EMES Network Fact Sheet 2016

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Building international knowledge on the third sector and social enterprise


EMES is an international network of research centres and individual researchers on the third sector and social enterprise. Since April 2013, EMES membership is open to individual scholars from all world regions while it maintains a core of European research centres at its heart.

Researchers by country Norway Sweden Luxembourg The Netherlands

United Kingdom








Bulgaria Lebanon Israel




Czech Republic

Switzerland Italy


China India

Spain Colombia







Belgium United States


Slovenia Latvia


Taiwan Bangladesh Singapore

Saudi Arabia

United Arab Emirates



Chile South Africa

New Zealand

In addition to the individual members captured in the map, EMES includes the following institutional members: AICCON - Research Centre on Cooperative and Non Profit Organizatios Univ. of Bologna (IT)

Center for Social Economy Univ. of Liege (BE) Centre for Social Entrepreneurship Roskilde University (DK)

Chaire d’économie solidaire Conservatoire national des arts et métiers (FR)

Centre for Co-operative Studies Univ. College Cork (IE)

Centro de Estudos Sociais, CES Coimbra University (PT))

Centre Interdisciplinaire de Recherche Travail, État et Société Catholic Univ. of Louvain (BE)

European Research Institute on Cooperative and Social Enterprises Univ. of Trento (IT)

Institute for Social Research Oslo (NO)

GCU Yunus Centre for Social Business & Health Glasgow Caledonian University (UK)

Laboratoire d’Economie et de Sociologie du Travail, LEST Univ. of Aix-Marseille (FR)

Institute for Civil Society Studies Ersta Sköndal Univ. College (SE)

EMES has a strong global position and cooperates with centres of excellence in Asia, North America, Latin America and Africa. Its goal is threefold:




to build a corpus of theoretical and empirical knowledge around social enterprise, social entrepreneurship, social economy, solidarity economy, social innovation, and the third sector;

t o provide scientific evidence of the evolution of social enterprise and active citizenship in an integrated Europe, where these play a central role;

to reinforce its position at the global level and increase cooperation with centres of excellence on all continents.



Mapping study on social enterprise eco-systems, DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion

WISEs Project, on work integration social enterprises as tools for promoting inclusion, PROGRESS, European Commission.

Social Entrepreneurship and Social Enterprises in the Nordic Countries Andersen, L. L., Gawell, M. & Spear, R., Routledge, London/New York, 2016.


Civil Society, the Third Sector and Social Enterprise. Governance and Democracy Laville, J.-L., Young, D.R. & Eynaud, P. (eds.), Routledge, London/New York, 2015.


ICSEM Project, International Comparative Social Enterprise Models, SOCENT-IAP. 2013-18

TSI Project, Third Sector Impact, 7th Framework Programme, European Commission. 2014-17

Social Innovation Europe III (SIE), European Commission 2014-2016

REScoop 20-20-20 Project, Fostering Social Acceptance of Renewable Energy Sources by Stakeholder Engagement, Executive Agency for Competitiveness & Innovation, European Commission. 2012-14

Legal Assessment of the Social Entrepreneurship Framework in Egypt, World Bank. 2012

ILO-EMES project on the informal economy. 2011-13

WILCO Project, Welfare Innovations at the Local Level in Favour of Cohesion, 7th Framework Programme, European Commission. 2010-13 RECOSET Project, Research Network on Cooperative and Social Enterprises in Transition Contexts, Marie Curie Action, European Commission.

Study on Promoting the Role of Social Enterprises in CEE and the CIS, United Nations Development Programme’s Bratislava Regional Centre (UNDP-BRC). 2006-08

ELEXIES Project, on social integration enterprises in Europe, DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion, European Commission. 2002-03

PERSE Project, on the socioeconomic performance of social enterprises in the field of workintegration, 5th Framework Programme, European Commission. 2001-05

Child care Project, on childcare services in Europe, 5th Framework Programme, European Commission. 2001-04

Third System and Employment, with CIRIEC International, Third System and Employment Pilot Scheme, DG V, European Commission. 1999-2000

EMES International Conferences on Social Enterprise.

Training programs in more than ten European universities. EMES PhD Summer Schools. France, 2008; Denmark, 2010; Italy, 2012; Romania, 2014 and Scotland, UK, 2016.


Brazil, 2009.

(with its own blog and regular communication).

International Conference on Social Enterprises in Eastern Asia.

EMES Alumni Network

Sino-Europa Forum. Hong Kong, 2010.

EMES-Polanyi International Seminar. France, 2012 and 2016.

Impresa sociale e capitalismo contemporaneo Laville, J.-L. & Larosa, M. (eds), Sapere2000, Rome, 2009. Social Enterprise: A new model for poverty reduction and employment generation. An examination of the concept and practice in Europe and the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) Borzaga, C., Galera, G. & Nogales, R. (eds), UNDP/EMES, Bratislava / Liege, 2008.

Social Enterprise. At the Crossroads of Market, Public Policies and Civil Society Nyssens, M. (ed.), Routledge, London / New York, 2006. *


Taiwan, 2010 and Korea, 2013.

Civicness in the Governance and Delivery of Social Services Brandsen, T., Dekker, P. & Evers, A. (eds), Nomos, Baden-Baden, 2010.



Social and solidarity economy in an international perspective.

New Public Governance, the Third Sector and Co-Production Pestoff, V., Brandsen, T. & Verschueren, B. (eds.), Routledge, London/New York, 2012.

Co-production: The Third Sector and the Delivery of Public Services Pestoff, V. & Brandsen, T. (eds), Routledge, London / New York, 2007.


EMES-ISTR International Research Conferences. France, 2005 and Spain, 2008.

Social Vulnerability in European Cities. The Role of Local Welfare in Times of Crisis Ranci, C., Brandsen T. & Sabatinelli, S. (eds), Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, 2014.

EMES Project, on the emergence of social enterprise in Europe, 4th Framework Programme, European Commission.


Italy, 2009; Denmark, 2011; Belgium, 2013 and Finland, 2015.

Social Enterprise and the Third Sector. Changing European Landscapes in a Comparative Perspective Defourny, J., Hulgård, L. & Pestoff, V. (eds), Routledge, London & New York, 2014.

Academic member of the UN InterAgency Task Force on Social and Solidarity Economy (UNTFSSE) Academic member of the European Commission Expert Group on Social Entrepreneurship (GECES)

Dictionnaire de l’autre économie Laville, J.-L. & Cattani, A. D. (eds), Desclée de Brouwer, Paris, 2005. Also published in Portuguese (Almedina, Coimbra, 2009), Spanish (Editorial Altamira, Buenos Aires, 2009) and Italian (Sapere2000, Roma, 2006). The Third Sector in Europe Evers, A. & Laville, J.-L. (eds), Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, 2004. Trends and Challenges for Co-operatives and Social Enterprises in Developed and Transition Countries Borzaga, C. & Spear, R. (eds), Edizioni31, Trento, 2004. The Emergence of Social Enterprise Borzaga, C. & Defourny, J. (eds), Routledge, London / New York, 2001.* Also published in Korean (Sigma Press, Seoul, 2009), Japanese (Hyoronsha Publishers, Tokyo, 2004), and Italian (Edizioni31, Trento, 2001). Tackling Social Exclusion in Europe. The contribution of the Social Economy Spear, R., Defourny, J., Favreau, L. & Laville, J.-L. (eds), Ashgate, Aldershot, 2001. * Available in hardcover and paperback version. EMES Working Papers Series (37 papers) and EMES Conferences Selected Papers Series (180 Conference Papers)


President Marthe Nyssens Catholic University of Louvain, Belgium marthe.nyssens@uclouvain.be Board of Directors Jacques Defourny HEC-University of Liege, Belgium Nicole Göler von Ravensburg Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences, Germany Taco Brandsen Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands Francesca Caló Glasgow Caledonian University (GCU), United Kingdom Anna Ciepielewska-Kowalik Institute of Political Studies, Poland Giulia Galera European Research Institute on Cooperative and Social Enterprises (EURICSE), Italy Sílvia Ferreira Faculty of Economics of University of Coimbra (FEUC), Portugal

EMES scholars are frequently used as experts by organisations like the European Commission, the UNDP, the OECD, the European Economic and Social Committee, and numerous national and regional governments. EMES work is quoted in legal documents and policy programmess in states as different as Italy, Poland, Korea, Finland, and Greece, as well as by the European Commission. EMES has conducted over a sixteen research projects major European research projects spanning over 14 years, that have mobilised over 125 researchers in more than 25 countries. EMES works have been published in and translated to eight languages (Chinese, English, French, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese and Spanish). EMES faculty members organise BA, Master, Executive Master and PhD courses and programmes in social enterprise and social entrepreneurship. The major international conferences organised by EMES as of 2016 had a combined attendance of some 2,500 participants from more than 50 countries, with over 550 paper presented. EMES publications are downloaded an average of 1,200 times monthly. EMES website receives annually over 155,000 visits.

Lars Hulgård Roskilde University (RUC), Denmark Jean-Louis Laville CNAM/LISE, France Francesca Petrella Aix-Marseille University, France Mary O’Shaughnessy University College Cork, Ireland Simon Teasdale Glasgow Caledonian University (GCU), United Kingdom Director Rocío Nogales rocio.nogales@emes.net Contact information of all EMES members is available in the section “About us” at www.emes.net

c/o University of Liege Bd du Rectorat, B33, box 4 4000 Liege (Sart-Tilman), Belgium Tel.: +32 (0)4 366 27 51 Fax.: +32 (0)4 366 28 51

EMES Network in figures





Since 1996, when an international group of scholars launched the first research network devoted to social enterprise.

The institutional pillars of EMES, leading research centers acting together to carry out influential collaborative research.





We believe in the power of connecting individual researchers around the world.

A solid network of partners and “sister organizations” that support the mission of EMES around the world.

@emesnetwork facebook.com/emesnetwork www.youtube.com/ EMESResearchNetwork

On the basis of such achievements, EMES is more than ever recognised as the leading network of scholars in the third sector and social enterprise. It is also considered as a major partner by regional networks in North America and Latin America as well as in East Asia.

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