Whole Package
Whole Package
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The Effects of Successful Package Design
Perfect Bar
From Candy Nutrition Bar
The Whole Package
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The Whole Package Ever since I was young, I have always been exposed to food and unique cuisine, both savory and sweet. I most especially appreciated and indulged in products of vibrant color, where the product packaging was fun, animated and tempted you to eat the product with the packaging on. Especially since my younger sister, Abby, is currently pursuing a career in Culinary and Nutrition, I have constantly been exposed to these deluctable goodies. I have been an athlete my entire life and have always had quick, sugary snacks before and after games or practices. I would eat peanut butter crackers, chocolate and other unhealthy, processed snacks that I never realized were detrimental to my body when I thought they were beneficial the entire time. As I was saying, ever since my sister got into healthy eating and nutrition, I have been introduced to current trending nutrition foods, recipes and on-the-go snacks. This is when nutrition bars first entered my life and I have been obsessed ever since.
Another reason behind this collection stems from my artistic roots, where I first began to consider graphic design as my sole career; that one thing I wanted to dedicate most of my time to for the rest of my life. At first, I wasn’t sure what I wanted to do with graphic design, until I had an epiphany: my passion for design + my passion for food = become a food package designer. Ever since that “ah ha� moment, I began collecting food bar packaging labels based on the brand, color, illustration, type and my personal liking. My collection is still in its baby stages in regards to its depth and variety; however, I plan on building it up for years to come, keeping an eye out for new products to be released. Currently, I keep all the labels secure with a stretchy black hair tie to portray an even more personal connection to me. Moreover, I plan to dedicate a room in my future home to this entire collection.
From Candy Bar...
Opaque Packaging Bold Illustration Serif + Slab Serif Typefaces
Nature Valley Granola Bar
Opaque Packaging Simple Design Rounded Sans Serif Typefaces
1960 Nestle Chocolate Bar
Opaque Packaging Simple Illustration Sans Serif Typefaces
Cadbury Chocolate Bar
1930 Hershey’s Chocolate Bar
1900 Opaque + Foil Packaging Organic Illustration Illustrative Display Typefaces
From the beginning of the 20th century, a revolutionary, efficient snack was born. What are today trademark names, Cadbury, Hershey and Nestle have set the standard for fun organic snack bar branding. Ever since, that standard has been raised by newly trending nutrition bars. Steming back to the first days of the chocolate bar of the most famous chocolate companies, Cadbury and Hershey, to the creaiton of the nut bar, we have now made advancements to more healthy and whole alternatives that keep us full of protein and fuel us during our long work days and workouts.
Perfect Bar
2013 RXBAR
Matte + Opaque Packaging Clean Grid + Geometric Design Sans Serif Typefaces
Matte + Opaque Packaging Clean Grid + Illustration Sans Serif + Slab Serif Typefaces
Glossy + Opaque Packaging Simple Background Illustration Sans Serif + Serif Typefaces
Matte + Transparent Packaging Organic Illustration Sans Serif + Script Typefaces Nutrition Bar
Design Studio based in Denver, CO Perfect Bar was founded in 2005 in San Diego, CA when the Keith family of thirteen kids suffered the tragic loss of their father. To live on his legacy of nutrition bars, they decided to take their dad’s recipe and make it into what is now today a booming business. The Perfect Bar is a healthier, more efficient option of an on-the-go source of protein to fuel us thoughout our busy, everyday lives. Through much experimentation with Dr. Bud’s recipe, the Perfect Bar has been trending as one of the best onthe-go energy bars on the charts. The packaging is quite graphic and fun; PERFECT for the brand and what the company stands by. Each bar contains whole, natural and organic ingredients listed on the back of the wrapper; no chemicals, preservatives or refined sugar. Since the start, Perfect Bar has launched over a dozen flavor combinations and are working to produce more in the following years. My true favorites are...all of them. They are so delicious and fresh I love them all!
“Just an incrdible combination of nutrition and taste that’s grounded in PERFECTION.”
Design Studio based in Marin County, CA Larabar started in April of 2013 in Denver, CO when a woman by the name, Lara Merriken was searching for a healthy, organic and few ingredient snack bar that, combined with whole ingredients provided a quick, on-the-go source of protein and energy. Through much experimentation, the Larabar was welcomed to this planet and has been trending as one of the best, most natural snack bars on the charts. Each bar contains very few, whole, natural and organic ingredients that help you power through your long day or brisk run. It could double as a nutritious lunch treat for children as well. Since the start, Larabar has launched numerous flavor combinations are working to produce more in future years. My true favorites are Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip, Key Lime Pie and Cashew Chip.
“Simple. Pure. Delicious.”
based on a four question interview with Mr. Schwab
Michael Schwab Studio
Briefly summarize the mindset behind the design of the LARABAR. Bold and Simple. So many of the existing food bars on the grocery store shelves feature graphics that are overly ‘busy’ - too much information on the package making them difficult to read and focus on. Therefore, we wanted to go in a ‘less is more’ direction. Simple. Bold. Easy to recognize and read - even from quite a distance. What were the names of the typefaces used in the design and why those specific typefaces? We used a hand-lettered font that I created. I have used it on several of my design projects over the years - Schwab Poster. It has become part of my graphic ‘style’. This typeface has a vintage quality to it - a look of handcrafted-ness. Not fancy. Again, for a bold, strong presence. The color palette on the package is also somewhat ‘retro’. We used a smaller Roman font to below it to compliment the logo - Historical Fell, I believe. What reactions do you hope to see from consumers when buying this product based off the design? I hope the design is intriguing enough to entice people to stop - look - and then pick up the product to look at it. And then drop it into their cart! What do you believe is the strongest feature about the design/brand of LARABAR or in other words, what makes it stand out from the competition? It all goes back to ‘bold and simple’. And because the font is also somewhat vintage, it evokes a certain craftsmanship and integrity that people want to bring home with them.
King Design
Studio based in Philadelphia, PA The RXBAR was born in August of 2012 in Chicago, IL. when two guys were searching for a healthier more efficient alterntive for an on-the-go source of protein and energy to fuel them throughout their busy everyday lives. Through much brainstorming and experimentation, the RXBAR was born and has been trending as one of the most popular workout and protein bars on the charts. The bars themselves aren’t very appealing; it’s basically a brown block containing about five ingredients. The design isn’t too fancy or over-the-top; however, it impeccably emulates the prize inside as well as what the company stands by. Each bar contains whole, natural and organic ingredients that are listed directly on the front side of the packaging, so you know exactly what you’re fueling your body with. Since the start, RXBAR has launched twelve different flavor combinations and are promising more in the following years. My true favorites are Blueberry, Peanut Butter and Maple Sea Salt.
“Simple, clean and natural ingredients” for a simple, clean and nautral life.
Studio based in Bryan, TX Fitjoy started in April 2016 in Bryan, TX when a man by the name of, Doss Cunningham, was searching for a healthier, sugar free and efficient alternative for an on-the-go protein snack. He was diagnosed with Celiac and a severe sensitivity to artificial sweeteners which prompted him to create these delicious, gourmet protein bars. These bars are the most appealing out of the four I focused on due to their fancy drizzled topping. The design isn’t too illustrative for something that provides your body with nutrients and energy, however it perfectly emulates the prize inside and what the company stands by. The design is very clean, geometric and modern. Through much experimentation, the Fitjoy bar was born and has been trending as one of the top workout protein bars out there. Each bar contains zero sugars along with whole, natural and organic ingredients that help you power through your day or grueling workout. Since the start, Fitjoy has launched twelve deluctable flavor combinations and are working to produce more in the following years. My true favorites are Iced Gingerbread, Frosted Cinnamon Bun and Birthday Cake. “Fit and nutritious ingredients for a fit, nutritious and joyful life.�
The Effects of Successful Package Design Successful Package Design is crucial in selling a dull, insipid product such as these nutrition bars. Designers utilize color and type on packaging in a way that makes the product stand out over the competition and draws consumers to that product even if it wasn’t on their grocery list.
PERFECT BAR Matte + Transparent Packaging Organic Illustration Sans Serif + Script Typefaces
One color for each flavor accented with different hues of the prominant color Centered Natural Layout with varying scaled type Vibrant Organic Design with Free-hand Illustration Hand-drawn Organic Sans Serif, Script and Display Type
Glossy + Opaque Packaging Simple Background Illustration Sans Serif + Serif Typefaces
Consistent logo design on each individual bar with a maximum two color scheme Sophisticated centered layout and placement of type Simplistic Bold Design with Solid Background Fill Serif and San Serif
RXBAR Matte + Opaque Packaging Clean Grid + Illustration Sans Serif + Slab Serif Typefaces
Maximum three color scheme for each individual bar Sophisticated legible layout and placement of type Simplistic Grided Design with Icon Illustration San Serif and Slab Serif
FITJOY Matte + Opaque Packaging Clean Grid + Geometric Design Sans Serif Typefaces
Maximum three color scheme for each individual bar Lots of kerned type implimented throughout Angular and Geometric Design Geometric Sans Serif
Bibliography Schwab, Michael. Michael Schwab Studio | Posters, Illustration & Logos | America’s Cup Amtrak Parks
Baseball Sports Music. Michael Schwab Studio, 1999. Web. 20 Apr. 2017.
Weaver, Erin, and Morgan Stallings. “Sports Nutrition Is Just the Start.” Nutrabolt. Woodbolt
Distribution, 2015. Web. 20 Apr. 2017.
Reedy, Kelly, John Gilbert, Eric Kiker, and Patrick Gill. “Advertising Agency Denver | LRXD: LeeReedy
+ Xylem Digital.” LRXD. LRXD, n.d. Web. 20 Apr. 2017.
“Philadelphia Web Design, Web Development & Branding.” King Design. King Design LLC, n.d. Web. 20
Apr. 2017.
Published on May 3, 2017 The Whole Package The Design Center at Philadelphia University 4201 Henry Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19144 215-951-2863 Editor: Emily Pilla Design: Emily Pilla Photography: Emily Pilla Paper: Matte; Philadelphia University Print Lab Printing: Philadelphia University Print Lab All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form by any electronic or mechanical means (including photocopying, recording or any other information storage and retrieval system) without prior permission in writing from the publisher. Š 2017 The Design Center at Philadelphia University