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ACCTS in action To assist in the development of Christian leaders in the armed forces of the world and in the establishment and growth of military Christian fellowships.
Partnering with Peru’s Military Christian Fellowship Part of ACCTS’ mission to encourage international military Christian fellowships (MCFs) is to help them with ministry programs when requested. In February ACCTS assisted the MCF of Peru as they hosted an American English Language Training program as an outreach to its members, families, and friends. Staff members Norris and Lois Webster spent two weeks teaching beginning and intermediate-level Peruvian students English. Norris taught Bible studies in English to each class on Jesus’ sayings from the Gospels of John and Mark, and Lois then taught English conversation skills to each class. The Websters report, “The Lord has blessed us with really super students -23 beginners and 10 intermediates;
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all were adults except for eight young students (9 to 16 years old). Students have been quite excited about both the Bible study and the English work… We are all sad to depart, leaving behind a group of very loving Christian Peruvians. They are great people, and are begging us to do this again next year.”
Ministry at the Speed of Technology 1972-2012 Although nothing replaces face-toface ministry to international military Christians, new technologies make ministry happen at a much quicker pace than it did when ACCTS began 40 years ago. In 1972, communicating overseas meant that an airmail letter was typed and mailed. Delivery of that letter, if it happened at all, occurred in two to three weeks or even longer. Then there was the severalweek delay waiting for a reply. Today, faxes, email, and cheaper long-distance phone calls have changed all that. People in remote nations now have internet access, so international military Christians can view our prayer reminder and newsletter online (in English, Spanish, and Russian) within minutes of their posting. Even phone calls have changed, as now ACCTS staff often use Skype
for videoconferences with Christians from Argentina to Zimbabwe and Australia to the U.K. A recent report from Bob and B.J. Reifsnyder, ACCTS’ Latin America ministry coordinators, highlighted how their ministry has been expanded through technology. In addition to traveling to several nations in their region, during the last six months they have: • Maintained frequent email and telephone contact with AMCF vice presidents in the region to coordinate ministry and encourage them in their outreaches; • Used email and telephone contact with MCF presidents of several nations to help plan national and regional conferences, chaplaincy training events, and to pray with them over ministry needs; • Emailed periodic “Notas de Bob y Una Charla con BJ” (“Notes from Bob and A Chat with BJ”) to a large list of international contacts;
Sent monthly “Animo” (Encouragement) email newsletters to Latin American military Christians; and • Maintained the Alabanzas (“Praises”) prayer shield, which is used by military Christians in Central and South America to share prayer request and praise notes. We deeply appreciate our supporters who have stood with ACCTS in these last 40 years and enabled us to share Christ with armed forces personnel in over 130 nations. Pray with us as we continue ministering in a world where rapidly-changing technology seems to shrink the distance between international brothers and sisters in Christ.
European MCF Leaders Meet
Personal conversations were an important part of the conference. Phil recalls, “I enjoyed great fellowship with a Serbian pilot who is a devout believer. Serbia doesn’t have a military Christian fellowship yet – this man was invited to the conference through a connection that MMI, our ministry partner, has in Serbia. We had both been flight instructors, and shared a lot of spiritual lessons that we’d learned teaching flight students. “At the conference, we met with MCF leaders from many countries that might be able to host future ACCTS Academy Exploration trips of US cadets and midshipmen. “Overall, I think the conference helped some people catch a
International soldier photos courtesy USDOD.
“The conference included superb teaching on Paul’s missionary trips. At each place he stopped, he experienced different challenges, which reflect many of the challenges we experience today in ministry to international military Christians.”
broader vision for military ministry, and renewed others who seemed worn down or burned out by helping them to find new ministry partners and opportunities.” ACCTS’ deputy director, Bernhard Kaltenbach, emphasizes, “It Switzerland’s MCF welcomed into the AMCF family and been encouraged through us was important to build stronger partnerships with MMI, AMCF vice and others. presidents, and European MCF “To laugh and cry with believers leaders. For instance, France has from countries who are having difa small MCF, and we renewed ficult times and to see them growcontact with French Christians ing in maturity and leadership is who attended this conference. important,” Bernhard concludes. Meeting these MCF leaders also helps us learn about cultural difPlease pray with us as we pursue ferences that we should be aware of, what we as an organization are future Academy Exploration trips in Europe, and ask God to continue doing right, and what we can do guiding all our work and partnerto be more sensitive. It was excitships throughout continental ing to learn that God has placed Europe. key people at or near European academies that we can tap into as resources, and we helped facilitate a vice president’s attendance at an upcoming, and very important, MCF meeting in Greece. “One man who attended this conference participated in ACCTS’ Interaction-Rocky Mountain High several years ago, and his vision for international ministry has grown AMCF president and vice president discussing ministry
“I believe the most important part of the conference was the chance to strengthen old relationships and build new ones with leaders of military Christian fellowships from 17 countries,” ACCTS’ director, Phil Exner, reports after attending a February meeting of European MCF leaders. “It was clear that the planners bathed this AMCF conference in prayer, because the Holy Spirit guided us with a wonderful balance of prayer, scriptural teaching, and fellowship.
O ur C ore Values : wBiblically-based wSpirit-led wPrayer-centered
Digging into the Word in Central Africa Republic “It was great to see students digging into the Word and sharing the things they could see in Scripture,” reports Chaplain Rich Young, who – along with Frank Cole of ACCTS, Jos McCabe of MMI, and CSM Michael Weiss – taught a March IAEC Chaplaincy Training Course to approximately 35 chaplains and others in Central Africa Republic. Classroom instruction focused on the biblical view of the military professional, ethical decision making, marriage counseling, chaplain support activities, and inductive Bible study.
Rich concludes, “Students also continue to come to us, thanking us for what they are learning. What a blessing to be here and to sense that God is using IAEC to make a difference in the lives of others.” IAEC – the International Association of Evangelical Chaplains – is a partner ministry with ACCTS and AMCF. It provides chaplaincy training courses when indigenous military Christian fellowships request them, and ACCTS staff members are often course instructors.
Receiving certificates of completion
Training Team
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PO Box 27239 Denver, CO 80227-0239 Phone: 1-800-487-8108 Fax: 303-986-4710 Email: accts@accts.org Web: www.accts.org
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Association for Christian Conferences Teaching and Service
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ACCTS Prayer Reminder April 2012 “It has seemed to me sometimes as though the Lord breathes on this poor gray ember of Creation and it turns to radiance - for a moment or a year or the span of a life…But the Lord is more constant and far more extravagant than [that] seems to imply. Wherever you turn your eyes the world can shine like transfiguration. You don’t have to bring a thing to it except a little willingness to see. Only, who could have the courage to see it?” -- Anne Lamott, Grace (Eventually) Slovenian church photo via Acerin, Stock Exchange
Note: Staff member names are in bold print. 1 Palm Sunday “‘Hosanna!’ means, ‘Hooray for salvation! It’s coming! It’s here! Salvation! Salvation!’ And ‘Hosanna to the Son of David!’ means, ‘The Son of David is our salvation! Hooray for the king! Salvation belongs to the king!’ So when we sing ‘Hosanna’ now, let’s make it very personal. Let’s make it our praise and our confidence. The Son of David has come. He has saved us from guilt and fear and hopelessness. Salvation! Salvation belongs to our God and to the Son!” – John Piper, www.desiringgod.org 2 Praise God with us for the partnership between ACCTS and the Association of Military Christian Fellowships (AMCF). This prayer bulletin will be used by AMCF and ACCTS co-workers around the world who share a passion for military ministry. Please join them in praying for the formation of military Christian fellowships (MCFs) in nations which do not yet have fellowship groups. Additionally, praise God for AMCF’s president, General Lee, and his faithful service for the past 10 years. 3 Pray for ACCTS’ executive director, Phil Exner, and Sue Exner as they have a busy April ministry schedule. Give thanks to God for the many opportunities He has given ACCTS to share the good news of Jesus Christ! 4 Please pray for the ACCTS board of directors, including president Ed Lorenzini, as they continue to guide our international ministry. 5 Praise God for a successful American English Language Training Program in February. The AELT program was hosted by the military Christian fellowship of Peru as a ministry outreach, and ACCTS staff members Lois and Norris Webster were teachers. Pray that those who attended will continue to seek God and serve Him in military ministry within Peru.
ACCTS prayer reminder • april 2012
6 Good Friday “‘Here is your king,’ Pilate said to the Jews. But they shouted, ‘Take him away! Take him away! Crucify him!’” John 19:14, 15 7 Pray for military Christian fellowships (MCFs) around the world which are hosting ministry events this Easter weekend. Ask that the Holy Spirit guide all these MCF outreaches so that God’s kingdom will grow among the armed forces of our world. 8 Easter “Because you have seen me, you have believed; blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.” -- Jesus speaking to Thomas, John 21:29 9 Pray with military Christians in Ukraine as they consider hosting a Christian youth festival later this year (possibly late summer), and give praise for the faithful MCF members in this nation. 10 Noel Dawes will participate in two “Welcome Home Initiative” ministry events this month for armed forces personnel who have suffered trauma in combat. Pray that Noel and the many others who are involved will be used mightily by God to bring healing to participants. 11 Give thanks that the AMCF European leadership conference in February encouraged many and brought about a new desire to work together in Europe. Pray for AMCF’s European vice presidents, Brian Parker and Torbjorn Bostrom, as they balance AMCF duties with other responsibilities. 12 Today please pray for Christians who minister in Asian nations, including AMCF vice presidents Saleem Mathew, Ernest Sacro, and Lee Kap Jin and ACCTS staff members Cal and Linda Dunlap, He Gang and Jody Wang, and Rick and Melissa Ryles. 13 Praise God with us for military Christians who minister in Africa, and pray today for AMCF vice presidents Ishaku
Komo, Victor Mohapi, Gaston Gnoumou, and David Wakaalo. Pray also for ACCTS staff member Dickson Ogwang and his reconciliation ministry. 14 International chaplains and pastors begin arriving today for ACCTS’ training program, Chaplains Interaction. Please pray for them to adjust to the time change so that they are ready to learn tomorrow. 15 Pray for all the Chaplains Interaction teachers and leaders, including several ACCTS staff members and U.S. chaplains. 16 Today is the first full day of Chaplains Interaction, and participants will attend chapel services and meet U.S. military Christians stationed in Yorktown, Virginia. Pray that the international participants will have hearts open to learn from God about furthering chaplain ministry in their home nations.
over the years. 23 Stan and Doris Waldrop Mincks will encourage U.S. chaplains at a 23-26 April Chaplains Annual Sustainment Conference (CAST). Pray that the chaplains they meet will be encouraged in their personal lives and in the knowledge that international military ministry is growing. 24 In March two military Christians visited Cape Verde Islands (an African nation off the west coast) in order to encourage military Christians there. Pray that their missionary journey will bear long-term fruit in the lives of those whom they met. 25 Many U.S. Christians have met with ACCTS’ Chaplains Interaction participants during this last week. Pray that, through this exposure to international Christians, the U.S. people’s lives will be transformed by their awareness of the need for outreach to other nations’ armed forces.
17 Pray with Officers’ Christian Fellowship and Christian Military Fellowship in the U.S. as they minister to military personnel who are dealing with the effects of two wars.
26 In Europe, some governments are forcing military personnel out of their jobs just prior to retirement age. Those men and women are left with no income -- pray that God would open doors to provide jobs to these men and women, especially those who are MCF members and faithfully serving Him.
18 Pray that the planning committee for the 2014 AMCF World Conference in South Africa will have God’s wisdom and discernment in their responsibilities. Pray that God will raise up people to support this strategic conference financially and prayerfully. 19 Ask that AMCF vice presidents in the Americas (Nestor Ogilvie, Joaquin Maldonado, and Omar Larrazabal) and ACCTS staff members for this region, including Bob and B.J. Reifsnyder, continue committing their work to the Lord so that His will will be done in this region.
Creative Commons license, flickr.com
“The essence of Christianity consists therein: that the creation of the Father, destroyed by sin, is again restored in the death of the Son of God and recreated by the grace 28 Pray for soldiers of all nationof the Holy Spirit to a Kingdom of alities who are serving in other nations will be sensitive to local God.” -- Herman Bavinck
20 The German military Christian fellowship, the CoV, holds its annual conference from 20-22 April. Pray with all participants as they seek encouragement through fellowship and God’s wisdom for reaching Germany’s armed forces for Christ.
21 The Bulgarian MCF was re-launched as the St. George Military Christian Fellowship in January. Pray that this fresh start for the MCF will include a fresh move by the Holy Spirit in their nation and among their military personnel. 22 Pray for the Belgium military Christian fellowship as they seek to find new people to work in their MCF. Pray for encouragement to those of who have worked so faithfully ACCTS prayer reminder • april 2012
27 As ACCTS’ Chaplains Interaction draws to a close this weekend, pray for God to continue working in the lives of all the internationals who attended so that the military Christian fellowships in their countries will grow stronger in number and spiritually.
customs and be God’s ambassadors as they fulfill their duties for their governments.
29 Pray that God will raise up more people to support ACCTS’ unique ministry to the world’s armed forces. 30 Pray that AMCF’s vice president for the Middle East, Samir Haddadin, and the Pacific Region, Eric Burton, will continue putting their trust in God and use the Spirit’s discernment as they minister to military Christians in their regions.