'The Chosen One Is Dead'

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The Chosen One is Dead By Emily Harley

INT. SACRED TEMPLE - NIGHT The chamber is dimly lit with an eerie and mystical glow. Seated around a large round table, seven hooded MONKS pour over large stacks of scrolls. We are unable to see their faces. INT. HALLWAY - NIGHT A MESSENGER pounds past. He pants, gripping a SWORD close to his chest. A heavy BAG bumps against his legs as he runs. INT. SACRED TEMPLE - NIGHT The door to the chamber bursts open and the Messenger falls into the room, desperately gasping for air. MESSENGER (out of breath) I bring terrible news! The monks do not pause or turn to look. They continue skimming their scrolls. MESSENGER The Chosen One is dead! The monks pause. Their hooded heads turn side to side to look at each other. They all burst into loud and obnoxious laughter. One monk, known as FOUR claps his hands. His fellow numerically-named brothers, ONE, TWO, THREE, FIVE, SIX, and SEVEN quiet their laughter. FOUR (through his laughter) That’s- Not- Possible. The Messenger stares in shock. He opens and closes his mouth like a fish several times until the monks quiet their laughter. Four presumably wipes a tear from under his hood. FOUR As we said, that is not possible. The Chosen One is, by divine and irrevocable destiny, to defeat evil and restore balance to the world. He cannot die!




MESSENGER But, on the off chance he HAD died, what would we do? FOUR It’s not possible. MESSENGER But ifFOUR It has been foretold for eonsMESSENGER Sir, this is a time of great perilFOUR (shouting) I assure you, good sir! There is no way, in all the heavenly cosmos and fathoms below, that the Chosen One could possibly beMessenger slams a bag, upside down, onto the table onto of the piles of scrolls. The monks stare at the bag and look between one another. Seven elbows Six with a snickerThe bag is ripped open. The monks scream. Seven’s chair tips backwards and he falls over. Three flings his scrolls into the air. On the table rests the severed head of a dirty blond boy. As the other six scream about the end of all days, Four sets his trembling hands onto the table. FOUR Then we must set out immediately to find another boy to fit the prophecy. (To the other monks) My brothers! We must find another boy chosen by destiny! The monks rally together and clasp hands around the table. Messenger watches admiringly until the monks sit back down and begin to pour over their scrolls.



3. MESSENGER What are you doing! We need to find another Chosen One! TWO What do you think we are doing? FIVE Oh! Oh! I’ve found him! ONE Another farm boy? FIVE Yes!

Messenger pales. FOUR Perfect. Then it’s settled. The monks all nod in satisfaction of a job well done. MESSENGER Wait that’s it? You just point at a map and decide, hm yes, that one will do to save the world? THREE He fits the criteria. MESSENGER Well, I think you’re going to need another option. TWO Why? This orphan farm boy is perfect! He’s practically riddled with long lost relatives and unspoken potential. MESSENGER I’m not saying he’s not a good candidateONE Then what are you suggesting, you meddlingMESSENGER He’s dead, okay? Dead. Stone cold. Four cracks his knuckles. He glares at the Messenger.




FOUR Fine then. There are plenty of orphans. What about the Blacksmith’s adopted son? The other monks nod in agreement. ONE A fine choice, sir. TWO Definitely "Chosen One" material. Messenger makes a non-committal noise from behind them. Four hangs his head with a groan. FOUR If you are going to tell me he’s been murdered tooMESSENGER Oh no, not at all! The monks sigh in relief. MESSENGER (CONT.) He fell from a tree actually. Entirely his own fault. The monks all groan and hurriedly pour over the scrolls with growing desperation. Messenger taps his hands to his sword. MESSENGER (CONT.) Actually, you see, I found this sword-Five snaps his fingers and points at a scroll. FIVE I found a squire! Perfectly orphaned and miserable! FLASHBACK TO: EXT. FIELD - DAY A timid and bright-eyed YOUTH holding a large pitchfork. A SWORD is strapped to his belt. FOUR (V.O.) He’s certainly scrawny enough.




MESSENGER (V.O.) One minor problem. FOUR (V.O.) (bitter) And what could that be? CUT TO: EXT. FIELD - SOMETIME LATER Screaming. The youth is being dragged away by large, burly men. His screams continue to echo as he is dragged across the field. MESSENGER (V.O.) Kidnapped by bandits. THREE (V.O.) Fine- what about the Woodsguide? The SWORD remains in the field... CUT TO: EXT. COTTAGE - DAY A strapping and handsome WOODSGUIDE with an axe on his shoulder and a charming smile. He pats the SWORD strapped to his belt affectionately. CUT TO: EXT. FIERY WRECKAGE - NIGHT Close on the charred ashes covering the sword. MESSENGER (V.O.) House fire. Tragic really. FOUR (V.O.) There has got to be somebodyanybody else! MESSENGER (V.O.) Well, if we could talk about this sword that I found-




FOUR (V.O.) There has got to be somebody else! CUT TO: EXT. LAKE - CONTINUOUS A body floats in the water, the SWORD stabbing through the corpse. MESSENGER (V.O.) Swimming accident. INT. PUB - CONTINUOUS A voluptuous PROSTITUTE smiles warmly as she spit shines the SWORD. MESSENGER (V.O.) Killed by a prostitute. Another WOMAN, large and intimidating, steps into frame. MESSENGER (V.O.) Killed by the prostitute’s jealous lover. CUT TO: INT. HOUSE - DAY A perfectly normal BOY sits at a table. He smiles as he pets a dog. the SWORD sits on the table in front of him. TWO (V.O.) Well what’s wrong with him? He looks perfectly fine! The boy sneezes. MESSENGER (V.O.) The plague. INT. SACRED TEMPLE - NIGHT The monks are in various states of despair. Five has his head buried in his arms on the table.




Three mindlessly tears up scrolls in "He loves me, He loves me not" fashion. Two is beating his head against the table. Six’s seat is empty. He’s sitting in the corner curled in a ball muttering. SIX We’re all going to die. We’re all going to die. Messenger mindlessly taps at his sword, the insignia glows slightly every time he touches it. Four slams his hands on the table and startles everyone. One whimpers. He points a trembling hand at the Messenger. Messenger looks around before pointing at himself in shock. FOUR What about you, boy? You must be the Chosen One! THREE Are you orphaned? MESSENGER Erm, no. Actually, my parents are both very much alive and well. TWO A secret long lost sibling? MESSENGER Only child. The monks all groan in unison. FIVE (muffled through his arms) There is no way he can be the Chosen One, he is much too content with his life. Two bangs his head louder against the table. MESSENGER (quietly) Am I really the Chosen One? Four rounds on the Messenger and shoves him in the chest. Messenger’s hands tighten around the hilt of the sword.




FOUR No. No you cannot. Even if every other boy in the Kingdom is dead, there is absolutely no way you could EVER beThe sword glows. Four falls backwards. He holds his hands, palms outwards. FOUR But- But- the prophecy- you cannotThe Messenger draws the sword fully and holds it out in front of him. It glows magnificently. MESSENGER So, divine and irrevocable destiny? Now what? CUT TO BLACK.

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