ACCTS June Newsletter

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ACCTS in action O ur M ission :

To assist in the development of Christian leaders in the armed forces of the world and in the establishment and growth of military Christian fellowships.

Chaplains Interaction 2013: Making an Impact on the World To borrow from a popular commercial, “Cost of this year’s Chaplain Interaction program: Thousands of dollars and even more man-hours. Impact on the world: Priceless.” One international chaplain who attended resolved to move beyond simply holding chapel services for those who could manage to get to the headquarters, and to now go out and minister to the troops in the field where they are serving. Another said that it changed his view of his relationship with his commander, and a third wants to start a marriage enrichment program in his country. Other participants want to start visiting military hospitals and prisons, and at least one of the wives has decided to build a community of chapel women to transform military families in her nation. “Chaplains Interaction helped participants to see a broader vision of their role as chaplains and opened their eyes to the enormous range of ministry opportunities that they have as chaplains,” ACCTS’ director Phil Exner states. “We can only begin to imagine how many soldiers who are lonely, lost, wounded, sick, imprisoned, or facing other trials will receive the eager and inspired ministry from this year’s graduates. Consider also the number of commander-chaplain relationships, marriages, families, and chapel communities that will be transformed for Christ’s kingdom through their ministry. We continued on page 2

Chaplains Interaction 2013 continued from page 1

have even been asked to bring a similar chaplain training program to southern Africa in the next year, which would impact yet more lives for Christ in the nations in that region.” This year’s international chaplain training program was held at Joint Base Lewis-McChord in Washington state from 15-26 April, and included participants from Canada, Central Asia, Colombia, South Korea, Lesotho, and Nigeria, with an observer from MMI, ACCTS’ partner organization in the UK. There were people from five of the seven continents present, and their experience levels varied -- one is the senior chaplain in his nation, while another serves informally in a nation that doesn’t have a chaplaincy. “The universal principles of chaplaincy were very useful because we are just beginning to organize our chaplains ministry.” --a South American participant

Retired U.S. Army and Navy chaplains from ACCTS and our partner, the International Association of Evangelical Chaplains (IAEC), presented a broad range of subjects and possible ministry activities. Topics included training on military ethics, para-church resources, suicide prevention, grief counseling, and other ministry areas. They also taught inductive Bible study and conversational prayer to encourage Bible study among military personnel, which were new concepts to some participants. The program included presentations by both garrison and unit chaplains. A panel of unit chaplains from every level of command, from battalion and brigade, through division and corps gave participants an opportunity to ask about the various pressures and opportunities at each respective levels of ministry. Participants were also given the chance to go out with a chaplain to a unit and to the hospital and prison. In addition to challenging participants to expand their ministry to places where soldiers work and live, participants were encouraged to support and engage MCFs as force multipliers for their ministry, as well as broadening their

ACCTS IN ACTION • Page 2 • June 2013

base of ministry support to include retired military. The spouses program shared many of the classes with the chaplain’s course, but also included separate training on topics such as ministry to military wives, testimonies, prayer, devotions, and having an impact as a chaplain’s wife. The entire group also spent three days at a marriage retreat to both bolster their own relationships and open their eyes to the possibility to minister to married couples in their home nations. Phil Exner gratefully observed, “The commitment and involvement of the chapel community at Joint Base Lewis-McChord was overwhelmingly supportive, starting with the chaplains – who did a tremendous amount of work to prepare and execute the program – and extending to the various congregations, which generously supported the participants’ attendance. Many chaplains observed some of the training sessions, host families gave the delegates wonderful experiences as they stayed in their homes, and the chapel women provided food. Their hospitality was deeply appreciated and had a huge impact on the participants. “We may never know in this life how many thousands of lives will be brought closer to the Lord by this year’s participants, but we can pray for all of these men and women who have now returned home – that God will use them, strengthen and protect them, and keep them firm in their commitments to follow through on what they learned during Chaplains Interaction.”

“Chaplains Interaction was very educative to me and it is not only going to help us in my country but will be helpful to the entire South African region since I will share it with my counterparts back home.” --an African participant

The April Caribbean Military Christian Leaders Conference in Suriname marked a significant move forward for military ministry in the region, as conference participants established an association to function as a subsidiary of ACCTS’ partner organization, the AMCF. Many of the men and women at the Suriname conference have known each other from previous AMCF/ ACCTS events and have long felt the need for more formal ties to allow them to share resources and ministry information. The MCFs have a deep sense of commitment to each other and are looking forward to deepening these relationships through this new association. ACCTS’ deputy director, Bernhard Kaltenbach, represented ACCTS at the conference, and he notes that Caribbean military Christians face many challenges that Christians in other parts of the world don’t face. “They lead very busy lives, as do other international military personnel, but they also face the ongoing challenge of natural disasters, which not only destroy homes and businesses and consume national resources, but often affect them personally as well. Many of them face the loss of property and endure much time away from their families while rebuilding cities and towns destroyed by hurricanes and floods. It was a blessing to see how committed they are to military ministry and to each other despite these challenges.” Bernhard challenged the regional military Christian fellowship leaders and members to take full advantage of ACCTS’ training resources by

sending delegates to Chaplains Interaction, Interaction-Rocky Mountain High, or hosting an Academy Exploration program. He also encouraged them to send delegates to the 2014 Global Interaction in South Africa so they can be further inspired and equipped to serve Christ in their armed forces. Additionally, MCF leaders talked with staff members Bob and B.J. Reifsnyder in-depth about ACCTS helping them to host a Chaplain Interaction-type event in their region, which is being planned for some time in the next 18 months.

International soldier photos courtesy USDOD.

Caribbean Military Christians Unite For Expanded Ministry

The conference was superbly organized and supported by the government of Suriname, and was the product of outstanding cooperation and coordination among regional Christian MCF leaders. In addition to a strong core program, participants enjoyed local cultural presentation, and were visited by the country’s president as well. But most encouraging was seeing how God is bringing together the countries of this region in a closer partnership among the MCFs. Please continue to hold up these dear brothers and sister in Christ in your prayers.

ACCTS IN ACTION • Page 3 • June 2013

O ur C ore V alues : wBiblically-based wSpirit-led wPrayer-centered wPeople-focused


this Newsletter

International chaplains received training through ACCTS’ Chaplains Interaction program and Caribbean military Christians took an important step forward to expand ministry within their region. Thanks for your ongoing prayers for and interest in God’s kingdom in the armed forces of our world - and please continue supporting ACCTS and these international brothers and sisters in Christ in your prayers!

ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED Association for Christian Conferences Teaching and Service PO Box 27239 Denver, CO 80227-0239 Phone: 1-800-487-8108 Fax: 303-986-4710 Email: Web:


ACCTS Prayer Reminder June 2013

Photo courtesy Yann, Wikimedia Commons license

“The Holy Spirit alone can make ministers of the Gospel, and raise up lay workmen in the spiritual harvest, who need not be ashamed. Never, never may we forget that if we would do good to the world, our first duty is to pray!” --J.C. Ryle

Note: Staff member names are in bold print.

1 Today is the second-to-last day of the AMCF South American Regional Conference in Paraguay. Pray for God’s blessing on all who are teaching and attending this event, including ACCTS staff members Bob and B.J. Reifsnyder and Phil Exner. 2 Pray for Christian cadets in military academies around the world as they live out their faith and find ways to share that faith with their peers. Pray particularly for nations such as Finland, where there are only a small number of Christian cadets at their national military academies.

6 Pray for safety for soldiers from many nations who are serving in Afghanistan. Pray as well for peace and safety for civilians in this war-torn country. 7 Pray for Christian Military Fellowship of the USA as it ministers to all ranks of military personnel, and their families, in the US. Pray with US military Christians who serve in a time of great national change. 8 Our ministry partner in the UK, Military Ministries International, is holding a training course this weekend. Please pray that this event will be led by the Spirit to further God’s work in Europe.

3 Today ACCTS staff and South American Christians will lead a two-day Interaction leadership program in Paraguay. Pray that those who attend will be inspired to become Christ-like leaders who make a difference for Him in their nations.

9 Pray with Paul New as he prepares for an English language camp in Ukraine later this month. Pray for Ukrainian military Christian Vasily Khimich and others who are also preparing and getting participants signed up.

4 Pray for wisdom for AMCF’s president, General Srilal Weerasooriya, as he leads the Association of Military Christian Fellowships, whom ACCTS partners with in over 145 nations.

10 Ask for wisdom for ACCTS’ board of directors as they guide our ministry.

5 Pray that peace and justice will come to Syria and that refugees from this war-torn region will find help from Christians in the region. ACCTS prayer reminder • June 2013

11 Ask that military Christians in Russia, who come from varying Christian denominations, strive to work together in unity and love in all they do. 12 Philippines has one of the fastest growing populations in Asia, making ministry to the younger

generation imperative. Pray that military Christians in this nation will find ways to reach young military recruits for Christ so that their fellowship will continue to grow. 13 Pray that the good news of Christ will permeate North Korea and bring hope to its citizens. Pray for peace in this nation and region of our world. 14 Pray with Caribbean military Christians as they minister in a region that suffers frequent natural disasters. The military of these nations are usually the first people called upon to help rebuild their nations, which puts stress on them as well as their families. 15 Today is the beginning of the AMCF East Asia Regional Conference in South Korea. Praise God for the strong military Christian fellowship in South Korea, which has thousands of members, and for their desire to help other military Christians in their region. 16 Please pray for the participants in this week’s East Asia Regional Conference (see day 15). Ask that they be guided by the Holy Spirit and learn from Him how to further ministry efforts in each of their nations. 17 This week our partner in South Korea, Mission Support Organisation, hosts their annual mission evangelization training event. Participants come from many nations to learn how to start a military Christian fellowship group. In the past this meeting has been a strong force for ministry – pray that this year’s meeting will again be used by God to grow His kingdom in the armed forces of our world. 18 Pray that the participants at this week’s MSO training event will follow God’s will for their lives and their ministries and seek His ways for further military ministry in their home nations. Pray also for staff members Rick Ryles and Jim and Lois Greshel, who will participate. 19 Today, please pray with military Christians and military Christian organizations in the United Kingdom as they impact their nation and the world for Christ. 20 ACCTS is supporting the MCF of South Africa as it hosts the November 2014 Global Interaction. Pray for the MCF and ACCTS as we raise scholarships so that military Christians from impoverished nations can attend and learn from this crucial military ministry training event. 21 Today is the last day of the AMCF East Asia Regional Conference. As the military Christian participants leave for their home countries, pray that they will resolve to put into use what they learned at this event. ACCTS prayer reminder • June 2013

22 Praise God for military Christians in France and pray with them as they live out their faith. 23 Praise God with us for the many people who faithfully support ACCTS through monthly giving – some donors have been with us since 1972 when we started, and some have come on board this year as they learn what we are doing and get excited about it. Pray for us as we use these donors’ gifts to do God’s work, and pray for wisdom for ACCTS’ deputy director and financial officer, Bernhard Kaltenbach. 24 Praise God for the partnership He has created between ACCTS and the Association of Military Christian Fellowships (AMCF). Pray with us as our staff members and AMCF vice presidents work together in nations around the world. 25 Ask that military believers in Croatia grow in number and in spiritual maturity as they spread the fragrance of Christ’s hope and love (2 Cor. 2:14). 26 Pray that military Christians in Mozambique will remain unified in Christ so that their work for Him will prosper and bless all those to whom they minister. 27 Pray that military Christians in Djibouti will continuously follow the Apostle Paul’s example in his desire to preach nothing except “Jesus Christ and him crucified” (1 Cor. 2:2). 28 One of the outcomes of ACCTS’ Chaplains Interaction training program in April is that South African military Christians and ACCTS are planning a Chaplains Interaction for their region. Pray that this event and other efforts will help chaplains and MCFs cooperate together to reach their armed forces personnel for Christ. 29 Pray that military and civilian Christians in Pakistan will continue to fix their eyes on what is unseen rather than seen (2 Cor. 4:18) as they follow Christ in a troubled nation. 30 ACCTS and the military Christian fellowship of Ukraine host a yearly English language camp as a ministry to both military and civilians. Pray that this year’s camp, which begins today, will bring many teens, young adults, and men and women to a deeper knowledge of Christ.

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