Venezuela will continue to carry the voice of the peoples to the un human rights council

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Venezuela will continue to carry the voice of the peoples to the UN Human Rights Council

Caracas, October 18 2015 (MPPRE).-The Minister of Popular Power for Foreign Affairs, Delcy Rodríguez, celebrated the re-election of Venezuela –with a wide vote- as a member state of the Human Rights Council of United Nations (UN). The statements were made during a press conference at the Yellow House Antonio José de Sucre, the seat of the Venezuelan Foreign Ministry, where she said: “Today is a day of satisfaction for all the people of Venezuela. It is a motive of pride and happiness because Venezuela’s candidacy for the period 20162018 to the United Nations Human Rights Council has been elected by the two thirds of the countries of the member states.” The Minister stressed that this election shows the support of the world to the Bolivarian Revolution and is is also a sign that the Homeland of Bolivar carries the voices of the people in defense of human rights. “When Venezuela is in the Human Rights Council, it carries the voices of the peoples of our America, of the peoples of the world in a model of promoting human rights for all”. Rodríguez highlighted the work of the leader of the Bolivarian Revolution, Hugo Chavez, who gave a constitutional title to the defense and promotion of human rights of the Venezuelan people. She claimed that thanks to this, “we made extraordinary progress for the people of Venezuela, including the millions of people who were excluded from the country’s policies during the Fourth Republic”.

Latin America, defender of Human Rights The Venezuelan diplomat praised the fact that countries belonging to different mechanisms of integration of Latin America become part of this important council. "We must report that were also approved the candidacies of Panama and Ecuador, countries in our Latin America, member countries of the CELAC, we enter the Council of Human Rights to bring the beautiful voice of the people of the region, which as a whole is a land of peace. " Similarly, the Minister expressed satisfaction that four countries belonging to the Bolivarian Alternative for the Peoples of Our America (ALBA), will share a seat on the Human Rights Council. "As of January 2016, four countries of Alba, as we are Cuba, Bolivia, Ecuador and Venezuela, will be carrying the voice of the peoples of our America, the voice of the Great Homeland, the United Homeland, that we have one Liberator, Simon Bolivar ". "We are proud to share the great cultural, historical experiences of the peoples of our America; we share heroes who fought for the independence of our people, in order to make our countries into great homelands, sovereign and independent homelands�, added the Bolivarian diplomat. Minister Delcy Rodríguez extended the congratulations of President Nicolas Maduro, to the countries of the region who have been elected and who will have the task of promoting peace and defense of human rights for the peoples of the world, in accordance with the historic task of the liberators.

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