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A Guide to

100 Things To Do Before You Die Emma Nicholls

5 Reasons You Should Make Your Bucket List TODAY In a nutshell, this is the list of the 100 things you want to do (places to go, people to meet, things to do) before you die (“kick the bucket”). Here’s why I think it’s a good idea to invest your time on this task: Thinking about your list will remind you of your ‘why.’ So often, we are consumed by ‘how’ to do something (how to have a better life, make more money, spend time with family, etc.). In the process we overlook why we want these things, in essence, if we don’t know ‘why’, the ‘how’ makes little difference. The ‘why’ defines our purpose and helps to provide some motivation to persist in spite of the challeng-

es along the way. Periodically reviewing your list is a great way to re-energize. How often do we find ourselves so busy running on the ‘hamster-wheel’ of life that we lose sight of the bigger picture? By refreshing our perspective, we sharpen our focus and get back on track. Consider this: what are you more motivated to work for-what you want or what somebody else wants you to have? Your reward list is ready to go. One of the most difficult things to do is to reward ourselves when we achieve a goal or milestone. We rationalize: “But there is still so much to do!” You work hard, don’t you? You deserve some-

thing special. Once you make this list, you have no excuse to deprive yourself. Now, when you set some great personal or business goals, you select the reward that accompanies their achievement. That makes it possible for others to assist you in achieving your dreams. If you are very specific about what you want and communicate that to others, things fall into place over time. Of course this requires a positive attitude and some discipline on your part. Remember that when you construct your list. Add to or build your legacy. How would you like to be remembered? Years from now, when stories are being told

by your descendants at family gatherings, what distinctions would you like to hold? Consider the example you will set for future generations. What an awesome privilege and responsibility it is to share your knowledge, wisdom, and experience! And you had fun doing it, too! By the way, 100 is just a suggestion. You are only limited by your imagination and creativity. Encourage your spouse and friends to participate, and then compare your lists. You may discover something else you want to add to yours.


1. See the Northern Lights 2. Skydive 3. Get Married 4. Swim with Dolphins 5. Go on a cruise 6. Get a tattoo 7. Run a Marathon 8. Ride an Elephant 9. Go Scuba Diving 10. Learn a Language 11. See the Pyramids in Egypt 12. Send a Message in a Bottle 13. Learn to Surf 14. Visit the Grand Canyon 15. Fly in a Hot Air Balloon 16. Fall in Love 17. Go Skinny Dipping 18. Buy a Holiday Home

TRAVEL Grand Canyon, Arizona USA

Travelling and seeing the world is in most people’s apirations. The spectacuar Grand Canyon in North America is Numer 14 on the Top 20 Listed goals, most people want to visit several countries, stating that its’s great to have something to aspire to, what’s the point of life if you can’t have fun?

See... Seeing the Northern Lights is Number 1 on the top 20 listed goals. International tourist arrivals increased by 5 percent in 2013, according to the UNWTO. That translates to a record of more than one billion trips. Most people stating - ‘I’d like to travel to as many places as possible, to see as much of the world I can!’

Experience... Other top experiences are riding an elephant and swimming with dolpins - in fact, swimming with dolpins in a dream for over a quater of us. Aa survey on British people found that buying a holiday home ranked number one on our list, while France has been deemed the most popluar destination for a holiday home in the world.

Fulfil... The average person holds 16 key dreams that they want to achieve in life and selfimprovement is a common theme among the bucket list items. The survey reveals that alongside more materialistic wishes, a significant 60 per cent simply want to stay as healthy as possible. The desire to learn an instrument an ambition in common for 17 per cent while volunteering for a good cause is important for 14 per cent. Learning a new skill is just important for us as travelling or having an extreme experience, learning a language was ranked Number 10 on our lists. In addition Falling in love, getting married and having kids all prove to be in our top bucket lists; with a third of respondents in a survey, cited that the ability to leave their children with a good property or good inheritance was the their biggest goal in their remaining time.


An Adventure. ‘I think they are definitely worth doing! There are so many amazing things that life has to offer and it feels great when you can check one of them off your list.’ While I highly encourage you to create your own bucket list, I’d like to also encourage you to set goals to experience and accomplish on a smaller scale. Focus on experiencing something every day, every week, every month and every year. We cannot wait for the right moment to experience life. We have to create the right moments and experience life. You can have all the experiences the world has to offer.

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