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Brief, Idea Generation & Research • ‘We would like you to design a new, classic cover for Caitlin Moran's book, How to Be a Woman. The design needs to feel timeless and classic, whilst at the same time making it clear to the reader that it is very entertaining and often very funny. The book should feel very accessible, immediately ‘pickupable’ and something that exists within the world of Popular Culture. You are welcome to use an image of the author, but do not feel that you need to take that approach. The ideal design will make us smile, make us want to own a copy of the book, and keep it proudly on our shelves for a long time.’ From reading the brief again after struggling for ideas, I found the main aspect of the brief that I found important was - 'making it clear to the reader that it is very entertaining and often very funny. The book should feel very accessible, immediately ‘pickupable’ and something that exists within the world of Popular Culture.' Therefore after mind mapping ideas and tutorials, I found an idea to be the best of using a list written within the book. This list can be seen as funny but mainly relatable to a lot of working women/mothers. From my tutorial, my feedback was to follow this idea as the concept was strong, in addition it was also noted that women like to make lists encouraging the idea.

OUGD503 Studio Brief 1 Emma Nicholls 257322

As the book is targeted for woman and it is my intention and what it asked of the brief to make the book cover clearly an entertainment book - I felt that 'Chick Lit' would be a good area to research as the cover designs are quite feminine and also have the aim of being 'pickupable' and clearing showing to the readers that it is an entertaining and funny book. Chick Lit book covers are so recognisable and clearly indicate modern womanhood, humour and lightheartedness. They predominantly use feminine imagery, bright colours and decorative/script typography. This clearly indicates that these books are aimed at woman by being so obviously feminine and 'girly' that the covers don't necessary appeal to everyone's taste but it puts the book into a category so its readers can clearly understand the type of book. This way of marketing is clever and although I didn't want to make the cover overly 'girly,' Chick Lit book covers use the same technique that I'm hoping to achieve of being aimed at woman and clearly an entertaining book. Therefore I wanted to follow some of the same conventions of these books but toned down as the book - is a feminist book, so it would be counteractive to give it a stereotypical 'woman's read' cover.

Individual Practice Penguin Design Awards

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