Emc applied science catalog 2013

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2013 FALL

Learning Solutions for Applied Science

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Applied Science

Biotechnology: Science for the New Millennium, First Edition, Revised Address current scientific methods and developments in the biotechnology industry with new and improved sections, projects, and lab activities! Designed for introductory courses, Biotechnology: Science for the New Millennium teaches the concepts and hands-on lab procedures required for entrylevel careers in the rapidly growing biotechnology industry. Combine the textbook with the lab manual to integrate strategies, methods, and documentation to design and analyze experiments. • Biotech Careers encourages students to pursue a future career in biotechnology with spotlights on successful people in the field. • Expand on classroom lessons and encourage students to explore deeper into areas of biotechnology with web-based Biotech Online activities. • Place students in realistic situations to solve laboratory 357 Biotechnologies problems in Thinking Like aMedical Biotechnician.

Ellyn Daugherty, MST, San Mateo Biotechnology Career Pathway • Challenge students with Bioethics activities that present overproduces the HER2 protein. By screening women for the HER2and gene,ethical doctors know critical questions of biotechnology research. © 2012the likely Text 452 pages | Lab Manual 290 pages effectiveness of the anti-HER2 antibody treatment before they try it. • Reinforce mastery of the concepts and skills through Lab Several companies are beginning to focus their research and manufacturing in pharmacogenetics. For example, Genitope Corporation in Fremont, California, has develTutor, additional quizzes, games, and flash cards on the oped a personalized immunotherapy manufacturing process for the production of indiEncore CD. vidualized antibodies developed from a cancer patient’s own tumor cells. Using DNA sequencing, protein sequencing, or other assays, the identify of anManual prepares students for the • The Laboratory individual’s specific genetic and protein variations, compared with the majority of the workplace teaching standard lab operating procedures with population, will allow for individual drug design that could reduce the risk for allergic 100mutations lab activities. reactions and side effects and increase drug effectiveness. nearly Since some are common, variations of medications could be designed for groups of people.

A Medicine Just for YOU


Learn how having a certain mutation can make a certain personalized medicine work for you.

Go to http://biotech.emcp.net/lungcancerdrug. Read the article and summarize in a few sentences how this disease, mutation, and treatment are an example of personalized medicine. Then, click on the link and find the genetic answer to why this drug works well but only in some people. © M. Miele/Corbis.

Biotech Online Web-based Activities

Biomarkers and Diagnostics


One of the tools needed for the design of personalized medicines and genetic diagnosis is the ability to map individual patient’s genes and protein expression and look at the differences between people who are sick and people who are not sick. These differences are markers, called biomarkers. Biomarkers may be sections of DNA or proteins in a certain cell or tissues, or they may be an organic or inorganic compound that is used to measure some aspect of health or treatment. Biomarkers 800-328-1452 | 800-328-4564 Fax disease, but they may may be used to diagnosis and treat also be used to monitor the effectiveness of a treatment. Some examples of biomarkers are:

biomarker (bio•mar•ker) a substance, often a protein or section of a nucleic acid, used to indicate, identify, or measure the presence or activity of another biological substance or process

Applied Science

“Thinking Like a Biotechnician” places students in realistic situations and asks them to solve problems. 216


Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Thinking Like a Biotechnician 1. What color is light of the following wavelengths: 600 nm, 525 nm, and 475 nm? 2. A colorless protein is purified from a cell extract. What kind of spectrophotometer should be used to detect its presence and concentration? 3. In moles/liter, what is the concentration of H+ in a solution that has a pH of 6.0? In moles/ liter, what is the concentration of OH- in a solution that has a pH of 6.0? 4. If a solution has a pH of 5.3, how can it be brought to a pH of 7.1? 5. Describe how to prepare 5 L of a 0.25 M TRIS buffer at pH 7.4. 6. Describe how to prepare 250 mL of 0.01 M NaH2PO4 × H2O, 1 mM Na2HPO4, pH 6.8. 7. A 0.01 M NaH2PO4 × H2O, 1 mM Na2HPO4, pH 7.2 buffer is needed for a protein. Why is it important to prepare the buffer at the stated pH of 7.2, instead of using the buffer in Question 6? 8. The enzyme, amylase, requires a small amount of Ca2+ ions as a cofactor for activity. Thus, CaCl2 is added to amylase buffers. Describe how to prepare 100 mL of 0.5 M TRIS, 0.05 M CaCl2 buffer at pH 7.2. 9. A molecule has a lambdamax of 475 nm. What wavelengths would probably not be good to use for testing samples for the presence of the molecule? 10. A set of standards is prepared by diluting a stock sample in a 1:2 ratio. If the stock solution has an absorbance of 1.2 au, and the 1:2 dilution has an absorbance of 0.6 au, what would be the expected amount absorbance of the 1:4, 1:8, and 1:16 dilutions? If the absorbance of the dilutions is not as expected, what might be the reason?

Activity 7.1

BACs versus YACs

To transform cells with large pieces of DNA, larger vectors are needed. Scientists have developed BACs and YACs to host pieces of foreign DNA up to 500 kb (kilobases) in size. These have been critical for transformation, sequencing, and genome projects.


Go to http://biotech.emcp.net/spectrophotometry to learn how a spectrophotometer measures photons and produces absorbance data.

“Phun” at Home with pH Many of the beverages, condiments, and cooking ingredients found in a kitchen are acids and bases. A solution with a pH of less than 7 has more H+ ions than OH- ions and is, therefore, an acid. Acid solutions have certain characteristics, including, depending on the strength, a sour taste, and the ability to burn. A solution with a pH higher than 7 has more OH- ions than H+ ions and is considered a base. Basic solutions may also have a sour taste, feel slippery, and cause burns. TO D O Determine the pH of solutions in the kitchen. 1. Arrange to take home a box of wide-range pH paper. 2. Determine the pH of at least 10 solutions or liquid mixtures in your kitchen. Be creative. Almost anything liquid or sitting in liquid can be tested. Caution: Read all labels before testing a solution to ensure that the solution is safe. 3. Make a data table to record the name of each item tested, its pH, whether it is an acid, a base, or a neutral solution. 4. Which of the samples has the additional characteristics of an acid or a base?

“Biotech Live” activities require Web research, writing, creating charts, and/or hands-on lab work.

CONTENTS: Textbook 1. What is Biotechnology? 2. The Raw Materials of Biotechnology. 3. The Basic Skills of the Biotechnology Workplace. 4. Introduction to Studying DNA. 5. Introduction to Studying Proteins. 6. Identifying a Potential Biotechnology Product. 7. Spectrophotometers and Concentration Assays. 8. The Production of a Recombinant Biotechnology Product. 9. Bringing a Biotechnology Product to Market. 10. Introduction to Plant Biotechnology. 11. Biotechnology in Agriculture. 12. Medical Biotechnologies. 13. DNA Technologies 14. Biotechnology Research and Applications: Looking Forward. CONTENTS: Laboratory Manual 1. Introduction to Biotechnology Methodologies. 2. Basic Biology for the Biotechnician. 3. Basic Chemistry for the Biotechnician. 4. DNA Isolation and Analysis. 5. Protein Isolation and Analysis. 6. Assay Development. 7. Using the Spectrophotometer for DNA and Protein Assays. 8. Recombinant Protein Production. 9. Protein Product Purification and Analysis. 10. Plant Biotechnology. 11. Agricultural Biotechnologies. 12. Obtaining Molecules of Pharmaceutical Interest. 13. Making DNA Molecules. 14. Biotechnology Research and Applications.



meaning of acronym primary uses circular or linear typical size of insert another interesting fact reference 1 reference 2

Visual Spectrophotometry Virtually

1. Run the spectrophotometer simulation to understand how the spectrophotometer works and how transmittance data is converted to absorbance data using Beer’s Law. 2. Click on the link “Absorbance Spectrum.” Follow the directions to produce an absorbance spectrum for an unknown sample. Sketch the absorbance spectrum in your notebook and identify the sample’s lambdamax. 3. Click on the link “Cell Path Length.” In your notebook, record what cell path length is and how it affects absorbance data. 4. Click on the link “Effect of Concentration.” In your notebook, record the effect solute concentration has on transmittance and absorbance data.

Using at least two different Web sites, learn more about BACs and YACs, and their uses in biotechnology. Create a chart like the one below to record the information you gather. Characteristics

Biotech Live TO DO

Activity 7.2

genes. Several kinds of mammalian cells are used as host cells, including Chinese hamster ovary cells (CHO) and mouse kidney cells. These cells have good transfection efficiencies and grow well in broth culture. Viruses are often used as vectors to carry genes of interest into the mammalian host cells. Viral DNA is cut with restriction enzymes and a gene of interest is inserted. Cosmids are also used as vectors. Cosmids are like very large plasmids. It is also common to inject DNA directly into the nucleus of a mammalian cell using a microinjection syringe.

endonucleases (en•do•nu•cle•a•ses) the enzymes that cut RNA or DNA at specific sites; restriction enzymes are endonucleases that cut DNA sticky ends (stick•y ends) the restriction fragments in which one end of the double stranded DNA is longer than the other; necessary for the formation of recombinant DNA

Making Recombinant DNA To carry a gene(s) into a cell, a plasmid or other vector must first be “spliced” or cut open. The gene(s) of interest is then pasted into the open plasmid. This produces another circular piece of DNA containing DNA from two different species. It is called a rDNA plasmid since the DNA pieces have been recombined from two different sources. The recombinant plasmid acts as a vector, carrying the gene of interest into a new cell (see Figure 8.11). Two sets of enzymes cut and paste the DNA to produce a piece of rDNA. The cutting ones, restriction enzymes (also called endonucleases), recognize specific A, C, G, and T sequences within DNA molecules, and cut the DNA strands. Some restriction enzymes cut like scissors, straight across the DNA strand, to produce “blunt ends.” However, the most valuable restriction enzymes cut to produce “sticky ends.” Sticky ends have one side of the DNA strand that is longer than the other. These overhangs allow for complementary matches between two DNA pieces cut by the same enzyme. A plasmid can be cut with a restriction enzyme, and a gene of interest can be cut by the same restriction enzyme. Their sticky ends will match, and pasting may occur to produce an rDNA molecule. The pasting is done by a second enzyme called DNA ligase.

Must-know terms are boldfaced when first introduced and are defined in page margins.

Student Courseware Text (hardcover) with Encore CD eBook (6 year license) Text (hardcover) with Encore CD and Lab Manual Text (hardcover) with Encore CD, Lab Manual, and Lab Notebook Lab Manual with Encore CD Lab Notebook Instructor Resources *Instructor’s Guide with CD *Course Planner EXAMVIEW® Assessment Suite CD



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Price $72.95 $135.95

ISBN 978-0-76384-291-8 978-0-76383-876-8



*Internet Resource Center: www.emcschool.net/biotechnology

eBook available—works on all devices!

*Free to adopters of 20 or more texts

emcschool.com | email: educate@emcp.com


Applied Science

Applied Anatomy & Physiology: A Case Study Approach, Second Edition


The study of human anatomy and physiology is about more than just memorizing body parts and functions. Fully comprehending the human body requires a profound understanding of functions, systems and structures, and a practical application of the facts. Applied Anatomy & Physiology is a fresh approach to teaching the fundamental principles and the practical application of those principles to your high school students. This edition addresses current educational standards, includes an online interactive tool, and an improved workbook and laboratory manual. • Students learn to develop their own hypotheses using chapter concepts to solve Case Study Investigation challenges. • Challenge students’ critical thinking skills with Science and Social Ethics scenarios. Brian R. Shmaefsky, PhD, Kingwood College © 2013

Text 622 pages | Workbook & Lab Manual 316 pages

CONTENTS: Textbook and Workbook & Laboratory Manual 1. Overview of the Body. 2. The Body’s Chemical Makeup. 3. Organization of the Body. 4. The Skin and Its Parts. 5. The Skeletal System. 6. The Muscular System. 7. The Endocrine Glands and Hormones. 8. Function of the Nervous System. 9. Structure of the Nervous System. 10. The Respiratory System. 11. The Cardiovascular System. 12. The Lymphatic System and the Blood. 13. The Digestive System. 14. The Urinary System. 15. The Reproductive Systems and Human Development.

• Stimulating sidebars emphasize the importance of health workers’ civic responsibility, ethics, and an awareness of related medical research. • End-of-chapter activities address critical thinking, practical application, comprehension, and Internet research. • Full-color companion workbook and laboratory manual complements and reinforces text instruction with an inviting array of activities, including over 100 illustrations to label and color, practical exercises, laboratory activities, and chapter quizzes. • Package with A.D.A.M. Interactive Anatomy for a comprehensive and digital learning solution.

A.D.A.M. Interactive Anatomy dramatically enhances the study of human anatomy, physiology, and related topics through incredibly detailed graphics, precision accuracy, and advanced functionality.


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Applied Science

“Case Study Investigation” launches each chapter with a medical mystery students are invited to solve.

Clear illustrations teach essential information for anatomy and physiology.

Figure 11.13a Structure of the Heart The human heart has four chambers. The left atrium and ventricle chambers pump blood to the body while the right atrium and ventricle chambers pump blood to the lungs.


right pulmonary arteries

left pulmonary arteries superior vena cava

left atrium left pulmonary veins great cardiac vein

right pulmonary veins

Case Study Investigation #11

Track your Case Study Investigation progress using the form posted on the Internet Resource Center.

Refer to the Encyclopedia section of A.D.A.M. Interactive Anatomy to research a condition or look up a symptom to help solve this case study.

left coronary artery

right coronary artery

The local YMCA is having a 5-kilometer (5K) Run, Walk, or Crawl fundraiser. You decide to volunteer at the first-aid station to take care of blisters and other minor injuries associated with these events. It is a cool, overcast morning, making it a perfect day for a race, so you do not expect any problems due to hot weather. A call comes in on the two-way radio that a young male runner just passed out at the 2K mark on the course. You alert the emergency medical technician (EMT) on duty, and you both head out to attend to the runner. When you get there, the EMT starts questioning the young man, and you record the conversation for the EMT’s report. The 25-year-old runner, Chris, explains that he experienced tightness in his chest followed by chest pain right before he became dizzy and fainted. He also says that he had been short of breath since reaching the 1K mark. This is the first race he has ever run; however, he says that he takes short walks every night. You learn that Chris has no history of heart attacks or high blood pressure. He claims that his physical examinations always show low levels of cholesterol and fats in his blood. He also states that he had a reasonable breakfast and drank a lot of water that morning. While Chris is recovering at the first-aid station, the EMT decides to test your knowledge of anatomy and physiology by asking you to diagnose Chris’s condition. At the end of the chapter, you will be asked to determine the possible cardiovascular system problems causing the illness.

cardiac vein right atrium left ventricle inferior vena cava apex

right ventricle trachea


Figure 11.13b Location of the Heart The heart is located between the lungs (in a space called the mediastinum) and above the diaphragm. The pericardium is a membranous sac that encloses the heart.


mediastinum lung


The CardiovasCular sysTem


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Concept Check questions provide immediate assessment on newly introduced topics. Student Courseware Textbook (hardcover) eBook (6 year license) Textbook with A.D.A.M. Interactive Anatomy (1 year license) Workbook & Laboratory Manual Workbook & Laboratory Manual eBook Workbook & Laboratory Manual and A.D.A.M. Interactive Anatomy (1 year license) Instructor Resources *Print Instructor’s Guide *Instructor Digital Resources with EXAMVIEW® (CD only) *Print Instructor’s Guide and Instructor’s Digital Resources with EXAMVIEW® CD

Price $99.95 $89.95

ISBN 978-0-82196-359-3 978-0-82196-705-8








Key Terms called out and defined at the terms point of use.

✓Concept Check 1. Explain the structural differences between arteries and veins. 2. Describe the different functions of arteries and veins. 3. Distinguish between arterioles, venules, and capillaries.

Does the information about blood vessels provide any insight into the CSI? Could a particular type of blood vessel be responsible for Chris’s problems? Is there a relationship between his breathing difficulty and the function of his arteries, veins, or capillaries?

sTruCTure of The human hearT $63.95


Price $72.95

ISBN 978-0-82196-365-4





Key Terms: cardiac infarction, cardiac ischemia, coronary arteries, coronary veins, endocardium, epicardium, fibrous pericardium, myocardium, pericardium, pulmonary circulation, serous pericardium, systemic circulation The heart is a muscular, two-part pump that forces blood throughout the body (Figure 11.13a). The left side of the heart, sends blood at high pressure to all parts of the body except the lungs. This is called systemic circulation (Figure 11.12). The right side of the heart pumps blood through the lungs at a lower pressure than does the left side. This is called pulmonary circulation. Delicate capillaries in the lungs would burst if blood were pumped into them at too high a pressure. The heart is nestled in the mediastinum, which is located between the lungs. The heart is separated from the lungs by a membranous sac called the pericardium (Figure 11.13b). The pericardium is filled with serous fluid that lubricates and protects the heart as it beats in the thoracic cavity. There are three layers of the pericardium: the fibrous pericardium, serous pericardium, and pericardial cavity. The fibrous pericardium is the outermost layer of the pericardium. It is a layer of connective tissue that works to protect the heart and anchor it to the surrounding structures. The serous pericardium is located underneath the fibrous pericardium and is the innermost layer of the pericardium. It is composed of two epithelial layers that lubricate the heart to prevent friction during heart activity. The layer next to the fibrous pericardium is the parietal layer of the serous pericardium. The outermost layer of the heart is the visceral layer of the serous pericardium, or the epicardium. Between these two layers is the pericardial cavity, which is filled with serous fluid. The heart is a hollow structure composed primarily of thick sheets of cardiac muscle called the myocardium (Figure 11.14) that contract to pump blood. The myocardium is tightly attached to the epicardium on the outer surface of the heart. Fatty connective tissue can also be found in this area.

Systemic Circulation Circulation that supplies blood to all parts of the body, except the lungs Pulmonary Circulation Circulation that supplies blood to the lungs Pericardium A membranous sac that encloses the heart Fibrous Pericardium The outermost layer of the pericardium Serous Pericardium The innermost layer of the pericardium Epicardium The outer layer of the heart formed by the visceral layer of the pericardium Myocardium The muscle of the heart wall that contracts to pump blood

Key Terms Reminder Remember that epithelial describes tissue that covers external and internal body surfaces; and parietal describes the outer wall of a hollow body part (such as the stomach) or the thin linings covering body cavities.

*Internet Resource Center: www.emcschool.net/anatphys The CardiovasCular sysTem

eBook available—works on all devices!

*Free to adopters of 20 or more texts

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