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ACCTS in action O ur M ission :

To assist in the development of Christian leaders in the armed forces of the world and in the establishment and growth of military Christian fellowships.

On Earth as it is in Heaven Just how far would you drive to fellowship at a three-day conference? More than 120 military members, spouses, and cadets attended the AMCF South America Regional Conference in Asunción, Paraguay from 30 May to 1 June, with some participants driving for two and a half days just to get there. It was an exciting and colorful gathering, with inspiring music and dozens of cadets from the Paraguayan army, navy, air force, and police academies who added their distinctive uniforms to the colorful collection of military uniforms from the nine countries in the region that participated. The theme verse for the conference was Matthew 6:10: “Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” Speakers addressed the nature of the kingdom of God, including the character, authority, conduct, obedience, stewardship, and roles of its members as both citizens and military – an apropos subject for a region where the military has played a role in many key historical events. In addition, military Christian fellowship (MCF) leaders gave presentations on their national MCFs and offered prayer requests. It was a great encouragement to hear how God is building healthy and effective MCFs in countries where none existed just a generation ago, and Bob and B.J. Reifsnyder received expressions of heartfelt appreciation and tokens of thanks for their work over the past three decades from many of the MCF leaders. And, of course there was music -- participants sang and worshipped to both traditional and modern music, which was interspersed throughout the conference and carried on to the very end. Bob noted that during the Sunday worship at church “the singing lasted

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