2014 Outreach and Engagement Annual Report

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2014 Annual Report

Outreach & Engagement The Ohio State University College of Pharmacy

Kenneth M. Hale, RPh, PhD This has been a seminal year for outreach and engagement in the College of Pharmacy. Dean Mann’s emphasis on strategic planning resulted in a thoughtful examination of our outreach enterprise led by Drs. Rodis and Kwiek. With input from important stakeholders, the resulting strategic priorities will help us move to the next level for our engagement in the community, within the profession, and around the world. We have done many amazing things already, but through a more robust organization and infrastructure for pharmacy’s outreach and engagement efforts, the best is yet to come! Beyond strategic planning, we have much to celebrate regarding other specific accomplishments this year. We engaged with students around the world in massive open online courses (MOOCs). Our “Generation Rx: The Science Behind Prescription Drug Abuse” and “Introduction to Pharmacy” courses through Coursera enrolled over 65,000 students! Three of our PharmD students were involved in Schweitzer Program projects to help manage hypertension among underserved patients. We conducted a signature program for NIDA’s Drug Facts Week at the WOSU studios/COSI involving students from Circleville, Logan, Jackson, Oak Hill, and Wellston High Schools. A new elementary toolkit called “Medication Safety Patrol” was launched in partnership with Cardinal Health through the Generation Rx Initiative. We have built upon our strengths in the Generation Rx Laboratory at COSI, the Partner for Promotion Program, and the Generation Rx University Conference. You can learn about these wonderful accomplishments and more in the pages to follow. We take great pride in what our students, faculty and staff have done to educate the public, serve the underserved, advance patient-center pharmacy practices, and advocate for professional change. But as the image on this page suggests, we have only reached the springtime of our outreach legacy. I am so excited about the seasons to come!


2014 Outreach & Engagement at The Ohio State University College of Pharmacy

The Generation Rx Initiative Kenneth M. Hale, RPh, PhD Assistant Dean for Professional and External Affairs Nicole Cartwright Kwiek, PhD Clinical Assistant Professor

The Generation Rx Initiative began at The Ohio State University College of Pharmacy in 2007 as a program to enhance medication safety and combat the increasing misuse and abuse of prescription drugs through educational prevention. Partnering with the Cardinal Health Foundation, the program has created free toolkits aimed at specific audiences. FY2014 Highlights • Participated as a signature partner in National Drug Facts Week – a national event led by the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) • Launched the Medication Safety Toolkit for Elementary Students during National Poison Prevention Week. This is the fifth toolkit in the Generation Rx series. • Educated vistors through The Generation Rx Laboratory at the Columbus Center of Science and Industry using science to educate the public about medication safety • Held the 2nd Annual Generation Rx University Conference in August 2013. The next conference will be held August 5-7, 2014. • Enrolled nearly 21,000 students in the “Generation Rx: The Science Behind Prescription Drug Abuse” MOOC through Coursera • Held the 2nd Annual Candlelight Vigil to raise awareness and remember those lost to prescription drug abuse

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2014 Outreach & Engagement at The Ohio State University College of Pharmacy


Ohio State College of Pharmacy Helps to Shatter Myths on Teen Prescription Drug Use By Danny Helfland

The Ohio State University College of Pharmacy worked with local high schools, The Center of Science and Industry (COSI) and other community partners to shed light on prescription drug abuse and medication safety as part of the National Institute on Drug Addiction’s (NIDA) National Drug Facts Week. The program was administered by the college’s Generation Rx Initiative, a program seeking to enhance medication safety and combat the increasing misuse and abuse of prescription drugs through educational prevention. Generation Rx teamed up with NIDA, the COSI, InterACT: Ohio State Theatre Project for Social Change, WOSU Public Media, The Cardinal Health Foundation, The Hope Blooms Foundation, Schreiber Family Pharmacy, and Logan and Circleville high schools to raise awareness of drug abuse and medication safety, while empowering participants to create their own projects to aid the cause. During National Drug Facts Week, Generation Rx launched a long-term partnership with Logan and Circleville high schools. The partnership has connected high school students with College of Pharmacy students to brainstorm ways to reinforce positive behaviors related to prescription drugs in their communities. More than 110 high school students attended.


2014 Outreach & Engagement at The Ohio State University College of Pharmacy

“The idea is to not only inform students about this issue, but to also get them thinking about how they can proactively make a difference,” said Kwiek. “We were blown away by a lot of the ideas presented to us by the students, and down the road, we will provide the resources and mentorship to make these ideas real possibilities.” Generation Rx National Drug Facts Week activities included live theatre performances where the audience helps characters make wise decisions about using prescription drugs, a Family Feud-themed tournament focusing on drug abuse issues, a robot that showed symptoms of drug abuse and misuse, and presentations on the impacts of prescription drugs. “NIDA contacted us about getting involved because they knew of our efforts to increase awareness of this issue and our connections with local organizations,” said Nicole Kwiek, clinical assistant professor at the College of Pharmacy and co-director of Generation Rx. “While National Drug Facts Week is focused on all drugs, NIDA has been increasing its focus on prescription drug abuse and misuse, so this was a win-win for us.”

The Generation Rx Lab at COSI Nicole Cartwright Kwiek, PhD, Director Molly Brown, PhD, Assistant Director

The Generation Rx Lab at COSI was created as a fun, innovative educational experience at the Center of Science and Industry (COSI). In this space within the Life exhibit, visitors of all ages can conduct engaging, hands-on experiments as they learn about the science of drugs. Since its opening in 2012, over 8,000 visitors have directly participated in a variety of experiments such as extracting DNA or testing the effectiveness of hand sanitizer. Visitors are not the only people learning. The laboratory offers a unique opportunity for College of Pharmacy students to develop skills and experience in science communication, teaching, and research. All of these abilities, with particular emphasis on communicating complex scientific content to audiences with varied science knowledge, strengthen students’ interactions with patients. In 2012-13, five professional students rotated through the lab and 15 pharmacy undergraduates conducted independent study projects within the space. The Generation Rx Lab is collecting data regarding the impact of this novel platform on science learning. The site has initiated a vast array of new research opportunities, including evaluating the effects of pharmacology–based programming on informal science learning.

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Partner for Promotion Jennifer L. Rodis, PharmD, BCPS Associate Professor of Clinical Pharmacy

Partner for Promotion (PFP) is a collaboration of The Ohio State University College of Pharmacy faculty and students with community pharmacists. The goal is to provide training and guidance for implementing expanded patient care services to students and community pharmacy preceptors. It also strives to develop a collaborative environment in which students and preceptors, who are interested in creating and implementing expanded patient care services in community pharmacies, are partnered together to develop these services. The breakdown of services is as follows: • 150 students have been involved since 2005 • 75 pharmacies have been involved since 2005 • Approximately 60% sustainability of services developed beyond the PFP year In the Spring of 2014, the inaugural Daniel B. and Rita F. Waitzman Community Pharmacy Scholarship was awarded to students in PFP who created and implemented the resettled refugee education program.

Join us at facebook.com/partnerforpromotion 2014 Outreach & Engagement at The Ohio State University College of Pharmacy


Online MOOC classes help educate over 60,000 world-wide Introduction to Pharmacy Coursera MOOC

Over the past year, Ohio State offered two online classes to students around the world. The class, “Generation Rx: The Science Behind Prescription Drug Abuse” and “Introduction to Pharmacy” were offered through Coursera, an online education company.

Pre-Survey Results Top Reasons for Taking the Class

For Professional Development

Through both classes, over 65,000 students from around the world were educated about pharmacy topics through Ohio State. The first class, “Introduction to Pharmacy”, explored topics in pharmacy practice such as history, evolving scope of practice, ethical foundations, regulation, and educational and career opportunities. It was taught by Kenneth Hale, RPh, PhD, assistant dean for professional and external affairs and clinical associate professor in the Division of Pharmacy Practice and Administration. The second class, “Generation Rx: The Science Behind Prescription Drug Abuse”, investigated the epidemic rise of prescription drug abuse and used science to debunk commonly held misconceptions regarding this phenomenon. Nicole Cartwright Kwiek, PhD, clinical assistant professor in the Division of Pharmacology, led this class. Kwiek is also the director of the Generation Rx Lab located in the Center of Science and Industry (COSI). In addition to Professors Hale and Kwiek, a number of Ohio State students helped to administer the classes and online forum. Additionally, social media such as Twitter and Google+ were used to enhance the learning experience. Left: Nicole Kwiek and her guest, Sarah Nerad, talk to students during a Google On Air session for the Generation Rx class. Right: An infographic showcasing class statistics from a session of the “Introduction to Pharmacy” course. 6

2014 Outreach & Engagement at The Ohio State University College of Pharmacy


Number of students enrolled in this course Highest Level of Education

Less than High School




Interested in Pursuing a Career in Pharmacy

Percentage of students who have never taken an online class

32% Male


67% Female

High School / GED Some College Undergraduate Degree Master’s Degree PhD or Equivalent Professional Degree


The youngest student is 14 The oldest is 90

6 Continents

Afghanistan • Albania • Algeria • Argentina • Armenia • Australia • Austria • Azerbaijan • Bahamas • Bahrain • Bangladesh • Belarus • Belgium • Belize • Bosnia and Herzegovina • Botswana • Brazil • Bulgaria • Burundi • Cambodia • Cameroon • Canada • Chile • China • Colombia • Republic of Congo • Costa Rica • Côte d’Ivoire • Croatia • Cuba • Cyprus • Czech Republic • Denmark • Dominica • Dominican Republic • Ecuador • Egypt • El Salvador • Eritrea • Estonia • Ethiopia • Finland • France • Gabon • Gambia • Georgia • Germany • Ghana • Greece • Grenada • Guatema la • GuineaBissau • Guyana • Honduras • Hong Kong (S.A.R.) • Hun gary • Iceland • India • Indonesia • Islamic Republic of Iran • Iraq • Ireland • Israel • Italy • Jamaica • Japan • Jordan • Kazakhstan • Kenya • Kuwait • Lat via • Lebanon • Liberia • Libyan Arab Jamahiriya • Lithuania • Luxembourg • Madagascar • Malaysia • Maldives • Malta • Mexico • Mongolia • Morocco • Mozambique • Myanmar • Namibia • Nepal • Netherlands • New Zealand • Ni caragua • Nigeria • Norway • Oman • Pakistan • Panama • Peru • Philippines • Poland • Portugal • Qatar • Republic of Korea • Republic of Moldova • Romania • Russian Federa tion • Rwanda • Saint Lucia • Saudi Arabia • Senegal • Serbia • Sierra Leone • Singapore • Slo vakia • Slovenia • Somalia • South Africa • South Korea • Spain • Sri Lanka • Sudan • Suriname • Swaziland • Sweden • Switzerland • Syrian Arab Republic • Tajkistan • Thailand • The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia • Trinidad and Tobago • Tunisia • Turkey • Uganda • Ukraine • United Arab Emirates • United Kingdom • United Republic of Tanzania • United States of America • Uruguay • Uzbekistan • Vanuatu • Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela • Viet Nam • Zambia • Zimbabwe

143 Countries

Statistics are based an opt-in survey sent to all students at the beginning of the Introduction to Pharmacy MOOC. Current as of October 25, 2013.

Presentations, Awards, & Highlights Awards

Service Highlights

Nicole C. Kwiek, PhD, Clinical Assistant Professor 2014 Distinguished Teaching in BSPS Award

The Ohio State University College of Pharmacy continues its endeavors to improve the lives of Ohioans and people across the globe.

Jennifer Rodis 2013 Innovations in Teaching Award American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy (AACP)

In 2014, professional students and pharmacists provided over 2,000 volunteer hours at local clinics which serve a diverse, uninsured patient population, as well as numerous educational and screening events: • New Life Health and Wellness Center • The Clinic at Faith Mission • Helping Hands Health and Wellness Center • Physicians Free Clinic

Alexa Sevin, PharmD, Current College of Pharmacy Resident The 2014 Ohio State University Emerging Service-Learning Award

Presentation Highlights “Community Based Geriatric Education Models: Exploring Opportunities Beyond the Classroom.” Ruth Emptage, Erica Estus, David G. Fuentes, Angela C. Riley. AACP Geri-Sig Presentation at the Annual Meeting, July 16, 2013. “The Generation Rx Initiative.” Johnathan Bosold, Kenneth Hale, Nicole C. Kwiek, Emily Keeler. Poster presentation at the 2014 Annual Meeting of the National Association of Boards of Pharmacy, May, 2014.

Students provide services such as: • Obtaining medication histories • Bone Health Screenings • Caring for patients by working together in a team with prescribers and nurses • Helping patients with applications for medication assistance programs • Assisting prescribers with medication dispensing • Providing medication counseling to patients

“Generation Rx Toolkits: Educational Resources for Prescription Drug Abuse Prevention.” Kenneht Hale. Drug Free America Foundation 2014 Drug Summit, Tampa, Florida, February 25, 2014. “Medication Misuse and Abuse in Older Adults.” Ruth Emptage. Central Ohio Area Agency on Aging to Nurses and Social Workers, March 21, 2014. “Resources for Generation Rx”. Nicole C. Kwiek. American Pharmacists Association Annual Conference, Orlando, FL, March 30, 2014.

2014 Outreach & Engagement at The Ohio State University College of Pharmacy


O The 16th Annual Ohio State University College of Pharmacy Chili Cook-Off raised more than $5,000 for the Charitable Pharmacy of Central Ohio, a local pharmacy that provides counseling, education and medications to central Ohio residents who are uninsured or cannot afford prescription co-pays. The Charitable Pharmacy has served more than 2,900 patients since it opened its doors.

U In the fall of 2013, college faculty and staff in Outreach and Engagement began the process of creating a strategic plan. Led by Professor Jennifer Rodis, the group has worked extensively to create a plan that will significantly grow outreach at the college while streamlining resources and processes. The process is in the final stages, with the goal of starting implementation in the early fall of 2014.

R T Ohio State Doctor of Pharmacy students were among the myriad of vendors and service providers at the Senior Living Festival. It was held at the Veterans Memorial in downtown Columbus and offered health and wellness tips and services to older adults. In October, the second annual NOPE (Narcotics Overdose Prevention and Education) Candlelight Vigil was held on Ohio State’s campus. The goal of this event is to remember those lost to prescription drug abuse, raise awareness about addiction and eliminate prejudice surrounding the disease.

The American Society of Consultant Pharmacists (ASCP) Student Chapter helped provide bone health screenings while student pharmacists on rotation with Giant Eagle helped administer flu shots. In all, the students helped to administer 30 flu shots and provided 94 bone health screenings.

A E In addition to National Wear Red Day, students celebrated National Heart Month with screenings and community projects to promote heart health.

Volunteers from Ohio State’s Generation Rx Initiative, the Cardinal Health Foundation, and the Ohio State University chapter of the Student National Pharmaceutical Association (SNPhA) visited the Freedom School to teach children about prescription drug misuse and abuse prevention. Located in the Broad Street United Methodist Church, the Freedom School hosts over 100 scholars from kindergarten to high school. Children participated in an afternoon of fun and games while learning about prescription drug safety.

C PGY2 resident, Alexa Sevin, received an Emerging Service-Learning Award from the Office of Outreach and Engagement at Ohio State for her work at the Columbus Free Clinic (CFC). Sevin was recognized for interprofessional teamwork in underserved patient care. The clinic is maintained and staffed by student volunteers from the Colleges of Pharmacy, Nursing, and Social Work and serves a large portion of the uninsured in Columbus, Ohio.

H Three first-year pharmacy students presented the College of Pharmacy with a quilt they made at their Geriatric Experience site with the help of five women from the Gillie 50+ Recreation Center.

2014 Outreach & Engagement at The Ohio State University College of Pharmacy


New Schweitzer Fellows To Expand Blood Pressure Management Services to the Underserved The Ohio State University College of Pharmacy’s Abbey Strazar and Mary Vincent have been named 2014-15 Columbus-Athens Schweitzer Fellows. The rising third-year pharmacy students will focus their project on blood pressure management and education for underserved and underinsured people of greater Columbus. Schweitzer Fellows choose a year-long project that focuses on social factors that impact health, while developing lifelong leadership skills. Strazar and Vincent’s project will expand upon outgoing Schweitzer Fellow Kriss Petrovskis’ project. During the 201314 year, Petrovskis worked with the Helping Hands Free Clinic to address blood pressure management. The two women worked the past year with Petrovskis and have chosen to expand his project to an additional clinic, Grace in the City - Hardin Clinic. “We’ve had a great experience at Helping Hands helping with Kriss’ project,” said Vincent. “We wanted to expand to another clinic and help more people.” 10

High blood pressure is a common, yet deadly, condition. According to the Centers for Disease Control, 1 in every 3 adults has high blood pressure, with only about half of those affected having their condition under control. Additionally, more than 348,000 American deaths in 2009 included high blood pressure as a primary or contributing cause. “As I learned about blood pressure in school, I was surprised how much it can impact other diseases like heart attack and stroke, said Strazar. “Working at the clinics, it is very rewarding to educate patients and be able to see a difference in their health.” In addition to the expansion, Strazar and Vincent will work on improving work flow and record management to provide a consistent patient experience. The 18 Columbus-Athens Fellows will join approximately 230 other 2014-15 Schweitzer Fellows across the United States. Upon completion of their Fellowship year, the students will become Schweitzer Fellows for Life.

2014 Outreach & Engagement at The Ohio State University College of Pharmacy

Petrovskis Recognized for Outreach Efforts Kriss Petrovskis, a third-year doctor of pharmacy student, was named a recipient of The Ohio State University 2014 Outstanding Graduate/ Professional Student Award. The award, one of the highest bestowed to graduate and professional students, recognizes students who have made outstanding contributions to Ohio State in leadership and service outside of their academic program. Petrovskis, a 2013-14 Schweitzer Fellow, devoted the past year to helping patients at the Helping Hands Free Clinic monitor their blood pressure. To date, the program has served more than 112 patients with more than 134 hours of direct patient service and nearly 60 hours of planning. The blood pressure program is expected to continue after Petrovskis’s fellowship ends, with the expansion by the 2014-15 fellows. Petrovskis was honored at the annual Leadership Awards Celebration on April 11 at the Ohio Union.

schools have included 5 OSU faculty. Ohio State College of Pharmacy International Collaboration Across the Globe

pharmaceutical sciences and capacity building in pharmacy.


• Study-abroad • APPEs

• Faculty/student exchanges • APPEs • PhD Research Training

• Study-abroad • APPEs

• PhD Research Training • Capacity Building




• PhD Research Training

Ohio State Pharmacy Alumni Ohio State Gateway College of Pharmacy Activities

Puerto Rico, Nicaragua, and Outreach & Engagement Faculty & Staff: Designer TorontoEmily Keeler Honduras

Visit us online: pharmacy.osu.edu/outreach

This document available in an alternative format by calling 614.292.1966 or email at keeler.16@osu.edu.

Jerry Cable, RPh, FAPhA Nicole Cartwright Kwiek, PhD Ruth Emptage, PharmD Kenneth M. Hale, RPh, PhD Emily Keeler, MA, Program Coordinator Jennifer Rodis, PharmD

• Short-term study abroad experiences for BSPS and PharmD students. • P4 PharmD students participate in APPEs via

Henry J. Mann, PharmD Dean, College of Pharmacy


This is a publication of The Ohio State University College of Pharmacy. Copyright 2014. Permission to reproduce this magazine in part or whole must be obtained from the college. Contact: College of Pharmacy Outreach Office, 500 W. 12th Ave., Columbus, OH 43210. Phone: 614.292.1966.

São Paulo, Brazil

Gerald Cable • Graduate student • Short-term study abroad Center of Science and Industry (COSI) research training in the experiences for BSPS and Jonathan Gladden Emily Keeler pharmaceutical sciences PharmD students. OSU Photography Services

2014 Outreach & Engagement at The Ohio State University College of Pharmacy

The University has established Global Gateway Offices and facilities for international partnerships and collaborations of faculty and students on local


500 W. 12th Ave. * Columbus, OH 43210 614.292.1966 * keeler.16@osu.edu Visit us online: pharmacy.osu.edu/outreach

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