youngster Creative Founder: Emilie Haupt
President & Editorial Director: Emilie Haupt
Fashion Editor: Emilie Haupt
Art Director: Emilie Haupt
Writer: Emilie Haupt
unisex for kids Unisex streetwear aims to challenge conformity, tradition, and gender norms. It is looking to destabilize the idea that certain clothes are for men and others for women by showing every look on both genders, and now even for children. Comfort is a big focus as designers strive to incorporate both masculine and feminine elements, whether it’s color, proportion, details, or the cut. “The aim of genderless fashion is to break free from the gender restrictions codified in the clothes we wear. To put it simply, designers are seeking to give consumers the freedom to explore what they want to wear without worrying that their choices say anything about their sexuality or gender.�
- Highsnobiety
A way of creative license and an outlet to
show personality and emotion, designers are able to use this trend of hand-painted brush strokes or text as an element self-expression and customization. The gesture of hand-painted text and freehanded strokes lets garments take on a whole new life. You can buy a beautiful brushstroke patterned garment, a hand-painted logo sweatshirt, or transform that boring plain white tee shirt into something new and exciting. This hand-painted trend is a definite creative edge that will surely make any garment popular for proudly loud personalities.
Fashion and art have always been deeply connected. The collision between the two has always been inevitable and has put selfexpressionism on display. This trend of handpainted garments is furthering that idea of expressing one’s personality, and the idea that art and fashion go hand-in-hand. In the spring/summer of 2013 brushstroke prints were one of the most popular and striking
We have seen designers in all four fashion
trends of the season. Paint strokes and splashes
capitals over the past several years send out
were turning garments directly into canvases,
hand-painted garments down the runway.
and that unleashed this sort of creative freedom
We have even seen many designers release
and one of a kind uniqueness that transformed
garments and accessories inspired by or in
these collections into something more. Trends
collaboration with many different famous
have lifecycles and every five to ten years
artists. High-end design house Louis Vuitton
they come back into cycles, but the trend and
a few seasons ago showcased the works of
connection of art to fashion is something that
famous artists Vincent Van Gogh, Claude Monet,
never goes away, and we will continue to see for
Leonardo Da Vinci, Jean-HonorĂŠ Fragonard,
years to come.
and several other artists in a 40-piece capsule collection. These handbags were released in 2017, and it wasn’t the first time the brand has been inspired and collaborated with artists.
hand painted
hand painted
hand painted
hand painted
Trends affect how numerous fast fashion and high street stores produce things for customers. Consumers these days have a craving for authentic and original designs, and your children do too. Hand painted clothing for kids is an
Denim company Levi Strauss has been a
early way to start defining their own personal
massive leader in the trend of hand painted
style. Your child could have the opportunity to
and customization of clothing. Levi’s stores all
take a stab at this trend by DIYing and custom-
around the country now offer the option to add
izing clothes they already have hanging in their
personalized touches to garments.
closet and revamping them. Another way to try this trend is to buy plain everyday clothing and
Levi’s has been collecting and archiving clothing
make these pieces more exciting and personal
that has been customized by their customers for
by elevating them with personal touches.
over a century. These customizations were done not only as a form of genuine self-expression
Unisex kids clothing is a very niche market right
but sometimes as a need for functionality.
now, and some items tend to be not as exciting
Hand painting your garments isn’t necessarily a
and fun as kids want. As a child, it is so import-
necessity, but it is a way to create one of a kind
ant to be able to express yourself and discover
pieces that as a parent you can keep of your
and find who you want to be and what you want
child’s forever as a memory of their childhood.
to wear. Children can use this hand painted trend as a way to unleash their inner artist and
Hand-painted customized clothing is such a
have creative license to make a one of a kind
fun and unique way to let children express
piece that they will love to show off and wear.
themselves and their talents. I think in the future with the rise of customization and now in-store experiences, stores, especially for children, are going to have options for personalization and even workshops that parents can bring their kids too and make a day out of hand-painting some denim.