Apri l
ACCTS in action O ur M ission :
To assist in the development of Christian leaders in the armed forces of the world and in the establishment and growth of military Christian fellowships.
In Step with Jesus Christ in the 21st Century: European Military Ministry Leaders Meet Participants in the annual AMCF European Military Christian Leaders Meeting were reminded that no amount of emails, phone calls, or Skype time can replace face-to-face meetings for spiritual encouragement, strengthening of relationships, and working through tough issues. The Exners, Kaltenbachs, and Barneses were among 47 military Christian fellowship (MCF) leaders from 18 countries who met in Luebbecke, Germany from 15-18 February. The theme of the conference was “In Step with Jesus Christ in the 21st Century.” The four days of lessons centered on Galatians 3:26-29 and strongly reinforced AMCF’s motto -- “all one in Christ Jesus.” The breaks between teaching sessions provided times for fellowship, discussion of common issues, and planning future activities between military Christian fellowships and the AMCF’s principle support organizations (PSOs), including ACCTS. MCF leaders from two of the countries supporting ACCTS’ Academy Exploration Program (AEP) were there, which gave the ACCTS team the chance to coordinate trips for this year and next year. These AEP programs introduce the host nation and the ones visiting to international ministry, build relationships than can last a lifetime, and broaden the support for ACCTS and MCFs. ACCTS staff members also met with other MCF leaders who expressed interest in future AEP programs. continued on page 2
In Step With Jesus continued from page 1
It was a strong opportunity to talk about various ACCTS programs and activities in which they are interested, including Chaplain’s Interaction, future leadership and English language training programs, Interaction Rocky Mountain High, future visits to and from their countries, coordination of activities and visits as far afield as Mongolia, digital Bible distribution, and, of course, the AMCF Global Interaction, which will gather Christian military leaders from nearly three-fourths of the world’s countries in late 2014. Many attended for the first time, including representatives from Russia’s MCF, Lithuania, and new leaders of the MCFs from Belgium and Italy. The diverse cultural and denominational backgrounds gave participants the chance to see and practice what C.S. Lewis called “mere Christianity” -- focusing on Christ and the unity to which He calls Christians as we share the Gospel through the testimony of lives committed to love and serve Him. Phil Exner and Bernhard Kaltenbach also participated in the AMCF 2014 Global Interaction Pray
and Plan in the UK. The conference and program directors, other key members of the planning team, and representatives from all three PSOs attended. Praise God for the significant progress in both the planning effort and the clarity and broadening of the vision for the event. Following the Pray and Plan, the ACCTS team attended Military Ministry International’s Supporters’ Weekend in the UK, which included military Christian leaders from various branches of Christianity. It resulted in positive steps toward activities that will contribute to the common desire of Christians in the military to follow Christ in their calling. Pray that, as a result, ACCTS will see an expansion of military ministry around the globe, including many more of our brothers and sisters in Christ attending and learning at Global Interaction.
April-May Staff Calendar of Events 9-13 April: Caribbean Military Christian Leaders Conference. ACCTS staff participating: Bob and B.J. Reifsnyder, Jim and Lois Greshel 14-26 April: Chaplains Interaction, Joint Base Lewis-McChord, Washington. Joint ACCTS/IAEC event. ACCTS staff participating: Frank and Ginny Cole, Pete and Jacki Prindle, Dell McDonald 7-21 May: Ukraine military ministry mission trip. ACCTS staff: Dick Barnes 30 May-1 June: AMCF South American Regional Conference. ACCTS staff participating: Bob and B.J. Reifsnyder ACCTS IN ACTION • Page 2 • April 2013
In March ACCTS was involved in several Academy Exploration trips which included staff members, volunteers, and cadets/midshipmen who were on their Spring Break. Sometimes these trips include doing service projects and sometimes they involve meeting military Christians and military cadets in other nations. We’ll include information from this year’s trips in the next newsletter, but in the meantime we’re including testimonies from two midshipmen who participated in previous trips. Pray that this year’s events will serve as ministry inspiration to all who took part! “During my trip with the Casners to Eastern Europe in October 2010, I realized how valuable ACCTS is to military ministries. In countries where Christian teaching and fellowship may not be as available as it is in the United States, consistent support can make a difference. While encouraging others may not seem as impressive as large numbers or big buildings or a big check, it helps others persevere. This is one of the benefits we provided during our visit to the Czech Republic and Hungary, where the military ministries are trying to build new leaders and reach out to more Christians.” “I have done two short-term mission trips with ACCTS. The first was a summer mission that
started with a trip to Eger, Hungary, and was in conjunction with a ministry called International Messengers (IM). I spent about two weeks there teaching English as a second language, using the Bible as the text. At the end of the language camp, I met with [ACCTS staff members] for the second half of the trip, which included visits in Budapest, Hungary, and in Bulgaria and the Czech Republic.The second trip was to Jamaica. Significant events included projects at a ministry named Bethel Mission, a visit to an orphanage, and visits with Jamaican Defense Force personnel.
International soldier photos courtesy USDOD.
Divine Appointments on Spring Breaks
I went on the first trip thinking I was a fairly mature Christian, because I had grown up in the church. I learned a lot, including that I had a lot more to learn. The trip helped me to see examples of spiritual disciplines being lived out, and because I was being asked a lot of (new) questions about my faith, the experience helped me to explore what I really believed, and in turn, firm up my own beliefs. Exposure to other cultures also helped me better understand the larger body of Christ, and served me well in later travels as a naval officer.”
ACCTS IN ACTION • Page 3 • April 2013
O ur C ore V alues : wBiblically-based wSpirit-led wPrayer-centered wPeople-focused
From Generation to Generation ACCTS is blessed to be a part of discipling military Christian fellowship leaders around the world. Pictured here are three former interns -- Heli and Timo Vehvilainen from Finland and Vasily Khimich (with his wife Valentina) of Ukraine -- who are now integral parts of the military ministry in their home nations. Praise God with us for all the men and women whom God is using in their nations, and pray that God will continue to use ACCTS to inspire new generations to serve Him in and through the armed forces of our world.
ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED Association for Christian Conferences Teaching and Service PO Box 27239 Denver, CO 80227-0239 Phone: 1-800-487-8108 Fax: 303-986-4710 Email: accts@accts.org Web: www.accts.org
ACCTS Prayer Reminder April 2013 Pray the largest prayers. You cannot think a prayer so large that God, in answering it, will not wish you had made it larger. Pray not for crutches but for wings! --Phillips Brooks
Note: Staff member names are in bold print.
1 Pray with ACCTS’ board of directors as they guide our international military ministry. Pray in particular for Ed Lorenzini, president; Sue Huggler, vice president; Ward Bursley, treasurer; and Jody Bursley, secretary. 2 Pray with Vic and Marsha Grazier as they minister to international military students who attend WrightPatterson Air Force Base. Pray that God will bless their friendships with these students and that He will give wisdom to the students who attend their Bible studies. 3 The African nation of Guinea celebrates its Freedom Day today. Guinea, which is primarily Muslim and Christian, had a military junta for many years but now has a democratically-elected leader. Pray for military Christians in Guinea as they serve their nation while also aspiring to lead lives that draw others to Christ. 4 As Senegalese citizens celebrate their national Independence Day, pray that military Christians will depend more and more on Christ in their daily lives. 5 Ask God to guide ACCTS’ director, Phil Exner, and his wife and fellow staff member, Sue, as they encourage, train, and mentor military Christians around the world. Pray that they will be spiritually and physically refreshed, even during the busiest times of ministry. 6 The effects of genocide still haunt Rwanda, but praise God for people who have helped reduce ethnic hatred and violence in this nation and other nations. Today, pray that military Christians in RwanACCTS prayer reminder • April 2013
da will grow in spiritual strength and number and continue to walk in Christ’s path of love and reconciliation. 7 China saw a major leadership change this year when Xi Jinping took over leadership of this powerful nation. Pray for God’s kingdom to expand in China and that the power of Christ’s love will compel Chinese citizens to Himself. Pray also for upcoming ACCTS outreach events in China, including medical missions trips and English language programs. 8 Pray with ACCTS’ deputy director, Bernhard Kaltenbach, as he helps guide ACCTS’ ministry and for staff member Cheryl Kaltenbach as she ministers to military Christians alongside Bernhard. 9 Our partner organization, AMCF (Association of Military Christian Fellowships) hosts a conference for Caribbean military Christians from 8-13 April. Pray that all who attend will learn from the various seminars and presentations they attend and will carry that knowledge back to their nations. Pray also for the Reifsnyders and Greshels as they minister at this conference. 10 As the AMCF Caribbean conference continues today, please pray for military Christians in these Caribbean nations: Antigua and Barbuda, Bahamas, Barbados, and Belize. Pray also for the Reifsnyders and Greshels as they minister at this conference. 11 Ask God to guide and direct military Christians and police officers in the nations of Dominica, Grenada, Guyana, and Haiti. 12 Today we continue praying for military and police Christians in Caribbean nations. Ask for God’s bless-
ings on these nations and their service personnel: Jamaica, St. Lucia, St. Kitts & Nevis, and St. Vincent & the Grenadines.
make every effort to do what leads to peace and mutual edification of those around them (Romans 14:19).
13 Today is the final day of the Caribbean military conference. Pray for Christians in the nations of Suriname and Trinidad & Tobago, and pray that all who attended the conference will return home refreshed and ready to serve Christ in their nations’ armed forces.
23 The 2014 Global Interaction (formerly AMCF World Conference) will be an important time of teaching and learning for military Christian fellowship leaders from around the world. Pray with South African military Christians as they prepare for this event, choose teachers and seminar leaders, and pick topics to be discussed.
14 ACCTS’ chaplains training program for international chaplains (and those who do the work of chaplains) begins today at Joint Base Lewis-McChord in Washington state. Pray for wisdom for the leaders of Chaplains Interaction and the individual participants. Prayer items from the 15th to the 22nd will include prayer for military ministry in nations from which we expect participants. Pray also for the staff members involved in this program: the Coles, Dell McDonald, and the Prindles. 15 The military Christian fellowship of Canada has seen many changes in the last few years as it strives to maintain a strong, viable ministry in the face of challenges. Praise God for how He has shown them the way forward and pray for them as they follow that path. 16 Pray with leaders and members of the Associación de Militares Cristianos de Colombia (the military Christian fellowship of Colombia) as they share Christ in a nation which has stabilized some from episodes of drug and political violence. 17 El Salvador is the smallest and most densely populated country in Central America. Pray that military Christians here will continue to be disciplined and motivated as they serve Christ and their country. 18 Zimbabwe has seen tremendous challenges in the last few years, and military Christians there do not have an organized MCF to encourage them in their walk with Christ. Pray for God to lead them toward the goal of a military Christian fellowship. 19 Give praise for military and civilian Christians in Kyrgyzstan, a primarily Muslim nation, and ask for God’s blessings on them as they find ways to reach out in Christ’s love to their coworkers and families. 20 The tiny (30,000 square kilometers) African nation of Lesotho is home to strong and spiritually committed military Christians who are impacting their nation and other nations in Africa. Praise God for them and pray for them today, please. 21 Praise God with military Christians in Liberia who are seeing God move among their coworkers and peers, and pray with them as they seek to lean on God and acknowledge Him in all their ways. 22 As Nigeria continues to experience ethnic and religious tensions, pray that military Christians will ACCTS prayer reminder • April 2013
24 Last month an important meeting of European military Christian leaders took place in Germany. Today, please ask that all who attended that conference will continue to be encouraged and motivated by what they learned. Pray also for staff members Dick and Linda Barnes, who minister in this region. 25 Today is Italy’s Liberation Day. Praise God for the work He is doing in Italy and in the creation of new military Christian fellowship groups. Pray that these brothers and sisters in Christ will experience full freedom in Christ (Galatians 5:1) as they serve Him and others whom He puts in their lives. 26 Togo is a Christian/ethnoreligionist nation on Africa’s western coast. Pray that military Christians in Togo will continue to “put on the armor of light” (Romans 13:12) in their daily Christian walks. 27 Pray with military Christians in Sierra Leone as they seek to be effective in their work for Christ among civilians who still experience suffering as a result of violence and poverty. 28 Please pray today for U.S. troops in Afghanistan, and for those troops who have returned home with PTSD or traumatic brain disorder. Pray for wisdom for military Christians in Afghanistan and for them as they return to a nation which often doesn’t understand the extent of their sacrifices. 29 AIDS and HIV have been in the news lately due to a report that a baby born with HIV has been functionally cured. Praise God for, and pray for, both military and civilian Christians and churches (especially those in Africa) who minister to AIDS-stricken people, adopt HIV orphans into their families, create orphanages, and reach out with God’s love to people whose lives have been damaged by this disease. 30 Pray with military Christians in Ukraine as they prepare to host an international Christian military conference in May. Pray also for God to prepare a path for harmony between the church leaders, government officials, and military commanders attending the conference.