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Cottage Grove schools

Cottage Grove Lions



• Callie March – attending LCC, major is undecided

• Hannah Mathis – attending George Fox University, Kinesiology major, plans on becoming a Physical Therapist

• Kajsa Merz – attending Oregon State University, majoring in Business

• Walker McCauley – attending University of Oregon, majoring in Business


• Halle DeGarlais – Attending Oregon State University, majoring in Kinesiology, plans on becoming an Athletic Trainer

• Sylas Williams – Entering into an apprenticeship to become an Electrician, plans on starting his own business

Al Kennedy HS

By Dana Merryday dana_merryday@yahoo.com

Al Kennedy High School, located at the former elementary school in Delight Valley, bene ted greatly om the ac vi shelter le over om the days of having a place for Oregon kids to go out to play in the seasonal rains.

The shelter still bearing the Basketball hoops, was the site of the rst unres icted gathering of families to watch their student’s gradua on. By con ast, at last year’s select members of the fa mily sat with their graduate, masked and socially distanced in small groups. is year as families assembled the heavens provided a steady downpour during the fes vi es. e low clouds and rains gave a wash of gray over the surrounding hills. e small ght communi that is Kennedy is characterized by close relationships between staff and students. What be er way to show this s le of educa on than by stude nts receiving their diplomas with a personalized observa on om a teacher.

At this celebra on everybody om grandma to little Suzie was there and eager to cheer on their star. Al Kennedy, a legendary educator, was known for his innovative ways to reach the hard to reach students. Rope icks, hands-on ac vi es, and me spent outdoors along with eld ips are s ll part of the Kennedy way and these were referenced in presen ng this year’s crop of graduates.

Each sta member had selected four to ve students that they then shared q uali es about that student before handing them the sheepskin.

To escort them out, instead of “Pomp & Circumstance” there was the special Kennedy Song where each student had a personalized verse.

Principal H aile Ketcher after describing all of the challenges and obstacles that her students have overcome in this profound year, summed it all up by saying. “We are so proud of you!” at was a sen ment felt by all.

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