Rodríguez es motivo de orgullo para venezuela contar con una misión de acompañamiento de unasur eng

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Rodríguez: It is a source of pride for Venezuela to have a UNASUR electoral mission

Caracas, 17 November, 2015 (MPPRE).-The Minister of People’s Power for Foreign Affairs, Delcy Rodríguez, listed as a source of pride for Venezuela, to have a mission from the Union of South American Nations (Unasur), in the process of parliamentary elections next December 6. The statements were made during the founding ceremony of the international followers’ mission by Unasur, in the headquarters of the Electoral Council in Caracas. The Secretary General of Unasur, Ernesto Samper; The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ecuador, Ricarrdo Patiño; the ex-President of Dominican Republic Leonel Fernández; the Ambassador of Oriental Republic of Uruguay and Representative of the pro tempore Presidency of Unasur, Oscar Ramos; leaded the delegation of the southern regional mechanic at the founding. Minister Rodríguez affirmed that, the fact that Unasur will accompany Venezuela in this important electoral process is an example of integration and selfdetermination that characterizes the nations of South America, in the context of the formation of a multicentric and pluripolar world. “10 years ago, we were not walking on this path of unity, based on the processes of identity, independence and sovereignty of our peoples from the south”.

Additionally, she praised the work and legacy of political Independence initiated by the Eternal Commander, Hugo Chávez and progressive leaders in the south “Thanks to Commander Hugo Chávez, Néstor Kirchner, Lula Da Silva, as South American peoples we can determine and “self-determine ourselves” in our sovereign and independent policies”. The Venezuelan Minister asserted that it was due to the efforts of Commander Chávez to give political power to the people, that “Venezuela made a leap forward, towards the future and hope, guaranteeing the fundamental rights, and among those, the fundamental human rights and political rights”. Regarding the visit of former President of Dominican Republic Leonel Fernández, Minister Rodríguez expressed appreciation and tribute to the president, for his struggle for rights, Latin American integration and self-determination of the people. “I that you come with a Caribbean heart, but also with the heart of the south, which binds us all together as a Latin American and Caribbean community” said the diplomat.

Facing the media attack

The Venezuelan diplomat, expressed that despite the media attacks led by the imperial centres, which proclaimed that the elections in Venezuela would be suspended and were putting in doubt the international followers and the transparency of the Electoral Power; The Bolivarian Government guarantees the transparency of the people voting in more than 19 electoral processes. “It was said that there would be no accompaniment mission, that there would be now elections in Venezuela on December 6. President Maduro months ago, said to the international community: “We will have elections this year in Venezuela, with rain, thunder or lightning”, and on December 6 this year, the National Assembly of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela will be elected”, confirmed Delcy Rodríguez. Likewise, she added that “a lot has been said about Venezuelan democracy and a lot has been said about the Venezuelan Electoral Power and we can’t help but refer to the qualitative leap, of how Venezuela passed over from a representative democracy, to the direct exercise of people’s sovereignty, to a participatory and protagonist democracy”.

The Minister said that in the electoral process of December 6 “The Electoral Power, based on its independence and based on its transparency, will give the results to our people and after the electoral celebration, we will exercise democracy, as a free, sovereign, country, where we decide our selfdetermination and our independence”.

Now the People is Power

Delcy Rodríguez condemned the electoral processes of the fourth Republic, where manipulation, exclusion and the absence of transparency, infringed upon the will of people, a fact that was surpassed and fought by the Bolivarian Revolution in the last 15 years. “The days when the Ministry of the Colonies was dictating instructions to our countries are gone and we are not returning to that.” “The Exclusion of the poor was the norm in the exercise of voting rights, lack of transparency, that terrible phrase that marked the Punto Fijo democracy, “the tally trumps the vote”, does not exist anymore [...] We now know that today the poor, and this in the most remote place on a hill, has a voting center in which exercises his/her rights” added Rodriguez. Minister Rodríguez stressed that December 6 in Venezuela will give a new lesson of democracy to the international community “with an electoral system that has been considered by technical and political bodies around the world, as one of the most transparent, reliable and secure voting systems”.

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