Elected: Clerk & Recorder
Steve Schleiker took office as the El Paso County Clerk and Recorder in January 2023 Previously he served two terms as the El Paso County Assessor and worked in the Assessor’s Office since 1999, including being named the Assessor of the Year in Colorado in 2019 Steve has served the public throughout his career After graduating from Widefield High School in 1987, he joined the United States Marine Corps where he received numerous awards and was a decorated Veteran from Operations Desert Shield, Desert Storm, Southern Watch, and Deny Flight
Steve sat down to talk about the changes he’s made since becoming Clerk and Recorder, how the office is preparing for the November 5 election, and his goals for the rest of his term
What are you most proud of since taking office as the Clerk and Recorder in 2023?
Over the last 20 months, I’m proud of the culture and seeing and knowing the staff feel valued A lot of times we spend more time with our coworkers than we do with our own family members It’s great to see relationships develop professionally and personally in the office, where staff go out to eat with each other – that’s a true sense of teamwork and camaraderie Although I recognize my name is on the door and the website, I’m not the one doing the work We have a great team and I’m proud of what they accomplish every day
How are you and the office preparing for the upcoming November 5 election, the largest you’ve overseen since becoming Clerk and Recorder?
We have changed a lot in the last 20 months in preparation for all elections but especially this one It starts with transparency How can we make elections kj

as transparent as possible in El Paso County? We have done a great job in that regard by creating a new voter data website, installing security cameras at all our ballot-boxes and live streaming the footage for anyone to watch, updating our voter rolls to limit the amount of undeliverable ballots, and introducing a ballot audit software, where any citizen can access and look at a digital image of every ballot cast in an election El Paso is the largest county in the state, so we need to be a leader and have a reputation of being the county others follow With these changes, I think we are there
It's hard to believe, but there’s still work to do after this election What are the office’s goals for next year?
I still feel there’s a lot to be done There are many areas to a Clerk and Recorder’s Office, like Recording, Motor Vehicle and Clerk to the Board There are many projects that are in the works for those ddfdf
other departments as well Recording recently received a $480,000 grant to back image old documents and update our archaic land records system We just opened our Dealer’s Desk for Motor Vehicle This is a dedicated space for dealership titles which will decrease wait times for our regular customers But most importantly, I want to continue to focus on the employee and their work/life balance
Speaking of work/life balance, what do you do to relax?
My wife Denise and I are nerds When we go home, we usually work on a puzzle over a nice meal. We also love to fish. She doesn’t cast a reel, but she’s so supportive Hopefully, we get a lot of relaxation on Sundays with some Broncos wins

Message from the County Administrator

Welcome to the third quarter issue of the El Paso County Courier As we prepare for local and national elections, we introduced you to the man leading the way: El Paso County Clerk & Recorder Steve Schleiker In this issue, we highlight our departments and divisions and the essential programs and services they provide to El Paso County residents
One program we are highlighting is Citizen College, an immersive experience designed to connect residents with the County's operations and services Participants will meet elected officials, tour important County buildings, and gain a deeper understanding of the County's nationally recognized achievements Citizen College offers a unique opportunity to learn the distinction between city, County, and state responsibilities while seeing firsthand how the County operates. The program will provide valuable insights into public service, from behind-the-scenes tours to face-to-face meetings with key decision-makers To register and learn more about Citizen College, visit www elpasoco com/citizen-college
We also recently wrapped up National Preparedness Month in September, but our preparedness efforts continue This issue explains how our Department of Public Works prepares for the upcoming snow season
We hope to see you at Citizen College this October In the meantime, be safe and enjoy the magic of Fall in El Paso County!
El Paso County’s Financial Services Department is making waves this year! We were recently awarded a prestigious National Association of Counties (NACo) Award for the department’s outstanding work in financial management The department, which is responsible for overseeing the county’s budget, managing revenue collection, and ensuring public funds are used efficiently and effectively, was recognized nationally for our innovative approach to fiscal planning and transparency
The NACo Award, considered a significant honor within the realm of local government, highlights our department’s success in creating sustainable financial policies while maintaining a high level of service to residents We're thrilled to be recognized for our efforts It’s a reflection of our team's hard work and dedication to keeping our county on a strong financial footing. In addition to this award-winning work, the Financial Services Department is gearing up for the upcoming budget hearings, where community members are encouraged to participate These hearings, scheduled to begin in October, provide an opportunity for citizens to review the proposed budget, voice their opinions, and offer suggestions on how public funds should be allocated
Public input is critical in the budget process We want to make sure that the budget reflects the priorities of our residents, and we welcome feedback during these hearings
The upcoming budget will outline funding for key services, including public safety, infrastructure improvements, and community programs By attending the hearings, residents can play an active role in shaping the County's future.

For more information on the Financial Services Department, the NACo Award, or how to participate in the budget hearings, visit the El Paso County website at www elpasoco com

The Courier is a quarterly newsletter produced by the El Paso County Department of Communications. Each issue features insight into El Paso County and the services the county provides
Communications Department
Preparing for Snow Season

As the days get shorter and the temperatures drop, the El Paso County Department of Public Works (DPW) is hard at work, gearing up for another snow season Winter can be unpredictable, but one thing residents can count on is that DPW is ready to keep the roads safe and clear Every fall, the team dedicates time to making sure equipment and crews are prepared for whatever winter has in store, and their annual Snow School is a big part of this effort
Snow School is a three-day event dedicated to inspecting and maintaining snowplows, spreaders, and other key equipment But it's not just about checking the machinery DPW staff also get hands-on training, running through a variety of snow and ice response scenarios This event ensures that when the first snowflake falls, the team is ready to jump into action and keep the roads safe for everyone Snow Week gives employees the chance to refresh their skills and stay sharp, so they can respond swiftly and effectively during winter storms
In addition to preparing the team, DPW also has a proactive plan for the roads Before any storm hits, DPW treats roads, bridges, and overpasses with a special mixture called salt brine, which is a blend of salt and water This simple yet effective solution helps prevent snow and ice from bonding to the pavement and stops frost from forming. Think of it like non-stick spray for your roads it makes it much easier for snowplows to do their job and clear snow off the pavement
One of the best things about using salt brine is that it’s both cost-effective and environmentally friendly It only takes about one-quarter to one-fifth the amount of salt required to deice roads after a storm, which means DPW can keep the roads safer without using more salt than necessary. Once the salt brine dries, it creates a protective layer that prevents snow and ice from freezing onto the surface, making cleanup faster and more efficient
DPW also understands that residents may be concerned about the effects of salt brine on their vehicles To address this, they add a rust inhibitor to the brine, which helps protect your car while keeping the roads safe. So, while winter weather might be a challenge, you can feel confident knowing DPW has thought of everything to keep your commute as safe and smooth as possible

The November 5 General Election is quickly approaching – ballots this year are sent out on October 11 You can register or update your voter registration at GoVoteColorado gov or by coming to the Election Department at 1675 W. Garden of the Gods Road, Suite 2202.
Voter Information
Colorado is an all-mail ballot state, which means you will receive your ballot through the mail After voting, you can return the ballot through USPS mail or by dropping it off at one of 41 different drop-off boxes throughout the county, which are under 24-hour video surveillance You can also vote in-person at 38 Voter Service and Polling Centers (VSPC) You can find the locations for all drop-off boxes and VSPCs at EPCvotes com
The ballot is expected to be multiple pages with federal, state and local candidates, initiatives and questions. To research the issues and measures on the ballot, you can access the General Assembly’s Blue Book and the TABOR notice at EPCvotes com
Common Mistakes
The suggested last day to mail your voted ballot is Monday, October 28, 2024. The Elections Department cannot guarantee receipt of your ballot if you mail it after that date Postmarks do not count Polls will close on Election Day on November 5 at 7 p m Make sure to vote in-person or drop off your ballot at a ballot box by that time
Don’t forget to sign your ballot envelope
Vote early! This helps the Elections Department tally votes and relay results sooner on Election Night
For more election information, visit EPCvotes com If you have questions, you can reach the Elections Department at 719-575-VOTE (8683) or elections@elpasoco com

WorkforceCenterPresentsatNational ConferenceinSanAntonio

Len Garner, a Job Coach at the Pikes Peak Workforce Center, recently presented a “Get-the-Job Coaching” session in San Antonio, at the National Association of Workforce Development Professionals annual conference

In his presentation, Len shared how to assist individuals in achieving their employment goals He emphasized that job searching is an involved process, requiring patience and persistence. Key steps include finding job postings, tailoring résumés to specific positions, applying, performing well in interviews, and potentially negotiating salary and benefits before accepting job offers
“It was an honor to present my coaching approach to peers in the workforce development profession,” Len said.
He encourages Workforce Center clients to consider training or volunteering to close the gaps in their career pathways In addition, he advocates for networking, taking advantage of job boards, and using O*NET OnLine for detailed occupation descriptions and job duties for résumé creation. Based on the crowded room at the conference and multiple questions from the audience, there is a need for quality career coaching in communities throughout the U S and Colorado
“It’s rewarding to coach individuals in finding their career success, and just as rewarding to support other coaches in helping their clients realize goals,” Len said
At the Pikes Peak Workforce Center, Job Coaches perform a vital role in guiding job seekers on a career pathway, leading to economic stability and sustainability
ElPasoCountytoUpdateLandDevelopment Code
El Paso County is embarking on a significant Land Development Code (LDC) update to guide development in the unincorporated areas of the County Unincorporated El Paso County is home to more than 200,000 residents and is growing. Updating the LDC will ensure El Paso County utilizes the most updated tools to accommodate the vision for the region
Over the next two years, El Paso County will work to update the LDC in partnership with Clarion Associates, a national planning firm The update is supported by funding from the Colorado Department of Local Affairs Strong Communities Planning Grant Program
A dedicated website (https://www elpasocountyldc com/) for the LDC update has been developed to ensure transparency and public involvement. This platform provides an overview of the project’s goals, timeline, and opportunities for community participation. The project has gathered initial comments and perspectives through an online survey and comments on the code update process The public is encouraged to continue to provide comments and engage throughout the process
Residents are encouraged to visit the website, participate in feedback opportunities, and attend various open houses and information sessions to help shape the future of development in El Paso County.
For more information on the Land Development Code update process, visit https://www elpasocountyldc com/

Citizen College is a program designed to introduce individuals to El Paso County, connecting and educating them on the services and critical functions of El Paso County government The college is a unique opportunity to get a behind-the-scenes view of El Paso County government, learn about its plans for the future, and understand its commitment to transparency, being service-focused, and having accountable operations
The 2024 session will take place October 21 - 26 at various locations throughout the county. Preregistration is required and available online at www elpasoco com/citizen-college
Registered attendees will have the opportunity to connect with county elected leaders and executive staff and explore how our community collaborates, making El Paso County a great place to work, live, and play.
Consisting of six sessions, the 2024 Citizen College will be focusing on different aspects of county government Each session is scheduled to last two to three hours
These sessions will include a look at:
County Government
Public Works & Emergency Management
Assessor, Clerk & Recorder, Treasurer and a tour of the Citizen Service Center
4th Judicial District Attorney
Public Safety & Criminal Justice
Parks & Community Services
To learn more about Citizen College, or to register, please visit https://www elpasoco com/citizen-college/
ElPasoCountyEconomicDevelopmentto HostCalhanCommunityOutreachEvent
We are delighted to invite you to our upcoming Outreach Event in Calhan, Colorado This event promises to be an afternoon of valuable connections, insightful conversations, and new opportunities Topics include Community Development Block Grants, Fair Housing, El Paso County Housing Authority, and available Housing Programs
When: Tuesday, October 22, 2024, from 3:00 pm to 4:00 pm
Where: Calhan Town Hall, 556 Colorado Ave, Calhan, CO 80808
Seating is limited – register at this link: https://bit ly/CalhanHousingOutreach



Fill in the puzzle so that every row across, every column down, and every 9 by 9 box contains the numbers 1 to 9
Having found Black’s Knight mildly annoying, but ultimately harmless, White’s last move attempts to swat it away via the h3 pawn push. But how harmless is Black’s Knight? Should Black retreat to f6 or is there something better?
Black to play ANSWER ON PAGE 8