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Standard Operating Procedure for Regional Standby Arrangements and Coordination of Joint Disaster Relief and Emergency Response Operations (SASOP
Among those issues intended to be addressed by the Framework are host nation support and agreements relating to border crossings, customs and duty fees, medical support, civil engineering, contracting, movement control, and provision of certain supplies. It applies to both the physical and informational domains of logistics and has three goals. • Unity of Effort – Logisticians require a clear understanding of how MNL processes work, know the roles and responsibilities of the providers executing tasks, build agreement around common measures of performance, and provide appropriate members of the ASEAN operation visibility into the processes. • Combined Logistics Enterprise-Wide
Visibility – Multinational visibility requires timely and accurate information regarding the logistics support volunteered by responding states to provide commanders and their staffs the knowledge necessary to make effective recommendations and decisions. • Rapid and Precise Response – Core military and commercial logistics capabilities meet the constantly changing needs of the response.
The Framework provides guidance to ASEAN member-states’ military commanders and staffs for development of ASEAN MNL support plans. This guidance complements national doctrine and other internationally-developed and -endorsed procedures and serves as the basis for planning ASEAN military logistics support. This guidance is predicated on the fact that coordinated planning is required to ensure smooth deployment, sustainment, and redeployment/termination.
On the issue of execution, the Framework underscores that forces participating in multinational operations typically are more inclined toward coordinating than having a shared chain of command. Effective execution is, therefore, contingent on agreements and arrangements as well as understanding the roles and responsibilities of multinational partners. The expectation is that responding militaries will use liaisons and interpreters as a source of information on doctrine, organization, equipment, training, and national law. Finally, even if there is no larger multi-national coordination center, military logisticians can establish multi-national coordination in the form of MNL boards, cells, centers, groups, offices, or teams who facilitate personnel movement, medical support, ground and air evacuation, contracting, infrastructure engineering, and logistics operations.
Finally, the Framework provides checklists, translations and conversions of standardized classes of supply, and notional organizational structures for MNL coordination centers.134
AADMER required the development of the Standard Operating Procedure for Regional Standby Arrangements and Coordination of Joint Disaster Relief and Emergency Response Operations (SASOP) to guide the actions taken by ASEAN member-states and the AHA Centre to respond to disasters. The SASOP provides: • Guidance and templates for member-states to initiate ASEAN Standby Arrangements for
Disaster Relief and Emergency Response • Procedures for joint disaster relief and emergency response operations • Procedures for the facilitation and utilization of military and civilian assets and capacities; and • Methodology for periodic conduct of the
Among those demands made by the SASOP is that each ASEAN member-state designate and reaffirm twice annually a National Focal Point (NFP) who is the single point of contact for other member-states and the AHA Centre. The SASOP incorporates templates and forms