my motivation is based on wanting to ensure that the college stays on the path of increasing student equity with regards to student success and services, and to keep the college strong in terms of financial stability and growth. As the first in my family to graduate from college, I myself attended Rio Hondo. I am also the parent of a former student of the college. We both owe good starts in our careers to Rio Hondo Community College. I graduated with a Bachelors of Science Degree in Business Administration with an Option in Accounting and later obtained a teaching credential. The degree allows me to understand how fund accounting works and how programs are tied to budgets. The teaching credential allowed me to teach for in the K-12 system for thirty years where I became a union leader in my local chapter of the California Teachers Association and on the state level where I rose to became the chairperson of its political action committee, so I also know how to work with the various constituency groups of the college and how collective bargaining works. I have also had the experience of expanding and applying my knowledge of the education system to the community college system for the last nine years as trustee. As part of my role I attended many trainings offered by the Association of Community College Trustees and the California Community League of California to increase my understanding of the community college system and my effectiveness in governing the college to improve the experience of our students. Both personally and professionally I understand the importance of a quality education. If reelected the first task I will be advocating for is the selection of a new president for the college. Leadership sets the tone of any institution, so I will be looking for a president that understands the Rio Hondo community and can continue to lead the College in increasing its graduation and transfer rates and in its certificate completion with a vision that prepares the College and its students for the careers of the future. Rio Hondo will be pursuing the possibility of asking our surrounding community to support a new building program through a new bond. I would like to see that our facilities continue to Continued on page



The 2018 Rio Hondo Board of Trustees Candidates

be modernized and added to in a fiscally responsive way. It is important to me that Rio Hondo will continue to do everything possible to support students in the successful completion of their classes and making the pathway to their career goals easier to follow. Finally I want to make sure that the voices of students continue to heard with regards to their needs, including the basic needs of housing, food insecurity, transportation and safety.

Oscar Valladares Trustee Area 5 I am Oscar Valladares, Candidate for the Rio Hondo College Board of Trustees, Area 5. I am a Deputy Public Administrator for Los Angeles County Department of Mental Health and have been a public servant for over 13 years. I’m a proud product of the California community colleges where I earned an Associates of Arts Degree, successfully transferred and graduated from Cal State LA, as a former Dreamer. I’m running for Rio Hondo College for Change! There are three issues which are my priorities: The Transfer Rate - The Time it takes Rio Hondo College students to graduate; and Campus Safety. Rio Hondo has the lowest transfer rate in the region – 19%. This low performing rate is directly affecting our funding under the new State Funding Formula. Rio Hondo must increase the transfer rate to remain competitive and to get its fair share of state funding. As a trustee I initiate measures early on in a student’s college career to help them move along requirements without disruption. It takes too long to

graduate at Rio Hondo College. It takes Rio Hondo students four to six year to complete a degree while neighboring colleges are averaging two to three years. Under the state’s new funding formula, Rio Hondo will lose millions of dollars while other community colleges have already increased their funding due to meeting this standard. As a trustee I will work to complete as assessment of the Student Success Programs that obviously are not working. Safety – We must create a safe and secured college campus The recent “loaded gun” found on campus has sounded the alarm that we are not providing a safe environment for students and staff. As your trustee, I will make safety and security a priority at Rio Hondo. Should a loaded gun be found on campus: 1) I will notify law enforcement immediately to recover the loaded gun; and 2) caused notification to students and staff to prevent panic, fear, and chaos.; and 3) Finally, I will cause immediate notification of an incident to the Board of Trustees, call for a special meeting– but most importantly – I would not have waited 5-7days to properly notify law enforcement, students and staff. In closing, neighboring community colleges have significantly increased their budgets while Rio Hondo stayed stagnant. Next year is crisis mode, under the new funding formula Rio Hondo College must improve transfer/graduation, reduced completion time, while assuring students and staff of a safe campus or suffer a large decrease in funding. I bring over 13 years of New Experienced Leadership of dedication to public service, educational and professional development with the full support of local, state and federal elected officials like Congresswoman Napolitano, County Supervisor Hahn, and most importantly the endorsement of former Trustee and Police Chief Gary Couso-

Vasquez. It’s clear that these regional leaders have lost trust in current trustee and share my vision to bring a sense urgency – Vote Oscar Valladares for Rio Hondo College.

Dylan Logas Trustee Area 5 When I returned to College and began my journey at Rio Hondo in 2015, I was 26 years old, newly sober, and working 11 hours a day doing commercial air conditioning while going to class in the evenings. During this time I began to notice various inequities myself and other evening students faced. These barriers consisted of not having access to counseling because it is not available on weekends. We were not able to have access to the library because our classes let out after the library had closed. Lastly, graduation was held at the same time and day as final exams. This means that some students had to choose between taking their final and going to their graduation. When I spoke to the board about changing this policy in order to help future students I was met with resistance and was even told by an administrator at the time “Why do you care so much, you won’t be here next semester anyway?” This was Spring of 2017. When this happened, I decided it was time to do something more than just talking about making changes. I had to be an active participant in creating the future I wanted to see for my College Community. In Fall of 2017, I decided to return to Rio Hondo and founded a club named Rio Students Unite, which works to bridge the equity gap students face.

During the 2017- 2018 school year I began speaking with students about various issues not only the barriers evening students but barriers all students faced. Communicating so frequently with students my eyes became open that Rio Hondo had some series issues and as we worked to bring these concerns to our administration our efforts were stifled and mostly overlooked. When I completed my final semester at Rio Hondo in May of 2018, I decided it was time to start to make changes from a new position, and that was as a Board of Trustee member. With this new position, I plan to remove barriers with keep students from going to school, returning to school and staying in school. I will ensure that we have done everything possible to ensure our campus is safe. Lastly, provide and give access to the resources needed in order for our College to be successful My qualifications come from my years of being a student and an advocate for change. I have been a college student for almost ten years now, and the first five years, I failed. This failure put enormous amounts of barriers in front of me. However, when I returned to school, I had to have a new willingness and a relentless pursuit to become successful. When I started at Rio Hondo, my GPA was below a 1.0. During my three years at Rio Hondo, I meet with counselors regularly to make sure I was taking the proper classes and finding ways I could address my poor GPA. When I left Rio Hondo, my GPA was 3.94, and now I have an overall 2.86 GPA. I am currently a full-time student at California State University, Long Beach. With this being said I know what its like to fail and I know how to be successful. I understand what students go through and what they need not only because I just graduated from Rio Hondo, but also because I am still a student. The other factor is my time spent becoming entrenched in a desire to create the best possible campus. I became a Peer Advisor working with incoming and returning students. I became certified to counsel students who have experienced sexual assault

and domestic violence. I created a student-led advocacy club. I competed on the speech and debate team and completed the Pathway to Law program. I volunteered at the Rio Source Room and helped create events on campus. During this time I was lucky enough to have incredible access to students, and I made sure to spend my time listening to the student’s concerns. I have also been taking time out to listen to professors and classified staff concerns. This has allowed me to became well rounded in finding ways to navigate how to create policy change. I plan on working to change the Culture. I know that sounds broad and unrealistic, and maybe it is, but I love a challenge. During my last year at Rio Hondo, I along with other started this process. I started a student-run advocacy club that worked to bridge equity gaps students faced. During this process, we brought forward critical issues to students and began raising awareness and in doing so gathered thousands of signatures from students advocating change. This allowed students to recognize that they have a voice, their voice matters, and their voice is powerful. The culture is changing at Rio Hondo right now. The college and the students need leadership that is going to encourage, embrace, and guide. Along with this big picture of culture change, we must continue to work on smaller changes that directly impact students lives immediately. I will work to extending library hours, bring down price textbooks, improve lighting and security and lower food cost in the Rio Cafe. I will work to expand the availability of classes and work to ensure the schedule of classes comes out on time. I will give students and employees a platform and will encourage you to advocate for yourself on that platform. I will help to put you in positions to create changes that directly benefit the Rio Hondo community and allows those who wish to be a part of those changes are allowed that opportunity. Together we will remove barriers, ensure campus safety and provided resources that will lead us to success.


Self-Lubricating Condoms Almost Available VINCENT FRANCO

Photo Editor vincent.franco2391@my.riohondo.edu

It’s official ladies and gentlemen, the future is now. Scientists, funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, have invented a self-lubricating condom. This condom could help with the fight against STDs and unwanted pregnancies, by making condoms more appealing to couples, mainly enhancing your sexual relationships. Ultimately replacing your average store bought condoms. While your usual store bought condoms are coated with silicon oil, these new self-lubbing condoms will be applied with a thin layer of hydrophilic polymer. When put to use, the hydrophilic polymers will become more and more slippery when come in contact with moisture, like body fluids, making it last for about 1,000 thrusts while an average store bought condom supposably only last about 600 thrusts. This helps for those who have trouble with staying lubricated during intercourse, also reducing the pain that comes with the friction after constant rubbing with a rubber condom. With that

Fourteen-Year Long Oil Spill in Gulf of Mexico could be Worst in U.S. History EVELYN VARGAS

Reporter evelyn.vargas3749@my.riohondo.edu

VINCENT FRANCO/EPM Ordinary “Trojan” condoms will be a thing of the past if scientists succeed with their trial of new “self-lubricating” condoms.

friction being a big reason why condoms aren’t appealing to younger couples, this could help out a lot. These condoms have been through small study trials with 33 couples at the University of Boston. Of those 33, seventy-seven percent said they’d chose the self-lubricating one over an average condom. Most of these couples, about 83%, said that this would also help them chose to wear a condom during intercourse. These first test

were small but cliniycal test are set to begin very soon. Owen Williams of the British Association for Sexual health and HIV said in an interview with CNN: “We welcome any developments that allow people to enjoy sex more safely and condoms remain the main tool in the prevention of sexually transmitted infections.” STDs have become an increasing problem in the U.S. According to the Center for Disease control, over 2.3 million sexually transmitted

diseases were diagnosed just last year. The number was a record high in the United States. If these Self-lubricating condoms do become available to the public, they could become a major factor in the fight against STDs for both younger and older generations. Not only in the U.S. but all around the world. The University of Boston is already working on a company to get some product developed, after trails are through.

Dogs have Voice Regions in their Brains Similar to t hose of Humans EVELYN VARGAS

Reporter evelyn.vargas3749@my.riohondo.edu

Researchers state, that findings done at about 100 million years ago to when the last common ancestor of humans and dogs reflect that voice areas have evolved. With the recent studies done there has been new insight into humans unique connection with animals such as dogs. This in fact has helped with the explaining of the behavioral and neural mechanisms that has made this alliance very much effective for thousands of years. Vocal communication between two species like humans and dogs can be achievable with the new findings. Dogs and humans have social environment very similar. With the findings newly discovered from MTA-ELTE Comparative Ethology Research Group in Hungary those findings suggest that both humans and dogs use similar brain mechanisms to process social information.


RAMON ALVARADO/EPM Humans and dogs have had a unique connection for a long time. Researchers are finding that the more they research, the more they find in common between the two.

Attila Andics and his colleagues, all researchers part of the MTA-ELTE Comparative Ethology Research Group in Hungary trained 11 dogs to lay down motionless in an fMRI brain scanner. That way it was possible to run the

experiment on both human and dog participants and this method had never been done before. While running this experiment the brain activities were captured on both human and dogs, while they

listened to 200 dog sounds and 200 human sounds, ranging from whining, crying, to playful barking and laughing. The results showed that the way the human brain process emotionally loaded sounds was similar to the way dogs responded. The voice areas of dogs responded more efficiently and stronger to dog sounds, on the other hand, humans reacted faster to human sounds. Another stunning similarity that was found in both of the participants was the area near the primary auditory cortex brightened up more with pleasant sounds than with unhappy sounds. In dogs 48% of all sound sensitive brain regions respond stronger to sound than voices. As opposed to humans in which 3% of sound sensitive brain regions show greater response to sounds than to vocal sounds. This study is the first step closer toward fully understanding how it is that dogs can be very good at tuning into the feelings of humans precisely their owners.

In the Gulf of Mexico an oil spill has been quietly leaking into their millions of barrels and it has unplugged for so long that it now verges on becoming one of the worst offshore disasters in the U.S. history. Since 2004 between 300 and 700 barrels of oil per day have been spewing from a site 12 miles off the Louisiana. An oil production platform owned by Taylor Energy sank in a mudslide triggered by Hurricane Ivan. It is estimated that the spill could expand and continue throughout this century, unfortunately many of the wells haven’t been capped. The Taylor offshore spill has been threatening to overtake BP’s Deepwater Horizon disaster as the largest ever, and it has no possible fixing. The largest expansion of leases for the oil and gas industry has been proposed by the Trump administration. This has given the potential to open nearly the entire outer continental shelf to offshore drilling. This includes the Atlantic coast, where the drillings has not happened in more than half a century and hurricanes hit with twice the regularity of the Gulf. Despite fears that the offshore oil industry is poorly regulated and that the planet needs to diminish fossil fuels to combat climate change, and expansion plans will still take place. The knowledge from 14 years after Ivan took down Taylor’s platform, with the broken wells and the releasing of a lot of oil that researchers needed respirators to study the damage done. The Taylor Energy spill is massive outside Louisiana because of the company’s effort to keep it hidden like a secret in the hopes of protecting its reputation and proprietary information about its operations according to a lawsuit that has eventually forced the company to reveal the cleanup plan. This spill has been kept hidden for six years before environmental watchdog groups discovered it as they stumbled on oil slicks while monitoring the BP Deepwater Horizon disaster a few miles north of the Taylor site back in 2010.





New Details About the Upcoming Marvel Land in California Adventure Revealed

JAIME APARICIO/EPM The acquisition of the Marvel Comics property from Walt Disney Studios has been nothing short of a disappointment since the deal was finalized back in December 31, 2009. From that deal came the creation of Marvel Studios, a studio within the Disney brand dedicated solely to create and produce their own films based off of the many characters that inhabit the Marvel Comics Universe. Now that Disney has accumilated a profit well in the billions of dollars, the people at Disney are well underway in imagining and expanding their California Adventure theme park in Anaheim, California. What is now being considered as Marvel Land, the newly expansion to the park will accomodate the space being left behind by A Bug’s Land, a Pixar property that is successful in its own right.



Details about the development of Marvel Land in Disney’s California Adventure have come out. Construction for the land is already underway, but there has been little known about what the Marvel themed superhero land will look like until now. By 2020 will begin phase one will be underway and after a year or so phase two will follow. Currently, there is a barricade around the future home of Marvel Land where A Bug’s Land used to reside. The theater that was in A Bug’s Land will be reused for a Spider-Man ride where riders will get a web shooter of their own. It’s been theorized that the ride will be similar to Toy Story Midway Mania, but instead of balls, darts, and rings, audiences will

be shooting webs according to Wow News Today. The tissue box restrooms will also be remodeled as a queue connected to the Spider-Man ride. The entrance to the land will be switched from the previous and in the center will be an Avengers symbol. There are also plans for a Doctor Strange show where guest can meet with the bearded wizard. Plans for food options are also in the works including a counter service restaurant and microbrewery with Ant-Man being its source of inspiration. There will also be a rollercoaster in the works, but there’s not much information on that. While 2020 might seem far away, of course, Disney will hold over park goers with the opening of Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge in the summer of 2019.




Disney Planning “Pirates of the Caribbean” Reboot ANAMARIA APARICIO Reporter


“Pirates of The Caribbean” is a billion dollar franchise with a total of five films within the last 14 years. Now according to Deadline, Disney is thinking of rebooting the series with writers Rhett Reese and Paul Wernick, who are in early talks to write the script. Reese & Wernick are the writers for the first two “Deadpool”, “Zombieland” and its sequel, “6 Underground”, and the action film that Michael Bay is directing for Netflix with Ryan Reynolds. After the first four films, the latest film “Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales” had the lowestgrossing income out of the series with a total of $172 million in the United States. But according to The Week, although it had the lowest-grossing income, it was still more successful than the latest Disney films. “Still, it did take in nearly $800 million overall,

making it far from a bomb and a lot more successful than some of Disney’s other recent live-action efforts like “A Wrinkle in Time” and “Tomorrowland.” This was still down from the $241 million earned by the previous film. Worldwide, it grossed about $250 million less than its previous film. It makes sense for them to start fresh after hitting low numbers with the latest film. Although it is still unsure whether or not Johnny Depp will come back as Jack Sparrow. Depp was in the spotlight due to a controversial issue with his ex-wife, Amber Heard. Heard accused Depp of domestic violence, but Depp denies all allegations. But all this talk about a reboot comes after the announcement of a new Pirates of the Caribbean film. According to Culture Vulture, “This news comes in just two months after it was confirmed that Pirates of the Caribbean 6 was in development with Joachim Rønning to return and direct

after filming Maleficent 2. The script was apparently also being written by Ted Elliot, Terry Rosio and Jeff Nathanson. It is unknown whether this is being scrapped in favour of a reboot for the franchise.”

IMAGE VIA GOOGLE Although a sixth film has been announced, Walt Disney Studios is already planning to reboot the franchise which may or may not include lead actor Johnny Depp. The Pirates of the Caribbean films have grossed over $4 billion at the box-office collectively, making them one of Disney’s powerhouses to market. The proposed reboot may also start fresh with a new, and most likely, younger cast to potentially continue in future sequels. The addition of the “Red” character in the Pirates attraction is another posibility of having a female-lead film for a more diverse approach to the franchise. If not included, the character Jack Sparrow will most likely be referrenced to satisfy fans of the older films.

Review: Chilling Adventures of Sabrina BETSY SEGURA Reporter


IMAGE VIA NETFLIX Rather than retread past themes, the latest incarnation of Sabrina the Teeanage Witch character will focus on the darker side of witchcraft. Modern themes such physical and mental abuse and LGBT characters are also included to reach a wider audience in todays social media based world. The past imagery of bright and gleeful attitude is now replaced with a greedier and much more darker approach. Be warned to come across imagery of hangings, partial nudity, and excessive blood.

The entire season of Chilling Adventures of Sabrina which released on Netflix Friday, October 26th is now available! First things first, this article will not include spoilers, but will hint at events and characters in the show. Quick side note, I am officially digging the soundtrack for the show. From Bad Moon Rising by Creedence Clearwater Revival to Be My Baby by The Ronettes and the must have I Put A Spell On You by Sylvia Gordon, you can’t help but to nod along with the music as you watch Sabrina’s antics. Right off the bat, we have Sabrina Spellman, played by Kiernan Shipka, discussing her Dark Baptism - an important witch custom for witches who have reached their sixteenth birthday by signing the Book of Beasts. Throughout the first episodes, Sabrina is placed in a tug of war between the witch world of her family and the mortal world of her friends. Will she remain in Greendale with her mortal friends? Or will she sign her name in the Dark Lord’s book and transfer to the Academy of Unseen Arts as expected from her? Decisions for witches, how troublesome. Now, I’d like to focus on the supporting characters for a moment, because I find

it extremely important for the audience to know that Jaz Sinclair and Lachlan Watson portray Rosalind Walker and Susie Putnam, respectively. From what I can tell you without spoiling the show, Sabrina isn’t the only one dealing with turmoil. Rosalind - who goes by Roz mentions the trouble she has gone through to start a club for African-American women in her high school. Her club idea widens their spectrum to all woman, including Susie Putnam. Susie identifies as a girl to her friends, that is what matters. But unfortunately for her, she is teased at Baxter High for appearing different and Principal Hawthorne - psst! the same man who said no to a safe space for woman of color - does nothing, shocker. Will Roz be able to create a safe space for all women? Will Susie’s bullies leave her be? Quick reminder to all, that the executive producers who brought you Riverdale are responsible for bringing you the Chilling Adventures of Sabrina. For those who have seen Riverdale, then you know what to expect. For those who have yet to experience either show, dark humor and angst awaits you.



Halloween Spookatacular Event


City of Pico Rivera held their annual Halloween Spooktacular October 27 at one of their most diverse parks, Smith Park from 5pm to 8pm. The event had everything from music, a maze whose scares included teens from the Pico Rivera Teen Club, costume contests, food vendors, free games, arts and crafts, jumpers, a petting zoo even a mechanical bull. The event also showcased dancers from Montebello Performing Arts Center. The event was nothing short of extraordinary from the Pico Rivera Parks and Recreation staff. For more of their upcoming events, please log onto their official Pico Rivera website.



Los Angeles Comic-Con 2018 Recap




Los Angeles Comic Con is an annual event held every year in the Los Angeles Convention Center that brings people of all walks of life together. The event itself isn’t just catered to comic book fans due to it now pertaining anyone who has an interest in what is considered “nerdy” or “geeky” stuff. But it isn’t just for that as well because LACC (LA Comic Con) is a great place to bring your friends, family, or even date. It’s an overall fun experience and everyone who’s anyone

should come to see what all hype is about. This year was a major improvement in comparison to last years event. Right off the bat, the most noticeable thing was the main stage; for the past few years they’ve had it on the right side of the convention center. But this year it was right dab in the center of the convention so it was easier to get too. For a lot of the front runners they had a ton of Marvel stars as well as Steven Universe voice actors, which got fans to go crazy. Both fan bases were as equally loud and excited to see their favorite stars in person. A great way they improved from last year was all of the main headliners

were there for quite some time. As opposed to last year when some people literally came and left, so it was nice to see them improve on this. If you didn’t really care about the main guest they had, tons of people from all different forms of media came as guests. For example, if you’re a fan of Danny Trejo and love the guy, he was there! And let’s be honest, who doesn’t love that man? Or if you just really love the Power Rangers, you could see one of many there in person. The list could go on and on with all the guests they had, but this year was next level improvement. Love anime and cartoons? Because they had tons of american voice

actors and actresses who were more than happy to have a meet and greet with fans. They set the bar pretty high this year and I can’t wait to see who they invite next year. But even if you didn’t care about the headliners and just wanted to go to buy stuff, you’re set. They had tons of vendors and artist giving away some amazing stuff for prices that’ll have you thinking you’re stealing from them. With all the time and effort these artists put into their work, it’s easy to get lost in it. If you want some comics, all you have to do is look and you’re guaranteed to find current reads for super cheap. Or even some super rare ones that you had a hard

time hunting will almost be there just waiting for you. So if you go in with a set budget, it’s going to take a lot of willpower to keep to it with all the amazing things you’ll find inside the con. It was pretty hard to not have a good time, there was so much to do. All the panels they had were great, although it was disappointing that some of them were held at the same time, making you choose between one or the other. But other than that they were great! This year was definitely one of best events LA had to offer and next year will be just as fun. As previously stated before, if you can attend this event, then you should!



Drip Tones Record Shop VINCENT FRANCO Reporter


As the years keep rolling by, technology enhances more every day, making our daily lives easier. Taking many of what used to be regular household items and putting them into small little pocket-sized devices. It’s easy to forget about the analog technologies that many of us had while growing up. Vinyl records, on the other hand, have managed to pull through and stay relevant throughout all the technological advances this world has gone through for at least the past 15 plus years. Alongside CDs, Vinyl has stayed above digital downloads, which have fallen 1.3 billion dollars last year, according to the RIAA (Record Industry Association of America). It’s not hard to understand why vinyl has kept up the pace with modern society and technology. Something about how much more tangible it is compared to streaming or digital CDs, that makes it special. This is what Driptone Records owner, Aaron Hernandez, 29, thinks is keeping this music platform alive. Starting off as a record label in Brooklyn, New York, back in 2014, Driptone only put out one tape with Los Angeles based Indie/punk band Machine kit. After this release, Driptone was set to the side for a while to make room for his job at a radio

station, bartending, and even throwing and promoting shows on his apartment rooftop. As Aarons stay in New York came to an end due to financial troubles, he was forced to come back home to Southern California, where he started DJing. This was a year before he even decided to bring back Driptones, where he was buying numerous amounts of records for gigs all around Los Angeles. This was where it all clicked for him. Combining his love for Music, Vinyl records with his work ethic, he decided to bring back Driptone once again as a Record vendor. Buying and collecting records since he was a kid, Aaron understands vinyl and their importance to society. Especially in today’s standards. “I think people are finding that it’s important to have some type of tangible piece of possession in music whereas now it just fleeting like in Spotify, Pandora, and all these other streaming services,” says Aaron on why he started selling records during the peak of the digital age. He believes this is filling the hole of the humankind’s need for physicality. It’s this and the community of other vendors that are keeping vinyl alive. With what some people are calling a record boom, record swaps are becoming more and more popular. Happening almost every weekend, this is one of the funniest parts of Aarons job. Becoming more involved and meeting other

people with the same amount of interest and love for vinyl records. No matter how much love he holds for what he’s doing, it’s still a ton of work. Being constantly tired is something Aaron deals with all around clock. From organizing Record swaps, like the Bridgetown Vinyl Swap that happened this past Saturday, October 25th, right behind Vinylsaurs Records in Old Town La Puente. To even just finding the records to sell. With Driptone being his and acting as his own boss is a major pro, it does come with its fair share of work. With constantly driving to all parts of California to pick up loads of vinyl, to promoting, to competition. Then there are the technicalities like actually figuring out the value specific records and making some kind of profit. “Even radio which I love to death…. I was very in love with my career and it was doing very good but for me, it’s better to work for myself.” Said Aaron. At the end of the day, it’s all fun for Aaron. And for the future of Driptone records, he plans on taking it wherever he feels its right. Whether it making its way into a permanent storefront or even becoming some kind of radio show, Aaron plans on keeping it fluid. For more information on Driptone, you can find them in Instagram @ Driptonerecords, for any info on upcoming events.

VINCENT FRANCO/EPM Going 7 years strong, Vinylsaurs, has been fulfilling your record needs, ranging from all types of gener.

VINCENT FRANCO/EPM Driptones owner, Aaron Hrnandez, holding it down at the vinylsaurs first ever record swap in Old Town La Punte

It’s Actually the Rich who are Spending more Money on Fast Food GILBERTO ESPAÑA Reporter


Some would assume that people with less money eat more fast food, but it is not true. It is actually people who have more money to spend. A new report about American Fast food was recently conducted by the Centers for Disease Control which stated people eat more fast food when they have more money. National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey used techniques to examine American health. Based on their data, out of 10,000 adults who took a survey, over a third eat fast food each day. Such as pizza,

chicken and other restaurants fast food. This all depends on how much the family eats and how much money they make above the poverty line. A study conducted in the years of 2013-2016 by the CDC, people who earn less than the federal poverty line (usually a family of four) ate fast food daily. People above the federal poverty line with a family of four were daily consumers of fast food. According to economists Jay Zagorsky and Patricia K. Smith conducted a study on fast food habits of Americans in their 40s and 50s found that people with less money were less likely to eat fast food than middle-class people.

Zagorsky and Smith noticed the more hours a person works, the more likely they are to eat fast food. The CDC was able to gather data based on fast food habits. People between the ages of 20 and 39 were most likely to eat fast food on any given day. Many people choose to eat fast foods as it does not require much time spent cooking and is very cheap. It is likely that people who earn less than the federal poverty line constantly consume fast food due to the price and calories. Adults tend to consume fast foods during lunch as their “eating occasion” due to having breaks during work. There are many more fast

food restaurants in poorer neighborhoods than people living in more expensive areas. Fast food restaurants believe they can attract more

people to eat fast food in poor neighborhoods rather than rich ones.




How Many Vegans are on Campus? BETSY SEGURA Reporter


Let’s clear a common

misunderstanding folks. A vegetarian diet does not mean eating meat for health, religious, or common moral reasons. A vegan diet takes it a step further. Which include cutting meat and any animal products for the same reasons. The type of animal products that the diet cuts out is dairy which include milk, cheese, ice cream. As well as eggs and honey. You may be thinking, what can they eat? Well, the Vegan cuisine can become very creative. Vegan diets include grains, fruits, vegetables, seeds, legumes (particularly beans), edible mushrooms, and tofu (bean curd) all of which respectively substitute proteins found in meat and animal products. Being Vegan does not mean they are missing out. They can eat cereal with a milk substitution of soy, almond, rice, and hemp. As for cheese, it has been substituted with plant milk, nuts, and seeds amongst other ingredients to recreate the meltability. There are also egg alternatives for cooking: baking powder, mashed tofu, and banana mush. Many believe that a Vegan Diet includes missing out

on favorite meals and eating nothing but tofu. But the images look quite appetizing. Seitan pizza made with vegan cheese, marinara sauce, bell peppers, and tomatoes. Delicious. Roasted sprouts and tofu pasta topped off with pesto sauce and vegan cheese. Yes, please. Cocoa avocado brownies? You have to be pulling my chain. A poll was conducted in the Rio Hondo Campus where we surveyed 50 students if they had a vegan diet. 90 percent of the students eat meat, 6 percent of students considered themselves semivegetarian, 2 percent of students are pescaterian (fish diet), 2 percent students are vegan. Student Juan Vergara was asked on his reasons for becoming a vegan and he stated it as “An accumulation of documentaries.” Which is why most of us decide to avoid meat. According to Faunalytics 2014, 70 percent of Americans who followed a vegan diet abandoned it shortly after. Then again, we are the country that invented the glazed donut cheeseburgeralso known as the Luther burger. Ever been to a county fair? We fry everything. It’s almost like we’re trying to put a whole new meaning to violently American.

Cheap Lazy Student Recipes


of students are pescaterian (fish diet)


of the students eat meat ERIKA SUAREZ/EPM




of students considered themselves semi-vegetarian


of students are vegan

You wake up early, snooze your alarm, and close your eyes for a second. Then a second turned into an hour and now you’re running late and have no idea what to take for lunch. No worries, we’ve all been there. Don’t leave running late to class with an empty stomach. To prepare for next time, a list with low budget and fast recipes will help for a busy student. First, we hit the Dollar Tree or the 99 cent store. What? We said cheap. While at the store, keep in mind what can be cooked quickly and still be delicious. Campbell’s makes some pretty tasty soups, all of which you can store in a container and microwave later at school. Or cook beforehand and carry in a thermos. If you happen to have some time, consider making yourself a grilled cheese sandwich and heating up some tomato soup. You cannot go wrong with the classics. Pack some ants on a log: peanut butter on celery sticks with raisins to represent the ants. It helps to prepare your meals like overnight oats- the night before. Don’t know what they are? Find yourself a clean jar with a lid, serve yourself a sufficient amount of oats and a tablespoon of chia seeds for an extra kick of omega-3’s. Step 2: fill ‘em up with water, milk, soy milk, any liquid that you cook your oats with. Give it a stir and time for toppings! Seeds, nuts, berries, fresh fruit, yogurt, peanut butter, make the wildest combination you can think off.

Before you put a lid on it, we suggest adding some spices such as cinnamon, vanilla extract, cocoa powder, pumpkin spice for fall, and gingerbread for winter. Pop the lid on and put that sucker in the fridge. These are for the mornings you’re incredibly late. All you have to do is take it from the fridge and catch your bus! You can add your sweetener of choice at the Rio Cafe, whether it’s pure sugar or brown sugar, that’s up to you. What if you have time but not the patience to cook? We got you covered. Cook a packet of ramen noodles how you normally would, add fresh cut veggies and a raw egg into the broth. Break the yolk and slowly stir, you should see egg ribbons like an egg drop soup. Delicious, economic, and all you had to do were cut the vegetables! Since we’re on the topic of eggs, You should know that you could make yourself a quick breakfast burrito in notime with a microwave. Crack one or two eggs in a microwave safe mug, season as you like, throw some cheese in there, balanced with veggies, and ripped pieces of ham or turkey. Give it a quick stir and pop it in the microwave for a minute. Since we’re being sloths already, throw in two tortillas in the microwave and cook it all for an additional 30 seconds. Careful, it’s hot! Prepare your breakfast burritos and enjoy, or if you’re in a hurrythen wrap in aluminum foil for on the go! Whether you cook your food in a microwave, or not, make sure your food is thoroughly cooked. If you want more recipes, check the internet, my friends. It is both a curse and a blessing.



Are Flu Shots Really Effective?

CESAR GONZALEZ/EPM Flu shots are known to be an effective way to prevent oneself from getting sick, however, many people shy away from the thought of needles. While others completely avoid the idea of flu shots actually working, many people believe it is too good to be true. MICHAEL MARTINEZ Reporter



he Centers for Disease Control states, “That flu vaccination reduces the risk of flu illness by between 40% and 60% among the overall population during seasons when most circulating flu viruses are wellmatched to the flu vaccine.” There are two types of influenza viruses which are type A and B which getting the flu shot works better against the viruses. Many people feel getting vaccinated aren’t effective but the vaccine’s effectiveness also can vary depending on who is being vaccinated. At least two factors play an important role in determining the likelihood that the flu vaccine will protect a person from flu

Salutations Roadrunners!! This is RAE REPLIES here to answer all the questions that have been submitted to our comment/suggestion inbox. (@rio.replies@gmail.com) Our current question was referring to Halloween costume ideas that could keep the Halloween spirit of being provocative. Remember if you ever want advice that’s kept 100, look

illness. Which is the characteristics of the person being vaccinated (such as their age and health), and their similarity or “match” between the flu viruses the flu vaccine is designed to protect against and the flu viruses spreading in the community. Flu vaccine prevents millions of illnesses and flu-related doctor’s visits each year. According the CDC in the 2016 through 2017 year, “Flu vaccination prevented an estimated 5.3 million influenza illnesses, 2.6 million influenza-associated medical visits, and 85,000 influenza-associated

hospitalizations.” People tend not to get any flu shots because they feel they aren’t effective during seasonal times but in fact they are year round vaccine and will help during cold or hot weather environment. Another myth is people believe that the flu shot isn’t effective with elderly people, but in fact the flu vaccines have helped protect adults 65 years of age and older against influenza by more than 60 percent. Vaccination has been found in most seasons to provide a similar level of protection against flu illness in children to be seen among healthy adults. In several studies, flu vaccine effectiveness was

higher among children who received two doses of flu vaccine the first season that they were vaccinated, flu vaccination reduced the risk of flu-associated death by 51 percent among children with underlying high-risk

medical conditions and by nearly 65 percent among healthy children. I would always get a flu shot except for two years and during those years that I missed out on the flu shots, I would get sick


RIO REPLIES (Advice Column)

no further. Our good friend, Rae Replies is here to help.

And you don’t have to worry about publicizing your identity. Here at Rio-Replies we respect everyone’s privacy. All emails with questions, concerns, and stories can be sent to: @rio.replies@gmail.com And look out for our “Advice Column” sections via elpaisanoonline.com and print.

Our most recent question is from studiousgurl69@yahoo. com: The question was, “How can I wear a slutty costume this year but also stay warm?”

RAE REPLIES had this to say: “Hello yes, well there’s a few ways one can stay sexy and fly this Halloween without letting the chilly air of the night keep you under the weather.

though other might get the flu shot and still get sick. People feel there is no need to get the flu shot, in fact it help protect the immune system, when others think getting the flu shot prevents from getting the flu you are less likely to get sick when getting the flu shot when not getting the flu shot there is a greater chance in getting sick.

1) Try being a lioness, with a sexy onesie and your DIY tail attachment. Then don’t forget your face makeup, simple nose paint and whiskers. Another item you need is a pair of lion or even cat ears (No one will notice). And the piece to resistance, wearing a fur coat which will in terms keep you warm, stylish, and most importantly SEDUCTIVE. When it gets to hot just remove your coat to show your true colors. RAWR. 2) Another costume idea is

being a dominatrix. Getting your hands on bondage could be just as easy as shopping for sexy lingerie. If you want to get creative, make yourself a living-dead dominatrix or even a blood-sucking one. The final touches aside from whatever props you decide to pair it with (whips, chains, ropes, cuffs, etc) is your leather jacket finish. Sexy, kinky, warm, and hot. So remember everyone to have fun and most importantly STAY SAFE.”





Change Looms, Third Time’s A Charm?




Pitcher Yu Darvish took the loss in 2017’s Game 7.



The Los Angeles Dodgers fought hard all season to make it to the World Series but came up short in Game 5 loss. Game 1 recap; Clayton Kershaw started for the Dodgers going four innings giving up five runs which was not the start the Dodgers nor the fans were looking for. The Dodgers hitting showed moments of brightness but it wasn’t enough to get the win losing 8-4. Game 2 Dodgers starter Hyun-Jin Ryu went 4 2/3 of an inning giving up four runs. Starting in the second inning when Boston’s Ian Kinsler was up to bat with two outs with a man on second hit in the first run of the game with two outs. Two innings later the Dodgers had bases loaded with no outs when Matt Kemp came up to bat who hit a deep enough fly ball to center field to tie the game 1-1 in the top of the fourth inning. Two batters later Yasiel Puig delivered a two out single to give the Dodgers the lead 2-1. Boston wasn’t done yet, in the bottom of the fifth inning the Red Sox scored two runs and that would be all the scoring for the game. The Red Sox bullpen shut down the Dodger hitters lead-



Dodgers ace for over eight seasons, Clayton Kershaw’s self-destruction in Sunday’s World Series Game 5 where he allowed three home runs may have signaled the end to his Dodgers carrer for free agency.

ing to a Game 2 loss for the Boys in Blue 4-2. Game 3 would be a good one with the Dodgers young star Walker Buehler on the mound for them. In the bottom of the third inning the Dodgers put themselves on the board first with a homerun from Joc Pederson to give them the lead 1-0. Walker Buehler went seven innings giving up no runs with seven strikeouts. The Dodgers brought in closer Kenley Jansen to put the Red Sox away when Jackie Bradley Jr hit a homerun to tie the game up in the eighth inning

with two outs. The score would remain tied in the 13th inning when the Dodgers made a fielding mistake with a runner on second that cost them a run to give Boston a 2-1 lead. Puig came up with a runner on second and hit a ground ball up the middle when Boston’s Ian Kinsler made a throwing error to score the runner from second base to tie the game 2-2. It wasn’t until the 18th when Max Muncy hit a walk off homerun to give the Dodgers their first win of the series 3-2

This game was the longest game played in postseason history taking seven hours and twenty minutes to complete. Game 4 the Dodgers Rich Hill was a pitching duel until the bottom of the sixth inning when he got some run support. Cody Bellinger was up when he hit a ground ball and the Red Sox tried turning a double play, but threw the ball away scoring a run making it 1-0. Up to bat next was Puig, who hit a big homerun to give the Dodgers the lead 4-0.


Pitcher Walker Buehler looking to lead in 2019.

In the top of the seventh inning with two men on base the Red Sox Mitch Moreland hit a pinch hit three run homerun to cut the lead down to one. In the top of the eighth inning Steve Pearce hit a homerun to tie the game 4-4. In the ninth inning the Red Sox broke away with the lead scoring five more runs to give them the lead 9-4. With the Dodgers last ups, they were able to score two runs but it wasn’t enough losing the game 9-6. Game 5 Clayton Kershaw was the starting pitcher but ran into trouble in the first inning giving up a two run homerun to J.D. Martinez to start off the game. The next inning David Freese was up to bat for the Dodgers and hit a leadoff homerun to cut down the lead making it 2-1. In the sixth inning Boston’s Mookie Betts hit a homerun making it 3-1. The following inning Martinez hit another home run and in the top of the eighth, Boston would seal the deal when Pearce hit a second homerun to make it 5-1 and that would be the final score. Hopefully the Dodgers will learn from this and come back next year and win it all. The Dodgers have nothing to hold their heads down about, they played hard this entire season as well as World Series.

Soccer: Roadrunners ELAC-king Goals Friday Evening CHRISTIAN SALINAS Reporter


The Rio Hondo women’s soccer team hosted and drew 1-1 with South Coast Conference foe East Los Angeles College Huskies Friday, Oct. 26th at Rio’s soccer field. Trying to make it five in a row, it turned out to be a tough test. Even though they had taken on and beaten the Huskies once before, they knew they would have to battle hard to repeat it. Rio wasn’t able to duplicate that performance and the game in a very disappointing tie for the Roadrunners.

Coming off a fairly easy win against Compton in their last match, Rio had to refocus with a more competitive ELAC squad. Rio was able to control the ball early and definitely was playing their game in the first half. Having the confidence of beating them before showed early as Rio spent most of their time on ELAC’s side of the field. Head coach Jennifer Tanaka said prior to the game that they “need to execute our game plan, out early pressure on our opponent and keep them on the defensive.” The ladies did just that throughout the game but


Roadrunners clicking late in season.

especially in the first half. Freshman forward Zharria Ramirez brought a lot of energy to the game and connected with another rookie attacker Danielle Moore, also a forward, on a great cross to make the score 1-0 Rio. Missed opportunities and a ton of great saves from the Huskies goalkeeper kept ELAC in the game. The underlying theme of the game was a bunch of missed chances for the Roadrunners. A missed opportunity on a penalty kick for Rio in the first half, and a bunch of shots off the posts made the Huskies stay in reach. So much so that Perla Navarro of ELAC

was able to tie the game up right before halftime. Rio was around their opponents net for the majority of the game but could not seem to capitalize all game. With so much success of the women’s soccer team in recent years and this year, the Roadrunners always have a target on their back. Being ranked in the top 20 in the nation for the past five years, really makes any opponent they play come out fired up. Both teams turned up the intensity in the second half. Aggressiveness and physicality played a role for both teams after the break. Continues on Page 18




No Messi. No Ronaldo. No Problem. Thanks to Suarez Hat-trick Heroics JESUS MANRIQUEZ Reporter



Barcelona striker Lionel Messi fractured his arm two weeks ago meaning someone had to step up for the Blaugrana. Forward Luis Suarez (pictured) filled in for Messi in the goals column as his three goals put the game beyond Real Madrid Sunday, Oct. 28 at Barcelona’s Camp Nou. It was also the first Cl ásico without Cristiano Ronaldo since his transfer.

Continued from Page 17

Another penalty kick for Rio during the second half was just another opportunity they squandered. As the game wore down to the final minutes, both teams were pleading for refs to give out penalties. A yellow card was handed out to one of the Husky players for delaying the game and that was just another tactic late that ELAC used along with extra defense to keep the Roadrunners at bay.

The tie at the end of the game had to feel like a loss for the Rio Hondo Roadrunners because they are the better team but they should learn from it and bounce back against Mt. San Antonio College this evening. Postgame, the disappointed Tanaka mentioned that as a team “We have to be ready to compete by doing our best to do all the little things, as this can often be the difference between being

Luis Suarez draped himself in glory as his hat-trick in Barcelona’s 5-1 thrashing over Real Madrid put his side seven points ahead of its rival in the La Liga table Sunday, Oct. 28 at Camp Nou. It was the first time in 11 years the Spanish giants faced each other without either of the two best players in the world involved as Cristiano Ronaldo is now in Italy with Juventus, and Lionel Messi is out with an arm injury. Regardless, Uruguayan forward Suarez made sure Spain’s biggest club match of the year was full of flair. Sitting four points ahead of Real Madrid, Barcelona came in to “El Clásico” as leaders of La Liga and with their coach Julian Lopetegui on the hot seat, Madrid are enduring its worst start to a season in over a decade. The game started off with Barcelona imposing their possession style on the pitch, while Real Madrid continued their bad form and struggled to get their head into the game Barcelona’s control quickly paid off when left back Jordi Alba found himself with a lot of space on the left wing and gave a perfect pass to Barcelona’s no.7 Philippe Coutinho who tapped the ball in. The early goal was a hard hit emotionally for the current champions of Europe Madrid who seemed hopeless inside the pitch and were unable to keep possession of the ball for more than 10 seconds. Barcelona doubled their lead in the 30th minute when forward Luis Suarez converted from the penalty spot. The penalty was given after referee Jose Maria Sanchez Martinez checked the Video Assistant Referee (VAR) and concluded that there was in fact a foul on Suarez from Real Madrid defender Raphael Varane. The second half began with a reincarnated Real Madrid that began to fight back and gained control of the game, making Barcelona defend in their own half and successful and coming up short of our goals. Today, we did most of the work but not enough of the little things to earn the result we wanted.” Even with the tie, they still remain a top ranked team and look to get back to their winning ways not only on the field but off as well. They received their 5th United Soccer Coaches Association of America (largest coaches association in the world) All-America Academic team awarded for

suffer from dangerous chances. Los Blancos’ intensity and attacking momentum finally paid off in the 50th minute when a cross from attacking midfielder Isco was not cleared properly and was recovered by left back Marcelo who put the ball in with his right foot. Real Madrid continued to have control of the game for the next 15 minutes, putting Barcelona’s defense into a continuous struggle. Los Blancos came close to a tie when midfielder Luka Modric hit the post in the 55th minute. It seemed like a matter of time until Real Madrid scored their second goal. Suarez put an end to Real Madrid’s hopes in a span of just eight minutes when the forward scored his second and third goals of the game in the 75th and 83rd minute, respectively. It was the first hat trick in a Spanish Cl ásico for the Uruguayan since joining Barcelona in 2014. With the score 4-1, the fans demanded more from the Catalan club. They began chanting “Y la manita pa cuando”, asking the players to score a fifth goal, “A handful”, remembering when Barcelona defender Gerard Pique lifted his hand showing the fans how many goals they had scored past Real Madrid back in 2010. The fans’ wishes came true in the 87th m inute when Barcelona forward Ousmane Dembele sent a cross into the box and found newly substituted midfielder Arturo Vidal who headed the ball in the net for the Catalan’s fifth. Barcelona’s win put them back at the top of the La Liga Table, 1 point ahead of second place Deportivo Alaves while Real Madrid fall to ninth place and currently sit out of position for European tournament positions. The future of Los Blancos’ manager Julen Lopetegui will be decided this upcoming week. Sources from Madrid say he could be fired in the upcoming hours and Italian manager Antonio Conte is the board’s favorite to take over the club. high team GPA. One of only two community colleges in the country to receive it five times in a row. The Lady Roadrunners get a chance to bounce back this evening as a trip to Mt. SAC goes down at 4 p.m. A victory will earn Rio its sixth straight game without a loss and it’ll bode well for the squad heading into the final three conference games of the year and into the winter’s postseason.

Huskies No Challenge For Rio IGNACIO CERVANTES Sports Reporter


Today’s game against the Mt. San Antonio College Mouties gained extra meaning Friday night, Oct. 26. The Rio Hondo men’s soccer team’s 3-1 defeat of the East Los Angeles Huskies meant Tuesday’s matchup between Mouties and Roadrunners on the campus of Mt. SAC can determine the South Coast Conference-North championship. Rio midfielder Angel Flores netted the team’s game-winner and in his postgame interview mentioned the importance of the team’s meaningful victory. “The other games we lost we were too confident.” Flores said, “This one we came out hungry. Wanting to keep going for first place in the conference.” Against ELAC, the squad was as professional throughout the match for the first time all season, according to head coach Orlando Brenes. Starting defender Maxwell Rodriguez was out with a knee injury against the Huskies but returns tonight against Mt. SAC to boost the Roadrunners back line.

“In This One, We Came Out Hungry. Wanting to Keep Going For First.”


EDITOR’S NOTE On the second page of the Sports section of the October 23rd issue, we confused the last time Rio Hondo women’s volleyball team won its last match. In a headline, “First Win In 16 Games” should have read “First Win In 16 Days.” We apologize for the error.




The Boston Red Sox defeated the Los Angeles Dodgers in five games to become 2018 World Series Champions. Now questions about the future loom over the Dodgers.

JAYNE KAMIN-ONCEA/USA TODAY SPORTS Pitcher Clayton Kershaw has been the face of the Los Angeles Dodgers for years, but his time in the City of Angels can be coming to an end following the 2018 World Series.



Sunday, Oct. 28, the Los Angeles Dodgers were eliminated on home soil for the second straight season in Major League Baseball’s World Series. This time losing the series 4-1 against the Boston Red Sox. Red Sox first baseman Steve Pearce’s first inning two-run home run off Dodgers talisman Clayton Kershaw signalled the start to another disappointing finale to Los Angeles’ baseball year. Despite an encouraging

solo home run in the bottom of the first inning from Dodgers first baseman David Freese, 14 of the next 17 batters failed to get on base heading into a sixth inning where Red Sox center fielder Mookie Betts added a second home run off Kershaw to make it 3-1. Three consecutive outs in the bottom half of the inning from the Dodgers were followed up in the top of the seventh with a J. D. Martinez solo homer to extend the Red Sox led to three with only nine outs remaining for Los Angeles to bounce back. Kershaw finished the inning off but was replaced

by relief pitcher Pedro Baez in the eighth, igniting talks about whether the long-time Dodgers number one will return next season. The pitcher has a chance to opt out of his current contract this offseason and test free agency. The eight year veteran has endured a difficult postseason career despite his regular season success, prompting Dodgers faithful to consider welcoming their once heralded pitcher back for a 2019 World Series run. Last fall, pitcher Yu Darvish allowed four runs in 1.2 innings pitched as a starter. This time, the blame was

pointed towards long-time Dodgers first-man Kershaw who allowed three home runs and four earned runs in his tenth postseason loss in his career. Even without Kershaw on the mound, Pearce’s second home run in the bottom of the eighth off Baez meant the Blew Crew were hopeless no matter the pitcher. Truth is, the Red Sox lineup and pitching staff were the better team and, like last year, the better team won. With his two home run performance, Pearce was named World Series Most Valuable Player during

Boston’s celebration on the Dodgers Stadium diamond as Dodgers manager Dave Roberts answered criticism in his post-game press conference. “This one hurts for all of us.” Roberts said, “We ran up against a really good ballclub and just a little bit too much for us.” Whether Roberts and Kershaw move on from Los Angeles following scrutiny from the fanbase, positivity in the shape of rookie pitcher Walker Buehler serves as silver lining. Dodgers fans got a glimpse of what the first-year phenom can be for years to come.



Roadrunners are here to battle! #13 National Ranking #4 IN SOUHTERN CALIFORNIA 85 ALL-CONFERENCE PLAYERS SINCE 2008 8 CONFERENCE MOST VALUABLE PLAYERS SINCE 2008 Rio Hondo win over LBCC by: Chris Ruiz It was a busy week for the Rio Hondo College women's soccer team. The Roadrunners, having won 6 of their last 7 games, picked up a pair of big SCC interdivision victories as they shutout both El Camino College (4-0) and Long Beach City College (3-0). Before Friday's contest, the women's soccer team made a special trip to visit with kids at the Rio Hondo College Child Development Center and donate pumpkins for the center's upcoming fall festival. Following the visit, the Roadrunners returned to their home field to host LBCC. Friday's contest also served as Rio Hondo's Cancer Awareness game. The Roadrunners wore pink uniforms in honor of the fight against cancer.


Womens Soccer



Whittier’s Spooktacular 5k Run Noah Garcia Associate Editor Noah.garcia3720@my.riohondo.edu

Spirits were lifted and ghouls were exercised at the Whittier Spooktacular 5k walk and run, where thousands took part of the annual celebration, October 27. 2018. The celebration featured a small fair promoting all the sponsors, a pancake breakfast, which was free for all participants, a childrens ½ mile dash, a beer garden, and a costume contest. Dozens of prizes and giveaways were presented during the festivities, incuding a trip to Hawaii. This event’s organizers and primary sponsors were the Whittier Host Lion Club and the Whittier Community Foundation. All of the profit made by the Community Foundation is being given toward local Firefighters, with the Lions Club

NOAH GARCIA / EL PAISANO NEWS The winners of the costume contest, group division, October 27 2018- Cash prizes were given out to each winner of the costume contest, of which all participants of said contest must of been a registered runner in the 5k/ 1/2 dash. Two of the Winners of the donating to the the organiShields, President of the kids costume zation Sight For Kids, which Whittier Community Foundacontest, October provides exams and eyewear tion, 27 2018- the for those who can’t afford it. “We’re so excited to have other winner was As stated by Fran 1800 runners out here, supa child in a car porting the foundation and stroller, who was this project, this year which paired with his is celebrating firefighters and parents who were thanking them for all they do dressed as inflatable arm waving for us !” tube men. Registration opened at

6:30 that morning, where an hour later where the “Creepy Crawly ½ Mile dash” started. At eight the official 5k started, preceded by the singing of the national anthem by RHC student and Whittier resident Jasmine Vigil. Opening remarks came from the event’s main sponsors, community leaders as well as Whittier Mayor Joe Vinatieri. The starting line was placed on Marvista St. by Friends Park, snaking through uptown which led the runners to Broadway to double back to the park. Around 9:45, awards were given out for costumes as well as several of the 5k runners. More events like this can be found at the Whittier Chamber website, and for photos of the event you can visit elpaisanoonline.com or search #whittier5k.

Family of four decided to come as two park rangers and their dinosaur straight out of the Jurassic Park franchise, October 27 2018- Several spooktacular participants chose a similar angle to their costume, incorporating a stroller to include their kids.

Volunteers making/serving pancakes for the event, October 27 2018while a free pancake breakfast was included for all registered runners, one could purchase a plate for three dollars.

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