The Well-Being UNCChapel Hill’s Premiere Health and Fitness Magazine
Vol. 1 Ed. 1
Letter From the Editor 5 Best Places to Run on Campus 12
Amanda Sobnosky Executive Editor Co-founder
Cara Richards Assistant Editor Co-founder
Stephanie Cohen PR Coordinator
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P90X:Decide, Commit, Succeed 14
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Following the Fad Diet Frenzy 08 LongDistance Love 28
E'%+"5;%06$%<#"5:%5)%90A*%,:&'+95-,':%5)%@'0%A5:$%5:;%*,-%-*"%<@9S%TN+%5-%#"5)-$% ;':8-%*,-%-*"%5##4@'04A5:4"5-%;"))"+-%I5+%5)%*5+;U>%V:O'@S
Ashley Andersen Photo Editor
Contributors Kristina Couchon Blogger
Alena Hall
Traci Potocnik Website Designer
Sarah List
Copy-Editor/PR Team
Jeremy Gerlach Writer
Emma Shaw
PR Team
Katie Jokipii
PR Team
Amber Astolfi Treasurer
Alex Higgins
Writer/PR Team
Cat Dipaci Writer
Lauren Meyer Writer
Laney Tipton Writer
Megan DeMaria Writer
Jordan Seal
Whitney Davis Copy-Editor
Meg Wrather
Megan Finke Designer
Alexis Balinski
Traci Carver
Erik Andersen
Marshall Hubert
Sarah Martin
Evils of Exercise.... pg.20
Facing the Facts of the
Caffeine.... pg.6
Sex.... pg.26
Men’s Health.... pg.16
Dorm Life.... pg.24
Multivitamin.... pg.5
Steps to Your Balanced
Women’s Health.... pg.18
Campus Rec.... pg.22
Restaurant Spotlight.... pg.10
The 5 Best Stress 3
The WellBeing
Vol. 1 Ed. 1
photo by: Marshall Hubert
Ladies: Think twice before disregarding your daily
By Alena Hall
Charles Floyd, Josh Spencer, Wayne Davis, P::5% Z,:$% L'"% [5II5<*$% V9,#@% 35+-"+$% Brandon Berry, Preeyam Patel, Brienne Poole, Chipotle Mexican Grill, McAlister’s Deli, Panera Bread, The Pita Pit, Jimmy \'*:8)% ]'0+9"-% E5:;?,A*")$% K0--"+:0-% EQ05)*% M")-50+5:-$% 5:;% 5##% '0+% &59,#@% and friends for supporting us along the ?5@S%
4 The WellBeing March 2011
photo by: Marshall Hubert
A special thanks to...
5:@%?'9":%5+"%5?5+"%-*5-%-5(,:<% 5%;5,#@%90#-,J,-59,:%,)%I":"/,A,5#% &'+%'J"+5##%6"+)':5#%*"5#-*>%7'?"J"+$% 5%)0+6+,),:<#@%)95##%6"+A":-5<"%'&%?'9":% include a multivitamin in their daily health regimen. Would statistics change if more ?'9":%(:"?%-*5-%-*"@%?"+"%O"'65+;,=,:<% :'-% ':#@% -*",+% 6"+)':5#% *"5#-*% I0-% 5#)'% -*"%*"5#-*%'&%-*",+%A*,#;+":%I@%:'-%-5(,:<% 5% 90#-,J,-59,:% I"&'+"% -*"@% I"A'9"% pregnant? F*"% 1>E>% R0I#,A% 7"5#-*% E"+J,A"% +"A'99":;)% -*5-% 5##% ?'9":% '&% A*,#;I"5+,:<%5<"%-5("%WXX%9A<%'&%&'#,A%5A,;% daily, a central B vitamin found in most multivitamin supplements. Such a regimen can prevent up to 70 percent of spine 5:;% I+5,:% I,+-*% ;"&"A-)% -*5-% 'AA0+% ,:% -*"% early stages of fetal development. Despite this incentive, currently only one third of ?'9":% ,:% -*"% 1:,-";% E-5-")% &'##'?% -*,)% recommendation. G-% ,)% ,96'+-5:-% -'% :'-"% -*5-% ':"% 90)-%% A':)09"% -*,)% 6+")A+,I";% ;5,#@% J5#0"% '&% &'#,A% 5A,;% &'+% 06% -'% ),H% 9':-*)% I"&'+"% I"A'9,:<%6+"<:5:-%&'+%,-%-'%6+"J":-%-*")"% I,+-*% ;"&"A-)% "&/,A,":-#@>% E-5-,)-,A)% )*'?% that compared to the national average, North Carolina has increasingly high rates '&%:"0+5#%-0I"%;"&"A-)$%)'%,-%,)%"J":%9'+"% ,96"+5-,J"% -*5-% 2'+-*% 35+'#,:5% ?'9":% take the importance of multivitamins seriously. The North Carolina Folic Acid Council is
one of the leading groups in encouraging folic acid consumption. Their North 35+'#,:5%D'#,A%PA,;%35965,<:%?5)%A+"5-";% ?,-*%-*"%*'6")%'&%,96+'J,:<%?'9":8)%5:;% A*,#;+":8)%*"5#-*%I@%6+'9'-,:<%-*"%I":"/,-)% and consumption of folic acid. Through the campaign, the NCFAC endorses the consumption of daily multivitamins rather than folic acid alone to help achieve ?"##4+'0:;";% 5:;% "A':'9,A5##@4&+,":;#@% :0-+,-,':%&'+%?'9":%5:;%A*,#;+":> Y'0:<%?'9":%?*'%5+"%:'-%A':-"96#5-,:<%% 6+"<:5:A@% A5:% 5#)'% I":"/,-% )0I)-5:-,5##@% from the addition of a multivitamin to their daily health regimen. Multivitamin )066#"9":-)% *5J"% I"":% 6+'J":% -'% ,96+'J"% 5% ?'95:8)% 'J"+5##% 9":-5#% 5:;% physical condition. They serve mainly to 6+"J":-%J,-59,:%5:;%:0-+,":-%;"/,A,":A,")% -*5-% 5+,)"% ?,-*% ,:A'96#"-"% ;,"-)% 5:;% ,9I5#5:A";% "5-,:<% *5I,-)>% !'9":% ?*'% 5#)'%A'6"%?,-*%5%A':),;"+5I#"%59'0:-%'&% )-+"))%I":"/,-%&+'9%90#-,J,-59,:)%I"A50)"% they decrease their risks of illness or ,:&"A-,':%),<:,/,A5:-#@> M"<5+;#"))%'&%?*"-*"+%@'0%5+"%A0++":-#@% contemplating pregnancy, consider your '?:% *"5#-*% ?*":% ;"A,;,:<% ?*"-*"+% -'% )(,6%@'0+%;5,#@%;')"%'&%,990:"4I'')-,:<% vitamins and minerals. And although the &0-0+"%&"-5#%,:A":-,J")%95@%:'-%I"%)-+':<% ":'0<*%5-%-*,)%)-5<"%,:%#,&"$%-*"%#':<4-"+9% health effects for a future child may lead 95:@%?'9":%-'%+"A':),;"+%-*",+%;"A,),':>
All statistics and medical information regarding the effects of folic acid were retrieved from the North Carolina Folic Acid Council website. To learn more, visit
Choosing a Multivitamin !"
#$%&"'($")%*$). Look for products with no more than 100 percent daily value for the nutrients list.
+($,-"'($".$/,$0'%1$"%0&"%234&" (41("&35$56 Some vitamins and minerals are toxic at high doses. They can build up over time and you may not notice a problem right away.
733-"83/"9:;"30"'($")%*$)6 This means that your pills have the exact amount of nutrients the label says they have.
:'3/$"*/%0&5"%0&"1$0$/4,5 can be as good as name brands.
<234&"'($"$='/%56 Some vitamins have herbs, enzymes or amino acids in them. """""""""""""">083/?%'430"+/$&4'@"AAA61$'83)4,6,3? 5
Vol. 1 Ed. 1
6 The WellBeing March 2011
Caffeine Content (mg/serving)
Calories (per serving)
Sugar (g/serving)
Drip* (black) Espresso* (1 oz) Decaf* Instant*
133 50 5 70
2 1 0 2
0 0 0 0
1 Caffeine is a diuretic. This means it
Green* Chai Tea Latte (Nonfat milk)* Lipton Black Snapple Teas** Diet Snapple**
25 50 47 21 23
0 105 0 90 10
0 23 0 23 0
Coca Cola Diet Coke Dr. Pepper Mountain Dew Vault
23 23 28 36 48
93 93 100 113 120
26 26 27 31 31
Red Bull (8.3 oz) Monster Rockstar Amp (8.4 oz)
80 80 80 74
110 100 80 110
28 27 30 29
*** 31 200 130 9 60100* 1800
220 180 0 0 210 4 0
20 21 0 0 24 0 0
Product (8 oz unless otherwise noted)
photos by: Marshall Hubert
up! Caffeine content isn’t included on the #5I"#%'&%@'0+%)';5%A5:$%I0-%@'0%A5:%/,:;% ,-% ':% -*"% ,:-"+:"-% I@% <',:<% -'% -*"% A'94 65:@8)%?"I),-">%F*"+"%,)%5%#'-%'&%,:&'+954 tion out there, so make use of it. Caffeine ,)%5%A'96#"H%5:;%?,;"#@40)";%)0I)-5:A"$% 5:;%,-%,)%"5A*%6"+)':8)%;"A,),':%5)%-'%*'?% 5:;%?*":%-*"@%0)"%,-$%,&%5-%5##>%K"%)95+-$% I"%)5&"$%5:;%9')-%,96'+-5:-#@$%I"%*"5#-*@>
5 Caffeine is not a replacement for sleep!
G&%@'0%90)-%60##%5:%5##4:,<*-"+%5:;%-*":% remain caffeinated for the remainder 95(")% @'0% *5J"% -'% 6""$% ?*,A*% ;"*@4 '&% -*"% ;5@$% ;'% )'$% I0-% -+@% :'-% -'% 95("% 5% P*% A5&&",:">% F*"% #,&"I#'';% ;+5-")%@'0>%[+,:(%"H-+5%?5-"+%':%-*"%;5@)% *5I,-%'&%,->%P-%5%<+"5-%0:,J"+),-@%#,("%'0+)$% of the American college stu4 you consume caffeine to prevent dehy4 )-5@,:<%':%-'6%'&%@'0+%)A*''#?'+(%,)%("@>% dent. Whether you consume dration and keep your system in check. E#""6% ;"6+,J5-,':% ?,##% ,:"J,-5I#@% *5J"% 5% ,-% ;5,#@% '+% O0)-% I"&'+"% @'0% :"<5-,J"% ,965A-% ':% @'0+% ?'+(% 5:;% 6"+4 60##% 5:% 5##4:,<*-"+$% A*5:A")% 2 G-% )""9)% 'IJ,'0)$% I0-% -*"% #"))% )0<5+% sonal life. are you’ve consumed this 5:;% A5#'+,")% @'0% ;+,:($% -*"% I"--"+>% G&% stimulant in at least one of its forms. @'0%A*')"%?5-"+%,:)-"5;%'&%)';5%&'+%':"% 6 V:"+<@% ;+,:()% A#5,9% -'% I"% *"5#-*@% I@% Coffee, tea, soda, and energy drinks are I"J"+5<"%;0+,:<%-*"%;5@$%@'0%A'0#;%)5J"% advertising B vitamins and other energy the most popular forms of caffeine con4 9'+"%-*5:%_XXX%A5#'+,")%6"+%?""($%:'-%-'% supplements like Guarana and Taurine. )096-,':$%5#-*'0<*%,-%A5:%5#)'%I"%&'0:;% 9":-,':%A0-%I5A(%':%-':)%'&%)0<5+> F*")"%A'965:,")%?5:-%-*"%A':)09"+%-'% ,:%-5I#"-%&'+9$%,:%A*'A'#5-"%5:;%,:%A"+-5,:% I"#,"J"% -*5-% -*")"% ;+,:()% *5J"% #"))% A5&4 medications (particularly those used to 3 K"% A5+"&0#% ?*5-% @'0% 5;;% -'% @'0+% A'&4 &",:"% '+% 5+"% )'9"*'?% I"--"+>% F*"% &5A-% 5##"J,5-"%*"5;5A*")U> fee and tea. These drinks are among that it is not caffeine does not make it F*"+"%,)%5%#'-%'&%;"I5-"%'0-%-*"+"%5I'0-% -*"% *"5#-*,"+% A*',A")% ,:% '0+% A*5+-$% I0-% 5:@% I"--"+% &'+% @'0>% G:% &5A-$% ]05+5:5% *5)% A5&&",:"%5:;%,-)%*"5#-*%"&&"A-)>%G)%,-%?,)"% -*,)% ,):8-% 5#?5@)% -*"% A5)"% `% 5% E-5+I0A()% -?,A"%5)%90A*%A5&&",:"%5)%5%A'&&""%I"5:$% -'%;+,:(%-?'%M";%K0##)%5&-"+%5%#5-"%:,<*-% ]+5:;"% T_a% '=U% 35+59"#% D+5660AA,:'% and Taurine is an amino acid already )-0;@,:<^%!*5-%5+"%-*"%#':<4-"+9%"&&"A-)% ?,-*% ?*,6% A':-5,:)% bcX% A5#'+,")$% _d% 6+")":-%,:%-*"%I';@%T,>">$%*5)%I"":%)*'?:% of having a cup of coffee every morning? grams of fat, and 62 grams of sugar. -'% *5J"% :'% 6'),-,J"% '+% :"<5-,J"% "&&"A-)U>% 7'?% 90A*% A5&&",:"% ':"% A':)09")% 5:;% Before choosing an energy drink or caf4 *'?%,)%06%-'%-*"%,:;,J,;05#>%7'?"J"+$%-*"% 4 K"?5+"% '&% ;,"-% )';5)>% NIJ,'0)#@$% -*"@% &",:5-";% I"J"+5<"$% ;'% )'9"% +")"5+A*e% A5&&",:"% &5A-)% 5:;% /,<0+")% )*'?:% ,:% -*"% A':-5,:% &"?"+% A5#'+,")% 5:;% )0<5+% -*5:% @'0%9,<*-%;"A,;"%@'0%5+"%I"--"+%'&&%I+5J4 chart on page 7 might shed a little light +"<0#5+%)';5$%I0-%,:%95:@%A5)")%-*"@%;'% ,:<% -*"% I,--"+% -5)-"% '&% I#5A(% A'&&""% -*5:% on the issue. :'-%A':-+,I0-"%-'%?",<*-%#'))%'+%5%*"5#-*4 ;'?:,:<%dXXXf%'&%@'0+%;5,#@%K4a%5##'?4 E'$%?*5-%A5:%?"%95("%'&%5##%-*")"%&5A-)^% ier lifestyle. There are many reasons for ance (moderation, moderation, modera4 7"+"8)% *'?% -'% (""6% @'0+% A5&&",:"% A':4 -*,)$%I0-%-*"%95,:%6+'I#"9%,)%-*"%9":-5#4 -,':U> sumption healthy: i t y -*"@%A50)".%O0)-%I"A50)"%,-%,)%;,"-% 7 A note on Four Loko:% 1:;"+4 )-5:;5I#@$% 6"'6#"% #,("% -*"% ,;"5>% G-% <"-)% @'0% +"5##@% drunk really fast, it tastes good, and you get an ex4 tra jolt of energy. But, as ?,-*% 5:@% ;"6+"))5:-g )-,90#5:-% A'9I,:54 tion (energy drink + 5#A'*'#U$% KV% 3PMVD1ZS% G-% A5:% I"% 5% ;5:<"+'0)% mix. And if that doesn’t matter to you, here’s 5% )65+".% [':8-% I"% -*5-% stupid person that ru4 ,:)%,-%&'+%"J"+@I';@%"#)"% I@% <"--,:<% ,-% I5::";>% (Editor’s note: too late. Someone already ru4 ined it. But note that '-*"+% ;"6+"))5:-g)-,94 0#5:-%A'9I,:5-,':)$%#,("% J';(5% 5:;% M";I0##$% 5+"% "Q05##@%5)%;5:<"+'0)>U
By Ashley Andersen
added to our food.%G-%,)%5;;,A-,J">%G&%@'0% consume caffeine regularly and decide -'%)-'6$%,-%,)%I")-%:'-%-'%Q0,-%A'#;%-0+("@>% 35&&",:"% ?,-*;+5?5#% )@96-'9)% ,:A#0;"% *"5;5A*")$% #"-*5+<@$% ;+'?),:"))% 5:;% +";0A";% A':A":-+5-,':e% ['"):8-% )'0:;% )'%I5;$%I0-%-*,)%A'0#;%I"%5%;"5#4I+"5("+% during midterms. Z5)-#@$% A5&&",:"% ,)% 5% ;+0<4':"% '&% -*"% P:@-*,:<% @'0% ?5:-";% -'% (:'?% -*5-% 9 only drugs that is present naturally or ?5):8-% A'J"+";% I@% -*,)% 5+-,A#"^% Z''(% ,-% 6"A,5##@% ":"+<@% ;+,:()% 5:;% A'&&""U$% I"% A5+"&0#%`%-''%90A*%A5:%95("%@'0%&""#%'0-% '&% A':-+'#$% ,-% A5:% 9"))% ?,-*% @'0+% ;,<")4 tive system, it can cause insomnia and it can also make you look really spastic to others.
8 G&%@'0%5+"%:"?%-'%-*"%A5&&",:"%<59" (es4
does not mean you can have more. Mod4 eration, people!
Four Loko* Hershey’s Special Dark (1 bar) No Doz (Max) (1 tablet) Excedrin (extra strength) (2) Hershey’s Milk Chocolate (1 bar) Five Hour Energy 5150 Semi Sweet (4 oz)
!"#$%&'(#)&(#**)+,-.#/-+0'((!!1**)+,-.#/-+0'(2+)(#$$(/&#(3#4+)'((!!!506-'7$+'&6 7
Vol. 1 Ed. 1
“Miracle worker diets” may not be the most effective way to lose weight
e h t g
that dieting does take effort and the results, if lasting, probably won’t happen so quickly.
photos by: Marshall Hubert
8 The WellBeing March 2011
t’s Wednesday, and even though it is *096%;5@$%G89%/,:;,:<%,-%"HA"";,:<#@% ;,&/,A0#-%-'%65@%5--":-,':%,:%A#5))>%G89% "H*50)-";$%9@%)-'95A*%,)%<+'?#,:<$%G%&""#% :50)"5-";$%5:;$%-'%95("%,-%?'+)"$%G%#''(% 5)%I5;%5)%G%&""#>%2':"%'&%-*")"%)@96-'9)% are from pulling an 5##4:,<*-"+% <"--,:<% ahead in school or going out and *5J,:<% &0:% ?,-*% 9@% &+,":;)hG8J"% I"":% -+@,:<% -'% &'##'?% -*"% &5;% ;,"-% &+":=@> G% ?5)% -*+""% ;5@)% into one of these )'4A5##";% i9,+5A#"% ?'+("+% ;,"-)j$% 5:;% "J":% -*'0<*% G% had lost a couple 6'0:;)% '&% ?5-"+% ?",<*-$% G% ?5)% 5#)'% losing points on all of my assignments, #'),:<%-*"%5I,#,-@%-'%&'A0)%5:;%#'),:<%9@% 6'),-,J"% 5--,-0;">% G% A'0#;:8-% *"#6% I0-% ?':;"+%,&%,-%?5)%O0)-%9">%G)%-*"+"%+"5##@%5% Q0,A(%?5@%-'%-+,9%@'0+%?5,)-#,:"%?,-*'0-% cutting out necessary nutrition, focus 5:;%":"+<@%5#':<%?,-*%,-^%G)%-*"+"%+"5##@%5% )5&"$%"&&"A-,J"%?5@%-'%)""%+")0#-)%Q0,A(#@^ Looking at many of the popular diets 5J5,#5I#"% #,("% -*"% L5)-"+% 3#"5:)"$% -*"% E6"A,5#%C%;,"-$%'+%-*"%Z'?435+I%;,"-)$%':"% ?,##% )""% -*"% )59"% '#;% 6+'9,)"% '&% i&5)-% +")0#-)% 5:;% :'% "&&'+-j>% F*"% -+0-*% ,)% -*5-% dieting does take effort and the results, ,&% #5)-,:<$% 6+'I5I#@% ?':8-% *566":% )'% Q0,A(#@>%P#-*'0<*%9')-%'&%-*")"%&5;%;,"-)% ;':8-% 6+'J,;"% -*"% :"A"))5+@% #,&")-@#"4 changing aspects that accompany true, #5)-,:<%?",<*-4#'))$%"H6"+-)%*5J"%?5@)%-'% modify them so that users can see more effective, lasting results. The Master Cleanse diet is the least :0-+,-,':5##@% I":"/,A,5#% ;,"-% ':% -*,)% #,)->% N:% -*,)% ;,"-$% A':)09"+)% *5J"% :'-*,:<% to eat and only drink a concoction of lemonade, maple syrup, cayenne 6"66"+% 5:;% ?5-"+% &'+% &'0+% -'% _W% ;5@)>%
G-)% 6'60#5+,-@% )'5+";% ?*":% ?'+#;4 +":'?:";%;,J5%K"@':Ak%A#5,9";%-'%#')"% dX%6'0:;)%,:%-?'%?""()%&'+%*"+%+'#"%,:% Dreamgirls on this fast. P#-*'0<*%,-%A#5,9)%-'%;"-'H,&@%-*"%I';@$% ;+'6% 0::"A"))5+@% ?",<*-% 5:;% I'')-% energy levels, health professionals aren’t )'% A':J,:A";>% iF*"% )0<<")-,':% -*5-% ?"% 5+"% /,##";% ?,-*% toxins creates fear that drives people to these (,:;)% '&% 6#5:)$j% says Michelle May, MD, author of Am G%70:<+@>% iK0-%,:%-+0-*$% '0+% I';,")% :5-0+5##@% rid themselves of 0:;"),+5I#"%)0I)-5:A")% ?,-*'0-% 5:@% *095:% i n t e r v e n t i o n ?*5-)'"J"+>j% 3#"5:)")% like this actually remove the healthy I5A-"+,5% &+'9% -*"% intestines that aid ;,<")-,':% 5:;% I'')-% immune systems. Doctors also say that the dropped pounds come from loss of muscle mass, not the loss of fat. K"A50)"% &5-% ?",<*)% #"))$% ,-% 566"5+)% -*5-% -*,)% ,)% 5% 6'),-,J"$% I0-% +"5##@% ,-% )#'?)% -*"% 9"-5I'#,)9%?*,A*%,)%A'0:-"+6+';0A-,J"> Dietitians and doctors alike suggest that consumers stray from plans such as -*")"% I"A50)"% -*"@% *5J"% )0A*% :"<5-,J"% ),;"%"&&"A-)%5:;%'&-":%#"5;%-'%I,:<"%"5-,:<>% 1)"+)%?"+"%5#)'%:'-%)'%)066'+-,J"%5&-"+% trying it. Sophomore Middle Eastern )-0;,")%95O'+%P::5%E6';":%)5,;$%iG%-+,";% Master Cleanse for four days. While on it, @'0%A5:8-%;'%5:@-*,:<%?,-*'0-%I"A'9,:<% -,+";.% @'0% A5:8-% "H"+A,)"$% <'% '0-$% )-0;@e% @'0+%?*'#"%;5@%,)%A':)09";%I@%*0:<"+% 5:;%&5-,<0">j The Special K diet is another option that leaves out necessary nutrition. A sample day on this regimen is a serving '&% E6"A,5#% C% A"+"5#% ?,-*% )(,9% 9,#(% 5:;% &+0,-l% 5% E6"A,5#% C% R+'-",:% L"5#% I5+l% -?'% ):5A()% T5#)'% E6"A,5#% C% 6+';0A-)Ul% 5:;% ;,::"+% "5-":% 5)% ':"% :'+95##@% ?'0#;>% G:% -*"% )*'+-% +0:$% -*"% ;,"-% ,)% "&&"A-,J"%
The truth is
Fo ll o
By Alex Higgins
I"A50)"%,-%"#,9,:5-")%A5#'+,")%-*5-%?'0#;% 0)05##@% A'9"% &+'9% &5--@% I+"5(&5)-% 5:;% #0:A*%&'';)l%*'?"J"+$%-*"%;,"-%,)%5#9')-% ":-,+"#@% A5+I'*@;+5-")% 5:;% #"5J")% :'% +''9% &'+% /,I"+% '+% 6+'-",:>% G-% #5A()% -*"% necessary nutrition that comes from J"<"-5I#")% 5:;% &+0,-)% 5:;% ,-% ;'")% :'-% include an exercise plan. Claire Carstens, a sophomore in the School of Journalism 5:;% L5))% 3'990:,A5-,':% )5,;$% iF*"% E6"A,5#%C%;,"-%95;"%9"%)'%*0:<+@%;0+,:<% -*"% ;5@% -*5-% 9@% :,<*-#@% 9"5#% ?5)% *0<"% 5:;% 65A(";% ?,-*% 5% #'-% '&% 0::"A"))5+@% A5#'+,")>j% 7"5#-*% "H6"+-)% &+'9% !"IL[> A'9% )0<<")-% 5;;,:<% &+0,-)$% J"<"-5I#")$% and a multivitamin to see more lasting results and to feel fuller during the day. Low‐Carb diets are on the opposite end '&%-*"%)6"A-+09%&+'9%-*"%E6"A,5#%C%6#5:>% These diets consist of eating protein at every meal and consuming less than 30 <+59)%'&%A5+I'*@;+5-")%;5,#@>%F*,)%9"5:)% :'% I+"5;$% +,A"$% 6'-5-'")$% /#'0+$% )0<5+$% '+% 95:@% *,<*4A5+I% &+0,-)% 5:;% J"<<,")>% iD'+% #'?"+% +,)(% '&% A5:A"+% 5:;% '-*"+% A*+':,A% ;,)"5)")$% -*"% )A,":-,/,A% "J,;":A"% <'")% 5<5,:)-% -*"% #'?4A5+I'*@;+5-"$% *,<*4 6+'-",:% ;,"-)$j% )-5-")% L"#5:,"% R'#($% M[$% director of nutrition education at the P9"+,A5:% G:)-,-0-"% &'+% 35:A"+% M")"5+A*% ,:%!5)*,:<-':$%[3>%i!"%:"";%-'%"5-%9'+"% 6#5:-4I5)";%&'';%5:;%#"))% animal food, the exact opposite of a lot of -*")"%&5;%;,"-)>j G:% -*"% ":;$% -*"% majority of doctors, dietitians, and )0AA"))&0#% ;,"-"+)% ?,##% all tell hopefuls the same secret: dieting ,)% :'-% -*"% ("@% -'% ?",<*-4#'))%% 4% #,&")-@#"% A*5:<")% 5+">% V)-5I#,)*,:<% <'';% *5I,-)% '&% "5-,:<% 5% I5#5:A";% ;,"-% '&% ?*'#"% <+5,:)$% #"5:% 9"5-$% &+0,-% 5:;% J"<"-5I#")% ?,##% I"% 9'+"% )0AA"))&0#% ,:% -*"% #':<% +0:% than crash diets and fad cleanses. As sophomore international studies major 35+'#,:"% E6,-=:5<"#% )5,;$% iG-% ,)% ),96#"% 95-*.%I0+:%9'+"%A5#'+,")%-*5:%@'0%-5("% in, have nothing in excess and everything ,:%9';"+5-,':$%5:;%(:'?%-*5-%,-8)%5%#':<% -"+9%;"A,),':$%:'-%5%Q0,A(%/,H>j 9
Vol. 1 Ed. 1
Restaurant Spotlight
and fresh pita, guacamole, udon noodles and an array of deli4 A,'0)%)5:;?,A*")%5+"%O0)-%5%&"?%'&%-*"%9":0%,-"9)%-'%A*'')"% from. K0--"+:0-%EQ05)*%,)%5%<"9%'&%5%+")-50+5:-%-0A(";%,:%I"-?"":% A'##"<"%&5J'+,-")%)0A*%5)%C":8)%m0,A(,"%L5+-%5:;%F,9"%N0->%G:% &5A-$%9')-%)-0;":-)%6+'I5I#@%I@65))%,-%':%-*",+%?5@%-'%<+5I%5% I""+%'+%5%<+"5)@%I,)A0,->%7'?"J"+$%-*"+"%A'9")%5%-,9"%,:%"J"+@% A'##"<"%)-0;":-)8%#,&"%?*":%-*"@%<"-%),A(%'&%-*"%0)05#%<+"5)@% &5+"%5:;%)"5+A*%&'+%)'9"-*,:<%5%I,-%9'+"%?*'#")'9"%-'%"5->%% E"5+A*%:'%&0+-*"+$%I"A50)"%K0--"+:0-%EQ05)*%*5)%;"/,:,-"#@% got you covered.
Butternut Squash step inside it feels almost as if you’ve
Interested in healthy I"":%-+5:)6'+-";%-'%5%)95##%06)A5#"% +")-50+5:-%,:%5%I0)-#,:<%A,-@>%F5I#"A#'-*)% local spots? Megan 5:;%A5:;#")%5;'+:%"5A*%-5I#"$%5:;%-*"% 5-9')6*"+"%,)%?5+9%5:;%?"#A'9,:<>% DeMaria talks to But C"##@%?,##%,99";,5-"#@%A*5+9%@'0%?,-*% *"+%I,<%)9,#"%5:;%K+,-,)*%5AA":-$%5:;%,-% ternut Squash owner, )'':%I"A'9")%,96')),I#"%-'%+"),)-%-*"% aroma of fresh and healthy cooking. The restaurant opened in July 2009, and Kelly Bruney. by Megan DeMaria P)%G%?5#(";%,:-'%K0--"+:0-%EQ05)*%M")4 -50+5:-$%'?:"+%C"##@%Bruney greeted me cheerfully and explained that she had O0)-%I"":%A*'66,:<%':,':)%5:;%:"";";% -'%<'%?5)*%*"+%*5:;)>%F*5-%,:%,-)"#&%,)%5% -")-59":-%-'%*'?%&+")*%5:;%*'9"95;"% 5##%-*"%&'';%,)$%5:;%C"##@8)%(,:;%5:;%*':4 est attitude set the tone for the rest of my time there. K0--"+:0-%EQ05)*%M")-50+5:-%,)%#'4 A5-";%,:%1:,J"+),-@%EQ05+"%+,<*-%5A+'))% &+'9%]+5:J,##"%F'?"+)$%I0-%':A"%@'0%
*5)%),:A"%<5,:";%5%&'##'?,:<%'&%*"5#-*4 conscious eaters from the Triangle area. C"##@%)5,;%-*5-%,:%5:@%<,J":%?""(%':#@% 5I'0-%_X4dXf%'&%-*"%A#,":-"#"%,)%A'94 6')";%'&%123%)-0;":-)$%I0-%*'6"&0##@% -*5-%?,##%A*5:<"%,:%-*"%&0-0+"%':A"%?'+;% '&%9'0-*%)6+"5;)%5I'0-%-*"%Q05#,-@%'&% -*,)%")-5I#,)*9":->%
K0--"+:0-%EQ05)*%,)%A'99,--";%-'%0)4 ing real ingredients and making every single item from scratch. The food is '&-":%I'0<*-%#'A5##@$%5:;%C"##@%")6"A,5##@% ":O'@)%I0@,:<%&+'9%!"5J"+%E-+""-%L5+4 ("-%5:;%-*"%35++I'+'%D5+9"+8)%L5+("->% C"##@%5:;%*"+%9'-*"+%A''(%5##%-*"%&'';%
themselves, and they make everything &+'9%6,==5%-'%F*5,%A0++@%-'%-*"%50-09:% )"5)':5#%,-"94%)6,A@%6096(,:%)'06>%
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C"##@%*5,#)%&+'9%Z':;':%?*,A*%)*"% ;")A+,I")%5)%5%iA0#-0+5#%9"#-,:<%6'-$j% and it is this variety of cuisine that she I+,:<)%-'%-*"%9":0%5-%K0--"+:0-%EQ05)*>%% C"##@%5#)'%*5)%35+,II"5:%+''-)$%?*,A*% lends her a healthy appreciation for adding spice to a dish. The most popular items are the curries and risotto, along ?,-*%-*"%;"#,A,'0)%6,==5%J5+,"-,")%-*5-% +'-5-"%?""(#@>%P%+"A":-%6,==5%)6"A,5#% ?5)%-'66";%?,-*%'#,J")$%&"-5%A*"")"$% A5+59"#,=";%':,':)$%&+")*%-'95-'")$%5:;% ,:A#0;";%'#,J"%65)-"%&'+%-*"%I5)">%
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Eat This! (Other healthy and delicious options)
F*"%)6"A,5#)%A*5:<"%?,-*%-*"%)"5)':$% ,##0)-+5-,:<%C"##@8)%;";,A5-,':%-'%#'A5#% 5:;%&+")*%&'';>%K0--"+:0-%EQ05)*%,)%5% J"<"-5+,5:%+")-50+5:-$%I0-%-*5-%;'"):8-% 9"5:%-*"@%A5:8-%6#"5)"%9"5-4"5-"+)%-''>% There is such a variety of things on the 9":0%-*5-%,-%?'0#;%I"%,96')),I#"%-'% #"5J"%0:)5-,)/,";>%7'9"95;"%*0990)
Chipotle Mexican Grill‐ +(4,-$0"BC//4'3" B3A)6 Grilled, adobomarinated chicken, seasoned beans and your choice of salsa on top of their famous cilantrolime rice. Skip the cheese and sour cream and add guacamole instead for healthy fats!
[650 calories, 23g 2#/8(9:;(<=&)8(>?;( protein]
Panera Bread B/$%-8%5'";3A$/":%0& A4,(6 One whole egg, melty aged ched dar cheese and a slice of smoked ham, sandwiched on wholegrain bread.
[360 calories, 14g 2#/8(>;(<=&)8(@A;( protein]
McAlister’s Deli +(4,-$0" ?$)'6 Grilled chicken breast and havarti cheese on a whole wheat hoagie roll.
[400 calories, 11g 2#/8( A;( <=&)8( AB;( protein]
The Pita Pit +(4,-$0"%0&"(C??C5".4'%6 Grilled chicken, hummus, feta cheese, lettuce and tomato all wrapped up in pita bread.
[440 calories, 15g 2#/8(:;(<=&)8(@9;( protein]
Jimmy John’s Gourmet Sandwiches DC/-$E"D3?"5C*6 Smoked turkey breast, alfalfa sprouts, lettuce, and tomato on French bread. Skip the mayo!
[320 calories, 1g 2#/8(9;(<=&)8(@>;( protein]
Monday: closed Tuesday‐Thursday: 11:30 to 2:30 and 5 to 9 Friday‐Saturday: 11:30 to 2:30 and 5 to 9:30 Sunday: 10:30 to 2:30 and 5 to 9.
10 The WellBeing March 2011
photos by: Marshall Hubert and Erik Andersen
Hours 11
Physical Health
Vol. 1 Ed. 1
Running in Chapel Hill
3. The Coker Arboretum: U).R87( ;#/>70( "-$).'-( +"9( :#"( )&( +":( 57&@-7:(#&0(:&+170("-7(\);7$:B(Q);(7&‐ C)4("-7(:+'-":(#"(#(2#:"7$(<#@7B(].:"(#:(8#$+‐ #5/7( #:( "-7( L)$7:"( M-7#"$7( I))<9( "-7( D$‐ 5)$7".,(+:(:+,</4()&(#(:,#//7$(:@#/7=(+"(+:( 57:"(.:70(7+"-7$(+&(@)&C.&@%)&(;+"-()&7()2( "-7()"-7$(/))<:()$(#:(#(?&#/(:"$7"@-(")(@))/( 0);&(#E7$(#(-#$07$($.&B P01."#&-%'6%'#-%)''ED%S"+0-17%2(.%".%;'1.% <@0./'(.%+-.+"&0#,%$'(+%1.-E1=%3TY%;0)-1
By Jeremy Gerlach
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4. The Bolin Creek Trail: M-+:( "$#+/(+:(#(/+W/7(2#$"-7$(2$),(@#,<.:9( 5."( 07?&+"7/4( ;)$"-( "-7( 0+:"#&@7B( !"#$"‐ +&'( 2$),( "-7( "$#+/( 7&"$#&@7( )&( XIY( F<#:"( J+//:5)$).'-( !"$77"G9( "-+:( <#870( "$#+/( +:( :.$$).&070( 54( #7:"-7%@( N747A'$#557$:BO( *+#&"( :+/):( ;+"-( "4<7:( )2( "$77:( F?$9( <+&79( ,#</79(7"@BG(<#+&"70(#&0(7&.,7$#"70(#$%:‐ %@#//4()&("-7(:+07:(/+&7("-7(@).$:7(#&0(4).( ;+//( 7&0( .<( $.&&+&'( 5)"-( .&07$( #&0( )87$( :787$#/(#$@-70(5$+0'7:B(M-7(@).$:7(7&0:(#"( "-7(Z:"7:(3),,.&+"4(37&"7$([#$>9(5."($.&‐ &7$:( /))>+&'( ")( #00( 0+:"#&@7( ")( "-+:( /))<( ;+//( ?&0( "-#"( +"( @)&&7@":( 0+$7@"/4( ")( "-7( 5)W),()2()&7()2("-7(L)$7:"(M-7#"$7("$#+/:B P01."#&-% '6% '#-% )''ED% <'(.% "#*% 2"&9% ./-% @"$%$'(%&";-=%W3WX%;0)-1
1. The Gimghoul Loop: !"#$%&'( )&( *+,'-)./( $)#0( )1( )2( 3).&‐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
5. The Botanical Gardens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
12 The WellBeing March 2011
photos by: Erik Andersen
2. The Forest Theatre Loop:
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Vol. 1 Ed. 1
Succeed. Decide, Commit,
The nation’s top P90X coach, Josh Spencer, weighs in by Laney Tipton Decide, commit, succeed. It’s one of the slogans for Beachbody’s Home Fitness Training System, P90X. And no one had done all three better than Josh Spencer, Beachbody’s top coach in the nation. Spencer took a few minutes to talk with staff writer, Laney Tipton, about his experience and success with P90X and other Beachbody products. TWB: What made you start using P90X? JS:% G% 6#5@";% I5)"I5##% ,:% A'##"<">% G% ?5)% ?'+(,:<%'0-%_X%-'%_d%*'0+)%5%;5@>%G%?5)% ,:%<+"5-%)*56"$%I0-%-*":%G%<5,:";%5I'0-%dn% 6'0:;)% ,:% O0)-% 5% &"?% )*'+-% 9':-*)% 5&-"+% G% <+5;05-";>% G% ?5)% ?5-A*,:<% Fo% #5-"% ':"% night, sitting in my living room eating a I'?#%'&%,A"%A+"59%?*":%5%A'99"+A,5#%p&'+% RqXrs%A59"%':>%G%?5)%,:)-5:-#@%,:-"+")-";% ,:%,->%L@%)"#&4")-""9%?5)%6+"--@%#'?>%K0-% 5&-"+% ?5-A*,:<% -*"% A'99"+A,5#$% G% ?5)% 6+"--@% 90A*% )'#;% ':% ,-$% 5:;% G% '+;"+";% ,-% right there on the spot. TWB: Was the program successful for you? JS:%G%#')-%dn%6'0:;)%5:;%_X%6"+A":-%'&%9@% I';@%&5-%5&-"+%;',:<%-*"%qX4%;5@%6+'<+59>
photos by: Erik Andersen
TWB: Why is P90X so successful?
14 The WellBeing March 2011
JS: P90X is different than a lot of health 5:;% /,-:"))% +'0-,:")% I"A50)"% '&% 5% A':A"6-% A5##";% 90)A#"% A':&0),':$% ?*"+"% -*"% ?'+('0-)% J5+@% -'% #,-"+5##@% A':&0)"% the muscles so they don’t get used to 5% +'0-,:">% G&% @'0% ;'% -*"% )59"% "H"+A,)")% ?""(%5&-"+%?""($%@'0+%I';@%*,-)%5%6#5-"50% and you stop seeing results. With P90X, that doesn’t happen. F*"%6+'<+59%A*5:<")%06%-*"%?'+('0-)% &+'9%9':-*%-'%9':-*>%D'+%-*"%/,+)-%9':-*$% -*"% ?'+('0-% A'9")% &+'9% 5% )"-% '&% )"J":% [o[)>%P-%-*"%I"<,::,:<%'&%-*"%/,&-*%?""($% ,-%)?,-A*")%-'%5%?*'#"%;,&&"+":-%)"->%F*":% &'+% -*"% /,:5#% 6*5)"% '&% -*"% 6+'<+59$% ,-8)% 5% A'9I,:5-,':% '&% -*"% ?'+('0-)% &+'9% -*"% /,+)-%-?'%6*5)")>
Y'0% O0)-% #')"% )'% 90A*% I';@% &5-% 5:;% <5,:% muscle. TWB: Are there other components to the TWB: Can college students use P90X, even )@)-"9$%'-*"+%-*5:%-*"%?'+('0-)^% -*'0<*% )'9"-,9")% -*"@% /,:;% -*"9)"#J")% ':%;,:,:<%*5##%;,"-)%5:;%#,J,:<%,:%A':/,:";% JS: Nutrition is just as important as the spaces? ?'+('0-)>%Y'0%*5J"%-'%"5-%?"##%-'%<"-%<'';% +")0#-)>% F*"% )@)-"9% A'9")% ?,-*% 5% ;,"-% JS:%P%<+"5-%-*,:<%5I'0-%-*"%RqXr%/,-:"))% ;"),<:";% I@% 6+'&")),':5#% :0-+,-,':,)-)>% system is that it doesn’t need a lot of You need to make sure you’re eating the "Q0,69":-%'+%)65A"%-'%;'%,->%!'+('0-)%A5:%% right food and the right amount of food. I"%;':"%,:%5%;'+9%+''9>%E'9"%?'+('0-)% Like the exercise routines, the nutrition +"Q0,+"% 5% 60##406% I5+$% I0-% )-0;":-)% A5:% guide progresses over three phases, 5#?5@)%0)"%-*"%':"%#'A5-";%5-%-*"%<@9%':% A*5:<,:<%5)%-*"%)"-%'&%[o[)%;'")> campus. F*"%/,+)-%bX%;5@)%5+"%-*"%t&5-%)*+";;,:<8% F*"% )@)-"9% A'9")% ?,-*% 5% /,-:"))% <0,;"% 6*5)">% G-% #5@)% '0-% 5:% "5-,:<% 6#5:% &'+% @'0% -*5-% "H6#5,:)% -*"% ?'+('0-)$% )'% -*"@% A5:% ?,-*% )0<<")-";% 6'+-,':)% '&% *,<*% 6+'-",:% 5A-05##@% I"% ;':"% ":-,+"#@% ,:% -*"% <@9>% 5:;%#'?%A5+I'*@;+5-"%,:-5("> F*"% :0-+,-,':% <0,;"% ,)% 9')-#@% ;,:,:<4 P-% -*"% I"<,::,:<% '&% -*"% /,&-*% ?""($% -*"% hall friendly, just as long as people are 6#5:%)#,<*-#@%,:A+"5)")%-*"%A5+I)%5)%9'+"% A':)A,'0)%'&%?*5-%-*"@%5+"%"5-,:<> 90)A#")% 5+"% I",:<% I0,#->% F*"% /,:5#% 6*5)"% G-8)% 5I'0-% 95(,:<% I"--"+% ;"A,),':)>% ,:A+"5)")% -*"% A5+I)% 9'+"$% -'% 6+'J,;"% G:)-"5;% '&% <',:<% &'+% -*"% 6,==5$% <'% &'+% 5% ":"+<@%&'+%-*"%?'+('0-)>% salad or grilled chicken.
Nutrition is just as important as the workouts.
TWB:% !*@% ;,;% @'0% ;"A,;"% -'% I"A'9"% 5% A'5A*%&'+%K"5A*I';@^% JS:%G%/,+)-%I"A59"%5%A'5A*%?*":%9@%A'5A*% )0<<")-";% ,-% 5I'0-% 5% 9':-*% ,:-'% -*"% program. G% O0)-% I"A59"% J"+@% 65)),':5-"% 5:;% &5)A,:5-";%I@%,-> P)%G%9'J";%06%,:%-*"%A'5A*,:<%+5:(,:<)$% G%&'0:;%-*5-%G%?5)%95(,:<%9'+"%9':"@%5)% 5%K"5A*I';@%A'5A*%-*5:%G%?5)%5-%9@%O'I%5)% 5%/,:5:A,5#%5;J,)'+$%5:;%G%?5)%*5J,:<%9'+"% &0:$%)'%G%;"A,;";%-'%;'%,-%&0##%-,9">%
TWB: !*5-%,)%-*"%*5+;")-%65+-%5I'0-%-*"% TWB:%P)%5%A'5A*$%?*5-%;'%@'0%;'^% program? JS:% G89% O0)-% *"+"% -'% *"#6% 6"'6#"% <"-% ,:-'% JS: The determination to do it everyday. shape, support them and motivate them G% -"##% 6"'6#"% ?'+(,:<% '0-% *5)% -'% I"% 5% F*"% A'5A*,:<% )@)-"9% ?'+()% )'% ?"##% 6+,'+,-@$% 5:;% -*5-% -*"@% *5J"% -'% /,-% ,-% ,:-'% I"A50)"%,-%A+"5-")%5%)":)"%'&%5AA'0:-5I,#,-@% their schedule. A lot of people don’t and community for those doing the 6+,'+,-,="%5:;%;'%5%#'-%'&%-*,:<)%-*5-%?5)-"% )@)-"9>%G-8)%:'-%"5)@%-'%:'-%<'%-'%-*"%<@9% -,9">% G-8)% J"+@% "5)@% -'% "#,9,:5-"% -*')"% ,&%)'9"':"%,)%A5##,:<%)5@,:<%t[,;%@'0%<'%-'% -*,:<)%5:;%/,-%,:%5%?'+('0->% the gym today?’ 15
Physical Health Physical Health
Vol. 1 Ed. 1
The Problem with Bars
I2(4).R$7(-+_&'("-7('4,(-#$0()&(#($7'.‐ /#$( 5#:+:9( "-7$7R:( #( '))0( @-#&@7( "-#"( <$)‐ "7+&(+:(#(5+'(<#$"()2(4).$(0+7"B(DE7$(#//9(+"(is "-7( ,#'+@( ,.:@/7( 5.+/07$9( $+'-"`( D@".#//49( &)"( &7@7::#$+/4B( Z87&( +2( 4).R87( -7#$0( "-+:( 572)$79(-7#$(,7()."a(4).(-#87(")(57(@#$7‐ 2./(;-7&(@)&:.,+&'("))(,.@-(<$)"7+&9(7:‐ <7@+#//4(+2(+"($7#//4(:"#$":(")(0),+&#"7(4).$( 0+7"B S2(4).(.:7(#(/)"()2(<$)"7+&(5#$:()$(:-#>7:( ")(:.<</7,7&"(4).$(,7#/:(#&0('7"("-$).'-( "-7(0#49(+"(@#&($.+&("-7(;#4("-#"(4).$(5)04( )<7$#"7:B( H+'7:%&'( <$)"7+&( <.":( #( /)"( )2( :"$#+&( )&( 4).$( >+0&74:9( ;-+@-( @#&( #17@"( "-7( #@+0+"4( )2( 4).$( 5/))0( #&0( 787&( /7#0( ")( >+0&74( :")&7:B( X)$7)87$9( @)&:"#&"/4( 0+'7:%&'( <$)"7+&( @#&( @#.:7( 4).$( 5)04( ")( /):7( +":( #5+/+"4( ")( <$)@7::( 2#":( #&0( @#$5)‐ -40$#"7:(<$)<7$/4B(!)9(+2(4).(0)(@-)):7(")( .:7( <$)"7+&( :.<</7,7&":( ;+"-( 4).$( ;)$>‐ )."9(+"(+:(+,<)$"#&"("-#"(4).(,)07$#"7(4).$( @)&:.,<%)&(54(+&@/.0+&'(2#":(#&0(@#$5:(+&( 4).$(0+7"("))B D"("-7($+:>()2(:).&0+&'(/+>7(#(-+'-(:@-))/( -7#/"-( "7#@-7$9( #( 5#/#&@70( 0+7"( $7#//4( +:( 57W7$( 2)$( )87$#//( ?"&7::( #&0( -7#/"-( "-#&( #&()87$/)#070()&7B
Men’s Health By Jordan Seal
In the summertime, when the weather !"#!$%&'
16 The WellBeing March 2011
photos by: Marshall Hubert
3-#<7/(J+//(+&("-7(:<$+&'%,7(+:(;)&07$2./(2)$( :)( ,#&4( $7#:)&:a( !<$+&'( 6$7#>9( :.&0$7::7:( #&0( "-7( #<<$)#@-+&'( 7&0( )2( #( 47#$( )2( :@-))/( @#&( V.+@>/4( ".$&( ).$( @#,<.:( +&")( #( !-#&'$+A I#B(3),+&'(#/)&'(;+"-("-7(;#$,(;7#"-7$(#&0( 57#@-(;77>7&0:(+:("-7(07:+$7()2(,#&4()2(.:(")( :"#$"(-+_&'("-7('4,(")(5.+/0().$:7/87:(:),7‐ "-+&'(")(:-);()1(F"-7(/#0+7:(&770(:),7"-+&'( ")(/))>(#"("))9(#E7$(#//GB J);787$9(/.$>+&'(+&("-7(0#$>7:"(@)$&7$:()2().$( 0)$,( $)),:( #&0( /)@#/( '4,:( #$7( :),7( 2)$@7:( "-#"(;+//(;)$>(#'#+&:"(4).$(?"&7::("$#+&+&'(#&0( )87$#//(-7#/"-B(6."(27#$(&)"e(DE7$($7#0+&'("-7( %<:(+&("-+:(#$%@/79(4).(;+//(57()&7(:"7<(@/):7$( ")('#+&+&'(#&0(,#+&"#+&+&'("-7(>+&0()2(:.,,7$( 5)04(4).(F#&0(4).$(27,#/7(2$+7&0:G(-#87(577&( 0$7#,+&'(#5)."B(*))0(/.@>e
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Physical Health
By Megan DeMaria
The Mayo Clinic defines “regular exercise” as get ting at least 30 minutes of physical activity about five times a week.
X#&4( ;),7&( #$7( @)&:"#&"/4( :77>+&'( #( /7#&7$( ?'.$7( 54( @._&'( @#/)$+7:9( #&0( )&7(;#4("-74(,+'-"(0)("-+:(+:(54(:>+<<+&'( 5$7#>2#:"B( SR,( -7$7( ")( "7//( 4).( "-#"( "-#"( </#&(;+//(5#@>?$7(2#:"7$("-#&(Y7&0#//(X#$‐ :-#//( @#&( 0$+55/7( #( 5#:>7"5#//( 0);&( "-7( @).$"B(6$7#>2#:"(-#:(577&(<$)87&(")(57("-7( ,):"( +,<)$"#&"( ,7#/( )2( "-7( 0#4( 57@#.:7( +"($78:(.<(4).$(,7"#5)/+:,(#E7$(#(&+'-"()2( :/77<+&'(F)$(<#$"4+&'9(;-+@-787$GB(3)//7'7( :".07&":( +&( <#$%@./#$( ,+'-"( 5/#,7( #( /#@>( )2(%,7(#:("-7($7#:)&("-74(:>+<(5$7#>2#:"9( 5."( ;+"-( "-7:7( 2#:"( #&0( 07/+@+).:( $7@+<7:9( 4).(;)&R"(-#87(#&4(7c@.:7:e
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Bagel with Banana, Peanut Butter & Honey 3),5+&7(";)("#5/7:<))&:(<7#&."(5.W7$( F)$( #/,)&0( 5.W7$G( ;+"-( )&7( "7#:<))&( )2( -)&74(#&0(#(<+&@-()2(:#/"B(!<$7#0(+"()&(4).$( 2#8)$+"7(5#'7/9(#&0(")<(+"(;+"-(2$7:-(5#&#&#( :/+@7:B(FM-+:(5$7#>2#:"(<$)8+07:(,#'&7:+.,9( <$)"7+&9(#&0(-7#/"-4(2#":(")(-7/<(>77<(4).( 2.//(0.$+&'("-#"(5)$+&'(7@)&(@/#::BG
European Muesli
3),5+&7a(y(@.<(4)'.$"9(y(@.<(57$$+7:9(z( @.<( @-)<<70( #<</79( z( @.<( :/+@70( 5#&#&#9( #&0(z(@.<()#",7#/B(D00(#(:<$+&>/7()2(&.":( #&0(#(0$+TT/7()2(-)&749("-7&(<$7"7&0(4).R$7( 7#%&'(+"()&(#&(S"#/+#&("7$$#@7(#&0(&)"("-7( ?E-(\))$(5#/@)&4()2(J)])B((
Bone Up on Bone Strength S"R:(&)(:7@$7"("-#"(;),7&(#$7(#"('$7#"7$($+:>(2)$(5)&7(07&:+"4(<$)5/7,:( :.@-( #:( ):"7)<)$):+:B( M-7( '))0( &7;:( +:( "-#"( :"#$%&'( <$787&"#%87( ,7#‐ :.$7:( now ;+//( 07@$7#:7( 4).$( $+:>( 2)$( :.@-( 0+:7#:7:( ;-7&( 4).R$7( )/07$e( ^&7(7#:4(;#4(")(<$787&"(5)&7(/)::(+:(54(+&@)$<)$#%&'(,)$7(@#/@+.,A$+@-( 2))0:(+&")(4).$(0+7"9(;+"-("-7(')#/(57+&'(")($7#@-(#$).&0(ihhh(,+//+'$#,:( 7#@-(0#4B(3),,)&(2))0:("-#"(#$7(-+'-(+&(@#/@+.,(+&@/.07(4)'.$"9()$#&'7( C.+@79(@-700#$(@-77:79(,+/>9(:#/,)&9(#/,)&0:(#&0(:<+&#@-B( 6)&7(07&:+"4(@#&(#/:)(57(7&-#&@70("-$).'-(:"$7&'"-("$#+&+&'B(D/"-).'-( ;),7&("7&0(")(:-4(#;#4(2$),(/+E+&'(;7+'-":9("-7$7(+:(&)(&770(")e(!+,</4( +&@)$<)$#%&'("-+$"4(,+&."7:()2(;7+'-"A57#$+&'(7c7$@+:7(";+@7(#(0#4(+&")( 4).$(;77>(;+//(/7#0(")(#(0$#,#%@(+,<$)87,7&"(+&(5)&7(-7#/"-B(S2(4).R$7( "))(+&%,+0#"70(")(.:7("-7(,):"/4A,#/7(;7+'-"($)),9(:"#$"(54(.:+&'(2$77( ;7+'-":(Fm(/5:()$(:)G(#&0(0)(5#:+@(7c7$@+:7:(:.@-(#:(5+@7<(@.$/:9("$+@7<(0+<:9( #&0(787&('))0()/0(<.:-.<:B( Z#%&'(,)$7(@#/@+.,(@),5+&70(;+"-(#($7'./#$(:"$7&'"-("$#+&+&'($).%&7( ;+//(-7/<(>77<(4).(#"(4).$()<%,#/(5)&7(,#::(#&0($70.@7(4).$($+:>()2(5)"-( ):"7)<)$):+:(#&0(2$#@".$7:9(:)(:"#$"(")0#4e
photos by: Marshall Hubert
Breast Cancer Awareness
Breakfast is bueno!
Tip: ihhh(,+//+'$#,:( )2(@#/@+.,(#(0#4( @#&(<$787&"(5)&7( /)::(;-7&(4).R$7( )/07$
Vol. 1 Ed. 1
Birth Control & Sex Myths 6)"-( 5+$"-( @)&"$)/( <+//:( #&0( :7c( #$7( '7&7$#//4( :.$$).&070( 54( @)&@7$&:( #&0( #::.,70( "$."-:9( 5."("-74(,#4(&)"(#//(57(8#/+0B(672)$7(4).(5.4(+&")( :),7(:")$4("-#"(-#<<7&70(")(4).$(57:"(2$+7&0R:( @).:+&R:(:+:"7$9($7#0("-+:e !$./D(6+$"-(@)&"$)/(,#>7:(4).('#+&(;7+'-"B( B+(./D(D/"-).'-(787$4)&7($7:<)&0:(")("-7([+//(0+17$‐ 7&"/49( "-7( ;7+'-"( '#+&( ,4"-( -#:( 87$4( /+W/7( :@+7&%?@( :.<<)$"B( D:( /)&'( #:( 4).( /7#0( #( -7#/"-49( #@%87( /+27‐ :"4/79(;7+'-"('#+&(:-)./0(57()2(&)(@)&@7$&e !$./D((S2(S(-#87(:7c(0.$+&'(,4(<7$+)09(S(;)&R"('7"( <$7'&#&"B B+(./D(P&2)$".&#"7/49("-+:()&7(+:(@),</7"7/4(2#/:7B( D/"-).'-( ;),7&( @#&( )&/4( '7"( <$7'&#&"( ;-7&( "-74( )8./#"79(:<7$,(@#&(/+87(+&:+07(#(;),#&R:(5)04(2)$(.<(")(m( 0#4:B(M-+:(,7#&:("-#"(+2(4).()8./#"7(#&4%,7(;+"-+&(n(0#4:()2(-#8‐ +&'(.&<$)"7@"70(:7c9(4).(@)./0(57@),7(<$7'&#&"B( !$./D(S2("-7('.4(N<.//:()."9O(S(@#&R"('7"(<$7'&#&"B B+(./D(Z87&(#('.4R:(<$7A7C#@./#%)&(\.+0(@#&(@)&"#+&(.<(")(jhh9hhh(:<7$,p(#&0(+"()&/4( "#>7:()&79(<7)</7e(S&()"-7$(;)$0:a("-7(<.//()."(,7"-)0(0)7:&R"(;)$>B(S2("-7(277/+&'(+:( ;-#"(4).$(,#&(+:(@)&@7$&70(#5)."9("$4(7c<7$+,7&%&'(;+"-(0+17$7&"(>+&0:()2(@)&0),:9( :.@-(#:(I+27:"4/7R:(J+:(r(J7$([/7#:.$7B( !$./D(M-7([+//(<$)"7@":(#'#+&:"(!MH:B B+(./D(M-7([+//(0)7:(&)"(<$)"7@"(#'#+&:"(JSo()$()"-7$(:7c.#//4("$#&:,+W70(0+:7#:7:B(P:7( #(@)&0),e !$./D(S"R:(?&7(+2(S(,+::(#(0#4()$(";)()2("#>+&'(,4(5+$"-(@)&"$)/B B+(./D(L)$("-7(-)$,)&7:(")($7,#+&(+&(4).$(5/))0:"$7#,9(4).(,.:"("#>7(4).$(<+//:(&)( ,)$7("-#&(gk(-).$:(#<#$"B(S2(4).(:>+<<70(#(<+//()&(#@@+07&"9("#>7(+"("-7(,+&."7(4).($7‐ ,7,57$9(787&(+2(+"(,7#&:("#>+&'(";)(+&()&7(0#4B((M)(#8)+0(:>+<<+&'(<+//:9(+"(,+'-"(-7/<(4).( ")(:7"(#(N5+$"-(@)&"$)/(#/#$,O()&(4).$(<-)&7(7#@-(0#4(")($7,+&0(4).$:7/2e(sH+:@/#+,7$a( K7,7,57$9(#//(<+//:(#$7(0+17$7&"B((S2(4).(0)(2)$'7"(")("#>7(4).$(5+$"-(@)&"$)/9($727$(")("-7( <#@>7"(+&:+07(4).$(5)c(2)$(0+$7@%)&:Bt
Sleep Tips 67";77&( /#"7( &+'-":( <#$"4+&'9( &)+:4( :.+"7‐ ,#"7:9(#&0(7#$/4(;#>7.<(@#//:(2)$(w#,(@/#::7:9( +"(@#&(57(").'-(")('7"(#07V.#"7(:/77<(+&(@)//7'7B( X):"( @)//7'7A#'70( <7)</7( &770( n( ")( l( -).$:( )2( :/77<9( 5."( )E7&( ;7( :@$#<7( 54( )&( m( )$( /7::B( I#@>()2(:/77<()E7&($7:./":(+&(<))$(2)@.:9(#(5#0( ,))09(#&0(C.:"('7&7$#/(.&-#<<+&7::B(J7$7(#$7( :),7(%<:(")(7&:.$7(4).('7"(4).$($7@),,7&0‐ 70(-).$:()2(:-."A747e x( M$4(")(>77<(#($7'./#$(:/77<(:@-70./7B x( Y77<(4).$($)),(0#$>(#&0(@))/B x( M)(>77<(:"$7::(#&0(#&c+7"4(+&(@-7@>9(.:7( 077<( 5$7#"-+&'( #&0( $7/#c#%)&( "7@-‐ &+V.7:B x( D8)+0(@#17+&7(#E7$(/.&@-%,7B( x( Z#"(#(/+'-"(:&#@>(572)$7(570(:.@-(#:(-#/2( )2( #( ".$>74( )$( <7#&."( 5.W7$( :#&0;+@-9( 5)"-( )2( ;-+@-( @)&"#+&( "$4<")<-#&( F#( :/77<A+&0.@+&'(#,+&)(#@+0G( 19 00
Physical Health
Vol. 1 Ed. 1
by Lauren Meyer
ower Back Pain
P+"% @'0% 5% ?",<*-#,&-"+$% <'#&"+$% -"::,)% player or even just a student? You may I"%6+':"%-'%5%#'?"+%I5A(%)-+5,:>%P-*#"-")% "H6"+,":A"% -*,)% 6+'I#"9% ?*":% -*"@% #,&-% more than they can handle or they per4 &'+9% 5% -?,)-,:<% 9'-,':>% E-0;":-)% "H6"4 rience this from poor posture in lecture *5##)% 5:;% 5-% -*"% ;")(>% F*,)% <":"+5#,=";% 6+'I#"9% 'AA0+)% ?*":% -*"% 90)A#")% 5+"% tense due to not stretching prior to your +'0-,:">% !*":% 5% ?",<*-#,&-"+% 5--"96-)% more than he or she can handle, the mus4 A#"%/,I"+)%-"5+%5:;%-*"%I';@%*5)%9'+"%-'% regenerate than usual. As a result, mus4 cle spasms and ultimately pain occurs. !*":%5%#'?"+%I5A(%)-+5,:%,)%-*"%;,5<:'4 ),)$%":<5<,:<%,:%5%?'+('0-%-*5-%)-+":<-*4 ":)% -*"% #'?"+% I5A($% 5I;'9,:5#% 90)A#")% 5:;% *59)-+,:<)% ?,##% *"#6% +";0A"% 65,:% and keep a more serious injury from oc4 A0++,:<>% G&% -*"% 90)A#"% )65)9)% (""6% @'0% from your daily activity, rest and take 5:-,4,:/#5995-'+,")% -'% *"#6% +";0A"% -*"% )@96-'9)>% GA,:<% &'+% dX% 9,:0-")% "J"+@% &"?%*'0+)%?,##%*"#6%+";0A"%-*"%)?"##,:<% 5)%?"##> K"A50)"% -*,)% ,)% 5% <":"+5#,=";% A#5)),4 /,A5-,':% '&% I5A(% 65,:$% @'0% )*'0#;% )""(% medical attention if the spasms do not <'%5?5@%?,-*,:%5%&"?%;5@)>%
20 The WellBeing March 2011
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unner’s Knee
common forms of tendonitis are Achil4 #")$% R5-"##5+% '+% C:""A56$% 5:;% F"::,)% V#4 I'?$%'+%9'+"%)6"A,/,A5##@$%Z5-"+5#%V6,A':4 dylitis. D'##'?,:<%5%),9,#5+%-+"5-9":-%566+'5A*% -'%-":;':,-,)%5)%)-+5,:)%5:;%)6+5,:)%?,##% *"#6$% I0-% +"-0+:,:<% -'% -*"% A0#6+,-% 5A-,J4 ,-@%95@%:'-%I"%6#50),I#"%,&%,-%A50)")%@'0+% =':"% -'% /#5+">% P-*#"-")% *5J"% ;,)A'J"+";% -*5-% ?"5+,:<% 5% 6+'-"A-,J"% )6#,:-% ?*,#"% ":<5<,:<%,:%6*@),A5#%5A-,J,-@%?,##%+";0A"% -*"%65,:%5&-"+?5+;>
C:'?:% )A,":-,/,A5##@% 5)% A*':;+'954 lacia patella, runner’s knee is the most common cause of knee pain. This occurs I"A50)"% -*"% (:""% A56% ;'")% :'-% #,:"% 06% 6+'6"+#@% ?,-*% ,-)% <+''J">% G:)-"5;% '&% -*"% (:""% A56% 9'J,:<% 06% '+% ;'?:$% -*"% (:""% ?,##% I":;% '+% )-+5,<*-":% '0->% P)% 5% +")0#-$% the meniscus, commonly referred to as A5+-,#5<"$%?,##%?"5+%;'?:%5:;%A50)"%)@4 :'J,5#%/#0,;%-'%I0,#;%06%,:%-*"%O',:-> D'A0),:<% ':% -*"% Q05;+,A"6)% I@% 6"+4 &'+9,:<% )-+":<-*":,:<% "H"+A,)")% ?,##% help lessen runner’s knee. Because these "H"+A,)")%?,##%#"5;%-'%5%;"A+"5)";%+5:<"% When athletes sprain a joint, such as an of motion, it is important to not fully ex4 ankle, they have damaged a ligament. A tend the joint. strain applies to a muscle. Regardless of *'?%?"##%6"'6#"%)-+"-A*%I"&'+"%5:;%5&-"+% -*"@%?'+(%'0-$%90)A#"%)-+5,:)%)-,##%'AA0+>% F*"@%+")0#-%&+'9%?'+(,:<%-*"%90)A#"%-'%5% point of fatigue. There are three degrees '&% )-+5,:)$% "5A*% ':"% <"--,:<% ?'+)"% -*"% higher the degree. When athletes tear a &"?% 90)A#"% /,I"+)$% -*"@% *5J"% 5% 60##$% I0-% A tendon connects your muscles to ?*":%-*"@%-"5+%9')-%'&%-*"%/,I"+)$%,-%,)%5% @'0+% I':")>% !*,#"% -*"+"% 5+"% *0:;+";)% -"5+$%?*,A*%)""()%9'+"%5--":-,':> '&%-*")"%,:%@'0+%I';@$%-*"+"%5+"%5%)"#"A-% P% #,<59":-% )6+5,:% 'AA0+)% ?*":% ':"% &"?%-*5-%<,J"%@'0%6+'I#"9)%;0"%-'%6''+% -?,)-)% 5% O',:-$% A50),:<% ,-% -'% )-+"-A*% I"4 I#'';% )066#@>% F*")"% i?5-"+)*";j% =':")% yond its normal range of motion. Similar ;'%:'-%*"5#%5&-"+%5A-,J,-@%Q0,A(#@%":'0<*% to a strain, a sprain has degrees. Pro4 5:;%A50)"%,:/#5995-,':%5:;%65,:>%E'9"% fessionals also refer to a more serious
+5:<")% 5)% )'9"% -0+:% -*",+% O',:-% ,:?5+;$% yielding an inverted ankle sprain, or turn -*"%O',:-%'0-?5+;$%@,"#;,:<%,:%5:%"J"+-";% sprain. To treat these injuries, use the acro4 :@9% M>G>3>V>$% ?*,A*% )-5:;)% &'+% M")-$% GA"$% Compression, Elevation. This means that ?*":% ;,5<:')";% ?,-*% -*"% ,:O0+@$% ':"% should not engage in regular activity, ice -*"%,:O0+@$%?+56%,-%5:;%+5,)"%-*"%,:O0+";% 5+"5% 5I'J"% *"5+-% #"J"#>% !"5+,:<% 5% ?+56% -'% (""6% -*"% 5+"5% ?5+9% ?*":% :'-% ,A,:<% ?,##% I"% I":"/,A,5#% 5)% ?"##>% F*,)% )*'0#;% continue until the injury heals. Depend4 ing on the severity of a sprain, the doctor
may recommend physical therapy to ?,##%)-+":<-*":%-*"%90)A#")%,:%@'0+%#'?4 strengthen the muscles surrounding the "+% I5A(>% G:% 5;;,-,':$% )-+"-A*,:<% I"&'+"% joint. 5:;%5&-"+%@'0%?'+(%'0-$%5:;%?5+9,:<%06% 5:;%A''#,:<%;'?:%?,##%*"#6%+";0A"%@'0+% injury risk. M"9"9I"+% -'% )-+":<-*":% -*"% 90)A#")% )0++'0:;,:<% @'0+% ,++,-5-";% 5+"5>% G&% @'0% feel that you are overexerting yourself, take rests and never increase the inten4 ),-@% '&% @'0+% ?'+('0-% I@% 9'+"% -*5:% _X% !*,#"% 60+A*5),:<% :"?% )*'")% "J"+@% )'% 6"+A":-% "5A*% ?""(>% 2'% ':"% ?,##% 6":5#4 '&-":%*"#6)$%,-%,)%,96'+-5:-%-'%+"9"9I"+% ,="% @'0% &'+% +")-,:<>% G&% @'0+% ,:O0+@% ;'")% 6+'6"+% 6')-0+">% E,--,:<% ?,-*% @'0+% &""-% :'-%,96+'J"$%95("%5:%566',:-9":-%?,-*% /#5-% ':% -*"% <+'0:;$% @'0+% I5A(% 5:;% :"A(% your doctor to ensure that you do not )-+5,<*-% 5:;% @'0+% )*'0#;"+)% I5A($% @'0% *5J"%5%?'+)"%A':;,-,':>
voiding Agony
prain or Strain
photo by: Marshall Hubert
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RICE Rest.
Compression. 21
Physical Health
Vol. 1 Ed. 1
The Complete Guide to Being Active on Campus
Fitness Service and Specialty Programs S2( 4).( :%//( 277/( .&7#:4( #5)."( :"#$%&'( 4).$( ?"&7::( C).$&74( +&( PQ3A3JR:(?"&7::(@7&"7$:9(/))>(+&")(.:+&'()&7()2(3#,<.:(K7@R:(?"‐ &7::(:7$8+@7:9(;-+@-(#$7(@$7#"70(")(-7/<(4).(C.,<:"#$"(4).$(;)$>‐ )."($).%&7()$("#>7(+"(.<(#(&)"@-e(L+"&7::()$+7&"#%)&:(#$7(2$77(#&0( )&/4($7V.+$7(#($7'+:"$#%)&(2)$,B((D"(#1)$0#5/7($#"7:9(3#,<.:(K7@( )17$:(#(L+"([/#&9(;-+@-(<$)8+07:(4).(;+"-(+&2)$,#%)&()&(4).$(@.$‐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|( !.:<7&:+)&( M$#+&‐ +&'9( [+/#"7:( ;+"-( [$)<:9( 6))"( 3#,<( #&0( [7$:)&#/( M$#+&7$( M$#+&‐ +&'([$)'$#,B(M-7:7(<$)'$#,:(<$)8+07('$7#"()<<)$".&+%7:(")('7"( +&8)/870( +&( ?"&7::( #"( PQ3A3J( )$( $78#,<( 4).$( @.$$7&"( ;)$>)."( $).%&7B(M-7$7(+:(#/;#4:(,)$7(")(/7#$&(;-7&(+"(@),7:(")(<7$:)&#/( ?"&7::e(M)(?&0()."(,)$7(#5)."(#&4()2("-7:7(<$)'$#,:9(@-7@>()."( @#,<.:$7@B.&@B70.()$(#:>(#5)."("-7,(#"("-7(2$)&"(07:>e
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By Alena Hall
Rams Head Recreation Center
The Student Recreation Center
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photo by: Marshall Hubert
Want more information?
22 The WellBeing March 2011
UNCCH Campus Recreation recently launched their new lydesigned website in January 2011: http://campusrec.unc. edu(!)#&!"*!+#!+%!"%,-./+*"-%!*--0!,-.!+00!$*%&##!+%1!.&2.& ation activities found on campus as well as each facility’s hours of operation. Friend UNCCH Campus Recreation on Facebook and follow them on Twitter to re ceive frequent updates.
Helpful Tips for Your
Workout R3%\)@"$1%2+0#,%$'(+%GL>%&"+*3( M-7(:"#1(+&("-7:7(2#@+/+%7:(.:7:(4).$(^QZ(@#$0(#:( #(,7,57$:-+<(@#$0B(M-74(@#&(,#&.#//4(7&"7$(4).$( [SH( +2( 4).( #@@+07&"/4( 2)$'7"( 4).$( :".07&"v2#@./"4( SH9(5."("-+&':($.&(:,))"-/4(+2(4).(-#87(4).$(^QZ( @#$0($7#04(#"("-7(2$)&"(07:>B
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Vol. 1 Ed. 1
Dorm Life
By Ashley Andersen
$ 5*6$7*'8)#$&/0/12$/1$!"#$9*)+,-$:#,4/!#$.#)!3/1$&/+/!3!/*1,6$!"#)#$3)#$+317$;37,$!*$,!37$ "#3&!"7$;"/&#$&/0/12$*1$.3+4',6$319$7*'$.31$#0#1$9*$/!$/1$3$;37$!"3!$%/!,$7*')$,!7&#$319$1##9,-
Social Butterfly?
By Lauren Meyer
We don't all have time to make it to the gym, and for some, the most running they have time for ,)%+0::,:<%&+'9%A#5))%-'%A#5))>%G-%A5:%I"%;,&/,A0#-%-'% ,:A'+6'+5-"%<'';%/,-:"))%5:;%5:%5A-,J"%#,&")-@#"%,:-'% 5%I0)@%)A*";0#"$%I0-%,-%,)%;"/,:,-"#@%6')),I#">%D,+)-% '&%5##$%?5#(%-'%A#5))%,:)-"5;%'&%0),:<%-*"%I0)%)@)-"9>% 1)"%-*"%-,9"%5#':"%-'%A':-"96#5-"%-*"%;5@%5*"5;%'&% you. E-+"))%,)%,:"J,-5I#"%':%5%A'##"<"%A5960)>%!'+(,:<% out can help ease that tension, so make a little time -'%*,-%-*"%<@9$%<'%&'+%5%O'<$%'+%-5("%5%?""(#@%/,-:"))% A#5))>%!'+(,:<%'0-%6+'J,;")%":;'+6*,:)%-'%-*"%I+5,:% T*566@%A*"9,A5#)U%-*5-%*"#6%,96+'J"%@'0+%9'';S P)%&'+%"5-,:<%':%-*"%<'$%KV%3PMVD1ZS%L5:@%6+"4
packaged snacks are full of fat, sodium, and sugar. F5("%-":%9,:0-")%I"&'+"%@'0%<'%-'%I";%-'%6+"65+"%5% &"?%):5A()%-'%A5++@%;0+,:<%-*"%;5@%`%,-%?,##%)5J"%@'0% 9':"@%5:;%A5#'+,")>%7"5#-*@%A"+"5#)$%J"<"-5I#"%'+% &+0,-%6,"A")$%+,A"%A5(")$%6"5:0-%I0--"+%5:;%A+5A("+)$% and trail mix all are great. F,9"%*"+"%,)%/#""-,:<$%)'%0)"%-*")"%+")'0+A")%?*,#"% @'0%A5:%`%123437%,)%5%<5-"?5@%-'%-*"%5;0#-%?'+#;$% 5:;%-*"%*5I,-)%@'0%&'+9%*"+"%?,##%5&&"A-%@'0%&'+%-*"% rest of your life. Get all the veggies and protein you A5:%<"-%,:%-*"%;,:,:<%*5##$%O',:%/,-:"))%<+'06)$%5:;%<'% to Campus Health or the SRC for more information ':%*'?%-'%)-5@%/,-%,:%A'##"<">
Some people just like to be alone. 2'%6+'I#"9>%Y'0%A5:%;'%5:@%:'+95#%?'+('0-%I@% @'0+)"#&>%Y'0%O0)-%*5J"%-'%)-5@%5AA'0:-5I#">%!,-*'0-% )'9"':"%'I#,<5-,:<%@'0%-'%?5("%06%5:;%<'%-'%-*"% <@9%':%E5-0+;5@$%@'0%9,<*-%O0)-%*,-%-*"%):''=">%K"5-% -*,)%I@%5J',;,:<%J5<0"$%<":"+5#%<'5#)%TG%)*'0#;%<'%-'% -*"%<@9%)'':U%5:;%RZP2%,-%'0->%!+,-"%;'?:%A':4 A+"-"%<'5#)%':%656"+l%)-0;,")%)*'?%-*5-%6"'6#"%5+"% 9'+"%#,("#@%-'%5AA'96#,)*%?+,--":%<'5#)>%F*":$%0)"% a calendar and create a plan you can stick to. The I"--"+%6#5::";%@'0+%?'+('0-)%5+"%T&'+%"H596#"$%,&%
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Do you enjoy spending time with your friends?%L""-,:<%:"?%6"'6#"^%Y'0+%/,-:"))%+'0-,:"% )*'0#;%+"/#"A-%-*,)$%5:;%-*"+"%5+"%95:@%?5@)%-'% ensure that it does so. First of all, invite your friends -'%?'+(%'0-%?,-*%@'0S%F*,)%?,##%&'+A"%@'0%-'%5A-04 5##@%"H"+A,)"$%:'-%-'%9":-,':%-*5-%,-%A'0#;%I"%5%#'-%'&% &0:>%!*"-*"+%@'0%?5:-%-'%<'%-'%-*"%<@9$%+0:$%)?,9$% '+%5--":;%5%/,-:"))%A#5))%':%A5960)$%@'0%5+"%I'0:;% -'%(:'?%5%&"?%6"'6#"%?*'%?'0#;%#,("%-'%<'%?,-*% @'0>%G:J,-,:<%&+,":;)%-'%?'+(%'0-%?,##%,:A+"5)"%@'0+% 9'-,J5-,':$%6')),I#@%,96+'J"%@'0+%&+,":;)*,6)$%5:;% ;"/,:,-"#@%*"#6%@'0%)-5@%*"5#-*@> % \',:,:<%A#0I)%':%A5960)%,)%5%<+"5-%?5@%-'%
For those of you who are uncomfortable working out in front of people, the dorm room is )-,##%5:%"HA"##":-%6#5A"%-'%?'+(%'0->%F5("%5:%*'0+%"J4 "+@%:,<*-%-'%6"+&'+9%),96#"%"H"+A,)")%?*,#"%?5-A*4 ,:<%@'0+%)*'?)%T&+""%A5I#"U$%'+%/,<0+"%'0-%?*":%@'0+% +''995-"%?,##%I"%<':"%5:;%0)"%-*5-%-,9"%-'%<"-% 5%<'';%)?"5-%<',:<>%F*"%EM3%*5)%6596*#"-)%?,-*% )'9"%"5)@%5:;%"&&"A-,J"%;'+94+''9%?'+('0-)>%E-'6%
Facing the Facts of the
)-5@%/,-%5:;%95("%:"?%&+,":;)>%F*"+"%5+"%6#":-@%'&% classes run through the SRC (Student Recreation 3":-"+U>%F*5-x)%-*"%I0,#;,:<%5A+'))%E'0-*%M'5;%&+'9% Student Stores! Activities like yoga and dance are -50<*-%I@%&"##'?%)-0;":-)$%5:;%-*"%A#5))")%5+"%&+""S Lastly, use your friendships to learn to eat +,<*->%L5("%5%65A-%?,-*%)'9"':"%-'%*5J"%5%J"<"-5I#"% on your plate every time you go to the dining hall '+%-'%)0I%?5-"+%&'+%)';5%&'+%5%?""(>%3+"5-"%5%<+'06% -*5-%<"-)%-'<"-*"+%-'%A''(%5%*"5#-*@%9"5#%-?,A"%5% 9':-*>%PAA'0:-5I,#,-@%A'9")%,:%:09I"+)$%5:;%5)% @'0%#''(%'0-%&'+%@'0+%'?:%?"##4I",:<$%@'0%9,<*-% inspire someone else to do the same.
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Did that person have the nerve to cough in my vicinity again? This is a common -*'0<*-% ?*":% ),--,:<% ,:% 5% #"A-0+"% *5##>% !"% 5##% ?5:-% -'% I"% 5I#"% -'% 5--":;% A#5))% ?,-*'0-%*5J,:<%-'%?'++@%5I'0-%A':-+5A-4 ,:<%-*"%/#0$%I0-%*'?%;'%@'0%(:'?%,&%-*5-% 6"+)':% -+0#@% *5)% -*"% /#0% '+% O0)-% 5% A'#;^%% !"##$%,-%,)%:"5+#@%,96')),I#"%-'%-"##>%G:/#04 ":=5$%'+%-*"%/#0$%;'")%*5J"%?'+)"%)@964 toms than the common cold such as a &"J"+%5:;%I';@%5A*")%-*5-%A50)"%"H-+"9"% tiredness and can lead to a more chronic ,##:"))% )0A*% 5)% 6:"09':,5>% G&% @'0% (:'?% )'9"':"%?*'%,)%"H*,I,-,:<%-*")"%)@964 toms, you should avoid sitting next to him. A cold on the other hand is not as severe and consists of a runny or stuffy nose. This person may sound irritating ,:% A#5))$% I0-% 5)% #':<% 5)% *"% '+% )*"% ,)% :'-% +0::,:<% 5% &"J"+$% @'0% ?,##% :'-% *5J"% -*"% ?'++@%5I'0-%A':-+5A-,:<%-*"%/#0%,&%@'0%),-% next to him or her again.
Vaccination Opportunities at UNC‐Chapel Hill V5A*%@"5+$%-*"%123%["65+-9":-%'&% Environment, Health & Safety emails &5A0#-@$%)-0;":-)%5:;%65+":-)%5I'0-%-*"% upcoming clinics and has the informa4 -,':%5J5,#5I#"%':%-*",+%?"I),-">%G:%&5A-$% E5+5*%D'+95:$%5%)-0;":-%?*'%<"-)%5%J5A4 A,:"%5::05##@$%A59"%-'%-*"%A#,:,A%I"A50)"% *"+%9'9%&'+?5+;";%-*"%"95,#%5I'0-%-*"% clinic dates to remind her. i[0"%-'%7_2_%I",:<%6+"J5#":-%#5)-% year, more students have gotten vac4 cines than last year although more &5A0#-@%)-,##%A'9"%,:%-*5:%)-0;":-)$j% stated Nurse Plunkett at the clinic in the E-0;":-%1:,':%':%NA->%_W$%dX_X>%F*')"% ?*'%*5J"%K#0"%3+'))%K#0"%E*,"#;$%R"5+A"% v%R"5+A"$%G:A>$%R5+-:"+)$%P"-:5$%7095:5% Gold, SummaCare, Advantra Freedom, '+%L";,A5+"%R5+-%K%5)%,:)0+5:A"%?,##%:'-% *5J"%-'%65@>%G&%)-0;":-)%5:;%"96#'@"")% have other forms of insurance or no ,:)0+5:A"$%-*"@%?,##%:"";%-'%65@%wdn%I@% cash or check. PAA'+;,:<%-'%20+)"%R#0:("--$%iVJ"+@4 ':"%?*'%*5)%'I-5,:";%5%J5AA,:"%'?:";% ,:)0+5:A">%F*')"%?*'%*5J"%5%&'+9%'&% insurance that our company does not cover may send their receipt into their A'965:@%&'+%&0##%+",9I0+)"9":->%%F*,)% means that everyone should get the
J5AA,:">%%F*"%/#0%,)%?'+)"%-*5:%-*"%65,:% one experiences from a shot. Why not <"-%,-%,&%,:)0+5:A"%A'J"+)%,-^j
How to Prevent the Flu
Although common practices of cov4 "+,:<% @'0+% 9'0-*% ?*":% @'0% A'0<*% '+% ):""="$%?5)*,:<%@'0+%*5:;)%&+"Q0":-#@% and getting a proper night’s sleep are sound preventative measures, the CDC recommends receiving a vaccine. A vaccine does not prevent all variations '&% -*"% J,+0)$% I0-% ,-% A5:% +";0A"% -*"% )"4 verity of the symptoms and length of time that one may have it. The three )-+5,:)% 6+";,A-";% -'% I"% -*"% 9')-% A'94 mon this season are the H3N2, an in4 /#0":=5% K% 5:;% -*"% 7_2_% J,+0)")>% Y")$% -*"%7_2_%J,+0)%-*5-%?5)%-*"%A0#6+,-%#5)-% )"5)':%,)%:'?%65+-%'&%-*"%)"5)':5#%J5A4 A,:">%F*,)%-*":%95(")%':"%5)($%?*@%;,;% 6"'6#"%*5J"%-'%'I-5,:%-?'%J5AA,:")%#5)-% @"5+^% % G-% ?5)% I"A50)"% -*"% 7_2_% J,+0)% emerged after the construction of the )"5)':5#% J5AA,:">% E,:A"% 7_2_% ?5)% :'-%
True or False?
Because the injection is in the inac‐ tivated form, people cannot receive !"#$%&'$()*+$!"#$,"*!-$ True: While soreness may feel simi4 lar to symptoms of the virus, people experience point tenderness around -*"%),-"%'&%-*"%J5AA,:5-,':%I"A50)"%-*"% I';@%,)%&'+9,:<%5:-,I';,")>%P#-*'0<*% it is more common for people to ex4 6"+,":A"% /#04#,("% )@96-'9)% 5&-"+% +"4 ceiving the nasal spray than it is after receiving the injection, these symp4 -'9)%#5)-%':#@%5%&"?%;5@)>%R"'6#"%)-,##% get sick after vaccination due to expo4 )0+"% -'% /#0% )-+5,:)% 5% &"?% ;5@)% I"&'+"% '+%;0+,:<%-*"%-?'4?""(%6"+,';%-*5-%,-% -5(")% -*"% I';@% -'% ;"J"#'6% ,990:,-@% -'%-*"%/#0>%E'9"-,9")%6"'6#"%A':-+5A-% -*"% /#0% I"A50)"% -*"% J5AA,:"% ;,;% :'-% contain the inactivated strain since it ?5)%5:%0:A'99':%&'+9>%N:%'AA5),':$% )":,'+% A,-,=":)% 5:;% -*')"% ?*'% *5J"% suppressed immune systems still A':-+5A-% -*"% /#0% +"<5+;#"))% '&% +"A",J4 ,:<%-*"%J5AA,:"$%I0-%-*"%A'96#,A5-,':)% ?,##%:'-%I"%5)%"H-+"9">%
similar to the other strands in the vac4 cine, professionals had to develop a vac4 A,:"%-*5-%?'0#;%6+"J":-%-*"%7_2_%J,+0)% 5)% ?"##>% F*"@% ?"+"% )0AA"))&0#% 5)% qq>nf% of the specimens tested during the sea4 son matched the virus.
Flu Season Outlook
K"A50)"%?"%*5J"%:'-%*"5+;%5:@%+"A":-% :"?)%5I'0-%-*"%7_2_%)-+5:;$%-*,)%9"5:)% ?"%;'%:'-%:"";%-'%?'++@%5I'0-%A':-+5A-4 ing it, right? Well, even though the Cen4 ters for Disease Control and Prevention T3[3U% ,)% :'-% A"+-5,:$% ,-% ,)% 6+'I5I#"% -*5-% 6"'6#"%A'0#;%)-,##%A':-+5A-%-*"%J,+0)>%G-%,)% ;,&/,A0#-%-'%6+";,A-%-*"%)"J"+,-@%'&%-*"%/#0% )"5)':%),:A"%,-%;"6":;)%':%*'?%?"##%-*"% vaccine for the year matches the three most common strains of the year. The 3[3%;'")%:'-%(:'?%?*":%-*"%)"5)':%?,##% 6"5($% I0-% ,&% ,-% &'##'?)% 5% -@6,A5#% )"5)':$% 6+,9"% -,9"% ?,##% I"% ;0+,:<% \5:05+@% 5:;% D"I+05+@>%D#0%5A-,J,-@$%*'?"J"+$%A5:%A':4 tinue as late as May1.
If it is spring, there is no point in re‐ .#/0/12$3$03../1#-$ False: Regardless of the time that someone chooses to receive a vacci4 :5-,':$%,-%A5:%)-,##%I"%"&&"A-,J"%,:%6+"4 J":-,:<%-*"%/#0>%2'%-,9"%,)%5%I5;%-,9">% Even though a new strain is preva‐ lent and professionals have not re‐ leased a new vaccine, receiving the same injection a second time will "#&4-$ False: A second injection or spray ;'")%:'-%6+'J,;"%5:@%5;;";%I":"/,-%-'% -*')"%?*'%<"-%':">%% The vaccine prevents the stomach %&'- False: The vaccine does not prevent -*"%)-'95A*%/#0%I"A50)"%-*"%,:/#0":=5% J,+0)%;'")%:'-%A50)"%-*"%)-'95A*%/#0>% People consider nausea, vomiting and ;,5++*"5% -'% I"% -*"% )-'95A*% /#0$% I0-% these are not the main symptoms of -*"% )"5)':5#% /#0$% '+% ,:/#0":=5>% G:/#04 ":=5% 5&&"A-)% -*"% +")6,+5-'+@% )@)-"9$% 9"5:,:<% -*5-% ,-% *5)% #,--#"% -'% ;'% ?,-*% the stomach or the intestines. 25
Mental Health
Vol. 1 Ed. 1
Dear TWB, I went to the store last week to buy condoms for me and my boyfriend, but there were so many options I didn’t know which ones to choose. Why are there so many and what’s the difference?
‐Condom Crazy(
Dear Condom Crazy,
photo by: Marshall Hubert
26 The WellBeing March 2011
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Tip: M$4(#(27;(0+17$7&"( >+&0:()2(@)&0),:( ")(:77(;-#"(;)$>:( 2)$(4).B( 27
Mental Health Mental Health
Vol. 1 Ed. 1
LOVE How to Make It Last By Alena Hall
59%A':),;"+";%i-*"%+"#5-,':)*,6%<,+#j%59':<%9@% &+,":;)>% F*,)% #5I"#% *5)% &'##'?";% 9"% &'+% #':<"+% -*5:%G%A5:%+"9"9I"+>%G%A5::'-%;":@%-*"%-+0-*hG% *5J"% *5;% 9@% &5,+% )*5+"% '&% +"#5-,':)*,6)>% 7'?"J"+$% -*")"%"H6"+,":A")%*5J"%:'-%A'9"%?,-*'0-%J5#05I#"%#,&"% lessons on love, especially the kind that spans more -*5:%bXX%9,#")>%P&-"+%A'99,--,:<%95:@%#':<4;,)-5:A"% #'J"% &50H% 65)$% G% 59% A0++":-#@% ,:J'#J";% ,:% 9@% I")-% relationship to date.
'0:-#"))% ?+,-"+)% /,##% I''()-'+"% )*"#J")%?,-*%-*"%;')%5:;%;':8-)%'&% #':<4;,)-5:A"%+"#5-,':)*,6)>%G%?,##% I"%-*"%/,+)-%6"+)':%-'%5;9,-%-*5-%G%59%&5+% &+'9%5:%"H6"+-$%I0-%G%(:'?%?*5-%?'+(";% 5:;%?*5-%;,;:8-%,:%9@%"H6"+,":A")%?,-*% #':<4;,)-5:A"% +"#5-,':)*,6)>% F*"% &'##'?4 ,:<%5;J,A"%*"#6";%9"%/,:;%)-5I,#,-@%,:%9@% relationship today, and it may help you (""6% @'0+% +"#5-,':)*,6% ,:% A*"A(% ?*":% -*"%;,)-5:A"%&""#)%#,("%,-8)%<+'?,:<%'0-%'&% control.
Trust each other.
No healthy relationship can survive ?,-*'0-%-*"%-+0)-%&5A-'+>%N&-":%-,9")%;,)4 -5:A"%&+'9%@'0+%I"50%95<:,/,")%&""#,:<)% of insecurity and uncertainty. For those ?*'%5+"%,:%-*"%"5+#@%)-5<")%'&%5%#':<4;,)4 tance romance, make sure to keep trust at the top of your priority list as you and your partner adjust to the relationship.
Communicate often.
Talk. Every. Single. Day. Even if you feel #,("%@'0%5+"%-5#(,:<%5I'0-%),##@%9"5:,:<4 #"))% -*,:<)$% @'0% A5:% #"5+:% 5% #'-% 5I'0-% 5% 6"+)':%&+'9%-*"%Q0,+()%'&%-*",+%;5,#@%#,&">% G-%5#)'%;'"):8-%*0+-%-'%A5##%iO0)-%I"A50)"%G% ?5)%-*,:(,:<%'&%@'0>j%Z"--,:<%@'0+%65+-4 :"+%(:'?%-*5-%-*"@%5+"%':%@'0+%9,:;%A5:% I"% -*"% *,<*#,<*-% '&% -*",+% ;5@>% [':8-% 0:4 derestimate the importance of the small )-0&&h)-+':<% +"#5-,':)*,6)% 5+"% I0,#-% from the little details.
Take advantage of today’s technology.
N0+%<":"+5-,':%,)%&'+-0:5-"%-'%*5J"%)'% many forms of digital communication 5J5,#5I#"% 5-% -*"% -'0A*% '&% 5% I0--':$% )'% ?*@%:'-%0)"%-*"9^%G:J")-%,:%5%?"IA59h &"";,:<% '&&% '&% I';@% #5:<05<"% 5)% ?"##% 5)% J"+I5#%A0")%,)%-*"%:"H-%I")-%-*,:<%-'%I",:<% in the same room. This interaction also leaves less up for interpretation during disputes.
Pace yourself.
Z':<4;,)-5:A"% +"#5-,':)*,6)% +"Q0,+"% ),<:,/,A5:-#@% 9'+"% -,9"% 5:;% "&&'+-% -*5:% 95:@% A'06#")% 5##'?>% M"9"9I"+% -*5-% ,-% -5(")%Q05#,-@%-,9"%-'%<"-%-'%(:'?%)'9"4 ':"% ,:-,95-"#@$% 5:;% 5% I,<% ;,)-5:A"% A5:% make this tougher. Don’t let the distance ;,)A'0+5<"% @'0% *'?"J"+hO0)-% -5("% -*"% commitment steadily and seriously. N6":% @'0+)"#&% 06% -'% -*"% +"#5-,':)*,68)% 6'-":-,5#%5:;%-+@%-'%#"5+:%)'9"-*,:<%:"?% 5I'0-%@'0+%65+-:"+%"J"+@%;5@>
28 The WellBeing March 2011
Keep the future in mind.
VJ"+@% :'?% 5:;% -*":$% +"5##@% -5("% )'9"% -,9"%-'%A':),;"+%-*"%#':<4-"+9%&0-0+"%'&% -*"% +"#5-,':)*,6>% G-% ,)% "))":-,5#% -*5-% @'0% I"% 5I#"% -'% -"##% @'0+)"#&% A':/,;":-#@% ?*@% you and your partner are together, es4 6"A,5##@% ?*":% @'0% ,:J")-% )'% 90A*% -,9"% 5:;% ":"+<@% ,:-'% A'6,:<% ?,-*% -*"% #':<4 ;,)-5:A"%&5A-'+%':%5%;5,#@%I5),)>
Be understanding of busy schedules.
L5:@% A'06#")% ,:% #':<4;,)-5:A"% +"#54 tionships have experienced the frustrat4 ,:<% #5)-49,:0-"% A5:A"##5-,':)% '&% -*",+% ?""(":;% J,),-)>% 1:&'+-0:5-"#@$% *"A-,A% )A*''#% 5:;% ?'+(% )A*";0#")% )'9"-,9")% take priority over road trips to see your *':"@>%7'?"J"+$%95:5<"%-*"%;,)566',:-4 9":-%5)%<+5A"&0##@%5)%6')),I#">%[,)-5:A"% A5:%A+"5-"%5%),<:,/,A5:-%59'0:-%'&%5;;,4 tional stress, so it is important to prevent further strain on the relationship. Stay 6'),-,J"h-*"+"%,)%5#?5@)%:"H-%?""(":;>% P:;%-*"%#':<"+%-*"%?5,-$%-*"%<+"5-"+%-*"% "HA,-"9":-%?*":%@'0%/,:5##@%+"0:,-"S
Keep it even.
M")":-9":-%'&-":%)0+&5A")%,:%#':<4;,)4 -5:A"%+"#5-,':)*,6)%?*":%"&&'+-%)""9)%-'% I"%5%':"4?5@%)-+""->%K'-*%@'0%5:;%@'0+% 65+-:"+% :"";% -'% )*'?% -*5-% @'0% 5+"% ,:4 J")-";%,:%-*"%+"#5-,':)*,6%5:;%5A(:'?#4 edge that the other person is too. Take turns visiting each other as much as pos4 ),I#">% K5#5:A,:<% A'990-,:<% -,9"% *"#6)% -'% ")-5I#,)*% -*5-% @'0% 5+"% I'-*% ,:J")-";% physically, mentally and emotionally.
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Be your own person.
Z5)-% I0-% :'-% #"5)-$% ,-% ,)% ,96'+-5:-% -'% 95,:-5,:% @'0+% '?:% )":)"% '&% )"#&% ?*,#"% in any kind of romantic relationship. Ex4 press your dedication to your partner, I0-% :"J"+% #"-% @'0+% +"#5-,':)*,6% )-5-0)% ;"/,:"% @'0>% L5("% -,9"% &'+% "H-+5A0++,A04 lar activities that you enjoy, friendships A#')"%-'%*'9"%5:;%5%&"?%*'0+)%'&%?""(#@% relaxation. Personal time is crucial for -*"%)-5I,#,-@%'&%@'0+%+"#5-,':)*,6%5)%?"##% 5)%@'0+%9":-5#%?"##4I",:<>
What YOU said: “My boyfriend and I are quality time people, so we really enjoy hanging out and doing things together. That makes it really hard sometimes to be living different lives at different schools. We have decided to make it work because we are best friends and really committed to each other. I wouldn’t recommend a longdistance relationship unless you are sure it’s worth it. But if you want to make it work, then it really does get easier—C%'/( <;%)&( +%/( D+%)( style as a couple and use that to your advantage.” F<?%0&%":3*035-E DGB"H=$,C'42$"H&4'3/ “The best part about having a longdistance relationship is the ability to balance my personal life with my school work. I get to keep up with my homework, clubs and internships during the week, and see my boyfriend during the weekends. I always look forward to Friday and Saturday when I do get to see him, because if he went to 5EF8(/++8(G(H+%$6(;&/(0+/I-0;( done!” FI%'()$$0"+)40$ “My boyfriend and I spent the summer apart, so I got a taste of what a longdistance relationship is like. We both had jobs that kept us busy, which made the weeks go by a lot faster. I can’t say I’m an expert after one summer, but I know talking everyday helped. Even if it was just a text, I always looked forward to hearing from him.” FH/4,%" #C,-?%0 29
The 5 Best Stress Busters
Mental Health
aking it through an entire semester often feels like running a marathon. By "H59% -,9"$% )-+"))% A5:% 95("% /,:,)*4 ,:<% -*"% +5A"% )""9% ,96')),I#">% G&% @'0% feel like you are running on empty, use -*")"% -,6)% -'% A+'))% -*"% /,:,)*% #,:"% 5)% )9''-*#@% 5:;% )-+"))4&+""% 5)% 6')),I#"S
Steps To Your
By Cat DiPaci
By Alena Hall
e have all been there. A 15‐page midterm paper, three exams and a group project are all due in the same week. It seems like there is way too much to do and not enough time to do it. Result: stress overload. Under the circumstances you feel you are losing control. You fall into a cycle of procrastinating and rushing because you become overwhelmed. Your once healthy lifestyle takes a turn for the worst as you !"#$% &'()% *"+"#,% '#% -#$% -#."'/0% 12'/,210% drive you to give exercise and healthy eating a backseat in your life. But wait:think logically. You’ve got 24 hours in a day, 168 hours in a week. You can !"#$% 1"34% 5'(% -++% 124% 12"#,0% 6'/% &-#1% -#$% #44$% 1'% $'% &"12% -% 54&% 014*07% 8'/% 9-#% !"#$% balance and choose the time management techniques that work for you.
E0&&"+,:<%&+'9%)-+"))4,:;0A";% ,:)'9:,5^%F+@%5%A06%'&%*"+I5#% -"5% I"&'+"% I";>% L,:-$% A*59'4 mile, ginseng and lavender -"5)% A5:% *"#6% +"#5H% -*"% I';@% 5:;% +";0A"% )-+"))>% 7'?"J"+$% 5J',;% -"5)% #5;":%?,-*%A5&&",:"%'+%)0<5+h-*"@%95@% keep you tossing and turning rather than help you rest.
30 The WellBeing March 2011
1. Choose a Schedule
!'++,";% 5I'0-% A5-A*,:<% 5% cold? Load up on antioxi4 dants and vitamin C! Taking a multivitamin to keep your I';@%I5#5:A";%':%5%;5,#@%I54 ),)%,)%*"#6&0#%,:%/,<*-,:<%'&&%),A(:"))$%I0-% sometimes your immune system craves 5:% 5;;,-,':5#% I'')->% V5-% 6#":-@% '&% &+")*% &+0,-)% 5:;% J"<"-5I#")$% 5:;% *@;+5-"% ?,-*% <+"":%-"5%5:;%?5-"+%-'%)-5@%*"5#-*@%;0+4 ing stressful times
Falling victim to the stress munchies? Stock up on your favorite fruits and veggies! Y'0%A5:%:"J"+%<'%?+':<%?,-*% I"++,")$% <+56")% '+% I5I@% A5+4 +'-)>% F*"@% 5+"% #'5;";% ?,-*% :0-+,":-)% @'0+%I';@%:"";)%;0+,:<%)-+"))&0#%-,9")$% 5:;% -*"@% A5:% I"% ;"#,A,'0)% -''>% F+@% ;,64 6,:<%@'0+%&5J'+,-"%&+0,-%,:%#'?4&5-%@'<0+-% for a smart and satisfying treat. Snacks #'5;";% ?,-*% A5+I'*@;+5-")% #"5J"% @'0% feeling hungry sooner and decrease your 5I,#,-@%-'%&'A0)>%D'+<"-%A5#'+,"%A'0:-,:<>% ]+5I%)'9"%&+0,-)%5:;%J"<<,")$%5:;%):5A(% <0,#-4&+""S
photo by: Marshall Hubert
Struggling to keep your eyes open? Get some sleep! The average adult needs 7 to 8 hours of sleep nightly. Don’t +'I% @'0+% I';@% '&% :"A"))5+@% +")-h,-%?,##%:'-%65@%'&&%,:%-*"%#':<%+0:>% F5("% 5% 6'?"+% :56% ,&% )#""6% ;"6+,J5-,':% is decreasing the effectiveness of your )-0;@% )")),':)>% F*,+-@% 9,:0-")% '&% ;'?:% time can leave you feeling surprisingly +"&+")*";%5:;%&'A0)";>%7'?"J"+$%)-,A(%-'% a short naptime to reap all of the health I":"/,-)l% #':<"+% :56)% A5:% -5("% @'0% ,:-'% deep sleep cycles, and it can disrupt your I';@%-'%?5("%06%,:%-*"%9,;;#"%'&%-*"9>% E-0;,")%)*'?%?5(,:<%06%I"&'+"%":-"+,:<% deep sleep can leave you feeling more refreshed. 75J,:<% -+'0I#"% &'A0),:<^% ]'% for a run or take a yoga class to clear your mind. Exercise is a highly effective stress man4 agement tool. Thirty minutes of cardio or meditation can help elimi4 nate distracting thoughts and increase @'0+% 5I,#,-@% -'% &'A0)>% V:;'+6*,:)% 5#)'% foster optimism and give you the perfect 6'),-,J"%":"+<@%I'')-%-'%#,&-%@'0%'0-%'&%5% study session slump!
Vol. 1 Ed. 1
]+5I% @'0+)"#&% 5% 6#5::"+% ?,-*% 5% ?""(#@% J,"?%5:;%/,##%,:%@'0+%9')-%,96'+-5:-%-,9"% slots. When you look at assignments, events and activities from at a glance, you ?,##%)""%*'?%"5)@%-,9"%A5:%I"%;,J,;";%-'% /,:,)*%"5A*%-5)(> C:'?,:<% ?*5-% -'% <"-% ;':"% /,+)-% 5:;% ?*5-% A5:% ?5,-% ,)% A+0A,5#>% R+,'+,-,="% @'0+% commitments and leisurely activities in levels of importance according to you and only you. Take in to account deadlines 5:;%"J":-%-,9")>%G:%-"+9)%'&%)A*''#?'+($% -*,:<)% -*5-% 5+"% ;0"% /,+)-% )*'0#;% I"% ;':"% /,+)->%R#5:%,-%'0-%?""(#@$%I0-%-5("%,-%;5@%I@% ;5@>% G-% -5(")% 9'-,J5-,':% 5:;% )"#&4A':-+'#$% -?'% Q05#,-,")% -*5-% <5+:"+% ,:A+";,I#"% +"?5+;)>% !*":% )'+-,:<% @'0+% -,9"$% ;':8-% forget to make time for you. There is 5#?5@)% 596#"% -,9"% -'% +"/#"A-$% -'% 5:5#@="% 5:;%-'%;'%?*5-%95(")%@'0%*566@>
2. Choose to Eat for Your Health When it comes to the average college ;,"-$% ,-% ,)% :'% ?':;"+% -*5-% A':A":-+5-,':% ,)%5#9')-%,96')),I#"$%5:;%)-+"))%,)%5#9')-% ,:"J,-5I#">% G-8)% )0+6+,),:<% *'?% 90A*% A"+-5,:%&'';)%A5:%5&&"A-%@'0%':%5%;5@4-'4
;5@% I5),)>% E:5A(,:<% ':% *,<*% )0<5+% &'';)% and sodas leaves you jittery and lacking 90A*% :"";";% :0-+,":-)>% G:)-"5;$% (""6% ,-% :5-0+5#>%Y'0+%;,"-%)*'0#;%I"%5%+"/#"A-,':%'&% @'0>%F5("%-*5-%"H-+5%/,J"%9,:0-")%-'%65A(% 5%*"5#-*@%#0:A*%,:)-"5;%'&%<+5II,:<%3*,A(4 D,#4P% ,:% I"-?"":% A#5))")>% Y'0% ?,##% :'-,A"% -*"% ;,&&"+":A"% ,:% I'-*% 566"5+5:A"% 5:;% attitude.
You’ve got 24 hours in a day, 168 hours in a week.
3.Choose More Sleep
Another crucial element to staying healthy in times of stress is getting enough )#""6>%2'%95--"+%*'?%*5+;%@'0%)-0;@%&'+% 5:% "H59$% ,&% @'0% ;':8-% *5J"% -*"% 5;"Q05-"% #"J"#%'&%)#""6%-'%;+,J"%@'0+%I+5,:$%@'0%?,##% ultimately not reach your full potential. College is an exciting time and staying 06% #5-"% ,)% -"96-,:<$% I0-% @'0+% <+5;")% 5:;% 9,:;%)0&&"+%-*"%A':)"Q0":A")>% The suggested amount of sleep is eight *'0+)$% I0-% -*"% 5A-05#% -,9"% J5+,")% 6"+% 6"+)':>%G-%,)%?'+-*?*,#"%-'%/,<0+"%'0-%-*"% amount of sleep time that makes you most 6+';0A-,J"%5:;%5?5("%;0+,:<%-*"%;5@>%F+@% -'% <"-% -*5-% :09I"+% "5A*% :,<*-% 0),:<% 5:% alarm. 4. Choose Movement and Exploration Get out there. Exercise should come as 5%*,<*%6+,'+,-@%&'+%A'##"<"%)-0;":-)>%G-%:'-% ':#@% 5,;)% @'0+% 6*@),A5#% ?"##4I",:<$% I0-% exercise also gives you an escape from the ;,+"A-%/#'?%'&%-*"%?'+#;%-'%I"A'9"%9'+"% ,:%-0:"%?,-*%@'0+)"#&> [,;% G% 9":-,':% ,-% ,)% 5#)'% 5% <+"5-% ;"4 stressor? Neglecting exercise only adds
to your anxiety and unhealthy lifestyle. P%A5)05#%"J":,:<%?5#(%-*+'0<*%-*"%Q05;% or a morning run through Battle Park is a great option to maintain a healthy mind 5:;%I';@> 5. Choose Real Relationships C""6% *':")-% &+,":;)% A#')"% 5:;% 0)"% -*"9%5)%5:%'0-#"-%?*":%@'0%*5J"%-+'0I#"% 95:5<,:<% @'0+% -,9">% F*"@% A5:% I"% <+"5-% &'+%<,J,:<%5;J,A"$%A5#9,:<%@'0%;'?:%5:;% I+,<*-":,:<% @'0+% ;5@>% K+"5(% '0-% '&% -*"% ,:;,J,;05#,)-,A%)'A,"-@%5:;%/,:;%)066'+-%,:% ;,&/,A0#-%-,9")%&+'9%6"'6#"%?*'%-+0#@%A5+"% 5I'0-%@'0> 6. Choose Your Own Mind Stress and health are very closely linked. Times of great stress trigger unhealthy *5I,-)%5:;%A5:%"J":%I"%5%A5-5#@)-%&'+%)'9"% )"J"+"%*"5#-*%6+'I#"9)>%E-+"))%A5:%95("% @'0%9'+"%J0#:"+5I#"%-'%),A(:"))%5:;%A5:% ?"5(":%-*"%,990:"%)@)-"9>%K0-%-*"%<'';% :"?)% ,)% -*5-% )-+"))% A5:% I"% A':-+'##";% I@% the mind. Focus on positive information and don’t let negative thoughts rule you. When you lose that control of your mind, @'0%"H5A"+I5-"%-*"%)-+"))>%C""6%5%I5#5:A";% J,"?% ':% ?*5-% ,)% 'AA0++,:<% ,:% -*"% ?'+#;% 5:;%,:%@'0+%'?:%#,&">%F5("%5%)-"6%I5A(%5:;% )""% "5A*% ),-05-,':% &'+% ?*5-% ,-% ,)% 5:;% -+@% -'%+"5)':%'0-%-*"%?5@)%,:%?*,A*%@'0%A5:% 6+,'+,-,="$%&'A0),:<%':%@'0+%*566,:"))> <*'$=#!$>'!$*($?/(#$@"3!$<*'$A'!$B1!*$B!You have the ability to choose your life. How you choose to manage time and other decisions that affect your mind and body 5('3%$-6:1':$-6%&"++%$4!"#4%6'/%-0%-%*4(0'#7% So think more each day. Consciously be aware and choose ways to reap the most 2-**"#400% ;6% $4!"#"#,% -% +"54016+4% 12-1% "0% your own. Your overall health will thank you. By adopting simple ways of knowingly managing your time better, you can bask in 124% ;4#4!"10% '5% "#9(4-04$% '*1"3"03<% 3'(4% daily energy and a craving to get out there and live. 31