January 2015 OLP Magazine

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OLP M a ga zi n e

New Year

New Light

Setting the Course for OLP’s Future

Academy of Our Lady of Peace {WINTER 2014}

In This Issue {WINTER 2014-2015}


COVER: A student holds a candle at the Candlelight Procession, an annual OLP tradition for more than 70 years. Photo courtesy of Janet Paruleski ’16, photography student.



Religious Studies

OLP student Rachel Rougas ’16

Director of Campus Ministry Ms. Suzie Knapp ’79 takes us

peels back the curtain to reveal the hard work that goes into Irish dance as a sport.


Annual Report

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behind the scenes of the variety of retreat experiences available to students each year.


Student Spotlight


The Office of Institutional Advancement details the Annual Report information. Thank you for giving!

OLP student Claire Westermeyer ’14


shares what she learned during her medical shadow experience of another OLP alumna.








Giving Alumna parent Martha McRoskey

explains the reasons she and her husband continue to give to OLP.


OurMission Statement The Academy of Our Lady of Peace is a Catholic, liberal

arts oriented, college preparatory secondary school dedicated to the education of young women. As a Catholic school, it is committed to helping its students become active participants in building Christ’s kingdom of justice, love and peace. As a school rooted in the values of the Sisters of St. Joseph, it promotes the cultivation of “gentleness, peace and joy” as we respond to the needs of the “dear neighbor” both in our midst

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Alumnae Alumnae from all years share their news, announcements and updates in our Pilots Take Flight section.

and in our human community. Through its college preparatory program, its mission is to empower its students to become knowledgeable in those skills needed to achieve success in post-secondary studies, and to make informed and valuesdriven decisions in the context of today’s world. As a result of these endeavors, and working with parents as our educational partners providing a family context of faith-in-action, the Academy of Our Lady of Peace strives to graduate responsible women educated to the needs of society.

Letter From Head of School Dear OLP Pilot Community,

I am always filled with a sense of amazement as we move from the first half of the school year, into the second semester. The first semester always seems to fly by, and this year is certainly no different! Moving from the festivities of the Christmas season to the start of the New Year, it is with a gratitude-filled heart and deep sense of joy that we continue to gain momentum from the hope of Advent. “New Year, New Light” nods to the momentum already in action, from the finishing touches of construction to the rolling out of a five-year strategic plan. With all that is new, hope continues to push us forward in our goals for the months ahead. Goals that keep all of us here at OLP focused on our amazing 750 girls, and over 6,000 alumnae. In August of 2014, a survey was sent out to all constituents, asking them to provide their viewpoints on OLP. We were able to garner over 994 survey responses from parents, alumnae, donors, faculty, staff, board members, volunteers and others connected to OLP. The survey was one of the many multi-faceted ways that the Board, in partnership with our Strategic Planning consultants from Netzel Grigsby Associates, was able to organize input to inform the development of OLP’s Strategic Plan. This process was guided by a diverse team of twenty-three individuals, comprising the Strategic Planning Task Force (SPTF). As a result of this six-month journey, and on behalf of both the Board of Directors and the Strategic Planning Task Force, we are proud to present OLP’s Strategic Plan 2015-2020. This plan outlines specific goals and strategies, recommended by the SPTF, affirmed by the Board of Directors and informed by members of our entire community, to attain optimal success in strengthening OLP as it moves into the future. Over the next five years, the community will continue to receive ongoing updates on our progress as we meet these goals and objectives. The stories captured in this issue of OLP Magazine help to share the dynamic experiences from our students, our alumnae, CSJ sisters, faculty, staff, and parents. What you will see from the plethora of stories is the living out of their Catholic faith and the CSJ charism through their works of scholarship, service and faith in action. The young women in our current student body are leading the way in our local community, and in our nation. You can see that in the story of Gabriela Silva who recently participated in our Girl Scout National Convention, the girls participating in Irish dancing, our school wide retreat program, and the amazing opportunity afforded to Claire Westermeyer ’14 through UCSD. At the heart of our Mission, are the parents, both current and past, who support our school through their gifts of time, talent and treasure. In this edition, you can read more about our Parents in Prayer and the quintessential role they play in the day-to-day life of our campus. Parents In Prayer is just one way for our community of prayer warriors to stay connected and unified to the intentions of each OLP student, past and present. It is with an abundance of appreciation that we also present our 2013-2014 Annual Report. Each year, we report back to our community on our fundraising efforts for the previous fiscal year. While we take every opportunity to thank you in a variety of more personal ways, please accept this public acknowledgment of thanksgiving and insight into how your generosity directly impacts the education of women. Each and every gift made to the Academy of Our Lady of Peace is valued, vital and put to tremendous use. We could not be the successful institution we are without the generous support of alumnae, parents, grandparents, faculty, staff, foundations, businesses, and friends. On behalf of our Board of Directors, teachers, support staff, and students, thank you for all you do for OLP! Again, I wish you and your families all the best in 2015. Our doors are always open to you, please feel free to stop in, you are most welcome. Peacefully Yours,

Lauren Lek Head of School

OLPMagazine Academy of Our Lady Of Peace Head of School Lauren Lek Assistant Head of School Jessica Hooper Assistant Principal, Director of Campus Life Jeanette Handelsman ’64 Assistant Principal of Instruction Sheelah Keeter Director of Institutional Advancement Margot Meier Howard Director of Communications Emily Pippin ’06 Contributors Rachel Rougas ’16 Claire Westermeyer ’14 Adriana Olivares ’15 Tori Mullenix ’15 Karina Scolari ’15 Gabriela Silva ’17 Margot Meier Howard Cathy Smith Martha McRoskey Susan Antolin ’06 Suzie Knapp ’79 Kirsten Rauber Hadzicki ’81 Board of Directors Mike Coughlin, Board Chair Lauren Lek, Head of School Patricia Boer ’55 Msgr. Richard Duncanson Dr. Nora Faine-Sykes ’78 Michael Guerrero Susan Hause Clair Cunningham Kennedy ’81 Damian McKinney Gayle McMahon Martha McRoskey Sister Jill Marie Napier, CSJ Coreen G. Petti Barbara Picco Sister Virginia Rodee ’53 Antonina R. Sciuto-Morales ’76 Rita Scherrei Peg Stehly

Class notes should be sent to Kirsten Rauber Hadzicki ’81 at alumnae@aolp.org

To update your address, please contact Chris Abdenour at cabdenour@aolp.org

Winter 2015 | 3

Our Strategic Planning Process For more than 132 years OLP has educated young women to excel in college and beyond, grounded in the Catholic faith and exemplifying the qualities of the CSJ tradition. Significant changes in the world, in the San Diego community, and at OLP itself, prompted the development of a strategic planning process to collectively study the school’s history, examine its current status, identify its strengths and opportunities for growth, and create guideposts for achieving its full potential. For a six-month time span between summer and winter of 2014 to 2015, the OLP community was engaged in a strategic planning process—virtually all stakeholders were invited to participate. Five compelling strategic priorities emerged through the guidance of the Strategic Planning Task Force, school leadership, Board of Directors and Netzel Grigsby Associates Inc., strategic planning consultants. The purpose of this Strategic Plan is to provide the Academy of Our Lady of Peace with a road map for its development over the next three to five years.

Our Master Site Plan

Holy Family Event Center








(proposed building)





In July of 2013, OLP engaged in a partnership with Lake|Flato Architects, to support the school in the development of a Master Site Plan. The project engaged parents, students, faculty, staff, under the direction of the Board of Directors to assess current and future campus needs. The goal for the Master Plan was to create a campus for the next generation of OLP students while actively preserving the historical architecture. After a six month intensive planning process, the Board of Directors approved the plan in May 2014. The Master Site plan will provide OLP with a comprehensive longterm strategy as we look to support the existing facilities, and plan for the new 20,000-square-foot building.

Read the full Strategic Planning Brochure by following this QR code or visiting www.aolp.org/ strategicplan

Strategic Planning Task Force Committee Martha McRoskey, Chair Paula Brock Sandra Qualiato Brue ’62 Angela Dalfio Cascarano ’69 Barry Crane Lisa Danaher Sarah Dunn, PhD ’01 Peg Eddy Greg Hecht Jessica Hooper Margot Meier Howard Christian Hulburt Laura Impastato ’66 Lauren Lek, Head of School Diana Marjip-Chuh Damian McKinney Ann Navarra ’63 Mary O’Connor DDS Mary Caratan Sloper ’58 Sonia M. I. Stepovich John Wilson, PhD

The Strategic Plan was supported by Lisa J. Ritchie, MA and Jeanne E. Schmelzer, CFRE, of Netzel Grigsby Associates, inc.




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Winter 2015 | 5

OLP Student Attends Girl Scout National Convention

Sophomore Gabriela Silva recently attended the Girl Scout National Convention in Salt Lake City as a part of the San Diego delegation. The National Convention took place in Salt Lake City, Utah on the 16th- 19th of October. The Girl Scouts National Convention takes place once every three years in a different part of the United States. Girl delegations from all over the United States attended the conference. Gabriela was one of thirteen girls selected to attend the conference and was a part of the Girl Scout Leadership Institute, and as such, Gabriela attended different sessions with a focus on inclusion and diversity. Gabriela learned a lot about the different

problems girls and women face due to lack of inclusion and diversity. “I had a wonderful experience and made life long friendships along the way,” she said. “I even got to meet Anna Maria Chavez, the National CEO of girl scouts, and Dr. Gloria D. Scott (pictured left), the first African American National President of Girl Scouts.” Gabriela hopes to begin a program that will help break down cultural and gender stereotypes among middle school and high school students.

Students Tap into Irish Dancing as Athletics By Rachel Rougas ’16

We have a lot of gifted athletes here at OLP. A large

majority of students play sports either in school or outside of school. One sport that has gotten popular in the last few years is Irish Dancing. We have girls in all grades who dance at a variety of levels and at many different dance schools.

Something upon which all the Irish dancers at OLP can agree is that dance has become a huge part of our lives. Senior Erin Brown says “I have been dancing for 11 years and have enjoyed every minute of it. I have been able to make friends that will last a lifetime as well as travel to amazing places such as Ireland, where my family lives, and all across America.” She also adds that, “Irish Dancing defines me as a person. It has shaped characteristics such as determination and humility.” With spending anywhere from two to ten hours a week at a dance studio, Irish dance integrates itself into dancers’ lives. We can often be found standing with outrageously turned-out feet or doing little steps while waiting in line all without even realizing it. It is just such a fun sport that it makes a huge impact on our everyday lives.

The performance shows are my favorite part of Irish Dancing. During St. Patrick’s Day and throughout the rest of the year, we dance in a wide variety of venues from weddings to libraries to school events to retirement homes. Nothing compares to the happiness of giving back in such an entertaining way and seeing the joy that dancing can bring to people. Dancing in shows regularly gives a sense of efficiency and leadership that has translated well into other things such as school and extracurricular. Competing is also fun. Through dance competitions, we learn how to handle all kinds of results with grace. Competitions also allow for travel around the country and overseas. This has provided for the opportunity to make friends from all over the world and create unique relationships that would not be found elsewhere. It is also a great cultural experience to visit other countries and bond with people over dancing.

Clockwise from top left. Sophomore Delia Garland and Junior Rachel Rougas at a dance show; Sophomore Rebecca Pierce at the US Western Regionals; Senior Hailey Antoine at her school’s annual recital.

Parents in Prayer By cathy smith & martha mcroskey

What are you doing next

Tuesday morning?

If you are super busy and can’t find time to pray … want to meet other parents at OLP … wish you could support the students and faculty but don’t know how … we have the answer! Parents in Prayer, meets every Tuesday morning at 7:45 in the Chapel. Started in 2008, it is a group of parents, grandparents, and friends of the Academy who meet to pray the Rosary, and then share a cup of coffee and conversation afterwards in St. Catherine’s Hall. Everyone is welcome – including young children – and you are free to drop in any week, come late or leave early! When parents begin the high school experience, they often feel lost and a little overwhelmed. They don’t know their daughter’s friends or their parents. They are faced with new anxieties as they juggle the demands of high school homework, sports and extra-curricular activities. And then comes dating, driver’s training, and the panic of college applications. When we drop off our daughters everyday at the Academy of Our Lady of Peace, we are often searching for a little of that “peace” ourselves.


Events Calendar january 2015 Tuesday 6 Tuesday 6 Saturday 17

Classes Resume

7 a.m. Mass

Monday 19 Tuesday 20 Friday 23 Saturday 24

BeYoutiful Middle School Conference

No School

7 a.m. Mass

School Mass: Junior Unity

HSPT Entrance Exam

February 2015 Tuesday 3 7 a.m. Mass Saturday 7 Miss OLP Dance Tuesday 17 7 a.m. Mass Wednesday 18 Ash Wednesday Mass Friday-Saturday 27-28 Spring Sing

March 2015

So, every Tuesday, we slow down for a few quiet minutes and pray together for the students, families, and faculty & staff of our school. We pray the rosary, and invite Our Blessed Mother’s help as we navigate the ups and downs of raising teenage daughters. It is a prayer familiar to many, but easy to learn for those discovering it for the first time. We provide handouts and a leader guides us through it. It’s time we can pencil into our calendars, and then enjoy the power and peace of everyone’s prayers … all week long!

Tuesday 3 Saturday 14 Tuesday 17 Thursday 19 Friday 27

To date, Parents in Prayer has offered 5,103 rosaries for the Academy! With prayer books located in the school and Development office for written intentions, we feel the pulse of the school as we pray for what is in the hearts of our girls, their families, and their teachers. Parents in Prayer is privileged to both celebrate and comfort our students as they embrace the challenges of life. And when our seniors graduate, we present them with a handmade rosary to remind them of our continued prayers as they embark upon the next chapter in their lives.

Tuesday 7 7 a.m. Mass Tuesday 21 7 a.m. Mass Wednesday 22 School Mass Saturday 25 Mother-Daughter Luncheon

Since we are all parents in prayer, why not make it official and come to Parents in Prayer next Tuesday! You’ll be glad you did!

7 a.m. Mass

OLP Gala & Dinner

7 a.m. Mass

S t. Joseph’s Day Mass

OLP Talent Show

April 2015

May 2015 Friday 1 Tuesday 5 Wednesday 13 Saturday 16 Tuesday 19 Monday 18 Wednesday 27 Thursday 28

Movie Under the Stars

7 a.m. Mass

Evening of Excellence


7 a.m. Mass

Academic Assembly

OLP Baccalaureate Mass

Commencement Ceremony

Winter 2015 | 7

Academy of Our Lady of Peace

Educating Women to be the Leaders of Tomorrow Since 1882

Women’s Symposium Women leaders empowering and helping young ladies become “all of which woman is capable.”

Panel Topics

Business & Entrepreneurship, Creative Industry, Education, STEM, Public Policy

This day of learning will feature prominent women leaders on multi-generational panels as they share insights and knowledge with the future leaders and innovators of the world. Panel discussions will cover a wide array of topics helping the next generation of women leaders manage the multi-faceted aspects of being a woman in the work force.

Partnerships OLP

We would like to thank the many partners who have worked with us this past quarter, including our fantastic marketing agency team at MJE Marketing Services. Recently, the OLP website won a national Education Standard of Excellence Award from the Web Marketing Association. Without our team of fantastic web designers at MJE, this wouldn’t have been possible! Marlee Ehrenfeld, President of MJE, was named Agency Professional of the Year by SDX, formerly the San Diego Ad Club and at the 2014 Edward L. Bernays Awards of Excellence, the MJE team won four awards for its public relations work. Congratulations to Marlee and her fantastic team of professionals at MJE!

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For More Information Contact: Margot Meier Howard Director of Institutional Advancement Call: 619-725-9188 or Email: mhoward@aolp.org

Academy of Our Lady of Peace 4860 Oregon Street San Diego, CA 92116-1393

We’d also like to thank the wonderful sponsors of our Taste of the Holidays event in December. The night was a great success, in large part to your support and partnership: Joanne Mera, President & CEO of Pep Creative, John Lek and Lindsey Kossol of Green Dragon Tavern & Museum, Michel Malecot of The French Gourmet, Greg Sacco of Wings-N-Things, Elizabeth Savage of Tea Upon Chatsworth, Bob Pasela of Sabuku Sushi, Estela Garay of Estrella Catering, Michelle Winter-Nolte of Mimi’s Kitchen, James and Cecilia Davis of Flour Power, Patricia Gonzalez-Rubio, Ursula Uribe, and Patricia Valenzuela of Las Madres de Pan Dulce, Cyndi Croff of Santa Sophia Academy. We also gratefully acknowledge the San Diego Yacht Club for generously providing a gorgeous venue for our faculty Christmas party.




Academy of Our Lady of Peace

July 2013-June 2014 Annual Report The Big Picture at OLP

Report on Giving from the Development Office “In whatever you do, serve the ’dear neighbor’…” —Mother St. John Fontbonne On occasion, a student at OLP will need additional financial aid to offset costs related to her overall educational experience at OLP, for example participating in a sport or acquiring an item to fulfill her academic requirements. This year, the staff and faculty established, and is growing, the Angel Fund to help respond to these kinds of requests. Another new fund is the Faculty Student Scholarship Fund. Faculty and staff members are building this fund to create an opportunity in the future to award a merit based scholarship. The Sister Dolores Anchondo CSJ Endowed Scholarship, established upon the retirement of Sr. Dolores continues to grow thanks to generous contributions. Four scholarships are awarded from this fund each spring. The immediate goal is to build this fund to the $1 million mark and we are about a third of the way there. The principal funds of the endowment are invested in a disciplined manner, according to investment policies designed to protect and build the value of the endowment. Earnings and investment appreciation are channeled back into the fund, permitting the fund to grow over time and become a source of long-term support that can be maintained in perpetuity. Recently, the Development Committee, with approval of the Board of Directors, formalized the procedures for establishing a named scholarship at OLP. For a contribution of $30,000, which may be pledged over the course of three years, a contributor will ensure lasting scholarship opportunities in support of the outstanding young students who are OLP.

Stimulus Annual Fund Events

Gift Amount % of total $279,668.00




Sr. Dolores Anchondo-CSJ Endowed Scholarship Fund $18,235.00 Total

! u o Y k n Tha


5% 100%

Ways To OLP has taken strategic strides to invest in our campus and student learning - new student cafe, new learning commons and support center, increased classroom technology, new collaborative classroom furniture, on campus gathering areas and new parking. Help us continue to propel these initiatives forward as we serve our girls today and for tomorrow. We need your investment to reach our goals!

Cash Gifts: Cash contributions, whether by check, credit card, or electronic transfer, are the easiest way for most donors to give to OLP.

Pledges: A pledge is a form of gift that enables the donor to make the contribution on a set schedule over an agreed upon length of time, usually several months to a few years. This often allows donors to commit to an amount larger than they might otherwise be able to make within a one-year time frame. The Office of Institutional Advancement has the ability to accommodate pledge payment schedules suiting most circumstances.

Stocks & Bonds: Stocks and bonds are a tax-wise way to make a contribution. Donors are often able to make a larger donation than with cash and these donations usually provide savings on capital gains taxes. Depending upon individual tax situations, donors may receive an income tax deduction for full fair market value. Be sure to discuss this type of donation with your financial advisor or broker.

Real Estate: Given the dynamic real estate market over the past few years, a donation of real estate may be beneficial to both the donor and to OLP. In order to continue our mission, OLP will consider on a case-by-case basis accepting the gift of a home, vacation property, condominium, apartment complex, undeveloped land or other real estate.

Why I Give Martha McRoskey, Board of Directors member & alum parent Catholic education is a gift we give our children. But after they graduate, why do we continue to give? We continue to support the Academy of Our Lady of Peace because it is a gift to our broader community. It occupies a tiny piece of land, overlooking the City of San Diego, but it sends its graduates out into the whole world. There, they are able to effect change, impact policies, and form families that bring light and love into a world that is in desperate need. We also give to honor those who sacrificed in years gone by – whose generosity assured that the Academy was here for our daughter, MaryCatherine. Together, our continued support will ensure that the young women of tomorrow will have a place to learn their faith, to hone their skills, and to form the friendships that will be a gift to others. Martha & Joe McRoskey with daughter Mary Catherine ’12.

Paid Up Life Insurance: Donors who own paid up life insurance policies that are no longer needed for the original purpose, may donate the policy to OLP by transferring ownership to the school. Generally, the donor will be entitled to an income tax deduction for the cash surrender value. Discuss this option with your insurance agent.

Wills, Trusts, and Planned Giving: Please include OLP in your estate plans. Inclusion in your will can take several forms: » Designate a specific amount to be directed to the school » Designate a percentage of your estate to be directed to the school » Designate the “remainder” portion of your estate that is left over when all other obligations and provisions have been addressed

Please consider making a gift today. Visit www.aolp.org/giving or contact the Office of Institutional Advancement at 619-725-9188

For document preparation, please use the legal title of the school: Academy of Our Lady of Peace. Trained financial advisors can provide you with additional estate planning options that are appropriate for your individual situation. Be sure to contact your attorney or financial advisor to discuss any implications a charitable contribution may have on your taxes and your estate.

Winter 2015 | 11

Heritage Circle The Academy of Our Lady of Peace Heritage Circle was established in 1989 to thank and recognize alumnae, parents and friends who have remembered OLP in their estate planning. We honor the memory of those whose bequests have been realized and those who have expressed in writing their intentions to remember OLP in the future. Estate of Linda Barkley


‘36 Estate of Patricia Walsh Berry ‘40 Estate of Victoria Bettencourt Storer ‘31 Estate of Jean Burn ‘31 Estate of June Wilcox Bassett

Estate of Sylvia Caratan Estate of Rev. Patrick Grace

Please consider remembering the Academy of Our Lady of Peace in your estate plans in one of the following ways: 1. Designate a specific amount to the Academy of Our Lady of Peace 2. Designate a percentage of your estate to the Academy of Our Lady of Peace 3. Designate the “remainder” portion to the Academy of Our Lady of Peace

Memorial Scholarship Gifts We thank our donors who have given Memorial, Honorarium and Scholarship gifts in 2013-2014.

Corporate Partners/Matching

Hansen Surfboard

OLP extends appreciation to our Corporate Partners and to those Individuals who made gifts that were matched by their employers.

Heavens to Betsy

Matching Gifts American International Group AT&T Bank of America Charitable Foundation, Inc

Harbor House Restaurant Hardrock Hotel HBO Los Angeles Hightower Cellars Holland’s Bicycles Jarvis Auto Service Jimmy’s Famous American Tavern Just A Memory - Your Photo Booth Kelly Johnson Fitness Ken Kaplan Real Estate, Inc Kerry Wood Designs

Beckman Coulter Foundation

King’s Fish House

Bristol-Myers Squibb Company

La Jolla Village Acupuncture


Lazy Dog

Edison International

Leo Hamel Fine Jewelers

IBM Corporation


Nordson ATW

Maderas Golf Club

Sempra Energy

Maritime Museum of San Diego

Wells Fargo

McKinney Brokerage Group, Inc

‘33 Estate of Catherine Heissel ‘38

In Memory of Deceased 1964 Classmates Maureen Trumm Freitas ‘64

Estate of John Holland

In Memory of Carmen Margaret Verdugo Dunn ‘42 Timothy Dunn

Corporate Support

Naturale Beauty Bar

Larissa Ecklund Dethlefs ‘94 Memorial Scholarship Fund Ted and Jeanie Eklund Schneeloch Davis ‘72

Allegrotek, Inc American Comedy Company

Ocean Beach Surf and Skate

Atlas Diamond Co.

Omnitek Dental Ceramics, Inc.

Auto Body Excellence, Inc.

Online Sports

Belly Up Tavern

Orfilia Winery

Bike Bling

Pacific Event Productions

Blink Lash Boutique

PRP Wine International

In Memory of Sister Leo Francis Margaret Morkowski ‘64

Bob Townsend Golf

Rancho Bernardo Inn

Bridgepoint Education

Reuben H. Fleet Science Center

In Honor of Mary Anne Donnelly Goebel ‘42 Kelly and Daniel Goebel

Buffalo Wild Wings

Rosemary-Duff Florist

Bully’s East Restaurant

Ryan Brothers Coffee

California Ballet Company

Sabuku Sushi

Callaway Vineyard and Winery

Sail Ho Golf Club

Casino Pauma

San Diego Air and Space Museum

Cindy’s Quilted Covers

Sanctuate! A Tech Spa

In Memory of Jerry Holmberg Mary K. Jacobs

Cottage Grove Inn

Sea World of California, Busch Entertainment Corp.

In Memory of Norma Valverde Leonard ‘57 Marilyn Ruth Birkel ‘57 Neale and Mary Patt Dougan Shinsky ‘57 Gail Reed Minichiello ‘57

Dave and Buster’s

Monica Hohn Manzer ‘53 Scholarship Fund William and Maureen Manzer Latham ‘76 In Memory of America Jackson Molitor ‘36 Catherine Williams

Educational Outfitters

S Mary Prose Scholarship Fund Community of the Holy Spirit

Flour Power Cakery

Paul & Ruth Schatzle Book Scholarship Fund Lawrence and Susan Schatzle Gidley ‘59

Golden West Manufacturing Jewelers, Inc

Estate of Helen Clark Gorton

Estate of Dorothy Kerrigan Estate of Georgiana Powers


‘31 Estate of Margaret Josephine Rogers ‘31 Estate of Catherine Sullivan Scola ‘28 Estate of Dr. Mary Scott ‘50 Estate of Lois E. Baumstark Sudmeier ‘37 Estate of Virginia Isaacson Ribbel

Estate of Edward & Janet Szaniawski Estate of Mary Taylor


Estate of Winfrey Willier Welch ‘36 Estate of Marcelline Whalen


Philanthropic Estate Plans We are grateful to the benefactors who have notified us that the Academy of Our Lady of Peace is remembered in their philanthropic estate plans. If you would like more information, please contact Margot Meier Howard, mhoward@aolp.org or 619725-9188. Dorrie Montgomery Adessa ‘48 Bill & Gwendolyn Benson David and Marguerite (Terry) Sorgi Camarata ‘77 Theresa Ann Earley Daly ‘46 Phyllis Fernandes ‘48

Susan Seely Hook ‘68

Katherine Kamrath ‘71 Frances Owen ‘42

In Memory of John Evenson Karene Lemke Evenson ‘56 Lori Evenson Johnson ‘81

In Memory of Sr. Joyce Hampel Coreen and Kevin Petti Evemarie Ryan ‘46 Karene Lemke Evenson ‘56

MJE Marketing Services

Cueva Bar David N. Arnold, D.D.S. Del Mar Thoroughbred Club DiMille’s Italian Restaurant


Stadium Golf Center and Batting Cages Studio Diner Sue Mills Uniform Company

Donovan’s Steak & Chop House El Zarape Elephant Bar-Global Grill-Wok Kitchen Estrella Catering Fatfish Cantina and Grill Gilmore Family Jewelers

Good News Cookware & Cooking School


Kathleen Slayton and Robert Kilian

Dr. Timothy Sheehan Memorial Scholarship Rose Sheehan

12 | OLP Magazine

Gran Sol Catering

Green Dragon Tavern & Museum H & M Landing

T.B. Penick & Sons, Inc. Tamarack Beach Resort Target Take Charge of Education Tea-Upon-Chatsworth The Barrel Room The Century Club Of San Diego The Fish Market The French Gourmet The Prado at Balboa Park The Waffle Spot Therapie Day Spa Timken Museum of Art Tsunami Skydivers USS Midway Museum Vindemia Vineyard & Winery Walter Andersen Nursery Wild Rock Canyon Ranch Wings N Things Zoological Society of San Diego

Sister Dolores Anchondo Endowed Scholarship The Sister Dolores Anchondo, CSJ Endowed Scholarship Fund was established to honor the extraordinary leadership of Sister Dolores upon her retirement in 2011. The fund continues to grow and the first four merit scholarships from the endowment were awarded to current students in 2012.

Carondelet Circle $1000+ Thomas and Alison Priske Adema ‘82

Lynn O’Shaughnessy and Bruce Bigelow Marilyn Ruth Birkel ‘57 Carmen and Joseph Boggio Edward and Marjorie Jacobs Bower ‘46 Catalina Branch Doris Stovall Bresnahan ‘44 JoAnn and Michael Brown Paul and Teresa Coram Cain ‘78 Chris and Laura Adame Churchill ‘87 Pam Jara Ciborowski ‘64 John and Margaret Clark ‘69 Julie and Mike Coughlin Daisy Credo ‘93 Helen and Donald Crowe Sarah and Norman Dahlgren Cynthia and Randolph Dale Mary Donnelly Diane and Marlon Espinosa Albert and Denise Alessio Frontiera ‘74 Michelle Erdrich Gable ‘02 Guadalupe and Alfredo Gamboa Mary Anne Donnelly Goebel ‘42 Adolfo and Patricia Gutierrez Gonzalez-Rubio ‘87 Yvonne Green-Sherman ‘61 Jeanette Prantil Handelsman ‘64 Rigoberta and Robert Hinkledire Frances Hosier Mary K. Jacobs Peggy Hemus Leiker ‘46 Laura and Mark Lotz Gabriela and Carlos Lutteroth Julie and Eduardo Marty Barbara and Gregory McCurtis Ingrid Moeller Stichter ‘85

David and Terry Sorgi Camarata ‘77

Beverly and Albert Morgan

Carole Finch

Margaret Morkowski ‘64

Fr. William Mooney

Angela Orelli Consuelo Parra

St. Joseph Circle $500+ Cindy Ehlers and David Gilder Joseph and Linda McCarthy Remley ‘54 Margaret Wiedower ‘68

Villa Montemar Circle up to $499

Coreen and Kevin Petti Barbara Picco Margaret and Paul Priske Michael and Mary Ruth Jarrell Robinson ‘69 Evemarie Ryan ‘46 Elisa Luna Sanchez ‘50 Elsa Saxod ‘63

Virginia Alessio

Ethel and Robert Schillinger

Enrique and Maria Elena Rojo Alvarez ‘57

Rose and Lee Steinauer

Edna and Edward Amrick

William Tamer

Irma and Francisco Anguiano Rose Avila ‘62 Lawrence and Joann Iaconis Baca ‘69 Olga Ruiz Bejarano ‘53†

Phillip and Beverly O’Connor Bennett ‘54

Michael and Nora Faine-Sykes ‘78 Martha and Mauricio Telo Joy and Donald Walsh

Alumnae Gifts OLP Alumnae are called to be all of which woman is capable, throughout all of life. They embrace the charism of the Sisters of Saint Joseph of Carondelet and strive for “excellence tempered by gentleness, peace and joy.” On behalf of OLP students, current and future, we express our sincere gratitude to you for remembering your alma mater. Class Year 1934 Mary Garrett 1939 Alice Killingworth 1940 Sr. Catherine Iverson, SHF 1942 Mary Anne Donnelly Goebel 1943 Elizabeth Hartman Wheeler Lorraine Murphy Purnell

1944 Geraldine Cassutt Monahan Patricia Lauraine Buswell Sr. Kathleen Martin, CSJ Doris Stovall Bresnahan

1945 Beverly Danielson Balderrama Georgia Kiligas Casey

1946 Donna Jean Conner Scott Peggy Hemus Leiker Marjorie Jacobs Bower Evemarie Ryan

1947 Sr. Magdalen Crivello, CSJ

Carolyn Ramsay Gonsalves Patricia Wilhite Hough

1948 Sr. Anne Mahlmeister, CSJ

Dorrie Montgomery Adessa Phyllis Ramsour Fernandes

1949 Elizabeth Roney Reed†

Joan Wilhoit Christenson

1950 Alice Dessert Colace

Elisa Luna Sanchez Andrea Withers Lyon

1951 Norma Jones Dreyer 1952 Edith Flourie† 1953 Georgiana Orozco Ottenheimer Sr. Virginia Rodee, RSCJ Olga Ruiz Bejarano†

1954 Linda McCarthy Remley

Beverly O’Connor Bennett Anne Whitlock

1956 Veronica Godfrey Remington Karene Lemke Evenson Doris Ann Wolff Rivera

1957 Marilyn Ruth Birkel

Mary Patt Dougan Shinsky Bertha Herrero Hollister Suzanne Mann Duvall Elaine Mello Bradley Colette Paderewski McCanna Gail Reed Minichiello Maria Elena Rojo Alvarez

1958 Mary Caratan Sloper Nancy Ryan

1959 Patricia Casey

Mary Olive Chambers Lien Mary Howard Lind Carolyn Maggio Colonelli Anastasia Mouzas Runge

Susan Schatzle Gidley Martha Spiers Lepore Judith Tweed

1960 Kathleen Shaw Brown 1961 Rosemary Fox Leal

Yvonne Green-Sherman Janet Nemechek Saalfeld Ricky Ruplinger Warkentin Cecelia Stewart Malarkey Marilyn Webb Day Agnes West-Kohler

1962 Rose Avila

Patricia Langan Weiler Carol Mattek O’Donnell Sandra Qualiato Brue Irma Santana

1963 Patricia Fitzmaurice Finn

Roxanne Gallant-Jackson Jean Gear Earl Petite Gray Sousa Tessie Hart Theodorelos Ann Navarra Louise Rathswohl Janet Sausen Foley Elsa Saxod M. Adrienne Tarr Free

1964 Rosemary Brogan

Mary Lee Collura Lupo Pam Jara Ciborowski M. Catherine Miller Margaret Morkowski Jeanette Prantil Handelsman Constance Salovitch Cutler Maureen Trumm Freitas

1966 Jean Oberbauer Slater Judi Putnam

1967 Ellen Barker

Patrice Elena Hayes Young

1968 Kay Kenyon Harpold

Joan Rathswohl Burke Stephanie Rippier Hill Margaret Wiedower

1969 Margaret Clark Clark

Donna Di Tomaso Johnson Joann Iaconis Baca Mary Ruth Jarrell Robinson

1970 Catherine Denicola Arnold Ilene Nagem

1972 Jeanie Eklund Schneeloch Davis Rosemarie Lyon Masters Susan Mayes Rebecca Wiedower Gilbert

1973 Regina Barrack

Barbara Biewer Tarlau

1974 Denise Alessio Frontiera

Ramona Magee Al-Jaber Marcella Marquez Mickunas

1975 Geralyn Haradon

Kathleen Howard Thompson Mara Nasland Childers Melissa Ottenville Winsor

1976 Margarita Fimbres Lozano

Maureen Manzer Latham Catherine McCarthy Payne Elizabeth Neeper McIntyre

1977 Gael Courtney

Rose Hausner Whalen Sheila Riley Daube Terry Sorgi Camarata

1978 Teresa Coram Cain

Nora Faine-Sykes Belia Garcia Douraghi

Winter 2015 | 13

1982 Karen Rauber Edgin 1983 Laura Colonelli Walsh 1984 Marie Demers Bernadett Carol Russell Durr

1985 Donna Allen

Julie Colonelli Heffler Claudine Mattos Espinosa Ingrid Moeller Stichter

1986 Monica Coudurier Ventura

Maryann Stoyack Bramble

1987 Laura Adame Churchill

Dalia Amezquita Hunt Kelli Anderson Balistreri Patricia Gutierrez Gonzalez- Rubio Bassma Tominna Glaske

1988 Kathleen Coyle Mathews Ammi Ludwick

1989 Elizabeth Goebel Nuti, M.D. Amy Pat Rigney

1990 Natalie Ray Boeh 1991 Joy Quirante Cabrera

Jennifer Trempe Thomas

1992 Grace Credo

Elizabeth Pietanza

1993 Paola Avila Gorostiza

Anna Theresa Cain Garretson Melissa Chipp Kurschner Daisy Credo Athena Gonzales Hernandez Vanessa Guidi Piraino Kristen LaBonte Jennifer Strange Jones

1996 Stephanie Sampson Nocita Angela Tooker

1997 Melissa Exarhos

Carondelet annual fund

Edward Mendoza

The Academy of Our Lady of Peace faculty and staff, and the provincial of the Sisters of Saint Joseph of Carondelet, are deeply grateful for each unrestricted gift to OLP, as each gift directly ensures that every student receives an exemplary education rooted in the charism of the CSJ.

Trudy and Mike Pearlman

Mother St. John Fontbonne Circle $5000+

Stephen and Patricia Sandmeyer Tomlin ‘81

Camarata Family Foundation

Elizabeth and Richard Vorst

M & T Foundation Dawn and Greg Sacco

Sr. Jill Marie Napier, CSJ Kathleen and Eric Olsen Carmen and Luis Ortega Judi and Carlos Persichetti Coreen and Kevin Petti Denise and Jeffrey Pippin Elizabeth and Joe Ravenis Rose Sheehan Don and Mary Caratan Sloper ‘58 St. Augustine High School Michael and Nora Faine-Sykes ‘78

Mary and Roberto Valdes Ricky Ruplinger Warkentin ‘61

Ninfa and Anthony Cerqueira ’63 Community of the Holy Spirit Patricia and John Coseo Julie and Mike Coughlin John and Jean Gear Earl ‘63 Carole Finch

Dalia Amezquita Hunt ‘87 Tina and Baron Asher Lawrence and Joann Iaconis Baca ‘69 Gwendolyn and William Benson En-Shen and Donald Butts

2004 Marissa Flores

Melinda Shumway-Huey and Robert Huey

Joseph Colace, Jr. and Alice Dessert Colace ‘50

Mark and Clair Cunningham Kennedy ‘81 Knights of Columbus Cecilia and Jose Larroque Lauren and John Lek Sunita and Patrick Martin Neal and Rosemarie Lyon Masters ‘72 Gayle and Derek McMahon Veronica and John McMahon

Connie and Joel Clark

Sal Covarrubias Paul Eklund Joseph Elson Scott and Sarita Lemus Flaming ‘78 Chris and Anna Theresa Cain Garretson ‘93 Anna and Keith Gerhart Cindy Ehlers and David Gilder Aaron Gonzalez Daniel and Tricia Bowman Gray ‘02 Renee Greenberg

The OLP Difference

Michelle and Ted Harelson


Terry and George Kalfayan

47 STEAM Classes

99 Percent of Graduates go on to Higher Learning

Selina and Steven Travers Margaret Wiedower ‘68

Villa Montemar Circle up to $499 Anna and Eduardo Acosta Patricia Adema

Vicki Alba

Sarah and Ken Berg

Karen Hsu

AP & Honors Courses

Patrick and Jennifer Trempe Thomas ‘91

Nabeel and Ramona Magee Al-Jaber ‘74

Regina Barrack ‘73

2002 Tricia Bowman Gray

Elementary School Attendee Janice De Paco

Rita Scherrei

Carmen and Adolfo Aguilar

Ruth and Mark Baldus

Janna and Peter Cataldo

2010 Chelsea Gustafson 2014 Morgan Stewart

Maria and Dean Saiki

Thomas and Alison Priske Adema ‘82

Greg and Cary Bowling Hartmeier ‘79

Nicola Carlson Celene Cortney Lyddon

Evemarie Ryan ‘46

Jolene and Walter Andersen

David and Terry Sorgi Camarata ‘77

2005 Lucille Schindler 2006 Emily Pippin 2007 Caitlin Bigelow

Barbara and Dale Robinette

St. Joseph Circle $500 +

Mary Garrett ‘34

Brigid Howard

Mary Beth and Frank Thomas Reynolds

Carondelet Circle $1000 +

Barney and Joy Quirante Cabrera ‘91

Michelle Erdrich Gable

Patricia and James Reily

Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet

Theresa Fitzgerald

Ginger Greenspan Jessica Greenspan Tubbs

Judi Putnam ‘66

Ned and Melissa Ottenville Winsor ‘75

1999 Kristin Landucci Haygood 2000 Carolyn Camarata Gallagher

Rosset Meza

William and Lorraine Murphy Purnell ‘43

Gloria Hernandez-Fujigaki Brenda Lucas Brenda and Michael Lucas Alejandra and Gaston Luken Roseanne and Gene Luth Martha and Joseph McRoskey Colleen and Daniel McRoskey Geraldine Cassutt Monahan ‘44 Gisela and Michael Ornelas

Dorrie Montgomery Adessa ‘48 Nancy Agpaoa Andrea Aguilar Jacqueline and Brian Ahearn MaryAnn and Jay Alexander Donna Fitzgerald Allen ‘85 Lyn and Bob Anderson Enarnita and Marcial Aniag Maria Luisa Antonio Lucinda Aragon-Cudal and Thomas Cudal Ester Araujo Teresita and Sofronio Arcangel Agnes Armando-Ipac David and Catherine Denicola Arnold ‘70 Raquel Arreola Lizeth and Jose Arzate Gloria Pina-Bagnas and Michael Bagnas Thomas and Beverly Danielson Balderrama ‘45 Ellen Barker ‘67 Diana and Ace Barrera Lois and Donald Barrett Janet and J.R. Bartel Cleotilde and Santiago Bautista Felicia and Denis Beck Beckman Coulter Foundation Senait Bekele and Mesfin Yimer Marie Bekkema and Steve Gonzales Kim Bennett Ann and Laurence Bergin Gwendolyn Berman Daniel and Marie Demers Bernadett ‘84 Constance Bettino and Jim Reid Michael and William Beyer Honor and Jason Beyer Lynn O’Shaughnessy and Bruce Bigelow Caitlin Bigelow ‘07

14 | OLP Magazine

Marilyn Ruth Birkel ‘57

Paul Corliss

Virginia Black

Kathy and Phil Costello

Adrianne and Bill Bodenstadt

Cottage Grove Inn

Gregory and Natalie Ray Boeh ‘90

Gael Courtney ‘77

Joan and Donald Bowers

Claudia and Mark Covarrubias

Diane and Buckley Boyer

Grace Credo ‘92

Sr. Breege Boyle, SSL

Sr. Magdalen Crivello, CSJ ‘47

George and Elaine Mello Bradley ‘57

Mary and Leo Cullina

Sheila Brady ‘82 and Nicholas Halllett

John and Constance Salovitch Cutler ‘64

Jean and Donald Brady

Ann Cygielman

Maryann Stoyack Bramble ‘86

Cecilia and Timothy Daly

Dolores and Robert Brock

Rose and Salvatore D’Amato

Rosemary Brogan ‘64

Lisa and Charles Danaher

Stephanie and Michael Brooker

Trinh and Hung Dang

Michael and Kathleen Shaw Brown ‘60

Terre and Michael Davis

Carole and Paul Brown

Tobi and Ron de Frates

James and Marilyn Webb Day ‘61

Shanna and Scott Brown

Diana de la Pena

Laurel and Frank Brown

Matilda and Richard De Los Santos

Sandra Qualiato Brue ‘62 and Chris Carstens Victoria and Russell Buckley Stephen and Joan Rathswohl Burke ‘68 Donna and David Burner Annamarie Buscemi Patricia Lauraine Buswell ‘44 Kelly and Francis Cali Audrey and Charles Camarata Fedeliza and Benjamin Cancino Rosemarie and John Canepa Julieta and Jorge Cano Sandra Canzoneri Silvia and Carlos Capetillo Pauline Carbone

Janice and Stephen De Paco Kathleen and Rodney Dearham

The OLP Difference


30+ sports teams including basketball, cross country, golf, gymnastics, volleyball, swim & diving, tennis, track & field and soccer. We also offer surf, sand volleyball, lacrosse & cheer Margie and Victor Florendo

Rita and Jesus Gonzalez

Marissa Flores ‘04

Paula and Russell Graves

Sandra and Alex Flores

Maria Greeley and Enedina Del Rosario

Pandora and Alex Flores Edith Flourie ‘52 Connie and John R. Foehr Robert and Janet Sausen Foley ‘63

Lisa and Terry Greenspan Ginger Greenspan ‘00

Carolann Fowler

Celia and Leonel Guerrero

William and M. Adrienne Tarr Free ‘63

Leslie and Kevin Haas

Kimm Dennison

Joe and Kirsten Rauber Hadzicki ‘81

Leticia and Michael Derr

Maureen Trumm Freitas ‘64

Kathy and Robert Hailey

Joanne and Terry Derr

Anna and Mark Freitas

Patricia Hammond

Joette and Philip Devon

Kathryn and Grant Frost

Jeanette Prantil Handelsman ‘64

Norma Devonish

Geralyn Haradon ‘75

Karen and Brian DeWitt

Erika Funcke-Martinez and Gregorio Martinez

Regina and Johannes Dharmawan

Cecilia Gaddi for Maria Realiza

Gemma and Patrick Doi

Ben and Carolyn Camarata Gallagher ‘00

Susan and Patrick Hause

Thomas and Roxanne Gallant- Jackson ‘63

Kurtis and Kristin Landucci Haygood ‘99

DeeDee and David DeCelles

Kelly and Jeremiah Doran Norma Jones Dreyer ‘51 Josephine Duda Elaine Severson Duncan ‘81 Msgr. Richard Duncanson

Deeon and Gary Gallegos Amy and John Galvan

Timothy Dunn

Beatriz De Gamboa and Federico Gamboa

Veralyn and Joseph Carini

Paul and Carol Russell Durr ‘84

Lucelia and Alejandro Garcia

James Carlin

Suzanne Mann Duvall ‘57

Debra Garcia

Monica and David Carlin

Consolacion and Boni Dy

Leonor Garcia

Nicola Carlson ‘07

Peggy and Bob Eddy

Patricia and Seamus Garland

James and Georgia Kiligas Casey ‘45

Charles and Karen Rauber Edgin ‘82

Carolyn and Ken Gerhart

Patricia Casey ‘59

Raymond Edwards

Monica and John Gerick

Frances and Robert Castilleja

Gabriella and Juan Enciso

Katherine and John Gibbs

Augusta and David Cerny

Colleen and Larry Engelbrecht

Linda and Anthony Cervantes

Janet and John Engle

Lawrence and Susan Schatzle Gidley ‘59

Sonia and Jaime Charles

Judy Eppler

Dylene and James Gilb

Maria Cristina Montejano and Juan Jose Chavez

Diane and David Epstein

Douglas and Rebecca Wiedower Gilbert ‘72

Silvia Cardona-Ortiz and Enrique Ortiz

Eva and Howard Greenberg

Dave and Mara Nasland Childers ‘75

George and Claudine Mattos Espinosa ‘85

Karen and Steve Chipp

Lila and David Evans

Joan Wilhoit Christenson ‘49

Melissa Exarhos ‘97

Carmen Christian

Jean and Richard Farkas

Bernadette and Stephen Clark ‘56

Carole Fegley

T. Ronald and Kay Kenyon Harpold ‘68 Wendy and Herman Hausner

Carmen and Clifford Heffler Patrick and Julie Colonelli Heffler ‘85 Kathleen and David Herbert Maggie and Martin Hernandez Athena Gonzales Hernandez ‘93 Susan Hernandez Mary C. and Jesus Hernandez Ada Herrera Jill and Jim Hicke Zach Hill Phillip and Stephanie Rippier Hill ‘68 Sandi and Steven Hill Susan Hodges Paula and Denton Holland

Nora and Steven Gintowt

Thomas and Bertha Herrera Hollister ‘57

Marty and Bassma Tominna Glaske ‘87

Daria and Christopher Hollowell Jessica Hooper

Jeanne and Peter Gleeson

Myrna and Robert Horn

Margaret and Steve Goebel

Patricia Wilhite Hough ‘47

Kelly and Daniel Goebel

Mary Lou Houshmand

Manuel Gomez

Elizabeth and William Houston

Maria and Robert Gonsalves

Cassie and Michael Howder

Carolyn Ramsey Gonsalves ‘47

Susan and Douglas Hulbert Dawn and John Isbell

Lynn and Russell Clemens

Phyllis Ramsour Fernandes ‘48

Barbara and Jerry Coats

Jeanette and Jose Finete

Peter and Carolyn Maggio Colonelli ‘59

Thomas and Patricia Fitzmaurice Finn ‘63

Elinor and Stewart Comer

Celanire and Kirk Flagg

Maria and Sergio Gonzalez

Norma Conner

Jamie and Ryan Flannery

Elizabeth and Francisco Gonzalez

Joan Ivanjack

Lisa Contreras and Erik Klimczak

Annette and William Fleming

Maria and Luis Gonzalez

Sr. Catherine Iverson, SHF ‘40


Winter 2015 | 15

Cynthia Janix

The OLP Difference

Denise and Gregory Jasenovec Zarina Camou de Parra and Juan Jesus Parra

67 percent

Barbara and Jorge Jimenez

67% of the Class of 2014 was offered at least one scholarship from a college or university

Irma and Sten Johnson Tracey Stotz and Robert Johnson John and Donna Di Tomaso Johnson ‘69 Jennifer Strange Jones ‘93

$17.6 Million

Janice and Paul Joseph Monica Santos and Alfredo Julian

$17.6 M Dollar amount of scholarships garnered by the class of 2014

Anita and Milton Kaplan Aurora and Manolito Karaniwan Shirley and Thomas Kenney Trulie and David Kessler Patricia Kielty

Elsa and John Machado

Alice Killingworth ‘39

Gail Reed Minichiello ‘57

Emily Pippin ‘06

Sr. Anne Lorraine Mahlmeister, CSJ ‘48

Yoko Miya

Peter and Vanessa Guidi Piraino ‘93

Eugenia and Hugo Mora

Raymond Ponchetti Colleen Prantil Joanne and Paul Querin

Pat King Kelly Kiraly Grygar

Cecelia Sue Stewart Malarkey ‘61

Frances and Charles Koludrovic

Francisca and James Malone

Sandra Martinez and Salvador Morales

Mildred and Charles Kovac

Karen Manderbach

Margaret Morkowski ‘64

Charles Kudas

May and Imad Mansour

Janice and Felix Motisi

Larry and Melissa Chipp Kurschner ‘93

Rosalba Marin

Gloria Mueller

Joy Marsella-Haleftiras and Pericles Haleftiras

Monica Munoz

Christine La Marca Kristen LaBonte ‘93

Sr. Kathleen Martin, CSJ ‘44

Racile and Anthony LaBonte

Thelma and Jonathan Martinez

Erika Cerna and Ricardo Laborin

Mariela Martinez

Kelly and Timothy Lane

Mary and Edwin Marty

Candy and Thomas Lanza

Adriana and Kevin Massery

William and Maureen Manzer Latham ‘76

Patrick and Kathleen Coyle Mathews ‘88

Barbara Lawson Mark and Rosemary Leal Bliss ‘61

Maggie Mathias Susan Elaine Mayes ‘72

Susana Ledesma-Rivera and Victor Rivera

Ralph and Colette Paderewski McCanna ‘57

MaryAnne and Jeffrey Lee

Ethlyn and Earl McCleave

Troy Ann and William Leech

Juliet and Mark McDonough

Peggy Hemus Leiker ‘46

Edward and Elizabeth Neeper McIntyre ‘76

Martha Spiers Lepore ‘59 Thomas and Mary Olive Chambers Lien ‘59

Tracy and Troy McLaughlin Cory and Kevin McMahon

Maria and Allan Ligi

Monica Kraft and John McNamara

David and Mary Howard Lind ‘59

Claire and Thomas McNamara

Theresa and James Lira

Cathie and John McRoskey

Suzanne and Mark Raines Margarita Cornejo and Eduardo Ramirez

Susan Munz

Imelda and Walter Ramirez

Marina Murray

Louise Rathswohl ‘63

Shelle and Stacy Myers

Pat and Richard Rauber

Ilene Nagem ‘70

Anne and Mitchell Rauh

Mary and George Nava

Nicole Rayner†

Kandy and Cliff Neyenesch

Diane Lopez-Reed and Rick Reed

Anne Phan and Trao Ngoc Nguyen

Victor and Elizabeth Roney Reed ‘49†

Mary Jane and Louis Nigro John and Stephanie Sampson Nocita ‘96 Elizabeth Nuti, M.D. ‘89

Bobby and Veronica Godfrey Remington ‘56 Virginia Reyes

Suzane and Alfonso Ochoa

Hilda and Antonio Rico

Edward and Carol Mattek O’Donnell ‘62

Cinthia and Fernando Riedel Delia and Adriano Riesgo

Susan Orelli

Gracie and Ramon Riesgo

Jeannette and Andrew Orestano

Amy Pat Rigney ‘89

Edward and Georgiana Orozco Ottenheimer ‘53

James Anthony and Sheila Riley Daube ‘77

Teresa and Marcelino Ortiz

Doris Ann Wolff Rivera ‘56

Denice E. and Jaime Osborn

Julia Ann and Jacob Rivera

Jorge Palacios

Sr. Virginia Rodee, RSCJ ‘53

Ju Ju and Eugene Paluso

Michael Rodrigues

Mary and Eugene Paluso

Patricia and Manuel Rodriguez

MaryBeth Parr

Blanca and Jorge Rodriguez

Connie and Peter Pascual

Teresa and Jesus Rodriguez

Barbara Patton

Olivia and Donaldo Rodriguez Bruno Rodriguez Janice and Steve Rougas

Diane McSweeney ‘78

MaryAnn and Gilberto Llanes

Susan and Ed Meathe

Ligia and Mario Lluria

Rebecca and Pedro Meda

Joan and Paul Lofgren

Theresa Mehling ‘79

Gerardo Lopez

Sandra and Raul Melo

Delia and Rafael Lopez

Sylvia Mendoza ‘78

Lupita and Luis Lopez

Colin and Tamra Mendoza-Mode ‘80

Francisca Morales and Juan Lopez

Richard and Catherine McCarthy Payne ‘76

Joanne and Victor Mera

Blanca Urdiales and Miguel Lozano

Jessie and Timothy Payne

Rosset Meza ‘97

Linda Pearlman

Timothy and Marcella Marquez Mickunas ‘74

Patricia and Carlos Peraza

Ammi Ludwick ‘88

Jody and Thomas Racanelli

Connie Muñoz

Martina Schimitschek and Russel Little

Maria and Gary Meador

Mary and John Prendergast

Diane and Patrick Rohan Anna Balistrieri and Michael Ruiz

Ngoc Hoang and Vy Pham

Leana Rush DeKock and David DeKock

Barbara Picco

Nancy Ryan ‘58

Catherine Pietanza ‘81

Marianne Ryan ‘79

Elizabeth Pietanza ‘92 and Alan Macina

Richard and Janet Nemechek Saalfeld ‘61


Gina and Gene Lujan

Salvatorre and Mary Lee Collura Lupo ‘64 Celene Cortney Lyddon ‘07

Myron and Andrea Withers Lyon ‘50

16 | OLP Magazine

Victoria and Garrich Millay

M. Catherine Miller ‘64 and James Ukockis Susan and Don Miller

Carolina and Jesse Saavedra

Judith Tweed ‘59

Rafael and Irma Santana ‘62

Claudia Albelais and Raul Urrutia

Nora Sarabia

Guadalupe and Antonio Valdez

Gabriela Sayago

Kay Vasilias

Janie and Gregory Schenewerk

Silvia and Eloy Ventura

Robyn and Robert Scherer

Imelda Verdin

Kathy and Geoffrey Scheuerman

Martha and Patrick Verfurth

Ethel and Robert Schillinger

Joyce and John Veskerna

Lucille Schindler ‘05

Doris and Matthew Vessell

Meg and Michael Schneider Mary Jo and Ron Schuh

Elizabeth Meza and Jose de Jesus Vidrio

Donna Jean Conner Scott ‘46

Adriana and Sergio Villanueva

Nancy and Rodger Seelert

Eileen Villanueva

Tony Seeley

Cruz and Gabriel Villasenor

Maria and Jorge Septien

Maria and Robert Virola

Georgina Serrano-Romero

Jeanne and Paul Wagner

Charity and James Settineri

Lawrence and Laura Colonelli Walsh ‘83

Julie Lakin Sheehan ‘82 Neale and Mary Patt Dougan Shinsky ‘57 Laura and Ernest Shiwanov Claudia Sifuentes Jean Oberbauer Slater ‘66 Judy and Warren Slater

Robert and Patricia Langan Weiler ‘62 Tessie and Robert Welch Agnes West-Kohler ‘61 Wayne and Rose Hausner Whalen ‘77 Elizabeth Hartman Wheeler ‘43

Golf Tournament A Huge Success! On behalf of the OLP athletes and coaching staff, the Board of Directors, and all of our faculty and staff members, thank you for participating in the 23rd Annual OLP Golf Tournament held on October 27, 2014 at the beautiful San Diego County Club. We are all so very grateful for the incredible generosity of our sponsors, parents and participants. This year’s event netted upward of $25,000 for OLP’s Athletic Department funds that will go towards purchasing new equipment and uniforms, offset field rental costs and establish a LaCrosse team! Annually, more than 425 student athletes compete for OLP on the courts and fields of our community! Your gift ensures that the ongoing strength of our athletic programs covering 13 different programs and over 24 individual teams continues: Basketball, Cheer, Cross Country, Golf, Gymnastics, Sand Volleyball, Soccer, Softball, Surf, Swimming and Diving, Tennis, Track and Field, and Volleyball. Photos and videos of the tournament will be available on our website shortly. Go Pilots!

Title Sponsor T.B. Penick & Sons, Inc.

Top Flight Sponsor

Anne Whitlock ‘54

WNC Foam

Petite Gray Sousa ‘63

Robin Diamond-Williams and Kent Williams

Tee Sponsors

Patricia Stenehjem

Catherine Williams

Anheuser - Busch

Barbara and Joel Stewart

Ashley Wilson

AAA Imaging

Morgan Stewart ‘14

Louisa Wilson

American Sheet Metal

Beverly and Gary Stewart

Sarah and Jack Winger

Blue Horizon Insurance Services

Jeanne and John Strasser

Sally and Horace Wood

Crisis House- Respond. Connect. Renew.

Julie and Brian Stumm

Christine and Thomas Wotruba


Tara and John Tangredi

Joan Wreschinsky

Drew Ford

Barbara Biewer Tarlau ‘73

Nicholle and Jackson Wyatt

Farmers Insurance OPEN

Sandra Temores-Valdez and Ernie Valdez

Linda and Paul Yahnke

Hands On Labor

Karen Andersen-Thatcher and John Thatcher

Teresa and Ching Yang

Celene Lyddon ‘07 and Claire Cortney ‘03

Irma and Cesar Ybarra

Felicia Yearwood

Marathon Construction Corporation

Najat and Yezen Younan

Saint Augustine High School

David and Patrice Elena Hayes Young ‘67

Sidiropoulos Law Firm, APC

Judy and Mark Young

Setsuka and Alton Smith Honora Smyth and Michael Smyth

Tessie Hart Theodorelos ‘63 Kathleen Howard Thompson ‘75 Jamey Tobin Angela Tooker ‘96 Ann and Robert Trescott Ann Marie and Joel Tubao Angie and Gerry Tubao Jessica Greenspan Tubbs ‘00 Holly and Michael Tudury

Gina and David Zarella Ann Zarella Michele and Javier Zavala Frances Zellman

The Academy of Our Lady of Peace greatly appreciates all gifts and every effort was made to ensure the accuracy of this donor listing. If a contribution made to OLP was omitted, misspelled or otherwise incorrect, please accept our apologies and contact the Office of Institutional Advancement at 619-725-9188.

in Memory of Karen Louise Courtney

Peg Stehly in Memory of Sr. Jeanette Van Vleck CSJ ‘61

Stifel Nicolaus & Company, Inc. Wings n’ Things


Building a Bridge to Success BY Susan Antolin ’06, English Department It is no secret that OLP is moving forward with 21st Century learning, and with 21st century learning comes the drive for 21st century global leadership skills. According to the U.S. Department of Education, the projected percentage increase in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) jobs from the year 2010 to 2020 include a 16% increase in mathematics, 22% in computer systems analysis, 32% in systems software development, 36% in medical science, and a stunning 62% in biomedical engineering (U.S. Department of Education, 2014). With these projected percentages in mind, OLP is making every effort to ensure that its students are well equipped with the academic and leadership tools necessary for immeasurable success in these particular fields and beyond. STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Mathematics), OLP’s adaptation of STEM, serves as a bridge to the exploration/ application of global leadership through sciences. OLP firmly upholds the idea that art, too, plays an irrefutable role in attaining invaluable leadership skills as it promotes/ advances originality; as a result, OLP has streamed arts into its STEM/STEAM program. Encouraging youth to get a head start on the exploration of global leadership skills, this past October, OLP hosted their annual event,STEAM Day— a day of fun, learning & friendship with activities based in the STEAM disciplines. OLP held its second annual STEAM Day, a monumental event in which over one hundred seventh and eighth grade girls wore various hats as they became scientists, programmers, engineers, artists, and mathematicians all within the span of a day. These young students were introduced to the importance of global leadership

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in today’s world through exhilarating STEAM activities guided by OLP teachers and students. Belle Parra ’15 states, “This is my second year being involved in STEAM Day and if I wasn’t graduating, I’d participate again next year! I feel it has a real impact and it shows young girls that they are more creative than they know. It gives them an opportunity to show off their talents whether they lie in the arts or sciences.” Working in collaboration with OLP’s teachers and students, the 7th and 8th graders learned about programming, the physics of music, building a submarine, exploring mathematical concepts through origami, the construction of inflatable sculptures, and designing a soft landing craft to ensure protection of a delicate egg in the legendary “Egg Drop Test.”

The girls’ creativity, ingenuity, and excitement surfaced and they were able to successfully complete this task. OLP Robotics Team member, Haley Antoine ’15, recounts the stimulating task the Robotics Team challenged the middle school students with, “The girls worked in teams with ballshaped robots called Sphero Robotic Balls and programmed them to navigate from a starting point, around a taped off challenge course, to an ending goal.” Haley continues on with discussion of the objective, “[We] introduced participants to basic programming skills; educating the students about the time consuming intensive, yet necessary, process of trial and error, which is crucial to the innovation process in today’s science and technology fields.” OLP members of the Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers (SHPE) challenged students to collaborate in constructing miniature submarines using simple materials such as water bottles, paper clips, rubber bands, and rulers. Elizabeth Farkas ’15 of SHPE explains, “Their goal was to determine how to build the submarine with the given materials and, after some group brainstorming and a few test trials, the girls’ creativity, ingenuity, and excitement surfaced and they were able to successfully complete this task.” In alignment with OLP’s mission of empowering students to develop a sense of intellectual curiosity and demonstrate an ability to work collaboratively, the activities during STEAM Day gave 7th and 8th grade participants insight into how STEAM disciplines are significant components of daily work here at OLP.

the Retreat Experience Suzie knapp ’79 By Ms. Director of Campus Ministry What does an icebreaker game with a deck of cards or a yarn ball have to do with a successful high school retreat program? At first glance, it might not seem like much, but they are part of the building blocks that lead to deeper spiritual experiences over time. The simple “getting to know you” activities on the Freshman Retreat help students make new friends, build trust and share common values. Members of the OLP Campus Ministry Core Team serve as peer leaders; encouraging freshmen to open up in small group discussions and community building exercises. Younger students often aspire to become retreat leaders because of positive encounters on their first retreat. Sophomore year brings the challenge of “discovering spirituality in the inner city” as students in the Living Church classes spend a day serving the homeless at St. Vincent de Paul Village in Downtown San Diego. The Sophomore Day Retreat begins and ends with shared prayer and theological reflection in the OLP Chapel. Our time at St. Vincent’s includes a brief tour of the facility as well as an orientation talk by the chaplain or a social worker. Students then serve in the residential or public dining rooms; greeting people, preparing meals or delivering trays of food to disabled guests. Students come away with new insights about the poor and homeless in San Diego as well as new understandings about what it means to “live church” as committed Christians. Camp Whispering Winds in Julian welcomes our students for two class retreats Junior year. A small group of seniors plan the retreats with Ms. Dawn Brannman, and facilitates small group sharing on themes of faith, friendship and reconciliation. One of the highlights this semester was a late night talent show celebrating class unity and school spirit. The Junior Overnight Retreats also serve as a foundation for our Junior Unity Mass, which is scheduled for January 23rd 2015. Senior year brings different options for class retreats. Many students sign up for a traditional 2-night retreat in Julian, while others journey to Los Angeles for a Service Immersion experience in the CSJ tradition. Both retreats provide opportunities for intense spiritual sharing through peer led talks or theological reflection on service to the poor. Mrs. Donna Allen and Ms. Dawn Brannman coordinate these retreats with OLP faculty members; sharing their own spiritual journeys through faith talks and small group discussion.

Student Experience Spotlight Claire Westermeyer ’14 I had the privilege of being introduced to Ms. Christina Brock ’95, OLP alumna and Genetic Counselor with Moores Cancer Center at UCSD, during a luncheon in which a few of us OLP seniors were invited guests at the Moores Cancer hosted table coordinated through the Pollakov family and Solutions and Solutions Inc. Ms. Brock was very generous to let me shadow her for two days when she previously has only allowed second or third year college students shadow her. And I am very grateful to Mrs. Cullina, OLP Science Teacher, because I was able to use my knowledge from my Junior year Genetics class which prepared me for the interview with Ms. Brock! On an early Tuesday morning, I attended a meeting of UCSD’s Prenatal Counselors gathered at the UCSD Medical Center in Hillcrest. I was privileged to sit in with UCSD staff representing Genetic Counseling, Sonography, Cardiology and other disciplines as they discussed the multiple aspects of a variety of San Diego cases. I was privy to their discussion on the multiple aspects of various cases in San Diego recently with UCSD’s employees, from the Genetic Counselors to the Sonographers and Cardiologists. After the meeting I went to the UCSD Prenatal Genetic Counseling offices in Sorrento Valley where I sat in on multiple patient visits with different genetic counselors. In each visit, I was again able to use my knowledge from my Genetics class to understand different terms used such as a translocation or chromosome abnormality. I also had the advantage of recognizing the names of the testing methods offered such as, Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH), amniocentesis, and a maternal blood test for fetal chromosome testing. After each visit, many patients received an ultrasound, many of which I was able to watch and talk about with doctors at the office. I was then given the opportunity to sit in on discussions between the on site doctors and the patients regarding the results of the ultrasounds. This career is very interesting to me because there are so many variables; almost every patient I observed was there for a different reason concerning a pregnancy, whether it was a high risk for a chromosome abnormality or a different type of syndrome. Through this experience I reaffirmed my interest in a career in genetics and possibly healthcare. And I further developed my social skills interacting with the patients, my scientific knowledge while discussing cases, and my passion for science and genetics specifically. Again, I thank my teachers and OLP administration so much for helping me obtain and take advantage of this awesome opportunity.

Winter 2015 | 19


Dedication to Service

By Adriana Olivares ’15 Tori Mullenix ’15 Karina Scolari ’15

Picture this: Ten tired, busy, but enthusiastic seniors embarking on a service retreat to Los Angeles that is

focused on the issue of homelessness. It’s a stressful time for seniors balancing their social life, academics, extracurriculars and, of course, college. Setting these things aside, we turned our focus the needs of others. Upon arriving Wednesday night we watched a documentary called Lost Angeles, which follows the story of several people experiencing homelessness on Skid Row. Skid Row is a fifty-block area in Los Angeles where it is legal for people to sleep on the streets. Although the documentary depicted the living conditions on Skid Row, nothing could have really prepared us for what we would see the next day. We began by visiting the Midnight Mission, a shelter for homeless men and a rehabilitation center for those struggling with addiction. It was, as our guide Joey told us, “the last stop before hell.” Joey started off by giving us a tour of the Mission’s facilities. He explained to us that the majority of the people who work at the Mission have gone or are going through the rehab program. Joey, himself, is rehabilitating from his addiction to alcohol. He shared with us that when he was sent to prison it was his “rock bottom.” He then knew something had to change, he needed to change. Senior Nadia Balin described hearing his story as “inspirational and it made [her] realize that everyone deserves a second chance, no matter what the circumstances may be.” We then served lunch in the soup kitchen. This is the point where tour guides normally leave and head back to work, but not Joey. He stayed with us for the entire time we were at the Mission. As we served 500 meals, had the opportunity to interact with the people we served, many of whom appreciated our help. Before heading off to our walking tour of Skid Row, Joey invited us to a special event called, “Music with a Mission.” Here we listened to members of the LA Philharmonic play (for free) to anyone interested in listening. It was incredibly moving to see professionals give back to their community and offer what talents they have to those who need it the most. After listening to this amazingly moving performance it was time for our to walking tour of Skid Row. We didn’t know what to expect. Our guide, Kevin; was a man who had battled with drug addiction and alcoholism on the streets of Skid Row for 25 years. However, he had recently managed to acquire an apartment on Skid Row and has been sober ever since. He has turned his life around and is currently working with the Saint Vincent de Paul association. As we walked through the streets of Skid Row with Kevin we received many smiles and even heard some “thank you’s” from people who knew we were there to help out in any way we could. Towards the end of the tour Kevin shared with us the story of how, after waiting for months on a housing list, he was told that there had been a glitch and he may not be eligible. He stepped outside into the street, determined to pick up a drink after 3 years

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of sobriety, but for some reason, didn’t. He went to sleep, praying for something good to happen, and the next morning received a call: an apartment in a brand new facility had just become available. When telling us his story he told us something that will stay with us forever: “never leave before the miracle happens.” No matter what it is that you are seeking, do not leave until it happens. We will always treasure those words of wisdom. Later that evening, we visited Alexandria House. A housing program for women seeking refuge from domestic violence or human trafficking. The house was started by Sister Judy, a sister of St. Joseph of Carondelet, 18 years ago. She has now been a CSJ nun for 50 years and also the mother of a 16 year old teenager. Her daughter was brought to the facility when she was only 4 months old and Sister Judy adopted her despite controversy. She considers herself more of an activist rather than a social worker, and is very passionate about helping others. Although we were only able to meet with her for a few minutes she left a strong impression on us through her loving and caring spirit. As we were about to say our goodbyes she shared with us this incredible advice: “Be open to the surprises in your life”. As seniors who are about to experience dramatic change in our lives, it was something we needed to hear, it was another valuable lesson we were going to take with us from an amazing retreat. Before we hit the road toward San Diego on the last day, we stopped to visit the Sisters of Saint Joseph at the Carondelet Center, near the campus of Mount Saint Mary’s College. Volunteers from our group presented the purpose of our retreat and the experiences we’d had at the Midnight Mission, Skid Row, and Alexandria House. We then had time to chat, one-on-one, learning about their lives as educators, activists, and businesswomen. Some were OLP alumnae, which was interesting to hear about their high school days when they attended OLP. It was fun to compare their experiences at OLP to our own. It was the perfect end to our retreat because it allowed us to further appreciate the CSJ sisters- they are the reason we were able to attend this retreat and spread their message of gentleness, peace, and joy. I think I can speak on behalf of the entire group when I say that everyone we interacted with had an impact on us in a most profound way.

{ A lumn a e Ne ws}

Pilots Take


50s Nancy ryan ’58 & Anne-Marie Dibos Roach ‘69 were honored at the Catholic Charities of the Diocese of San Diego Matthew 25 Mass and Recognition Dinner to recognize those in our parish faith communities who serve the less fortunate through their compassionate service.


70s Teresa Hubka-Dunkas ’74 is the

Director of the Obstetrics and Gynecology Residency Program at Resurrection Healthcare Consortium: MWU-OPTI.

Mary Logomasini ’74 works as

an information technology project manager and lives in Alaska where she enjoys “camping and fishing at every opportunity!”

Janet Vesey (Aguilar) Mading ’74

is the CFO for Thanksgiving Coffee Company. She has enjoyed a diverse career as a CFO over the past 25 years, in 9 different industries in 6 countries.

Flavia Barajas Soria ’74 is the

principal of Kimbrough Elementary School. Her daughter, Aida Soria ’99 was a member of the Class of 1999 reunion committee.

Joan Fitzmaurice Inlow ’79 is an

engineering manager at Microturbo. She’s been married to her high school sweetheart for 32 years; the couple has three grown children.

Theresa Mehling ’79

is the pharmacy supervisor at Palomar Medical Center.

Marian Dejka Tarantino ’79 is the director of travel administration at Qualcomm. She and her husband Phil have three Saintsmen (two graduates, one a present junior).

80s Mary Iannucci ’80 has a BFA from

a dual language teacher in Valley Center. Married with two daughters, she is excited to be a grandmother twice over.

pam field ’79 has been married

Linda Caballero Sotelo ’84 is

UCSD Medical Center for 10 years. She is a grandmother of two. She has been married for six years. doctorate in musical arts from the Juilliard School. She currently teaches a music course at National University in San Diego. Her best selling CD, Ave Maria, The Universal and Timeless Hymn (Alba House Media) continues to sell worldwide. She has recently given concerts in Catholic churches in New York City, and for an internationally televised liturgy in Cleveland. Marsha frequently sings with her harp at St. Patrick’s Church, or helps out with the keyboards /piano or organ at the Immaculata Church or the Mission San Diego de Alcala.

manager with Southern California Edison. She just celebrated 20 years of marriage to her husband, Greg.

the School of the Art Institute of Chicago (SAIC), where she studied photography and painting. She is a certified hatha yoga instructor, and taught yoga at the Lakeview YMCA for fifteen years. About ten years ago, she earned her paralegal certification through DePaul University School of Law. Since then she has spent her paralegal career working in construction law with James T. Rohlfing & Associates, P.C. She enjoys visiting her parents who still live in San Diego, and sisters (Anita ’75 and Linda ’77) who still live in Southern California. She’s traveled extensively throughout the United States, Europe, and even Peru to see Machu Picchu.

Teresa Avalos ’79 has worked at

Dr. marsha long ’69 has a

denise geary ’79 is a project

Anita branch ’79 is a pre-school

teacher. She enjoys playing soccer, singing, playing guitar and drawing, and has an annual laser-tag birthday party.

Nadia Vongehr Clayton ’79 is

for 28 years and has two sons. She recently retired from her government job after 33 years. She has a black belt in Tang Soo Do (a branch of martial arts).

the executive director of the New Americans Museum located in San Diego’s historic NTC/Liberty Station. The museum celebrates America’s cultural diversity.

Winter 2015 | 21

call for updated contact info Be sure you’ve updated your address & email with us! Send info to development@aolp.org.

Bridget Stephens Ancheta ‘89

works for UPS. She lives in Salt Lake City, Utah with her family and loves the skiing there.

Yolanda McGuire ’89 enjoys living

in New Jersey where she is a stay at home mom to daughter, Isabel (4).

Aimee Pernicano Murphy ’89

stays busy homeschooling her five children in Mission Viejo.

Janna reeves ’89 is a relocation specialist with Pacific Sotheby’s International Realty.

Barbara Bernens Williams ’89 is

a certified occupational therapist at UCSD in La Jolla.

90s Lizzette Herrera Castellanos Annie Lents Glenn ’89 and

her husband, Chris own Urban Girls Accessories with locations in Seaport Village and Del Mar Plaza, and a new store opening soon in Carmel Valley.

Kimberly Robley Hutchinson ’89

is a physical therapist, mom to two boys, and president of the local charity, SanDiegoDownSyndrome.org.

Michelle Malone-Chiles ’89 is

a teacher in the San Diego Unified School District. She is also an Irish dance instructor. She and her family recently welcomed a new member— baby Aidan born last June.

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’94 has been chosen by the

Hispanic National Bar Association (HNBA) to serve on the 2014-15 HNBA Latina Commission, 1 of only 25 appointees to this national commission. Lizzette has a master’s degree in social work from SDSU and a JD from the USD School of Law. She is the Associate Director for Public Service and Diversity at the USD School of Law.

Stephanie Escajeda ’94 plays

the mom character in Nick’s new television series, 100 Things To Do Before High School. She will also be the voice of “Maria” in the upcoming animated series by Seth MacFarlane (Family Guy) called Bordertown, premiering in the spring of 2015.

Gemmie Devera ’99 is

completing her residency in pediatrics at the Texas Tech Paul L. Foster School of Medicine in El Paso. She has a bachelor’s degree in biology from UCSD, and master’s degrees in physician assistant studies, and public health from Touro University. She recently presented a research project at the American Medical Association Interim Meeting. Her hobby is ice-skating, and she encourages others to “Find what you love to do, and go do it!”

Susanna Samaniego ’99 graduated from CSU Chico with a bachelor’s degree in interior design. She is an interior architect and design specialist. She designs with intuition and imagination and services clients with her own company, 4 Corners.

Aida soria ’99 is a segment

producer at Fox 5 San Diego-KSWB and one of the founders of Dos Caras Swimwear, featured for the past three years on the runway of Fashion Week San Diego.


10s lauren mickler ’06 is a sports

Clarisse Casilang ’02 started

her medical residency in pediatrics at the University of California, San Francisco, Fresno campus in June and was surprised to find out that fellow alumna, Alicia Mikolaycik Kurtz ’03, was also a resident at UCSF Fresno in the Department of Emergency Medicine. The two shared a shift together in the Emergency Department at Community Regional Medical Center in Fresno, CA. Clarisse says, “It was a wonderful reunion and by the end of our rotation, nearly everyone in the department knew we went to the best high school together!” Clarisse has a bachelor’s degree in human biology from University of California, San Diego. After graduating college, she worked full time at the UCSD Office of Academic Support and Instructional Services where she taught undergraduate chemistry and biology full-time while supervising other tutors. She then attended UCSD School of Medicine as a post-baccalaureate student, and later attended and graduated from St. George’s University School of Medicine. She considers herself blessed to have lived all over the world while pursuing her dream of becoming a pediatrician.

reporter for Time Warner Cable News Austin. Did you see her video interview with the inspirational high school football player, Apollos Hester, which went viral last September?

Anne Wakabayashi ’07 was

named one of the top politicos in “Pennsylvania’s 2014 Rising Stars: 30 Under 30” by PoliticsPA.com. The article describes her as, “A talented operative and sharp strategist with experience in all phases of campaigns, she will be an asset to whichever campaign she chooses to work for next cycle.” Anne is a Communications Director for the Senate Democratic Campaign Committee and credits Ms. Nagem’s Government class for putting her on the path to politics.

InMEMORIAM We remember our beloved alumnae who have gone to their eternal rest.

Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. May they rest in peace. Elizabeth Roney Reed ’49 Emily Huang-Ramirez ’99


Contact alumnae@aolp.org for more info

katie sapper ’10 graduated

with a degree in musical theatre from Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota and recently made her La Jolla Playhouse debut in Kingdom City.


For Years: 1945, 1950, 1955, 1960 | Date: Feb. 28, 2015 Event: Jewel Jubilee Luncheon


For Year: 1965 | Date: May 28, 2015 | Event: 50th reunion at OLP commencement exercises. If you’d like to be on the committee, email alumnae@aolp.org


For year: 1975 | Event: 40th Reunion. Ginny Biewer will be contacting classmates to get contact information. Visit our Facebook page “OLP Class of ‘75” where we are posting information.

The Alumnae Office is looking for chairs and committee members for the following classes which will be having reunions this year: • 1970–45th Reunion • 1975–40th Reunion • 1980–35th Reunion • 1985–30th Reunion • 1990–25th Reunion

• 1995–20th Reunion • 2000–15th Reunion • 2005–10th Reunion • 2010–5th Reunion

Winter 2015 | 23

4860 Oregon St. San Diego, CA 92116



Saturday, March 14


5:00 PM VIP Experience 5:30 PM Cocktail Party & Silent Auction


$125 per person $1882 VIP Experience


OLP Campus Holy Family Event Center

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