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ACDM Working Groups
• To provide leadership and guidance towards fulfilling the goals and objectives of AADMER, according to the vision of disaster-resilient nations and safer communities within ASEAN by 2015 • To initiate, direct, and oversee the development, monitoring, and implementation of the AADMER
Work Programme and other initiatives implemented by the respective working groups • To strengthen coordination with relevant
ASEAN bodies; and • To collaborate with ASEAN Dialogue
Partners, multilateral agencies, NGOs, and the private sector.
As the ASEAN lead for HADR, the ACDM also coordinates its work with other relevant ASEAN bodies through the Joint Task Force (JTF) on HADR, which consists of the Chairs from the ASEAN Senior Officials Meeting, the ASEAN Defence Senior Officials Meeting, the Senior Officials Meeting on Social Welfare and Development, and Senior Officials Meeting on Health Development. The ACDM also engages various partners and stakeholders to ensure that the implementation of the AADMER is inclusive and comprehensive. The ACDM’s work is guided by the AADMER and its subsequent Work Programmes, ASCC Blueprints, ASEAN Vision 2025 on Disaster Management, and the ASEAN Declaration on One ASEAN One Response.18
ACDM Working Groups
The ACDM is supported by Working Groups (WG) that provide strategic direction in implementing the AADMER Work Programme, the most recent of which is dated 2021-2025. Based on the 2020 revisions to the ACDM terms of reference, WG key responsibilities include initiating, leading, and implementing outputs and activities that fall under their respective strategic components and priority programs. Moreover, they maintain awareness of related initiatives within the region and globally to identify possible opportunities for collaboration. Finally, the WGs conduct regular monitoring, review, and evaluation of the implementation of their respective priority programs, outputs, and activities based upon an agreed set of indicators; this monitoring involves input from the ASEAN Secretariat as well as other technical experts.
ACDM WGs are composed of national focal points from ASEAN member-states’ relevant ministries or agencies and the ASEAN Secretariat. They may invite dialogue partners, regional and international agencies, international financial institutions, community-based organizations, NGOs, academic institutions, the private sector, think tanks, and individuals to attend open sessions as relevant. The Chairs and Co-Chairs of each WG are assigned for the fiveyear span of the Work Programme.
The three WGs for 2021-2025 are: Prevention and Mitigation; Preparedness, Response, and Recovery; and Global Leadership. There is some flexibility within the Work Programme to allow the WGs to work across pillars and programs and to use various mechanisms best suited to achieving outputs. • WG on Prevention and Mitigation (Chairs:
Laos, Philippines, and Thailand) – Priority
Program 1 on Risk Assessment and
Monitoring, and Priority Program 2 on
Prevention and Mitigation • WG on Preparedness, Response, and
Recovery (Chairs: Malaysia, Myanmar, and Singapore) – Priority Program 3 on
Preparedness and Response, and Priority
Program 4 on Resilient Recovery • WG on Global Leadership (Chairs: Indonesia,
Singapore, and Vietnam) – Priority Program 5 on Global Leadership
The five priority programs and their subpriorities are: • Priority Programme 1: Risk Assessment and
Monitoring ◦ 1.1 Risk Assessment ◦ 1.2 Early Warning ◦ 1.3 Risk Communication • Priority Programme 2: Prevention and