India in Mexico Newsletter December 2017 Special Annual Number

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Embassy of India Mexico City

A Monthly Newsletter of Embassy of India, Mexico City

Special Annual Number

Vol. I, No. 12 - December 2017


India becomes Mexico’s top tenth trading partner

Internnational Day of Yoga


The Year in Review


Cervantino International Festival


4 India in Mexico • December 2017 Special Annual Number


In this Issue From the Ambassador’s Desk Bilateral Dialogue Trade & Investment Relations Culture Yoga Indian Food Tourism Education Indian Community Publications In Media India and Belize GTICC Courses 2016 Milestones


Embassy of India

Musset No. 325, Col. Polanco, CDMX, 11550

Tels. 55 31 10 02/1050/4636/6638, 55 45-14 91, 52 03-4803 Fax: 52 54 23 49 Website: Email: To receive an electronic copy of this newsletter, please contact: Muktesh K. Pardeshi, Ambassador M.R. Qureshi, Director GTICC

Research, Edition and Design: Rebeca Álvarez Téllez, Ricardo Pérez Torres


India in Mexico • December 2017 Special Annual Number

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F r o m t h e A m b a s s a d o r ’s D e s k As we present the year-end issue of India in Mexico, we have put together for the reader´s benefit a snapshot of the major developments in India-Mexico relations in 2017.

Al presentar la edición de fin de año del boletín India en México, hemos reunido para el beneficio del lector, un resumen de los principales avances en las relaciones entre India y México en 2017.

It has been a very active and productive year in all respects. Our two leaders- Prime Minister Narendra Modi and President Enrique Peña Nieto met in early July 2017 in Hamburg, on the side lines of the G-20 Summit. It was their 4th substantive meeting in three years. This has raised the level and frequency of political dialogue between the two countries, keeping with the importance which we attach to each other. Prime Minister Modi had earlier paid a very successful visit to Mexico on 8 June 2016. The Joint Statement issued during the 2016 visit conveyed the desire of the two sides to upgrade the bilateral relations to the level of ´Strategic Partnership´. In Hamburg, when the two leaders met, Prime Minister of India reiterated his invitation to President Peña Nieto for a State visit along with a delegation of Mexican CEOs. The visit is expected to take place in near future. The last visit was in 2007 when President Felipe Calderón had visited India during which both countries had agreed on a ‘Privileged Partnership’.

Ha sido un año muy activo y productivo en todos los aspectos. Nuestros dos líderes, el Primer Ministro Narendra Modi y el Presidente Enrique Peña Nieto, se reunieron a principios de julio de 2017 en Hamburgo, en el marco de la Cumbre del G-20. Esta fue su cuarta reunión sustantiva en tres años. Esto ha elevado el nivel y la frecuencia del diálogo político entre los dos países, manteniendo la importancia que atribuimos el uno al otro. El Primer Ministro Modi realizó una exitosa visita a México el 8 de junio de 2016. La Declaración Conjunta emitida durante la visita de 2016, transmitió el deseo de ambas partes de promover las relaciones bilaterales al nivel de ‘Alianza Estratégica’. En Hamburgo, cuando los dos líderes se reunieron, el Primer Ministro de la India reiteró su invitación al Presidente Peña Nieto a realizar una visita de Estado, junto con una delegación de directores ejecutivos mexicanos. Se espera que la visita tenga lugar en un futuro cercano. La última visita fue en 2007, cuando el presidente Felipe Calderón visitó la India; durante la cual, ambos países acordaron una “Asociación Privilegiada”.

We have an excellent array of joint mechanisms for bilateral dialogue in place. On 23 June, the 7th Joint Commission Meeting and the 4th Foreign Office Consultations took place in Mexico City. We discussed ways and means to take our relationship forward. In September, two Foreign Ministers had a bilateral meeting in New York on the sidelines of UN General Assembly. The year was characterized by high level exchanges between two Parliaments. At the invitation of the Lok Sabha Speaker, the President of the Mexican Chamber of Deputies, Dip. Maria Guadalupe Murguia Gutierrez led a parliamentary delegation of Deputies to India in August 2017. Earlier in March, a group of Senators led by Senator Teófilo Torres Corzo visited India.

Tenemos una excelente gama de mecanismos conjuntos para el diálogo bilateral. El 23 de junio, se celebró la Séptima Reunión de la Comisión Conjunta y la Cuarta Consulta de Relaciones Exteriores, en la Ciudad de México. Discutimos formas y medios para llevar adelante nuestra relación. En septiembre, los dos Cancilleres tuvieron una reunión bilateral en Nueva York, al margen de la Asamblea General de las Naciones Unidas. El año se caracterizó por intercambios de alto nivel entre los dos Parlamentos. A invitación de la Presidenta del Lok Sabha (Cámara Baja), la Presidenta de la Cámara de Diputados de México, Dip. María Guadalupe Murguía Gutiérrez, encabezó una delegación parlamentaria de diputados en una visita a la India, en agosto de 2017. A principios de marzo, un India in Mexico • December 2017 Special Annual Number


Our bilateral relationship is nurturing into a reliable and expanding business partnership. Mexico is presently the biggest trade partner of India in Latin America and the Caribbean region and the second biggest in North American region. Mexico is also the largest investor into India from this region. 2017 has become a milestone year as India for the first time jumped up to be among the top ten trading partners of Mexico. In 2015, India was Mexico´s 13th trade partner. By the end of 2017, it has climbed up to the 10th position. During the year, the two-way trade grew at an impressive rate of 29%. This presents a very big opportunity for business community from both sides. More than 150 Indian companies have investments in Mexico, primarily in IT, Pharmaceuticals and Automotive industries, creating some 30,000 job opportunities. Indian companies regard Mexico as an opportunity to enhance their global competitiveness and also to reach out to markets in Americas.

grupo de senadores encabezado por el senador Teófilo Torres Corzo visitó la India.

Nuestra relación bilateral se enriquece de una asociación comercial confiable y en expansión. México es actualmente el mayor socio comercial de la India en América Latina y la región del Caribe, y es el segundo socio más grande en la región de América del Norte. México también es el mayor inversor en la India, por parte de esta región. El 2017 se ha convertido en un año memorable ya que India se convirtió, por primera vez, en uno de los diez principales socios comerciales de México. En 2015, India fue el 13º socio comercial de México. A fines de 2017, subió a la décima posición. Durante el año, el comercio bidireccional creció a una tasa impresionante del 29%. Esto representa una gran oportunidad para la comunidad empresarial de ambos lados. Más de 150 empresas indias tienen inversiones en México, principalmente en las industrias de Tecnologías de Información, farmacéutica y automotriz, creando más de 30,000 oportunidades de empleo. Las empresas indias consideran a México como una oportunidad Finally, people-to-people links. With each year, more para mejorar su competitividad global y también para and more Indians are visiting the beautiful beaches and llegar a los mercados en las Américas. world heritage sites in Mexico. Yoga, Bollywood and Finalmente, con respecto al contacto entre los pueblos, Indian food are getting popular here. The Gurudev Tagmás y más indios visitan las hermosas playas y sitios del ore Indian Cultural Centre has been actively involved in patrimonio mundial en México. Yoga, Bollywood y copromoting Indian culture in diverse fields by organizing mida india se están haciendo populares aquí. El Centro cultural events and conducting regular classes in a doz- Cultural de la India Gurudev Tagore ha participado actien disciplines covering Indian languages, music, danc- vamente en la promoción de la cultura India en diversos es, yoga and cooking. The highlight of the year was the ámbitos, mediante la organización de eventos culturales invitation to India to be the Guest of Honour Country y la realización de clases regulares, en una docena de at Cervantino International Festival in October 2018. disciplinas que cubren: idiomas, música, danzas, yoga This would take the cultural cooperation between two y cocina. Lo más destacado del año, fue la invitación a la India para ser el país invitado de honor en el Festiancient civilizations to a much higher level. val Internacional Cervantino, en octubre de 2018. Esto llevará la cooperación cultural entre dos civilizaciones I wish all readers and well-wishers a very happy pros- antiguas a un nivel mucho más alto. perous and peaceful new year. Deseo a todos los lectores y seguidores un año nuevo muy feliz y lleno de prosperidad y paz.

India in Mexico (Embassy of India, Mexico City)


India in Mexico • December 2017 Special Annual Number


Mexican President met with Indian Prime Minister

G20 Summit. The Mexican President met with Indian Prime Minister. Narendra Modi invited Peña Nieto to visit his country. “We agreed that during the visit I may make sometime next year, we will try to take a business delegation, which will enable us to penetrate the Indian consumer market more importantly and meaningfully while creating jobs in our country”: Peña Nieto. “It was a good meeting. We discussed the areas of opportunity in India, and confirmed the bonds of friendship between India and Mexico”, he added. ----------8th July, 2017. Source:

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India – Mexico: 7th Joint Commission Meeting Mexico is India’s biggest trading partner, the most important destination for Indian investments in Latin America and the biggest Latin American investor in India. ----- June 23, 2017


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Parliamentary Exchanges at its Best Mexican Parliamentary delagation visits India

Mexican Parliamentary Delegation led by the President of Chamber of Deputies of the Congress of Mexico, Deputy (Ms.) Maria Guadalupe Murguia Gutierrez called on External Affairs Minister, Smt. Sushma Swaraj on 8 August 2017.

Senator Teófilo Torres Corzo, President of the Committee on Foreign Relations, Asia-Pacific of the Senate, visited India as leader of the Parliamentary Delegation, accompanied by Senator Manuel Cavazos Lerma and Senator José Ascension Orihuela Barcenas. The Senators promoted the exchange of ideas with the Parliament of India, through working meetings from 12th to 19th March.

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Ambassador of India congratulating Mr. Luis Videgaray Caso on his appointment as new Minister of Foreign Affairs. ----- January 12, 2017.


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India-Mexico Parliamentary Friendship Group activities

Con el objetivo de compartir experiencias para el cumplimiento de los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS) en materia de reducción de la pobreza y aprovechamiento de la información entre México e India, SEDESOL, la H. Cámara de Diputaros y la Comisión de Relaciones Exteriores, a través del Grupo de Amistad India-México realizaron el foro “Experiencia y estrategias para el combate a la pobreza”.-----19 de abril de 2017

----- 27 de abril de 2017. India in Mexico • December 2017 Special Annual Number


India at the 5th edition of the Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction in Cancun For the first time, the Platform for Disaster Reduction was carried out outside Geneva, Switzerland. Mexico was the host of the event. The National Coordinator of Civil Protection of the Ministry of the Interior, Luis Felipe Puente Espinosa, presented to the UN, on behalf of President PeĂąa Nieto, the facilities that host the Global Platform for Disaster Reduction 2017, in Cancun. The event took place from May 22 to May 26.

Nuevo Leon and India The Governor of Nuevo Leon, Mexico, Sr. Jaime Rodriguez led a high level delegation to India. He visited New Delhi, Bangalore and Mysore and explored the cooperation with Indian IT industry. He met a group of Indian business representatives at an interactive session organized by CII in New Delhi as well. They discussed bilateral business and investment possibilities between India and the state of Nuevo Leon. -----June 15, 2017.


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India in Mexico • December 2017 Special Annual Number

Feria de la India Liverpool festejรณ su 170 aniversario

con eventos culturales y productos esclusivos. La India fue inviatada a llevar a cabo la feria de la India, en donde se presentaron productos de moda, espacio y decoraciรณn, especias gourmet y sazonadores, entre muchos otros productos que estuvieron de venta en Liverpool a lo largo de septiembre 2017.

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Cortesía: Mundo Internacional, Vol. 32, Número 4, 2017, pp 10-13.


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he year 2017 was an extremely eventful year for Gurudev Tagore Indian Cultural Centre. There were a large number of activities in field of Culture as well as Community Affairs as have never been seen in past since the inception of Cultural Centre in 2010. During the year, we received three cultural troupes from India. In January, we had a musical group led by Santosh Nahar, in August, a Kathak group led by Hemata Kalita and in October, Natya Ballet Centre, a classical dance group led by Aniruddha Das. The groups performed not only in Mexico City, but almost all over Mexico as well as in Belize. Natya Ballet Centre performed as a part of Cervantino International Festival in Guanajuato and Mayan International Festival in Merida and many other cities. The Cultural Centre also undertook many outreach activities, where we participated in several national and state level festivals like Feria de las Culturas Amigas in Mexico City, Nao International Festival in Acapulco, Semana Interculturales in Nauculpan, and India Festival in Izcalli. We also promoted Indian dance, music and culture in local educational institutes in UPAM(a leading polytechnic university of Mexico), Greengates School, Iberoamericana University, College of Mexico, Rabindranath Tagore School and of course UNAM, where we had several programmes including a Seminar on Culture of India. The students and teachers of GTICC jointly organized colourful dance programmes like International Day of Dance and Annual Day of GTICC. We also participated in Guadalajara International Book Fair in association with National Book Trust of India.


During the year, we provided support to Indian Association of Mexico in celebration of festival of Holi and Diwali and students and teachers of GTICC also celebrated Indian festivals like Basant Panchmi, Holi and Gurupurnima in the Cultural Centre. We also celebrated Community based programmes like Pravasi Bhartiya Divas, International Women’s Day, Birthdays of Mahatma Gandhi, Dr. Ambedkar, Pt Deen Dayal Upadhyaya and Sardar Vallabbhai Patel. An exclusive premier of Movie Un Camino a casa (Lion) for the community was also organized. An Indian food festival was organized in Hotel Presidente Intercontinental to coincide with Indian Independence Day as well as Mexican Independence Day in August-September. For this purpose two Chefs were specially flown from Ashoka group in India and the Festival met with a huge success. A tourism Seminar was also organized during the year for promotion of Indian tourism in Mexico in association with India Tourism office. In addition to the ongoing classes in Indian dance, music, languages and Yoga, we started classes in Indian Cooking and Kathak Dance, during the year. We also introduced weekly documentary shows in GTICC and screened Indian movies in auditorium from time to time. Workshops were in various disciplines like Bharatnatyam. Odissi, Mohiyattam and Bollywood by our teachers as well as by invited guests like Soumya Bose (Odissi) and Avijit Das (Kuchipudi). Indian experts of different fields were invited to speak on topics of their expertise like Mr. H.S. Shivaparakash, Professor from JNU, spoke in UNAM about Translation of Indian Literature, Dr. Shirish Nathwani spoke in GTICC on Role of Meditation

India in Mexico • December 2017 Special Annual Number

Counsellor & Director Gurudev Tagore Indian Cultural Centre

and Swami Paramhans of Art of Living, spoke in Embassy on Yoga and Meditation. During the year several Mexicans were sent to India on sponsored visits, like students for training under ITEC programmes and on Yoga scholarship, Mexican journalists on familiarization visit and DGs of Cervantino and FIL as distinguished visitors. During the year, International Day of Yoga was celebrated on a grand scale. As a matter of fact the entire month of June was designated as the Month of Yoga. The celebrations started with the inaugural function in the Cultural Centre on 1st June and thereafter we had several programmes in Cultural Centre, Embassy and College of Mexico prior to the event. The yoga Day was organized in seven different cities of Mexico, viz. Mexico City, Guadalajara, Cancun, Monterray, Veracruz, Queretaro and San Miguel de Allande. It was also celebrated in three cities of Belize. Considering the richness of Indian historical culture and activities of Indian Cultural Centre in Mexico, Cervantino International Festival, which is the largest International Cultural Festival in Latin America, decided to invite India as a Guest of Honour for the festival in 2018. It is a great honour for Indian Culture and the entire Indian community. Watch out! There are more cultural activities and fun waiting for you during 2018 !!!

M.R. Qureshi

Festival Internacional Cervantino La edición 46 del Festival Internacional Cervantino México se llevará a cabo del 10 al 28 de octubre de 2018. El eje temático es “El futuro”. India, ha sido seleccionado país invitado de honor; Aguascalientes, será el estado invitado de honor de la 46ª edición del Festival más representativo de México a nivel global. It is a matter of great honour that the authorities of Festival Internacional Cervantino have selected India as the guest of honour country for 46th Cervantino Festival to be held in October 2018. An announcement to this effect was made at a press conference in Guanajuato in the presence of Ambassador Muktesh K. Pardeshi on the concluding day of Cervantino 2017. It is the most important cultural festival in the Spanish speaking world and ranks among the top four festivals globally. ---------- October 28, 2017

VI International Festival of Mayan Culture The Embassy participated at the VI International Festival of Mayan Culture which was held in Mérida in October. Natya Ballet Centre performed in Merida and Campeche as part of the festival. ----------October 2017.

La India, país invitado en La Nao 2017 Uno de los países invitados a la décima primera edición de la Nao 2017 fue India. El presidente municipal de Acapulco, Evodio Velázquez Aguirre, expresó que se trata de uno de los países con los que se comparte la historia de La Nao, debido a que muchas de las mercancías que se traían de Asia a América, fueron de la cultura India. Por ello se entregó un reconocimiento por parte de las autoridades municipales, a la India por su participación en este intercambio cultural. Dicho reconocimiento fue recibido por el representante de la India Sr. Ram Mahesh , quien expresó su agradecimiento por tomar en cuenta a su país para el intercambio cultural. ---------- November 2017. India in Mexico • December 2017 Special Annual Number


International Dance Day To celebrate International Day of Dance 2017, the Gurudev Tagore Indian Cultural Centre organized a cultural programme on Thursday, April 20, 2017 at Teatro Javier Barros Sierra in FES Acatlan. The celebration was a success. Students from FES Acatlan and Gurudev Tagore Indian Cultural Centre (GTICC) participated as performers and public with their family members as well. Different styles of dance were shown. Bharatanatyam, Odissi, Kathak, Mohiniyattam, and Bollywood were part of the Cultural Centre repertory. Meanwhile, FES Acatlan exhibit dances from different regions of the world. Tahitian, Tribal fusion, Khaleegi, Arabic dances, Hula, Flamenco and even Latin rhythms, like salsa, were part of the celebration.

Annual Day of Gurudev Tagore Indian Cultural Centre Annual Day of Gurudev Tagore Indian Cultural Centre was celebrated, on 14th September in Teatro de la Danza, in the presence of large number of Indian and Mexican guests. The programme matched with the ITEC Day and several ITEC experts who had undergone technical training in India were present. A beautiful cultural programme of Odissi, Mohiniyattam, Bharatnatyam, Kathak and Bollywood dances as well as musical programme of Tabla and Sitar was presented on the occasion.

Feria de las Culturas Amigas 2017 La Feria Internacional de las Culturas Amigas (FICA) es uno de eventos culturales de carácter internacional más importantes de la Ciudad de México. En 2017, el Embajador Muktesh K. Pardeshi asistió a la inauguración de la Feria de las Culturas amigas 2017. Más tarde, en el marco de la Feria de las Culturas Amigas 2017, se inauguró el stand de la India en el ala gastronómica en la plaza de Santo Domingo del centro Histórico de la CDMX. La India contó también con un stand de productos de origen indio en el Zócalo capitalino. La India presentó diferentes números artísticos desde el día de la inauguración de la feria, entre los que destacaron danza Kathak, Odissi y Bollywood.


India in Mexico • December 2017 Special Annual Number

Bollywood in Mexico “Lion“ gets accolades in Mexico

Satyajit Ray at Cineteca Nacional

Films from Indian filmmaker Satyajit Ray were exhibited at Cineteca Nacional from May 9-11. Acclaimed movie, “Lion” was premiered in Mexico City in January 2017. Hollywood movie ‘xXx: Return of Xander Cage’ was premiered in Mexico City on 5th of January and it was India’s sweetheart Deepika Padukone who stole the show. Ambassador Muktesh K. Pardeshi attended the premiere and met Ms. Padukone to wish her success for her movie.

KINOKI International Film Festival On March 24, the film festival opened with screening of Indian blockbuster movie ‘3 idiots’ in Iberoamericana University. During inauguration of the festival, students and teachers of Indian Cultural Centre mesmerized the University students with presentation of their colorful Bollywood dances. Did you know that ‘3 idiots’ film inspired Mexican filmmakers to produce the blockbuster ‘3 idiotas’? The film was premiered last summer.

Zee Mundo in Mexico Zee Entertainment Enterprises Limited announced its expansion into Latin America with the launch of its Spanish-language Bollywood movie channel, Zee Mundo in Mexico. With this, ZEE becomes the first-ever Indian broadcaster to take mainstream channels to the Latin America market. Zee Mundo is now available in Mexico on Sky, a leading Pay-TV satellite provider. Feel free to watch the most famous Bollywood movies, Sky channel 203 SD and 1228 HD. India in Mexico • December 2017 Special Annual Number


Raghu Rai exhibition in Mexico City In October, an exhibition of the photographs of world famous Indian photographer Mr. Raghu Rai was inaugurated by Cultural Minister of Mexico City Government Mr. Eduardo Vazquez Martin in the presence of Ambassador Muktesh K. Pardeshi in the Museo Archivo de la FotografĂ­a. The entry to the exhibition is free and will run till 4th February 2018.


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Cortesía: Mundo Internacional, Vol. 33, Número 1, 2017, pp 59-63.

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Indian Food Festival

Ambassador Pardeshi on Top Chef Mexico

Ambassador Muktesh Pardeshi was invited as a special Judge on the TV Reality Show- Top Chef Mexico, along with Dr. Miguel Ángel Mancera, Head of Mexico City Government. The episode (2nd season, 2nd episode) was telecast by Canal SONY Latin America on 3 March 2017.

India at the 11th Mexican Cuisine Forum The Indian Food Festival was inaugurated by Ambassador Muktesh Pardeshi in Hotel Presidente on 30th August in the presence of a number of Ambassadors, dignitaries of the local government, Indian community and other invitees. Two Chefs, Mr. Radhe Bihari and Mr. Ashok Kumar Kanojia were specially flown from India for this occasion. The food festival ran in Café Urbano from 31st August till 14th September 2017.

Mrs. Rakhi Pardeshi, spouse of Ambassador of India, spoke at the Forum on the Cultural Context of Indian Cuisine. The Forum is a flagship culinary event hosted by the famous Department of Gastronomy of Universidad del Clustro de Sor Juan. ----- March 2017.

Noviembre 2017


India in Mexico • December 2017 Special Annual Number

Jet Airways signs MoU with Aeromexico

The two airlines signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) to give effect to the partnership, Jet Airways said in a release here. The MoU outlines cooperation in the areas of enabling codeshare flights and frequent flyer programmes, it said. As part of the arrangement, both carriers will code on each other's services between India and Mexico via common gates in Europe (London Heathrow, Paris Charles De Gaulle and Amsterdam). The codeshare partnership will offer passengers enhanced connectivity and seamless access to the combined networks of both the airlines. -----July 8.

Tourism seminar A tourism seminar was held for Mexican travel agents on joint promotion by an India based tour operator, Mr. Shariq Jamil, owner of DIVA India in association with India Tourism office in the Embassy. Ms. Sandhya Haridas, from India Tourism office, Los Angeles, gave a presentation about tourism in India.----- August 2017.

Northwestern India Tourist Guide

Ambassador Muktesh Pardeshi launched this tourist guide in Spanish on Northwestern India published by Mexican publisher Travesias in association with Delhi-based travel agency Amber Tours. ----- August 2017.

Easy Visa: E-Visa Indian Visa liberalised. Apply online. Now Mexican visitors as well as business persons can avail of E-Visa facilitie for tourism, business and medical purposes. Valid for 60 days, double/triple/entries. Entry through 24 airports and 3 seaports. More details, please visit:

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January 2017

Solar Mothers

Four indigenous Mexican women selected by CONANP (Comisión Nacional de ÁreasNaturalesProtegidas) were sent by the Embassy under ITEC scholarship to India for training in solar panels in Barefoot College in Tilonia (Rajasthan).----- March 2017.

Ambassador Pardeshi visits ITESM

During his visit to Monterrey, Ambassador Muktesh Pardeshi visited Tech Monterrey and met with Rector Mr. David Noel Ramirez. They discussed academic projects and collaboration in the field of higher education. ----- April 2017.

The Embassy at Universidad Politecnica

Universidad Politécnica del Valle de México celebrated its 15th anniversary in which a series of technological and cultural conferences were conducted. As part of the activities, the University was visited by the Embassy of India, with the purpose of establishing technical alliances and cultural exchange with other countries. The agenda of the day consisted of an International Conference and Cultural Program. ----March 2017.


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4 1.- Ambassador Pardeshi explaining the India-Mexico relations at Universidad Panamericana in Guadalajara, on 7th October, 2017.


2.- Ambassador Muktesh Pardeshi speaking on India-Mexico Relations at El Colegio Mexiquense in Toluca, Estado de Mexico, on 4th October, 2017. 3.- El Embajador Muktesh K. Pardeshi impartió la conferencia titulada “India en México, a través de 70 años de su Independencia” durante el Congreso Internacional de Cultura IBERO 2017, organizado por la Universidad Iberoamericana ---------- 9 de octubre 2017. 4.- El Programa Universitario de Estudios sobre Asia y África de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México organizó una conferencia sobre “La India después de la Independencia: política interior y exterior” --------- Agosto 2017


5.- Como parte de las celebraciones del Día Internacional del Yoga, el Embajador Pardeshi participó como ponente en la mesa redonda “Yoga, Sánscrito y Ayurveda” en las instalaciones de el Colegio de México ---------- 5 de junio 2017 India in Mexico • December 2017 Special Annual Number


Formed in the month of August 2016 by all Indians in Mexico, Indian Association of Mexico ( IAM ) is a Not-for-profit charitable organization as per Civil codes of Mexico.


Diwali nite

Indian Association of Mexico organized a Diwali in Mexico City. Diwali was also celebrated in Guadalajara by Indian Community. November 2017.

January 2017.


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Cricket in Mexico

A cricket match was played between local Indian team and visiting Marylebone Cricket Club (MCC) team on March 18, 2017 on RAC cricket field under the auspices of Mexico Cricket Association.

Holi Fest

Holi was celebrated with fun and frolic in Mexico City by Indian Association of Mexico. About 300 Indians and Mexicans participated in the celebration. Ambassador Muktesh Pardeshi along with his family and Embassy officials were present on the occasion to congratulate the participants on the festival of colours. ---------- March 2017.

Ratha Yatra

El Festival Ratha Yatra Ciudad de México 2017 llegó para dar a conocer la cultura hindú con carros alegóricos y performances. En el Festival, tres carruajes de gran tamaño son llevados a través de las calles, jalados por devotos y congregados. Cada uno contiene una deidad diferente: Krishna, Balarama y Subhadra. La temática del año fue denominada “Retornando a Nuestras Raíces” involucrando actividades musicales, de danza, baile, teatro y conferencias, así como la repartición de Prasadam ---------- 20 de mayo 2017.

Earthquake relief As a gratitude to the wonderful country and its peo-

ple, Indian Association of Mexico decided to extend its support by contributing to the relief and restoration operations, joining hands on humanitarian ground. The association made donations to the Red Cross ---------September 2017

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El Seminario Universitario de Estudios Asiáticos (suea) y el Instituto de Investigaciones Históricas (iih), han impulsado a la reflexión sobre los procesos políticos, económicos, sociales y culturales que han determinado la dinámica del continente asiático y su impacto en la geopolítica contemporánea. Son ocho trabajos que presentan una reflexión crítica, y donde hay dos temas que atraviesan las reflexiones plasmadas: el funcionamiento de la democracia en India y la particular mirada historiográfica que desde los estudios subalternos ha articulado relaciones de poder con la cultura. Ríos Molina, A., Historia, Sociedad y Política en India Contemporánea: Miradas interdisciplinarias, Ciudad de México, UNAM, 2016. Disponible en:

Hindi, libro de frases

Ambassador Muktesh Pardeshi launched second edition of a book of Hindi/Spanish phrases titled 'Hindi - Libro de Frases' written by Ms. Gloria Bustamante Zamora. The book is very useful for those wishing to learn basic phrases of Hindi and Spanish for everyday use.


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Merino, G., “Problemas historiográficos de la filosofía antigua de India”, Estudios de Asia y África, Vol. 53, Num. 1 (165), 2017, pp 119 - 150. Disponible en:

Vázquez Vela, F., “India y México: de lo coyuntural al bilateralismo más sólido”, Revista Mexicana de Política Exterior, Num. 108, 2016, pp 118 - 135. Disponible en:

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Periodistas mexicanos en India 42

El Embajador se reunió con Iván Ventura Cancio, de Excélsior y con Ricardo Yaid Carrillo Jovel del Reforma, quienes fueron invitados a la India, por parte del Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores como parte de una visita de familiarización. Septiembre 2017. India in Mexico • December 2017 Special Annual Number

Cortesía: Mundo Internacional, Vol. 33, Número 4, 2017, pp 20-24.

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India in Mexico • December 2017 Special Annual Number


India-Belize Centre of Engineering

Ambassador Muktesh Pardeshi signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Foreign Minister of Belize Honorable Wilfred Elrington for establishment of an India-Belize Centre of Engineering. The ceremony was held in Belize City on 20 Dec 2017 in the presence of Honorable Patrick Faber, Deputy Prime Minister. The Centre will be a part of the University og Belize.

Visa Exemption Agreement

Ambassador Muktesh Pardeshi signed the India-Belize Visa Exemption Agreement for holders of Diplomatic/ Official Passports with Foreign Minister of Belize Hon. Wilfred Elrington in Belize City on 18 September 2017.

International Yoga Day

Vocational and Technical training

Orange Walk ITVET, an Institute for Vocational and Technical training in Belize, received fifty computers presented by the Government of India. -------August 2017.

Ambassador Muktesh K. Pardeshi with the President of the University of Belize, Prof. Clement Sankat


India in Mexico • December 2017 Special Annual Number

Kathak Dance Group The Kathak dance group of Mr. Hemanta Kalita proceeded to Belize from Mexico and performed at Belize City (Bliss Centre) on 21st August and at Corozal (Hotel Las Vegas) on 22nd August to celebrate 70th Anniversary of Independence of India. Honorable Governor General Sir Colville Young graced the occasion as Chief Guest.

Passport, Visa and Consular Camps

The Embassy of India, which also concurrently acts as High Commission of India to Belize, organised Passport, Visa and Consular Camps in Corozal (17 September) and Belize City (18 & 20 September). The Camp coincided with Belize´s Independence Day (21 September) week.

International Day of Yoga was also celebrated in five cities in Belize on 17th June. A number of Belizeans and Indians attended these events. Mr. ArunHotchandani, Hon. CG and his wife Mrs. Milan Hotchandani attended the event in Belize City. This year Belize City, Corozal, Placencia, Punta Gorda and San Pedro were part of the international event to commemorate Yoga Day.

India in Mexico • December 2017 Special Annual Number


Frida Kahlo in a Saree. Digital publication “Border and Fall” shared a photo of Frida wearing a printed saree

Sonam Kapoor, Indian actrees, dressed as Frida Kahlo, stunned in a signature floral crown and printed lehenga


India in Mexico • December 2017 Special Annual Number

Un año atrás ... 2016

Visita del PM Modi a México Después de tres décadas, un Primer Ministro de India visitó México. En junio de 2016, el encuentro entre el Primer Ministro Modi y el Presidente Peña Nieto condujo las relaciones bilaterales a un nivel más alto. Pocas semanas antes de la visita, el Embajador Muktesh K. Pardeshi llegó a México para comenzar sus funciones. A mediados de abril presentó Cartas Credenciales al Presidente de la República.

Presentación de Cartas Credenciales

Entre los sucesos del año destaca el Cónclave India-América Latina y el Caribe (LAC) en Guadalajara, en el mes de noviembre. El Cónclave sirvió para el fortalecimietno de la relación no sólo entre India y México, sino también con países de América Latina y el Caribe. El Ministro de Estado de Relaciones Exteriores de la India, General Retirado V. K. Singh fue parte del encuentro.

Cónclave India-América Latina y el Caribe India in Mexico • December 2017 Special Annual Number


India in Mexico (Embassy of India, Mexico City) Gurudev Tagore Indian cultural Centre

Embassy of India: GTICC:


Embassy of India: 55 31 10 50 & 55 31 10 02 GTICC: 52 03 11 17 & 52 03 06 19

Embassy of India: Musset 325, Col. Polanco, 11550, CDMX GTICC: Anatole France 319, Col. Polanco, 11550, CDMX


India in Mexico • December 2017 Special Annual Number

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