India in Mexico Newsletter June 2017

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Embassy of India Mexico City

A Monthly Newsletter of Embassy of India, Mexico City Vol. I, No. 6

India at the 47th OAS General Assembly

June 2017


International Day of Yoga PwC Breakfast Meeting

India at Semana Intercultural de Naucalpan




India-Mexico: Joint Commission Meeting


India in Mexico • June 2017



India in Mexico • June 2017

In this Issue LEAD STORIES

India – Mexico: Joint Commission Meeting 4 India at the 47th OAS General Assembly International Day of Yoga


5 6

Cumbre de Negocios 13 Technology Day, Tejas Network 17

NASSCOM delegation to Mexico 17 Nuevo Leon and India 18

PwC breakfast meeting 18 CONCANACO and India working together 18

Spark Minda invierte 20 millones de dólares en Querétaro (Visión Empresarial) 19


India at Museo Nacional de las Culturas 23 India’s participation in FICA on June 23

India’s presence at Semana Intercultural de Naucalpan 23 La Guía de los Expertos – India Noroeste 24 Zee Bollywood becomes popular 24 Mexican vessel docks in Mumbai 24


Oportunidades de diversificación del comercio exterior de México: India (Senado de la República) 25 Jet Airways signs MoU with Aeromexico (The Times of India) 36 Flying from Mexico to India will be easier (El Universal) 37 India y Nepal participant en Semana Intercultural de Naucalpan (20 Minutos) 37 Forget an escape to Canada. Look to the South (San Francisco Chronicle) 38


Embassy of India

Musset No. 325, Col. Polanco, CDMX, 11550

Tels. 55 31 10 02/1050/4636/6638, 55 45-14 91, 52 03-4803 Fax: 52 54 23 49 Website: Email: To receive an electronic copy of this newsletter, please contact: Muktesh K. Pardeshi, Ambassador M.R. Qureshi, Director GTICC Research, Edition and Design: Rebeca Álvarez Téllez, Ricardo Pérez Torres

India in Mexico • June 2017


India–Mexico: Joint Commission Meeting

Mexico is India’s biggest trading partner, the most important destination for Indian investments in Latin America and the biggest Latin American investor in India. The Undersecretary for Foreign Affairs, Carlos de Icaza, and Preeti Saran, Secretary (East) of India’s Ministry of External Affairs, co-chaired the 7th Mexico-India Binational Commission and the fourth meeting for political consultations today in the Foreign Ministry. The Binational Commission and the political consultations give continuity to the excellent bilateral dialogue and seek to increase trade and cooperation. Both countries are firmly committed to implementing the agreement reached between President Enrique Peña Nieto and Prime Minister Narendra Modi during the latter’s visit to Mexico in June, 2016 to enhance the ‘Privileged Partnership’ established in 2007 at a strategic level. During the 7th Binational Commission, its subcommittee on economic cooperation and the working groups on energy and space cooperation met, and regularly-scheduled multilateral consultations on issues of


India in Mexico • June 2017

Mexico is India’s biggest trading partner, the most important destination for Indian investments in Latin America and the biggest Latin American investor in India. More than a hundred companies with Indian capital are in Mexico, mostly in metals, information and communication technologies, and pharmaceuticals. India is Mexico’s sixth largest trading partner in the Asia-Pacific region and ranks 12th worldwide, with trade of more than USD 6.34 billion. India has held observer status in the Pacific Alliance In addition, Undersecretary de since 2014. Icaza and Secretary (East) Saran co-chaired the fourth meeting for political consultations to review the bilateral agenda. They reaffirmed the importance of continuing the high-level visits and the Interparliamentary dialogue in order to main- Source: Press Release No. 249. Ministry of tain the strong political ties. The two Foreign Affairs. (23rd June 2017). sides also exchanged views on the situation in their respective regions. common interest were established, to be co-chaired by the Undersecretary for Multilateral Affairs and Human Rights, Ambassador Miguel Ruiz Cabañas, and Secretary Saran.

India at the 47th OAS General Assembly

eligió a Joel Hernández (México), Flávia Cristina Piovesan (Brasil) y Antonia Urrejola (Chile) como nuevos miembros de la Comisión Interamericana de Derechos Humanos (CIDH). En el Comité Jurídico Interamericano se reeligió a 47th General Assembly of the Hernán Salinas (Chile) y se eligió a Miguel Espeche Organization of American States (Argentina) y Luis García-Corrochano (Perú). Para el The General Assembly is the supreme organ of the Or- Centro de Estudios de Justicia de las Américas, fueron ganization of American States. It is composed of the electos Margarita de Hegedus (Uruguay), Pedro Dallari delegations accredited by the governments of the mem- (Brasil) y George Thomson (Canadá). ber states. All member states have the right to be repre- En el Tribunal Administrativo, en tanto, fue reelecto sented in the General Assembly. Each state has the right Michael Peay (Estados Unidos), mientras que en la Junto one vote. Only the delegations of the member states, ta de Auditores Externos asumirá funciones Alan Evans necessary Secretariat personnel, and the permanent ob- (Estados Unidos). servers may attend closed sessions. The permanent observers and civil society representatives meet informally with the heads of delegation before the opening of the General Assembly. The Permanent Council established the forty-seventh regular session of the General Assembly to be held from June 19 to 21, 2017, in Mexico City. Dialogue with the Permanent Observers Date: June 20, 2017 Place: Cancun, Quintana Roo, Mexico Ambassador Muktesh K. Pardeshi represented India at the 47th OAS General Assembly

Concluyó la 47ª Asamblea General de la OEA Con la aprobación de todos los documentos sometidos a la votación de los Estados Miembros concluyó hoy la 47ª Asamblea General de la Organización de los Estados Americanos (OEA), que se celebró desde el lunes en Cancún, México. En la última sesión plenaria de la reunión también se

Fuente: asp?sCodigo=FNC-21912

India in Mexico • June 2017


International D Mex Ambassador Muktesh Pardeshi inaugurated a photographic exhibition of yoga postures and unveiled a calendar of events of International Day of Yoga celebrations across Mexico and Belize during the month of June, in the premises of Gurudev Tagore Indian Cultural Centre. A directory of Yoga institutes in Mexico and a book of Hindi/Spanish phrases were also launched. On this occasion students and teachers of the GTICC presented Shlokas and Mantras in Sanskrit. El Directorio de centros de Yoga en México presentado en el Centro Cultural de la India Gurudev Tagore ya está disponible en su versión electrónica. A seminar on Yoga, Sanskrit and Ayurveda, presided over by Ambassador Muktesh Pardeshi, was held in College of centres Mexico on 5th June as part of celebration of International El Protocolo del día Internacional del Yoga puede ser Day of Yoga. On this occasion, a number of Mexican experts including Dr. Wendy Phillips (UNAM), Dr. Adrian consultado en el siguiente enlace: Munoz(Colmex), Dr. Benjamin Preciado Solis (Colmex) and Dr. Xicotencatl Martinez (IPN) gave presentations on various topics. colo_general_de_yoga_3a_edic In a ceremony in GTICC, Ambassador Muktesh Pardeshi launched second edition of a book of Hindi/ Spanish phrases titled ‘Hindi - Libro de Frases’ written by Ms. Gloria Bustamante Zamora. The book is very useful for those wishing to learn basic phrases of Hindi and Spanish for everyday use.

GTICC Yoga instructor spoke about benefits of Ayurveda and recited mantras and shlokas and also gave demonstration of Yoga postures along with his students.


India in Mexico • June 2017

Day of Yoga in xico A talk on Ayurveda and how can it help us improving our health, was given by the representatives of ‘Art of Living’ at the Embassy. This was followed by a Question & Answer session.

In connection with celebration of International Day of Yoga, a Bhajan, Mantras and Kirtan programme was organized in the Embassy on 8th June 2017 by a local organization ‘Yoga in Daily Life’.

A workshop on Yoga, Meditation and Respiration was organized by the ‘Art of Living’ in the Embassy auditorium on 10th June in connection with celebration of International Day of Yoga.

India in Mexico • June 2017



Third International Day of Yoga was celebrated in Cancun on 17th June with great excitement in which more than 500 people were present. Director of the Indian Cultural Centre and Honorary Consul of India at Cancun participated in the event. The event was also graced by the presence of Secretary of Tourism of Cancun. Celebran en Cancún Día Internacional del Yoga (Publimetro Quintana Roo). Artículo completo en el siguiente enlace:


International Day of Yoga was celebrated in Queretaro with the support of TCS on 17th June. About 150 Indians and Mexicans turned up on the occasion and enjoyed good yoga practice.


International Day of Yoga was celebrated for the first time in Monterrey on 18th June. Ambassador Muktesh Pardeshi was present on the occasion along with his wife. Yoga lovers from Monterrey City assembled in large number to celebrate the occasion

San Miguel de Allende

On 21st June, 3rd International Day of Yoga was organized at San Miguel de Allende with the support of local govt. authorities in the central location of Hardin Principal. A number of people participated in the celebration along with Embassy officials. Activan San Miguel de Allende por Día Internacional del Yoga. Artículo completo disponible en:


India in Mexico • June 2017


People celebrated with great excitement in large number, third International Day of Yoga in Orizaba (Veracruz) on 21st June. A day long Yoga marathon was held in the beautiful location of Poliforum in different batches. Ms. Osi Perez de Diez, Chairwoman of DIF, Orizaba was present along with Director of Indian Cultural Centre on the occasion Crean bienestar con Yoga (El mundo Orizaba) Artículo completo en:

Celebran Día Internacional de la Yoga Artículo completo en:

DIF Orizaba conmemorando el Día Internacional del Yoga Artículo completo en:


Guadalajara celebrating the 3rd International Day of Yoga A press conference was held at ‘Palacio de Gobierno’ (The Governor’s Office) in Guadalajara to announce that International Day of Yoga. Mr. Xavier Orendain Martinez Gallardo, Honorary Consul of India in Guadalajara was present on the occasion alongwith other dignitaries. Third International Day of Yoga was celebrated in Guadalajara on 24th June in Metropolitan Park. More than 400 people assembled to celebrate the day. Mr. Miguel Castro, Minister of Human Development was present along with Director, Indian Cultural Centre and Honorary Consul of India.

400 viven en Guadalajara el Día Internacional del Yoga (Milenio) Artículo completo en: jalisco_0_980902035.html Practican Yoga contra violencia (Mural) Artículo completo en: aspx?Id=1146553&v=2&Fuente=MD India in Mexico • June 2017


Third International Day of Yoga in Mexico City A joint press conference was held by the Department of Sports of the City Government of Mexico along with Embassy of India to announce the International Day of Yoga in Mexico City on 25th June at Angel of Independence, Reforma Avenue. A number of journalists were present on the occasion. A yoga demonstration by Mr. Vijayaganesh Korikkaru, Yoga instructor encouraged the public to join the yoga festivities. Indeporte e India In Mexico (Embassy of India, Mexico City) anuncian que el próximo 25 de junio se festejará el #DíaInternacionaldeYoga con una clase masiva en la avenida Reforma. Celebration of International Day of Yoga culminated with organization of a mega event at Angel of Independence in Mexico City of 25th June. Ambassador Muktesh Pardeshi presided over the function along with Mr. Horacio de la Vega, Director General of Sports of Mexico City. More than 1000 people took part in the celebrations.


India in Mexico • June 2017

Mexico City

There has been wide media coverage of celebration of International Day of Yoga in Mexico City. Links to some of the news items are as below: Se viste de Yoga el Paseo de la Reforma (Eje Sur) ONU resalta la importancia de la Yoga en su Día Internacional (El Universal) http://w w ticulo/nacion/so ciedad/2017/06/21/onu-resalta-la-importancia-de-la-yoga-en-sudia-internacional Celebran Día Internacional del Yoga con megaclase en Reforma (Excelsior) CDMX recibe mega clase de yoga por tercer año (Milenio) clase-dia_internacional_del_yoga-2017-ciudad_de_mexico-milenio_0_981501927.html Celebran con Yoga en Reforma (Reforma) http://w w w.elnor tic ulo/default. aspx?Id=1146817&v=3 India in Mexico • June 2017


Yoga in Belize International Day of Yoga was also celebrated in five cities in Belize on 17th June. A number of Belizeans and Indians attended these events. Mr. Arun Hotchandani, Hon. CG and his wife Mrs. Milan Hotchandani attended the event in Belize City. This year Belize City, Corozal, Placencia, Punta Gorda and San Pedro were part of the international event to commemorate Yoga Day.


India in Mexico • June 2017

Cumbre de Negocios On 6th June, the organizers of Mexico’s “Cumbre de Negocios” announced date and venue for the next edition for “Cumbre de Negocios”, which will take place in San Luis Potosí on October 2017. Business delegation from India is likely to attend. In the last edition, “Cumbre de Negocios” had a special session on India.

“Definir las opciones para México” La 15a. edición de México Cumbre de Negocios contribuirá al debate nacional y regional sobre la relación con los Estados Unidos, en el contexto de las próximas elecciones presidenciales, y en referencia a las prioridades estratégicas regionales. Source:

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India in Mexico • June 2017

Technology Day, Tejas Network

Seminar organised by Tejas Networks Tejas Networks organised Technology Day on 6 June, a daylong seminar on telecom sector inviting Mexico’s telecom industry leaders. Ambassador Muktesh Pardeshi inaugurated the event. Tejas Networks is leading the technology revolution from India, enabling large scale network build outs for mobile/wireless (4G), smart cities, rural broadband, etc. Tejas Networks entered Mexico some 10 years ago. Tejas Networks designs, develops and sells high-performance and cost-competitive products to telecommunications service providers, internet service providers, utilities, defense and government entities in over 60 countries. Tejas products utilize programmable software-defined hardware architecture with a common software code-base that delivers an app-like ease of development and upgrades of new features and technology standards. Tejas is ranked amongst top-10 suppliers in the global optical aggregation segment. Source:

NASSCOM delegation to Mexico

A 12 member (9 IT companies) delegation visited Guadalajara, Jalisco and participated in the Digital Economic Show on 14-16 June. The delegation met the Minister of Jalisco for Innovation, Science and Technology Mr. Jaime Reyes, besides holding meeting with CANIETI, Chamber of Commerce of Guadalajara and visit to HCL campus. The delegation also met officials from InterAmerican Development Bank (IDB). Source:

NASSCOM, a not-for-profit industry association, is the apex body for the 154 billion dollar IT BPM industry in India, an industry that has made a phenomenal contribution to India’s GDP, exports, employment, infrastructure and global visibility. Established in 1988, NASSCOM’s relentless pursuit has been to constantly support the IT BPM industry in India, in the latter’s continued journey towards seeking trust and respect from varied stakeholders, even as it reorients itself time and again to remain innovative, without ever losing its humane and friendly touch. NASSCOM is focused on building the architecture integral to the development of the IT BPM sector through policy advocacy, and help in setting up the strategic direction for the sector to unleash its potential and dominate newer frontiers.

India in Mexico • June 2017


Nuevo Leon and India

The Governor of Nuevo Leon, Mexico, Sr. Jaime Rodriguez led a high level delegation to India. He visited New Delhi, Bangalore and Mysore and explored the cooperation with Indian IT industry. He met a group of Indian business representatives at an interactive session organized by CII in New Delhi as well. They discussed bilateral business and investment possibilities between India and the state of Nuevo Leon. As part of the pre-departure briefing, Ambassador Muktesh Pardeshi met the Minister of Economy of Nuevo Leon state, Mr. Fernando Turner, and other delegates.

PwC breakfast meeting

The Embassy of India and PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) organized a breakfast meeting on 27 June in which more than 12 major companies operating in sectors like food processing, Infrastructure etc. participated along with representatives of ProMéxico and Bancomext. Representatives from Kidzania and Cinepolis which have established a good business presence in India were also present. They were briefed about the investment climate in general and ‘Make in India’ in particular.

Concanaco and India Working together

Confederacion de Camaras Nacionales de Comercio, Servicios y Turismo (CONCANACO) and Embassy of India discussed collaborative projects on 14th June. Ambassador Muktesh Pardeshi met VP (and President designate) Lic. Ricardo Navarro at Embassy and they agreed on working together to promote business between India and Mexico. CONCANACO is celebrating 100 years of its foundation.


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India in Mexico • June 2017

India at Museo Nacional de las Culturas

Ambassador Muktesh Pardeshi visited ‘National Museum of Cultures’ to meet with the Director of the Museum, they explored the possibility of establishing an India Hall in the Museum at the earliest. He also inspected the pieces received from India, which are kept in the Museum for establishing the India Hall.

India’s participation in FICA on June

Students and Teachers of Gurudev Tagore Indian Cultural Centre presented Bollywood and Kathak dance performances in the Feria de las Culturas Amigas 2017, in Centro Historico of Mexico City. A huge crowd assembled to watch these performances and applauded them. A few glimpses of these colorful programmes are given here.

India’s presence at Semana Intercultural in Naucalpan Ambassador Muktesh Pardeshi kicked off celebration of ‘Freedom 70’ with the inauguration of Semana Interculturales 2017 (Intercultural week 2017) at Naucali Park in Naucalpan. During the three-day festival, teachers and students of GTICC presented workshops on yoga and bollywood, a photographic exhibition, a musical concert, a talk on Indian culture, a bollywood film show as well as a colorful dance presentation of various classical dances of India. Indian handicrafts and garments were also on display during the festival. India in Mexico • June 2017


Mi nombre es Khan

El suyo fue un idilio sacado de un cuento de hadas, usando como fondo la sombra de una gran ciudad norteamericana, hasta que una serie de acontecimientos de los que pueden cambiar la vida de cualquiera amenazaron algo más que su propia felicidad.

La Guía de los Expertos. India Noroeste

El Embajador Muktesh Kumar Pardeshi celebró la presentación de “La Guía de los Expertos – India Noroeste”, publicada por Travesías en colaboración con Amber Tours.

Zee Bolywood becomes popular

México, first country to receive Bollywood Channel in Latin America Fin de semana de amor, acción y comedia por ZEE MUNDO Todos los viernes, sábados y domingos de julio a las 9pm, ZEE MUNDO emitirá las mejores producciones de Bollywood para disfrutar en familia. Además los sábados, el especial Experiencia Total invitará a conocer más sobre las películas con el mejor material registrado detrás de cámaras. ZEE MUNDO está disponible a través de Sky en los canales 203 y 1128.

Mexican vessel docks in Mumbai


India in Mexico • June 2017

Para mayor información, consultar:

Leer artĂ­culo completo en: NI_030517_Comercio_MX_India.pdf

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India in Mexico • June 2017

India in Mexico • June 2017


Jet Airways signs MoU with Aeromexico for codeshare flights The Times of India - Business PTI | Jun 8, 2017, 11.45 PM IST Mumbai, Jun 8 () Naresh Goyal-promoted private carrier Jet Airways today said it has partnered with Mexican flag carrier Aeromexico for codeshare flights and frequent flyers programme. The two airlines have signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) to give effect to the partnership, Jet Airways said in a release here. The MoU, signed by Jet Airways Chairman Naresh Goyal and Aeromexico Chief Executive Officer Andres Conesa on the sidelines of the IATA Annual General Meeting in Cancun (Mexico), outlines cooperation in the areas of enabling codeshare flights and frequent flyer programmes, it said. As part of the arrangement, both carriers will code on each other’s services between India and Mexico via common gates in Europe (London Heathrow, Paris Charles De Gaulle and Amsterdam). Codesharing allows an airline to book its passengers on its partner carriers and provide seamless travel to destinations where it has no presence. To begin with, Jet Airways will place its marketing code ‘9W’ on Aeromexico flights from London Heathrow to Mexico City, the release said adding that in turn, Aeromexico will place its marketing code on Jet Airways’ direct services from London Heathrow to Mumbai and Delhi. The initial codeshare flights via London Heathrow will open for sale as well as travel later this year, subject to government approvals, Jet Airways said in the release. The codeshare partnership will offer passengers enhanced connectivity and seamless access to the combined networks of both the airlines, with convenient connections via Jet Airways’ European gateways, it said. The comprehensive MoU signed between the two carriers, also includes cooperation in the area of reciprocal frequent flyer benefits for members. At the MoU signing ceremony, Goyal said, “We are delighted to announce our partnership with Aeromexico which will significantly enhance the international reach


India in Mexico • June 2017

of both airlines bringing increased benefits to all our guests.” “We are confident that this new codeshare partnership will stimulate the demand for business and tourist travel between India and Mexico,” he said. “The new relationship between Jet Airways and Aeromexico illustrates our commitment as well as strategic efforts to continuously strengthen our network, connecting India with the rest of the world as well as providing opportunity and convenience to our guests who can now connect to Mexico from India via our European gateways and vice versa,” Goyal said. Conesa said, “It is a great pleasure for us to settle this code share partnership with Jet Airways that will build new bridges and connect Mexico to India more easily.” “This achievement is a manifest of our will to continuously offer new flight destinations to our passengers. Also, by connecting with an important country as India, Aeromexico creates new cultural bonds and tourism exchange between both nations,” Conesa added. IAS GK


Flying from Mexico to India will be easier

India y Nepal participan en Semana Intercultural en Naucalpan

Aeroméxico and Indian Jet Airways now have a shared code and frequent flyer program due to the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding. What is a shared code? It is a single flight operated by 2 or more airlines (each of them has their own flight number). What is the benefit for Mexican passengers? In theory, it will be easier to fly to India and other destinations where Jet Airways operate because Aeroméxico’s route networks were expanded; there will be less paperwork in the search of flights, purchase of tickets, documentation, and seat assignments. Passengers will no longer have to travel to the United States (an advantage if you do not have a visa) because connecting flights will be in European cities, like Amsterdam, Paris or London. Stops are supposedly shorter and luggage is picked up in your final destination. Frequent flyer miles can be validated with the allied company. The Memorandum was signed by Andrés Condesa, Managing Director of Aeroméxico and Naresh Goyal, President of Jet Airways, during the IATA Annual General Meeting celebrated in Cancún. Both companies will provide their flights with shared code through their common airports in Europe, like Schiphol in Amsterdam, Heathrow in London and Charles De Gaulle in Paris. Aeroméxico will use the code “AM” in direct flights offered by Jet Airways from London to Delhi and Mumbai. For its part, Jet Airways will use the code “9W” on the flights operated by Aeroméxico from Heathrow in London to Mexico City. The agreement will enable a better connectivity and access to combined network routes from both companies, as well as a better tourist exchange between Mexico and India. The code-shared tickets will be available by the end of the year and members from the frequent flyer program will enjoy more benefits.

India y Nepal participan en Semana Intercultural en Naucalpan Con el propósito de contribuir a la convivencia familiar, inició la seguna Semana Intercultural en este municipio, que contará con la participación de representantes de la India, Bangladesh, Pakistán... Notimex. 01.07.2017 - 15:56h Con el propósito de contribuir a la convivencia familiar, inició la seguna Semana Intercultural en este municipio, que contará con la participación de representantes de la India, Bangladesh, Pakistán y Nepal. En un comunicado, el ayuntamiento señaló que las actividades de este evento que se realizan en el Ágora y en la explanada del Foro Felipe Villanueva, iniciaron la víspera y este domingo se llevará a cabo un bazar gastronómico, artesanal y de negocios, así como talleres, conferencias, presentaciones musicales y exhibición de danzas. Durante la inauguración, el embajador de la India, Muktesh K. Pardeshi, expresó que su país, al igual que México, provienen de civilizaciones milenarias y que en el último siglo han tenido intercambios culturales y tecnológicos, por ello, la importancia de estos eventos que fomentan este tipo de relaciones. Semanas Interculturales es un programa que se realiza cada tercer fin de semana de mes, en el parque Naucalli, que tiene como escenario los diversos espacios de éste, acercando espectáculos, talleres, conferencias y exposiciones, en forma gratuita a los asistentes. Para brindar seguridad a los asistentes a la Segunda Semana Intercultural, y a quienes vistan el Parque Naucalli, el Agrupamiento Montado de la Dirección General de Seguridad Ciudadana y Tránsito Municipal realiza recorridos apoyados por vehículos Vikingos. Source: india-y-nepal-participan-en-semana-intercultural-en-naucalpan/#xtor=AD-1&xts=513356


India in Mexico • June 2017


Forget an escape to Canada. Look to the south

Dear Mexico City: You are beautiful, urban and hip. You are bohemian, subtle and romantic. In the Colonia Roma neighborhood, your sophisticated couples eat vegan muffins and croissants at cafes. They read books, not just iPhones — just as Jack Kerouac did when he visited and wrote his epic poem “Mexico City Blues.” In the Condesa neighborhood, young hipsters sip espresso on benches along tree-lined boulevards. They listen to live music and walk past street art on their way to the gym. They must think the United States is so far away from their cosmopolitan happiness as they laugh with friends and smile at the perfect sunshine. Your anthropology museum in Chapultepec Park is stunning, and that’s just the museum’s architecture, let alone the emblems of civilization that you share with visitors inside. I would travel thousands of miles again to eat Oaxacan guacamole with chapulines at Yuban, or seafood at La Docena, or chilaquiles anywhere. I would travel thousands more miles to attend your International Day of Yoga celebration. Every June, you shut down the main thoroughfare for a government-sponsored yoga session where hundreds of people practice hatha in front of the U.S. Embassy. And when you meditate in front of our Embassy, wish us peace and send us love. We could use it. Your Supreme Court building is the only public structure in the world (aside from Robben Island Prison in South Africa) where official art openly criticizes the government. Interior murals, hundreds of meters long, depict corrupt judges alongside scenes of unresolved rape, torture and police brutality. Your esteemed justices walk past these images on their way to the office, the toilet and the court


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chamber itself. Your famous university, National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), enjoys UNESCO World Heritage status, and your annual gay pride celebration is one of the world’s largest. Protect these places from foreigners who believe they hold the brightest beacon of equality and freedom. Every Sunday morning, all year long, you shut down your main boulevard to cars and traffic so that Mexican families may safely ride bicycles, walk dogs and go jogging. Smiling children hold balloons while rollerblading couples whisk past. Mexico City, I am perilously close to overstaying a tourist visa to enjoy your cafes, your restaurants, your universities, your boulevards, your government-sponsored mural projects and yoga days, and your delicious food. Like me, Americans may soon realize that north is not the only direction to look if America falls. Your Instituto Nacional de Migracíon Web page may collapse when we realize Canada is too cold and Spanish is easily learned. You might need to consider building a wall on your northern border — to keep us out. Sincerely yours, Mark Mark Massoud is an associate professor of politics and legal studies at UC Santa Cruz. He visited Mexico to attend the annual conference of the U.S.-based Law and Society Association. Source: Forget-an-escape-to-Canada-look-to-the-south-11254424.php

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India in Mexico • June 2017


Useful Information Embajada de India Ciudad de México


La Embajada de la India, Ciudad de México, invita al envío de propuestas para la compra de una propiedad edificada adecuada o terreno para instalar Embajada / Centro Cultural de la India en la Ciudad de México. La propiedad debe tener una superficie construida de 1600-1800 metros cuadrados y debe estar compuesta por 25-30 habitaciones (preferiblemente debe contar con una sala de 300 metros cuadrados para auditorio y dos salas grandes de 100 metros cuadrados cada una), ubicada en Lomas de Chapultepec, Reforma, Polanco y su vecindario, con permiso para establecer una oficina / Embajada / Centro Cultural. La propuesta debe dirigirse a la Embajada a través del correo electrónico: / o a la dirección Alfredo de Musset # 325, Colonia Polanco, C.P. 11550, Ciudad de México, a más tardar el 25 de julio de 2017.

India in Mexico (Embassy of India, Mexico City) Gurudev Tagore Indian cultural Centre

Embassy of India: GTICC:


Indian Association of Mexico:

Facebook: @indianassociationofmexico Email:

Embassy of India: 55 31 10 50 & 55 31 10 02 GTICC: 52 03 11 17 & 52 03 06 19


Visa Tourism Helpline: 1800 111 363 Short code: 1363

Embassy of India: Musset 325, Col. Polanco, 11550, CDMX GTICC: Anatole France 319, Col. Polanco, 11550, CDMX

India in Mexico • June 2017

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