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as a top-down government mechanism with the National Disaster Management Agency (NADMA) as the lead government agency responsible for all types of DM. NADMA also functions as the Secretariat at the federal level and coordinates the mobilization of responding agencies via the Committee System. NADMA is the country’s AHA Centre National Focal Point.194 NADMA, in the Office of the Prime Minister, was created in 2015 as a separate body, having been part of the National Security Division of the Prime Minister’s Department for many years.195
Directive No. 20: National Policy and Mechanism on Disaster Management Relief
Malaysia’s national guidelines on DM are based on Directive No. 20, which acts as a framework for disaster relief management for the country. This directive was issued in 1997 by the National Security Council of the Prime Minister’s Department. The objective of Directive No. 20 is to provide a policy guideline on DM and rescue in accordance with the level of the disaster. It also provides a mechanism for managing roles and responsibilities of agencies that are involved in addressing hazards.196
Myanmar joined ASEAN in 1997.197 In 2017, a National Workshop for the Development of the ASEAN Regional Contingency Plan included the scenario of a large-scale cyclone in Myanmar along with two other scenarios, which were endorsed by the ACDM WG on Preparedness and Response to work as exemplars in the AJDRP.198
Disaster Risk
Myanmar is one of the world’s most disasterprone countries with its geographical location exposing it to multiple hazards including floods, cyclones, earthquakes, landslides, strong wind, lightening, soil erosion, forest fire, drought, and industrial and technological hazards.199 There is a high probability of disaster occurrence and severe impact to the population as a result.200
National DM Framework
Myanmar enacted the Disaster Management Law in 2013 and the Disaster Rules in 2015. The law was developed to be in line with the Hyogo Framework for Action 2005-2015, and to comply with the AADMER. The DM law enabled the formation of the National Disaster Management Committee (NDMC) as the leading body for DRM in Myanmar.201
The NDMC is chaired by the Vice President, and there are 12 work committees and an advisory committee under the NDMC. In 2016, the NDMC was established by Decree No. 30/2016 of the Cabinet of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar. Disaster management bodies are constituted at the regional/state, selfadministered zone, district, township, ward, and village tract levels.202
The Ministry of Social Welfare, Relief, and Resettlement is the focal Ministry for DM. Under the Ministry, there are three departments: • Department of Social Welfare • Department of Disaster Management (DDM) • Rehabilitation Department
The DDM is responsible for conducting disaster management activities. Under the DDM is an EOC, a Disaster Management Training Center, and regional, state, district, and town offices. DDM is the National Focal Point for the AHA Centre.
The National Disaster Management Work Committee, chaired by the Union Minister for Ministry of Social Welfare, Relief, and Resettlement, supervises the implementation of DRR activities in Myanmar.203
Myanmar Action Plan on Disaster Risk Reduction 2017 (MAPDRR)
The Disaster Management Law and Rules of 2013 and 2015 provide the legal basis to set up DM bodies based on various roles and define those roles and responsibilities, and they created funds for DM and implementation. These laws were put into action with the 2012 Disaster