Course Name: Digital Art & Design 1
Course Code: A110
Designated Grade Levels: 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th Prerequisites: none
Course Duration: One Semester
Supplies: $35.00 class fee. This pays for class materials and printed pieces. What you will need to Purchase: (at least a 8G Flash Drive, 9x12 Sketchbook, & T-Shirt)
Credits: 5 Grad Requirements: N - Fine Arts
Teacher: Eric Mickens (
School: Broomfield High
My website:
My Free periods: 3rd, 5th & Tutor Time
Course Overview Computer technology is changing how we communicate, how we learn, and even how we express ourselves. Art will always be an important vehicle for understanding how we communicate, how we learn and of course how we express ourselves. Through the centuries art has always adapted to changing times and emerging technologies. From Drawing to photography and now to computers, the ways in which art is made will always change. The fundamental ideas and goals behind the art remains the same. This introductory course deals with controlling computer technology to produce an artistic image. Students will learn computer illustration techniques, image manipulation, digital camera use, graphic design, 3D modeling, motion graphics, video & audio editing, art history, visual literacy and the principles and elements of art in composition.
Enduring Understanding •
Art is a universal language that encompasses all forms of
Essential Questions •
How do artists use the language of art in communication?
Why and how do artists apply the elements and principles of Art in works of art?
Why is the exploration and application of materials, tools, techniques, processes and technology in a safe and responsible manner important in visual art?
How does art impact the world and the world impact art?
How is art analyzed and understood?
communication to express a variety of viewpoints, ideas and feelings. •
Artists use a variety of problem solving and decision making skills to apply the elements of art, principles of design and sensory and expressive features in works of art.
Artists’ experiences with materials, tools, techniques, processes and technology in combination with concepts and themes result in well crafted works of art.
Through the study of art, people learn to make informed critical judgments, gain knowledge about visual communication, and learn to respect one’s own expression and those of others.