Welcome to El Paso County!
We are excited to welcome you to the Strategic Communications Team within the El Paso County Communications Department. Our team is responsible for the messaging of El Paso County Administration Departments and the Board of County Commissioners.
The Communications Department is a very talented group of individuals, each offering a unique skill set with a diverse background. We believe that the key to success is creating a positive working environment where everyone feels valued and respected. Our department culture is based on teamwork, collaboration, and respect.
As a new employee, we want to ensure that you feel comfortable and supported as you embark on this new journey with us. We understand that we have an opportunity to learn from each other and look forward to what you will bring to the team.
El Paso County is a great place to work, play, and live. Welcome to our team!
Vernon Stewart EL PASO COUNTY Department of CommunicationsOur mission is to facilitate the accurate and timely information to the public about policies, practices, programs, and services of El Paso County; to provide media relations, support, training, and guidance to County departments and elected officials; and to assist with activities to engage the public in County sponsored events.
Vernon Stewart, Executive Director of Communications VernonStewart@ElPasoCo.com
719.520.5540 (Office) | 719.355.0412 (Cell)
Natalie Sosa, Deputy Director of Communications
719.520.6250 (Office) | 719.344.4231 (Cell)
Nancy Nelsen, Audio-Visual Team Lead
NancyNelsen@ElPasoCo com
719 520 6410 (Office) | 719 332 9120 (Cell)
Blake Nielsen, Audio-Visual Technician
719.520.5534 (Office) | 719.330.3409 (Cell)
Christian Wright, Audio-Visual Technician
719.520.6901 (Office) | 719.244.4960 (Cell)
Deborah Contreras Digital & Social Media Specialist
719.520.6569 (Office) | 719.487.4415
Scott Anderson Communications & Public Relations Manager ScottAnderson@ElPasoCo com
719 520 6356 (Office) | 719 500 9533 (Cell)
Amy Jo Fields Marketing Communications Manager AmyJoFields@ElPasoCo.com
719.520.7324 (Office) | 719.500.9873 (Cell)
Mike Madsen, Open Recods Manager MichaelMadsen@ElPasoCo.com
719.520.6403 (Office) | 719.216.6723
Johnny Rosso Open Records & Communications Specialist
719.244.8832 (Cell)
The first 30 days will be focused on familiarizing yourself with your new role and priorities while also establishing relationships with the communications team, colleagues, supervisors, key staff members and important stakeholders. Additionally, you'll attend meetings to get familiar with current projects, including the redesign of the website and the development of an accessibility plan.
The next 60 days will be focused on reviewing current policies, procedures, and guidelines related to the website and accessibility. This will involve conducting an initial assessment of the website to identify any immediate accessibility concerns. Addressing immediate concerns, making incremental improvements, and planning for long-term success.
The next 90 days will be focused on expanding accessibility efforts beyond the website, such as through social media channels and email communications. Provide training and support to website editors to ensure that they understand and follow accessibility guidelines. Start working on developing a long-term accessibility plan for all digital platforms.
Website and Accessibility
Familiarize yourself with the existing website and its layout. Review current website accessibility status and identify areas for improvement.
Website Redesign - Attend weekly meetings on the website redesign to become familiar with the project.
Website Redesign Weekly Check-in Meetings | Wednesdays, 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm | This meeting is with the higher-level staff who are offering guidance and making crucial decisions on the entire website redesign project.
Website Redesign Large Committee Meeting/Review | Wednesdays, 11 am –noon | This meeting is with primary website editors selected from each department that can make decisions and provide feedback on the website redesign project.
Website Editors
Meet with website editors to introduce yourself and understand their accessibility needs and concerns.
Digital ADA Compliance Team
Meet with Digital ADA Compliance team to introduce yourself and to discuss roles and responsibilities in the development of an accessibility plan.
Complete WordPress training
Complete Siteimprove training
Review current WordPress training guidelines
Website and Accessibility
Conduct an initial assessment of the website. Review the website's design, functionality, and content for accessibility issues. Identify any gaps or areas for improvement.
Develop an initial plan to fix any identified issues, with a focus on addressing low-hanging fruit
Review Siteimprove Quality Assurance and Accessibility Score for each department. Empower website editors to use SIteimprove to address identified areas that need improvement
Evaluate the effectiveness of the training provided to website editors and make any necessary updates.
Website Redesign
Work with editors and website redesign team to ensure all new website features and functionality are accessible and that website editors are updating their sites with the new theme and features.
Develop and implement an initial plan to address immediate accessibility issues on the website.
Assess social media and email communications to address any immediate accessibility concerns.
Develop and implement a comprehensive accessibility policy that outlines specific guidelines and standards for accessibility on the website and all communications channels.
Continue to work towards full compliance with accessibility standards, including implementing any necessary changes to the website's design, structure, or content.
Develop and implement a comprehensive accessibility policy that outlines specific guidelines and standards for accessibility on the website and all communications channels.
Long-term priorities:
Conduct regular audits or assessments of the website's ADA compliance, accessibility, and site performance. Collaborate with website editors to continuously improve web content quality and maintain an accessible digital environment. Continuously educate staff and stakeholders on web accessibility standards and guidelines. Develop training materials and conduct ongoing training sessions for website editors and other website contributors.
Long-term goal:
Develop and implement an accessibility plan using the standards developed by the Office of Information Technology (OIT) and WCAG 2.1 AA guidelines.