1 minute read


May 19, 2018 Plymouth, Massachusetts

By Laura DeSisto


As an event planner, Jessica Fisher knows a thing or two about how to plan a wedding. So when it came time to design her own big day, she heeded the same advice she gives other couples: “Decide on what the most important elements are and make those your North Star,” she says.

In the case of Jessica and her husband, Marco, their “North Star” was a celebration of their unique roots, as well as the family they had become together. Lush hydrangeas were included to mimic the groom's homeland of the Azores, while the bride's fond memories of her New England upbringing were reflected in delicate lilacs.

The couple loved the idea of a “micro wedding,” so they chose to have just 17 members of their immediate families in attendance.

The importance of family was also reflected in their vows. “During our ceremony, I surprised Marco by saying a few vows to his children, William, 14, and Izabelly, 9. It was a very emotional moment for us all,” says Jessica.

For Marco, the vows were one of the things that he remembers most about their wedding. “We chose vows that spoke about love, respect and giving the best of ourselves. It was important to communicate to each other that we were choosing to share all our life experiences together,” he says.


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