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ACCTS in action O ur M ission :

To assist in the development of Christian leaders in the armed forces of the world and in the establishment and growth of military Christian fellowships.

On Earth as it is in Heaven Just how far would you drive to fellowship at a three-day conference? More than 120 military members, spouses, and cadets attended the AMCF South America Regional Conference in Asunción, Paraguay from 30 May to 1 June, with some participants driving for two and a half days just to get there. It was an exciting and colorful gathering, with inspiring music and dozens of cadets from the Paraguayan army, navy, air force, and police academies who added their distinctive uniforms to the colorful collection of military uniforms from the nine countries in the region that participated. The theme verse for the conference was Matthew 6:10: “Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” Speakers addressed the nature of the kingdom of God, including the character, authority, conduct, obedience, stewardship, and roles of its members as both citizens and military – an apropos subject for a region where the military has played a role in many key historical events. In addition, military Christian fellowship (MCF) leaders gave presentations on their national MCFs and offered prayer requests. It was a great encouragement to hear how God is building healthy and effective MCFs in countries where none existed just a generation ago, and Bob and B.J. Reifsnyder received expressions of heartfelt appreciation and tokens of thanks for their work over the past three decades from many of the MCF leaders. And, of course there was music -- participants sang and worshipped to both traditional and modern music, which was interspersed throughout the conference and carried on to the very end. Bob noted that during the Sunday worship at church “the singing lasted

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On Earth as it is in Heaven continued from page 1

for a little over an hour. There were foot stomping and hand clapping songs, but they ended with very slow and meditative songs.” Following the AMCF regional conference, MCF leaders met for ACCTS’ Interaction -- “Interacción Sud América”. Chaplains from countries in the region presented the models of chaplaincy in use in their respective countries and talked about how they work with the MCFs to spread the Gospel through the military and police forces. ACCTS’ Director Phil Exner shared how ACCTS can help South American military Christians with ministry resources, highlighting our Academy Exploration and Interaction leadership programs, which generated a lot of interest. He also gave an update on the 2014 AMCF Global Interaction world conference and encouraged MCFs to send delegations with both current and future leaders of their national MCFs. The AMCF South America Regional Conference and Interaction gave participants the opportunity to thank God for all He has done in the past, and provided a forum to discuss and pray about the new challenges that lie ahead. The fellowship among leaders and other participants fostered by the conference has also bound them together in friendships and prayer as they “stand fast in one spirit, with one mind striving side by side for the faith of the gospel.” (Philippians 1:27) Please join us in prayer for the participants as they return to their countries, that God would use them to transform the lives of men and women in their militaries and, through them, their countries and the region.

Conferences Don’t Change the World - But the People Who Attend Them CAN! In 16 months, military Christians from nations around the world will gather from November 23-29, 2014 in South Africa at the AMCF (Association of Military Christian Fellowships) 2014 Global Interaction (GI-14) to learn how to more effectively share Christ and live out their faith within their respective countries’ military forces. ACCTS, in cooperation with similar military ministries from South Korea and the UK, is partnering with military Christian fellowships (MCFs) around the world and with the hosting MCF of South Africa to help international military Christian leaders attend - but we need your help! While some military Christians can fund their own participation, many from poorer nations must rely on scholarships to attend. Military Christian leaders from nations such as Central Africa Republic, Sierra Leone, Pakistan, Kyrgyzstan, Mexico, Bolivia and Haiti are eager to participate, discuss, and learn about military ministry at GI-14 so that they can be a part of God’s plan to change their nations. We have challenged each country’s MCF to send both current and future leaders to this mentoring event, which will provide an opportunity to transfer long-standing relationships to the next generation of military Christian leaders, and build new relationships that extend beyond national and regional borders. For those of you who already have pledged, given and shared the vision – thank you! For those of you who are just learning about this unique opportunity (which only comes along once every 10 years!), please consider helping sponsor these Christian military leaders by giving monthly donations to ACCTS’ Global Interaction 2014 fund. Whether you can give $25 a month, $100 a month, or even more, your investment will bring international military Christians from well over 100 countries to this important training and relationship-building event. When

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ACCTS IN ACTION • Page 2 • July 2013

“I don’t know how they do it -- their house is continuously full of people and they are always inviting more people into their home,” ACCTS’ deputy director Bernhard Kaltenbach reports after he and the Exners visited ACCTS staff members Vic and Marsha Grazier in May. “They make international military students feel welcome in the USA, and have no expectation of anything in return. I’ve seen how they are respected and loved by both Christian and non-Christian international students at Wright-Patterson, and how they in turn respect and love the students and their families.” Vic and Marsha Grazier have shared their lives, their friendship, and their faith with international military students at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base since the early 1980s. They help international military students find places to live and furniture for their residences, help them learn English, and help them navigate the culture of a new country. Vic and Marsha are also involved in the chapel community and host Bible studies for students (and their families) who are interested in pursuing spiritual matters. ACCTS is looking to expand ministry to international military students at key locations in the U.S. such as Monterey, CA; Fort Leavenworth, KS; Carlisle Barracks, PA; and Maxwell AFB, AL. Although we would love to have full or part-time staff at any of those locations, it

doesn’t take a full-time commitment to become involved. If you live near any of these locations, you can start by sponsoring an international military student or family through your local military installation or chapel community, or by inviting them to come for a meal or a home Bible study -- or both. Your life will be enriched, as will theirs – and God will use your outreach in ways you may not have planned on or predicted! The ACCTS office would be happy to help you with ideas for hosting and getting to know some of the international military who come to the U.S. to study each year – call or email us with questions.

International soldier photos courtesy USDOD.

Loving Without Expectation

Conferences Don’t Change the World - But the People Who Attend Them CAN! continued from page 2 they return to their nations they will be envisioned and equipped to bring about spiritual change and growth within their military forces and their countries. Do you know of someone who owns his or her own business? The director of a corporation or a foundation? Would you be willing to introduce us to your mission board at church or

chapel? If so, please contact Phil or Bernhard at the ACCTS office at 1-800-487-8108 or finances@accts.org. As always, you can donate by check, or visit our web site at www.accts.org and follow the “Donate Now” button to make an online, credit card donation.

ACCTS IN ACTION • Page 3 • July 2013

O ur C ore V alues : wBiblically-based wSpirit-led wPrayer-centered wPeople-focused

Chaplaincy in Ukraine “We saw God’s hand at work in the conference, evidenced by what appears to be a definite warming of relationships between the various Christian traditions in Ukraine and the warmth of their welcome to foreign guests,” reports ACCTS staff member Dick Barnes and MMI Team Leader Jos McCabe after participating in the 7th International Christian Military Conference in Kiev. The conference theme was “Social Aspects of Chaplaincy: World and Ukraine” and included sessions on pastoral work in Ukraine’s armed forces, problems of pastoral work in law enforcement bodies, chaplaincy prison services, family problems and spiritual and social support options, and spiritual and patriotic mentoring of Ukrainian youth. Participants came from seven nations and represented churches, religious organizations, research and educational institutions, and civic and youth organizations.

ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED Association for Christian Conferences Teaching and Service PO Box 27239 Denver, CO 80227-0239 Phone: 1-800-487-8108 Fax: 303-986-4710 Email: accts@accts.org Web: www.accts.org


ACCTS Prayer Reminder July 2013

Wikimedia Commons photo courtesy Newton2

“Prayer is the human response to the perpetual outpouring of love by which God lays siege to every soul. When our reply to God is most direct of all, it is called adoration. Adoration is the spontaneous yearning of the heart to worship, honour, magnify, and bless God. We ask nothing but to cherish him. We seek nothing but his exaltation. We focus on nothing but his goodness.” --Richard J. Foster

Note: Staff member names are in bold print.

1 Today through Saturday, Ukrainian military Christians, staff member Paul Neu, and ACCTS volunteers are leading an English language camp in Ukraine. Many participants are children of military personnel or their friends. Pray that this event will be a springboard to a deeper spiritual life for all who attend the camp. 2 Please pray for those who completed ACCTS’ Chaplains Interaction in April as they apply the skills they acquired to minister to security forces personnel in their countries. 3 As Belarus celebrates its Independence Day, pray that military Christians in this nation will continue to mature spiritually and shine as examples of Christ’s love wherever they are stationed. 4 Today the USA celebrates its Independence Day. Praise God with us for His blessings on our nation and pray for those who defend it through their service in the armed forces. 5 ACCTS staff member Pete Prindle has accepted the position of ACCTS’ director of operations. Thank God for Pete’s volunteer service in this position and ask for God’s direction as he carries out his new duties. 6 Pray for military Christians on the island nation

of Comoros, who have suffered religious oppression because of their faith. 7 Please continue praying for military Christians in Haiti as they develop new leadership following the murder of their leader, Jonatant Jean Jacques. Pray also for his widow Nicole Jean and their children during this difficult time of adjustment. 8 One of the leaders of the Ghanaian military Christian fellowship is being reassigned to London. Pray for the MCF of Ghana as they find other people to continue leading their group 9 Pray for God’s guidance for staff members whose ministry focuses on Asia, including He Gang and Jodie Wang, Ed and Sally Ward, Cal Dunlap, Carson and Wendy Tavenner, Brock and Linda Fallon, and Rick and Melissa Ryles. 10 Praise God with us that ACCTS staff member Noel Dawes will be able to begin ministering again to chaplains and soldiers after the isolation of a year-long recovery from his bone marrow transplant. Pray that God will bless Noel and Meryl’s ongoing work for Him. 11 Praise God for the ministry of ACCTS staff members Vic and Marsha Grazier, who befriend international military students at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Ohio. Pray for His continued blessings on their work for Christ, and pray also for

the military student ministry of Bill and Suzanne Lumpkin in Texas.

pray that these nations will have a change in policy as well as attitude toward religious tolerance.

12 Many Indonesian military Christians have experienced some form of oppression as they live out their lives and faith while in service to their country. Pray for the military Christian fellowship as it seeks to spiritually encourage these men and women and their families.

22 Pray for a meeting tomorrow which will bring together organizations such as ACCTS and individuals to further inspire and encourage the Centurions military ministry in Mongolia. Pray that there will be good coordination and communication between everyone involved.

13 Pray for the nation of Turkey, which saw upheavals and anti-government protests starting in early June.

23 On this date in November 2014 military Christians from around the world will gather to learn how to more effectively share their faith and lead their military Christian fellowships at the AMCF Global Interaction 2014. Pray that this event will allow military personnel to help spiritually transform our world.

14 On this Bastille Day, pray that military Christians in France will find relevant ways to share their faith with their coworkers, friends, and family. 15 A military Christian in the Philippines asks for prayer as their nation suffers under the weight of corruption. Please pray specifically for the churches and the military Christian fellowship – ask that they will be a light for Christ, kept pure and holy for Him in the middle of difficulties. 16 Pray for the ministry of ACCTS staff members who encourage military outreach in the region of Russia and Ukraine, including Dick and Linda Barnes, Paul Neu, and Russ and Bonnie Hammerud. 17 Pray for military Christians in the United States as they serve Christ and their country during unsettled times. Pray also for those who reach out to coworkers and their families who have felt the devastation of war. Pray that these Christians will be Spirit-led as they share their lives and faith with men, women, and children who need healing and compassion. 18 Bangladesh is one of the world’s most densely populated nations, and poverty is rampant. Pray for military Christians who work in an often politically tense environment, and pray that their testimonies will attract others to Christ. 19 Ask for the Spirit’s leading for ACCTS’ director, Phil Exner and his wife Sue as well as for ACCTS’ deputy director, Bernhard Kaltenbach and his wife Cheryl. 20 Since Serbia and Kosovo agreed to normalize their relations, Serbia is on track to have an opening to become part of the EU. Serbia’s main religions are Orthodox Christians, Muslims, and Roman Catholics. Pray that military Christians in this nation will be able to share hope in Christ despite the ethnic and religion differences which often cause tension. 21 Islamists make life particularly difficult for people of all faiths in the Sahara region of Africa, where their presence is expanding. Pray for military and civilian Christians in these nations, and

24 Pray for the U.S. cadets and officers who are attending summer programs at Officers’ Christian Fellowship retreat center, Spring Canyon. 25 Pray for preparations for an ACCTS Chaplains Interaction in Lesotho under the leadership of General Mohapi, who attended the recent Chaplains Interaction in April. 26 As the conflict between supporters of Syria’s president and those against him causes more bloodshed, pray for peace to return to this nation. Pray that the small percentage of Syrian Christians will find peace and comfort in Christ and His plan for their lives. 27 Pakistan continues to be plagued by dangerous attacks by the Taliban, and Sunni extremists often target minority groups such as Christians and Shia Muslims. Please pray that religious freedom will be maintained in this nation and ask for God’s hand over military Christians in particular. 28 Praise God for the strong faith of military Christians in Peru, and today please pray that their fellowship group will have a positive impact on their coworkers’ lives and on their nation as a whole. 29 Pray that newly retired military people will be inspired to join ACCTS’ military ministry so that our outreach can expand. 30 Pray for wisdom and boldness in the hearts of ACCTS staff who need to raise their own support, that they would receive God’s direction and blessing. 31 Praise God for the political stability that the African nation of Tanzania has experienced, and pray that its military Christians will prosper in their faith.

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