1 minute read


El Paso County is committed to the services provided within and on behalf of the community. As a regional leader providing valued and necessary community services in the most cost-effective manner, we strive to bring awareness and consistency in the communication and representation of our brand.

Correct use and interpretation of our marks maintains consistency, representing the pure character and intention of our brand. Use of our logo and subsequent marks (our brand) act as visual ambassadors for who we are and what we do.

Therefore, any visual representation of our brand from 2022 forward must follow the guidelines. However, we recognize that some items may represent a significant cost and we are sensitive to department budgets on large items such as clothing. Nothing in this policy should be interpreted as a mandate to immediately replace non-compliant items. Any items out of compliance may be phased out over a reasonable period of time. Any new orders must be fully compliant after January 1, 2023.

We understand that over time, departments have expended resources on branded items which are no longer permitted by this policy. To help ease that fiscal impact, on large items (i.e. paint jobs on trucks, etc.) do not interpret this policy as a mandate to spend funds to immediately achieve compliance. Please use all existing items through their useful life and ensure that newly purchased, repaired, or maintained items meet this policy as soon as practicable.

Any and all additional considerations and alterations must be approved by the Executive Director of Communications or their designee.

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