Frequently Asked Question Website of the Month
14 Ways to Increase New Patient Flow Part II Client of the Month Client Testimonial
Book of the Month “Tailored” Advertising Invest in Your Patients and See Huge Returns Design Line Special of the Month
5 6 7
New Patient Pearls Part II
James’ Hot Corner News
Rant Perspectives Team Member of the Month
DENTAL PROFIT REPORT is published monthly by
1020 Shipping St. NE Salem, OR 97301 P 1-800-311-1390 F 503-371-1299 WEB: www.EMCdental.com BLOG: www.EMCdental.com/blog
How To Make Your Current Patients Literally Knock Down Your Door To Hand Deliver Referrals To Your Practice
ver since Jerry Jones and I recorded the up and promote and the successes the doc“14 Sure-fire Ways To Immediately tors have had. Increase Your Patient Referrals” CD almost Example #1 3 years ago, I have continually fielded quesA dentist in the Personal Dental Coach tions regarding building practice referrals program was looking for a way to promote and some of the strategies mentioned. and gather referrals in the practice, and the If you have heard the CD, you know that idea was brought up to give away $1000 to Jerry and I spilled our guts on practice rethe person who referred the most patients. ferrals, giving many more than 14 ways to Each person who referred would get a gift attract new patients into your office. (If you of some sort. I believe a gift certificate to a haven’t heard the CD, see the enclosed insert local restaurant was that gift in this case, and to request your copy.) the person referring the most patients would One of the ways we touch on in the CD receive $1000 in cash. is running a referral contest. Referral conIf you run your contest without the small tests are one of the best ways to attract new gift for each referral, you will scare some patients, and many of our clients that have people away. Giving the small gift as a “thank used contests in the past continue to do so. you” to your patients is a good draw for even People love contests and competition for the shy person that does not want to win two reasons. Competitiveness the $1000. The cash prize also is a part of human nature. Just draws attention to the fact that Spor ting think, the most widely watched you get something even for reevents and shows on TV are competitions. ferring one person. Sporting events and reality reality shows Well, over the 3 weeks this shows dominate the TV ratcontest ran, the office generated ings because they are competi- dominate the 44 new patients in the process. tive contests. T V ratings be If we do the math in this The second reason is people case, basically for $1000, this cause they are love to win stuff. The thrill of office gathered 44 new patients competitive or an average of just under $23 getting something for nothing is basically second nature for per patient. contests. Americans. If you don’t believe The success in this case is this, $billions$ of lottery tickbased on the prize. If the top ets sold each week are due to this phenomprize was $100, there would have been less enon. of a response. For $10,000, you can bet peoThe contest format of referrals is successful ple would be flying their friends, family, and due to the fact it covers the two main factors the family dog to the office. of attracting referrals to any business. Those For some dentists $1000 may seem like a two factors are: Reward and Recognition. big chunk of money. I make the comparison As I said, people like winning stuff, and this way. You can spend $1000 to send some they love to be gratuitously singled out as direct mail pieces to your neighborhood to doing something good. attract 10 or so new patients... Referral contests are a great way to make OR, you can offer the same amount this happen in your practice. They are not of money to have your patients refer their difficult to set up, and actually take very little friends and family to your practice. Rememeffort to run. All you need to do is promote ber, your patients will have already sold their your contest correctly (a patient newsletter is friends and family on the benefits of your a good way). practice and your dental care. I have looked deep into the files at EMC One of the examples you will hear on Dental Marketing to show you some examthe CD I mentioned above is a similar case ples of the referral contests we’ve helped set where there were actually two ladies at the
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How long does it take my RARE System newsletters to reach my patients? Typically, from the date we receive your final proof of the newsletter, it takes 7-10 days to reach the patients on your mailing list. This includes printing, packing, and mailing. We encourage our doctors to respond as soon as possible to the monthly newsletter proof, which we begin faxing around the 10th of the month. This ensures ample time to make any necessary changes, and have your personalized newsletter on your client’s doorstep at the beginning of the month.
OF THE MONTH NUMBR.COM Protect your privacy when posting advertisements online or in newspapers with a temporary telephone number. Numbr.com allows you to choose the length of activation - whether you’ll need it for one hour or one month. Calls are automatically forwarded to the phone number you choose. Numbr. com provides this practical service free of charge.
top of the list who were neck and neck with each other. Every time one of the ladies would refer a patient in, the front office staff would call the other lady to alert her. This went on for the duration of the contest. Finally, near the end of the contest, one of the ladies actually drove a patient to the practice for the final referral that eventually won the contest for her. Now you don’t have to go that far, but you can see how a simple contest can create a huge buzz throughout your patient base that will literally have them driving patients to your office. There is a totally different way to run a contest in your practice. The first way mentioned above is the “most referrals wins” contest, and really plays on peoples competitiveness. If that sounds too crazy for you, there is also the example below. The weighted drawing contest is another simple and easy way to run a contest without eliminating any one referral from having a chance to win the grand prize. Example #2: This dentist, Dr. O continually runs this type of contest and offers a new prize every quarter. His prizes have so far included Full Dell Computers with flat screen monitors, and a huge 47” Plasma TV. He is currently giving away 2 round trip airplane tickets to anywhere in the United States. The contest format is simple. For every referral that completes a new patient visit, the referrer receives one entry into the drawing. Refer one person, and you have 1 chance to win. Refer 10 people, and have One of 10 chances. the ladies At the end of the quarter, all actually drove of the chances a patient to are gathered in the practice a bowl and the winner is drawn. for the final The winner then gets their picture referral taken with the doctor, and the prize and that picture gets placed in the monthly newsletter. The picture is then accompanied by the announcement of the next contest and the next prize. Keeping the prizes fresh is exciting for the patients and keeps them involved in the process. If you continually give away the same prize, people will get bored with the contest (unless it is a big prize like $1,000,000.) The picture is a very important step! DO NOT MISS THIS! If you do not promote a
winner, people will not get excited about the next contest. Oh, the results... well, in speaking to Dr. O a couple of weeks ago, he reports that the new patients he gains of his referrals on their first visit alone easily brings in an extra $35,000 per year and pays for their patient newsletter to go out. That’s only the income from their first visit! “The rest is gravy.” Dr. O said. There is one key that both of these referral contests have in common. That key is promotion to your patients. Without the correct promotion, both of these contests fail. If you don’t tell people what they need to do to win a prize, they won’t do it. Both of the That ’s only above examples utilized our the income RARE system patient newslet- from their first ter to promote the contest. It’s visit! “ The rest simple to put is gravy.” together, allows the customized space to add the details of their contest, and even gives the offices the flexibility to add pictures of the prizes and the winners. Every newsletter also includes referral cards that can be used as the “drawing” cards for your contest. This patient package is truly setup to promote referral programs like the above two. Even without a referral contest, the RARE system patient newsletter works to attract referrals and create a bond between you and your patients that is competition proof. Studies show that just by sending a newsletter your practice appears to care more about it’s patients and offer more value. As a special offer for this month’s readers, the first 5 new offices that call and sign up for our RARE System patient newsletter program will receive a discounted application fee (regularly $995, now $495), your first newsletter mailing at half price AND I’ll buy a brand new Dell Laptop computer for you to give away in your first referral contest! I’ve done the work for you! You will now have a newsletter to promote the contest, a prize to give away, and patients literally knocking down your door to give you referrals. And, if you aren’t happy after the 3-month contest is over, you can simply stop. All you need to do is call my office at 1800-311-1390 and mention the referral contest offer. We’ll get you started right away promoting your contest and on your way to large referral rewards! Don’t wait, call now. I only have 5 computers to give away. 1-800-311-1390.
Dental Profit Report - Page 3
14 Ways To Increase New Patient Flow Part II
out, monthly, a mailing that consists of a ast month we covered 4 of the 14 postcard, several newspaper like papers ads ways to increase new patient flow. To (think 1-page flyers the size of a grocery re-cap, they are: store ad set), and other pieces of brightly 1. Free Standing Inserts – One of my colored paper. In this case, we ALWAYS do favorites due to cost and ability to control the opposite of everyone else and go plain delivery area. We use this strategy every jane white paper with blue ink. In the Denmonth. (To learn more about this and the tal Profit Report about 2 issues back, we next 4, consult last month’s issue OR, call showcased that very piece. It’s been more EMC Dental and request a copy.) than successful pulling in 15 to 20 pts each 2. Newsletters – This is the single BEST time we run it. The cost is very inexpensive thing you can do to protect, educate, infor the area we hit. We average fluence and THANK your paabout 15,000 homes each time tients for being your customTo have a it runs and the cost is about ers/clients. See EMC Dental for the best newsletter program steady flow of $650 to $700, depending on going…The RARE System new patients various factors. Here’s what I like about it: It gets read, stuck (yes, I am biased since it was ready, willing, on the kitchen counter and the my invention!). of the house looks at it 3. Referral Letters – We just and able to woman and reads every piece because used this strategy last month to get a kick in the pants from re- pay your fees, she is, in fact, looking for baror things she wants. SO, ferrals. It’s easy, fast and cheap you have to gains it is a very targeted piece, withto do. If you’d like a copy of do massive, out the cost associated with a mine faxed to you, send a note lot of targeted marketing where to fax: (503) 371-1299, askinnovative you can pay a higher price for ing for a copy. However, don’t action. just the list acquisition alone do this unless you intend on (here, think demographic or sending something. It’s a waste geographically targeted lists of prospective of our time and yours! (HINT: ACTION new pts (targeted marketing is almost ALcounts, the threat of action does not!) WAYS better than throwing out a broad 4. Lastly, I wrote about Endorsed Mailmessage and it results in better message to ings – These are win-win for your office and market match which means better return). the person signing off on the endorsement At any rate, there are a lot of places like this letter. I like these as a way to sort of parasite to look to advertise your practice. Key is to market off of client bases you’d like to tap be on alert to watch for them when they into. (CPA, Atty, etc.) hit your OWN doorstep. Ask your spouse So, what are we going to cover this or friends that are women or those women month? How about another three stratein your office, where they look for grocery gies, that once implemented, will absoluteads, etc. You might be surprised to find that ly SOAR the number of new patients mobyou’ll want to be where they are looking. It’s bing you at the door of your office? OK, worked very well for us. let’s get to it. 6. Newspaper Tab-Ons – Ah, my all5. Co-Op Mailings (Think Val-Pak®) time, best-bang-for-the-buck favorite ex– I have personally tried Val-Pak® and it ternal marketing strategy. Just about every bombed. However, we’ve had clients over newspaper in America that hits the mailthe years do very well and consistently boxes daily, offers this incredible attenvery well with this type of mailing. There tion-getter. We use this every other month are lots of others and if you are in any kind and it has never failed to pay GIGANTIC of densely populated area at all (over 50k dividends. The per hit cost is about 10 people) there should be other and ample cents each, depending on how many colopportunities for you to engage in this kind ors you choose and the size of the tab-on of advertising media. Here in Salem, we you choose. Basically, this is a deal where have one called Jansky Media. They send
(continued on page 4)
OF THE MONTH Our heartiest congratulations go out to Dr. Peter Evans, as our July 2007 Client-of-the-Month! Thank you for being such a pleasure to work with! Dr. Peter Evans will receive a gift appropriate for his office. Thanks, Dr. Peter Evans, from all of us at EMC Dental Marketing!
TESTMONIAL “I use a referral source that costs me $1200 a month for about 15 new patients. With Healthy, Wealthy & Wise we get a higher quality, more receptive new patient, for about half the cost of the referral service. I am very pleased with the results. Tell those Doctors who might be skeptical that this is a very easy program.” Dr. Amit Sood New York, NY
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OF THE MONTH The Irresistable Offer: How to Sell your product or service in 3 seconds or less by Mark Joyner If you have just three seconds to sell a patient on your service, what do you say? It’s time to get smarter about marketing effectively and efficiently. Joyner applies a new way of marketing to fit with societal paces and trends.
the newspaper has a 3x4 post-it type note adhered to the front page, most often, right over the top of the day’s headlines, so it’s literally the first thing people see when they pick up the paper. They cannot ignore it. We always use the word FREE in the ad and so far, have stuck with the same offer time and time again since it continues to pay off. Explore this opportunity more by contacting your local daily or weekly newspaper. Oh, lest I forget, newspapers, at least most I have worked with, offer targeted zip code or “area” distribution of these as well. USE it to cast a narrow net in the area you already draw the majority of your NPs. 7. Coffee Stands - Typically, I NEVER even discuss methods of acquiring patients unless I personally have tested them. However, this case is unique and I am excited to share it with you. Once in a great while, someone doing something a little different shocks and surprises me. Not very often, but it does happen. About two weeks ago on my way to the office about 8:30 or so, I stopped at the usual coffee stand that a good friend of mine owns (he owns several and boy, what cash cows!) and was greeted BY A BANKER instead of the usual, nice, 20-something gal that mans the stand. I was relieved and excited to learn that the BANKER was buying my coffee that morn-
ing and in exchange, he handed me a little card letting me know they were just opening up a branch in the area and would love to meet me. Cool! Free coffee and a banker was GIVING me something rather than TAKING something. Now, that doesn’t happen often. So, here’s the strategy I would suggest for you and in fact, I am going to use it as well: Offer to pay the amount generated for that morning’s coffee sales or 80% of it. Then, in exchange, have your best (and bestlooking) office person hand to each visitor to the stand, a post-it® note with a special new pt offer on it. (You can get post-it notes from a lot of sources on the internet, so google it and you’ll track a few down.) We are also going to use this very same strategy to advertise our dental assisting school when it opens up in August to attract students. That covers it for this month. Next month, I’ll cover 3 or 4 more and soon, you’ll have 14 strategies to use…anytime you want or need new patients! Of course, I would be remiss if I failed to mention my upcoming Real Estate Boot Camp for Dentists in Orlando, FL, November 16-18. For more information, contact Melody in my office at 503-339-6000 or you can go online to www.JJDREBC.com. Have a killer summer.
JERRY A. JONES is a nationally recognized marketing and advertising expert who “cut his teeth”
in the dental industry, where over a period of over a decade he created new and proprietary systems to attract and keep patients. He is President & CEO of SofTouch Family Dental Group, Inc., a dental practice management company based in Salem, Oregon, that provides turn-key dental office solutions to dentists wishing to focus solely on their clinical abilities and treating patients, leaving the day-to-day operations, including but not limited to patient attraction and team management, to SofTouch. Jerry also operates a number of real estate education and development entities with dentists from all over the U.S. and even Canada.
“Tailored” Advertising
If you have any questions, comments, or concerns... please feel free to contact us via e-mail (info@EMCdental.com), phone (1-800-311-1390), or fax (503-371-1299).
’m always looking for better ways to advertise and reach both existing and potential clients. Many websites these days have a feature that I call tailored advertising, a method that I find most effective. Recently, I ordered books from Amazon, and since then I have noticed a ‘suggested books’ section that features books similar to the one I purchased. Somehow, the website tracks my interests, and continually updates itself to specifically show me items that pertain to my interests. For instance, if I go to purchase a photography book, I will notice a section that suggests other photography books that I may like. What this does is personalize my experience, and give me the reassurance that the seller is listening to my needs, and then acting on it. How could this pertain to dentistry? Well, a client of ours has recently done a survey asking patients to rate their practice on a number of topics. In doing this he has shown the patient he genuinely cares, and is willing to listen, and make changes were necessary. Everyday you and your staff should be doing whatever you can to give each patient a tailored experience. Make them feel you have gone out of your way specifically for them.
Dental Profit Report - Page 5
Invest In Your Patients And See Huge Returns!
very person today is focused on their financial investments for the future, but what about the importance of health investments? I praise one of my past college professors, who could not emphasize enough the importance of starting financial investments as early in life as possible. However, I do not ever recall anyone expressing the same importance for investing in dental health. Basic dental preventive procedures begin in elementary school or sooner on the importance of brushing and flossing daily. Although, teenagers and adults lose focus of these essentials through the years and end up with poor dental health. Your current patients probably come in just once every six months for their regular exam, but for many this is not enough. They no longer view daily brushing and flossing as a necessity, thinking it takes too much time. Rest assured they would not dismiss a financial investment so frivolously. Health investing and financial investing both have the same goal, to ensure you are comfortable at each stage of your life. But, the latter receives constant subliminal recognition in daily life, keeping financial investing of highest importance on the mind. The majority of people are simply no longer educated on the importance of their health investments. The only time they receive advice is when visiting the dental practice. By including an article in a monthly newsletter to your patients, you can not only emphasize regular procedures but also elective procedures that countless patients overlook. It is not a revelation that everyone wants to look better. Consider how steadily the materialistic industry continues to grow. Teeth whitening grossed $1.3 billion in sales in 2004, with figures expected to progressively
increase each year. Hopefully, your practice contributes a percentage to this multi-billion dollar market. You need to take the opportunity to highlight on the elective services that your practice offers, and the long term benefits. You can take the opening to educate patients on the dangers of receiving whitening procedures at many salons, making it a great selling point for your service. There is always the chance to increase your annual revenue from this or similar procedures; you just have to correctly inform your patients. In properly executing a monthly newsletter you will receive an increase in new patients, and current patients more regularly receiving investment work. Witness the response to a short article on dental anxiety, or the result of a special on teeth whitening or another service that your practice specializes in. Patients will be better informed, healthier, and the annual sales increase will allow you to put more towards your financial investments as well. Take advantage of one of your benefits as a Dental Profit Report reader, and call us at EMC Dental Marketing for a special discount on your patient newsletter. We do all of the work for you, allowing you to focus on everything in the office. Each month the current patients of your practice will receive a Healthy Wealthy & Wise magazine, referral cards for your practice, and a newsletter focusing on current health issues and up to date dental breakthroughs. Best of all, you will benefit from patient loyalty and retention being established. Call EMC Dental Marketing at 1-800-311-1390 or see the insert for this month’s newsletter offer. Remember, it will not only benefit your patients as a health investment, but your practice as well.
The first 5 new offices that call and sign up for our RARE System patient newsletter program will receive a discounted application fee (regularly $995, now $495), your first newsletter mailing at half price! AND
I’ll buy a brand new Dell Laptop! For you to give away in your first referral contest! C ALL TODAY 1-800-311-1390
Or see application on insert
DESIGN LINE The success of a design can be determined by its results. To make this possible, it is important to clearly define the goals and objectives of each design piece. Our Simple Green Postcard is a great example of this. Visually, it’s particularly bright and features a simple layout. But its goals are to inform the recipient of your practice and draw in new patients, creating revenue for you. The testimonials and results reveal that the simple green postcard is a success because it is surpassing its goals.
Page 6 - Dental Profit Report
New Patient Pearls
(sample questionnaire to include in welcome packet)
Strategies for Creating a Long Term Relationship Part II
Was everyone in the office courteous?
Were you happy with the service?
Were you comfortable during treatment?
Do you have any suggestions for improvement?
Would you recommend our office to your friends?
CINDY McKANE-WAGESTER, RDH, MBA is a consultant with Mackane & Associates Crown Council & RMI Dental Success. She can be contacted by calling 800-341-1244.
tmosphere is important. The reception area should be well stocked with refreshments and current periodicals. A display of staff photos along with each person’s biography is a nice touch which will help create a friendly ambiance. Office décor should be pleasant and warm. Holiday decorations are recommended, but should always be tasteful and subdued, not garish. A restroom should be easily accessible to patients and should be scrupulously clean at all times. The initial visit should begin with a getting to know you exercise. Every team member should wear a name tag. Introductions should be made. Take a photograph of the patient which can be attached to the file, but always get the patient’s permission before doing so. Give new patients a tour of the office, making certain that every area patients will see is clean and orderly. Learn something personal about each patient that can be used to build a relationship. Make certain that patients are fully informed about fees and financial plans, about office hours, and about the practice philosophy. This should include a statement of concern for the patient’s total health. Everyone should reinforce the idea that all patients in the practice are treated like people, not cavities. Treatment should begin as promptly as possible with maximum attention to the patient’s comfort at all times. Every new patient over five years of age should be x-rayed. All new patients are probed. Blood pressure is checked, oral Ph is taken, and blood cholesterol is measured. These actions reinforce the concept that patients are viewed as people and that team members are concerned about every patient’s oral health and total health. When the initial diagnosis has been completed and the current complaint or problem has been addressed, the new patient should be informed about any additional findings. Future treatment plans or procedures should be presented at this time. It is crucial to get a commitment from the new patient for a recare appointment before he or she leaves the chair.
After the appointment, the doctor should escort the new patient back to the reception area, shake hands with the patient, thank the patient and ask the front desk team member to schedule a follow up appointment. At the front desk, patients should be encouraged to help themselves to practice giveaways - balloons for children, key chains, pencils, toothbrushes, refrigerator magnets or similar warm fuzzies for adults. All of these should have the practice name, address and telephone number printed in bold colors. Every new patient should be given a welcome packet to take home. The packet should include a biography of the doctor, highlighting professional accomplishments, education, affiliation with professional organizations, publications, research activities, and continuing education. The biography should include a brief but interesting note about the doctor’s family or hobbies or athletic interests and a flattering photograph. This provides a personal touch that “softens” even the most intimidating credentials and gives the doctor a human as well as a professional profile. The packet should also include brief and friendly biographical sketches of dental team members, testimonials from satisfied and grateful patients, a copy of the practice mission statement, a comprehensive list of services provided and a personalized note from the doctor welcoming new patients. It should also include a practice brochure and at least two business cards. One of the most important items to be included in a welcome packet is a brief questionnaire which new patients should be encouraged to fill out and mail back to the office. A sample question form is included in the column to the left. The questionnaire makes patients feel that their opinions are valued and respected and the feedback can help the dental team reevaluate and improve anything that is not given an excellent rating. Make sure that you provide a self-addressed, stamped envelope. (to be continued in next month’s DPR)
Dental Profit Report - Page 7
T H E R E I S N O T H I N G N E W. . .
ere’s a page from a book I just ordered — it was printed in 1909. Which doesn’t sound that wild until you read it… AND when I tell you in a moment WHO wrote it, you’ll be even more amazed! On Selling Professional Services to [Your] Advantage MY DEAR JIM: I’m sorry you took offense at my letter which referred to selling your services to [your] advantage. You write me that you are not a salesman, and are not “selling service,” that you are a professional man, that you “stand on a different plane,” that you “render professional services,” and that men who write and talk as I did are lowering the dignity of the profession. I think I’ll have to adopt the policy of the old preacher who was talking with an agnostic. The agnostic didn’t lead a really biblical life and one day got into a hot argument with the preacher. In the course of it he said “You don’t know God; I don’t; no man does.” “Well,” said the preacher, “I’ll have to take your word for your own experience. I guess you don’t know God. But I do.” So when you tell me you are not a salesman, and I look over your performances for the past few years and their effect on your family, I’m quite willing to take your word that you are no salesman. If you were, you’d be well off now.
This is a “letter” taken from this book I just finished reading. A dentist wrote it. The dentist was writing to another dentist, a friend of his about his lack of success in his practice. It speaks directly to what Zig Ziglar is famous of saying, “Timid salesman have skinny kids.” Patients don’t just fold and cave when you tell them they need $1000’s in treatment. They have to be treated like gold. They have to be educated. They have to be… SOLD. Adversity to selling is adversity to doing well and doing your family “right” by your actions. Thus, nothing new under the sun, really. Not even in dentistry. And wait until you read the section on raising fees and how to do it… I can’t wait to hear from you all about your successes! This is just a quick “peek” into the wealth of knowledge in this old book. Further, this is just one of the “Big New Ideas” being espoused by consultants all over. This, along with regular and planned fee increases and HOW TO DO THEM is all covered in these old books — written a hundred years ago… yet the same problems exist today and the solutions are hundreds of years old!
OF THE MONTH Our Dental Team Member of the Month is Tracy at Dr. Weenig’s office-for being so helpful as we worked on your newsletter, and always responding promptly! Congratulations, Tracy! You’ve shown what it takes to be a team player.
was recently at a sale at my favorite large department store. Everyone loves a good sale, and this company only offers three a year. So, you can imagine how busy they were. Even as hectic as things were, a sales clerk took the time to ensure that I was assisted. This is pretty common in retail sales work, but it was after I was done shopping that I was the most impressed. The same sales clerk went out of her way to come over, and again ensure that everything went well. During this short engagement she took the time to ask about me and where I work. It was during this visit that I was reminded why I enjoy shopping there
so well. I could have easily spent my time and money at another store that offers similar items at lower prices, but I would not have received the personal customer service. When you are with a patient take the time to ask just a few questions about their interests. You never know what you may have in common. This personal interaction can make a huge difference from the patient’s point of view. They can go to any dentist to have the necessary services done, even others that will offer it at a more competitive price. But, your service will keep them wanting to come back and to refer friends and family.
If you have any questions, comments, or concerns... please feel free to contact us via e-mail (info@EMCdental.com), phone (1-800-311-1390), or fax (503-371-1299).
Dental Profit Report - Page 8
James’ Hot Corner
n baseball, 3rd base is known as the “Hot Corner”, since the third baseman needs quick reactions in order to field hard line drives hit by right handed batters, Each month, I’ll give you a quick “line drive” tip to implement in your practice. One of my all time favorite fitness gurus is Gunnar Petersen. You know him from the “Core Secrets” infomercials, and he trains with all of the top celebrities (Bruce Willis, Jennifer Lopez, Ben Affleck, and Brooke Burke is just a short list of his clientele). I was listening to an interview with Gunnar on a local radio station that features him once weekly and discusses who he trains, fitness tips, and what’s on tap next for Gunnar. In the interview Gunnar revealed that once a month, he goes to Borders and buys every fitness book on the new release rack. EVERY fitness book... he stressed this, and I don’t think he was joking. Here’s one of the top “fitness gurus” in America buying and reading other “gurus” information. Why would he do this? He obviously knows more than I ever will about fitness. He doesn’t need to read these books to be
regarded as an expert... There are two reasons (and lessons) he does this. #1: He is looking for the next big thing, another idea that can give his business another edge, because just like dentists, fitness trainers can be a dime a dozen unless they continue to innovate and strive to be unique.. #2: The famous saying is, “School is never out for the pro.” Even after the multi-millions of dollars that Gunnar has made on his products and services, he continues to learn about his craft. I’m not suggesting you should go out and clear the “dentistry” rack at your local Barnes and Noble, but maybe a book or two a month wouldn’t hurt. Also, branch out a bit. A business book, or an autobiography wouldn’t hurt either.
ACTION TO TAKE: Dedicate yourself to continuing education, and not just the required kind. Branch out and read books by great business leaders and war heroes. Pick up an internet marketing book, or even a direct mail secrets book. Continue to educate yourselves and strive to be the smartest practice owner in all capacities.
i, my name is Ashli Sprinkel, and I recently joined the EMC Dental Marketing Team. I am excited to utilize my marketing background to help create and implement original and effective marketing techniques. I will also be employing my skills and experience in customer relations as the new Account Executive. I look forward to helping each of you achieve your desired results, and am commited to offering the personal service you deserve. Here’s to the beginning of a celebrated and profitable relationship.
We would like to welcome all of our new clients and if there is anything we can do, please do not hesitate to contact us. 503-371-1390
DR. PAUL ANDRUS DR. KELLY BRIDENSTINE DR. ROGER MATHIS DR. BRADLEY PARKER DR. MARVIN SPARKS Doctor, please call our office during the month and you’ll receive a free gift! 1-800-311-1390. If we missed your birthday, call Ashli and let her know. We’ll be sure to add you to our list, plus, you’ll receive a free gift!
As Always...
thank you!
As our company continues to grow, we recognize our best clients come from your referrals. In appreciation for your referrals, you will receive a $300 credit on your account, plus a steak & lobster dinner for 4 from Omaha Steaks ($100 value) every time you refer a friend, colleague or business associate to us who completes a mailing. So that we may thank you properly for your referral, please be sure to let your colleague or friend know to mention YOUR name when contacting us! Thank you for your continued confidence and support.
INFORMATION Yearly subscriptions are $195.00. Call 503-371-1390 for subscription info. Volume 12, Number 7 ©2007 EMC Dental Marketing May not be reproduced without permission.