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,I \RX FRXOG VDYH PRQH\ DQG JDLQ PLOHV E\ VZLWFKLQJ IURP JDVROLQH WR HOHFWULF ZRXOG \RX GR LW" Imagine driving the future in zero emissions vehicles powered by the nation’s first coast-to-coast electric vehicle charging station network with a roadmap to economic sustainability and energy independence. We did just that, and our journey has just begun. is an economic change engine that will transform the way you take to the road with information, access and all of the tools you need to drive toward a clean energy future, today.

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editorial Editor-In-Chief: Snowden Bishop Associate Editor: Timothy Boe

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% ( $ 0 Š2011, EV Street Magazine is a bi-monthly publication published by BEAM-Media, LLC for launch in 2012. EV Street Magazine will be available via subscription and at newsstands in the first quarter of 2012. The digital edition of will be available globally via electronic delivery free of charge. Free hardcopy edition is distributed throughout Arizona by authorized outlets. Home delivery of hard copy is $29 per year by subscription only. All editorial content of is copyrighted. No portion of this publication, including but not limited to public service announcements and ads created and designed by and/or photographs supplied thereto by, may be reproduced without the expressed written permission of the publisher. The publisher assumes no liability for the opinions contained within the publication provided by sources, contributors or advertisers. Publisher shall not be held liable for performance of goods and services provided by advertisers. Questions or concerns should be directed to appropriate contacts listed above.

dition E w ie v e r P l ia c e Sp cided to /Hybrid Expo, we de EV e tur Fu the ng ivi Dr To celebrate E : ier hardcopy of EV Street, the prem on iti ed iew ev pr al publish a speci ic vehicle market. exclusively to the electr d ate dic de e zin ga ma d consumer million more estimate the road today and a on s EV 0 ,00 40 y arl e th With ne gest growing sector of , EVs comprise the lar ars ye 10 xt ne e le th hic in ve with ctric ing advancements in ele olv ev er ev ith W . try automotive indus st comprehensive become the single mo to d ise po is t ree St technology, EV ve publishing arena. the consumer automoti in on ati orm inf EV d source of nce of publications an er of the BEAM Allia mb me d ou pr a is t ree e,� EV St conomic change engin .com’s exciting new “e E3 Go on red tu an fea cle be a will d evolve to enrich, empower an d ne sig de ity un mm a social media co 2012 launch to announce that the ed cit ex o als are e W energy future. S-based charging the release of our GP th wi ide inc co ll wi t for of EV Stree Street Magazine App smart phones and EV for rce ou res r ato loc station tablets. . Please of EV Street Magazine on iti ed iew ev pr is th We hope you enjoy your seatbelts or just say hi. Buckle se rti ve ad , be cri bs su visit us online to has just begun and e future! The journey th ng ivi dr ’re we er because togeth ing ride! we anticipate an excit www.EVStreetMagaz 3





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Times are changing, attitudes are shifting. As the world evolves, so must we! In order to keep pace with timely topics and meet demand of our growing national online audience, we have made a few changes to our publishing format. While we remain loyal to our Arizona readers, we have infused our provocative editorial content with a national edge and global reach. Now all of our stories entirely accessible on For those of you who prefer our digital magazine viewer, we will continue to publish beautiful page-turning issues featuring “The Best of AZGreen� semi-annually. We are also delighted to announce that we have become a charter member of the new BEAM Alliance of Publications, aligned to enlighten the world one word at a time. In that spirit, AZGreen Magazine will continue, as always, to dedicate a minimum of 50% of its advertising space to worthy environmental non-profits that share our mission to raise awareness and inspire stewardship.



One of the auto industry’s best litmus tests determining growing trends happens each year at the Los Angeles Auto Show. Notably one of the world’s top automotive events, the Los Angeles Auto Show featured more than 50 world and North American debuts, plus more than a thousand of the latest sports cars, sedans, crossovers, SUVs and minivans. Perhaps the most exciting aspect of the 2011 show was the presence of new electric vehicles featured front and center in the main showroom floor alongside automakers’ featured 2012 releases. According to show promoters, virtually every automaker has a solution for making vehicles run cleaner and use less, or no fuel, from plug-in electrics and hybrids to hydrogen fuel cell and natural gas. The number of new vehicles featuring some form of electrification showcased at this year’s event grew more than 25 percent since last year. “Three years ago, EVs were barely visible in the main hall of the Auto Show, and of those, most were showcased as concept vehicles, anomalies in the show,� said Eco Times Magazine editor Timothy Boe, who attended the 2008 show while conducting research for his article “Green Wheels� on the subject. “This year, the EVs received equal billing on par with other seasonal offerings, evidence that the market is rapidly changing to reflect new consumer

demands. These displays show more of an attitudinal shift, a predictor of new standards to come.� Electric vehicles have been around since the automotive industry’s early days, but the new EVs on exhibition rival any modern concept cars in design, technology and range. Exciting new electric supercars have the potential to compete with any world-class racing vehicles because of their agility and speed, some with acceleration from zero to 60 in fewer than 4 seconds. In the absence of multiple rotating parts like pistons and crankshafts typical of combustion engines, electric vehicles have what the mechanically inclined call instant torque, which enables more rapid acceleration. One determining factor lies in the vehicles’ batteries, which can make or break performance on an electric vehicle. Battery technology is advancing as fast as the EV technology, with new lithium-ion batteries that can be fully charged in less than 10 minutes currently being

developed by university engineers. Charging station standards will undoubtedly advance with battery technology as well. “One reason demand for electric vehicles has been slow to escalate is the lack of infrastructure,� said Bruce Brimacombe, CEO of, E3 a new company that plans to install the first coast-to-coast charging station network throughout the nation’s connector markets. “We’ve seen a lot of level one and two charging stations being installed in major cities, but we hope to make all level charges available to EV drivers in between.� “As the infrastructure grows, so will the demand,� Boe adds. He predicts that major auto shows will be presenting even more in EV technology next year. “We can see how quickly the EV market is already unfolding. The writing is on the wall.� Photo courtesy of Los Angeles Auto Show


4 L4

Everyone knows that EVs and Hybrids will significantly reduce carbon emissions, but did you know they can cut the cost of driving by more than 60%?

If you drive a medium size sedan approximately 15,000 miles annually like most Americans, you likely pay $8588 in fuel costs each year, according to the Automobile Association of America (AAA). As fuel prices rise, that number will increase. AAA reports that drivers who make the switch from gas to electric vehicles can expect to pay about $3500 per year to go the same distance. That racks up more than $5000 per year in your pocket, not in your gas tank. Drive that kind of savings for a few years and your new EV may just pay for itself!



So you’re finally convinced buying an EV would be a good move. You can feel the G’s as you dream about its exceptional torque. And saving money on power, well that’s just frosting on the cake. You visit your local EV dealer and are told that you, along with 30,000 fellow Americans, have been placed on the waiting list. While you wait for your new car to be delivered, you begin to get cold feet thinking about the fact that you’d have to borrow your wife’s soccer mom car to visit her in-laws 120 miles away. What’s the point?


Three years ago, you couldn’t drive 120 miles without a lengthy stop in a location with a charging station. Today, technology and access are warming up to consumer demand. Companies like Ecotality are providing charging stations in major cities, while companies like E3 are going after the connector markets on interstate highways between the major hubs. Batteries are more advanced, and rapid charge stations like Eaton’s DC Quick Charger will shorten charging time from three to six hours to a mere 10 to 20 minutes, long enough for a pit stop and a soda before reaching the in-laws. I wouldn’t drop off of an EV waiting list just yet. Automakers will soon have no option but to keep up with consumer demand, support infrastructure will soon be at pace with the market.


 KP M E W T 7 KP I W N 3 )WVWTG 6JQEM by Snowden Bishop


When the keys to world’s first ZERO EMISSIONS SEMI TRUCK were handed over to the nation’s busiest commercial port, the future of trucking and the transportation industry at large were forever changed. Two months later, its creators were honored by the Los Angeles Business Journal for their innovation Each year, the Los Angeles Business Journal’s prestigious Patrick SoonShiong Innovation Award honors people and organizations that continue to stretch the boundaries of innovation and leadership. This year’s commendation was awarded to Vision Industries, creators of the world’s first zero emissions semi truck. Martin Schuermann, CEO of Vision Industries was elated. And rightfully so. Vision was in good company with 15 high-profile finalists vying for the coveted award. “To be a winner is beyond rewarding. I’m exceptionally proud of the talent and hard work of the Vision team that enabled us to get here,� he said. What began in 2006 as an experiment in a small auto shop in Santa Monica owned by Markus Herm, now Technical Director of Operations for Vision Industries, has been developed into a viable technology that will likely transform the trucking industry.

“It’s great to be recognized like we were tonight,� said Herm to his Vision colleagues as he acknowledged that the award raises the bar on what will be expected of them from now on. “We had the vision, and it has been rewarded. But now we have to stay focused on the work ahead while continuing to raise the bar on ourselves.� With its tightly-knit team of engineers and mechanical support staff, Vision has designed hydrogen fuel cell powered electric hybrids that are likely to replace the diesel cargo trucks and terminal tractors to move containers within and from the ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach to transfer destinations in the Inland Empire. With a statewide mandate to clean up emission standards along the congested 710 Freeway — a stretch that has become known as Los Angeles’ “cancer corridor� due to its extraordinarily high volume of

trucks that pass through daily — authorities from both the Port of Long Beach and the Port of Los Angeles sought to replace all port transport vehicles with clean alternatives. Earlier this year, the Port of Long Beach awarded Vision a contract to deliver its Class 8 Truck and Terminal Tractor for demonstration and drayage testing, and the Port of Los Angeles contracted with Vision to retrofit 15 plugin/electric terminal tractors with its proprietary hydrogen fuel cell/electric hybrid technology. On July 22, the company delivered the keys the world’s first zero emissions semi truck, a hydrogen electric hybrid Class 8 vehicle, to the Port of Long Beach’s primary transportation management company, Total Transportation Services, Inc. (TTSI) “The power is the key,� said Vic Larosa, president of TTSI, a company that has earned a reputation for pursuing green solutions to


CA Legislators Bonnie Lowenthal and Betsy Butler inside theTyrano

transportation. Nicknamed “Tyrano� because of its power and strength, Vision’s zero emissions truck can haul cargo up to 90,000 pounds and run for about 400 miles on a charge. The truck has so much torque that, without power restriction modifications, it can go from zero to 60 as fast as a passenger car. But this technology is about so much more than its power, Larosa explained. “It’s about jobs, it’s about ending our dependence on foreign oil, it’s about clean air, it’s about the environment.� According to Susan Anderson-Wise, President of the Harbor Commission, funding for the testing of the Tyrano in the ports can be attributed in part to what she calls the “Zero Emissions Container Movement System,� a project jointly funded by both area ports at $3 million annually to seek out and fund clean technology. “We look seriously and deeply into how we can better move cargo out of the Port,� she said. The Innovation Award is not the company’s first public endorsement. California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger publicly commended Vision and supported its mission. In 2010, Vision’s zero emissions trucks were recognized by the U.S. Department of Energy as Alternative and Advanced Vehicles. Green technology gets the support of the California legislature as well. “The goal is for cleaner, greener, smarter vehicles. The goal is to break the gasoline habit, and we are making astonishing progress in that direction,� said California Assemblywoman, Bonnie Lowenthal.

As with any emerging technology, the cost of each truck will remain higher than its diesel counterpart until it is mass produced. However, its overall running cost will be roughly half of conventional trucks, according to Schuermann. Introduced to Vision as an investor initially, Schuermann was fascinated by the technology. He gradually became more involved in the company and by 2009 he took

Vision’s Technical Director of Operations, Markus Herm

over as its CEO. “It was amazing to me that this truck can outperform an ordinary truck, and the only thing that will come out of the tailpipe is pure water clean enough to drink. Wow!� Lowenthal voiced a similar reaction, “A heavy duty truck that emits no pollution? How fantastic is that?� Vision is also developing an electric supercar, aptly named “Cheetah� for its overwhelming acceleration capacity. “Receiving the Patrick Soon-Shiong Innovation Award is especially meaningful to us because it shows us that our innovation has merit to the business community beyond the green movement and beyond the trucking industry,� said Schuermann. “This opens the doors for other sustainable innovators seeking investors, who will now see that these clean energy innovations are not only viable but necessary to the advancement of our economy, health of our communities, conservation of natural resources and preservation of our environment.�

Test your

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Be among the first 10 to respond with the correct answer and request a subscription to EV Street Magazine, and we’ll send you a Boda Bag! info@ EVStreetMagazine .com


by David Slipher

Who doesn’t like a great race? The Race 2 Energy Independence, or “R2Ei” program introduces race fans to technologies that reduce energy costs while minimizing an environmental impact on the planet. Through a partnership with the Izod IndyCar Series, the R2Ei educational tour travels the country to different race and community events throughout the season, raising awareness and transforming understanding of just how energy impacts our lives. “We don’t just talk about energy, we like to generate energy,” said John Casey, Founder of R2Ei. Whether it’s helping IndyCar set and meet their newest sustainability goals, or stopping by a local high school to demonstrate energy sciences in action, R2Ei’s mobile educator trailer goes where the action is. “By creating an environment of approachability and inquisitiveness, we make learning about sustainability fun and exciting.”

R2Ei is also a partnership facilitator and developer, creating and linking diverse business associates and organizations that share a common passion for renewable energy, sustainability, recycling, and smart resource allocation. In addition to growing business relationships, R2Ei actively promotes the sustainability accomplishments of its partners through online social media, including Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and R2Ei TV, an interactive online channel following trends in sustainability and racing. “Whenever a partner sets or achieves a new goal, we’ll make sure you hear about it,” said Casey. The work doesn’t stop at the end of the racing season, but goes on yearround as the organization continues to educate, promote their partners, and build new relationships with local governments, schools, and community leaders. “In reaching through the R2Ei network of partner organizations, we can provide invaluable resources with strength in

numbers,” Casey explains. “We strive not just to bring our educational tour to new cities, but to leave communities better than we found them.“ R2Ei was created from a vision that everyone has something to gain by becoming more informed about the extent to which energy affects poeple on a daily basis. Though many lifestyles exist, each uses energy in a similar fashion. While one solution will not be right for every lifestyle, the R2Ei program offers a broad range of alternative technologies and resources designed to be incorporated into any lifestyle. “Raising awareness is key to empowering people with the knowledge they need to make responsible and independent energy choices,” said Casey. “We hope you’ll join us on the Race 2 Energy Independence, it’s one ride you won’t want to miss.”


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