Special Report… “How to Increase Patient Compliance”
“REVEALED: The Easiest Money In Dentistry” I’m About To Reveal To You Exactly How Dr. Hamer, In Just One Month, Got 33 New Patients At A Cost Of Just $30 Each. He Estimates These Patients Will Generate An Additional $95,601.00 In Profits During The Time They Remain In His Practice. You Won’t Believe How Easy It Was… And How YOU Can Capitalize On The Obscure, Little-Known Secret! If you’re ready and determined for a positive, profit-increasing and FUN change, lock your office door, kick your feet up, take a sip of black coffee... and brace yourself. This is going to be very eye-opening.
From: West of Silver Creek Falls 9:07 AM Dear Friend, Imagine having a schedule booked so chock-full with high-quality patients, all you can think of in the morning when you scramble out of bed is, “When’s that blasted contractor going to finish that other op?” It’s not a pipe dream. It’s reality for many Dentists, and this Special Report may even provide the one single profit breakthrough you’ve been looking for. I want to take this special opportunity to invite you to take the leap now, from working “hard” to working “smart.” No matter how long you’ve practiced dentistry or at what “level” you produce, or even what kind of town you’re in, you’ve probably caught yourself thinking…
There’s Just GOT To Be An Easier Way To Build This Practice And Make More Money With Less Work. And, if that thought has never crossed your mind or kept you awake at night, this Special Report is not for you. It simply means you’re already “At The Top.” So why should you listen to me? I’ve been in dentistry nearly 5 years. I’ve been in marketing for almost 10. I’ve been mentored by and learned from some remarkably astute, smart, and wealthy individuals in all different fields, created and managed “from-scratch” marketing programs for hundreds of dentists from all areas of the US, hired and fired staff, started and purchased companies, and elevated them from absolutely zero income to millions a year in sales. And I’m not even a dentist
Bluntly, I’ve been around the block. What I’ve gathered, borrowed, been taught, read, practiced, invented and even methods and techniques I’ve outright stolen from other successful business people, dentists like you included, are a series of very important and critical automatic profitmaking strategies. “T his co nce pt has been suggest ed by ma ny of t he top man ageme nt consult an ts. Ou r offic e neve r tried one bec aus e t hey all had t he s ame t he me. ‘BO RING.’ T he R.A.R.E. Sy ste m b ro ke that t radi tion. It offers informat ion fro m well know n p eople in t he med ia that my pat ient s reco gni ze. I wo uld ra te i t e xcelle nt. ” ~Dr. Don Falconio San Francisco, CA
(NOTE: I’m not a big believer in re-inventing the wheel. Therefore, every opportunity I have to use a proven tactic, I use it! I mean why re-invent how to perform C&B, right?) I’m not telling all that to you to brag and puff myself up and make myself feel good. I’m simply telling you the truth…I do know what I’m talking about. The results speak for themselves. (Why would you want to have someone who wasn’t confident and successful to guide you? That’s like having a money manager who isn’t easily a millionaire or better!) Now, if you carefully examine and consider each of these breakthroughs, I firmly believe you’ll be able to quickly and easily set in motion “Auto-Pilot” strategies so powerful, you’ll finally be able to RELAX knowing that new patient referrals and increasing profits will continue to come into your practice, just like you deserve, without any effort on our part at all. ZERO effort...even while
you’re on vacation in Mexico! Profit Breakthrough No. 1: Are YOU Your Own Barrier To Financial Freedom and Success?
You’ve undoubtedly heard the story of two dentists, identical education, identical practices, identical everything. Except, one is wildly successful and doesn’t worry about cash and the other is continually struggling just to keep the appt book full. Which one are you? If you’re struggling, it’s not your fault. I mean, you’re so darn busy hiring, firing, training, presenting cases, caring for your family, paying bills, sending out bills, and so on to really and truly and finally implement a tried and true, proven system for generating those ever-valuable patient referrals. It’s a tough cycle to break. Don’t worry. What we know and will share with you will make practicing dentistry easier and running the business less time consuming AND MORE profitable. And honestly, much, much more FUN! And don’t worry about how much time it will take you. It’ll all be done for you. No thought involved. Just a proven, automatic profit system working for you each and every month, like clockwork. Profit Breakthrough No. 2: Promises Not Kept? Have others over-promised in the past and never delivered? Have you been “stuck” with $20,000 in practice “brochures” that are collecting dust with an old 80’s photo of you and an old staff? Have you been “promised the Dental Carrot and never been able to ‘get it’?” The good news is you’re not alone. The bad news is, that 80’s mullet in your brochure photo is not coming back in style and neither is half the staff you fired since then (well, that’s actually good news!)!
It’s real important that before we even go any further, you clearly understand your business is no different than ANY other business when it comes to motivating folks to “Jam es, refer to you. I’ll explain why that is in a moment. Since 1995, hundreds of thousands of dollars developing this incredible, automatic, patient referral system that, hands-down, outperforms any other method around for generating highly-motivated new patient referrals who, will pay, stay loyal and refer others. Let me tell you first-hand, I’ve probably been responsible for mailing more newsletters to dental patients than any other single source in the world. And, frankly, they’re the single best tool around to generate new referral patients. The next time you’re getting advice from some “so-called expert,” ask them how many practices they’ve mailed newsletters for! Really, it is like having your real estate agent selling you investment properties when they don’t even have a single unit to their name!
I’m so oo gl ad I f inally jum ped on t he ban dwa gon wit h you r R.A.R.E. syst em …ou r first mo nt h got us 5 new p at ient referrals (dou ble ou r av erage ) and ab out $160 0 i n whi ten in g. Than k You! Le t’s get the ne xt one in t he mail! ” ~Dr. Leo Leins
And, what I’ve found when a client tells me “they don’t work for me,” Aurora, CO is that they have so many other, overriding problems with staff, bad pt relations, and so on, Mother Theresa herself couldn’t motivate their patients to refer and help ‘em! For those without those kinds of problems, this system is like Pure Friggin’ Platinum! But you know, I just don’t want you to go it alone and further, asking you to do so wouldn’t be fair! I recognize it’s my job when offering up a new program to you to shoulder the risk. And, I do so gladly (see my BIG, BOLD guarantee I’ll talk about later). But, for now, my job is to reveal to you exactly how you can easily and effortlessly generate more new patient referrals than your practice could possibly handle. All right? Now, let’s go to Breakthrough #3. Profit Breakthrough No. 3: Work Smart. Hours “Worked” Are Irrelevant To Income. It took me years to finally grasp the true value of this concept. My friend and real estate mentor, Ron LeGrand, is fond of saying, “The Less I Do The More I Make.” Now that’s more like it! Listen, it doesn’t matter if you spend 20 hours chairside or 40 hours. You could and should be earning just as much working half the time. Or, better still, twice as much in half the time! It’s a matter of structure, staff and mindset. And, once you figure out how, it’s not such a big, dark secret. In fact, it’s really embarrassingly simple! My friend and business partner Dr. Charles has an office that consistently hits $100,000+/month. He has no associates, yet works only 24 hours/week. That’s it. His “net” is close to 45% on a bad month. He’s learned and been coached to work “smart,” not hard Same thing with the R.A.R.E. system. Once you begin and see for yourself the high-quality, new patient referrals streaming in through your door, you’ll think, “Well of course that works.” It’s not rocket science. It’s just
Plain old human psychology.
You see, with this system, we’ve learned to harness the power of two very important psychological triggers that practically and unfairly force patients to refer to you! They are: Reward and Recognition. These are the two most important and critical factors to know about your patients! But don’t worry, we’ll show you exactly how to do it and we’ll even do it for you! Profit Breakthrough No. 4: How To Improve Patient Retention. A lot of really good practices struggle with patient retention. They’re really good at attracting new pts., but fail miserably when it comes to keeping, or retaining pts. In fact, for some practices, it’s almost like they have a sign out front that says, “One-Visit Is All You’ll Ever Need!” It’s like this: What is neglected eventually shrivels up and blows away. Flowers. Grass. Friends. And yes, even… PATIENTS. Like a good garden, in order to continually harvest from it, you have to provide good, ongoing care. You have to water it, fertilize it, and yes, EVEN HARVEST IT. A crop which goes un-harvested will lie in the field, rot and ruin, eventually weeds take over or worse, the topsoil blows away leaving you with unfertile, sterile, worthless ground. Hey, I’m no farmer, but I recognize the basics it takes to keep my simple flower garden going. I’ve got to prune the roses to make them bloom more and more, right?! Same deal with your practice. You’ll improve retention and increase referrals by actively nurturing the relationship you and your staff have worked so hard and spent hard-earned money to establish. Don’t worry about a thing. Our R.A.R.E. System is designed to achieve maximum patient retention...including the development of several, regular monthly strategies to maximize existing patient value while increasing referrals AND increasing retention! More on that later. Profit Breakthrough No. 5: How To Decrease No-Shows. No-shows can kill a hygiene schedule real fast. They can and do destroy production, too.
Your Solution to No-Shows
“If you wa nt to in crease the nu mb er of q ualit y new p at ient s i n you r practi ce, i nc reas e pro duc tion, hav e you r exis tin g pa tien ts ask in g you for de ntal t reat me nt & see t he ‘no -s ho ws & canc ellatio n’ drama tic ally de crease, the n u sin g the R.A.R.E. Sy ste m is a ‘no-brain er.’ T his is the best ba nd fo r yo ur b uc k ma rke tin g met ho d I’ve eve r us ed …a nd I’v e done it all!” ~Dr. Paula Brumit Dallas, TX
If your practice is plagued with no-shows, it’s one of two problems: 1.) staff; or 2.) your patients feel neglected and think YOU could care less if they showed for their appt so they don’t. You may think there are others, but realistically and truthfully, these are the core reasons (another third reason, believe it or not, are your fees are too low!). There are several ways to solve this problem. There are also several band-aid approaches.
Likely, they feel apathetic and believe you are, too, so it’s just not a high priority for them. Our R.A.R.E. System will change all that. It’ll show you DO care for them. Their health and well-being IS a priority. It’ll have an almost IMMEDIATE impact on decreasing no-shows. In fact, if that’s all it ever did for you was decrease no-shows, it’d be worth getting a half-dozen net new patients each month! (I’ll bet the average practice has at least a 3-5% attrition rate/month.) Profit Breakthrough No. 6: How To Slash the Costs Of Your Advertising. A question that’s GOT to be going through your mind is, “Sounds great James, but what in the world does a system like this cost me a month?” You’ll be surprised. Our R.A.R.E. System shouldn’t cost you a penny. EVER. It should be absolutely FREE. Let me explain: * 1 or 2 additional new patient referrals per month will more than cover your cost. (if you’re spending $200-$600/new patient, which I’ll bet you are, you’ll easily cover the cost!) * 1 or 2 patients who now actually make their appt and get work done more than cover your cost. * Including a simple strategy we share with you, like a “consultation certificate” for various procedures leads to newer, more comprehensive tx you’d otherwise never have gotten, or be seriously delayed in getting; and finally,
NEWS FLASH! In the month of July with just 130 patients in our files, we saw: • • •
4 new patients in July 7 new patients in August 10 New Patients in September!
* Educating your pts on new procedures or common ones most adult pts end up needing – 1 or 2 a month and you’ve covered your cost.
Do you see where I’m going with this? Just a couple additional actions each month cover your cost, putting the “black” back on your books...AND benefiting from the 6 Breakthroughs I’ve listed above. Over the last 5 years, I’ve shown thousands of dentists just like you how to increase patient referrals using our completely hands-off, automatic and effortless system… the R.A.R.E. System. During that time, I’ve served clients in every type and size of city, from wealthy suburban and downtown areas to the more rural, slower-paced all around the country and even in Canada. (You might even be surprised at the TV & Movie Celebrities on the receiving end of this system!) Now...since you’ve raised your hand and asked me about using our patient referral system to build your practice... Here’s what I’ve found and what I’ve found that WORKS over the last 10 years – I’m not talking some theoretical, Ivory Tower crap here, either. These are real-world, real-practice findings. By now you’re wondering what this amazing patient referral system is. Now, let me warn you, I didn’t say it was complicated. Here goes -
Using our completely hands-off, effortless, automatic profit, R.A.R.E. System, at your command, we’ll begin sending to every patient you tell us to, a monthly referral package containing... * A glossy, 16-page award-winning mini-magazine (Healthy Wealthy & Wise); * A practice news bulletin (fully customized for you, by us!) (Remember: this is all abut NO work on your part!); * 2 custom referral cards; and, plus, we’ll also include; * Any additional marketing you wish.
This amazing System will dramatically increase referrals, decrease no-shows, increase production from existing patients AND, it’ll let your patients know just how valuable they are to the success of your practice. And, I make absolutely NO exceptions to that statement. None whatsoever. What this means is that these new patients are more likely to accept you, the treatment you recommend, and allow you to provide them with their oral health care. But wait, there’s even more to this program. I’d like to tell you about a couple of key, “hidden” benefits which will result from my finely-tuned Retention/Attraction/Referral/Education System to make regular, monthly contact with your patient base: The quality of the new patients referred by your existing patients is better than what you will find doing external or “cold” marketing. Don’t get me wrong. External marketing is critical in building a prosperous practice, and I’ll cover that later (Don’t worry, I’ve got that one down, too, and so can you!). But, what this type of internal marketing accomplishes is really pretty basic...it allows you and your staff the opportunity to build a relationship with your patients…one that otherwise, wouldn’t even exist; a relationship that will help “lock-in” their loyalty to you! Cost to Acquire a New Patient vs. Cost to Keep an Existing Patient. Again, what we are looking at here is fairly simple. Many doctors would sooner spend, in some cases, up to $300 or even more on external or “cold” marketing just to get a new patient in the door. Wouldn’t it make sense then to make an investment, at the upper end of the spectrum of $15 to $24 per year, to keep your existing patients? It just makes sense that those already in your practice are your best customers! They will tend to lay money on the table more willingly than any other person that walks through your door. Why? Because these patients are more likely to accept you, the treatment you recommend, and allow you to provide them with other, discretionary oral health care options. End Result of Continued Contact. What are the results of keeping in touch with your patients on a monthly basis? Ask yourself this: “If I were the patient, would I attach added value to getting something from my doctor each month?” And, “Would I be more willing to refer to him because I remembered him and most importantly, felt like I had a relationship with him?” The end result of that constant contact is immeasurable!
I know, already you’re thinking about cost. But as I mentioned earlier, you’ll easily pay for this amazing patient referral system with just a few minor actions your patients take by following your direction! I know you’re not in business to give money or dentistry away (at least not all the time!). Overhead is a number that has to be constantly monitored...just like me around donuts.
Ok, listen up: Because I’m so confident, almost cocky in my self-assuredness that this will work for you, I’m going to let you test this program for three months at a fraction of what it would cost you if you were to do it yourself, and let you and you alone be the only judge of whether or not it’s by far the best and most successful marketing system you’ve ever used to maintain your existing patients and build internal referrals. ( At the end of this report, I have a very special offer for you – be sure and continue on!) And since we do all the hard work and heavy lifting for you, I guarantee you will be absolutely amazed at how little time and effort it takes to actually stay in regular contact with each of your best patients. Staying in touch is important. Having the ability to utilize a turn-key system such as the one you see on the next page makes it incredibly easy. A while back we got a letter from Dr. Kelly Hamer, who went from being booked 1½ weeks to being booked over 5 weeks ahead... after he started using Healthy, Wealthy & Wise. In fact, one of the things he asked us in his letter was, “Do you know how I can get myself an associate?” (When you get ready to look for one, call me and I'll tell you how.) In just one month, Dr. Hamer got 33 new patients at a cost of only $30 each. He estimates these 33 patients will generate an additional $95,601 in profits during the time they remain in his practice (his average internally referred patient generates about $2,900 in production)! You too could have these exact same results! Imagine: Referral Patients packed like sardines in your schedule! As you might have though, there are a lot of factors that go into Dr. Hamer’s success... but, I DO know that my R.A.R.E. System is the absolute best thing you can do for your practice, right now, to build internal referrals and increase patient compliance (in tx acceptance, showing up for appts., and so on.) And, if you’re ever here in Salem, Oregon, I’ll show you a 3-ring binder full of testimonials. Why the R.A.R.E. System Works So Well... The typical patient newsletter doesn’t work because they deal with a subject your patients are simply not interested in: dentistry. When they visit your office, they want to get in and out as soon as possible. Gums, enamel, and plaque are not things they want to read about in their spare time. And so, when they get another “You and Your Gums” newsletter (you’ve seen them!) it goes right in the round file (trash). Each monthly issue of this “mini-magazine” focuses on topics of interest to the average reader - from home improvements, lawn care, cooking, parenting, and pets - to business, finance, investing, and health. Contributing columnists include motivational speaker Zig Ziglar, investment advisor Bruce Williams, as well as “60-Minutes” humorist Andy Rooney and Mr. Dave Barry (plus many others). The sophisticated look, quality of the writing, and full-color graphics in the 16-page Healthy, Wealthy & Wise magazine is outstanding – it’s a
publication you can be pleased and proud to send. (In fact, our magazine was awarded 1st Place Overall in Community Magazine Division by Tribune Media Services!) When your patients receive your personalized R.A.R.E. System package each month they are sure to be impressed...not only with the magazine, but also with the simple fact that you took time out of your schedule to actually think of THEM! They’ll appreciate the news bits on the changes and advancements in dentistry, as well as community news or other items you wish to have us insert into your personalized bulletin. Soon after they begin reading and examining your personalized package, they’ll also have the ability to pass your customized referral cards on to their friends, family or associates. Or, they will take advantage of one of the consultation certificates we include for you! This is a powerful, word-of-mouth tool that you can easily encourage using in your personalized bulletins. In fact, once we spend a few short months “training” your patients on referring, it will become a natural, normal thing for them to do. By the fourth month, you’ll be wondering why you didn’t do this sooner! Ask yourself this: Would hundreds of dentists mail a combined 65,000+ issues each month to their patients if it weren’t getting results for them? If you want a big practice, a successful practice, and if you want a practice that earns you $250,000 net income or more a year, this is the easiest and fastest way to get there, no question! Here’s my unconditional guarantee: Begin using my R.A.R.E. System program on a select group of patients every month for just 3 months as we prescribe it, and I will guarantee you will be witness to the following: 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) 5.)
Higher Numbers of New Patient Referrals A Reduction in Cancellations and No-Shows Higher Percentage of Treatment Acceptance Better Communication and Better Relationships with Your Patients A Sincere Appreciation for Your Work and for Keeping in Touch And, I’ll take all the risk!
That may sound like an unbelievable proposal, but it’s one I’ll stand behind and not even lose a minute of sleep over. Not one single minute. Here’s why: Out of all the Doctors who’ve tried this program, only a handful stopped. But one of those was because the Doctor retired, and one was because he... Got too busy to handle more new patients! The others? Well, believe it or not, 4 out of 5 end up coming back to us again to continue on with the system!
The point is, when you work, you want to make it worthwhile. And that means that you want... Good Patients who want Good Dentistry and are Ready, Willing & Able to Pay for it. That’s why you want word-of-mouth referrals from regular, satisfied patients. They’re the best kind of new patient to get and the reason is: They’re already sold! They already like you! That’s why you want to keep the patients you have. They are the meat and potatoes of your practice. YOU CAN’T AFFORD TO LOSE THEM! I know in the past you may have done yellow pages, direct mail, co-op mailings, new mover mailings, and everything else there is. Maybe even those Institutional Dental Newsletters (You and Your Gums... Furcations R us... The Joy of Probing?!?). The bottom line is: Regular R.A.R.E. System mailings to your own patients is BY FAR the most cost effective method of rapidly and magnetically attracting high-quality, pre-qualified New Patients to your schedule AND Keeping the ones you already have! On a return-on-investment analysis, our System is THREE TO FOUR TIMES less expensive than the yellow pages, and about FIVE to SIX TIMES less expensive than other types of direct mail. (Many clients have reported seeing only 3 to 5 patients a month from their $1,500+ Yellow Page ads!) this is something even the BIG, “successful” practices ignore! But, it’s not because they do it on purpose…They just don’t know any better! Remember, this is a system for keeping your existing patients and stimulating more word-of-mouth referrals from your own patients. It’s not a mass mailing, or a “Val-Pac Coupon” style offer. It’s thoroughly professional and your patients will appreciate it. The magazine we include, Healthy Wealthy & Wise is a fun, easy-toread, informative, and interesting little magazine that ALL your patients will really look forward to reading every month. And, to further enhance the profitability of each R.A.R.E. System mailing each and every month we provide some kind of offer to “piggyback” with the whole patient packet What this means is that since your patient is going to open and read the issue, and look at your one-page Behind the Scenes Bulletin, (which we will write for you with as much or as little input as you would care to give), it certainly makes sense to also put in their hot little hands, an offer they simply can’t refuse! An offer such as: “FREE Smile Analysis! Includes $100 off our Cosmetic Teeth Whitening Kit!” or something similar (Don’t worry, we give you suggestions and free designs each month, and it’s an all-inclusive component to the System!). The point is we do everything in our power to ensure your existing patients
will 1.) Refer to you more often, and 2.) Keep on coming in and taking you up on your offers! As soon as you complete the enclosed Application for Services, we’ll immediately FAX you a step-bystep outline of the program that will help us get you going within 72 hours! I don’t know if you’ve ever priced what doing something of this class and magnitude would run an average practice. I can assure you, from ours and other’s experience, it exceeds five dollars per package. It’s expensive. And, even worse, it’s massively time-consuming. You and I can always do things to earn more income, but time is precious, and you can’t get it back. You know how it goes: Money is Replaceable, Time is Priceless. Bluntly and truthfully, the offices doing similar types of activities spent upwards of $5 or $6 per patient for each mailing, by the time the front office person or hygienist finished stuffing and mailing all the envelopes. (Heck, you could even employ temporary labor and it would still exceed $4 to $5!). Market study after market study told us that even charging upwards of $3.00 per patient would be a very fair and equitable price for the value and content delivered in this package. But don’t worry. $3.00 is a pretty big chunk of change… and we even went below that. In fact, down to $1.61 lower! For as little as $1.39 per household (yep, that includes POSTAGE!) our R.A.R.E. System enables you to send a personalized message to each and every patient you choose, for more than 300% less than what you may be spending or contemplating spending right now. (But read on! I have an unbelievable offer to share with you!) Sure, you could go out and get an old rendition of a newsletter for your practice – heck, even right off the Internet! It’s easy to find companies out there that will put some dental copy on a sheet of paper and mail it to your patients. It’s cheap, but at what cost to your patient relationship? I mean, let’s be frank: what image do you want to portray to your patients? Do you want to provide them a quality “Thank You Gift,” education, rewards, recognition, and Referring Patient-Only special which lead to high-end cosmetic cases? Do you want your patient referral package to reflect your practice’s true image, and the quality of your dentistry? Put yourself in the shoes of your best patients: would you appreciate an 8 ½ x 11 flyer with a black and white photo of some model on it and a few words about prophies and maybe a short article about MDI implants? Maybe. What you would surely appreciate is a full-blown monthly “Thank You Gift Package” containing a useful mini-magazine, specials for “referring patients only,” news and information on the doctor and staff and education/enlightenment on the latest in cosmetic techniques? (Remember, we customize the entire package for you!) Which would you respond to if both offered a Free Cosmetic Consultation? The one printed in black and white on cheap paper? Or, the package which reflected the high-quality work you and your staff are known for? We all know it’s all about credibility.
I would imagine it would be quite difficult for a patient to want to refer to you if the image you portrayed was reflected by the quality of your newsletter! And what about those big cosmetic cases? Would you expect patients to move forward on the “big cases” if you sent them a cheap old newsletter that didn’t necessarily reflect the true gratitude you have for them? What’s more is getting started on a program of this magnitude should be very simple. And, it is. Just decide how many patients you want to receive your R.A.R.E. System Patient Mailing (clients usually start with 500 to 600 or more of their patients – most see the value and send to their entire patient base) and we’ll take it from there. It’s extremely easy, you’ll see! As I mentioned, we do all the work for you. We eliminate the troubles of mailings, newsletters, internal marketing, keeping your existing patients, and asking for referrals. It’s all done for you for one low price.
“De ar Sir or M ad am, I rece ive d a cop y of Healthy, Wealthy, & Wise t hrou gh t he m ail from my den tist office. I very m uc h e njoye d it. If your hav e a regula r pri nti ng I woul d really app rec iat e b ein g o n yo ur maili ng list to rec eiv e i t. Than k yo u fo r all t he informat ion pa ck ed into that o ne li ttle issue I enjoye d ” Sincerely, Sandy Kologek Royal Oak, Michigan
And remember, it’s all Risk-Free to you. If, after 3 months, you’re not totally thrilled with the results of sending out three consecutive mailings in 90 dayss, simply call me up and I’ll cancel your service, with no further obligation to you, and no questions asked! AND, I’LL MAIL YOU A COMPLETE REFUND. Shortly after starting with our service, here’s what Dr. John Tacheff had to say about using our System: “I just wanted to tell you that we love your business. We had a goal in November to reach $40,000 each month. We not only made that goal but we surpassed it each month. This month we will bring in close to $50,000 and we attribute it all the your R.A.R.E. System!”
A Few Important WARNINGS: 1.) Please do NOT in any way under-value or underestimate the newsletter because it’s not Madison Avenue ad agency. I’ve got $2 million+ annual producers using it – selling huge cases to referred patients. It’s intentional. Also, remember, one secret of its success is that it’s NOT loaded up with dull, boring all-dental content. This is about RELATIONSHIP. 2.) Oh...and PLEASE do NOT call or fax me trying to change this around to your liking. I’ve got this down to a successful science. I spent hundreds of hours and tens of thousands of dollars in design and testing to make sure we get it JUST RIGHT. You are paying for “expert engineering” that’s gone into this, and continues to go into it each month. It’s proven – don’t change it.
Call today to get enrolled: 1-800-311-1390. Or, if it’s more convenient, simply fax the enclosed Short Application to us: 1-503-371-1299. Sincerely, James D. Erickson, CEO EMC Dental Marketing
P.S. #1 I know that the primary reason dentists hesitate to make the investment in Healthy, Wealthy & Wise is that they are not 100% convinced it will work in their practice. So, I’ve eliminated that barrier to your making more profit with with our unusual 100% Double Guarantee: If you don’t see a traceable increase in business or an increase in patient retention by your fourth consecutive month, just let us know, and not only will you have the option to cancel without further obligation, we’ll give you two extra months of our service, FREE, and I’ll overnight you a crisp, $100 bill, just for your troubles! Fax your application or call today!
1-800-311-1390 (Phone) or 1-503-371-1299 (FAX) P.S. #2 I don’t know of any other service offered anywhere that compares in value, quality and price to the R.A.R.E. System Patient Newsletter Program. You can mail dental newsletters to your patients, and they might respond. Or, you can participate in a completely hands-off System where the results are GUARANTEED to be awesome. For a fraction of the cost you can get your marketing message out, bring new patient referrals in, and get more scheduled treatment from your existing patients. Call today and give our automatic-profit, patient referral System a try. I guarantee you won’t be disappointed.
P.S. #3 I’m giving you your entire first month’s use of our System at no cost. Yes, FREE! Simply pay the $495 Application Fee. You can mail 500 pieces or 1500. It’s up to you! I guarantee you won’t be disappointed.
Yours FREE! P.S. #4 Criminny Sakes! I almost forgot to include this: if you FAX in your Application which is enclosed with this package, by the date stamped in red on it, I’ll include the following FREE BONUSES:
1.) Six back issues plus an ongoing free subscription to a very special Audio Seminar on CD from me which is part of my Dentistry Confidential series. This alone is valued at $59.95 per month, and it’s YOURS FREE – every month you remain a member! All at no additional charge. 2.) FREE: Dan Kennedy’s legendary Magnetic Marketing Kit! It currently sells for $598 and my clients routinely and gladly pay it! Yours FREE, with the Dental Marketing Supplement! 3.) 120 Days To A Profitable Practice – Yours FREE! This special set of newsletters I’ve been allowed distribution rights to are ALSO yours FREE in an attractive comb-bound set. Valued at over $399!
* The above special FREE Bonuses valued at OVER $8,700 (!) are ONLY available by the date stamped in red on the application – otherwise, they evaporate and go away…forever! So hurry and submit your Application right away!
P.S. #5
I want to completely and totally eliminate any and all risk for you - Just try my program for one month AT NO COST TO YOU (simply reimburse us for the minor Application charge) and see if working with me and my team isn’t the best experience you’ve ever had. Then, continue to evaluate the program for the next 60 days (90 days total, 3 mailings) - if you’re not pleased with the results, just let us know and we’ll refund every penny you paid for your mailings…hassle free…totally and 100% risk-free. and, if you feel my program isn’t for you or you’re unhappy in any way with us, I’ll send you a certificate for a FREE Dinner on me at Ruth’s Chris Steak House, or a $150 Gift Certificate for Omaha Steaks…What do you possibly have to loose? Get started right away!
My IRON-CLAD “NO B.S.” 100% CLIENT SATISFACTION Gaurantee *Your first month is FREE (a very real $750+ value!). Simply reimburse us for the small Application Fee. (Only $495) *You automatically receive over $24,700 in FREE BONUSES, just for singing up (!) *You have a 90-day, NO RISK trial period. (You can cancel and request a REFUND @ any time if your don’t see a traceable increase in referrals over the prior year, same period, after sending 3 consecutive mailings over a 90 day period.) *If you are unhappy for ANY reason with our ongoing client service which is FIVE STAR and a trend-setter in the industry, let me know and You choose between either: a dinner on me at Ruth’s Chris (up to $150) or $150 of Omaha Steaks. *If you so decide to cancel during the first 90 days, I’ll also overnight a CRISP $100 Bill just for your trouble.
ONLY from EMC Dental Marketing… “Smart, Simple, Effective” ©2007 EMC Dental Marketing/Erickson Marketing Communications.