A Monthly Newsletter | Vol. III, No. 8 | September 2019
El Embajador Manpreet Vohra visita Monterrey
COMCE Congress 2019 | p.8
Hindi Diwas 2019 | p.9
In this Issue LEAD STORIES Visita a Monterrey
Una sola Constitución para todo el país
COMCE Congress 2019
Hindi Diwas Concurso de Dibujo Gandhi@150 Inauguración del Curso de Cocina de la India They Also Serve Who Stand and Wait: East Meets West
Dr. Shrimati Das, FS & Director, GTICC
MEDIA La realidad acerca de Jammu y Cachemira La adhesión de Cachemira a India es legal e irrevocable India capacita a mexicanos en tecnología satelital contra incendios FORTHCOMING EVENTS
Embassy of India
Musset No. 325, Col. Polanco, CDMX, 11550
Tels. 55 31 10 02/1050/4636/6638, 55 45-14 91, 52 03-4803 Fax: 52 54 23 49 Website: Email: To receive an electronic copy of this newsletter, please contact: Manpreet Vohra, Ambassador Dr. Shrimati Das, FS & Director GTICC Research, Edition and Design: Juhi Rai, Viviana Vizcaino Perea, Ricardo Pérez Torres
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Visita a Monterrey
El Embajador Manpreet Vohra realizó una visita a Monterrey en donde asistió a una recepción organizada por el Cónsul Honorario de la India en esa ciudad, Sr. Mario Laborín. Representantes de empresas indias y mexicanas estuvieron presentes también.
Otro de los compromisos en esa ciudad, fue una interacción con profesionales indios de Infosys, así como una pláticA con personal directivo acerca de los planes futuros de la empresa.
India in Mexico • September 2019
India in Mexico • September 2019
India in Mexico • September 2019
India in Mexico • September 2019
India in Mexico • September 2019
COMCE Congress 2019
India in Mexico • September 2019
Embassy participated in the COMCE Congress 2019, with the Make in India stand and distributed information on opportunities in India. Jaime Rodríguez, Governor of Nuevo León, Martha Delgado, Vice Minister for Multilateral Affairs, SRE and President of COMCE , Valentín Díez Morodo, visited the stand among other personalities.
Hindi Diwas
On September 18, the celebration of Hindi Diwas was held in the auditorium of the Embassy of India, Mexican students presented various items in Hindi language demonstrating their language learning in an artistic way with poems, music, songs, dance and a small play
Concurso de Dibujo Gandhi@150
India in Mexico • September 2019
Como parte de las celebraciones del 150 aniversario del natalicio de Mahtama Gandhi, se llevó a cabo un concurso de dibujo para niños de 6 a 15 años. La Embajada contó con la participación de más de 30 años, que con entusiasmo plasmaron sus ideas sobre Gandhi. Ganadores categoría 6 a 10 años 1° lugar- Aarav Agrawal 2° lugar-Khushi Verma 3° lugar-Siyas Kaveri Ganadores categoría 11 a 15 1° lugar-Danna Gabriela Soto 2° lugar-Srisha Aggarwal 3° lugar-Jijnasu Raut and Aadya Srivastava
El 2 de septiembre se llevó a cabo la inauguración del Curso de Cocina de la India en las instalaciones del Centro Cultural de la India Gurudev Tagore, por la Sra. Naseem Vohra, esposa del Embajador de la India. En el evento también tuvo lugar una interesante charla y exposición sobre las especias de la India, además de la proyección de un documental sobre su cocina. La audiencia y alumnos pudieron disfrutar de aperitivos indios y Masala Chai.
India in Mexico • September 2019
Fotos: Daphne Alfaro
Inauguración del Curso de Cocina de la India
They Also Serve Who Stand and Wait: East Meets West Dr. Shrimati Das, FS & Director, GTICC
The title of this write up is the last line of John Milton´s sonnet: ´On His Blindness ´. In this poem, Milton laments the loss of his eye sight and agonizes that his poetic talent can no longer be used to serve God. In the end, he consoles himself by believing that ´They Also Serve Who Stand and Wait´. A typical Western Christian philosophy and faith. This is how he plans to serve God. A total surrender before His will and only his talent to prove his devotion to God. Eternal waiting. Am I reminded here of this image of Nandi in Indian mythology, an Eastern concept? Nandi is a symbolism of eternal waiting, because only waiting is considered the greatest virtue in Indian culture. One who knows how to simply sit and wait is naturally meditative. Nandi is not expecting Shiva to come out tomorrow. He is not anticipating or expecting anything. He is just waiting. He
philosophies of the East will always be very different from that of the West. He said those famous lines in his ´Ballad of the East & West´: Óh! East is East, and West is West/ and never the twain shall meet/ Till Earth and Sky stand/ Presently at God´s great Judgment Seat´. But there is neither East nor West, Border, nor Breed, nor Birth. Rudyard Kipling suggests that in absolute contrary that there is no possible way of reconciliation of the two, without any prospect of both of them meeting, coming together, working and living aside one another. An artist’s trepidation and anxiety has always been to be misunderstood and mis interpreted since ages. But finally he too is reconciled to the fact that no matter the race, the place of birth or even what family or social position one has been born into, people are all equal, their soul speaks the same language and believes in the same philosophies of birth, existence and death. The two examples of Nandi from East and Milton from West underline the premise that two intelligent, honorable, respectful cultures really do have the ability to understand and respect one another´s beliefs, traditions, and interpret philosophies. East & West must come together and mutual admiration and respect for one another. Rudyard Kipling please stand to the side and take a bow….
will wait forever. This quality is the essence of receptivity just like Milton´s sense of resignation before the will of God. Utter surrender to God´s will. In Indian cultural ethos before one goes into a temple, one must have the quality of Nandi- to simply wait, to simply bow to God´s will. By doing so, one is not trying to go to heaven, one is not trying to get this or that- one simply sits just like Milton to ´serve by waiting ´same as Nandi´s stance. Nandi meditates, Milton meditates. One Eastern way to serve God, the other Western way to serve God. Here resignation, meditation should not be misunderstood as some kind of nonactivity. No. It is a quality. That’s is the fundamental difference. Prayer means one is trying to talk to God. Meditation means one is willing to just listen to existence, to the ultimate nature of creation. One has nothing to say, one simply listens. That is the quality of Nandi and Milton. They just sit, wait, alert. These characteristics are very important. They are alert, not sleepy. They are not passive. They are sitting very active- full of alertness, full of life, but just sitting- that is meditation. I find the examples of Nandi and Milton correlated with our life as it should be. Then do we not find the philosophies of life in the West and East coming from just one source of soul language? Then what about the refrain of ¨The Ballad of East & West´, a ´poem by Rudyard Kipling where he says the cultural
India in Mexico • September 2019
Reforma- 4 de septiembre
India in Mexico • September 2019
La Razón de México- 23 de septiembre
India in Mexico • September 2019
India capacita a mexicanos en tecnología satelital contra incendios Tres mexicanos viajaron a la India para ser capacitados en monitoreo y procesamiento de imágenes satelitales de incendios forestales por la Agencia India de Investigación Espacial (ISRO). Esta capacitación, que fue posible gracias a los acuerdos de cooperación entre la Agencia Espacial Mexicana (AEM) y su similar de la India, se alínea con los objetivos de la Organización de la Naciones Unidas (ONU) de desarrollo sustentable, referentes a la adopción de medidas urgentes para combatir el cambio climático y sus efectos, proteger la vida de ecosistemas terrestres y la creación de alianzas para lograr objetivos, entre otros. Julio César Castillo Urdapilleta, director de seguridad espacial de la AEM, Gabriela Gómez Rodríguez, investigadora del Laboratorio Nacional de Observación de la Tierra y Jorge Prado Molina, jefe del Laboratorio de Análisis Geoespacial fueron los especialistas capacitados en las instalaciones del Indian Institute of Remote Sensing (IIRS) en Dehradun. El director general de la AEM, Javier Mendieta Jiménez, resaltó la importancia de proteger los bosques y selvas de México con ayuda de las nuevas tecnologías, además de la importancia de formar especialistas en protección de recursos forestales utilizando la tecnología satelital. “Es vital que todos contribuyamos a proteger tanto las 560 mil hectáreas de árboles del programa del gobierno de México “Sembrando Vida”, como las ya existentes”, dijo Mendieta Jiménez. Por su parte, la coordinadora general de asuntos internacionales y seguridad en materia espacial de la AEM, Rosa María Ramírez de Arellano y Haro, agradeció la solidaridad de la Agencia India al ofrecer la capacitación a México. “El tema de los incendios forestales resuena hoy más que nunca a nivel global; es vital crear la conciencia de proteger a los árboles con tecnología espacial satelital, pues desaceleran en cambio climático y su papel es invaluable para la vida en la Tierra”, finalizó.
India in Mexico • September 2019
India in Mexico • September 2019
India in Mexico • September 2019
India in Mexico • September 2019
India in Mexico • September 2019
India in Mexico • September 2019
India in Mexico • September 2019
India in Mexico • September 2019
Visa Tourism Helpline: 1800 111 363 Short code: 1363 @IndiaInMexico @GTICCMexico @IndEmbMexico @GTICCMEXICO
Embassy of India: GTICC: Embassy of India: 55 31 10 50 & 55 31 10 02 GTICC: 52 03 11 17 & 52 03 06 19 Embassy of India: Musset 325, Col. Polanco, 11550, CDMX GTICC: Anatole France 319, Col. Polanco, 11550, CDMX