1 minute read
An email signature block is a digital representation of an employees business card. The use of an approved specific signature block solidifies the unity of the organization and maintains the communication and branding consistency of El Paso County.
Employees must incorporate either of the approved signature blocks in their email signature. The specific selection of one of the approved signature blocks is at the discretion of the department executive director. Any alternate use of the El Paso County signature block or the development of an alternate signature block associated with El Paso County must have written approval from the Communications Department prior to development and use.
Employees have access to customize their signature block HERE. Makes sure you include "El Paso County" before your department name. The department website or email address must be hyperlinked. Once customized, the signature block should be applied to all new emails, replies, and forwards for both internal and external communications. Instructions for implementation are HERE.
Employee Name
El Paso County [insert department name]
Physical Address (optional)
Office Phone | Cell Phone
Department Website or email address
[Optional: Insert Pronouns]
Employee Name
El Paso County [insert department name]
Physical Address (optional)
Office Phone | Cell Phone
Department Website or email address
[Optional: Insert Pronouns]