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Cape Flavors for Every Season: How to eat sustainably year-round
How to Eat Sustainably Year-Round
If you live on Cape Cod or visit in the off-season, you’re familiar with Cape Cod’s annual transformation from bustling tourist hub to sleepy set of small towns. In many ways, it’s the nicer part of the year. You can take walks on the empty windswept beaches, bike on the rail trail through autumn foliage, and drive a couple towns over without getting bogged down in traffic. On the other hand, the departure of the tourists each year means many businesses closing their doors, and if you like local food, it can feel like options are limited until spring.
Fortunately, if you know where to look, there are all kinds of local treats available in the off-season, from quail eggs to scallops to fresh winter produce. Searching out and supporting these locally-owned businesses that produce and use food from right here on Cape Cod helps to keep you and the local economy healthy. Here is a compilation of some of the spots that offer products year-round.

Cape Abilities
Cape Abilities Farm, located in Dennis and with a market on Main Street in Chatham, provides “jobs, homes, transportation, social and therapeutic services for people with disabilities across Cape Cod.” The farm also works actively to address food insecurity on the Cape. They also have variety: along with produce from its farm, customers will find local products from more than thirty local vendors. The staff at the farm plan to be open this winter, so be sure to stop by the farm market in Dennis. 458 Main Street, Dennis, 508-385-2538, capeabilitiesfarm.org
Cape Cod Organic Farm
Looking for wreaths and Christmas trees during the winter season? Check out Cape Cod Organic Farm, which has them available into December. 3675 Main Street, Barnstable, 508-362-3573, capecodorganicfarm.org Coonamessett Farm
Coonamessett Farm in East Falmouth offers fresh greens at the farm store until Christmas. After that, you can find the staff selling salad greens and eggs at the Windfall Market in Falmouth all winter long. 277 Hatchville Road, East Falmouth, 508-563-2560, coonamessettfarm.org
DaSilva Farm
At DaSilva Farm in Teaticket, customers can get chicken through the end of the year and turkeys for Thanksgiving. Yearround, the farm also offers pickles, jams, and jellies, including bacon jam, and you can always stop by the farm for eggs. 104 Brick Kiln Road Rear, Teaticket, 508-548-1248 (Make appointments via Facebook or email at dasilvafarms02536@gmail.com) E&T Farms
Located in West Barnstable, E&T farms has honey year-round along with eggs and various greens. In addition to the farm, the team can be found at the Orleans farmers’ market that runs year round. 85 Lombard Ave, West Barnstable, 508-362-8370, eandtfarmsinc.com
Fresh From The Vine
There are lots of great fall options at Fresh From The Vine Farm in West Yarmouth, which is open into December. In the fall and winter, there are baked goods, handcrafted items, some fall produce, seasoned firewood, and dryharvest cranberries. You can also take a walk around the farm and see the cranberry-harvesting process. 300 Main Street, West Yarmouth, 508-360-3701 Great Cape Herbs
Inside Great Cape Herbs in Brewster, customers can find various tinctures made with plants from the Cape—some are even sourced from Great Cape Herbs’ own farm. The tinctures are available year-round, and the store is located next to Snowy Owl Coffee Roasters and Fare and Just Kitchen. As the friendly folks will say, “Let your food be your medicine and your medicine be your food!” 2624 Main Street, Brewster, 508-896-5900, greatcape.com
Halcyon Farm/Bed and Breakfast
Halcyon Farm, a one acre organic farm and bed and breakfast in Brewster, offers various vegetables in the winter from its unheated greenhouse. The staff sells spinach, lettuce, kale, chard, and sometimes garlic at the Orleans farmer’s market. They also offer storage roots, carrots, and Eastham turnips, which are thought to be the only vegetable that originated on Cape Cod. 3915 Main Street, Brewster, lucasdinwiddie@gmail.com
Little River Beeworks
Little River Beeworks in Cotuit has honey and one hundred percent beeswax candles available year-round. Orders can be made directly via email, or you can find them at the Cotuit Fresh Market all through the winter. Fun fact: In her lifetime, a honeybee makes only 1/12th of a teaspoon of honey! littleriverbeeworks.com Hidden Acres Farm
If you’re looking for milk and eggs, head out to Hidden Acres Farm in Dennisport, where you’ll see farmer Jan working among the animals, and you might even come across some ducklings! At the farm you can pick up chicken and duck eggs, goat’s milk, and goat cheese, and various homemade products like wool and soaps. 120 Upper County Road, Dennis Port, 508-776-2221
Longnook Meadows
Longnook Meadows Farm in Truro sells honey year-round, and Eastham turnips into November. For both products you can call ahead and pick up at the farm, though the honey is available at retail locations as well, such as Truro Vineyards, The Captain’s Daughters, and Atlantic Spice. 12 Longnook Road, Truro, 508-349-9738 longnookmeadowsfarm.com
Peachtree Circle Farm
Peachtree Circle Farm in Falmouth grows fruits, vegetables, and flowers using sustainable practices and focusing on land stewardship. Carrie Richter has run the farm for seventeen years, and in the winter she sells jams, jellies, salsas, pickled items, and savory sauces online. 881 Palmer Ave, Falmouth, peachtreecirclefarm.com Truro Vineyards
Looking for a nice bottle of wine made with Cape Cod grapes? Find it at Truro Vineyards. The family-run vineyard grows Chardonnay, Cabernet Franc, and Merlot grapes on its five acres. A trip to the vineyard is a must, and visitors can try food from Crush Pad Food Truck while sipping on wines produced from start to finish right here on Cape Cod. 11 Shore Road, North Truro, 508-487-6200, trurovineyardsofcapecod.com

Uli’s Mushrooms/Cape Coastal Products
Uli Winslow, a twenty-five-year-old second-generation mushroom grower in Truro, produces shiitake, oyster, and lion’s mane mushrooms. The latter two are grown year-round inside, utilizing meticulously controlled climate conditions. According to Winslow, oyster mushrooms have a gorgeous growth pattern and woodsy savory flavor. The mushrooms are also versatile: they are good for pastas, soups, stir fries, and sandwiches. Lion’s mane mushrooms, while strange looking, have a flavor like lobster and a texture like chicken. In addition to being nutritious and flavorful, mushrooms absorb vitamin D, making them an especially nice option for the short sunlight winter months. Find Winslow at the Orleans farmer’s market, or order directly via text or Instagram. End of Holsbery Road, Truro, 774-408-0279, @ulismushrooms

Meat / Eggs

Peterson Shepherds
Using a strategy called rotational grazing, Peterson Shepherds produces one hundred percent pasture-raised meat and wool while helping to preserve the environment. The farm offers chorizo and sweet Italian sausage year-round, and in late October brings the half lamb sale, which is always a huge hit. To get your order in now, use their website and head out to the farm for a pickup! 15 Virtue Circle, Falmouth, petersonshepherds.org

Seawind Meadows
Looking for locally raised beef and fresh eggs? Check out Seawind Meadows. The family-owned business sells grass fed and finished beef at the Orleans farmers’ market and Truro farmers’ market. They raise Scottish Highland heritage cattle, which produce lean, flavorful meat that gets dry-aged for fourteen days. They also team up with Great Hill Dairy in Marion, so when you stop by for meat and eggs, you can pick up a wedge of blue cheese as well. 21 Old Colony Way, Orleans, seawindmeadows.com Eldredge Farm
Eldredge Farm in Brewster has trees, shrubs, and perennials available into the winter. To order, contact them via Facebook or call Starboardside Landscaping at 508-760-2696 @eldredgefarm

Rieck Family Farm
Rieck family farm in East Sandwich offers chicken eggs, quail eggs, duck eggs, and sometimes honey. If you haven’t tried quail eggs, which are nutrient-packed and extra creamy for baking, make sure to pick some up. facebook.com/RieckFamilyFarmandHatchery

Tuckernuck Farm
At Tuckernuck Farm most of the production is done by the winter months, but they have winter radishes all year round. Feel free to call or stop by the farm to pick them up. 89 Fisk Street West Dennis, 508-364-5821
Fish Markets
Barnstable Sea Farms
Barnstable Sea Farms has been growing sustainable shellfish for almost twenty-five years. In the winter you can call in to pick up an order of oysters, and in the warmer months you can take an oyster tour, which includes an information session and a sampling of every type of oyster. 98 Governors Way, Barnstable, 508-566-7686, barnstableseafarms.net
Chatham Shellfish Company
Chatham Shellfish Company offers oysters, mussels, sauces, and merchandise from late March through December. Order online or stop by the store during regular hours. 393 Barn Hill Road, Chatham, 508-241-7503, chathamoysters.com
Cotuit Oyster Co
Cotuit Oyster Company raises oysters on 33.83 acres in Cotuit Bay and offers online ordering year-round. In addition to oysters, there is a limited supply of local clams as well. 26 Little River Road, Cotuit, 508-428-6747, cotuitoystercompany.com
Fishermen’s View Market
At beautiful Fishermen’s View Market in Sandwich, located right on the water, you can find plenty of tasty and local year-round seafood. The shop opens every day from eight to six and features local shellfish, haddock, cod, sole, tuna, and more. 20 Freezer Rd, Sandwich, 508-591-0088, fishermensview.com Cape Tip Seafoods
Cape Tip Seafoods has a market in Orleans open year-round and a market in Truro that plans to be open at least through the end of the year. Both often feature local options in the winter, including hake, haddock, and scallops. 18 Old Colony Way, Orleans, 508-225-722; 300 Route Six, Truro Central Village, 508-487-2164, capetipseafood.com
Chatham Fish and Lobster Seafood Market/Mac’s Chatham Fish and Lobster
This establishment combines Mac’s, which owns the restaurant, with the original Chatham Fish and Lobster Market. Fish is fresh from the nearby docks, and shellfish is sourced locally and available year-round. Also, the restaurant offers gluten-free fried fish, a rare treat! 1291 Main Street Chatham, 508-945-1178, chathamfish.com
East Wind Lobster and Grille
East Wind Lobster and Grille not only has a selection of year-round seafood including cod, haddock, lobster, oysters, and steamers, but the staff also makes excellent homemade dishes using local catches. They plan to be open on weekends in the winter and you can check out their Facebook page for specific winter hours and special daily deals. 2 Main St, Buzzards Bay, 508-759-1857, eastwindlobsterandgrille.com
FV Isabel and Lilee
FV Isabel and Lilee, a family-owned scallop operation, fishes in the winter when possible, and often has scallops available for pickup. The team also does pop-ups at Cape Cod Beer in the colder months, so you can wash down fresh scallops with a local brew. 508-237-7133, capecodscallop.com
Lobster Trap Market
The Lobster Trap has a seafood shack, bar, and fish market located right on the Back River in Bourne. It offers local scallops, cod, and halibut in the winter along with local Massachusetts-brewed beer and cider. 290 Shore Road, Bourne, 508-759-7600, lobstertrap.net Mac’s Seafood
Mac’s Seafood has a number of locations around the Cape, and sells local haddock, flounder, monkfish, pollock, and a wide variety of shellfish including oysters, mussels, lobster, bay scallops, and sea scallops. All locations except Wellfleet are open year-round. 85 Shankpainter Road, Provincetown, 508-487-6227; 4680 State Route 6, Eastham, 508-255-6900; 1291 Main Street, Chatham, 508-945-1178; 485 Route 134, South Dennis, 508-394-1181, macsseafood.com
Midnight Our
Captain Jesse of F/V Midnight Our sells scallops straight off the dock in Harwich Port year-round. Text the number below or reach out via Facebook to order. When you buy directly from the fisherman, it can’t get any fresher! Wychmere Harbor, Harbor Road Harwich Port, 508-737-6189, midnightourseafood.com Superior Lobster
Visit Superior Lobster in Sandwich for local cod, flounder, haddock, and shellfish. The friendly, dedicated staff at this family-run establishment pick the fish, lobster, and shellfish from local boats themselves. 8 Gallo Road, Sandwich, 774-338-5721, superiorlobster.com
Farmer’s Markets

Dates: Year-round (Different locations for warm and cold seasons) Location: 21 Old Colony Way, Orleans Hours: From May through December on Saturdays 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.; From January through April on Saturdays 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Dates: May through October Location: Town Hall Lawn and Ryder Street Hours: Saturdays 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Dates: June through October Location: 1562 Main Street, Chatham Hours: Tuesdays 3 to 6 p.m.
Dates: Weekly June through October, and monthly beginning in November Location: The Wing School, 33 Water Street, Sandwich Hours: Tuesdays 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Dates: May through October Location: Marine Park, 180 Scranton Ave, Falmouth Hours: Thursdays 12 to 5 p.m. (Plus a special market on the Tuesday before Thanksgiving.)
Dates: June through October Location: Brooks Academy Museum, 80 Parallel Street, Harwich Hours: Thursdays 3 to 6 p.m.
Dates: May through October Location: Congregational Church, 200 Main Street, Wellfleet Hours: Wednesdays 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. Accepts SNAP and Debit/ATM cards

Love Live Local
If you’re excited about supporting local business on Cape Cod, check out Love Live Local, a nonprofit run by Amanda Converse and Jen Villa whose mission is to foster an economically sustainable, creative, and exciting future for the Cape! They collaborate with small businesses, produce community events, and publish information that can help you become a supportive part of the Cape Cod community. Villa also opened The Local Juice and The West End restaurant, both located in Hyannis. If you’re interested, there are several ways to get involved. You can follow them on social media, sign up for their monthly emails, volunteer, sponsor an event, or simply visit any of the wonderful local businesses that they work so hard to support. lovelivelocal.com